08x14 - A Simple Twist of Fate

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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08x14 - A Simple Twist of Fate

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I have a baby
with an amphetamine overdose.

Joyce, you in there?
I'm calling
the police.


I'm trying to help
a sick child.

Mom, he has leukemia

and he may not survive.

If you've got some kind
of twisted need

to relive this,
that's fine.

I'm not going
to do it again.

I made my peace a long time ago.

What the hell happened?

She swallowed
Rachel's Ecstasy.

She could still die!

I know, Dad, please!
Please, Dad, I'm sorry!

I don't understand
why this is happening!

Dr. Lewis,
you need to get up.

Dr. Lewis!


You need to get up.


What time is it?

Almost 7:00.

Oh, my God.

I was just going
to lie down for a second.

When was that?


( chuckles )

( groans )

Oh, I need to get home.

Animal attack from the zoo
in 15 to 20.

Oh, no, I'm not
on till noon.

Weaver needs you now.

Yeah, and I need
a hot shower and
some mouthwash.

Dr. Greene's
still up in the PICU.

Someone has to cover

his shift, and you happen
to be curled up in the lounge.

Is she extubated?

His daughter?

They're waiting

on another blood gas.

Is she triggering
the vent?
Not yet.

Did neurology
read the EEG?
I don't know.

We're talking bagels
and cream cheese.

No one is taking a bribe.

Promotions like this
add to the cost of

marketing expenditures
passed on to mostly
elderly consumers.

I'm elderly.

There's no free
lunch, Frank.

This is breakfast.

Uh, yes, this is Susan Lewis
in the ER.

I need to speak
with the charge nurse.

They weaned her
down to 30%.

She's off sedation

and the PICU fellow
ordered a CPAP trial.

Oh, uh, thanks.

Uh, n-never mind.

Okay, I'll take the rack.

You clear the pass-ons.

And get this borborygmi
out of Four.

You want to
at least ask me
to cover all day

after staying
all night?

All night was
your choice.

And welcome
to management.

You know you sleep
with your eyelids open?

Partly open.


kind of freaky.

Yeah, not as freaky
as watching you eat

with your mouth open.

Any strawberry?

Wait, wait, wait,
wh-what are you doing?

Looking for
a knife.

Next to the pen lights.

All right,
you're going to eat that?

Why not?

The next time
you get a pneumonitis

and you have
to prescribe Reprotrex

or the cheaper,
just as effective, generic drug

you're not going to feel
even slightly beholden?

By a bagel?


Are you sure?

Okay, I'm going
to go to Doc McGoo's

get some breakfast,
find a toothbrush,
change my underwear

and then I'll clear
your borborygmi.

15 minutes.

If I stick with the underwear
I've got on

can we at least
keep the food out?

It's all right,
it's all right.

( sighs )

You can't titrate a little
Versed so she won't remember?

Any benzo decreases
her ventilatory drive.

Oh... then do it.

But if you're
going to allow

the sedation
to wear off

you have to be
ready to go.

Well, I need to warn you.

Extubation's a leap of faith
with little ones.

I can't do an NIF.

PEEP's under two.

CO2's normal.

( clears throat )

Let's go.

Okay. Have the ambu bag ready.

Disconnecting the vent.

And tape is clear.

And... tube.


All right, come on, Ella.

Big cough

big cough.

She's not breathing.

Blow by O2.

Give her time.

Give her time.

Break open the airway box.

Draw up a milligram
of Midazolam.

Come on, Ella.

Positive pressure now.

No, wait.

( coughing )

( baby crying )

Ah, that's a happy sound.

Yeah, we're here.

We're here.

It's all right.

We're here.

Is his car still there?

he skips marketing

but he won't skip
cost accounting.

If you want to wait

I can be there
when you do it.

No, I'm going to ask him
at school.

He'll stay calm
in front of his study group.

You can't ask him, Joyce.

Right, right.

And you have to actually leave
if he doesn't...

I know. I know.

Do you want to come
to work with me?

Can I just stay here
until he leaves?

Of course.

Call me after
you talk to him.


These groups,
they really work, right?

'Cause he only lasted
two sessions in counseling.

Oh, Joyce...
I know. I want
to try and help him.

I know
it's worth a try.

Yeah, and you can
always go back to him

if he gets better,
or you can file
a complaint

and a judge
can make him go...

He'll do this.

If he knows I'm serious,
he'll do this for me.

