06x21 - Ragtime Band

Complete collection of episode scripts for the TV series, "I Love Lucy". Aired October 1951 - May 1957.*
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Lucy & Ricky Ricardo live in New York, while Ricky tries to succeed in show business -- Lucy who is always trying to help -- usually ends up in some kind of trouble that drives Ricky insane.
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06x21 - Ragtime Band

Post by bunniefuu »

(light-hearted music playing)

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)

(theme song ending)

Hi, honey, I saw you drive in.


How was the meeting?

Oh, it was all right.

Did you see Fred and Little Ricky out

playing baseball with the
neighborhood kids?

Yeah, I saw them.

Uh-oh, Fred struck out again.

He's so vain, he won't wear his

and he can't see the ball without

Well, what's new with the Westport
Historical Society?

What's the matter, honey?

Oh, Ethel,

I've done something awful.

What is it this time?

Now, if you take that tone, I may not
tell you.


Come back here.

I have to tell someone.


What is it?

Well, our historical society's having

its annual fundraising drive

and today we were planning the show

and everyone was promising what their
husbands would do.


Betty Ramsey said

that her husband would get the
advertising for the program

and Gertrude Foote said that her
husband would

print the programs

and Grace Munson said that her

would take care of the floral
decorations and...



Out with it.

Well, everyone was volunteering their

and I jumped up and said

that Ricky and his band would play
for the show.

You volunteered Ricky?

Well, he's the only husband I've got.

Oh, Lucy, how are you going

to break this to him?

Oh, I don't know.

This is a tough one.


I could try buttering him up; that
always works...


Lucy, there isn't buttering-up in the

that could get Ricky to bring his

out here to Westport to play for a

put on by a historical society.

You forget I'm a pretty good

Let's see now.

When he gets home,

I'll have a delicious dinner waiting
for him.

I'll put him down on the divan.

I'll give him the evening paper and
his slippers.

I'll get him in a very good mood.

How's that sound?

Great, as long as you don't tell him.

Oh, Ethel!


Well, hi, dear.

What's the matter, Ricky?

Oh, nothing!

What's the matter with him, Fred?

Oh, the other kids threw him out of
the ball game

because he can't play as well as they

Aw, the poor little thing.

Yeah, well, these country kids get
more time to practice

than the city kids, but he'll learn.

Oh, sure he will.

Oh, poor kid.

Now, now, Lucy, let him alone.

There are some things a man has just
got to

work out for himself.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Well, how'd you do, Babe Ruth?

Oh, they threw me out of the game,

You poor little thing.

Good luck with both your Rickys.

Well, hi, darling.

Hi, honey.

Did you have a hard day?


How'd everything go at the club?

I'll bet that was

a long, tiring ride home on the
train, huh, honey?

You just sit down here and don't you

about a thing, sweetheart.

You just sit, and here's your evening

and here are your bedroom slippers.

Thank you.

My, I sure missed you today.

My shoes, dear.

I sure missed you today, dear.

I wish you didn't have to go

into New York every day, sweetheart.

It would be nice if you could stay

around here with me all the time.

It would be kind of nice.

Oh, I'd sure love that.

Now, honey, you just sit right up

and you be comfy-cozy, see?

And don't you worry about a thing.

And dinner will be ready in a little

And do you know what we're having?

It's one of your favorites.

Smell that?
What does it smell like?

It smells like you want me and the
band for that show.

Oh, no, no, no.

We're having chicken and rice and
fried bana...

How'd you find out?

Betty Ramsey just told me.

(exasperated sigh)

I forgot Betty Ramsey was gonna drive
you home

from the station.

Well, that's one of the hazards of
living in the suburbs.

Yeah, well.

Well, now that you know

all about it, Ricky, will you?


And I spent two hours over a hot

cooking chicken and rice.

Well, don't worry about that, honey,
I'll eat it.

But Ricky, just tell me why.

Because I love chicken and rice.

Oh, I mean, why won't you play for
the show?

Look, I'm not gonna transport my
whole band

to Westport, Connecticut,

and besides, you know that we have to
play at the club.

Well, maybe you could just give us a
few of them,

you know, like the piano and the
drums and the...

(imitates Latin percussion)

whatever you call them.

The claves and the maracas.



It's such a worthy cause, honey.

I know, dear, and I'll be very happy
to give them some money.

