02x12 - Fate

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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02x12 - Fate

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

- ♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa, yeah ♪
- ♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

-♪ Born under a bad sign ♪

♪ I've been down since
I began to crawl ♪

♪ If it wasn't for bad luck ♪

♪ I wouldn't have
no luck at all ♪

-Beat it, squirt.

-But that's my locker.

-Not anymore.

-Eddie pinetti.

The scourge of rfk junior high.

He gave new meaning
to the word "mean."

Not that eddie had
any particular reason

For being rude,
insensitive, and sadistic.

It was just kinda
who he was... A bully.

-♪ I've been down
since I began to crawl ♪

-Eddie was a force of nature...

Like tornadoes or
flash electrical fires.

Or fate.

That was it... Fate.

Maybe I knew even
before it happened

That I had an
appointment with destiny.

But destiny has many faces.

-Hey, wake up, huh?


-I was more in love
with winnie than ever.

And I knew she was
feeling something, too.

-Boy, she really hates you.

-She doesn't hate
me. She's just mad.

-No. She told carla
she hates you.

-She really said that?

-She said she never wanted
to see your face again.

Hey, I'm just being honest.

-I better go talk to her.

-I'm telling you, she hates you.

-Yeah. You said that.

-Okay, so winnie and I had
had a misunderstanding.

Maybe I acted badly.

But wishing she'd
never seen my face?

I don't think so.

-Beat it.


-You heard me.

Make like the wind.


Only one thing to do...
Turn on the innocence.

-Winnie, why are
you so mad at me?

-Okay, okay. Don't worry.

Just keep up that sheepish
"what did I do?" Look,

And her heart will melt
like so much wet jello.

-Don't try to fool me, kevin.

You've changed.

You talk behind people's backs.

You're just not a nice person.

Now, leave me alone.

-Wait a minute...
Not a nice person?

Not a nice person?

-I am too a nice person!


-Ha? Ha?!

-The root causes of w*r.

Who can name a few?


- "Not a nice person."

That phrase rang in
my head like a gong.

How could she say that?

More important, how could I
convince her she was wrong?


The root causes
of w*r. Name one.

-I think a... A... A root
cause of w*r is, uh...


You know, w*r starts when
people don't understand each other.

Or... Or when they hear
f-false information.

Or... Or something like that.

-You're referring to,
say, different cultures?


-Hey, I was cookin' here.

I was sounding
philosophical, smart... Nice.

-Elaborate, please.

-Well, say there's this
culture that's good.

And there's this second
culture that's also good.

But then this third
culture comes along

And tells the first culture

That the second culture
said something bad about them,

When they didn't really mean it.

And then, when the second
culture tries to apologize,

The first culture
won't even listen to 'em.

And pretty soon,

Everything gets misunderstood
and out of control!

And it's not fair because...

-Mr. Arnold.

-I was in a bad mood.

I'd been laughed at, mocked.

My self-image was
getting tarnished.

And that's where eddie
pinetti stepped in... Like fate.


That's winnie's locker.

-True, it was winnie's locker.

However, you'd
have to be a moron

To point that out to eddie.


-Hey! Pinetti!

That's not your locker!

-No kidding.


I said that's not your locker.


-So... So you...
Shouldn't go in it, then.

That's all.

I shouldn't, huh?

-Uh... No.

-So in other words, you
have a problem with this?

-Well, uh...

-Now, at this point,
all I had to do was say,

"Nice talkin', eddie" and split.

No harm done. Right?

-Yeah, I got a problem.

-I give up.

-Sure do.

You know what
your problem is? Me.

-Well, no turning back now.

Time to test the old theory...

Stand up to a bully,
and he'll back down.

-I'm not afraid of you.

-Yes, you are.


-I never thought I'd be
happy to see mr. Diperna.

-What's going on here?


-Uh, we... We were just talking.

-Just talking?

-Okay, things were
under control now.

If he'd just leave
well enough alone...


I'm getting pretty damn
sick and tired of you.

-Maybe you should apologize.


-What was he doing?!

-Apologize to arnold.

-Uh, r-really.

T-t-that... That's not
necessary, because...

-Apologize, eddie.
Say you're sorry.

-I'm sorry, arnold.

-I could feel his
eyes, like hot coals.

-Doesn't that
feel better, eddie?

All right, everybody,
back to business.

I'll be keeping an eye on you.

Both of you.

-Then it was over.

It happened so fast, I hardly
had time to think about why.

All I knew was, eddie was
definitely not feeling better.

-Are you crazy?
Eddie pinetti is a k*ller.

He removes tonsils
with his bare hands.

He does eye surgery.

-I know.

-So why'd you do it?

-I didn't do it. It...
It just happened.

-And that was true, kinda.

-Well, there's only
one thing for you to do.

You got to give him money.


