02x03 - The Giant k*ller

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Xena: Warrior Princess". Aired: September 1995 to June 2001.*
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Xena helps people free themselves against injustices.
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02x03 - The Giant k*ller

Post by bunniefuu »

The battle raged on for days.

By the time we drove Gareth
and his army back...

...there were bodies everywhere.

Why aren't they buried?

Giants leave their dead above ground.

It's a sign of honor.

So why are you meeting your friend here?

We vowed ten years ago to meet
in this place, and mourn and celebrate.

Celebrate what?

Life and death.

I hate it when you go cryptic on me.

What happened to him?

Judging by the scorch-marks,
I'd say he got in an argument with Zeus...

...and wound up on the business end
of a thunderbolt.

Here, take a look.


I think we better get out of here.

Relax, it's the live ones
you have to worry about.

It's a live one I am worried about.


I was hoping you'd come.

I told you I'd be here.

This is your friend?


Pleased to meet you.

Pleased to meet you too.

It's been a long time.

Different lifetime,
from what I hear.

Yes, I guess it is.

I think I'll take a walk.

I'll let you two catch up.

So, how have you been?

Ah, making a living.

You know how it's been since...

Since we last saw each other.

I know.

I'm helping a local army
drive off a band of thieves.

Pay's good, very good.
Enough to...

Enough to head into the hills...

...and spend your life
seeking revenge?

Until I k*ll Gareth,
I don't have a life, Xena.

You, of all people,
should understand that.

I understand that a man's soul
can be poisoned by hatred.

I hope that's not
happening to you.

You know, you think she'd mention that
her friend was taller than most pine trees.

Here's another one.

I'm not alone.

Yes, I heard you
talking to your friend...

The bush.

Now, just come quietly.

-Leave her alone!
-David, don't.

Why don't you pick on someone
who can defend themselves?

Who? You?

No, me.

Get her!

Grab her!

Stay where you are!

-Are you ok?

-You all right?
-Never better.

What am I paying you for? Do something!


This is my friend, Xena.


-I should'a known.

I thought you were with these thieves.

You're both most welcome guests.

Thanks for the hospitality.

Think nothing of it.

After all, any friend of Goliath's
is a friend of the philistines.

In the time of ancient gods...,


and kings,

a land in turmoil
cried out for a hero.

She was Xena.

A mighty princess

forged in the heat of battle.

The power.

The passion.

The danger.

Her courage will change the world.


Time and again,
you people have been warned.

-And now, you come armed!
-It's a sling.

It's a deadly w*apon in the right hands.

-And you were using it to steal.
-My people are not thieves.

Your people?

-Your people?
-He spoke out of turn.

It's all right, brother.

Yes, my people.

I'm Jonathan,
eldest son of King Saul.

You call that petty criminal a king?


If I catch him on my land...

...he'll be crowned anew.

This land is ours,
and you know it.

I'll tell you what I know.
We built this land into something.

It was an unproductive desert
when we got here.

And now it's a thriving area.

All we get from you
is ingratitude.

-Lock 'em up!
-Yes, sir.

Come along, move it.

See that he gets
a bandage for that head.

Come on, come on.

Goliath won't be able to join us for dinner.


...I would be honored with
your presence.

They're thieves...

And they need to be punished as such.

What exactly have they stolen?


They were hunting on our land.

Then the calf starved.

It's a shame they don't manage
their resources better.

They really need our help.

What does that mean?

We're going to bring civilization
to the israelites.

More wine!

So you're going to enslave them,
in other words.

No man or woman is
forced to work for us.

They can go their own way,
if they wish.

As long as they don't mind
giving up their land...

...or going without food.

You don't know the lengths
I've gone to try...

...and work with them in a peaceful way.

They just won't listen to reason.

Of course, what should one expect from
a people who believe in only one god?


-Come work for me.
-I'm not interested.

I'm talking about working for the common good.

There's a whole world out there,
just waiting to be helped.

I reserve my help for
those who need it.

Come on.

I think Goliath and I
need to have a talk.


I've come to see the prisoners.

Make it quick!

Cover the hole!

What do you want?

I came to thank you...

...for trying to help me this morning.

Had I known you were with Xena,
I wouldn't have bothered.

You don't understand.
She's going to get you out of here.

She's a m*rder*r.
We don't need her help.

In case you haven't noticed,
you're in a dungeon.

Yeah, for now...

But I have faith.

Look, Xena has changed.

I know all about Xena, ok?
I've written of her exploits.

You write stories?

Mostly psalms.

-You wouldn't understand.
-I know what a psalm is.

It's a religious poem.

