04x27 - The Dancing Star

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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04x27 - The Dancing Star

Post by bunniefuu »

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)



Where's Lucy?

She went down to get the mail.

Oh, well, I'll wait for her.

Wouldn't she be the one to do
something like this?

What's the matter, honey?

Caroline Appleby gets in town today!

What are you so upset about?

It'll be wonderful to see Caroline


Well, ordinarily it would be, yes,

but somehow she's gotten the idea

that I'm surrounded by movie stars.

Uh-huh. Where did she get an idea
like that, I'm pretty sure.

Well, maybe in a letter

I-I did drop a name here and there.

Like, uh, who, for instance?

Well, uh, I told her

that I ate lunch with Clark Gable
last week.

Oh, fine.

Now, honey, why would you tell her
something like that

when you know that it's not true?

It is, too, true.

I had lunch with Clark Gable.

I was at Perino's

and Clark was there and...
and we ate lunch together.

At different tables, but...

together doesn't necessarily mean...

Okay, okay, we got it, we got it.

Now, who else, who else did you tell

that you've been palling around with?

Well, uh, let's see-- Gary Cooper and

and, oh, yes, I did mention Marlon

Marlon Brando.

Did you see On The Waterfront?

Wonderful. He got the Academy Award,
you know.

Oh, dear, she says she's going to be
here two whole days

and wants to meet them all.

What am I gonna do? Hmm?

You don't even know

what I was going to ask you.

Whenever you get that tone in your
voice, the answer is no.


Come on, Fred, we're late for our
golf date.

Let's go to the club.

Oh, come on now, Ricky.

I'll see you later.



LUCY: What am I gonna do?

I know she's probably on her way over
here right now

and I haven't even got an idea.

You think of something.

Listen, if Einstein can't work out a

you don't hand it to Mortimer Snerd.

But, Ethel, I'm desperate.

Well, I never have any good ideas.

Well, think!

Well, Van Johnson was asleep down by
the pool a while ago.

Van Johnson?

Yeah. I'll see if he's still there.

Yes, he's still there.



we could go down and carry him up
here without waking him up.

And then we could put him on the

and when Caroline gets here, we'll
say he's a friend of ours

and he just dropped by to take a nap.

Thank you, Mortimer Snerd.




"Carry him up here without waking him

"Just dropped by to take a nap."

(phone ringing)



Would you ask her to come up, please?

Thank you.

She's here.

What am I gonna do?
What am I gonna do?

Oh, Lucy, this is a tough one.

You know, she'll blab this all over
New York.


Well, I guess for once

she's just gonna have to face the

(fingers snapping)

I got it.

From up here, you can't tell

whether Van Johnson's asleep or not.

Now, listen, I'm going downstairs

and I'm going over by Van, I'm going
to sit down

and I'm going to pretend to be
talking to him.

You'll never know the difference,

Now, when-when Caroline comes in,

you take her out on the balcony

and I'll see her and I'll wave

and-and you just tell her I'm down
there chatting

with one of my movie star friends,

and then after I wave, I'll come on

Oh, that's a great idea!

I'll go down the stairs while she's
coming up the elevator.

Give me time now to get out by the


(no audio)

Oh, hi, Caroline.

Oh, Lucy!

Oh, how are you?

Fine, dear.
I'm, I'm sorry I'm late,

but I-I guess you saw me down by the

chatting with Van Johnson.

No, she didn't.


Oh, Lucy, I could just die.

I lost my glasses on the plane

and I can't see a thing without them.

So you didn't see us?

Well, I saw two redheaded blurs.

Ethel told me it was you and Van

Hmm... well, that's a shame.

Gee, that means that you didn't see
Clark Gable

or Walter Pidgeon or Hedy Lamarr.

They were all down by the pool.

They were?

Oh, yes.

Of course they were.

I should have pointed them out to
you, Caroline.

Well, it wouldn't have done any good

You really can't see, huh?

Not a thing.

Oh, they're still there.

Hello, Clark. Hello, Walter.
Hello, Hedy.

Oh, let's go down and see them up

Oh. Oh, well, good-bye, Clark.

Good-bye, Walter.

Bye, Hedy.

They're off to the races.


Oh, my goodness, Lucy, I certainly am

Wait till the girls back home hear
about this.


Uh, tell me,

what's Van Johnson really like?

Oh, he's just wonderful.

Just the greatest.

You know, he's appearing in a
nightclub here in the hotel.

Yeah, I know.
I'd love to see a show.

