08x18 - Orion in the Sky

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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08x18 - Orion in the Sky

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

Did you sleep well?

Yes, it was great.

I'm afraid it's definitely
tumor regrowth.

How much time?

If this works...

ten months.

I'm going to go out
and get some Zofran.

No, no, no, no,
no, stay, stay.

It'll pass.

( coughing )

( slapping pavement )

Problem with the
office supplies?

I just pronounced Bertha.

Blue Bertha?

I admitted her ten times
for C.O.P.D.

in the last six months.

She must've liked
you a lot if she
kept coming back.

Every time she swore to me
she'd quit smoking.

Every time.

Behind the
crack, no rim.

As soon as she was discharged,
though, boy

back to two packs a day.

I even saw her light up
under the arch once.

Intubated her three times
this year.

High-dose steroids,
home nebulizer

dragging her O2 t*nk

around with her.

That's an "H" for you.

I mean, what's
the point if
you're not going

to take a little
for your health?

I call this
the spirit-k*ller.

Is it supposed
to rain again?

That's an "O" for you.

I think it's going
to rain again.

We offer them a service.

Whether they take
our advice or not
is up to them.

She'd still be alive
if she listened to our advice.

As hard as it was to
deal with Blue Bertha

it's still harder
to be Blue Bertha.

Not anymore.

Dr. Carter.

There's a rig rolling in
with an MVA

and I got a researcher
at the Art Institute

LOC at work.

It's Greg Pratt?

Mark Greene.
How you doing?

What did he do
to deserve us?

He just finished nine months
at the V.A.

Ouch. Three months
of internship?

Yes. I'll be a
resident in July.


Only if the match
screws me.

No, but I'm ready
to jump in.

Pretty much seen
it all, one way
or another.

Is that right?

You want us to grab that?

No, no, no.

You've got your museum lady.

You know what?

I'll help you with
that crossover later.

I think I got it.

Uh-uh. You're palming it.

The idiot chucked the ball
right at my head.

There's a little blood.

You probably have
a tiny perforation.

He popped
my eardrum?

We see it all the time.

Give you some drops
to help it heal.

Come clops?

Some drops.

Corticosporin suspension.


Oh, thanks.

So, what should you be?


Frank's career aptitude quiz.

Oh, he hasn't
cornered me yet.

What is this?

It's green tea
with echinacea.

Good for the
immune system.

I think I'll stick
to the normal sludge.

Well, you're going to have
to get that yourself.

Would you rather
pose nude

or be bit by a ferret?

Uh, ferret.

How's he doing?

Uh, somewhere
between "rock star"
and "lion tamer."

Did you cheat?

Just a hint
of Mick Jagger.

And a whole lot
of Siegfried and Roy?

I have a patient.

Nursing orders, I.V.s,
medications go on that rack

and if you get both clerk
and nursing orders...

Start with
the clerk rack.



You got a first name?

Well, at the V.A.,
they called me

Well, here,
we'll call you "Junior."

Luka, can you take the
chest pain in Three

and the kid
with the UTI?

I already have
three criticals.

I'll take it.

Oh, no, that's okay.

Carter, uh,
grab my rule-out appy

and the hunt for
the lost condom.

Sounds like fun.

Abby, uh,
your landlord called.

My landlord?

This the respiratory
Your name Abbey?

Norma Cruz,
46 years old,
choking episode.

Severe multiple



I'm good.

Is this her baseline?

Not sure.
Son should be here soon.

He was coming
in his car.

All the base
station calls

come in over
the M.I.C.N.


Don't touch it, Junior.

Don't call me that.

In case my point
was missed

it wouldn't
hurt us

to lighten Dr.
Greene's load.

Yeah, sure.

What's the problem?

Uh, nothing.

Can't get a line in.

Chem panel,
UA, and a Foley.

Is she moving air?

Sounds like rhonchi
at the bases.

This is Jeffrey,
Mrs. Cruz's son.