I'm pretty good with a story myself.


Think you can make up an escape story
and get us out of here?

I already have.
But you wouldn't like it.

Xena leads the way.

-Out of my way!

Stand aside! Move!

You, israelites,
can't do anything right.

The punishment for trying to escape is death.

What they're paying you isn't worth it.

You think King Saul would offer more?

-You're missing my point.
-And you're missing my point.

For the last ten years...

...I've had to live with the nightmare
of losing my family.

And the only dream I've had is to k*ll
the man that took them from me.

This job will give me
the money to track him down.

-What you're doing is wrong.
-What I'm doing is my job.


No. You're blind with hatred.


Please, help me
break these people out.

I think I helped you
enough for one lifetime.

I owe you my life, Goliath...

Not the lives of others.

Look. This is all a misunderstanding.

I only brought him some food.

Accepting food I can forgive.

Conspiring to escape is another matter.

But he didn't escape. You're too smart.

Now, look...

Don't you think they've learned their lesson?


I'll just k*ll one... The little one.


I'm the eldest, take me!

No use fighting.



-Gabrielle, don't!
-No, it's all right.

You're gonna have to k*ll the both of us.

-Are you out of your mind?
-I know what I'm doing.

-All right.

I said "All right.".
We'll k*ll the both of you.


Watch out!

-Quickly! Hurry!

Go, go, go!

I can't see!

Sound the horn for Goliath!

Easy, big fellas.

To the horses!

Get out of here!

Let's go!

Sound the horn again.

Where's that damned giant?

It was her.

On behalf of the people of Abraham,
I thank you.

And I owe you an apology.

It's all right.

-What's all this commotion?
-Father, you're sick.

-You should be resting.

-Where have you been?
-We were captured by the philistines.

This is Xena, the warrior woman.
She and her friend broke us out.

You're most welcome here.

Please, come on in.

You were right.
You tell a great escape story.

I thought you'd like it.

You're supposed to be soldiers!

You're hopeless!

Get out of my sight.


Sorry, sir.


You said she was your friend!

She is my friend.

Well, your friend
helped the enemy escape.

If I didn't know better,
I'd say you were thinking of backing out.

What if I was?

Maybe my friendship with Xena
is more important.

You want more money?

-All right, I'll double it.
-You're not listening, are you?

We're talking about me
going up against my friend.

What if I can tell you
where you can find Gareth?

When you finish this job...

...I'll tell you where you can find Gareth.

All right.

And if Xena comes between you
and accomplishing the mission?

I know how to do my job.

Sorry, Xena.

Let me get some ointment on that wound.

Here, let me clean it first.

It's nothing serious,
but a small wound in the right place.

The philistine army is on the move.

They'll be here by tomorrow at the latest.

Is Goliath with them?

He's at the head of the army.

He's already destroyed two outposts...
here and here.

Dagon is way too smart
to take on directly...

Especially with Goliath's help.

I have to deal with him first.

I propose a "winner take all"

-Me against Goliath.
-Are you out of your mind?

He's a giant. It's a su1c1de mission.

Every opponent has its weakness.

With giants it's here,
right above the bridge of the nose.

All I need is one clear shot...

...and then Goliath will be no more.

I'll have a messenger sent with the challenge.

But... he's your friend.

He's fighting on the wrong side.

He knows I'll do what I have to do.

I brought you some soup.

It's always good after a battle.

Oh, thank you.

Are you writing one of your psalms?

Actually, I was
recording the story...

...of this morning's fight
with the philistines.

-Can I read it?
-It's not very good.

It doesn't matter.
Stories are meant to be told.

Stories tell us who we are.

Come on, tell it to me.

It's a record of Jonathan's exploits.

Jonathan? What about yours?

No one wants to read about me.

Jonathan's gonna be our next king.

You saved his life.

Well, he would have done the same for me.

It was very heroic.

In fact, I'm writing
a story about it myself.


About Jonathan?

About you.

I sing of David,
the warrior poet of Israel.

His courage shown
in the b*ttlefield.

His gentle nature in his home.

His passion in his psalms.

And all he did, he did for the love
of his family and his god.

That's just the beginning.

That was beautiful.

Thank you.


I thought you might be hungry.

Gabrielle, this is Sarah.

Pleased to meet you.

We're to be married next spring.

How nice.

I should be going. I...

I'm sure Xena's
wondering where I am.

Dumb! Dumb, dumb, dumb!


Thunder keeping you up?

No, just thinking.

About tomorrow?

About ten years ago.

When Goliath and I fought in a
campaign against Gareth and his army...

...we were caught off-guard
one morning.