Call me.

Thanks, Abby.

Lock the door.

( door unlocking )


You seen Joyce?

Abby, my wife,
you seen her?



She didn't come
home last night.
I'm getting worried.

She didn't call you?


Did you call the police?

No. We had a fight.

She might just be mad at me.


If you hear from her

can you have her call me
on my cell?

Yeah, sure.


Have a good day.

She's moving extremities?

All four.

Fixing and following.

Good color.

Oh, Mark, that's great.

Yeah, no seizure
in the next 48 hours

we should be home free.

What's that for?

The breast pump up
in OB is missing

a collection tube.

She's eating?

She's about to try.

Thanks for covering.

Oh, don't worry about us.

Just take care
of your daughter.

Positive LOC.

Now GCS 13, postictal.

This is the
zoo trauma?

Yeah. He got bit by a monkey.

It was a sloth.

What is a sloth?

It's like a monkey.

No, it's not.

They're not anything
like primates.

Looked like a
monkey to me.

Dr. Greene?

I hear
your baby's doing better.

Yeah, off the vent.

Oh, good. That's
really good news.

So far.

Um, look

I didn't file an H5122
with the chart.

A what?

Mandatory reporting of
illegal substance abuse.

Oh, right.

Well, I just
wasn't sure.

I thought maybe
you'd want to...

Yeah, I'll take care of it.


( sighs )

( alarm beeping )


Sometimes it takes
a little longer

during shift change.

Shift change?

When one nurse goes home,
another comes on.

Oh, right.

I'll go get her.


Two CDA.

You piggyback
in the second phase.


His IV has run out,
and there's an alarm going off.

It's only
a pretreatment solution.

Nurse will change it
when they move him.

Move him?

To the, uh,
treatment room.

His cells are almost
100% leukemic.

He'll need a second, uh,
chemo induction immediately.

And then a bone marrow

Well, he's already failed one.

Another one's just going
to make him a lot sicker

and be a lot more dangerous.

And chemotherapy alone
is going to save him?


He's going to get
a set of dr*gs

he didn't get before.

You've decided
to experiment on him?

I haven't decided anything.

Look, it's as much luck
as science involved

at this point.

You look like
you need a rest.

No. You're going to pump
that junk back into his veins

I'm going to stay right here.

I've been meaning to get
the ring sized smaller

but I didn't get the chance.

How did you swallow it?

He likes me to suck
on his fingers.

I see.

Nothing to panic about.

It should pass

in two or three days.

Two or three days?

She'll be fine.

Just add some fiber

to your diet, and let
nature take its course.

He's not worried about me.

He's afraid his wife will notice

his wedding ring
is missing.


There's nothing we can do?

I could try
an endoscopy.

I don't like
the sound of that.

It's where we stick a tube

down your throat.

I got to get to work.

Honey, I need my ring!

Yeah, well, I need my job.

I'm on stage in an hour.

And my bowels
ain't for sale.

Oh, please,
Ginger, Ginger...

Dr. Lewis, Abby's
ready for that
vag bleed in One.

I called registry
to fill in for me.

You're leaving?

I'm on my second
dose of Compazine.

I'm still puking.

I ain't doing that.

Five hundred.

Hey, much would you charge
to stick a tube down

your throat?

You two negotiate.

I'll be right back.

( wheezing )

Frank, are you sick, too?

I ain't praying!

( vomiting loudly )

How many pads?

Two so far.

Started bleeding yesterday.

Hi, Valerie,
I'm Dr. Lewis.

When was your last period?

Um, two months ago.

Do you think
you could be pregnant?

My parents would freak.

My older sister
just had a baby.

Abby, line two,
it's your neighbor.

Just relax.
I need to take
a look, all right?


Okay, wait. What-what-what...?

Hold on, hold on.


Okay, uh, come here,
and I'll give you my key and...

Do you have a coat on?

Maybe she's not hungry.

She hasn't had
anything in 12 hours.

Come on, Ella, come on...

We could put a little TPN
in her line.

Hey, there!

There, she's taking it.

Yeah, you're hungry, aren't you?


Dr. Greene,
your daughter's
on the phone.

I'll call her back.

Where is she?

At home.

Katherine stayed over.

Did they charge her
with anything?


The police.


Well, what did they do?

You didn't tell them,
did you?

Well, I wasn't
the attending physician.

Mark, she was
in possession

of a controlled substance

that could have
k*lled our daughter.

