04x20 - The Fashion Show

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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04x20 - The Fashion Show

Post by bunniefuu »

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)



Do you see anything different about


Two legs, two arms, one head.

Oh, you know,

what I mean.

Did I get any suntan?


Oh, darn it.

Honey, why don't you give up trying
to get a suntan?

You always get burned with your fur

Well... my "fur skin"?

Hi, fellas.


Say, we're gonna drive up to Pomona
tomorrow afternoon, Lucy.

We thought maybe you'd like to go
with us.


What's the matter with her?

Oh, she's upset because she can't get
a suntan.

Oh, what's the difference?

There's a lot of difference out here.

Oh, I'll say there is.

We went down to Beverly Hills

and those women all had the most
beautiful tans.

It was embarrassing.

Ethel and I looked like a couple of

ETHEL: Sure did.

Gee, I'd love to get a tan.

You know what I'd like to look like?

A toasted marshmallow.

No. I'd like to look like I belong in
Beverly Hills.

Oh... even if you've got a tan, it
wouldn't help.

Did you notice the beautiful clothes

those women were wearing?

Yeah, you're right.

I'd just look like a tacky toasted

unless, of course,

I could buy some beautiful clothes

like those women were wearing.

I would dearly love to have just one

from an exclusive salon like Don

Oh, yes, it would just set you up for

if you could open your closet door
and see one Loper label.

Yeah, what's the sense of dreaming?

Well, now, wait a minute, honeybunch.

Maybe we can figure something out.

Who said that?

It sounded like Fred, but I don't
believe it!

Fred, you really mean it?



What do you think he'd charge for one

ETHEL: Oh, fine.


Ricky... Ricky, you're not going to
say no, are you?

Look, all I want is just one simple,

ordinary, plain dress from Loper's.

I'll buy the cheapest one he has.
Honest, I will.

Honest, I will.

Well, it's a thought.

If you... It is?

Yeah. Oh!


Honey, oh...!

Oh, you agreed so fast, my brain blew
a fuse!



Wait a minute. I just said it was a

Yeah, I know, honey, I know.

Well, h-how much is a dress at

Well, it wouldn't be very much.

How much?

Well, not very much, really, for what
you'd be getting.

Well, how much?

Practically nothing.

Could you break that "nothing" into

Well, uh, just for one simple,
ordinary, plain,

little old nothing dress... $100?



(with hoarse voice): $100 for one

The reason he almost choked to death

is because $100 is all I've spent on

ever since we've been married.

Ah-ha, that's very good, Ethel, very

Well, see you later.

Hup-bup-bup- bup-bup-bup.

You didn't answer my question.

Well, uh, I thought it over very

and I, uh, I have given due

to the fact that this might be the
only time

that we're out here in Hollywood.

That's right.

But the only answer I can arrive at


Oh, honey!

Thank you!

Only one.

That's all I want!
That's all I want!

Boy, fancy-schmancy.



Why do you have to act like a rube?

Because I am a rube, and so are you.

I know it,

but let's try to act at home here at
Don Loper's.

Well, it's kind of difficult when
your permanent address

has always been Gimbels' basement.

Hey, where are all the racks of

There aren't any.

What do you paw through?

You don't "paw" through anything.

Get your mind out of that basement.

They bring the dresses in one at a

How do you know?

I've heard.

What are we whispering for?

I don't know.

This is just a place you
automatically whisper in.

Come on, sit down and shut up.

Good morning, ladies.

Good morning.
Oh, how do you do?

May I be of assistance?

Yes. I'd like to see a dress, please,
size 12.


Oh, and, uh...

(nervous chuckle)

An original.

Gee, wait till the girls back home

find out I bought a dress from here.

Oh, Jane Sebastian will be absolutely

Of course, she'll pretend she doesn't
notice it.

Listen, she'll notice this Don Loper

if I have to wear the dress

You would, too.

This creation is one of Mr. Loper's

Notice the dropped waistline...

and the simple neck

that's designed to be worn with
dozens of strands of beads.

Oh, yes. I could wear that with my...

Oh, yes, it's lovely.

Yes, it's, it's not quite what I had
in mind, though.

Close, but not quite.

Uh, could I see something else,

Why, certainly.

You didn't ask her the price.

Ethel, you don't ask the price

in a place like this.

You don't?

Of course not.

You wait till they turn their back

and you sneak a look at the price

What's the matter?

I got my ring caught on something.

Here's something you might like.

I think this is one of the smartest

in the whole collection.

Oh, it's lovely, isn't it, Ethel?

Oh, yes, it's very nice.

It's imported material, of course.

