03x13 - She, My Friend and I

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Wonder Years". Aired: January 1988 to May 1993.*
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03x13 - She, My Friend and I

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ What would you do
if I sang out of tune? ♪

♪ Would you stand up
and walk out on me? ♪

♪ Lend me your ears,
and I'll sing you a song ♪

♪ I will try not to
sing out of key, yeah ♪

♪ Oh, baby, I get by ♪
- ♪ by with a little help
from my friends ♪

-♪ All I need is my buddies ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ I'm sayin' I'm gonna get higher ♪ - ♪
try with a little help from my friends ♪

-♪ Whoa-oa-oa-oa ♪

-♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪

-♪ Somebody who
knows quite sure ♪

♪ Baby ♪

-♪ By with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Said I'm gonna make
it with my friends ♪

-♪ Try with a little
help from my friends ♪

-♪ Oh, I'm gonna
keep on trying ♪

-♪ High with a little
help from my friends ♪

♪ I'm gonna keep on
trying now, baby ♪

-♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

[Cheering, horns honking]

-Around the end of 1969,
a funny thing happened...

-5, 4, 3, 2...


- 1970.

["Auld lang syne" plays]

Not that anyone was
paying much attention.

-[Chanting] peace now!

-Still, with a new
decade on the books,

Maybe it was time
to heal old wounds,

Get over old hurts.

It was possible.

After all, I'd gotten
over winnie cooper.

-Hi, kevin.


-Yep. Winnie and I
were friends now.

-I like your shirt.

-Oh. Thanks.

Can you believe all this
history homework we're getting?

-I know what you mean.

-That incredible smile. The
way she tossed her hair.

The heart-stopping
lilt of her perfume...

I was over that.


-Well, see ya.

-See ya.

-There you had it...
Hello and goodbye.

Winnie and I were
just a memory now.

Not like paul and carla.

They had something special.

[Cash register dings]

-She dumped me.


-She dumped me!

-Paul, snap out of it!

-She... Dumped...


-Want to talk about it?

-She said she needed
more time with her friends.

She said I was suffocating her.

I thought she wanted
to be suffocated.

[Sighs] what am I gonna do?

-Paul was in pain.

I had to come up with
something sensitive.

-You want an ice-cream sandwich?

How about after school
we go to the movies?


Carla and I used
to go to the movies.

-It was worse than I thought.


-Paul, you can't let
carla see you like this.

You want her to
feel sorry for you?

-You think she would?

-No, that's not what I meant.

You just can't sit
around looking pathetic.

You have to do something.

-[Scoffs] like what?

-Well, maybe... You have
to make her jealous!


-Maybe you ought to...

Go out with somebody else.

-Maybe you're right.

Maybe I should do it.

I can do it, can't i?

-Of course you can.

-Yeah, I can.

-So, let's see. Who
you gonna ask?


-Well, who do you like?



-I was losing him.

If paul was gonna be saved,
there was no time to waste.

[Whistle blows]

Unfortunately, the
board of education

Insisted on it.

-In wrestling, men,

The most important
muscle to utilize...

Is right here.

-How about allison heath?

I saw her watching
you in english.

-[Sighs] too dumb.


Angela lands. She's smart.

-Her head's too... Ovalish.

-Okay, johnson,
oasley... On the mat!

-Jill simons!

She's pretty
without her glasses.

-She reminds me of a banana.

-So, we'd narrowed
it down to no stupid,

Oval-headed, or
fruit-shaped women.

[Whistle blows]


-Come on, paul.

Are you gonna put down
every girl in this class?

-Well, no.

Not everyone.

-Who did I leave off?

-I'd rather not say.

-Why? Why, do you like her?

-Well, maybe... A little.

-Well, this is perfect!
You gotta go out with her.

-I'm not gonna ask her out.

-Paul, who is it?

-Winnie cooper.

[b*mb whistling]


-Winnie cooper.


-Well, I've known
her a long time,

And we're already friends, so...

And it wouldn't be
like a "date" date.

-Okay, that was reasonable.

-Well, maybe you
should ask her out.

-Nah. Bad idea.


-For one thing, the whole
idea of me and winnie...

That's ridiculous.

-Uh-huh. That was true.

-And besides, there's
the other thing.

-What other thing?

-Well, aren't you...

I mean...

Don't you still...

-Paul, you're telling me

That you wouldn't
go out with winnie

Just because
you think I'm still...

-It doesn't matter. I
couldn't ask her, anyway.

-Well, maybe paul couldn't...

But I could.

-Ask him out?

You mean "ask him
out" ask him out?

-Well, yeah.


-Well, it's kind of
hard to explain.

See, it's a long story.