Oh, we see it almost every night.

Oh, yeah, we've seen it 14 times,

and does he work.

He rehearses two or three hours every

You know, um, Caroline,

Van and I have gotten very chummy.

Yes, as a matter of fact,

he asked me to, uh, rehearse with him
this afternoon.

What?! What?

Yeah, and, uh, you know, Caroline,

if you promise to be very quiet,

I could have Ethel sneak you in the
back of the ballroom,

and you could watch the rehearsal.

Oh, Lucy, you're a doll!

What time is rehearsal?

Uh, 2:00.

Oh, that's wonderful because I was
going to do some shopping

this afternoon, but I'll go out and
get done now,

and then I'll be back.

Oh, where is everything?

Well, bye.

Bye. Good-bye.

See you two.



Lucy, you had such a fascinating
little mind.

I kinda hate to see it go.

What do you mean telling Caroline

I could sneak her in the back...?

Well, bub-bub-bub-bup.

Now, Ethel, you've seen Van's act as
often as I have.

Now, what does his partner look like?

Well, she's tall, she's got red

And how far can Caroline see without
her glasses?

Well, she said she could only see
from about here to...


Your little mind wasn't gone.

It was just catnapping.

Now, look, I'll hide over in your

When Caroline comes back, you take
her down to the ballroom.

She'll see Van's partner, she'll
think it's me.

Bring her back up here.

I'll come in, all out of breath,
wiping my face with a towel.

Oh, you've done it again, champ.

How could you ever have doubted me?

I was a fool.

Hi, Ethel. I'm back.


What are those?



Oh, my glasses.

The airline's found them on the plane
and sent them over.

Isn't that wonderful?

Oh, yeah.

Oh, that's wonderful.

Uh... is, uh, Lucy rehearsing with

Oh, yes.

Well, then, let's go.

Uh, well, uh, uh, well,

I think I'll, uh, I want to make a
phone call.

I got to tell Fred something.


Give me Room 317, please.



Hello, Fred?

No, Fred isn't here right now.

This is Ethel, Fred.

Now, what's the matter with you,
Ethel? This is Lucy.

I know that, Fred.

I want to tell you something.

Caroline's here, and we're going

to watch Lucy rehearse with Van

Oh, Caroline's there.

That's right, Fred,

and, uh, we thought maybe you'd like
to go along.

And if you do go along,

I want you to be sure and wear your

so you can see as good as Caroline

Wh-Wh-What... my glass...

Caroline found her glasses?

You guessed it, Fred, old girl... uh,

Well, look, uh, uh, stall, stall.

Uh, give me 15 minutes before you
bring her down.

What are you gonna do?

I don't know, but I'll think of

Okay, Fred.

Good-bye, Fred.

What's new, Caroline?

Uh, is, uh, Fred coming with us?

Fred who?

Oh, uh, oh, that Fred?

No, no, he's not going with us.

He had something he had to do.

Oh, well, then, let's go.


Oh, uh, down to watch them rehearse,


Well, okay, let's go.


Hi, Caroline.

How are you?

I just came over here...

Oh, bless his little heart!

He came over to kiss me good-bye.

Well, good-bye, Fred.

Good-bye? Why, I just got home.

Well, we're just leaving.

I want to show her the hotel before
we watch them rehearse.

Come on, honey.

Hello, Marco.

Hey, Van.

I was pretty sloppy last night.

We'd better get down to work.

Where's Hazel?

She's not here yet.

That's funny.
She's usually on time.

Let's see what I was doing wrong with
that second number.

Take it from the top, Marco.

(piano playing lilting song)

I'm sorry, but I'm rehearsing.

Yes, sir, I know.

But nobody's allowed in here during

Well, I know, I know, but, uh, well,
we don't have much time.

We don't?

Uh, no. No, you see, it's like this,
Mr. Johnson.

Uh... my name is Lucy Ricardo and...

and my husband is Ricky Ricardo and
he's in the movies, too,

or at least he will be real soon,

so we're all showbiz folks

and it isn't like...
it isn't like

some stranger coming up to you on the
street and asking a favor

and, uh, we really don't have much

Haven't I seen you somewhere before?

Oh, no, that's impossible.

Now, look, Mr. Johnson, it's like

I have this friend from New York

and I've been writing her from time
to time

and-and, uh, you know how it is.

I've been, I've been telling her
that, uh,

well, that I know a lot of movie

You know, anything to brighten up
their drab little lives.