Hi. I'm Dr. Greene.

Is your mother
normally this sick?

They said she'd be dead
a month ago.

He filled me in
on his mother's history.

I can take this.

Is it my birthday
or something?

Then it's okay

for me to treat
my own patient?


Did your mother
throw up?

No, she shouldn't.

We never feed her
by mouth.

Might be obstructed.

Does she have a Do Not
Resuscitate Order?

Her veins are shot. I'm never
going to get a good line.

Jeffrey, your
mother probably has
an aspiration pneumonia.

We can have a surgeon
look at her, but she'll
need a special I.V. line

to give her

I need to wait
for Linda.
Who's Linda?

She's my sister.
She's a lawyer.

She drew up the papers.

Pressure's dropping.
80 systolic.

I don't think
we have time.

Do you want us

to administer dr*gs to push
up her blood pressure?

I can't. I-I need to wait.

You got to tell me.

Central line kit now.

Willa Goldman

from the Art Institute.

Syncopal episode at work.

She have any medical conditions
that you know about?

The curse of
the mummy.

( groans slightly )
The what?

I found her passed out

on the floor
of Nefertiti's tomb.

Carter? That guy
in Curtain One's hurting.

Can I give him something?

I'll take it.

Okay. Do a quick exam,
and then call URO.

You got it.

It's a penile fracture.

Penile fracture?

Up to 100 of fentanyl.

One, right?

Yeah. It's over there.

I'm all
over it.

So, no history
of these episodes?

Carter, he's going
in the wrong room.

He'll figure
it out.

Let me take a look.

You want to unbuckle
your belt and pull
your pants down


( shouting ):
My pants? What?

It's okay.
I'm a doctor.

I'm still waiting
for some drops.

That's not going
to do it.

The pants,

Are you sure
this is necessary?


Could you lean
back a little bit?

Oh! Easy there.

Were you having
vigorous sex?


No. I was hit in the head.

Most sprains happen
along the shaft

but yours seems to be
pretty minor.

Nothing personal.

Dude, I have an earache.

( sighs )

Well, then come
down here then.


Don't worry.

It's not always
as simple as it seems

on the other end
of the phone.

No. She's right.

Mom told us she
wanted to die

at home in
her own bed.

I should never have
called the ambulance.

I should have just
let it happen.

It's okay if you don't want
to let her go.

But that'll
never stop.

I'll always
want more.

Dr. Greene,
her Sats are down to 86.

Decreased on the right.

Portable chest,
page RT.

Did surgery see her?

Dr. Corday said
she'd reevaluate
in four hours

depending on the
DNR status.

Pressure is down
to 70 systolic.

What's happening?

She re-aspirated
or collapsed a lung.

I thought you said
she was okay now.

( coughing )

Jeffrey, your
mother's not
going to be able

to breathe much
longer on her own.

Do you want us
to help her?

Linda said not
to do anything.

Well, she's not
here right now.

You have to
tell us.

( coughing )

Save her.

You sure?

Just do it.
Do everything.

Okay, rapid induction.

Seven point five ET tube
and a three mac.

500 of Levo,
600 of Clinda.

dr*gs are
on board.

Bag her.

Sats are down
to 80, Mark.

Let's go, let's go.

Give me the tube.

My fault. Sorry.

Abby, I need

a stress dose of 125

of Solu-Medrol.


I'll do it.

All right,
give me a straight blade.

Okay, get steroids.

Sensor, intuitor, judger.

I never thought
of myself as judger.

Yeah, right.


Check judger, Frank.

Hey, mind your own business.
This is my career.

Won't work if
you're not honest.

Oh, who's judging now?

I've earned it.

Hey, Mark.


Dr. Greene,
your ex called.

She'll meet you at 1:00.

I thought she said noon.

She's running
an hour late.

What did Weaver get?

She ain't playing.