Oh, the money's not important;

it's the spirit of the thing.

It's a community project.

And we need your band to play if we
want the entertainment good.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry, but I cannot do
it, and that's final.

But, uh, thanks for the paper and the

and the chicken and rice and the soft

Where's Ricky?

He's up in his room.

Hey, partner!

I think maybe you'd better go up and
have a talk with him.

He's a little upset.

Oh, what's the matter?

Well, the kids wouldn't

let him play baseball with them

They said he wasn't good enough.

Oh, dear.

Well, I'll go up

and have a little father-and-son talk
with him.

And after dinner,

you can have a little
husband-and-wife talk with me.

This little husband is through

Now, the issue is closed.

Well, if you won't bring your band,

what are we gonna do for music?

Well, you play a pretty mean

Maybe some of your friends can play.

Organize your own band.

I promised them Ricky Ricardo.

All right, just go...

(imitates claves tapping and maracas

Maybe they won't notice.


Honey, I forgot

to bring these eggs over this


Look at the size of that one.

That's nothing compared to the one

I just laid with Ricky.


What happened to your buttering-up

Well, Betty Ramsey spilled the whole

before I even got my churn started.

Well, I hate to say I told you so...

Well, don't, then!

I have to call the historical society

and tell them Ricky can't make it.

Oh, honestly, that Betty Ramsey-- big

Hello, is this the Westport
Historical Society?

Well, this is Mrs. Ricky Ricardo.

Yes, I just called to say that...


Oh, really?

Oh, well, that's wonderful.


Yes, that...
Oh, that's wonderful.

Well, I just called to say that...

Ricky will be delighted to play.


What'd you say that for?

She said on the strength of Ricky's

tickets are selling like hot cakes.

Oh, dear.

Wait till they hear the bad news.

They'll have to change their name

to the Westport Hysterical Society.

Ethel, I promised them Ricky Ricardo

and I'm gonna deliver Ricky Ricardo!



Little Ricky?

Yeah, why not?
They both play drums.

Yeah, that's right.

Oh, Lucy, I gotta hand it to you.

You get caught in a jam

and you're able to produce another
Ricky Ricardo.

Well, I always believe in having a

So you got a drummer.

Where are you going to get the rest
of the band?

I got the rest of the band.

Lucy Ricardo on saxophone, Ethel
Mertz on the piano...


Who was that on the 88 again?

The wizard of the ivories, Ethel May

Well, maybe so.

Yeah, and I got...

Just to round out the rest of the

I have Fred Mertz on the violin.

Does he still have his fiddle?

Yeah, but the last time he played, it
was three chins ago.

Don't worry. I'm sure if he

he'll play just like he used to.

Oh, well, then, Lucy, whatever you

don't let him practice.

Now, Ethel, it's gonna be great.

Our little band is gonna burst upon
the music world.

We are gonna be the new sound.

Okay, Fred, you stay right there

and be our audience.

You tell us what you think.

What are you doing?

I'm limbering up my fingers.

(playing piano off-key)

Think what she'd have sounded like

Oh, now, Fred.

Boy, I haven't had this thing out of
the case in years.

Ooh, I even forgot to take this off.

How do you like that?

(plays loud, harsh note)

What? Oh!


You ought to take that out

in the backyard and beat it.

Oh, I know.

(playing scratchy tune)

oh, Fred, Fred!

That cat sounded better when it was

Oh, never mind the wisecracks.

There's something wrong.

Yeah, what is all that?


The last time I played this thing

was at a Roosevelt rally.

He means Teddy.

She knows who I mean.

Mommy, can we start now?

Yeah, as soon as we get tuned up,

Give me an "A," Ethel.

An "A"?

Oh, an "A."

Is that a black key

or a white one?

Ethel plays by ear.


The trouble is, we have to listen by

Lucy, how about a middle "C"?

I know where that one is.

(plays middle "C")

Well, thanks a lot, girl, but I gotta
have an "A."

Oh, well, there has to be one on here

Let's see now.

(Ricky plays "A")

Is that an "A"?

Oh, thank you, honey!

(playing loudly and off-key)

So you had to go and find the "A."

Let's hear your "A," Jascha.

(plays scratchily)

Sounds more like a "Z."

Oh, is that so?

Oh, come on, you two, let's get
started, huh?

