02x04 - Steady As She Goes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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02x04 - Steady As She Goes

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-Once upon a time,

A boy's popularity was
based on kickball abilities,

Pea-sh**ting range,

And how much of the
alphabet he could squeeze off

With one burp.

For the same boy to acquire

A comparable level of popularity

In junior high school...

He's gonna need a girl.

The ceremony rarely
strays from tradition.

Fully unprepared for
his certain someone

To be surrounded by
three giggling friends,

Boy grows thirsty
and proceeds to drink.

He will continue to drink
until the gaggle disperses

Or his stomach explodes...
Whichever comes first.

Girl, acutely aware
of boy's presence,

Warns her friends
that she will, in fact, die

If they abandon her.

To no avail.

She is forsaken, left
to yell a meaningless...

-You guys!

- After them

And tend to the business
of rearranging her locker.

Seeing his opportunity,

Boy prepares for final approach.

He takes one last breath
and lunges forward.

Girl feigns surprise.

-Oh, god! You scared me.

-And they engage in small talk.



-Feeling the full
weight of the moment,

Boy realizes that those three
gallons of fountain water

Have just funneled directly
to his palms, armpits, and feet.

-So, uh, how's it going?


How are you?

-Pretty good.

-That's... Good.

-Down to his final
wisps of saliva,

Boy decides that
the time has come

To... Quote-unquote...
"Pop the big one."

-You wanna go steady?


-And just like that, the
ceremony is complete...



- Leaving the newly
formed couple

With absolutely nothing
left to say to each other.

-Man, he looks like
he's ready to barf.

Why would anyone want
to go steady anyway?

-Don't ask me.

-What's so great
about going steady?

Personally, I'd
rather play the field.

-Yeah. I know what you mean.

-Paul was right.

You didn't want to get
tied down too early in life.

I mean, look at kirk mccray.

Winnie cooper had him wrapped
around her little finger.

Thank god I was a free man.

- Kevin?!
- Huh?

-I said, did you hear
about kirk and winnie?


-Well, supposedly,
they might break up.

I heard it from becky slater.

-So, who cares?

-I hear kirk thinks
winnie likes someone else.

-Big deal.

-Oh, great. Now he clams up.

What was he gonna
make me do? Ask him?

-So? Who does she like?

-I don't know.

Well, whoever it is,

It'll be a big step
down from kirk mccray,

I can tell you that.

I mean, he's like the coolest
guy in the whole school.

I don't know who she
thinks she's gonna get

Even half as good as he is,

Because he's like the top of...
- Paul...

You should really stop worrying
about winnie cooper's love life.

I mean, it's kind of pathetic.

-I was just saying.

-I'd been toyed
with too many times

To get excited about
one measly rumor.

Besides, paul and
I had plenty to do

Without girls
getting in the way.

-It's good.


-No way! Your finger's crooked!

-I'm going straight!

-Not that I don't
trust you or anything.

-These surfaces are too slick.

-Are you kidding?

These are the
best in the school.

-Competition. Accusations.

Common cruelty.

These were things we understood.

Why did it ever have to change?

-Hi, paul. Hi, kevin.

- Oh. Hi, becky.
- Hi, becky.

-You want to hear something?

-I don't care.

-I know someone who likes you.

-Big deal.

Well, who is it?

-Well, I can't tell
you her name,

But her initials are c.h.

- "C.h."



-Big mystery here.

"Carla healey,"

Who was the only
female in paul's life

Who wasn't a blood relative.

- "C.h."?

-If you're interested,

She'll be at the
skating rink tonight.

-Thanks. I'll keep it in mind.

-See you guys later.

- "C.h."

I wonder who that is?

Who cares?

-Yeah. Who cares?

-Yeah. Who cares?

So, you feel like
going skating tonight?

-♪ Yellow bird ♪

♪ Up high in banana tree ♪

♪ Yellow bird ♪

♪ You sit all alone like me ♪

♪ Did your lady friend
leave the nest again? ♪

-What's with you kids?

You forget how to
sing since yesterday?

All right, we'll do something
more contemporary.

Page six. "West side story."

-All's I'm saying is,

I think it would be
fun to go skating.

I hate skating.

Why don't we just go bowling?

-I'm sick of bowling.

All we ever do is
bowl, bowl, bowl.

-Do not.

-I'd rather get some
exercise, some fresh air.

-It's an indoor rink, paul.

-Come on, kevin.

-All right. This had
gone far enough.

It was time to do

What any red-blooded
12-year-old would do

When his buddy's about
to dump him for a girl...

t*rture him for it.

-Well, uh, what's
the matter, paul?

Wanna skate with carla healey?


-Well, I thought you
didn't like her anymore.

-I don't!

-Ohh. Well, you know,

I think you two
would look very cute

Skating across the ice.

-I'm not gonna skate
with carla healey.

