05x01 - The Morning After

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Nanny". Aired: November 1993 to June 1999.*
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After being fired from her job she is mistakenly hired to care for the family of a widowed Broadway producer.
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05x01 - The Morning After

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on The Nanny...

Miss Fine, Niles just had a heart attack.

I'll tell you, it really makes you think,
doesn't it?

How unpredictable life can be.

That's right, that's why you have to live
every day to the fullest.

-Never know when it's gonna be your last.

Mr. Sheffield.

Niles, I'm so glad you're awake.
How are you feeling?

Is there anything I can get for you?

Well, I would like another pillow.

Of course.

I tell you, Niles, if I don't talk
to someone soon, I'll get an ulcer.

Yes and God knows your health
should be what's foremost on our minds.

Niles, when I was in that hospital bed
with Miss Fine,

I just-- I just lost all self-control.

I became like a wild animal.

I just threw her down on the bed
and practically--

My God, I practically ravished her.

Val, he was so gentle.
He was like a little lamb.

I was so intoxicated. My head was reeling.

You know he sat on a Demerol needle.

He didn't even know.

Then what happened?

Then we got to second base.

Fran, I only hope
that happens to me someday.

Sir, I only hope that happens to me

I'll tell you, Niles,
if C.C. hadn't walked in when she did,

I don't know what would've happened.

How do you stop yourself
when you're about to make love

to a beautiful woman?

Well, usually, I wake up.

I'm just afraid, Niles,
that Miss Fine might--

I might've left her with the impression,

that things were moving a little faster
than they really are.

What am I supposed to do?

Well, you could admit that you love
the woman and marry her...

or you could invent some stupid ploy
like redecorating a room

to distract her
and buy yourself more time.

Good. That's good. Let's do that one.

Fran, I really have to go I--

But, Val,
I have so many more things to tell you.

You're my best friend. I need you.

-Miss Fine...

Miss Fine, I have to talk to you
about our relationship

and the way it seems to have escalated.

Wait a minute, you said "our relationship"
and "escalate" in the same sentence.

Should I book a hall?


I discussed this whole thing with Niles
and he suggested,

I invent some stupid ploy
to distract you and...

try to slow things down.

Did you fire him?

But I said, "I don't want to distract her.

I say let this relationship grow.
Let it blossom.

She's a beautiful woman.

She's warm, tender, caring."

My God, this room looks shabby.

You know,
I don't think it's been redone for ages.

Say, would you like to redecorate it?

-Great! Wonderful!

Take all the time you need.
I don't care if it takes weeks, months.

A year and a half would be perfect.

Oh, my God.

This sucks.

She was working in a bridal shop
In Flushing, Queens

'Til her boyfriend kicked her out
In one of those crushing scenes

What was she to do, where was she to go?
She was out on her fanny

So, over the bridge from Flushing
To the Sheffields' door

She was there to sell makeup
But the father saw more

She had style, she had flair She was there

That's how she became the Nanny

Who would have guessed
That the girl we described

Was just exactly
What the doctor prescribed?

-Now the father finds her beguiling
-Watch out, C.C.

-And the kids are actually smiling
-Such joie de vivre!

She's the lady in red
When everybody else is wearing tan

The flashy girl from Flushing
The Nanny named Fran

Surprise! I got a pecan coffee cake.

What's the surprise, Ma?

You brought it all the way here
and it arrived whole?

Look at Miss Cocky-Comedienne
now that she's got a boyfriend.

Ma, it's over.

Mr. Sheffield does not wanna deal
with what happened.

In fact, he gave me some stupid project
just to distract me.

Well, you just make him deal with it.

How, Ma? By getting on my hands and knees

and begging like some desperate,
lonely loser?

they say the third time's a charm.

Hey, if he thinks
redecorating is gonna change--

He's letting you redecorate?

-He wants your taste in his house?

Which room?

I'll give you a hint.
The one with the refrigerator.

The bedroom.

The kitchen.

Oy, the heart of the home.

Mazel tov, darling.

He's moving your relationship
to the next level.

But Ma, when am I gonna get
to the ultimate level with him, already?

You mean the wedding?


What are you doing?

This spice rack is not gonna go
with your new motif.

This is so exciting.

You're gonna have a ring
on that finger before I can say,

"do you people move refrigerators"?

So, Niles, when did the doctor say
you can start working again?

Could be four weeks...

six months...

a year.

You know, one of the reasons
why I didn't move into a dorm

is because we have a butler.


Miss Fine, you shouldn't be carrying
such a heavy load on your own.



-Sit. Sit.

Hi, Ma, what are you doing back here?

A mother can't come by to say hello
to her daughter?

Darling, why are you lugging
all that stuff?

I raised you to be a pointer,
not a schlepper.

Why don't you call your big-shot decorator
cousin, Sheila, from Forest Hills?

Who, by the by, has just finished doing
the entire Kennedy compound.

George Kennedy, Ma.

And besides, you know,
if I wanna prove to Mr. Sheffield

what a great wife I can be,
I have to do this whole thing myself

and show him that I can be
a real Martha Stewart.

This by you is a role model?


Where is Martha Stewart today?


Well, Mr. Sheffield's wife decorated
this entire house all by herself.

And where is she today?

I rest my case.

Okay, Ma.

Now, before I make a total fool of myself,
what did you tell cousin Sheila?

That I own this house, I'm married
to Mr. Sheffield and I have a butler?

No, I told her you were a nanny.

What, are you stoned?



I hope you're not getting makeup
on my Valentino original

that I got from Bergdorf's.

No. I just schmeared a little
on your knock-off from Loehmann's.

