09x02 - Dead Again

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x02 - Dead Again

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

The surgery went well.

So they say.

You were lucky.

( scoffs )

Is that what I
think it is?

I was going through
a religious phase.

It's not America.

You may have to adjust
your approach somewhat.

Okay, then.
He's all yours.

Watch the paracolyc

He's had a couple
of adhesions

from an appendectomy.

We're going home.

( water running )

You realize you've been
in there for 20 minutes?

You miss me, or am I
wasting water?


How much longer
are you going to be?

Your shift
doesn't start
for two hours.

Yeah, there's an 8:00
meeting near here.

You going
to go?

I was thinking about it.


Something wrong?


What are you doing?

We really can't help you
anymore, sir.

But I'm not
a junkie.

This stuff just finds
me, you know?

How convenient.

Hey, Frank, I need
another room for Mr. Hudlin.

He says Exam Three
is full of ectoplasm.

Did you cut

Ooh, never


( laughs )

( coughing ):
Dr. Carter.

Mrs. Breeland,
you need to
stay in bed.

Otherwise, we might
be tempted

to put somebody
else in it.

Okay, I think we're
getting there.

Hardly-- board number two

is for the patients
in the halls.

We have heat

barbecue smoke
inhalation and boils

all up for grabs.

I love my job.

No, you don't.

Why the hell are you
dressed like that

if you can't

Ah, the smell of
fresh med students
in the morning.

God, what is it about them?

They all seem so...

Gullible? Immature?


I was going
to say sweet.

Bee sting in One
is asking for you.

All right, just tell
them to get started

on their

I'll be with them
as soon as I can.

Carter, MVA two
minutes out.

But not to hold their breath.

Dr. Carter, so, there's
a trauma coming in?

Yeah, why don't
you take the bee
sting in One

the wrist fracture
in Four

and the burning
rash in Two?

Care to give
me a hand?

Why not?
Help me!

Help me!

Hey, that's just
been mopped,
damn it!

You don't talk
if you're having
a real seizure.

Remember that
for next time.

Think it's always
this crazy here?


They need to bring you back

to the V.A.
hospital, sir.

I don't understand.

Your driver
will explain.

You guys suck,
you know that?

Don't bother,
we don't have any beds.

So, what else
is new?

No, I'm serious; try Mercy.

They're refusing
patients, too.

Well, then try Rush.

We're completely filled.

Look, I've been bounced
all over town with
this old guy.

I'm running
out of gas,
and so is he.

If I don't get him
into a bed

his UTI's turning
into urosepsis.

I gotta make water!

Yo, doc!

You are one sadistic
bitch, you know that?

Now, give me
your middle finger.

I would if
I could.

Any emergency meetings
get scheduled?

Just one, about the spate
of E.R. closures

in the area.

I've advised the board

that preliminary figures
are on the increase

in our patient load by 34%.

Who'd you take to La Scala's?


Which board member's
ass are you kissing?

Now the ring finger.

Robert, I simply compiled
a report.

Nerve regeneration's
a millimeter a week.

I am not kissing anyone's ass.

And it is not my
dominant hand.

In fact, I only agreed
to take on your responsibilities

out of necessity.

I'll be back in my
office in two weeks

I hope you are.

( groaning )

Thought about upping
your Vicodin?


I want to stay

That's probably
enough for today.

No, keep going.

Sorry, I have
another patient.

Don't get too comfortable,

Anything else?

Just your...

continued support!


how are you doing?



Well, uh,
we'll catch up downstairs.

I heard rumors.

All true, I'm afraid.

The one face I missed seeing
in recovery.

I'm so sorry, Robert.

What, about my arm

or about not
being there?

How are you healing?

Hurts like
a son of a bitch.


Any sensory
function yet?

( pager beeps )

It's a motorcycle

I have to go,
I'm sorry.

Dr. Corday, how
was London?


Timed your trip

Missed the pox
scare we had two
months ago.

So I hear.

How's Ella?


Is it nice
to be back?

I'm off to the E.R.,
I'll let you know.

Okay, well,
good luck.

Bite me, panty smellers!

Ma'am, you need
to calm down.

Die, you scum-sucking
Dr. Corday, hi.

We need some
Haldol here!

You think
that's necessary?

( screams )

( screaming )

Dr. C.,
looking good.
Thanks, Malik.

So, what's the GCS on
this motorcycle trauma?

Sorry, I didn't
do the run.


Well, have um, the X-ray tech
come down for portables.

You got it.

And hold the C.T.
till we eyeball the patient.

Hey, welcome back.


So, do you know any
of the specifics?

