09x09 - Next of Kin

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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09x09 - Next of Kin

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

Listen... let me go.

I can explain everything.

I can't be arrested!

Do you even know if there's
a flight out tonight?

Yep. United.
9:30 to Omaha.


You called her?

The most unreliable

undependable person
in our lives?

And you're dependable?

Yeah, to you I am, yes.

This is about Eric.

You can't go back
to the way you two were.

There's no quick fix.

Mom was out-of-her-mind crazy
and I'm not like that!

It's 300 an hour.

2,000 for the night.

Give me some damn privacy.

But I won.
It's all right--
I-I should go.

( glass breaking )

Where's Mom?

You need cable.

I broke a bowl--
I'm sorry.

I'm making

You want some?


You got some cheese?

Just the stuff in a can.

What time is it?

Almost 5:00.

It's a little early
for breakfast

don't you think?

Not if it's your last supper.

Nothing fresh?

I'm not hungry anyway.

You need to eat something.

( quietly ):
He's been up since 3:00.

Maybe you should
talk to him.


What are you watching?


And everything.

You having trouble
falling asleep?

Trouble staying that way,

Kind of a crappy neighborhood
you live in.

You want to talk
about it?

Tell me what's
going on?

You had me medically discharged

and I'm about to check
into a loony bin today.

What do you think's
going on?

( clears throat ):
Treatment center.

It's one of the best
treatment centers

in the city
and it's just days.

My days.

It's been a long trip.

The more aggressively
we treat this now

the better your
chances are of...

My chances.

I'm tired,
he's tired.

We agreed, Eric.

When the hell
did this become "we"?

When you started having
to take Depakote.

Is that how it works?

Anything over 500 milligrams
gets you locked up?


You're lucky
you're only 250.

It's weight-based.

Follow my finger

with your eyes, Timmy.


He came in saying
he had a headache.

Swears up and down
nothing happened to him.

And do you wear a helmet
when you ride a bike?

Yeah, but I wasn't.

Both of them
are on restriction.

They can't play outside
the yard.

Well, what were you guys
doing out there?

Playing catch?

Playing a little cops
and robbers?

Knowing might help me
figure out

whether Timmy needs
medicine or an operation.

Or both.


Is that some kind of game?

Uh... I hold him up
by the ankles

and see how long it takes

for him to hit the ground
after I let go.

One one-thousand.

Okay. Chuny, let's get
a head CT, no contrast.

You bet.

How many times
have I told you

not to t*rture
your little brother?

Another Kodak moment?

Kid has a concussion--

still wouldn't
rat out his brother.

That would make him
a squealer.

It's a fate worse
than head trauma.

When's Abby due back?

She's back.

Yeah, everything okay?

Yeah. I mean, other than
needing a vacation from
her vacation.

Uh, no kidding.

If I was stuck on a train
with my family...

It's a bad example

because I'd throw myself
on the tracks.

See you tomorrow.

Not so fast.

Weaver wants you
to cover her shift.

That is the second
time this week!

And it's only

Well, is she
or slacking?

Dealing with labor negotiations,
is what I heard.

Something like that.

Well, so much
for salsa tonight.

You losing
all your party pals?

Yeah, well, between
work and boyfriends

nobody seems to have
time for fun anymore.

Excuse me.

Are you doctors?

Yeah, but you have to sign in
over at Triage.

I can't do this.

I-I just can't.

( door opening )

Should we look,
or call security?

( baby crying )

Less than an hour old.

( baby continues crying )

Every day begins

with 90 minutes
of group.

Individual sessions
are twice a week

with recreational therapies
rounding out the schedule.

Monday through Friday?

8:00 to 4:00.

Busy day.

Now, we have found

that a four-pronged approach
is most effective:

Therapy, structure,
social interaction

and, of course, meds.

Which you dispense?


Uh, through there,
there's some lockers

where patients can
store their belongings.

We provide
a hot lunch

and on occasion,
we take the group

to nearby
cultural events.

What about recess?

Pardon me?

I mean, no swings,
no monkey bars, no slides.

Not even a merry-go-round.


Honey, why don't we go talk
to some of the other people.

Oh, oh, for bipolar
show-and-tell? Okay.

There's always an
adjustment period.

Um, will you be keeping him
on Zyprexa?

You think he needs to
be on an anti-psychotic?

He's had some delusional
thoughts with his mania.

Well, before
prescribing anything

I'll want to review
his medical records

and of course,
talk with him.

I don't know how much
cooperation you're going to get

but I can probably tell you
anything you need to know.

Mmm, be more helpful
coming from the patient.