-Hey, I heard that
works. I'll even pitch in.

-Paul, I'm not gonna do that.

-Well, you don't think he's just
gonna forget about it, do you?

-Paul was making sense.

Maybe I had acted
a little hastily.

But wait a minute.
What was this?

All over the room, kids
were looking in my direction.

Even winnie.

So she'd heard about the
great defense of the locker.


-Hi, carla!


Is it true?

-About what?

-About eddie.

-Well, yeah.

-Oh, god.

-Yep, the news was spreading.

And the ice was
definitely melting.

Maybe I'd just take a little
stroll over there and...

- Kevin.
- What?

Look who's here.

-Guess who.

-It's eddie.



-The door was open, so I
thought I'd pay you a little visit.

You know, I've been
thinking about you, arnold.


-Thinking I'm gonna remove
your tonsils with my bare hands.

- Yeah, I was just
telling him that.
- Shut up.

You're scared, aren't you?

-Scared? Me? Nah!


-Even though my
feet were sweating

And my cheek was
starting to twitch.


-Everybody was watching.

I had to do something. So I did.

- Oh, man.
- Oh, man.




Aren't you in the wrong room?

-Later, arnold. When
diperna's not around.

You're gonna be... Glue.

-Nice. Nice image.

-I can't believe you did that!

-Neither could i. But I had.

So maybe there was a reason,

Some kind of message in it all.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

-Paul, what's he doing with her?

-We don't know, we don't care.

-But, paul, the guy's putting
his hands all over her!

-Even worse, she
seemed to like it!

This didn't make
sense... Unless...

-Carla, what's
going on with them?

-You mean winnie and eddie?

- "Winnie and eddie."

The sound of it
made my heart sink.

-They've been going
out since last week.

Didn't you know that?

-But why?

-I don't know.
Because she likes him.

-And suddenly I heard the
tumblers clicking into place.

-Holy cow.

-Suddenly, I
understood everything.

The reason, the
message fate had sent me

Loud as a brass band.

The message that said...

-Face it.

You're doomed.

-I don't want to talk to you!

-You have to talk to me.

-Give me one good reason.

-Eddie pinetti.

-What about him?

-Winnie, he's a... A-a-a goon!

A maniac!

-No, he's not.
He's a nice person.


-He's just misunderstood.

-Look, winnie, this guy
could really hurt you.

-You mean you. That's
what you're worried about.

-All right, then... Me
and you. Both of us.

-W-well, you started
it. Eddie told me.

-Now, that was a picture.

I could see the tears

Running down his cute
little pockmarked cheeks.

-And besides, he's not
gonna hurt anybody.

-But I don't get it. I mean,
what do you see in him?

-Well, he's honest.

And at least he doesn't talk
about people behind their backs.

And I really don't think this is
any of your business anymore.

Goodbye, kevin.

-Well, I was on my own now.

And who knew? Maybe
winnie was right.

Maybe eddie really
was misunderstood.


I understood him just fine.

-Where you been, arnold?

I haven't seen you around
the last couple days.

-Uh... W-well, I've
been kind of busy.

Haven't i, paul?

-I-i can vouch for
that personally.


-You know, it seems like
you've been avoiding me.

Is that so?

-That was totally untrue.

I'd simply found a
new route to school.

And a new locker.

In a broom closet
on the second floor.

-Look, uh, could we talk?

-About what?

-I think he wants
to give you money.

Right, kev?


-Um, well, i-i've been
kind of in a bad mood,

And, um, i-i was wondering

If we could forget
about the whole thing.

-Well, this was encouraging.

An appeal to reason,
and eddie was responding.

-You want to
forget about it, huh?

-Uh, yeah.

If... If it's okay with you.

-And for just a moment,

A look of respect
crossed eddie's face.

Mutual respect.


-I'd never been hit before...
I mean really, really hit.

And you know what?

It hurt. Really, really, hurt.

-Eddie pinetti never forgets.

Think about it, arnold.

You know something?

Winnie cooper was
right. He really is a jerk.

Hey, kevin, are you okay?


-But I wasn't.

And not just
because of the punch.

Had winnie really said that?

Aw, heck.

-Hey, come on. It's not so bad.

Look on the bright side.

I think maybe you hurt his fist.

-Honey, you're not eating.

-I'm not hungry.

-Even if I had been,

No way I was gonna
take on an ear of corn

With a busted jaw.

-But you love corn on the cob.

-I'll take it.

-Thank god so far no one
had even noticed my souvenir.

With a little luck...

-Uh, kevin...

What's that on your face?

-Oh, um, it...
It... It's nothing.

-Looks like a huge hickey.

-It's not.

-Kevin, what is that?

-Yeah, what the hell is that?

-It... It's nothing. Really.

-Eddie... Heh-heh... Pinetti.