See, carla dumped paul,
and paul's feeling... Dumped.

And I think it would really
pick him up to go out with you.

-Well, does he know
you're asking me?

-Not exactly.

-Well, why doesn't
he ask me himself?

-Well, paul's kind of shy...

And [scoffs]

He thinks I still...

You know, that you and i...

Well, he's got the wrong idea.

You know, I tried to tell him,

But, you know, it's paul.


And you really
think it's a good idea?

-Yeah! I think
it's a great idea!

-And I did.

At least, I think I did.

-Okay, then.

I'll ask him to the
movies tonight.


-There. Nicely done.

[Indistinct conversations]

This was gonna work out great.


So, what's up?



-Uh-huh. Like I didn't know.

-Winnie cooper just
asked me to the movies.

-You're kidding!

-I mean, isn't this an
amazing coincidence?

I mean, we were just
talking about her.

And now she goes
and asks me out.

-Pretty amazing.

-I mean, she asked me out.

Winnie cooper asked me out!

-Okay, okay, I got the picture!

Heck, I painted it!

-Look, kev...

If there's a problem,
just say the word,

And I'll forget about
the whole thing.

-No, paul, we've been
all through this.

I'm glad she asked you out.

-You are? You sure?

-I'm sure.


-And it was great.

Great to see paul smiling again.

Well, grinning, actually.

More like... Beaming.


You had to feel good about it.
- [Sighs]

-That night, I slept
the sleep of the just.

[Clock ticking]

Woke up bright and
early the next morning...

[Rooster crows]

Got a head start to
beat the morning traffic...

[Buffer whirring]

And went about the business
of starting a new day.

[School bell rings]

[Indistinct conversations]


-So, uh... How'd
it go last night?


-Fine? Okay. "Fine" was good.

Fine was fine.

Fine was...

-[Sighs] isn't it a great day?


-Isn't it amazing how
one day you feel like

You can't get any
lower, and the next day...

You're great?

-[Clears throat]

So... Heard from carla yet?


Oh, no. Not yet.

Not a word.

-You'll probably
run into her at lunch.

You two'll probably be back
together by the weekend.

-I don't think so.

-Why not?

-I'm busy this weekend.

I got a date.


-Yes, we're going out again.



-Nothing. It's just...

I'm... Surprised, that's all.

-Kevin, what are you getting at?

-Nothing! Just...

Paul's feeling better,

And I know you
don't like him, so...

-Who says I don't like him?

-Okay. Wrong choice of words.

-No, I know you
like him. It's just...

Speaking as his friend...

-I'm his friend, too, you know.

He's a great guy.

He's fun to be with.

He's smart, he's
funny, he's cute.



-Besides, I really don't see

How this is any
of your business.

-Oh, come on, winnie. Remember?

This was all my idea
in the first place.

-Yes, it was, wasn't it?


I just think you ought to...

-Aw, heck. Why beat
around the bush?

It was time to
lay it on the line...

For everyone's own good.

-I don't think you should
lead paul on like this.

-Who says I'm leading him on?

-Well, that about did it.

I'd appealed to paul.
I'd appealed to winnie.

If they were determined to
go through with this charade,

There was only
one thing I could do.

[School bell rings]

I could...

Throw up.

After a few days,

The "sleep of the just" was
beginning to take its toll.

[Rooster crows]

I couldn't say exactly why.

Everything seemed
to be fine at school.

And paul was working out
his problems with carla...

With winnie.

-Thanks, kevin.

Thanks a lot!

-Carla's a dear friend.

-Well, see...

I'm not sure she
exactly sees it that way.

As a matter of
fact, she told me...

-Here it is! Icarus!

-Paul, you're not
even listening to me.

-Sorry, kev. I brought
this book for winnie.

Mythology. She really
likes greek mythology.

But you probably know that.

-Of course I know that!

-The fact is,

Winnie never told me
anything about mythology.

-In my opinion, the greeks
did have the best gods.

-Yeah, that's great, but...

-I wonder what she'll
look like when she's old.

-Paul, we really have to talk.

-Sure. Fire away.


Look! It's icarus!

-I have to go.

-Where ya goin'?

-I don't know.

-All I knew was I was in
no mood for mythology.

I had to clear my head.

[ Mid-tempo music plays]

-If I could round
up two more horses,

You could get a
haircut and a manicure.

-Look at the way
he moves his lips.

It's disgusting.

Totally unbelievable!
He water skis in this one?

-Delores, do you mind?

-Yep. Nothin' like an afternoon
with wayne's girlfriend

To clear the cobwebs.

-[Sighs] did I miss anything?

-Ed's got a plan.

[Gum popping]

-Do you have to do that?