She wasn't trying to hurt her.

There were just three pills.

I don't think they're going
to waste a lot of time on it.

Waste a lot of time?

You know what I mean.

You're already making
excuses for her.

No, I'm not, I'm...

Well, you're
certainly not doing
anything, are you?

What would you
like me to do? Huh?

You-You want me
to have her arrested?

You think Rachel should go
to juvenile hall?

You think that will
make things better?

I want you to do something.

You haven't even bloody
well called her mother.

I've been a little busy
with Ella...

There's a phone.

She's in court all day.

No, no, you're avoiding.

Even now
you're refusing

to deal with a problem
you should have handled

way before this ever had
a chance of happening.

Are you blaming me
for this?

( baby crying )

Oh, damn it!

Her stomach's just upset.

Trauma Two.
Have fun.

I'm going home before it starts
coming out of both ends.

No, no, no, wait.
Who's working the desk?

Personnel is sending
a temp.

Frank, I'm already
down four nurses.

Abby is coming back

I called
for reinforcements

but this is going to get worse
before it gets better.

Anybody who ate
one of those bagels

and that damn cream cheese

is going to be
blowing chunks.

Excuse me.

( vomiting loudly )

I ate one of
those bagels.

I'll add your name
to the class action suit.

Oh, my God.

Joyce, I thought you said
you were just locked out.

He came back.

He left,
and then he came back.

Where are your shoes?

I just started running.

I hid down the street
until he left again.

Okay, let me see.
( whimpers )


Can you just let me inside?

It's freezing out here.

You need to come
to the hospital.

I'm okay.

No. I have to
get an X ray.

It's not as bad as it looks.

Yes, it is, Joyce.
Your cheekbone's broken.

( groans ):
Pulse ox is 82
on two liters.

No, not you, too?
Yeah, I had
the garlic.

No breath sounds
on the left.

Let's go with
a chest tube.

Am I dying?

The icicle collapsed your lung.

Pressure's down to 70.

Oh, God, this is it...

Squeeze in two liters of saline.

I'll put in a tube
to reinflate it.

I reached

Dr. Kovac-- Mark's coming down

until he gets here.

No, leave him alone.
We can handle this.

I have to go home.

No, if I'm working a double

you're not stiffing me
after a few hours.

No, I really

have to go home.

Wait... wait!

You ate the bagels?

It's a teaching hospital.

I'd still prefer
you to do it.


Hey, what's your mom
doing in there?

I thought he
was an orphan.

You should at least be
supervising her.

I can see her
from here.

John, something's wrong.
He's coughing up blood.

Well, they gave him
a blood thinner.

A little hemoptysis
is normal.

This isn't normal.

Did you hit
the lung?

No, I slipped it right
in the subclavian.

Pulse ox is 95.

Let's bring him up
to two liters.

Is he thrombocytopenic?

30,000 this morning.

Ah, pretty low for
a central line...

They transfused him
right after the treatment.

Please stop debating it
and help him!

( vomiting )

What do his other
coags look like?

He got platelets,
cryo, and FFP.

John, he's in pain.
Help him.
Two of morphine?

Pressure's low already.
Don't want to bottom him out.

You can always add
more blood in.

Sure, blood in,
blood out.

( boy sobbing )

Let's page Dr. Neiser.

portable chest and a blood gas.

And call
the blood bank

have them prep another
ten-pack of platelets.

Get an X-ray.
Let's check placement.

How you doing there, Mick?

Are you having
any trouble breathing?

( pounding )


Mom... what are
you doing?

I can't.

Please, take care
of him...

No, the only reason I'm here

is 'cause you asked for my help.

I can't see him in that kind

of pain, not again...

What did you

I don't know.

You cannot get
this kid's hopes up

and then leave.

You're really going to do this?

You're gonna drag me back here

and then bail
when it gets too tough?!

The kid does not think

he'll have to go through this
alone again; don't leave him!

Thank you.

She was by herself
at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

Acute onset, shortness of breath
and wheezing at a restaurant.

( moaning )

Are you allergic
to any foods?

Did you give epi?

It got worse
as we pulled up.

Go upstairs.
I got this covered.

I saw the board.

You're getting

I'll close to trauma.

It's bad enough that you're
stuck with my shift.

It's not a problem.

( wheezing )

Are you sure that you've
never had any asthma

or trouble breathing before?

