02x11 - Nemesis

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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02x11 - Nemesis

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-In junior high school,

There were days when
you felt like nothing

Was worth getting
out of bed for.

But then you remembered...

-♪ I've got sunshine... ♪

- You were going to see her.

-♪ ...on a cloudy day ♪

-Your day was gonna
have all these moments...

-♪ When it's cold outside... ♪

- Moments that were
full of possibility,

When you were
sure that something...

Something was going to happen.
- Kevin?

-And then there were the moments

That made you really, really...

-♪ My girl ♪

- Nervous.

-"Hell hath no fury
like a woman scorned."

What do you think the
poet is trying to say?

-I don't know why,

But ever since I'd broken
up with becky slater,

I felt uneasy whenever I
saw her and winnie together.

-Throughout literature,

We see images of women
as avenging harpies

Driven by mad fits
of jealous rage.

In greek mythology,
there's aphrodite,

Whose insane jealousy of
helen of troy triggered a w*r

Which led thousands of men
to gruesome, agonizing deaths.

-I started to think...

A dumpee could really do a
lot of damage to a dumpster.

A girl like becky
slater could...

-But is this a fair
portrayal of women?

Or does it say something about
men's fears and insecurities?

-I don't think
women are like that.

I think most women, when
their feelings are hurt,

Just get really sad.

-God, she was beautiful.

And she was right.

I wasn't being
fair to poor becky.

After all, I was the
one who had hurt her.

And the sad thing
was, I liked becky.

I really did.

We'd really had some
laughs together.

-So we were at the dance, right?

And paul... You should see paul.

He's doing the swim
with carla, you know?

Only he's so nervous, he's
swimming like a sea-monkey.

He's like "whoo," "wuh."

And then carla, you know,
she's, like, standing there,

Like, staring at him,

And she's dancing like one
of her feet has fallen asleep,

But she can't decide
which one, so she's like,

"Well, is it this one
or maybe this one?

Or this one?"

-She's like dancing in jello.

She's like "wooh."

Kirk mccray. He's
the best. Okay. Here.

"Hi. I'm kirk mccray.

"I'm gonna dance. I have
to be very, very careful.

"'Cause if I move too fast,

"Girls have been
known to drop dead

"Right down on our dance floor.


"Ooh. There goes another one.

Sorry, pretty baby."


-Oh, and then there's winnie.

There's always winnie, you know?

She's like the
ultimate miss priss.

She walks up to you like this.

"Hi, kevin. Hi, paul."

You want to look at her and say,

"What's the matter, winnie?

Forget to take the
hanger out of your shirt?"


-Oh, and then when she dances,

It's like "the bride of
the mummy does the pony."

You know, she's all...

Kevin, you're so mean!

-Whoa-boy. I guess
it was sort of mean.

Some of those remarks
were the kind of things

That might look
bad out of context.

-Why do you think the
scorned lover seeking revenge

Is such a recurrent
theme in literature?

-I think revenge is just
a natural part of life.

When someone does
something bad to you,

You feel like doing something
even worse back to them.

It's just normal.

-Hey, winnie?


-How was your day?


-Well, just okay
fine or good fine?

-I don't know. It was fine.

-Oh, good.

-This was not good.

Winnie was giving me
the cold shoulder.

I had a bad feeling becky
had told her something.

-Winnie... Did becky
say anything about me?

-Like what?

-Uh, nothing.

I don't know. Did she?


- You sure?
- Yeah.

-Well, then, what's the matter?

-Hold these.



-I think I'm sick.

-Oh, you're sick!

-It was great! She was sick!

Becky hadn't told her anything!

-That's terrible.

-You should probably go.

-Well, do you need anything?

Uh, do you want anything to eat?


No, I'm not hungry.

-Well, your mom's not here.
Who's gonna take care of you?

-Don't bounce.


You got a fever, all right.

Uh, I'm gonna stay here
until your mom gets back.

Come on. Let's get
you under the covers.

-But I don't want
you to get sick.

-Don't worry. I
never catch the flu.

