06x14 - Little Ricky Gets A Dog

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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06x14 - Little Ricky Gets A Dog

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning.

Hi, honey.
Oh, hi.

Say, I'm going to the market pretty

You want to go with me?

I can't, I have to take care of

Little Ricky's little friends.

Lucy, it looks like you're running a
pet shop.

Oh, you're telling me.

Every morning I have to change the

in Alice and Phil's cage,

I have to feed Tommy and Jimmy their
turtle food,

and I have to water their little palm

I have to tidy up the cigar box for


He's the frog.

And I have to change the water for
Mildred and Charles.

I wonder if this is the way Osa
Johnson started.

Come on, Mildred, come, dear.


Come, Mildred.

Sweetheart, there we are.

Hey, girl, you're pretty good at

Well, Mildred's easy, Charles is the

Oh, Charles, come, dear.





I see what you mean.

I have several different techniques I
work with him.

Sometimes I sneak up on him.

(stomps loudly)

And then again, I just act

you know, sort of stroll away, and,


And then when I think

he's off his guard, I just...


Listen, let me borrow your hairnet.

Oh, no, you don't.

Aw, come on, I'll buy you a new one.

Well... okay.

Yeah. Gee, I don't know why

I didn't think of this before.

Oh, help me, will you?

Okay, I'll help you.
Over here.

Grab the bottom.
Okay. Got it? You got it?

Yeah. I'll hold on to the net.

Now, you just tip up as far as you

Okay, go, fast.

All right, go!
Real fast.

I got it, I got it, I got it.


There, now that was simple, wasn't


Gregory Peck had less trouble with
Moby d*ck.

Well, that's life.

Children bring home pets, mothers
take care of them.

Oh, now, who's the lettuce for?

Lunch for hopalong.


(deeper voice): Okay.

Lucy, why do you let Little Ricky

keep all these pets?

Well, I think it's important for a
child to have pets,

especially a city child, you know.

Gee, sometimes, I think we should
move to the country

so Little Ricky could have all the
animals he wants.

Oh, Lucy, don't even say you might
move away.

I don't know what I'd do without you.

Well, frankly, Ethel,

I don't know what I'd do without you,

Besides, with another vacant

Frantic Freddy would blow what's left
of his top.

I just went through three weeks of

with that apartment next door.

Hey, speaking of our new neighbors,

are there any little children Ricky's

No, it's a bachelor, a Mr. Stewart.

And he's an old grouch.

Why would Fred rent to an old grouch?

Well, to one old grouch,

another old grouch doesn't seem like
an old grouch.

And he's gonna pay to have his
kitchen remodeled,

so Fred doesn't care anything

about his disposition.

Well, I'm going on to the market,

You want anything?

Well, not for us,

but, uh, Alice and Phil could use
some birdseed

and Tommy and Jimmy could use some
turtle food

and Mildred and Charles could use
some fish food.

Wouldn't it be easier if they just
ate each other?


I'll see you later.

(laughs again)

Hi, Mommy.

Well, hello...

Oh, for goodness sake.

What have you got there?

A doggie.

Whose is it?




Is that one of Billy Palmer's six

Oh, now, honey, listen, I'm sorry,

it's a very sweet little puppy,

but I'm afraid we're not gonna be
able to can't keep it.

Why not?

Well, for one thing dear,

our house is too small for a dog.

But, Mommy, it's a small dog.

Well, I know, but he's gonna grow

Maybe our house will grow bigger,

Look, honey, I got all I can do to
take care of your fish

and your parakeets and your frog and
your turtles...

But, Mommy!

Aw, now, honey, I'm sorry, I'm just
gonna have to call

Billy's Mommy and...
and tell her that...

that we can't keep the puppy.

I'm sorry, sweetheart.

You take your things off now.


Lillian, this is Lucy.

Yes, about the little puppy.

About the little pu...

Well, I, I...

I, I just wanted to say...

I just wanted to say thank you for
this sweet little puppy.

Yes, well, thank you very much.


Oh, boy, thanks, Mommy!

Well, honey, I can't make any

but we'll just have to wait until
Daddy comes home

see what he thinks, huh?