All right, put her
on a pulse ox

and get respiratory down here.

What were you eating?

Shrimp and lobster.

Shrimp and lobster?

Where do you keep
the pulse ox cables?

Second drawer
to the right.

Did you eat a lot?

( gasping ):
Uh... huh.

50 of benadryl, 125 of sol...

( wheezing )


Yeah, IV now.

And let's get
a crash cart ready.

6.5 ET and a 2 mac.

No, really, Mark, I got this.

Ella's doing great.

Okay? She's sleeping.

I need the distraction.

They're not here.

Well, then, try next door.

Okay, she's not moving air.

Let's get her on a nebulizer,
push one cc...

Where are the
pulse ox cables?

Who are you?

Uh, outside, third

supply cart
to the left.

You know, most of the time
we totally click

we totally get each other.

He makes me laugh.
Okay, sit back.

He's considerate.

Okay, that's good.

And then...

other days he's just
a different person.

He... becomes
a different person.

Chin up.

And then I become
a different person.

I know he's
all the same man.

It's just... hard
to walk away
from the good part.

You have to hold still, Joyce.

95% of the time,
he's my best friend--

my husband.

( metal clanging )

That's hard to
walk away from.


looks like he answered
your ultimatum.

I didn't have a
chance to give it.

I think he answered it
all the same.

Yeah, well, how long's
that going to take?

Look, this isn't just any
patient; this is my daughter.

Yeah, call another neurologist
if you have to.

I want that EEG read.

She smiled at me.

That's good, right?

She's smiling?

Yes. That's good.

I was thinking about
taking one at a party.

They were in my bag.
I forgot about it.

I'm so sorry.

I know there's nothing I can do

to make it right.

You can leave.

You can pack up your things
and leave my house.

I... I have to call my mom.

Then call her.

Dr. Lewis, I need
a facial lac repair in Two.

Simple or complex?

She's going to need
a couple of sub-Q

and I'm waiting
on a facial series.

Okay, send her over to CT
and clear this hallway.

Why is there a
pregnant woman

in the hallway?

I don't know, but I
need you to see her.

Uh, yeah,
in one second.

( scoffs ):
Who's running the desk?

That's Bouser
from Accounting.

Oh, of course,
that makes sense.
Dr. Lewis...

One second.

She's never been
allergic to anything.

Shellfish allergies
come on suddenly

especially with large amounts.

This is Dr. Lewis.
I'll be right back.

She's wheezing.
That'll go away, right?

Dad, I talked to Mom.

Mom says she'll buy the tickets.

You just have to drive
me to the airport.

Slow down. No one
wants you to leave.

Elizabeth does.

No, you've just got
to give her space

for a few days, okay?

Once everything's okay

with Ella...
No, she told me to leave.

You talked to her?

Upstairs. She wants me
out of the house.

You caught her at a bad time.
I'll talk to her.

No, it's okay, Dad.
I understand.

She's not my mother.

And she cares about Ella,
and I hurt her baby.

I don't want to cause you
any more trouble.

I should just go.

You're not going anywhere,

Mom says I should go home

if Elizabeth
doesn't want me here.

Your mom's not here
and she doesn't...

( groaning ):

Are you okay?

Um, listen, um...

just go home and we'll figure
this out tonight, okay?


Rachel, please, now.

How long has she been

Just recently--
she put on 15 pounds

in the last
couple months.

Oh, uh, okay, well, I
can send a nutritionist

to come speak with you
if you'd like.

Yes, please, I can't seem
to stop her from eating.

Well, we'll move her
to another room.

And we'll monitor her breathing
for the next couple hours.

Thank you.
You're welcome.
I'll be right back.

Hey, what happened?

Oh, I bit my tongue.

Oh, you did

a really good job.

How's Rachel?

I don't know.
Let me see.

Oh, I just need to
keep pressure on it.

Come on. Stick your tongue out.

( sigh )

You bit it on the right side.
I can't see when you do that.

Do what?

Stick it out straight.

I did.


Well, it's-it's not so bad.

Just keep applying pressure.

Why didn't you call
for backup?

What do you think you are?

Clear the rack.
I'll take the fast tracks.

Dispo the pityriasis
in Three.

I've been flying
all night.

Flying all night
was your choice

and it's not my fault
you answered your phone.

Lower GI bleed in Five.

Dr. Lewis, CT shows
a non-displaced

zygomatic arch fracture.