Well, this friend of mine from New
York is out here

and, uh, I told her that I was
rehearsing with you

this afternoon and she'll be here any

Who's gonna be here any minute?

Caroline Appleby.
Who do you think?

You'll pardon me, madam, but you're
talking nutsy cuckoo.

Oh, no, no, Mr. Johnson.
I'm not... no, no.

I'm in a terrible jam.

Now, I know this is a lot to ask,

but I really do have a friend from
New York

and she's coming right here to see me
rehearse with you.

Please, couldn't I just do a few
steps with you?

I'm sorry, that's out of the

Oh, please, Mr. Johnson!


I'll be eternally grateful.

I'll, I'll, I'll go see your next
picture three times.

I'll, I'll name my next child after
you if I have one.

If I don't, I'll, I'll,

I'll change the name of the one I
already have.


Will you please get up?

I understand your problem and I'd
like to help you...

Oh, thank you! Thank you!

But I can't.

Oh, Mr. Johnson...

Please? Caroline will blab it all
over New York.

Please say that I can do it.

Please say you'll help me.

Look, even if I say I would, uh...

you don't know any of my routines

and I don't have the time to...

Oh, oh, but I do.

I've seen your show 14 times.



Yes, I-I-I know how your, how your
partner makes the entrance.

Look, I'll show you.

See, she comes in here and you go...

Da da da dee dee dee

Da da da

And then she waits for you to sing

and I even know the patter in between

that she sings in the song.

The little things

that she says in between.

Well, I'll be...
Yeah, well, can I do it, then?


Oh, please?

I'll do it.

Oh, thank you.

LUCY: Ah, bless your heart.

Now-- oh, there they are.

Uh, come on in.

Come in.

It's all right, Ethel.

LUCY: It's okay.

This is my friend.

VAN: Oh.

Mrs. Appleby, Mr. Johnson.

How do you do, Mrs. Appleby?

Oh, how do you do, Mr. Johnson?

And Mrs. Mertz.

How do you do, Mrs. Mertz?


Sit down, Ethel.
Sit down.

LUCY: Now, uh, let's just get on with
the rehearsal.

They won't bother us.

Oh, uh, Lucy, Yes?

I'm not sure about that next routine.

You may have to tell me how it goes

You're not sure?



Well, we-we-we come in,

make the entrance, you know, from
both sides

and then we just all...

That's it, that's it.

Thank you.

(piano playing "How About You?"

I like New York in June


How about you?

Well, it's kinda hot, isn't it?

I like a Gershwin tune


How about you?

Well, I like 'em, but I can't sing

I like a fireside when the storm is

Who's gonna empty the ashes-- you?

I like potato chips

Moonlight and motor trips

How about you, dear?

I'm wild about good books

Good books?

Can't get my fill

What do you do, eat 'em?

And Greta Garbo's looks

Greta Garbo.

Give me a thrill

Did you see Camille?

Holding hands in the movie show

When all the lights are low

May not be new

Yeah, well...

But I like it

How about you?

Well, now you're talking, boy.

(Caroline laughing)

Oh, Lucy, this has been an afternoon

I will never forget.

Oh, it was nothing.

Oh, I just can't get over the way you
rub elbows

with all the celebrities out here.

Well, that's true.

Our elbows are practically raw.


And wait till the girls hear

about you dancing with Van Johnson!

You be sure and tell 'em.

Oh, yes.

And all those movie stars I just
missed seeing this afternoon.


When do you think you'll see them

When are you leaving?


Oh, what a shame.

We're having a big open house here
tomorrow afternoon.

Maybe Charlie will let you stay.

No... no, I don't think there's a

These reservations were too hard to


Well, it's a shame, Caroline,

because practically every star in
town will be here--

Cary Grant, mm... Walter Pidgeon and
Marlon and...

Oh! Well, at least I got to meet Van.

That's true, that's true.

ETHEL: Yeah.

Well, I guess I'd better say

It's just been wonderful.

It's been nice seeing you, Caroline.

I'm so glad you came out here.

Oh, it was wonderful.

(all talking at once)

Hi, Caroline.

How are you?

Hi, Caroline.
Good to see you.

Oh, yeah.

How's Charlie?

Oh, he's just wonderful

and I can't wait to see him

to tell him about Lucy dancing with
Van Johnson!

Isn't that nice?

Well, bye, everybody.


FRED: Good-bye.


(door closes)

LUCY: Oh, boy, I sure envy them going
to Honolulu.