But down the line

family therapy may well
be a part of the program.

I'll let you know.

( baby crying )

Appears term.

Skin's good.

no jaundice.

No ID, no information,
no nothing.

Fontanel is soft

a little sunken--
definitely dehydrated.

Do you think
she had any help?

I doubt it.

The umbilical cord
is clamped

with a Powder Puff
Girls barrette.

Powerpuff Girls.

Um, so we just call
Social Services now, right?

Safe Haven Law.

A mom can drop off a newborn,
no questions asked.

Bilateral red reflex.

Pupils reactive.

At least she did
the responsible thing.

Did she?

Yeah, the baby could've ended up
in the dumpster.

But where's the father?

Where's the girl's parents?

Where's the girl?

Out there living life
like nothing happened.

Need a heel stick
for glucose.

And a diaper.

Double MVA:
12-year-old with ankle deformity

and the driver is shocky

with abdominal trauma.

Kid's vitals okay?

We'll find out,
they're rolling up right now.

( crying continues )


Uh, yeah.

In a minute.

He's vomiting.

Let's turn him.

Poster boy for blunt trauma.

B.P. 100/72.

Any LOC?

Awake at the scene

GCS 14 so far, but
he keeps heaving.

Blood and urine
in his pants.

Mr. Brenner,
I'm Dr. Carter.


His kid's
in the next rig.

Your daughter's
right behind you.

Let's page trauma surg down here
and set up for a chest tube.

Hang in there.

Where's my ten bucks?

Right in my wallet,
where it's going to stay.

Oh, you're still
making that "no shake,
no pay" noise again?

Hi, I'm Erin.
What's your name?

Good sats,
but left ankle deformity.

No other injury.
Truck hit the driver's side.

Where was she?

Restrained in the back,

Daddy says he can keep
a better eye on me that way.

Why, did you get
into trouble?

No, he's a worrywart.

Lateral C-spine, chest
and pelvis to start.

It's just me...
Normal heart sound

but decreased
on the left.

Mr. Brenner,
can you open your mouth for me?

Good radial pulses.

No dental fractures.
Mandible stable.

Her mother's gone...

Sats 90.

28 French on a
vascular clamp.

Ooh, he's got a left
clavicular fracture.

It's probably
a small pneumo.

She doesn't understand...

Ten blade.
This the MVA?

Yeah, dropped a lung.
Check out the belly.


I'm Dr. Corday.

I'll be assessing your need
for surgery.

Uh, hope not.
( groans )

Tender abdomen, hypotensive.

Tube's going in.

Fluid in Morrison's.

Mr. Brenner, you probably
have an injury

to your internal organs

which we'll need
to repair quickly.

Is there anybody you'd like us
to call?

Your wife?


His daughter's next door.

Need a cell saver
for the thoraseal.
On it.

Is it bad?

Stay with us, Mr. Brenner.

Extra cell saver in here?

Oh, catch.

DP and PT pulses strong.

Is he going
to be okay?

Your father's in
good hands, Morgan.

Yeah, that's right.

We got our second-best doctor
working on him.


Well, number one's
working with you

isn't he?

Looks like a distal tib fib.

Let's get her down
to X ray.

Where are they
taking him?

He might need a test

we can't perform here
in the E.R.

Or surgery.

Hey, you got a favorite color?

Yeah, why?

Well, we'll need to put
a cast on your ankle

and we've got all the colors

of the rainbow.

I like pink.

( chuckles ):
Me, too.

Look for images
that best describe your feelings

during the hypomanic phases
of your illness.

Hey, does anybody have
a Viagra ad?


We find that this exercise
really helps them to identify

the seductive side
of their mania.

It seems so simple.

Has to be
in the beginning.

They are used
to chaos--

to acting on
their impulses.

This allows them to
move into a world

of structure and

He'll adapt.

Obviously, you did.

See you this afternoon.

Thanks, Doctor.

You ready?

I guess.

Is something wrong?



You think this is the
right facility for him?

Okay. How did I know
that was coming?

I'm not saying it's not

but seeing it, seeing what
they're making him do...

Okay, the collages
are stupid.

That's only one part
of the therapy.

It'd be great if he
was ten years old.

Well, emotionally,
he pretty much is.

No, he's not.

Okay, 15 then.

I know how he feels.

Like we're trying to take away
his personality--

the thing he likes
about being him.

Which is also the thing
that is destroying him.

What if he does it

Sees a psychiatrist,
gets a job

tries to learn how to deal
with this on his own.

That would be great.

How do you keep him
on his meds?

You can't force meds,
or this so-called therapy

down your brother's throat.