Give your best

Uh, sub-group P-three--

"Beauty pageant

or warden at a
women's prison."

Carter, where's your intern?

Either Radiology
or the cafeteria.

Find him.

You all right?

Early onset arthritis.


Maybe you should
ease up a little.

I'm fine, Kerry.

You do triage
for a while
if you want

or take a

Working is good.

You need to make
sure you're taking
care of yourself.

There's no need
to overextend.

We can handle
the load.

I just want to keep doing
what I've always done.

You couldn't hold
that ET tube.

It's little spasms in my hand.

Is that from the vincristine?

A side effect of the treatment
or a progression of the disease.

You pick the poison.

Still, I'd-I'd like you

to take over
Pratt's orientation.

Whatever you want, Kerry.

It might be best
if you left critical procedures

to the rest of us.

Are you pulling me out
of the trauma room?

Anybody else, I'd send home.

I trust you

to recognize
your own limitations.

I take pills for my blood
pressure and my water.

What do you mean?

Water in your legs
or to make you urinate?

Hytrin. It helped me pee
for a while

but it's worse now. Ow!

That's hurts?
You bet.

Any way to put
the med and back
pain together?

Alpha one blocker.

And if you
take too much?

Hypotension. Could make you
dizzy, possibly fall.

Have you had any falls,
Mr. Seidel?

Nope. Good
question, though.

And who's your primary

Service said
he went skiing.

I should come here.

Hypertensive at 140/90.

Pulse 96. Oral temp, 98.6.

I have had two Foleys
since Christmas.

Has Dr. Allanson ever asked you
to use a catheter at home?

No. Last time, I twisted his arm
for a blood test

and I still haven't gotten
the results.

What do you want
to do, Dr. Pratt?

Full set of labs, urine,
culture, accucheck

a post void residual
and a rectal.

Are you sure?

My guy never
does those.

Dr. Greene...

it's 1:00.

Add a PSA

I'll be back
in half an hour.

Can I get you anything?

No, thanks.

Milk shake, huh?

Decided to let myself go.

I can't stay long.

I just wanted to
stop by and say hi.

Did you see Rachel?

We had breakfast.

Her favorite.

Waffle House?

That'll score you some points.


She couldn't stop
crying, Mark.

It's a lot for a teenager
to take in.

It's a lot
for anyone.

It's really that bad?


But there are always
breakthroughs, right?

I mean, look what
happened last time.

I'm kind of beyond that.

Well, we agreed
Rachel would be with me

for July and August

but if you want
to change that...

No. That sounds
like a good plan.

She could stay with you longer.

I mean, she's going to want
to spend time with you.

As much time
as possible.


I'm sorry, Mark.

I'm sorry we had
such a rough go.

Maybe if I hadn't
switched jobs or...

been more patient...

We made choices, Jen.

Both of us.

( sighs )

We weren't so bad together,
were we?

I would...
I wouldn't change a thing.

None of it.


So, I-I got to get to Midway.

Wait. I updated my will
last year, but...

Look at it out there.

It's going to take me hours.

I want to start
a college fund.

Well, you'll drop
Rachel off in St.
Louis in July

and we can talk then.

I-I don't know
if I'll be able to make that.

Yes, you will.

I want to set something aside
for her wedding, too.

July, okay?

Let's not do this.

Not today.

I don't know if there will be
another time.

She's my daughter.

I want to make sure
that she's taken care of.

She will be.


I'll see you
in St. Louis.

Heads! Heads up!

Slow down.


the new orderly.

He's going to
k*ll someone.

Keeps the rooms clear.

So, what did he want?


Uh, your landlord.

Oh, yeah.
Uh, Brian?

Um, he moved back to Idaho
a few days ago

and he took
all his stuff with him.

So, you have
your place back?

He offered it
to me, yeah.

Good, good.

I mean,
all my stuff's there, so...

Yeah. It'll be nice to
sleep in a bed again.