Okay, you go to your room now,

Okay, Mommy.



Oh, hi, dear.

Oh, hi, honey.

Where's Little Ricky?

He's in his room.

Ah, Good. I'll go say hello to him.

Oh, honey, before you do, come here.

We, uh...

We have a bit of a problem.

Well, what is it?

He brought home a little puppy dog

Honey, you know that he can't keep a

in this apartment.
There's no room.

I know that, dear.

He already has frogs and turtles

and parakeets and goldfish and

The lizard fell out the window,

He didn't fall out of the window--

he jumped out to get away from the

Now, look, honey, he cannot keep a
dog in this apartment.

I know, I know.

Well, did you tell him?

Were you firm about it?

Well, not exactly.

Well, what did you tell him?

Well, I told him he'd have to wait

till Daddy got home and let him

whether we could keep the dog or not.

Oh, that's being firm.

Well... can I help it if I'm soft and

Oh, he's the cutest little puppy.

Wait till you see them together,

Look, dear, it's out of the question.

The boy cannot keep a dog in this

Now, the trouble with you is that

you don't use enough discipline with
the child.

I'll just go in there and tell him,
"Little Ricky,

you cannot keep a dog in this

And that's that.

Huh, gee!

Hi, Daddy.

Hi, son.

Oh, is that your little dog?

He's very cute.

Hi, there, boy.

He likes you, Daddy.

Yes, yes, very cute.

Look, uh, partner,

I... have to have

a little talk with you.

Now, I know that

you're old enough to know

that you cannot have everything that
you want.

Now, it just so happens that...

Well, did you talk to him, dear?


Where you going?

Down to the basement to get a box.

A box?

Well, that little puppy can't sleep

on the cold floor all night.

Oh, hi.

Hi, Rick.

Hi, Fred.

Say, Fred, have you got a box down in
the basement?

Yeah. What for?

For Little Ricky's dog.

Oh, th-th-the dog.

Yeah, uh, uh...

That's what I want to talk to you

Ethel just told me about it.

You can't have a dog in this

Oh, it's only a tiny little bitty

Yeah, Fred, we're not gonna let him
grow very big.

But there's a "no pet" clause in your

Oh, now, Fred.

Now, haven't I been lenient?

Didn't I close my eyes when you got
the turtles?

Didn't I look the other way when,

the frogs and the goldfish arrived?

Didn't I keep quiet

when you got those two, uh, molting

I've got to draw the line someplace.

That pooch has got to go.

Oh, Fred, you haven't seen him.

He is the cutest little thing!

One more word out of you, Ethel, and
you go, too.

Ah, I'm afraid that Fred's right.

Oh, now, honey.
Well, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, but if I let Little Ricky
have a dog,

everybody in the building will want

I don't mind being a landlord,

but I'll be darned if I'm gonna run a
pet motel!

All right, Fred, all right, we

Mommy, Daddy.

What is it, dear?

I found a name for my dog.

RICKY: Oh, what?

His name is Fred.


Well, how did you ever happen to name
him that?

I always name my pets after people I

Fred, where you going?

Down in the basement to get the box.

Come on, Rick.

Oh, wonderful!

Oh, boy!

Aw, now, you saved the day,

Hey, you know you kind of look like

Except you got a lot more hair than
he has.

(puppy barking incessantly)


Oh, no, not again.


What time is it?

What time is it?



He's getting better; he hasn't yipped
in about 20 minutes.

Can you go out in the kitchen

and see if you can quiet him down

Oh, now, you go; it's your turn.

I'm sitting this one out.
You go.

No, Ricky, you go.

You go-- it's your son's dog.

My son? Isn't he your son, too?

Not at 3:00 in the morning, he isn't.

(phone rings)

Now, who's that?

How do I know?


FRED: Lucy?



Fred, what are you doing

up at this hour?

What do you mean, what am I doing up
at this hour?

The whole building's awake.

I've had six phone calls

complaining about that hound of

All right, Fred, I'll see what I can

Well, see what you can do!

All right.

(slams down phone)

(pretends to snore)

(incessant yipping and yapping)

(louder yipping and yapping)

All right, Fred.
All right, Fred.

All right, Fred.