Yeah, what are we gonna play?

Well, I only know that one tune

"Comin' 'Round The Mountain."

For heaven's sake, Ethel, don't you
know "Sweet Sue"?

No. Why?

'Cause that's the only tune I know.

I never learned "Sweet Sue."

Well, you could; you play by ear.

Come on, try "Sweet Sue."

Well, I'll try it, but don't blame me

if it sounds like "Sweet Sue is
Comin' 'Round The Mountain."

Ready, everybody?

ALL: Yeah.

A-one, a-two...

(musical cacophony)

Hold it, hold it.

Honey, aren't you playing

a little too fast?

No, Mommy, you're playing too slow.

Oh, we're playing too slow.

Well, we'll try to speed it up.

Let's try it again now.

A-one, a-two...

(all continue playing poorly)


honey, are you sure you're not
playing too fast?

Yes, Mommy, I'm sure.

How would you like to go outside and

and let us practice for a while?

Great! Thanks.

Thanks, yet.

Come on, we can get it.

Let's try it again.

I can do that "a-one, a-two" thing.

A-one, a-two...

(loud off-key playing continues)

Honey, I'm home!

Oh, hi, darling.

Hi, dear.

Aw, gee, you look tired.

I'm bushed.

Dinner ready?

Not yet. Why don't you stretch out
and take a nap?

Good idea.

There you are.


Yeah, thanks.




We had our first rehearsal today.


Aren't you gonna ask me how it went?

All right. How'd it go?

Don't ask.

What happened?

Well, naturally, Little Ricky was
just wonderful on the drums

and I was pretty good on the
saxophone if I do say so myself.

But Fred's violin and Ethel's piano--

Pretty bad, huh?

Oh, Fred's violin sounds

like he's breaking in a new pair of

And what Ethel does to those ivories

is enough to make an elephant want to
take back his tusks.

So what do you want me to do?

Well, honey, we're having another
rehearsal after dinner

tonight, see, and I thought maybe you
could tell them

in a nice way, you know, what they're
doing wrong.

All right, dear, I'll see what I can

Will you do that, dear?

Well, now you just take a nice nap

and I'll let you know when dinner's

Thank you.



Where's Lucy?

She's in the kitchen.
What's the matter?

Oh. Well, uh... Rick,

we had our first rehearsal this

and I want to talk to you about our
little group.

All right.

Well, of course, Ricky, Jr., was

just wonderful on the drums

and I was pretty good on the piano,

but Lucy and Fred...

Pretty bad, huh?

Oh, yeah, it was bad.

Well, maybe they'll get better with

Well, maybe, but you should have
heard them.

Lucy playing the saxophone

sounds like a wounded moose calling
to its mate.

And Fred's violin?

Oh, I make better music when I file
my nails.


We're gonna have another rehearsal

and I thought maybe you might just
stick around

and-and straighten them out, huh?

All right, I'll see what I can do.

You will?

Oh, bless you, Rick.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Where is...?

She's in the kitchen.

I'm in trouble.

What's the matter, Fred?

Rick, could I talk to you

as one professional musician to

Sure, Fred.

Well, we had that rehearsal this

Oh, is that so?

Well, how did it go, Fred?

Little Ricky and I were okay.

But the women...

(whistles in disgust)

Bad, eh?

The way Ethel hits those piano

I wouldn't blame them if they hit her

And Lucy with that saxophone...

it's a wonder every hog in Westport
didn't answer the call.

Well, now, look, Fred, you're gonna
have another rehearsal

after dinner, is that right?


Well, I'll tell you what I'll do.

I'll see if I can tell the girls

in a nice way what they're doing

You took the words right out of my
mouth. See you later.

Right, bye-bye.

(door opens, then shuts)




Oh, hiya, partner.

How are you?

Can I talk to you a minute?

Sure. What is it?

Our band.

Your band? Well, how did the
rehearsal go?


You mean that Uncle Fred and Aunt

and Mommy are pretty bad, huh?

Boy, I'll say.

Well, maybe they're not as bad as you

Oh, yes, they are.

Well, maybe they'll get better

with a little practice.

I don't want to play with them

Don't want to play with them anymore?

Well, now, wait a minute, that's not
very nice.

You remember what happened to you

when you were playing baseball with
those kids

and they didn't want you to play with
them anymore?

But I play baseball better than they
play music.