( both chuckle )

But, um... thanks
for the hospitality.

Except, of course,
for that Croatian

lamb gruel stuff.

It's not gruel.
It's called jujenca juha.

It's a gastrointestinal

Take your time.

I mean, if you want to make sure
that he is gone for good.

Yeah, I think I've mooched off
you long enough.

Dr. Greene!

Okay, you need
to sit still.

Mr. Ervin, how is
the junk business?

I'm having some trouble
with my feet.

But he refuses
to take off his shoes.

I don't know her.

Dr. Chen. She's
very capable.

She touched my cart.

Don't touch
Al's cart.

I moved it
two feet.

Okay, meet
Dr. Pratt.


What's the trouble?

The ghouls put spikes
through my sneakers.

The ghouls?

The ones from the
burned-out Jeep

or the ones that
roam the rooftops?

There are new ghouls.



Psych consult?

Screw you, Junior.

Take it easy, Al.

Take off your shoes,
so we can look, okay?


Let Dr. Chen help you.

I'll be back in a minute.

( Pratt chuckling )

It's not a good idea

to openly show disdain
for our frequent fliers.

The guy's seeing ghouls.

What's wrong with suggesting
a psych consult?

A little help?

All right, go back in there.
Try it again.

Freddy Harrison,
looks about 30.

He's 28.

No, I'll hang with you.

Grab his old chart
and get a history.

Come on. Carter said
I could get my hands dirty.


Found down an alley

with agonal respiration
and pinpoint pupils.

Were you
sh**ting up?

We're in rehab.
He's clean.

Hey, Dr. Greene,
I'll get this.

I'm already on it.
One, two, three.

Gave two of Narcan
down the ET with
no response.

Go get dry.
I'll cover this.

Carter, you've

listened to Weaver,
now, back off.

CBC chem panel
tox screen, Foley

and a portable chest.

Hey, you're ruining
his clothes. Stop.

We're trying
to help him.
Okay, step back.

You're in the way.

Whoa, Narcan is working.

You want some ativan?
And some pavulon.

Check the ET tube. Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa. Freddy!

( retching )
Oh, Freddy, Freddy.
Lie back down.

Freddy, you're okay.
I thought you was dead.

I want my wallet.

Give me my wallet.

All right, we need
to take care of you.

Don't touch me.
I want my wallet.

Maybe it fell
in the parking lot, Freddy.

Abby, call security.
He wants his stuff.

You people,
you're crooks.
You know you are.

Freddy, Freddy...

Hey, Carter,
I need your help.

You know you stole
all his things.
Freddy, come back.

You're bleeding.

You stole his pants!

( yells ):

I'm sorry,
I'm sorry.
Oh, God!

Son of a bitch!

It was an accident.

It was an accident.

You okay?

My baby's coming out.
Okay, just try

and breathe slowly.
Don't push.

( screams )
Keep breathing,
keep breathing.

Get the gurney.

CBC, chem-7.
Get an ultrasound.

Looks like
I missed the fun.

Chest is clear.

Did she break
her water?

I don't know.

Set up the SonoSite.

Why is the floor wet?

Because this window leaks.

Diffusely tender
with guarding.

Did they sedate
that maniac?

Didn't have to.

Passed out
and smashed his face.

Pressure's only 80.

Oh, man. Okay, uh,
let's type and
cross for four

and get some
O-neg in here.

It hurts.
It hurts!

How far along are you?


When are you due?

I don't know.

( screams )

She's having contractions.

Okay, get
a fetal monitor.

( panting )

How big?

Looks like about 28 weeks.

Okay. Terbutaline

point two five sub Q
and mix the mag.

No evidence of previa.
Call OB.

She may need a crash section
if she's abrupting.

Pulse ox 85.

No, bag him.

Mid face fractures?

I can't see
the cords.

You want to give
this a shot?

Set up
the fiber-optic scope

and prep the neck
for a crike.

She's crowning.