Is she worthy
to be seen yet?

Luka's here.
Give it to him.



You're back.

Yeah, this morning.

I was getting worried.

I thought
I'd at least get a postcard.

You need to get e-mail.

Didn't take you long

to get sucked back
into this insanity.

No, but it's good
to see you, though.

You, too.

How long you been on?

I was supposed to
be off an hour ago.

Joyce Westlake.

Her husband beat her up
this morning

broke her cheekbone.

Don't let me open them.

Good strength.

Check the lower branches.

Show me your teeth.

Nice and symmetrical.

Okay, blow out
your cheeks with air.

Fine. Cranial nerves

two through 11 intact.

But not 12.

It's an isolated dysfunction
of the right hypoglossal nerve.

It's a recurrence.

You don't know that.

I couldn't say "solumedrol."

I do that all the time.

Especially if I haven't had
my morning latte.

Pedes MVA rolling up.

Airbag burn.

Okay, in a second.

If you're worried, get an MRI.


Mark, it could be
a lot of things.

You're under
an enormous amount of stress.

I'll check it out.

You could have
inflammatory changes

from your tumor vaccine.

First and
second degree.

BP's 110/70.

He was in
the front seat?

We were in a rush.

You don't put kids
in the front seat.

It was just
the parking lot.

Hey, Mark, we're good.
Luka's here.

Good, well, I got this one.

And you can get out
from under it.

Any medical problems?

Hay fever
in the summer.

Okay, let's start
with a lateral c-spine.

( humming )

What are you doing?

I'm on a break.

Hello! We're getting
k*lled here.

I still get a break.

Where is she?

Uh, what?

Did you bring her here?


Yes, Joyce.

Um, no, why?
Come on. I know

she stayed
at your apartment last night.

I know you picked her up
this morning.

So stop lying
to me, okay?
Okay, I know you beat the crap

out of her.
Did she tell you
she swung a bat

at my head? Right here.
You want to feel?

No, thank you.
Just tell me
what room.

You're kidding me, right?

You know, it's really
none of your business.

I thought you figured
that out.

Okay, you want to see her?
Fine, I'll take you there.

She's talking to the police.
I'm sure they have

a couple questions
for you, too.

Abby, can you get me
the slit lamp?

Yeah, sure.
I need to check
for hyphema.

Who was that?

The husband.

Any belly pain?

Soft, nontender.

Needs a BP,
titrate four of morphine.

Probably corneal burn.
BP 120/50.

All right, we need alcaine

and a woods lamp.

What exactly is alcaine?
And where do you keep it?


Can you get gentamycin
ophthalmic from the pharmacy?

Didn't you get my page?

Uh, I got a page
from neurology.

Yeah, I was in neurology
looking at your daughter's EEG.

You got this?


Let's coat the
facial burns
with Neosporin.

Any spikes
or sharp waves?

Nope. Normal K complexes
and spindles throughout.

Good, good,
that's a good sign.

Yeah, for now.

You missed the consult.

I thought you were
only going to be

down here for
half an hour.

They got swamped down here.




Your daughter's
in the PICU, Mark.

Yeah, breathing on her own,
showing signs of all reco...

You just run away,
and you leave it
all up to me.

Look, you know what?
I'm going to go home.

I'm going to shower.
I'm going to change
my clothes, okay?

Be careful, 'cause the evil
daughter's there waiting for me.

Just go upstairs and
sit with your baby.

You told her to leave.

( sighing )

She asked me
what she could do.

You're serious?

I'm perfectly serious.

I can't do that.
Can't do what?

I can't turn
her away, not now.

What has to happen, Mark?

Does she actually have
to succeed in k*lling her?


No, no!

This time
I'm doing something.

She's out.

I am not choosing
between my two daughters.

You don't have to.
I'm choosing for you.

And what am I telling her
by letting you ship her away?

That she needs to grow up.

That she needs to
take responsibility.

That what she does has
very real consequences

for people besides herself!

She realizes that.
Do you think she would
actually hurt Ella again?

Either she's out of the
house by the time I take
that baby home

or I'm not taking
that baby home!

Hold on, calm down.
Take a breath

before you start
issuing ultima...
She's my child, Mark!

I know that!
She's mine, too!

Then start acting like it!

Ma'am, we're
trying to help...
You called the cops?

Well, he fractured
your face.
No, he didn't.

What did you think
I was going to do?
No, he didn't even touch me.