So Sheila, how's your sister Claudine?

She should only rot in hell.

She never paid me back the $2200
I loaned her to pay off her car,

that low-life piece of trash.

Well, Sheila, why don't you talk to her?

I'm too nice.

Meanwhile, I ran into cousin Meryl
in Central Park

and she was all over
Naomi Dembo's husband.

-And you didn't call me?

You know, I don't like to gossip.

So, Sheila, did your father ever come back

from picking up a pack of "smokes"
20 years ago?


I'm not so nice and I like to gossip.

So, Sheila, I'll tell you, I was so sorry
to hear about you and Mitch.

Why did he leave you?

What, I couldn't leave him?

All right. Why did you leave him?

I'm not gonna stay with somebody
that dumps me.

So, look, I brought you a sample
of the wallpaper here.

The motif I wanna use in your cucina.

Oysters? I don't know.

Where have I seen this before?

Red Lobster.

Well you told me you wanted things
to heat up between you and Mr. Sheffield.

-It's a vomitose pattern.
-It's an aphrodisiac.

Does it come in fabric?


Just looking at this,
it puts me in the mood, you know?

Then I start to miss Mitch.


Yeah. Yeah, I see a big clock
right over that door with...

the accentuation
of two giant pairs of antlers.

A major aphrodisiac.

Since when are antlers
a major aphrodisiac?

Hello! Horny?

Oh, God, I miss Mitch so much.


What have you got? Decorator's Tourettes?

Frannie, I really thought that Mitch
was the one.

And when I met him, right away,
I wanted him to like me so much.

I started making plans right away
for a nose job, a boob job, liposuction.

Well, it's a good thing
you didn't get all that done.

By a quack.

Yeah. You look fabulous, honey.

-Don't I?
-Gorgeous. Yes.

The thing is, Frannie,
I know he really loves me.

Give him a chance. He'll come around.

It's like me and Mr. Sheffield.

As God is my witness, I have never pushed.

You just give him some time.

Time? Forget about it.

We were friends for four years
before we even went to second base.

And right away after that he dumped me.

No, not right away.

I mean, first he asked me to redecorate
a room in his house.

I can't feel my left side.

My arms gone numb.

Mr. Sheffield asked me to decorate
this room,

right after we got to second base.

Why doesn't he like me?

It's not your fault, honey.

It's just the men in this damn culture.

Why don't they appreciate confident,
vital women?

Well, they do, if she's 20.

What are women
in our late 20's supposed to do?

And if it's this difficult for us,

what's it like for poor older women?
How the hell are they gonna find a man?

Congratulate me.

I'm engaged.

Oh, my God!

That's gotta be at least three carats!

And that's the small one.

Take a look at this one Sammy got for me.

See, that's why it's good to marry
someone 89.

He forgot he bought me this one.

Yetta, that Sammy's got incredible taste.

Who's Sammy?

The guy you're engaged to.

I'm engaged?

I've gotta tell the girls in the home.

Hey, Esther. Polly. I'm getting--


I'll tell you, Sheila.

Our 85-year-old grandmother
is getting married before we are.

What does she have that we don't?

Removable teeth.

I can't believe Mr. Sheffield
is dumping me.

Look at this.
It's his favorite little teapot.

Well, Frannie, I cannot believe
that you did that.

When this Lalique vase
is so much more expensive.

-Men! Who needs them?


How many was that?


What do you say we take a lunch?

He is making me hold his sweaty ankles
while he does sit ups.

And he's wearing really baggy shorts.

Are you getting the picture here?

Now, Brighton,
the man has just had a heart attack.

We have to try to show
a little more consideration.

-Why did you say "Daddy"?

Now he's gonna know I'm out here.

Sir, my tea is lukewarm. Would you mind?

Fran, Mr. Sheffield
is not going to dump you.

You and Sheila do not lead parallel lives.

Does she still have
that stupid best friend?

I am so getting dumped.

Now, meanwhile, this room is stunning.

But where's the aphrodisiac affect?
I don't see it.

Oh, my God.

That working out is paying off big time,

-Pick you up at 8. Wear something...

Toriello, looking good.

Well, at least somebody's getting some use
out of my new cucina.


Hey, coz.

Guess who's in the Caribbean
getting Bain de Solaid.

Oh, yes.

Yes! Mitch!

Mitch? She got back together with Mitch.

I'm gonna get back together
with Mr. Sheffield.

Frannie, you're gonna have to find
yourself a new decorator,

because Mitch wants me to quit my job.

And I never have to work again.

I have to work.
I just have to find a new career.

Mitch says my taste nauseated him.

Can you believe that,
that's why he broke up with me?

Well, we're together now
and I've never been happy--

Oh, Val. My God.

-You've gotta take this out of here.
-I can't.

What do you mean?
What's the matter with you? Are you...

Mrs. Sheffield.

...a psychic? Please, God.

Oh, Miss Fine, I have to say

I think the kitchen is now
my favorite room in the house.

Welcome to the Fine family.

Perhaps we should have dinner here
from now on.

Or dessert.

-So you like what you see?

Maybe I should do you in the dining room.

I should have you do the dining room next.

Are you sure, Mr. Sheffield?
That's a pretty big step.

I have half a cup of coffee left.

Where were we?

Miss Fine about what happened
in the hospital--

Save it, honey. You think I didn't know

that you concocted this whole
decorating scheme just to distract me?

But you really didn't have to come up
with such a ruse.

Don't you think
that we're both above that?

Miss Very-Fine.

These drapes won't fit
with your new motif.

Here, put something in your mouth.

You got lipstick on your teeth.

You got chocolate on yours.
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