It's coming now.

Don't push.
Just breathe.

I can't.

I can't stop!

Don't push.

( groans )


Bulb suction
and clamp.

Call the NICU.


Two point five ET tube.

And draw up
point zero two...

Is that my baby?
...of epi.

Come on, breathe,
little guy.

He's very sick.

I want to see my baby.

Bag him.

Pulse is 50,
starting compressions.

My beautiful boy.

What's the Apgar?

One for heart rate.

Zero for color,
respirations and
everything else.

Let me go see my baby!

Not right now.

Shane, what kind of dr*gs
are you using?

I'm not.

If you want us to help your baby

you have to tell us
if you're using heroin.

No, I don't do that anymore.

Cocaine? Crack?

No, nothing.

Whoa! You okay?

Baby's pinking up.
Heart rate's 120.

Start working
on the umbilical line.

You all right?

No, too much blood.
I can't get this.

He's Bradying down.
All right, let's
do the crike.

Amp of atropine.
He needs a
surgical airway

unless you want
to give this
one more shot.

Let me just take
a quick look

and then you can cut.

I thought you were

Yeah, I'm a
switch hitter.

I need you to advance
the tube when I say so.


Here we go.

Run of five.

Hundred of lidocaine.
Hundred of

Damn it.

Let's do the crike.

No, no, no, here we go.

There, there, go.
Advance the tube, Carter.

Go, go, go, go, go.

Good breath sounds.

Sats are coming up.

That's nice.

Very nice.

All right, let's get
a post intubation film.

Head and facial CT
to follow.

Five-minute Apgar
is six.


Dr. Greene,
mom's tox screen.

Shane, we're taking
your baby out

to the intensive
care unit.

I want to stay
with him.

Go ahead. Take him up.

( sobbing ):
No! You're stealing
my baby.

Shane, let us
take care of him.

You'll keep him.
You won't bring him back.

I love him.

You almost k*lled him.

That's not what I wanted.

Your urine's positive
for opiates.

You've been sh**ting up.
You've never been to a doctor.

But I was going to.

After seven months?

Or are you too

to even know that
you're pregnant?

Dr. Greene?

I... I've been
Oh, well

that explains why you've
been using cocaine, too.

And don't tell me that you
haven't been drinking

'cause your blood
alcohol level is 54.

I had a beer last night.
You've been

lying to us from the
moment that you got here.

I want to see my baby!

You want to see him?

There he is.
Look, premature.

A third of the weight
of what he should be.

If he's lucky enough not
to have brain damage

from the coke, he's
still going to suffer

from fetal alcohol syndrome...


Please, stop it!

The next time you see him

he's not going to
look any better,
because he's

going to be

...from the effects
of heroin withdrawal.
Stop it!

You're a mother.

Can you take
the baby up?


You a
basketball fan?

I saw you playing
from my window.

Try to hit it the
first time, Marni.

Doctors are the
worst patients.

So I hear.

I took my grandson
to see his first
Bulls game last week.

They're not
what they used to be.

He fell asleep
at halftime.

But I think
he enjoyed it.

That's okay.

Their guards fall asleep
all the time.

We'll let that infuse.

20 minutes; I know.

( sighs )

It's the E.R.
on line two.

Dr. Weaver?

Someone named Pratt.

Pratt, I'm with a patient
right now.

I can't talk.


I'll be right there.

Marni, could you send
someone down

with the vincristine?

Dr. Greene...

We don't do
house calls.

I am not going home.

Excuse me.

Excuse me. Thanks.

Bevel up,
angle at 45 degrees.

Pressure's dropping

Let me go.

What happened?

He barfed on Pratt's
shoes and passed out.

Dr. Greene, where were you?

We didn't want to
have to call you

but he wouldn't
calm down.



Here you go.

Don't go too far.


What's that for?

Reduce my
blood alcohol.

No luck with the I.V.

Right saphenous?