We just need to know
where we might find him.

Did you check
the University?

Abby, no!
That's a big area.

He's not at the apartment.

Sometimes he hangs out
at a bar down the street.

I don't want to
press charges.

It's called The Windbreaker.
It's on Fourth and Ashland.

There's obvious signs
of abuse, ma'am.
It's not up to you.

Abby, tell them no.
Tell them not to do this!

We'll check it out.
Call if he shows up

here again.

He was here?

Joyce, you need
to sit down...
What did he say?

...and let the doctor finish
stitching your head.

We're going to find you
a shelter

someplace anonymous
where he can't hurt you.

I don't want to
go to a shelter.
I want to go home!

What if you have
a kid with him?

Is this what you want
for your children?

You want him to beat them
like he beats you?

He wouldn't do that.

Oh, wake up, Joyce!

This is it.

This is your chance
to get away, right now.

It doesn't matter how wonderful
he can be sometimes.

If you go back now,
you're telling him

it's okay to do this to you,
and it is not okay.

It's not okay.

Your car's here.

I managed to get
a flight to Logan

but I'm on standby.

Can you imagine?

I'll call you from the Cape.

I'm sorry.

John, I really am...

Kids, you know...

They get over stuff.

I bet if you went back,
Mickey would forget about today

as quickly as he can down
a milkshake.

No, you were right.

I became too involved.

I'm thinking maybe
I wasn't right.

You see that tree?

You and your brother built
a fort on that big limb

and you played Tarzan.

Bobby played Tarzan.

I played Cheetah.


You fell down
and you sprained your wrist.

And you never even thought about
telling me that he pushed you.

You knew?

You two had your secrets.

You stuck together.

I saw no reason
to pull you apart.

I didn't spend much time

thinking about how your
brother's death affected you.

I didn't spend
much time on anyone.

Do you have time now?

I won't betray
another little boy.


You don't want
to give up hope.

You can't.

Hope is all either of you have.

Your brother believed me
when I told him he'd get better.

It didn't matter
where he was

how he felt

what the doctor said.

I told him
he'd get better.

He died believing me.


He was pretending for you.

That was another one
of our secrets.

I was supposed
to not let you be sad.

I was supposed
to make you forget.

To make you happy.

He made me promise
to make you happy.

( voice breaking ):
I'm sorry, Mom.


I love you...

Do you hear me?

I love you!

( sobbing )


Well, if there's no money,
it should be fairly...

( buzzer sounds )

Can you hold on one second?


Campanelli's. I got your pizza.

Come on up.

If there's no money

it should be
fairly straightforward, right?

Well, there's a counselor there,
isn't there?

Well, talk to her tomorrow.

I don't know.
I guess you just go

and get what you need
when you know he's not there.

( knocking )

You know, you did
the right thing, Joyce.

Okay, can you hold on
one second?

We, uh...

we like this place, too,
good fettuccini.

I'm going to have
to call you back.

Where's the delivery guy?

Oh, I got it.
It's on me.

No, that's okay.

Where do you want it,
over here?

Yeah, that's fine.

We were still planning
on inviting you for dinner.


Listen, I screwed up.

I have a problem.
I need to get some help for it.

But I love my wife.

I just have
these strong feelings.

You know?
And that's not an excuse.

And she might not talk to me.

And I understand I don't deserve
to have her forgiveness

but I just want
to tell her I'm sorry.

County social services
can get her a letter.

So, she's in a group home
or something?

I can't talk to you
about this, Brian.

I just want to make sure
she's all right.

She will be.

Just tell me where she is.
I promise I won't hurt her.

I think you
should leave now.

She's my life.

Don't you get that?

She's everything to me.

You can't take her away from me.

I didn't.

Abby, please, where is she?


Where is she?!

All right, listen.

You have to leave right now,
or I'm going to call the police.

And I'm pretty sure
you're not interested

in talking to them
again, right?

You're right.

I'm sorry.

Good night.

( knocking )

Brian! Brian!

( groans )

( siren approaching )

Oh, my God.

( siren wailing )

( sobbing )

Did she recommend
a diet?

Did she talk
to your parents?

My mom.

Tim is my stepdad.

Well, I know
it'll be hard at first

but if you start eating better,
you'll start feeling better.

I know I'm fat.

I don't care.

Well, I'm glad you're
comfortable with your body.

That's very important.