I just think it's gonna be fun

If we go skating... That's all.

-It was hopeless.
He was a goner.

One lousy "I know
someone who likes you,"

And he's ready
to sell out our...

Hold the phone.
- ♪ Somewhere... ♪

-What have we here?

That was no "I'm glad
we're still friends" look.

That was "tony, tony,
take me, I'm yours!"

My god, it was...

A moment.

Maybe those rumors about
winnie and kirk were true.

-♪ ...halfway there ♪

Hold my hand ♪

♪ And I'll take you there ♪

♪ Somehow ♪

-♪ Someday ♪

-♪ Somewhe-e-e-re ♪

- ♪ Somewhe-e-e-e-e-re ♪
- ♪ somewhe-e-e-e-e-re ♪

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-What'd I tell ya?

-Well, one minute you're up,
the next minute you're down.

-How's it goin'?

-Just wonderful.
The time of my life.

-She's all over me.

-Paul, she doesn't
know how to skate.

-Well, what should I do?

-I don't care. Why
don't you just ask her?

-You could say that
I was being unfair,

But there were two hours
until mom came back to pick us up,

And I was losing the
best friend I ever had.

-You're not mad at me, are you?

-Mad? Why should I be mad?

Look, let's just skate, okay?

-Next song will be couples only.

Couples only.

All others please clear the ice.

-We'll do some tag
team later, okay?

-Well, that was the end of that.

I'd lost him... To a woman.

Whatever happened
to the pristine days

Of baseball cards
and loogie contests?

Since when did women
start to rule our lives?

-Hi, kevin!



-How come you
haven't been skating?

-Oh, i, uh,

I hurt my... Ankle.

-That's too bad.

-God, she looked beautiful.

-Where's mccray?

-Who knows?

-What was this tone?

Trouble in paradise?

-Something wrong?


I was gonna ask you something,

But I didn't know you were hurt.

-Uh, no, it... It's,
uh, not that bad.

It's feeling better already.

-Breathe deep, little man.
Here comes the big one.

-This is really embarrassing.

-Don't be embarrassed.

-Come to papa.


-Go ahead.

Do you want to

Do you want to skate...

With becky slater?


-This is so embarrassing.
Becky slater?

She kind of asked
me if I'd ask you.


Wait, I'm gonna fall!

-It's hard to describe
what I was feeling

At that moment in time.



Or was it more...

Intense hostility?!

Becky slater?!

Weeks of waiting
in the wings...
- Ohh!

- And all I get
is becky slater?!

I'll give you...
- Becky slater!


-Do you wanna go steady?


-Let's skate!

-♪ Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ♪

-My first steady girlfriend.

Well, I suppose you could say

That going steady
with becky slater

Had gotten me closer
to winnie cooper...

Although not quite
the way I'd pictured it.

-Did you hear about
susan and john rogers?

-What about?

Supposedly, susan thought
she saw john and gina together...

You know, like together...

But they weren't
together together.

They were just
studying together.

But susan might break up anyway.

-No way!

-I don't know.
That's what I heard.

-I-i can't believe it.

-She's been giving him
the silent treatment,

So he's been spending a
lot of time with jessica,

You know, like,
talking and stuff...

-Sitting there wedged
between my dream girl

And my significant other,

One thought kept rolling
back and forth in my mind...

"Dear god, what have I done?!"

I know!

-I didn't know this girl.

I didn't want to know this girl.

-Hey, kev-bo, check it out.

-Anyway, I couldn't believe it.

-Wayne, why don't you get off
your butt and help out a little?

-I put away the dishes.

-Oh, well, in that case,

Why don't I feed
you some grapes?

-Peel them if you would, please.



Kevin who?

-Gimme it, wayne.

-Oh, you mean
little kevin arnold?

Just one moment, please.


It's for you.
- Wayne!

-Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot
to ask who's calling.

May I ask who's calling?

Becky slater?

Oh, just one moment.

Let me see if he'll
take your call.


- Wayne!
- It's your girlfriend.



Yeah. Yeah.

Look, I gotta go.

I'm eating dinner.


- Bye.
- Becky slater?

Is that the slater
family on elm street?

-Here we go.

Serve up my love life

For a little dinner

-Honey, remember the slaters?

We met 'em last
fall at the pta fair.

Uh, barney slater?

-Oh. Tire business, right?


Little becky slater, huh?

She's a cute one, kevin.

-Why do mothers
always feel at liberty

To discuss your love
life at the dinner table?

Probably the same reason

They feel it their business

To check the
crotch of your pants

In the middle of a
crowded clothing store

And say, "plenty
of room in there."

-Maybe he doesn't want
to talk about it, mom.

-It's no big deal.

-Now, kevin, I wouldn't
call going steady

"No big deal."

- Going steady?
- Mom!

-Do kids still give each
other i.d. Bracelets?


No, we don't.

Any other questions?