It's the only one
that's not sclerosed.

You want to get it, Carter?

No, Pratt's got it.

through the roof.

Do you take
your insulin, Al?

There's so much to remember.

He's a diabetic?

It's news to me.

Line's in.

It shouldn't be news to you.

Did you get a good history?

I have
a glorious history.

I told you to get his old chart.

So, what was that, like, a test?

Make sure he flushes
all three lumens.

Don't give him an air embolus.

CBC, chem 21, and a urine.

Sats are 90,
pulse is 110.

Dr. Greene?

Add a hemoglobin A-one-C,
serum ketones

blood cultures, and a 12 lead.

Liter up,
good 18 in the right foot.

Yeah, add 40 of "k"
in the liter.

Intubation tray.

8-oh ET tube.

Why? What's that for?

Sats are dropping.

Come on, Al, breathe.

Carter, get ready
to bag him.

Do the selleck.

The what?

The selleck.

Give me your hand.

( gagging cough )

Okay. Okay.

When his blood sugar's over 700,
sometimes he stops breathing.

Thanks for mentioning that.

Give him ten of
regular IV push.

Start him
on eight units per hour.

Dr. Pratt.

Dr. Greene.



You could have told
me he was a diabetic.

I told you
to work him up.

I was looking for
chronic athlete's foot.

You missed the DKA

because you didn't follow
my instructions.

It didn't
seem necessary.

That assessment
is up to me, okay?

You do the learning,
I'll do the teaching.

Do I seem like
a punk to you?


Then how about
you stop

trying to treat
me like one?

I'm sure that you think
that you're ready for anything.

Wait a minute.

Is this the one
about the old guy
and the young guy?

'Cause, see, I've
heard it all before.

There's a door over there
that goes outside.

If you don't like
the way I'm doing this

keep walking.

He's a good doctor.

He's a burnout
if I ever saw one.

I learned a lot from him.

Yeah, well,
if I had my call

I'd rather stick with you.

You don't.

You saw him in there.

I mean, I just can't figure out

what's going on
with this guy.

A tumor.


He has a brain tumor--
an inoperable GBM

that's recurred.

That's what's
going on with him.

That's what the IV's for.

He's in his second cycle
of chemo.

And he's still working?

Everything okay?


Pratt was just saying

how much he's benefiting
from Dr. Greene's experience.

He's a good teacher.

You know, you guys
could start feeding me

some of this information
a little bit earlier.

Labs back
for Seidel.


His PSA's higher
than his Alk Phos.

600? Did you call
his doctor?

Yup. I left three
messages on his service

before I got the
cell phone number.

Son of a bitch.

What, you
think he knew?

He should have.

This guy
shouldn't have to find out

from doctors he's never met
in the ER.

Hey, listen, uh...

in med school, uh,
I was a hot shot

and I forgot
I'm not one here.

Well, not yet,
at least.

Like I said, no rush.

Hi. Yeah, is your
father there?

Uh, yeah, this is Dr.
Greene from the County ER.

Listen, um, I didn't mean
any disrespect earlier.

Someone told you I'm dying?


Hi. I-I understand
you're on vacation.

Your patient's PSA
set a record high.

Well, for starters

when was the last time
you examined him?

Two years.

In fact, yes.

prostate cancer.

Well, the huge
irregular mass

on his enlarged prostate
may have been one clue.

You want me
to put him on the phone?

Better yet, why don't you
put down your hot cocoa

and get your ass on a plane
back to Chicago where...?

He hung up.

Very persuasive.

I try.

Should we tell him?

Uh, no. Let him sleep.

Call Urology for a bed.

I panicked, okay?

You weren't here

and I didn't
know what to do.

You knew this wasn't what
she wanted.

You extubating?

You should have
never intubated her

in the first place.

What about the obstructions?

It's probably
a mild ileus.

I don't care
what it is.

I have durable power
of attorney

and we want to take
our mother home now.