16-year-old girl,
motorcycle versus utility pole

no helmet-- Carter's
bringing her in.

What's a chick doing
on a motorcycle?

What's anyone doing
on a motorcycle?

Have the rapid infuser
primed and ready.

Draw up 100 of Fent,
four of Ativan.

Make sure the airway dr*gs
are out of the box.

It's like you never left.


Coming through here, please!

We're going to need
some O-neg.

She got a rhythm?

PEA to agonal
just before arrival.

breath sounds

Intubated for agonal reps--
didn't know you were back yet.

First day.

When'd she lose
her pulse?
Never had one.

Okay, everybody,
on my count.

Ready, one, two--

Hold transfer and compressions.


Abdomen's distended.



Uh, suction on high,
I need a yankauer.

That's easily two liters.

All right,
amp of epi.

Don't bother.

Obvious C-spine fracture.

She's not even a good
organ donor now.

Is there family here?

We're trying
to locate them.

We can talk
to them.
No, it's fine.

Just let me know
when they arrive.

Be easier for you.

I could pull the trigger
right now if I wanted to

'cause it's all right here.

Welcome back,

Do you have time
for a consult?

As it turns
out, yes.

What's he have,
belly pain?

Well, only because he swallowed
a handful of nitroglycerin.

No sudden moves
unless you want
me to blow!

Milo has right upper quadrant
tenderness with rebound.

I'm a human time b*mb.

He needs to be
cleared medically

before we can
move him upstairs.

I could go off at any minute.

He could get

Are you scared? I'd be scared.

No. Give him two
liters of saline

and monitor him
for a few hours.

Thank you.
Gallant hasn't

a case
of psych all day.

You wanted the consult.

Dr. Lewis.

We're to capacity,
I take it?

Every bed,
every day

since Mission
Hospital closed.

I thought it was
just St. Paul's.

Nope, and it doesn't help
that Weaver's been gone so much.

She's gunning
for Romano's job.

It keeps her
very busy.

Dr. Lewis?

Mr. Sprooner,
let me guess.

You're still itchy.

Yeah, but there's a...

You need to give dr*gs
a chance to work

and quit

Okay, but I think the guy
in the bed next to me

just stopped

Great. Malik,
crash cart in Two.
You got it.

Got a g*ng

Couple of DOA's
at the scene.

Another rig's
coming in behind me.

He said they wouldn't
sh**t back.

Where was she hit?
In the neck,
good airway.

B.P.'s 100/76.
Pulse is stable at 100.

Through and through?

Only saw one hole
but it wasn't leaking air.

You need
a hand?
Possible S.C.I.

Where is he? Where's Ricky?
What's her


Just hang in
there, Alma.

We're going to
try and find him
for you, okay?

Set up a cross table
lateral of the neck.

Dr. Carter

still got these med students
waiting on you.

Want me to jump
on that?

Better idea;
you talk to them.

So, newbies, huh?


You don't want
to work here.


get that D.B.
out of here.

And take it

Someplace else.

How much O2?

Five liters by
nasal cannula.

Are you hurt anywhere else?

They shot him.

Oh, please, God,
don't let him be hurt.

We're going to try
and find out for you, Alma

but you got to try
and help us, too.

Do you have pain
anywhere else?
I don't know.

( crying ):
I... I can't tell.

How about your legs?

I can't feel them.

( crying )

Gallant, need
a hand here.

We're talking
smithereens here!

Have you ever seen

Listen, Haleh, I'm
on psych rotation.

I really shouldn't
be helping you, but...

Haleh, this is
a dead body.

You ought to go
to med school.

Can't take her
to the morgue yet;
waiting on family.

( grunts )

Why am I not exploding?

No movement below
the umbilicus.

What's wrong
with me?

Why can't
I feel anything?

You might just have

some bruising
to your spinal cord.

I need 30 migs
per kilo

of methyprednisodlone
I.V. bolus.

Where the hell's

Behind you.
Start with the chest.

( crying ):
Please, I need Ricky.

Stay with us, Alma.

Entry wound left mid

with a large

There's blood
behind the ear

as well.

It'd be nice to hear
about that ultrasound.

Morrison's is dry.

The peridcolic
gutters look good.

Bladder is, uh...

Wait, wait!

She's pregnant.


Looks like about 11 weeks.

Fetal heart
rate is 140

baby appears healthy
and intact.

I need Ricky.

( screaming and crying )

It's my arm, man!
It hurts like a...

Do something already!

B.P.'s steady
at 120

but he's been
like this the
whole time.

Ricky, you need
to calm down!

Did you give
him anything?

Maybe this'll help.
He wouldn't hold
still long enough.