But you've put on

a lot of weight in
a short amount of time

and that can cause some
serious health problems.

And you know, you'll be
going to high school soon.

You'll be interested in boys...

I don't like boys.

Well, you say that now,
but trust me

in a couple of years
you'll want a...

No, I won't.

I hate boys.


Why do you hate boys?

Do you have problems
with boys?

With men?

I don't want boys to touch me.


Ariel, when did your mom

marry your

Dr. Lewis,
we need you.

In a second.

Was it within the last year?

Three months ago.

Dr. Lewis

it's Abby.
She was assaulted.


Pupils are four millimeters
and reactive.

How long were you
passed out?

I don't know.

What happened?

My neighbor got pissed

because I sent his wife
to a battered women's shelter.

Follow my finger
with your eyes.

The guy that
came here today?

Chest is clear.

He's your neighbor?

Yeah, he wanted to know, uh,
where we placed Joyce.

Good bowel sounds.
Any belly pain, Abby?

Not really.

And he knows where you live?



Tender at the right
costal margin.

No, it's my nose.

Oh, sorry.

Um, can I get a gown?

Right here.

Okay, head and facial CT.

CBC and dip a urine, and
titrate up to ten of morphine.

No, Tylenol.

Abby, you may have
broken your nose.

Yeah, I don't want
any narcotics.

At least take some Vicodin.

Just Tylenol.

Six-centimeter contusion

medial aspect of
the right thigh.

Did you get kicked?

I don't know.
Maybe when I fell.

Is there a chance
you were r*ped?


No, I don't think so.

Set up a lighted
speculum and r*pe kit.

No, I was unconscious.
I wasn't in a coma.

We just need
to be sure.

Did she eat?

Just passed out.

Have you?




Go. I'll take her.

We need to talk.


I don't want
to discuss it anymore.

Not tonight.

Okay, just one more swab.

A little vaginal aspirate.

And we're done.

Have you had intercourse
in the last 72 hours?


No signs of abrasion.

No signs of trauma.

No semen.

I didn't think so.

You can put
your feet down.

So, uh

this guy lives
on the same floor?


I'd think
about moving.

No, I'm not moving.
He's moving.

Well, you definitely
have a nasal fracture

but it's non-displaced.

So, as soon as
the swelling goes down

you'll look as good as new.

CBC's normal

no blood in the urine.

Could have been a lot worse.


You should be careful

about getting in the middle
of these things.

You know, I was trying
to help the girl.

I did help the girl.

I mean, somebody needed
to do something.

Is there someone I can call?

Your mom?


Well, we don't need
to admit you.

Is there somewhere
you can stay tonight?

Yeah, I'll be fine.

You can't go home.
Not until they find that guy.

You can stay with me.

I'm... I'll...

I'm just going to get
a hotel or something.

Really, I'll be fine.

Mm-hmm, and do you have
your wallet with you?

I'll figure something out.

Abby, stop it.

It's a pullout,
but it's comfortable.

It's free

and it's safe.

Thank you.

The radiologist
cleared the head CT.

And the facial cuts?

Uh, just the nose.

Was she...

No, no.
No evidence of anything

except getting pummeled
in the face.

Did they find this guy?

I don't know.

Triage is cleared.

Can you prep
the pass-ons?

I still haven't

I've lived here five months.
I haven't unpacked.

Yeah, bail.

We did catch up.

Yeah, now that
you've got

a professional
behind the desk.


Dr. Lewis.

They let this place go, huh?

What are you doing?


Since when?

Eh, I've been temping
a little bit

since I've come out
of retirement.

Where'd you get that?

The bagel?

I found it under the desk.

Somebody threw away
perfectly good dip, too.

You want some?

Oh, you should go home.

I don't have a problem
with you, man, okay?

I have a problem

with you.

You hit women
by mistake, huh?

I screwed up.

Let's see you hit me, huh?

Come on.

I didn't mean to.
I lost my temper.

Lose your temper
with me.

I'm going to go
to the cops right now

and turn myself in...

Wait, just wait.

Better start swinging back.

Hold on.


I was wrong.

I got angry.

She took away my wife!

You took away your wife.

I know, I know

I know

but I loved her.

She's everything to me
and I lost her.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.

I won't mess with Abby again.
I won't.

I won't even talk to her.

I'll move.

I'll move out of the building.

Please, I'm sorry.


You touch her again...

I'll k*ll you.

( strains )
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