Okay, what else do you need?

You want me to turn the
radio on or something?


- Yeah?

-I have this... This quilt

That, you know, my grandma
made when I was little.

-You have a blankie?

-It's not a
blankie. It's a quilt.

It's very warm, and I always
use it when I'm sick, and...

-Oh, oh, I understand.

These things are very important.

So where is this blankie?
- In the closet.

It's on the top shelf.

-♪ ...what can make
me feel this way? ♪

♪ My girl ♪

♪ My girl ♪

♪ My girl ♪

♪ Talking 'bout my girl ♪



-Sitting there with
winnie, I felt electrified.

Something was about to happen.

Something big.


-Wow! What a look!

She was making my knees sweat!




-I think...

I think...


-I'm gonna throw up!

-♪ ...make me feel this way ♪

♪ My girl ♪

♪ My girl ♪

♪ My girl ♪

-Yes! This was going great!

-♪ My girl ♪

-It was a magnificent
stroke of luck.

Winnie was sick for a week.

I brought her her
homework assignments.

I took care of her.

I entertained her.

-♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

-We were closer
than we'd ever been.

And I was happier
than I'd ever been.

-Chapters five and six,

And answer the study questions
at the end of each chapter.

-Mm-hmm. How's winnie doing?

-Well, she's nauseous,
she aches all over,

And she's running a
temperature of a 101!


-Things were perfect.

-Hi, kirk.


-Hi, carla.



I had to patch
things up with becky.

I wanted the whole world
to be as happy as I was.

-Hi, becky.

I just wanted to let you know

That I'm really sorry things
worked out the way they did.

But I'm really glad
we're friends now.

I really am.

And I just want you to know

That i... I think you're great.

Really great.


-Oh, you know, um,

Winnie wanted me to
say hi to you if I saw you.

She's still sick, you know?

-Oh, I know. The poor thing.

I'm gonna stop by and visit her

On my way home
from school today.

-Great! That's really great!

Maybe I'll see you there.


- S-see ya!
- See ya.

-What a girl!

I'd completely misjudged her.

She wasn't holding
a grudge against me.

She was my friend.

I had so many friends.

-Sea-monkey? You think I
dance like a sea-monkey?


-What is that supposed to mean,

I dance like a sea monkey?

-Paul, I didn't call
you a sea-mon...

Well, okay. Fine.

I called you a
sea-monkey. But i...

-Funny, kevin. You're
a real laugh riot!

-Carla, you know how
sometimes you say silly things

That you don't really mean?

-Like some people look
like they're dancing in jello?

-Yeah, that would be one.


-What's your point, arnold?
You think I'm stuck up?

-No, I mean, i...

-Let's just get out
of here, you guys.

We don't need to hang
around somebody like this.

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

-Aw, come on, you
guys. You guys!

-You know maybe I'd been
wrong again about becky slater.

Maybe she did hate me.

Maybe my love for
winnie had blinded m...

Oh, no. Winnie!

Becky was on her way over there!

Hell hath no fury
like a woman scorned.

-Oh. Sorry, bobby.

-I walk like a duck?


I mean, could we
talk about this later?

-Boy, these people were touchy.

Uh-oh. Donna holton.

Did i, uh... No, I never
said anything about her.

-I sing like a frog?

-Except that.

-Of course not.

You can't believe
everything you hear, donna.

Sorry, I gotta run.


-I never realized I'd
slammed so many people.

-My locker smells
like a stockyard?

-I'm gonna miss
my bus, so, uh...

-Boy, you get on a roll and...


-I drive like an
old woman, huh?!

-Geez, a little
constructive criticism,

And the guy flies off the han...

Wait a minute. Becky. Becky.

Becky was on her
way to winnie's!

-Wait! Hey!

Hey, wait a second!

Wait a minute! Hello!

Wait! Hey!

-Okay. Okay.

If I could just get to winnie's
before becky had a chance to...

What did I say anyway?

"Little miss priss."
That's not so bad.