Good breath sounds,
full trauma panel

chest and A-P pelvis.
He's a regular

Through and through
to the right triceps.
( screams )

You were lucky.

Yeah? You should see
the other guy.

( laughs )
No fracture
or deformity.

So, what, just go back
and forth sh**ting each other

till all
of you are dead?

An eye for an eye, man.

Yeah, meanwhile his
girl gets shot.

They got Alma, too?

Yeah, she was hit
in the neck

and it's pretty

( screams )

Come on, dawg!

Let me go!

Calm down!

I've got to k*ll those b*tches!

You already did!

( breathing heavily )

Repeat hamogram
and update tetanus.

Keep your hand there
and don't take it off

until you get upstairs.

Got it.

Dr. Corday,
when you have a chance.

Be right there.

Make sure the blood bank
sends type-specific

straight to the O.R.

Have the anesthesiologist
call me with any questions.

Are you the one?

A neurosurgeon
will perform the operation.

He'll be talking with you

I'm sorry?

Don't let me die.

You're one cold-hearted bitch

you know that?

I don't have any damn
pity for you, whore.

I'm talking to you,
piss face!

Don't you dare turn
your back on me

you stuck up little

Where the hell do you
think you're going?!

Pardon me, darling.
Thank you.

Doc, I'm going to miss
the whole season here.

Keep your cup on, man.

I should have been
off two hours ago.

You don't see me

What are you still
doing here?

I can't leave
till my patient gets a bed.

Them's the rules.
Don't sound so
upset about it.

Up to level 12.

Hey, turn that thing off.
It disturbs the patients.

Frank, what'd I miss?

County HHS needs
to talk to you.

Ditto, Human Resources.

Anything from
Dr. Romano?

Oh, he called half an hour ago,
and an hour before that.

Somebody from Dr. Rydell's
office called

to confirm
your appointment for, uh...

What the hell is this?

Why is Stella Willits
still on the board?

I called to have
her admitted to
Psych hours ago.

I haven't had a chance
to evaluate her yet.

Well, save yourself
the trouble-- she's nuts.

She's a frequent flier
with a history

of bogus medical complaints.

Yeah, well,
with all due respect

I'd like to determine
that myself.

The E.R. doesn't have the time
or the manpower

to deal with hypochondriacs.

That's what
your department's for.

Now, turf her,
get her off my board.

Yeah, but it's
part of my...
I said get rid of her.

got to give you that.

How are those medical students
coming along?

Oh, just fine. I gave them
three volumes of Rosen to read.

Urology on two.

You think you can come up
with something

a little bit more interactive?

Yeah, Sam Polivy's back
with a ureteral stone.


Hey, Abby, are those labs
back on Melinda Harrell?

Let me check.

Hi, I'm Erin Harkins...
I'm on the phone.

Yeah, you're busy,
we get that

but can we get
an approximate time

that orientation
will begin? Doctor?

Please don't tell me you're
keeping med students waiting.

Check with Pratt.

I'm checking with you.

Intractable pain
and hydronephrosis.
Dr. Carter?

I cannot admit him
to Eight West right now.

There are no beds.

I'm Dr. Weaver, chief
of Emergency Medicine.

I will give you a brief tour
of the Ambulance Bay

after which our chief resident
will give you

his undivided attention,
because, as you'll learn

it's his primary responsibility.

Come on.

I'm sorry, what was
that you were just saying?

Demolition site
accident downtown.

At least a dozen

What's the E.T.A.?

I've got to call
you back.

Paramedics can transport using
standing field protocols...

We've got multiples.

Wait here.
Who's on first?

The sick one. Frank Chambers,
40 years old.

Severe chest trauma when a
pedestrian walkway fell on him.

Wrecking ball crane collapsed.

B.P. 80 systolic,
but he's headed the wrong way.

Tachy 120.
Denies L.O.C.

Crepitus on right side;
we need to page surgery.

Mr. Chambers,
can you talk?

It hurts too much.

He told me he thought
his ribs were broken.

Who are you?
His secretary.

Sustained only a facial
lac and had chest pain
at the scene

but refused treatment.

All right, you need
to be examined.

After he's
taken care of.

He's decreased
on the left.

Let's hear it.

Been hearing it all the way
from Michigan Avenue.

Ken Ambrose, 34. Obvious tib-fib
fracture with dislocation.

F.D. had to lift a flower shop
off his leg.

Not a shop, it's a kiosk.

Vitals normal, but tachy
at 120 with a liter in.

Gave him ten of M.S.

( screaming ):
Don't touch it! It hurts!

Okay, uh,
just bear with us.

We'll give you
something for that.