Goliath was taking his wife and children
to safety...

...when I was surrounded and badly injured.

I yelled at him to get back...

...but he wouldn't.
He refused to leave me.

He left his family?

While he was saving me,
Gareth k*lled them all.

I owe him much more than my life.

Call your men to attention.

Fall in!

Come on, let's see you fight
our giant.

I received your message.
And accept your terms.

Sound the horn!

Take your best shot, Xena.

Attack the israelites.

Archers, ready!

Now's the time to catch them



Watch out!



You're too slow, Goliath!

Come on!

Get your people out of here, now!

Get to the cave!

Watch out!


To the cave!


-Not now, sir.

-We must retreat.

Come out, Xena.




Hey! Come here, give me a hand.

That's good.

Here's a fresh bandage.

-I'm sorry.

My boy...

My poor boy.

Hey, let me take a look at that.


What are we gonna do?

As long as he has that helmet
on his head, we're helpless.

Then we have to get Goliath
to take the helmet off.


If... Say he does.

Now are you sure that
the shot to the forehead would k*ll him?

Positive... But I'm not going to do it.

Look, I understand your feelings
about Goliath.

-This is...
-No, Gabrielle...

I can't do it.

Look around you.

Jonathan was the leader of these people.

If I k*ll Goliath and then leave,
what do they have left?

They need someone
to believe in.


We need to talk.

-David, I wanted to talk to you.

Let me finish.

My people need a leader.

I can't let you
k*ll Goliath.

I have to be the one.

My family, I will avenge your deaths.

Hello, Goliath.

How long have you been there?

Long enough.

You could've k*lled me.

I don't want to k*ll you.

I don't wanna k*ll you either, Xena.

You know I had nothing to do...

...with that sneak attack
on the israelites, don't you?

I know.

It was Dagon.
You can't trust him, Goliath.

Why not just walk away
from this whole mess right now?

Leave him to go hang himself.

Dagon knows where I can find Gareth.

He'll give me the information
when the israelites are defeated.

Do you think your wife would want
you to hurt innocent people...

-...to avenge her?
-No, she wouldn't!

She was peace-loving and forgiving.

And now she's dead...

...because I wasn't there
when my family needed me.

I have to live with that!

But these innocent people of yours
stand between me and Gareth.

And if you stand with them,
you'll be my main target.

I'm sorry.

No, I'm sorry.

This is the last time
we'll be meeting in this place.

You were a good friend, Goliath.

So were you.

See you on the b*ttlefield.

You wanted to see me?

Yeah... I get the feeling
you're avoiding me.

Avoiding you? No...

You just have a lot of...


I think meeting your betrothed
shook me up a little.

I should've told you.

Sarah's a wonderful person
and I love her very much.

That's good.

I just didn't wanna become an issue.

How about being a friend?

That's good enough for me.

But I'm not convinced
this is gonna take down a giant.

Well, this is my best w*apon.

And besides, anything's possible when
you put your faith in the Lord, Gabrielle.

Yeah, well, this one god stuff
is a new concept for me.

I understand.

Think of him as the ultimate power...

The highest being there is.

Greater than Zeus?

Greater than Zeus, Ares,
all the lesser gods put together.

I know it's difficult, but...

try to think of him
as a sort of caretaker to the world...

Like our shepard.

What's this?

These our my psalms.

Just in case the good Lord sees fit
to call me home...

...I want someone to remember them.

And you're right.

What's the point in writing them
if they're gonna be kept secret?

Will you recite it?

It's always best to hear it
from the author.

I haven't written this one down yet.

I thought of it
just before you walked up.

"The Lord is my shepard,
I shall not want."

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."

"He leadeth me beside the still waters."

"He restoreth my soul."

"He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness...,"

"...for his name's sake."

"Yea, though I walk through the valley
of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil...,"

"...for thou art with me."

"Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me."

"Thou preparedst my table for..."

Come on, line up.

The weather doesn't look good.

I know.

David and I worked
on this plan all night.

All we need
is a little luck.

Right. How are you doing?

If all this works out, I lose a good friend.

-He made his own choice, Xena.
-I know.

I know.

You might wanna mention the weather to...



We want Xena!

Watch it, Goliath!

Keep your distance, David.



This is far from over.



I'm here, Goliath.

Do you think I'll see my family
on the other side?

I don't know.

I can't be the judge of that.

I hope so, my friend.



Go now.

Your w*r is over.

Goliath, I know you can
hear my thoughts.

I hope you're with your family.

When I think of you, I'll remember Goliath,
the great warrior...

...and the loving husband...

...and my friend.
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