Of course.

Just feel.


Oh, yes, that is a nice piece of

If you'd like to try it on,

you can step right into the dressing

Uh, no, no, I'd rather not try any on
just yet.

I... I'd like to see a few more

Why, certainly.

Oh, let me take that out of your way.

Uh, no, no.

I'm still considering this one, if
you don't mind.

Very well.

Thank you.

Help me.

What's it caught on?

The price tag.

There it is.

(loud gasp)


It can't be!

But it is.

Well, back to Gimbels' basement.

No, no. This is my only chance to get
a Don Loper original.

It's your chance to get a black eye
from Ricky, too.

They can't all be this expensive.

This is probably high-priced because
it's so fancy.

I'll ask her for something plainer
and simpler.

Oh, I think you're just asking for

Well, let me worry about that, will

Here's something you might like.

This color would be stunning with
your hair.

(chuckling): Oh, really?

Uh, it's, it's very nice.

Um, but, you know, I've been

I think I'd like to see something
simpler and plainer.

And cheaper.

She means "deeper"-- deeper in the

Deeper than this?

Oh, well, I, I, I...

Could I see something else?


Hello, Amzie.

Mrs. MacRae.

Is Mr. Loper in?

Certainly. I'll tell him you're here.

Thank you.

We're gonna get to see Don Loper.

Not only that, but do you know who
that is?

No. Who?

Gordon MacRae's wife.

Oh, of course it is.

I've seen dozens of pictures of her.

She was an actress

and she gave up her career to have a

That's right, just like me.

Good morning, Sheila.

Hello, Don.

How are you?

Very well, darling.

You're looking enormously pretty

Thank you.

How's our fashion show coming along?

Oh, Don, it's wonderful.

You know, I think it's going to be

the best fashion show we've ever

Well, I hope so, because

we've put an enormous amount of
effort behind it.

You know, I'd like to check

some of the last-minute details with

All right.

Now, has everybody been in for a

I don't really know, darling.

Let me go and see the list and I'll
check with you.

You know what they're talking about?

No. What?

I read about it in the paper.

They're having a fashion show here,
and the proceeds

go to a charity called SHARE,

and it's made up of movie stars'

and the movie stars' wives

are going to be wearing the clothes.

No kidding. Yeah.

Now I have it here.

Well, it turns out that Mrs. Dean
Martin's been in.

Mrs. Dean Martin.

Mrs. Forrest Tucker...

Mrs. Van Heflin...

Mrs. William Holden...

LOPER: Mrs. Richard Carlson...

Everybody but Mrs. Joel McCrea.

(gasping): I forgot!

Frances can't come; she's leaving for

She phoned me.

LOPER: Well, This is a fine time to
tell me, darling.

The show is tomorrow.

Oh, Don, who are we gonna get to take
her place?

It has to be the wife of a star,

the publicity's out.

LOPER: Yeah, I don't even know who's
left in town.

Uh, pardon me.

Could I use your phone, please?

Oh, please make my phone yours.

(chuckling): Oh.

Hello. Is this MGM?

I'd like to speak to Mr. Ricky
Ricardo, please,

the star of Don Juan?

Yes, this is Mrs. Ricardo, the star's

Mrs. Ricky Ricardo, wife of the movie

Ricky Ricardo.


Oh? Oh, he isn't there.

Oh, would you give him a message,

LUCY: Would you be so kind as to tell

that I've been detained at the Don
Loper Salon?

(with heavy accent): Thank you very

Well, that was a subtle performance.

Shut up.

This is about the simplest dress I
could find.

We call it "Loper's basic dress."

You can accessorize it beautifully.

Well, accessorization is what she's
really looking for.

I couldn't help overhearing your
telephone conversation.


You are Mrs. Ricky Ricardo, aren't

Oh, yes.

Well, I'm Sheila MacRae.

Oh, how do you do?

How do you do?

Uh, Mrs. Gordon MacRae, Mrs. Fred

How do you do?
How do you do?

We've been reading a lot about your
husband lately.

Oh. Yes, he has been getting quite a
bit of publicity,

hasn't he?

You know, I know this is awfully
short notice,

but we're having a fashion show for

Oh. and the wives of the stars

are going to model the gowns.

Oh, how nice.

And one of the girls dropped out...

I'd love to.

I beg your pardon?

Weren't you going to ask me to be in

Oh, yes, I was.

I'd love to.

Uh, which one of these did you buy?

Uh... that one.

Oh, that's wonderful.


Yes, Sheila?

How can I be of service?

Mrs. Ricardo, this is Mr. Don Loper.