A little something

About forgetting to take
the hanger out of her shirt?

Great. Great.

No sign of beck...

Oh, man!

-Winnie, I don't know
what becky told you,

But whatever it
is, it's not true.

- Are you saying becky's a liar?
- Well, no, but...

-Because becky's my friend
and I wouldn't want anybody

To say anything bad
about her if it weren't true.

-Well, well, no, it's just...

-You know, some people think

That if you can't say
something nice about someone

You shouldn't
say anything at all.

-Winnie, listen.

-You know, kevin,

I just never would have
thought that you could be...

That kind of person.

-Ohh! Not "that kind of person."

-Winnie, it was
just a stupid joke.

I mean, I didn't even mean it.

Really, I didn't.

I mean, you know
me better than that.

It was just to be funny.

Haven't you ever said
something mean about somebody

Just to be funny?

-Uh, I guess not.

Look, winnie. I'm sorry.

I'm really, really sorry.

I'm really...


-That was it. I'd hang
my head in shame.

I'd lay my heart right
there on her blankie.

She'd have to forgive me.

-Well, don't tell
me you're sorry.

Tell paul and carla and kirk.


-I just know if you'd said
something like that about me,

I'd be really mad at you.

-What did you say?

-I said, "if you'd said
something like that about me,

I'd be really mad."


-This was weird.

Becky had told winnie
everything I'd said

About everybody except her.

But I wasn't gonna
spend my teen years

Waiting for the
other shoe to drop.

I was gonna have
it out with her.

Nothing was gonna get in my way.


Certainly not my best
friend in the whole world,

Whom I'd ridiculed
and treated shabbily,

Who was sulking
around my locker,

Trying his hardest
not to look like

He was giving me the
chance to make it up to him.


-I don't want to talk to you!

-Paul, look, I know I
hurt your feelings,

And I'm really, really sorry.

And I'm gonna make it up
to you really, really soon.

-I said I don't want
to talk to you!

Anybody who could
be so mean and...

Hey, where are you going?!

-Oh, I'm gonna be right back,

And then you can be as
mean to me as you want.

-Hey, wait a minute!

Fine, go!

All right.

Come on. Come on.

Slam me.

-Just forget it.

- No, come on. Lay into me.
- No!

-Paul, I was mean to you.
Now you be mean to me.

Imitate me. Make fun of me.

-Who wants to imitate you?

-All right, fine.
I'll imitate myself.



-Well, it's hard.

Can't really think of
anything I do stupid.

-Oh, yeah, right!

Try the way you look, the
way you talk, the way you walk!


-You have those
stupid chipmunk cheeks!

And your hair?

You look like you're
wearing a cat on your head!

-See? That wasn't so hard.

-And let's face it... You're
not exactly mr. Coordination!

You couldn't catch a football
if your life depended on it!

-Mm-hmm. Great.

-And that stupid jacket!

You've never been to
a jets game in your life!


- I hate the way you sing!
- All right, paul.

-Let me tell you,
your breath is not...

-All right, paul!

So are we still friends?

-Well, why would I want
to be friends with a guy

Who wears a cat on his head?

-I gotta go.

-Hey, wait!

We haven't even
scratched the surface yet!

We could spend the rest
of the day on your chin!

-Hey, slater!

-As I approached my nemesis,

A million thoughts
raced through my mind.

Who was becky slater?

What did she want?

Why did she have to
have such a good memory?

I felt sort of like
clint eastwood

Confronting my mortal enemy.



-Well, that was about the
extent of my clint eastwood.

Let's face it, if you're
not gonna sh**t somebody

In a situation like this,

All you can really
do is complain.

-Why are you spreading all those
stories about me all over school?

-I never said anything
that wasn't true.

-Well, you know,

Some people think that if
you can't say something nice,

Then you shouldn't
say anything at all.

-Oh, great. Suddenly
you're mr. Nice guy.

Well, excuse me. I didn't know.

Look, becky, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry that we broke up. I'm
sorry about the whole thing.


Are you sorry you just
used me to get to winnie?