Oh, God, I see a light.

You're not dying,
it's just your ankle.

Oh, God. Oh!

Watch where
you're going!

You ran into me.

Haleh! Where's the trauma?

Throw a rock, honey.

Blunt chest in Two.

You look wonderful,
by the way.

85 pounds
and counting.

Good for you.

You cut your hair?


B.P.'s falling,
70 systolic.

Keep squeezing
that bag.

Where are we?
Flail with crepitus,
needs a tube at least.

Who has an angio cath?
Right here.

How can I help?

Given that there's only one,
I don't see how you can.

What is that?

It's a tube
to help him breathe.

He has a collapsed
lung, Tammy.

This will re-inflate it.

I need a thoracostomy tray.

Right, let's see how much air
he's got in here.

Oh, God.

( hissing )

Is that any better,
Mr. Chambers?

Sats 88.

He's not talking anymore.
Why is he not talking?

Because he can't.

Let's Betadine
the whole chest,
just in case.

Do you need any help?

Ah, yes, with his wife.
She's bleeding.

I'm not his wife.
Then you shouldn't be
in here.

Where's the rapid infuser?

Chuny, we need that blood.

All right.
Let's get her on a monitor.

She refused treatment
for chest pain at the scene.

Okay, I'm Dr. Kovac.
Can you come with me?

No, somebody needs
to be with him.

Okay, I'm in.

Hook me up.

Let us take care of him

and Dr. Kovac
will take care of you.

Come, please.

( screaming )
Pratt, what are you doing
down there?

Lewis, what are you doing
up there?

This guy's got no
D.P. pulse.

It's called a trauma

Lungs clear, chest tones normal.

Got the Doppler.

Give it to me.

Sweet Jesus.

Explains no pulse.

Let's get a C.B.C.,
chem seven, dip of urine

chest and pelvis X-rays.

Chen, give me your hands.

What are you doing?

Hold tight. Ken!

Have you ever been
to Hawaii before?


Well, pretend you're there now.


( screaming )

( gasping )

I can't believe you.

I feel better.

I feel totally better.

I feel totally sick.

Why would you reduce an ankle
with no pain meds?

No pulse is no blood
is dead tissue.

In other words,
I just saved your foot.

Thank you. You're wonderful.

Subclavian's in.
Is that the film?

500cc's are out
the chest tube.

He's holding his pressure.

No pneumothorax.

Looks like a widened mediastinum
and a loss of the A-P window.

Hard to tell.
Pulmonary contusion's
pretty impressive.

One of us should go
with him to C.T.

Not unless you're prepared
to crack the chest.

He's got flail chest,
pulmonary contusions
and labile hypotension.

Which could also be caused
from a splenic fracture.

Carter, I'd like
an aortagram,
better yet, a T.E.E.

The fact that he's still alive
argues against aortic injury.

Page me with the result, okay?

Elizabeth, I really think
there's more to discuss here.

Kerry, I'm a trauma surgeon.

Last time I checked,
you weren't chief of staff.

Keep me apprised
of his condition.

Okay, the last one.

Can I go see him now?

No. We have to make sure
you didn't bruise your heart

or damage your lungs.

They're not
doing anything.

Probably just waiting
to go up to surgery.

I'm sure he's stable.

I told Mr. Chambers
we were ten minutes late.

It's a trick I use
to get him to meetings on time.

You don't call him
by his first name?

He's kind of formal.

How long have you been
working for him?

Two years.

Six days a week,
ten hours a day.

I probably spend more time
with him than his wife does.

They're really happy, though.

I mean, she's
lucky to have him.

He's a good man.

You ready to irrigate?


Uh, put polysporin
on the wound.

Where'd you
get that one?

A low-life stuck me in the back
with a switchblade.

An inch to the left
and you would have lost

a kidney.

The guy who did it to me...

got snuffed with a sawed-off.

( laughs )

Dude was bite-size.

That's funny?

Whatever, bitch.

Hey, watch your mouth.

Are you almost done, man?


You in a hurry to go to jail?

We can check
on Alma for you.

She's probably
in recovery by now.

That means she's okay then.

No. She could wind up paralyzed.

Like all over, or just her legs?

They're not sure yet.

Wow, better if they just
k*lled her, you know?

An hour ago, you were ready
to get revenge.

Yeah, that was personal.

It was about my name, honor.

But paralyzed, that blows.

Just dress the wound
with adaptic.

Hey, Luka.


Piece of work, huh?


And she's pregnant.


The girl.

Says it's his baby.

You want to tell him?

No. Do you?

Not really.

Hi. I'm Michael Gallant
from Psychiatry.