- Who's eddie pinetti?
- Wayne.

-Well, he's this guy
in the eighth grade

Who rips out kids'
tonsils with his bare hands.


-Kevin picked a fight with him.

-I did not!

-That's what I heard.

-Kevin, he hit you?

-Look, mom, i-it's no big deal.

-He hit you?

-Kids today. They're animals.

-Wait a minute, wait a minute.

I want to know
what's going on here.

I want to know now.

-Dad meant business.

And the truth is,

At that moment, I
really needed him.


-Go on, tell him.

Tell him you're
in over you head.

-Well, s-see there's this kid.

-That's it... There's this
kid who's twice your size,

And you're afraid.

-And there was this fight.

-And there's gonna
be more of 'em

Unless somebody does
something to stop it.

Go on, tell him.

-And... That's all.

I-it's over.

-It's over?



-I guess I was hoping
he'd see through me,

See I was lying
through my teeth,

See a scared little
kid who didn't have a...

-Well, then...

If it's over, it's over.


That's what I said.

-♪ What you want ♪

-The next few days were
about as fun-filled as they come.

- ♪ What you need ♪
- ♪ ooh ♪

- ♪ You know I got it ♪
- ♪ ooh ♪

- ♪ All I'm asking ♪
- ♪ ooh ♪

-♪ Is for a little respect
when you come home ♪

- ♪ Just a little bit ♪
- ♪ hey, baby ♪

-♪ Just a little bit ♪

-You had to hand
it to old eddie.

He really had a sense of humor.

-♪ I ain't gonna do you
wrong while you're gone ♪

♪ Ain't gonna do you wrong ♪
- ♪ ooh ♪

- ♪ 'Cause I don't want to ♪
- ♪ ooh ♪

- ♪ All I'm asking ♪
- ♪ ooh ♪

-♪ Is for a little respect
when you come home ♪

- ♪ Just a little bit ♪
- ♪ baby ♪

-The worst thing was, I
was beginning to accept it.

-♪ Just a little bit ♪

-♪ R-e-s-p-e-c-t ♪

♪ Find out what it means to me ♪

♪ R-e-s-p-e-c-t ♪

♪ Take care... Tcb ♪

-I didn't like myself much.

-♪ Sock it to me, sock it to
me, sock it to me, sock it to me ♪

-♪ Whoa, yeah ♪

-Well, you got to do something.

Maybe you can learn jujitsu.
My uncle knows jujitsu.

-Oh, great. Then let
your uncle fight eddie.

-I was just trying to help.

-I know.

-Hey, listen.

For what it's worth,
I'm with you all the way.

-Good old paul.
A friend in need.

-It's just that I only have
this one pair of glasses and...

-I understood. This
wasn't paul's problem.

Besides, I was getting
used to the idea

Of life without
tonsils, without pride.

Without winnie.

Stop that!


-And then...

- Cut it out.
- Fate took one final turn.

-Stop it!

Cut it out, eddie! Knock it off!

-Come on, you like it!

-I don't like it!

-I didn't like it much either.

Even though it was really
none of my business anymore.

-Come on, let's
go. She's okay now.

-But on the other hand...


- What did I have to lose?

-Hey, look who's here.

It's the twerp!

-Except parts of my body.

-What's the matter, arnold?

You need another
delivery of jockstraps?

-Okay, very funny, pinetti.

-Eddie didn't know it,
but I'd formed a plan.


-Eddie and I were gonna have

A little talk about fairness.

About right behavior.

About chivalry.

Hey! Come on!

-But then...

Something inside me...


-From deep inside,
I felt... Rage.

Not just for me,
but for every kid

Who'd ever been picked
on, humiliated, bullied.

For every kid who'd
gone home ashamed.

I put every shred of
dignity and self-respect I had

Into that punch.

Unfortunately, my aim was bad.

Even more unfortunately,
eddie's wasn't.

-Those next 10 minutes
were kind of a blur.

-Still, as eddie worked out

His deep-seated
feelings of inadequacy,

I began to realize something.

Sooner or later,
this would be over...

- Hit him, eddie!
- And I would survive.

-Stop it! Leave him alone!

-You're pathetic, you know that?

-Maybe. But I was a nice guy.

-Let's go.

-Can you move?


-Kevin. Are you all right?

-Does it matter?

-You're all such jerks.

-So I guess winnie
finally forgave me.

-So... Are you guys
gonna help me up?

You know, I think I'm gonna
need a little help getting home.

Did you really tell
eddie I was a jerk?

-Maybe. But I was mad.

-Well, so, now we're even.

I mean, uh, i-i did something
wrong and stupid,

And now you did something
wrong and stupid back.


-I don't know what
you're talking about.

-Well, rome wasn't
built in a day.

-It's fate, winnie.


-Never mind.
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