Get that line
out of her.

You might want to leave that in
in case she needs fluid.

Don't you get it?

She wants to die.

You people
can't accept that.

It's like a defeat
to you.

Do you have the DNR?


( stifled sob )

Pull it.

Just, uh, the bed right
around the corner here.

All right.

What's this about?

I got called down
from Oncology

so the nurse is here
with my vincristine.

You sure
you're feeling all right?

I wish people would
stop asking me that.

Would you unplug her
and let them go?

Yeah. Sure.

Dr. Greene,
I want my cart.


They threw my
cart outside.



I want my cart!

I always have
it with me!

It's okay, Al.

I'm right here.

Everything's going
to be all right.

I almost
had to call

an Oncology staff meeting.

They weren't crazy
about my doing
this down here.

Please! I
want my cart!

Give me my cart!

( sobbing )

These new needle-less systems
are a pain.

( sobbing ):
Give me my cart!

( sobbing continues )

You know what?

I'm not doing this.

I can't come back.

You don't have to.

I'm done.


Dr. Greene.

I want my cart!

Al, let me help you
find your cart.

Thank you.
Thank you.


it's what people used
to superstitiously take

as the curse of the mummy.

I'll never hear
the end of this at work.

How did I get it?

Well, you went to Egypt recently
on an excavation, right?

Pulmonology will bronch her.
Give her 200 of Itra...

...Itra conazole BID

will help
with the oral steroids.

I work too much,
and that's why

I'm sick.

You'll be okay soon.

You know that song

"Don't it always seem to go

that you don't know
what you got till it's gone"?

Joni Mitchell.

The story
of my life.

I hate that song.


I spoke with Oncology.

I told them you'd
be up soon for
your injection.

You shouldn't have.

They're holding
a room for you.

I'm finished.
I've had enough.

Well, you go up now

and I'll drive you home.


Look, this isn't something
you decide by yourself

on the spur
of the moment.

This might be the last
important decision

I get to make.

You haven't given
it time to work,
Mark. Please.

I dropped an
ET tube today.

I couldn't wrap my
thumb around it.

That doesn't mean
the chemo's not working.

It's a game, Elizabeth.

I don't want to play.

Look, it's only
the second cycle.

This treatment
could prolong your life.

Maybe... for a
couple of months.

( choked up ):
Well, then,
give yourself that time.

Give it to me
and Ella.

Give it to Rachel.

Who knows what might happen?

We see patients here everyday

who were told that they
should have been dead long ago.

I need to be realistic.

You mean give up.

No, it's not giving up.

It's making a choice.

I'd rather have
two good months

than twice that, chained
to meds and-and needles

and I.V. stands,
stuck in a bed?

Sitting next to
other clock-watchers

being prodded and
small-talked to

by doctors and nurses...

All of them with that
look in their eye--

like you're already gone.

I don't want to
end it like that.


we can... we can look
into some-some new regimens.

We can... we can find
some alternative therapies

that we haven't heard about.

Uh, Mr. Seidel is awake.

I'll be right there.


There's no alternative.

Just dying the way
I've lived.

I'll see you at home.

I love you.

( inhaling deeply )

You ready?

I can do it.

It's not the easiest news
to give someone.

I know the job.

Mr. Seidel?

My old lady's waiting
with my daughter

at some burger joint,
so can we get this over with?

Uh, your presentation
is consistent

with metastatic cancer
of the prostate.


Are you sure?

Maybe you got it wrong.

Allansan never said
anything about cancer.

He may have overlooked it.

He always acted like
I was a hypochondriac.

He should have caught it.

Maybe we should call
your wife in here

before we start to
explain everything.

Tell me-- is it bad?

Possibly, it could be.

What, do I need, uh, uh,
chemotherapy, or an operation

or what?

I mean, it's not like
I'm going to die, right?

I could die?

We need to admit you
for tests.

The cancer appears to be
very advanced.