That's not the point, though.

You know, when we had our little

we agreed that it wasn't nice

to be unkind to people, right?

Yes, Daddy.

So we can't just tell them

that they don't play well, can we?

No, Daddy.

Now, the thing to do is

to teach them to play better.

So, tonight after dinner,

you're gonna have a rehearsal

and I'll stick around

and I'll see what I can do, okay?

Okay, Daddy.

Okay, son.

LUCY: Dinner, everybody!

Did you have

a nice nap, sweetie?


Look, let's try it one more time from
the top.


Now, please, everybody, will you try
to remember

what I told you that you were doing

Oh, sure, sure, sure.

One more time.

It's a nice simple tune.

It should be bright and happy and

(humming tune)

Yeah, aha, that's the way it should
go, just like that.

Yeah, boy.

Right here, eh?

Right here, huh?

One, two...

(band playing loudly and off-key)

(loud off-key playing continues)

Hold it, hold it, everyone. Hold it.

Hold it.

Hold it, everybody.

Before we go any further, there is
something that I have to say.

We'll listen to you.
Oh, well, just say it, Rick.

Go ahead and say it.
Go ahead, honey, go ahead.

Well, you know, Little Ricky's fine
on the drums.

Oh, yeah.
That's right.

But some of the rest of you need a
little work.

Yeah, some of us are pretty bad.

Yeah, some of us are.

Yeah, some of us.

Well, to tell you the truth, you

Go ahead, Rick, be frank.

Sure, just speak right out.

Sure, they can take it.

I mean, we can take it.

Well... it's... it's...
the situation is, you know

that you play fine, you play good,
you know.

As a matter of fact, you play too

Well, it's that you-you're so far
ahead of your time

the public is not ready, for your
type of music.


Take my word for it as a musician.

They are not ready.

Oh. Well, that's too bad

because the show is tomorrow night.

What are we gonna do?

Yeah, well, you know, honey,

I-I-I-I realize that, you know, it's
such an emergency--

and boy, is it an emergency--

that, uh, well, I thought maybe I can
get away from the club

for an hour and bring a couple of the
boys down

and I'll do a calypso number.

A calypso.
That would be wonderful.

RICKY: From my album, you know.

Oh, that's wonderful.

Well, if you're just gonna bring a
couple of the boys,

then you'll need some of us,

some of us that aren't too bad, you

Oh, sure, sure, you will.


You said we were pretty good.

I did, didn't I?

Yeah, I did that, and I meant it.

Meant every word of it.

And, by God, I think that you should
be in it!


Yes, sir, and I want you in it.
I want you in the band.

LUCY: Oh, well, good.

Right. I tell you,

right in that rhythm section, that's
where you'll be.

The rhythm section?

What do we do?

Oh, well, you, you...
I'll tell you what.

Little Ricky can play the bongos

and Fred can play the quijada and
Ethel can play the cencerros

and you can play the cuica.

Oh, well, that's wonderful!

What are we gonna play?

The quijada, the cuica

and the cencerros.

Oh, is that good?

Good. Oh, honey,

that's the most, the most important

The cuica Cuica?

is the most important part of the

I play the cuica.

Hey, hey

Hey, hey...

Let us put men and women together

To find out which one is smarter

Some say men, but I say no

The women got the men beat, they
should know

Samson was the strongest man long ago

No one could have beaten him as we
all know

He clashed with Delilah and before he
knew what

Samson had the world's very first
crew cut.

Not me, other people, they say

That the men are a-leadin' the women

But I say that the women of today

Smarter than the man in every way.

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right.




That's right.

(bongo solo)

Your wife announces that you and she

Are expectin' an addition to the

You sing and dance and yell hurrah

But she only expectin' your

Not me, other people, they say

That the men are leadin' the women

But I say that the women of today

Smarter than the man in every way.

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right.




That's right.

(bongo solo)

Wife want husband to be in show

She beg and plead, but he still say

Husband here with calypso band

Which proves that woman is smarter
than man.

Not me, other people, they say

That the men are leadin' the women

But I say that the women of today

Smarter than the man in every way.

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right, the woman is...

(grunt) Smarter!

That's right.




That's right.


(slap, slap, slap, slap)

(honk, honk)

(band plays finale)


(closing orchestral flourish playing)

("I Love Lucy" theme song playing)
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