Stella Willits,
from Ohio.

Nice shiner.

I understand you have
quite a few medical complaints.

I'll need to ask you
a few questions.

Knock yourself out, hon.

Do you have any recent
weight gain?

I've been thinking about
going on The Zone.

How about dry skin?

Like the Sahara.

Here, give me this.

( clears throat )

"Intolerance to cold?" Yes.

"Arthritis, sore muscles,

Yes, yes and yes.

"Fatigue?" Well, I have been
kind of low-energy lately.

You have some delayed relaxation
from the deep tendon reflexes.

What about depression?




I'm glass half-full;
I'm a silver-lining girl.

I'm an optimist.

Listen, I'll be back
to finish.

Um, I guess I do get
a little blue sometimes.

Get this gurney out of the way.

If you haven't talked to anyone

you need to go back
to the nurse in triage.

Jing-Mei, your food
poisoning in Exam Four

has been here
for 11 hours.

Waiting on a consult.

From who, the Naked Chef?
The guy ate bad shrimp.

Hey, Dr. Weaver?
Can I get something
for my skin?

Yeah, sunblock.

Can I talk to you
about Stella Willits?

Well, only if you're
admitting her to Psych.

Yeah, she may have
a reason for...

Just got word
on Mr. Chambers--
aortic dissection.

I'm taking him up
to surgery now

unless you have
any objections.

Ah, no, but would
it be possible

for us to speak
in private first?

Of course.
Dr. Weaver...

Later, Gallant.
Yeah, but I need...

I wanted to talk to you

about what happened earlier.

Oh, for God's sake.
Who left a cadaver in here?

Sasha's a bit of a
bad penny, I'm afraid.

She keeps being
moved around

while they try
to locate her family.

I don't mind,
if you don't mind.

I'm concerned that you might be
taking on too much, too soon.

Particularly in the area
of trauma.

Based on?

What I saw earlier--

a pronounced inability to work
with others

a lack of professional respect.

You're joking, right?

Look, it's stressful,
no question.

But copping an attitude
with me and my staff

is-is not going to make
the trauma go any easier.

Kerry, I saw
a dissected aorta.

In fact, it only adds
to the intense pressure

that we're all feeling.

Given my position

I didn't think it necessary
to come and seek your approval.

We all have our sensitivities...

Quite frankly, if anyone has
an attitude here, it's you.

...but we can't let them

No, it's you.

With your insistence
on being kowtowed to

at every bloody opportunity.

( crying )

Oh, my God.

( sniffling )

( crying continuing )

Excuse me.

You have some milk?
I'm thirsty.

His landlord
found him in
his apartment


Apparently, his
girlfriend left him.

Well, the correct term would
be "Mommy."


Well, he appears
to be an Abie.

You know,
an adult baby.

It's-it's a fetish in which
the baby is taken care of

in every way
by a "mommy" or a "daddy."

You're familiar
with this condition?

Well, it's not really
a condition.

It's more like a form
of relaxation.

Are you
kidding me?

No. It says right here

get away
from their stressful lives.

Mr. Dwyer, what do you do
for a living?

Shoe sales.

See, and a foot
fetish, too.

This is definitely
an issue

for the Psych

No offense.

No, no. I-I am not so sure
about that.

Mr. Dwyer, when's the last time
someone changed you?

This morning.

More than likely

he suffers from
a diaper rash

which is a
medical ailment

to be treated
by the ER.

When are you done
with this rotation?

Next week.

Remind me to give you
some serious scut work.

"To Dr. Pratt

"Thanks from a grateful patient.

Ken, the Kiosk Man."


Too bad this guy didn't
run a hot dog stand.

I'm here for allergies

and these things are pushing me
over the edge.

Can you get rid of them?

Yeah, or give them to someone
a little more deserving.

Hey, hey, hey.

Who saved flower
boy's foot

and moved more
patients than
anybody today?

Me, that's who.

And you know what?

You guys are going
to miss me, too

'cause I'm
out of here.

Bankers hours, Pratt?
Only if they
work doubles.

Hey, Carter,
what's up with your boss?

Is it true

she was, uh,
crying earlier?


Yeah. Bad breakup
or something?

She's been pretty
moody lately.


I'm sorry,
but I think

this man needs
immediate attention!

You got to help my Pops.
What happened?

They came in through
the ambulance entrance way

and I saw right away
that he was diaphoretic.

I'm not
asking you.

We were playing ball

and he just grabbed his chest
and sat down.

When did the
pain start?
About an hour ago.

I thought it would go away.
You having pain
anywhere else?

Come on.
On a scale of one to
ten, how's your pain?