Okay, okay, okay.

Listen, what am I gonna do with you?

(barking stops)
Oh, dear.


I told you to go to sleep.

Do you understand?
Sleep, sleep, sleep.

Look at me.



I'll sing you to sleep.

Now, come on, Fred,

please, please, please, go to sleep.

Please, Fred.

Rockabye doggy on the treetop

When the wind blows...

(puppy howling)

All right, so I'm not Dinah Shore.

You're no Lassie, either.

Now, Fred, please, get in there and
go to sleep.

(resumes barking)

Don't you know what time it is?!

It's 3:00 in the morning.

Do you hear me?


(continues barking)



Maybe that will work.

Now, you get down there, see?

Now, look, look, now, nice clock,
nice clock.

That's a good boy.

Look at that. Look at that.

(clock ticking)
Yeah. Yeah, see?

(barking stops)

That's a nice boy.

That's a nice Fred.


Hey, he stopped.

How'd you do it?

Well, I remember reading someplace

if you put a clock in with a little

they go to sleep.

The ticking sound keeps them company

or something, I don't know.

Oh, nice work.

We can only hope.
Good night.

Good night.



(alarm clock ringing, incessant
barking resumes)

What are you doing?

You put an alarm clock in there!

I didn't know it was gonna go off.

What's the matter with you?

We're coming!

(pounding on door)
We're coming!

Who's that?
Who's that?

How do I know?

Wait a minute!
What are you...

That dog's got to go and right this

All right now, take it easy, Fred,
take it easy.

What do you mean, take it easy?

Mr. Stewart, the new tenant,

just phoned and threatens to move!

All right.
Lucy, I'm sorry,

but it's either the tenants or the

And dogs don't pay rent.

All right, Fred, all right.

We'll get rid of him tomorrow

Well, see that you do.

Come on, Fred.

You're awful cranky.

Yeah, go back to bed, will you, Fred?

(door slams)


Now, look, honey, I'm sorry,

but you will have to tell Little

that he has to get rid of the dog.

I'll make a deal with you:

You tell Little Ricky, I'll tell the

Look, honey, let's be sensible.

Tomorrow morning, when Little Ricky
gets up,

one of us will tell him.

Which one?


whoever sees him first.


Good morning, Fred.

All right, Ricky Ricardo,

will you please tell me where you
were going?


Uh, rehearsal.

Yeah, that's it, rehearsal at the

At 7:00 in the morning?

Well, yeah, well...

Uh, never mind about me.

Where were you going?

To the market.

The market is open at 7:00 in the

If you can have a rehearsal, the
market can be open!

I know what you were trying to do.

You were trying to sneak out of the

so you didn't have to tell Little

Yeah, well, you gotta get up awful

in the morning to sneak out of this

You can say that again.

Yeah... you're right, honey.

I'm his father.

I guess I should tell him.

Oh, well, honey, I'm glad you finally

Hi, Mommy.
Hi, Daddy.

Well, good morning, sweetheart.
Hi, son.

Say, uh, I want to talk to you,

because you...

He went to get his dog.


Yes, Daddy?

All right, we have to have a talk

I want to tell you that, uh...

I want to tell you that, uh...

I want to tell you

that your mother has

something to tell you.

I am late. I gotta go.

Good-bye, everybody.

Well, honey, listen.

Listen, sweetheart.

Oh, it's not important, it can wait.

What say you, Fred and I have some

Okay. Okay, Mommy.

Come on, sweetheart.

You are the cutest thing.

Aw, come on, he just loves this hat.



(pounding on door)

Who is it?

It's me, Fred.

Well, what is it, Fred?

Well, Mr. Stewart here claims that he
heard a dog barking.

You did get rid of that dog, didn't
you, Lucy?

Well, you told me to, didn't you,

Well, that's what I told Mr. Stewart,

but he insists on having a look for

Oh. Oh, well, just a minute, Fred.

Honey, it's way past your nap time.

You run in and take your nap,

Okay, Mommy.

Thank you, sweetheart.

Go on.

(insistent knocking)

FRED: What's keeping you, Lucy?

Okay. Okay, Fred, just a minute.

Oh, hello, Fred.