-What's the matter with him?

-He's just havin' a bad day.


What's the matter, kev?

Is something
wrong in kevie land?

-None of your
business, butthead!

-My, my!

Strong words!

This wouldn't by chance

Have anything to do with a
certain best friend, would it?

And a certain ex-best girl?

-Who told you that?

-Oh, news gets around.

-Lisa saw 'em at
winky's havin' a soda.

-Great. My private hell was
now a matter of public record.

-I must say... I'm
not surprised.

-Well, what's that
supposed to mean?

-Nothing. Except
I saw it coming.

From a mile away.

I wonder if he
takes off his glasses

When they make out?

-[Sighs] I'm tryin' to watch!

-Look, wayne, I don't
have to take this.

-Sorry, sorry.

Gotta hand it to
old pfeif, though.

He's a sneaky one! [Chuckles]

-Aw, what did wayne
know? Paul wasn't a sneak.

Besides, I was the
one who'd set 'em up!

Or was i?

-Ed, what's the matter?

-Is kevin blind, wilbur?

Can't he see what paul
and winnie are up to?

[ Laughter]

-[Exhales sharply]

-The element of surprise, men.

The key to any take-down.

Plan your moves.

Know what you have to do.

As you were.

- Ow!
- Gallo...

Dobby... You're next.

-Okay, I'd planned my move,
and I knew what I had to do.


You remember what we
talked about the other day?

About winnie?

-Sure. What part?

-Well, the part where you said

All I had to do
was say the word,

And then you'd forget
about the whole thing.


-So, would you?

-That depends.

Are we talking hypothetically?


[Whistle blows]

-This was it.

Here was paul's chance to
show where he really stood.

-I don't know.

A few days ago, I
would have said yes.

-Oh, so now you're saying no.

-No, that's not what I'm
not saying. I'm just saying...

-Pfeiffer! Arnold!

On the mat!

-You're saying no. Why
don't you just admit it?!

-Why don't you come out
and admit that you like her?!

-Because I don't!

- Good! Because I do!
- That's enough!

Let's see if you can exercise
something other than your lips.


-And there you had it.

Reasonable men,
agreeing to disagree.

-All right, men, remember, now.




And wrestle!

[Both grunting]



-Ow! Get off my hair!


Boys, that's not wrestling!

- Give! Give!
- Give! Give!

- No, you give!
- Give.

- You give!
- I'm not givin'!

[Classmates shouting]

-Come on, kevin!

[Shouting continues]

[Insects chirping]

[Dog barking in distance]

-I'd never felt
so lost in my life.

I tried to make sense
out of what had happened.

I wanted to believe
that paul had lied to me...

Winnie, too.

But somehow, I knew better.

[Car doors closing]

I'd been lying to myself.

The funny thing is,

Now that I was sure about
my feelings for winnie...

It was too late.

There they were...

My best friend and my best girl.

I'd brought them together.

And now I had no
right to interfere.



-It was time to offer
my congratulations.

It was the decent thing to do.

It's what mr. Ed would do.


I'm sorry about
what happened in gym.

I guess I sort of...

Lost my head, you know?


And for what it's worth...

I hope you and winnie
will be very happy.


-She dumped me.


-She dumped me.

-She did?

-We decided just to be friends.

Well, actually...

She decided.

Anyway, it's over.

After three lousy dates?

-Wait a minute. What
was I saying here?

-It's okay. Really.

It wasn't personal.

She just... Likes somebody else.


-I should have known.

I mean, it was pretty obvious.

But, hey...

I had to take a shot. Right?

The thing I can't figure is...

Why she asked me
out in the first place.

Can you?




Told me she thinks you're cute.

-She said that?


Did she say who it was?

-I can't tell you.
She made me promise.

-Come on, paul, i...

-But suddenly I knew.
He didn't have to tell me.

It was written
all over his face.

-Sorry about that scissors-lock.

-It's okay.

Never felt a thing.

-Yeah, sure. I heard
you whimperin'.

-In your dreams!


-I hadn't noticed what
a beautiful night it was.

Lit by starlight,

The world smelled
clear and clean.

For a minute, I didn't
feel like a kid anymore.

But for the first
time in a long time,

I felt young.

[Doorbell rings]



-It all made sense now.

I loved winnie cooper.

And she loved me.

-Winnie... I just want
you to know that...

I know.

No, you don't have
to say anything.

Just... Know that I know.


-Know what?

-Winnie! Paul told me!

And I'm glad he did!

-Paul told you?

-Well, yeah! Isn't that great?!

-Paul told you?!

-He says you're crazy about me!

[Door slams]

[Dog barks in distance]

[Owl hooting]
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