How do you do, Mrs. Ricardo?

Welcome to my house.

Oh, well, thank you.

I'd have been here sooner, but I'm
from the East--

New York City-- Upper.


Well, I'm so pleased to see that
you're in Hollywood.

You make our city so much prettier.

(chuckling): Oh!

Uh, oh, Mr. Loper, this is Mrs. Fred

How do you do, Mrs. Mertz?

(giggling): Oh, Mr. Loper...

What's our problem, Sheila?

Don, Mrs. Ricardo has consented

to help us out tomorrow in the
fashion show.

Wonderful, Mrs. Ricardo.
I've very flattered.

Well, I'd certainly be delighted.

And she's going to wear this.

And I'll tell you what, Amzie,

take Mrs. Ricardo to the fitting room

and have it fitted immediately,

and we'll give it to you at noon.

Oh, wonderful!

Right this way.

Oh, yes, yes.
Pardon me.

Thank you.

I'm delighted that you're going to be
with us.

I'm delighted that I'm...

Thank you.

Oh, honestly...

Well, at least I've got a Don Loper

Yes, with a Don Loper label and a
mystery price tag.

Oh, Ethel, don't try to spoil things.

Well, I can't help it.

It's just fantastic to me that you
would buy a dress

and walk out of the store and not
know what it cost.

Well, I was trapped.

they shoved me into a fitting room,

they stuck some pins in me

and they grabbed the dress

and I didn't get a chance to look at
the price tag.

Why would you buy any dress

without looking at the price tag?

Because I wanted to be in the fashion

I had to buy the dress.

Well, why did you have to be in a
fashion show?

What is this, 20 questions?

For heaven's sake, Ethel,

a little plain dress like this
couldn't cost more than $100.

Well, it'd better not cost more than

'cause that's all Ricky said you
could spend,

and if it's more than that,

I'd hate to be around when he... Oh!

It can't be.

But it is.

Doesn't Loper know any other numbers
but 5-0-0?

Oh, this is even worse than I

A plain, simple, little dress like
this for $500?

I don't believe it.

How are you gonna explain the extra
cost to Ricky?

I don't know.
I don't know.

Well, you can't take it back.

It's been altered.

Yeah, when Ricky finds out about it,
I'll be altered.

Well, there's just one thing to do.


Aren't you going to stop me?

Why? I can't think of a better way

Well, it isn't high enough anyway.

Oh, dear.

Look, Ricky was gonna let me spend

And I'm gonna do the fashion show,

so the publicity should be worth the
extra 400.


Oh, for heaven's sake, what am I
gonna do?

How am I gonna get out of this?

Oh, that shouldn't be difficult

for an old escape artist like you.

Yeah. Yeah, I got to think.

I can't think of a thing.

Oh, sure you can.

No, I can't.

Something's happened to my... my

It's all dried up.

Maybe you stayed out in that sun too
long this morning.

Oh, please, Ethel. Just help...

That's it.

Ethel, that's the best idea you ever

Thanks. What is it?

The sun!

You know how easily I burn.


Well, I'm going down by the pool and
stay there until I get red.

Not really burn, but just red enough

so that I can pretend I'm in terrible

Ricky wouldn't dare hit me in that

Hey, that is a good idea I had.

I'd better get out there.
There isn't much sun today.

I thought you were gonna go to Pomona
with us.

Oh, you go. I'll see you later.


Honey, I'm home.

ETHEL: Ricky?

Ricky, I've been waiting

for you to come home.

I want you to help me.

Maybe you could talk some sense into

What's the matter with him?

Oh, he wants to sell our apartment
house in New York

and buy an orange grove out by

So, what's the matter with that?

You don't know anything about raising

That's what's the matter with that.

So what? The oranges know what to do.

I think you'd better think about it

Where's Lucy?



RICKY: Honey!

Honey, what happened?

I guess it wasn't as overcast as I

Oh, you poor little thing.

Hey, that gives me an idea.

If the orange crop fails, I can raise

Honey, how did you get so...?


Don't touch me.

Oh, sweet...
Sit down, baby.

Oh, no, I can't sit down!

The back of my leg is so burned, I
can't bend my knees.

Oh, mi.

Well, h-how-how did it happen, honey?

Did-did-did-did you, uh, fall asleep
in the sun?

You feel sorry for me, don't you,

Of course I do, sweetheart.

Well, I'll tell you how it happened.

I went to Don Loper's this morning

and I bought a dress.

Oh, you bought a dress.

Yeah, and it cost $500 and...


Yes, $500!

$500 for one dress?!

Yes. Well, Ricky, I can explain.