-Whatever happened
to winnie cooper?

I thought you were...

-Look, I said it
was no big deal!

She's just a stupid girl
that I met at the skating rink!

And I didn't even
know her. Okay?

She's just one
of winnie cooper's

Stupid little friends,

And I'm gonna break up with
her as soon as I get the chance!


Are you all satisfied now?

Um, would you pass
the potatoes, please?

-Ha ha ha!


Nah nah nah nah nah nah.

-Well, it seemed simple
enough in theory.

I'd just k*ll off
the relationship

Before it got out of hand.

And yet I couldn't seem to
find the appropriate time.

It was always one
thing or another.

-♪ The thrill is gone ♪

♪ The thrill is gone away ♪

♪ The thrill is gone, baby ♪

♪ The thrill is gone away ♪

♪ You know you
done me wrong, baby ♪

-Before I knew it,

Becky and I had been going
steady for a full week.

That's nearly six
months in adult years.

-What'll it be, kids?

-I'll have a coke
and some fries.

-I'll just have some of his.


This chick was gettin' in deep!

First she splits your
fries. Next thing you know,

She'll be moving her
textbooks into your locker.


Is something wrong?

-What do you mean?

-I don't know.

It's like we don't talk anymore.

- "Anymore"?

This was the first
conversation we'd ever had.

-Are you mad at me or something?


Not really.

I don't know.

-Don't be a coward.

Break it off clean.

One shot behind the ear.

She won't feel a thing.

-I'm really glad
we're going steady.

Winnie! Over here!
- Look, becky, we have to talk.

-Hi, you guys.

Have you seen kirk around?

I was supposed to meet him here.

-I don't think he's here.

Why don't you sit with us?

-I don't know.

-Hey, hey. What's this?

The physical contact
too much to take?

-I don't think I should.

But if you guys see kirk,

Will you tell him that
I'm looking for him?

-No sweat.

Right, becky?


-Sure you don't want some fries?

-No, thanks.

I'm not hungry.

-Well, take this...

And this.

-You guys make a
really cute couple.

-Boy, was she steamed.

Not the same without
little kevin arnold

To kick around anymore, is it?

-Anybody home?


-I asked if you like
ketchup on your fries.

-Sure. Whatever you like.

-You're so weird sometimes.

-I knew it was despicable,

But I couldn't stop thinking
about all the possibilities.

Becky and I sharing a carton
of milk in front of winnie.

Walking past her locker

With our hands in each
other's back pockets.

Maybe even a well-timed
smooch out by the buses.

-Hi, guys.

-I'm really sorry, kevin.


-You must feel so
terrible about it.

It's just so...
- What?

-You mean you don't know?


-Oh, god. Me and my big mouth.


-Paul? You'd better tell him.

- Me?
- Paul!

Becky slater is
breaking up with you.


She's breaking up with me?

-Oh, god. We didn't
mean to tell you.

-We thought everybody knew.

-Hey, arnold. Tough
luck about slater.

-Hey, I didn't even like her!

Who was that guy?

-Kev, look. There's
other fish in the sea.

-I can't believe this.

How could she break up with me?

-Kevin, you really
can't blame her.

I mean, it's so obvious.
- What?

-That you still
like winnie cooper.


-Well, that did it.

I had had it up to here
with winnie cooper.

It was time to
lay it on the line,

To force her hand.

I was just gonna
walk right up to her

And ask her once and for all

What was going on
with her and kirk mc...

And so it finally happened.

My poor 12-year-old
heart finally crumbled

Into a little pile of
dust and blew away.

It was over.

I was never gonna get her back.

It was time for a
little self-respect.

It was time to let
go. Time to move on.

After all, who needed
women? Who needed friends?

I'd just walk alone from now on.

Yep, that was
me, kevin arnold...

Lone wolf.

There was just one
loose end I had to tie up.

-For your information, I
don't like winnie cooper.

-Tell me about it.

-All right. I used to like her.

But I don't anymore!

-Yeah, sure.

-I don't!

-Do you like me?

-I don't even really know you.

-Well, I don't know
you, and I like you.

-It was just this whole
stupid "going steady" thing.

I didn't even want to go steady.

-Well, then, why did you
ask me in the first place?

-I don't know...


Great. There goes my bus.

-Standing there,
alone with becky,

I felt a warmth,

An attraction, a
tenderness for another girl

For the first time since
I'd lost winnie cooper.

-You're such a jerk!

Thanks for nothing!


How are you gonna get home?

-How do you think?

-Well, do you want
me to walk with you?

It's on the way and stuff.

-Don't do me any favors.


I want to.

-♪ Tonight you're mine ♪

♪ Completely ♪

♪ You give your love ♪

♪ So sweetly ♪

♪ Tonight ♪

♪ The light ♪

♪ Of love is in your eyes ♪

♪ But will you love me ♪

♪ Tomorrow? ♪
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