How are you

Talk to the elephant
on my chest.

It could be an acute MI.
Excuse me,
do you mind?

What are your names?
I'm Pete and
he's Derek.

What's up?
Can you take Pete
and Derek to the TV room?

One, Pratt.
Okay, come on.

Excuse me, is there any way

that we can wait
in the doctor's lounge?

As soon as
you're a doctor.

Tombstones in two,
three and "F."

Is it any better with the spray
under your tongue?

No. W-what do you mean
by "tombstones"?

It's a non-medical way

of describing the line tracings
on your EKG

but it's not good news,
Mr. Royston.

It looks like
you're having a heart attack.

How about

I already gave him 80.

Let's push five of metoprolol.

Titrate morphine.
Start heparin and nitro drips.

Call cards and the cath lab.

Wait. What's going on?

What's he going to do?

You have a blocked
heart vessel.

If we can open it
up with a balloon

We just need your permission
to do the procedure.

It's called "angioplasty."

If you can sign for me
right there.

Cath lab will
be ready for him
in 30 minutes.

He's a hot MI.
Yeah, they're
finishing up a pacer.

While they're messing around

with an elective procedure

he's k*lling off heart cells.

We've got plenty of time
to medicate...

( alarm rings )

Like I said...
Charge the
paddles at 200.

No pulse.
Starting compressions.

Abby, open an
intubation tray.

Let's get cardiology in here.

And clear.

The doctors there will
give you antibiotics.

Just make sure to get
a wound check in two days.


So, he's
good to go?

Later, I guess.

She's pregnant.


Your girlfriend.

I told you, man.
She's not my

¿Tu entiendes, hermano?

Well, whoever she is to you,
she's carrying your baby.

Why don't you care?

Why do you?

360 again.


Still fib.

Is this my consults?

Acute inferior MI.

Refractory v-fib despite
lidocaine and procainamide.

How about a TNK?

Sure as hell isn't going

to make it to the cath lab.

I've been pounding
on his sternum for ten minutes.

He'll bleed out
with thrombolytics.

Who's talking?

Pratt-- first
year resident.

Then shut up.

CPR as a contraindication

to thrombolytics has

been debunked.
It's a myth.

40 of

IV push.

Charging to 360.
And clear.

A boatload
from Lake Michigan

just came in
with alcohol


Worse. Parents.

The ten-year-old was the only
one sober enough to dock.

Do you think
it's too late

to go into

Excuse me,

I had a message
on my voice mail

that said my daughter was
in a motorcycle accident.

Her name is Sasha--
Sasha Huffner.

Uh, yeah, yeah.

I'll, uh, check on her
for you.

Thank you.
Just wait right there.

Thank you very much.

( sighs )

Susan, did you
order a urine
tox screen on... ?

Check my orders.

Dr. Lewis, this guy
with the ringworm...

Yeah, can you hang on
a second? Elizabeth?

And an abdominal CT
with contrast

and two grams
of Cefotetan.

Can we talk?

I'm on my way to the OR

with a bowel obstruction
if it can wait.

Sasha Huffner's
father is here.

Your first patient.

The DOA.

Right, right.

Look, if you want, I
can tell him for you.

Why would I want that?
I don't know.

You're on your
way to surgery.

It's kind of

What's his name?

Paul. He's staying...

I'll find him.

Hold compressions.

Five v-fib.


How long has it been?

42 minutes.

Okay, that's it.

Call it.

You can stop now.

Time of death is... 7:11.

( alarms sound )

Wife here?

She's on
her way.

You should still wait.

Can't lie to him now.

You want
to turn off that monitor?

Whoa! He's in V-tach.


I can shock that.

They pronounced him.

Yeah, well, now
he's got a good rhythm.

200. Clear.

Yeah, still V-tach.
That's enough, Pratt.

Bag him.

Do it!
No, he's dead.

300. Clear.

Oh, my God.

Sinus tach.

I said bag him.

We did everything
that we could.

We had three doctors
working on him

for over an hour.

We gave him

and we shocked
his heart

but it didn't
do any good.

Why not?

Because his heart
was very, very sick

and it was too
sick to save.

I shouldn't have
made him play ball.

I mean, he said
he was tired.

No, no. It's
not your fault.

It's not your fault.

Your dad had a problem
that nobody knew about.

Not you,
not your mom

and not even him.

In fact, you
gave him the best
possible chance

that he had by
getting him to
the hospital.

He can't be dead.

I'm sorry, Pete.

He is dead.

And it's very sad

and it's very

And it's okay
to cry.

It's just a sign
of how much you
loved your dad.

Do you guys
want to see him?