You cannot explain $500 for one

Take it back.

Well, that-that-that isn't as easy as
it sounds.

Why? Don't tell me it was on sale.

No, but, uh...

well, then take it back.

But, uh...

But no buts.

No but, no-no bu-bu-bu-bu-buts.

I don't want any arguments about it.

You got to take the dress back.

Mira que tiene quinientos pesos por
un vestido!

Piensa que soy millionario,

quinientos pesos por un vestido.

Que te pasa-- esta loca en la cabeza?

And I don't want to hear one more
word about it.

I wasn't gonna say anything.

Yeah, but you were thinking about
saying something.

(phone ringing)


(door slamming)

(phone ringing)


Hello. May I speak with Mrs. Ricardo?

This is Mrs. Ricardo.

Oh, Mrs. Ricardo, this is Don Loper.

Oh. Yes?

I've made a terrible mistake.

The dress you chose to wear in the
fashion show

is exactly like the one I made for
Mrs. Alan Ladd.

And now she's decided that she wants

to wear her own dress in the show.

Oh, well, that's all right, really,

You're a living doll.

I'll tell you what I'm going to do,

I've just designed a marvelous tweed

And it'll look wonderful on you.

And if you'll wear that in the show,

I'll give you the dress you took


That's right.

For nothing?




Oh. Oh, that's just wonderful.

I'll see you at the fashion show.


Ethel, that was Don Loper.

And he says if I wear something else
in the fashion show,

he'll give me my dress for nothing.

You can't be in a fashion show

in that condition.

Oh, yes, I can.

What are you gonna wear-- a coat of

Oh, Ethel, I just gotta, I just

and then, and then, and then when I
come home,

I can tell old grumpy in there to

and it didn't cost him a cent.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.

I'm indeed privileged and flattered

that I was invited by SHARE,

to show you my new collection of
clothes called Facade

and the clothes will be worn

by the wives of some of our top stars
in Hollywood.

May I present for your approval first

the lovely Mrs. William Holden.

(loud applause)

LOPER: Mrs. Holden is wearing

a street suit of beige combed
cashmere wool.

The jacket is semi-fitted and a hip

and is lined in brown silk

with a taffeta to match the blouse.

Thank you, dear.


Next is a very, very pretty Mrs. Dean


LOPER: Mrs. Martin is wearing a
dancing costume called Baldini.

It's in reembroidered lace

and the coat is of Italian satin.

Next is a very glamorous Mrs. Van

Mrs. Heflin is wearing another
dancing costume called Pama.

This is in reembroidered lace with

and the coat is of violet satin

and it is lined in colors of fuchsia
and purple.

Next is a very pretty Mrs. Forrest

Mrs. Tucker is wearing a ball gown
called Sonata.

This is a new color I created this
season called pink mink.

It's in chantilly lace all
reembroidered in sequins.


And now the very lovely Mrs. Richard

Mrs. Carlson is wearing another ball

This is called Royal Scandal,

and it's in Kelly Green, French porte
de soie

with a back torso of pink roses.

And now we have somebody very new to

We're all delighted to have her.

And may I present this time the
lovely Mrs. Ricky Ricardo.

LOPER: Mrs. Ricardo is wearing French

a new suit of imported Irish tweed.

It has the new three-quarter length

fitted at the waist with a peplum

and you can see a very narrow skirt.

Pardon me, Mrs. Ricardo.

Excuse me.

The collar is worn more this way, you

You get that look to it.

That looks better with that.

Thank you very much.



I did it, Ethel.

The dress is mine.

Oh, honey, you were just great.

I was so proud of you.

Oh, thank you.

Oh, gee, Ethel, look at it!

Isn't it beautiful?

Oh, gosh.

I'm gonna leave it right here.

When Ricky comes home, I'm gonna

You know, he'll just blow his top,

and I'll say, "Relax dear.
It didn't cost you a cent."

Oh, boy, you'd better say that fast.

Hey, there's a note for you.

Oh, that's from Ricky.

"Lucy dearest, after you left to take
your dress back

"I got to thinking how mean I acted

"when you were feeling so terrible.

So here's a check."


"Go buy the dress back.

Love, Ricky."



Oh, that Cuban dreamboat.

Of course you're going to give

the check back to him.

What? And deprive him of the pleasure
of making up?

Oh, I wouldn't be that cruel.


(laughing harder)


("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)

ANNOUNCER: The salesgirl was played
by Amzie Strickland,

Don Loper and the movie stars' wives
played themselves.

I Love Lucy is a Desilu Production.

Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz

will be back next week at this same
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