Are you sorry you just
pretended to like me the whole time

When you really just liked her?

'Cause, you know, I really think

That's a terrible
thing to do to a person.


I really liked you.

I really like you a lot.

-Well, whoop-de-do.

-Well, what do
you want me to say?

Does it make you feel better
making my life miserable?

-Yes, it does.

-So, what are you gonna do?

Go around and make
everyone hate me forever?


If you got some horrible disease

Or got into a
really bad accident,

I'd probably stop.

-Oh, good. Something
to look forward to.

Look, just tell me one thing...

Why didn't you tell winnie
what I said about her?

Or are you just waiting
for the perfect moment

To completely ruin my life?

-What kind of person
do you think I am?

-A vengeful harpy driven
by mad fits of jealous rage.

-I mean, winnie's my friend.

I would never tell
her anything like that.

It would hurt her too much.

-So you mean you're
not gonna tell her?

-Of course not.

-At that moment,

I found myself
wishing it was possible

To like two girls
at the same time.

Winnie would always
be the love of my life,

But that becky was
really something.

Sure, she had her flaws,
but you know what?

The girl had heart.

-Of course...

I told paul and carla
and kirk and eric

And wendy and cindy and kathy...

Well, kathy bedlow
and kathy sifuentes...

And tony and bob and sheila

And nancy and tom and
beth and that whole group

And rodney the janitor and...

-My head started to spin

With the implications
of what becky was saying.

Suddenly, I felt
really, really...


-Mom, I feel terrible.

-I know you do, sweetheart.

-It's not the flu.

I said some stuff about
some people at school.

And then they all
found out what I said,

And now everyone hates me.

-Well, honey, it
can't be that bad.

- It is.
- What'd you say?

-Well, I said that bobby
jensen walks like a duck.

-Oh, well, come on.
That's not so terrible.

-And that paul dances
like a sea-monkey.

-You said that?

-And winnie walks around

Like she forgot to take
the hanger out of her shirt.

-That's not nice.

-Everybody's gonna hate me.

-I could see the thoughts
forming in my mother's mind.

Things like, "well,
you made your bed,

Now you're gonna
have to lie in it."


We all make mistakes.

I think your friends
will forgive you.

You want me to bring you the tv?



-I felt so much
better, I wanted to cry.

How bad could I be?

My mother still loved me.

But from now on, I'd
be a better person.

If I didn't have
anything nice to say,

I wouldn't say anything at all.

If only winnie would...

-Kevin, there's someone
here to see you.



-I hope you didn't
catch the flu from me.

-Hey, I knew the risks.

-Very cool.

Before you bend steel
with your bare hands,

You might want to
lose mr. Snuffles there.

-Well, I'll leave you two alone.

- "Miss priss"?!


- "Bride of the mummy"?!

-Winnie, it was just a joke!

-A joke?! I'll show you a joke!

"Hi, I'm kevin arnold.

"And I'm really nice
to people's faces,

And then I cut them
down behind their backs!"

Oh, are you sick?

Here, I'll take care of you!

- Winnie...
- What's the matter?

Stomach feeling a
little queasy, is it?

Feels like the least little
thing might set it off?

-Winnie, please.

-Maybe I should get
you something to eat!

How about some cole slaw?


- Fried squid?!
- Winnie!

-Oh, you poor thing,
you're not comfy!

-Let me fix your pillows!

Oh, you have fever.
You're burning up!

That's okay. I'll help you.

Poor baby. Now you're cold!

Well, here's your blankie!

-I guess that's when it hit me.

Winnie wasn't going to
forgive me for the things I'd said.

It could only mean one thing.

She wanted me bad!

-♪ I've got sunshine ♪

♪ On a cloudy day ♪

♪ When it's cold outside ♪

♪ I've got the month of may ♪

♪ I guess you'd say ♪

♪ What can make
me feel this way? ♪

♪ My girl ♪

♪ My girl ♪

♪ My girl ♪

♪ Talkin' 'bout my girl ♪
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