Oh, oh, hello.
This is Mr. Stewart,

your new neighbor.

This is Mrs. Ricardo.

How do you do, sir?

Do you have a dog in here?

A dog in here?

I told you they got rid of it.

Then what was that barking a few
minutes ago?

Oh, you must have been hearing
things... sir.

Now, just remember, Mertz.

If I find there is a dog in this

I'm taking back the first and last
month's rent

and moving out.

I can assure you, there's no dog
around here.

Right, Lucy?

Oh, you won't find a dog around here.

Oh, no?

Well, if there's no dog in this

what are these doing here?

Oh, they're mine.

I love a snack in the afternoon.

You eat dog biscuits?

Oh, yes.

Yes, yes. Th-they're wonderful.

I just love them.

Um, um, um, I...
Would you...

Oh, you should try it!

There's, um... They're...

They got it all over doughnuts for

Want one?


No, no, thanks.
I'm trying to cut down.

Hi, honey.

Oh, hi, Rick.
Oh, hi!

This is Mr. Stewart,

your new neighbor.

This is Mr. Ricardo.

Oh. How do you do?

I'm sorry about all that noise last

It won't happen again.

I should hope not.

Oh, we, we got rid of the dog this
morning, didn't we, Lucy?

Well, you don't see him around, do

Well, good.

Uh, excuse me.

Uh, oh, I'll, I'll hang that up for
you, dear.

I can do it, honey.
No, no, no, I'll do it.

That's what wives are for.

Oh, so that's what they're for.

Say, uh, Mr. Stewart,

what kind of business are you in?

I'm retired.

Oh, well, nice work if you can get

(strained laughter)

FRED: Mr. Ricardo's in the nightclub

He owns the Club Babalu.

You've probably heard of it.

STEWART: I never go to nightclubs.

FRED: Oh, oh.

Mr. Stewart wants to remodel his
kitchen, Ricky.

Do you mind if he has a look at

RICKY: Well, we have a very

Yeah, go ahead, honey, show him the

Go ahead, dear.

The kitchen's right in here, Mr.

STEWART: Oh, thanks.

Right in here?

What's that doing on the floor?

Oh, I, uh...

I-I was gonna practice my hat

What hat dancing?

Oh, I was gonna try to surprise you,

I've been taking hat dancing lessons
from Arthur Murray.




The kitchen's right in here.



STEWART: Well, I guess I'd better get
back to my own apartment.

Well, I told you it wasn't much of a
kitchen, you know.

FRED: I must remind you, you'll have
to stand the expense.

STEWART: I know, I know.

You told me 20 times.

Just so you understand.

I understand.

I have a very

nice carpenter.

(thumping on piano)

What was that?

It's me, I'm playing the piano.

Since when do you play the piano?

I thought I'd play the piano, uh,

so that I can accompany myself with
my hat dancing.

(Lucy thumping on piano)

Well, that was very strange-sounding

Well, it's, uh, progressive jazz.

(Lucy striking keys, puppy howls)

(howls) I'm taking singing lessons!

(high-pitched howling)

Mommy, Mommy, Mommy, where's my dog?!

For goodness sake, come here.

Here's your dog, son.

That does it, Mertz.
I'm moving.

I must remind you, Stewart, you have
a lease.

The lease says, "No pets."

Now, either the dog goes, or I go.

Good. I'd rather live with a little

than a big grouch!

Here, take your check back and scram!

With pleasure!


Oh, hello, Mr. Stewart...

I guess I told him off.

Hey, what's the matter with Mr.

Oh, Fred just did a wonderful thing.

He sure did, he told Mr. Stewart

he could take his check back

and told him to scram.

Darn right I did.

It's not the money, it's the
principle of the thing.

Fred, you gave him back the whole

Yes, I gave him back the whole 200...

(voice soars): $250?!

Get the fan, honey, and fan him.

Oh, Fred...

Do something, fan him.

(closing orchestral flourish playing)

ANNOUNCER: "I Love Lucy"

starring Lucille Ball

and Desi Arnaz

has been presented for your pleasure

by Instant Sanka,

the hearty coffee you can drink as
strong as you like,

it still can't upset your nerves.

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)
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