You can say good-bye.



You need to know

that your dad's going to have
a lot of tubes attached to him

and it might be a little scary.

That's okay.

Keep the lidocaine

at two milligrams
per minute.

What are you doing?

I got him back.

What the hell's going on?

B.P.'s 90 palp.
He's back.

He's alive?

He's not dead.

Daddy's alive!

Mr. Huffner?


I'm Dr. Corday.

I'm a surgeon
here at County

and I was your

this morning.

Did you operate on her?

I mean, is she all right?

I mean

where is she?

Can I see her?

I'm afraid your
daughter died
this morning.

She-she came in
essentially DOA

with massive
internal injuries

from a motorcycle

My God.

Someone can take
you to see the body.

We've kept it in
the department
for your benefit.

And, uh...

you can make
with the morgue.

A nurse can give
you information

about grief

She's my little baby.

Is she gone?

I'm sorry.

( crying )

Nobody walks out

of a hospital
after 40 minutes of CPR.

There was improvement.

From v-fib to v-tach.

Because he's either dead
or should be dead

which means your resident is
either cruel, stupid or both.

He saw a

in the setting
of thrombolytics.

It could have
taken 30 minutes

for the TNK
to open up the
coronary artery.

Are you defending this?

He had to make a
split-second decision

and he thought
he was acting

in the best interest
of his patient.

Well, he was wrong,
and now we have a vegetable

with a pulse on our hands.

Well, our names are
on the chart, not yours.

Dr. Pratt and
I will take

full responsibility
for any negative outcome.

Oh, you bet your ass you will.

Hey, um...

I just want to say thanks
for backing me up like that.

A chief resident

and a cardiologist

with more than 25
years of experience

pronounce a man dead

and you decide to resurrect him.

Yes, but just
like you say...

You think I defended
you because I like you

or because I
approve of the way

that you practice medicine?

You are my responsibility.

You are my job.

And I'm doing mine.

If you wanted to shock

you could have stat paged me

I could have been
here in a second

and we could
have discussed it.

you go off

without any regard
for authority

or even the best interest
of your patient.

Now, that's not true.

The guy's got kids,
he's got a wife.

I was trying to save him...

You brought
the man back

Pratt, because you felt like it.

Because you wanted to see
if you could.

Why is he still sleeping?

He didn't get enough
oxygen to the brain

so we have to wait and
see if he wakes up.

You know, there's a
chance he might not.

Why's that?

He's just taking
a nap is all.

Pete, your dad's
still pretty sick.

Yeah, but you
saved his life.

Hey, you guys hungry?

Come on, let's go down
to the cafeteria.

I'll get you something to eat.

All right?

My daddy doesn't
like doctors

but I bet
he'd like you.

You tired?

There's got to be
a better word for it.


Asthenic? Atonic?



Does that mean you want
to stay home tonight?

Not necessarily.

Anything in particular
come to mind?

sh**t, keep working
that spot

and I'll do
whatever you want.

You know, I do need my
sock drawer reorganized.

They told me
my husband was back here.

He had a heart attack.

( clears throat )

Mrs. Royston?

Even though we got his
heart beating again

the neurologic test showed

that there's a lack
of basic brain function.

What that means is that...

I know what it means.

How long can he last
like this?


Did your husband
leave any instructions?

Did he ever express
his wishes

about what should be done
in a situation like this?

He's 42 years old.

Then I need to ask you
if his heart stops beating again

do you want heroic measures
taken to save his life

or do you want to sign
a Do Not Resuscitate order?

Oh... God...

Is that the right
thing to do?

I can't make that decision
for you.

Is it the right thing to do?


I want to thank you,
Dr. Gallant.

There is no need,
Mrs. Teasley, no need.

I just get...
well, I don't know

panicky in
public places.

Well, you know

that's why you need
to keep taking your Klonopin.

I hope I wasn't
too much trouble.

Oh, not at all.
Not at all.

you want to explain

why Stella's still here?

Yeah. I'm waiting on some
lab work that I ordered.

Well, who said
you could order labs?

No one, but
I thought that...

You're here to assess
her psychiatric problems

not to do a
medical work-up.

Listen, I-I realize that,
but I think she is really sick.

You looking for these?


Oh, her TSH level
is over 100.


Well, she's hypothyroid which
explains all of her symptoms:

depression, fatigue...

Yeah, but not the fact
that she's a con artist

and a hypochondriac.

Until your rotation is over

you are not a member
of this E.R.

You have to stop doing
our work;

start doing the work
of your current department.

Yes, ma'am.

But good catch.
You off soon?

In a few minutes, yep.

Do me a favor.