Sounds like an awful lot of fun,
doesn't it?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but-but- but-but
wait a minute here.

There is something here that needs

What needs 'splaining?

What's this nonsense about you
dancing with Van Johnson?

It's not nonsense.

I did dance with Van Johnson.

She's told so many of those wild

she's beginning to believe them

No! I was there and I saw her.

Well, whatever Lucy's got, it's

It's true. I've van...

I danced with Van Johnson this

Now look, honey.
Wait a minute.

This is me, this is not Caroline.

(phone ringing)

You're talking to Ricky, remember?

Vance with dance? What is that?

She's gone completely...



Hello, Van.

How are you, boy?

It's funny that you happened to call
now because...

My wife?


Hello, Van.


Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.

Who, me?

Well, yes.

Yes, I'll be right down.


Van's partner is ill

and he wants me to dance with him


Yes. I'm off to rehearsal.

Oh, isn't this gonna be exciting?

It'll be great for her.

How do I look?

Oh, grand, grand.
Oh, you look beautiful.

How do you feel?

You feel all right?

Sure. I feel fine.

Good. Now you're not gonna be nervous
or anything?

Of course she's not nervous.

Sure. Why should I be nervous?

Oh, nothing, nothing.

Uh, I guess you can, uh, jance,

uh, dance just as well alone with him

as out there in front of all those

You're more nervous than I am.

Yes, I know it.

All those people?


Oh, now, Lucy, don't pay any
attention to Fred.

He doesn't make any sense.

The whole world's out there!

Oh, now, honey...

RICKY: Honey!

I've never seen so many people.

Everything all right?

Yeah, but-but there're all those
people out there.

So what? What's the difference?

What's the matter?
What happened?

Oh, thanks to bigmouth Mertz,

she's suddenly discovered there's a
big crowd out there.

So what, honey?


You don't have to worry about the big

Now, look, honey, let me tell you

Just-just think about this just like
it was a rehearsal.

You just go...

When you start dancing, you forget
about those people.


Dancing is just dancing.

Just like a rehearsal?

Just like a rehearsal, honey.

Oh, look.
Isn't that beautiful?

Oh, yes, you look lovely.
Oh, yeah.

Yeah. You look nice and everything.

Sure, don't worry about it. You can
do it.


Hi, Van. Well...

you all set, Lucy?

We're on in two minutes.


Lucy's saving my life tonight, you

It's a sellout. It's the biggest
crowd they've ever had.

That's right.

Biggest crowd they've ever had!

Yeah, that's all right, honey.

Biggest crowd they've ever had.

Honey, now, look, you'll be all

I can't do it, honey.
Yes, you can.

You go to your table, I'll take care
of her.

Honey, I haven't had enough
rehearsal, I can't do it.

I haven't had enough rehearsal,

Honey, it's all right.

I only had a chance to go through it

I'm telling you, you have to think
it's just about...

I can't.

Come on, I'll help you.
I can't, honey.

I'll help you there.
You've got to go on.

Honey, I can't.

Honey, it's just like it was a

EMCEE: Beverly Palms Hotel takes
great pride in presenting

Van Johnson and partner.


("How About You?" intro playing)

I like New York in June

How about you?

I like a Gershwin tune


How about you?

I-I don't know how to sing 'em.

I like a fireside when the storm is

Who's going to empty the ashes-- you?

I like potato chips

Moonlight and motor trips


How about you, dear?

I'm wild about good books

Good books?

Can't get my fill

What do you do, eat 'em?

And Greta Garbo's looks

Greta Garbo?

Give me a thrill

Did you see Camille?

Holding hands in the movie show

When all the lights are low

May not be new

Yeah, well...

But I like it

How about you?

Now you're talking, boy.

Yes, sir.

(tempo picks up)

Holding hands in the movie show

When all the lights are low

May not be new

But I like it

How about you?


You were wonderful, Lucy.

Thank you very much.



Oh... whew!

Honey, you were wonderful!

Oh, Lucy! You were just wonderful!

I've never been so excited in my

Wasn't she good?!

How about that!

You did it perfect!

Oh, thank you!

Oh, Lucy, you were wonderful!

Caroline, what are you doing here?

Well, I talked Charlie into going on
without me

and I'm taking another plane.

Another plane?

Why, yes. I just couldn't miss your
party tomorrow.

I'm going to stay over

and meet Clark and Bing and Cary.


ANNOUNCER: Next week I Love Lucy will
be brought to you by

Lilt Home Permanents.

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)
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