You need to prepare yourself
for the worst.

I know what
a shock this is...

and what must be going
through your mind right now.

You can't.

Yeah, I can.

I-I'll call his family.

( gasps )

( sighs )

Go in and
sit with him.

What did you say
to him?

It wasn't anything
I learned

from being a doctor.

No, no, no, no.

We need to keep
that in, okay?

I want to go!

It's wet out there,
it's raining.

It stopped.

I don't want
to be here.

Me either.

When can you get
him upstairs?

I'll call the telemetry unit.

Last serum ketones?

Still positive.

200cc's in the last hour.

I'll take it out.

You know I
know how.

Al? Al?

It's going
to become harder for you

to be able to take care
of yourself.

Do you have any family
you can go to?

No. There's nobody.

Then let me admit you.

You know I don't
like this place.

I don't belong here.

Whatever's going
to happen

I want it to
happen outside.



It'll be over
soon? Right?

Yeah, it will.

How much longer do
I have to sit here?!

Mrs. Raskin,
it's been a long time.

Well, the service isn't
what it used to be.

What's the trouble?

I have this hangnail,
and it is very painful.

I have a brain tumor,
and it's inoperable.


I win.

Over two hours.

Can somebody please see
my daughter?

Nurse will be
right with you.

I'm Dr. Greene.

Hi, Doctor.

No, it'll hurt, Daddy.

Oh, what'll hurt?

Katie's class
mythology project.

Why they let kids play
with wooden spears

I'll never know.

I like your

Can I put you
up here?


It hurts.

I know. I'll be gentle.

It's up,
under the nail.

She won't even let me near it.

Can I look?

I don't want a shot.

No, no, no, no.

No sh*ts, I promise.

Let's play a game.

Close your eyes, okay?


What do you see?

The sky.

What's up there?

Orion's belt.


He couldn't

beat the scorpion,
so he jumped into the sea.


Artemis put him
in the sky

where the scorpion
never gets him.

I didn't know that.


That didn't
hurt, did it?

Is it over?

It's all done.

Thank you, Katie.

What did I do?

You just became
my very last patient.

Shift over?


Thank you.

Haleh, can you give that
hangnail lady a cast shoe

sign her out, and tell her
to never come back?

If you say so.

Dr. Green?

I set up Seidel
for the biopsy

and his family's
on the way in.

Hey, I just
wanted to say

um, you know, I
learned a lot today.

come back tomorrow.

How's Pratt doing?

Uh, a little eager,
a little cocky.

( chuckles )

He should fit right in.

Think he'd want to take on
some extra shifts?

Pretty safe bet.

What about you?


How many shifts should I put
you down for next month?

Never let your work
become your life, Kerry.

Live a little.

No rest for the weary, Carter.

I've been on
since 4:00 a.m.

You leaving early?

Not early enough.

Fisher in the hall's
an alcoholic.

Took a fall,
knocked himself out.

Check the head CT
and road test him

before you
let him go.


Just your usual midweek party.

Chakarova has hives.

Got Prednisone, Benadryl...
feeling better.

Watch her for half an hour,
send her on her way.

Dispo's written.

Anybody actually sick?

Just the doctor.

Hey, did you see
the guy in Three?

Pacio, 56 years old, chest pain

ruled out going to medicine.

Got aspirin,
beta blockers

and an ace.

28 year old girl, LOC, fell
through a plate glass window.

Okay, just keep pressure
on that dressing.

Arterial bleeder
in the left forearm

is the worst of it.

Good night,
Dr. Greene.

B.P.'s 100/70.

Pulse 100.

So, EKG for Pacio?

Flipped T's in lateral leads

X Ray's clear.

Check his troponin,
and repeat EKG in ten minutes.

Stopped raining.


Clear sky.

I'm out of here.

You on tomorrow?

Your ball needs air.

It's not my ball.

You set the tone, Carter.


Work on your jump shot.
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