Discharge Stella
before you leave.

I feel like crap.
I'm going home.

Yeah, we sent the, uh,
labs out this morning.

Well, she's been here
for 24 hours...

Something's wrong
with my dad! Come on.

Hey, Pratt, will
you get in here?

Mama, what's wrong?

Mrs. Royston,
did you sign the DNR?

You got to
help my dad.

He's in arrest.

Mrs. Royston,
did you sign the DNR?


What's a DNR?

Um... it-it means
that your dad

is too sick
for us to try to help him.

Why can't you?

Because he's already gone,

No, he's not!

No, he's not.

He saved him.

He said he was going
to be okay.

Derek, we tried.

Why are you
letting him die?!

Baby, please...

You got to help!

Mama, tell them
to do something, please.

( whispering ):
Come on, come on.

( whimpering ):

Why are you doing this?



( sobbing )


( both crying )

Rominger's not an appy.

You sure?

25 male, periumbilical to
the right lower quadrant?

He's a poster boy.

Well, you can bring him back
in 12 hours if you want.

Oh, uh, Dr. Lewis asked
that you take a look

at the

Page the next shift.

Do you want to take
a call from Neuro?

Find out if
it's urgent.

You forgot
to sign off.


So, uh,
how are you feeling?

It's about the GSW
you handled earlier--

Alma Salazar?

I'm fine.

You wanted to know
her status.

What is it?

You going to tell me?

She's a quad.

( sighs wearily )




Oh. You're not going
to wake him up?


Didn't you two
come in together?

Yeah, I'm sure he can
find his way home without me.

Do you need
a lift then?

No, thanks.

Have a good night.

( hooting and cheering )

I can't believe that!

( joyful chattering
and laughter )

Ah, man!

Why do you even try, son,
why do you even try?

Yo, man, I don't know.

This is just crazy!

Man, they evacuating
the whole spot?

Hey, yo.
What's all this?


Want some pizza?

Yo, Biz, let me talk to you
for a minute.

Yo, I'm watching
a movie, man.

Dawgs, if I got
to come over there

I'm gonna smack fire at you!

Come here, man,
let me talk to
you for a minute!

Come on, man,
hurry up!

Come here, man.

Damn, what's
your problem?

I thought I told you
don't come here again.

Stay away from him.

You understand that?

Yo, I'm saying,
now you his mama, yo?


( shouting )

Yo, man, chill out.

You hear what
I'm saying?

Why you tripping?

Don't play with me, man.

All right, that's it,
party's over.

Everybody out!

Come on, man, get up.
You two, get up.

All y'all.

Get up and
get out.

Yo, my man,
are you stupid?

Come here.

Come on, man, come on,
come on, come on.

What you doing, G?
Come on, get out.

Close the door
behind you.

What's wrong, G?

Y'all, I'll holler
at y'all later, all right?

Those are my friends, G.

Yeah? Well, this is my house.

It's mine, too.

Oh, yeah?

Oh, what,
you pay rent?

Come on,
watch out, man.

No. Does that mean I
can't have no friends?

Just be quiet,
I'm tired.

Man, you tired,
all right.

Grouchy, too.


you know those guys
are just using you, right?


Yo, dawg, how do they
blow up a whole town

like that without
k*lling anybody?

They don't.

And if you shot the g*n
that close

he'd blow
his eardrums out, too.

Oh, gee, it's just
a movie, man.

You don't got to
take it so seriously.

Hey, whatever.

But she's hot, though.

Most definitely.

( laughing )

You're right
about that, G.

Yo, you still
want some pizza?

( sighs )

( moans )

( coughs )

( clears throat )

Hey, sleeping beauty.

How long have I
been in there?

Since before
my shift started.

Is Abby here?

Nope, but she left you
a Post-It.

And you still have
a med student waiting for you.

( sputtering lips )


( grunts )

Look, I'm sorry.

The day just kind of
got away from me.

Why don't we try
again tomorrow?

No. No, I don't
think so. No.

I have been here
for 16 hours.

I have been ignored
and yelled at

and called honey
and sweetie and bitch-- twice.

I don't smell good

and all I've had to eat
is Gummy Bears and Diet Coke.

I'm not leaving
until I get

what I came for.

This the Admit Area.

This is the center
of the E.R. universe.

This is where you'll pick
up your patients' charts

order labs, spend
the bulk of your life

for the next
three months...

Uh, how do you know
who's next to be seen?

You check that chart
rack right there.

We see people in the
order they arrive

unless the triage
nurse feels they're
of high acuity

and then they get moved
to the head of the line.

Do you get to suture?

If you're supervised
by an attending, yes.
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