( chuckles ):
"So-called therapy."

If he's not ready for it,
it won't work.

Oh, and you know
what will?

Why do you do that?

We're not talking about me.

Why do you always shove it
in my face?

Because you keep insisting
that you're the expert.

That you know best.

Maybe this once I do.

You know, you are
not exactly cured.

And he needs someone
stable to help get
him through this.

I'm his mother.

Oh, come on.

Come on, you've been
in and out of hospitals

for the past 30 years.

You're not anybody's mother.

Okay, wait.

Well, he looks good.

How's he doing?

Temp's normal,
pulse down to 140.

I think he likes it here.

No beds upstairs, huh?

I don't mind.

It's nice to have
a healthy baby

down here for a change.

Hmm. Repeat the bolus
of 20cc's per kilo.

Then try him on 30cc's
of Enfamil q two hours

until Pedes takes him up.

I don't know how anybody
could give him away.

Well, I'm sure she had
her reasons.

Call me if he won't feed.

45-year-old woman presenting

with four hours of abdominal
pain and vomiting times ten.

Epigastric tenderness
without rebound.

Hey, Deb, have you
seen Kovac anywhere?

Nope. Sorry.

( sighs ):
Of course not.

He's only the swing shift

Well, hemoglobin's
normal, as are LFTs.

...the doctor you should be
presenting to...

UA and ICON are
normal and negative.

...but apparently,
I'm the only one around here

with a work ethic.

So, I'm thinking,
uh, food poisoning

gastroenteritis, uh,
but she has intractable vomiting

despite Compazine
and Reglan.

Hi, I'm Dr, Lewis.

How are you doing?

Not so good.

Otherwise you wouldn't be here,

Do you know
what's wrong?

It's okay, he's my boyfriend.

Your test show an anion gap
which could be due to vomiting

a lactic acidosis.

We'll need to run some more
tests to make sure.

So, will you need to admit me?

You hate hospitals
as much as I do?

You kidding?
She lives in them.

I'm an R.N.

So as a nurse, you know

we can't send you home
if we can't control

your vomiting.

Yeah, and she can't come
to my house, either--

I just got new rugs.

Just kidding.

( sighs )

We'll be right back.

Let's give Mr. Brenner
another 25 of fentanyl.

You got it.

Are you comfortable?


How long will I be out?

First, we need to identify
then stop the hemorrhage.

We may also have
to remove your spleen.

No. Out of commission.

There's a possibility
you may have injured
your bowel.

If that's the case

it'll require a pull-down
to reattach your intestines

after the damage has healed.

My daughter?

Morgan has a fractured ankle.

I understand she's doing fine.

Are you sure we can't contact
your wife for you?

She barely remembers her.


She left us.

Your wife passed away?

No, no, no.

She couldn't be there for her

so she left it to me
to be the mom and dad.

I need some help over here.

Kovac, you're late.

Blame my alarm clock.

Oh, yeah, what's her name?

Probable hip fracture,
82-year-old woman.

Went down in her kitchen.
Not "old woman." Matilda!

B.P.'s 100 palp, pulse 120.

Gave her 500 of saline.

Left hip is ecchymotic

with shortened leg
and externally rotated foot.

Beautiful name
you have.

Bruising on top
of the leg.

When did she fall?

Figure a couple of days ago.

Landlord found her
'cause she was late
with her rent.

She taking anything?

Would've if she could've.

Found enalapril
and glipizide

A diabetic.
Lucky she's not in a coma.

Coming through.
Precious cargo.

Watch it.

You know what,
we're putting you
in another bed, okay?

Yeah, one in which
we can keep an eye on you.

From what I hear,
you're a troublemaker.

Is there a bathroom

Uh, it's down the hall

but I need to find
a wheelchair.

What she means is

that they've been getting
stolen lately.

Well, I kind of
have to go bad.

Better get a bedpan, then.

And go here?

Don't worry,
we'll close the door

and give you
some privacy.

You need some help?

No, I think I can
do it by myself.


Here. Push four of morphine
and find her mother's number.

Pop's going to be in
surgery for a while.

( clattering )

It's okay!

Go ahead.

( knocking )

Hey, Morgan, I'm coming in.

No, don't!

Oh, my God!

You're a boy.

A 12-year-old
cross dresser?

All I know is anatomically,
she's a he.

And you're sure
about that?

I've seen my fair share
of penises.


Anyway, she's...
uh, he's pretty upset

and I think
you should talk to him.

You found the mom yet?

I'm working on it.

No, work faster.


How you doing?

I want to see my dad.

He's still in surgery.

How much longer?

I don't know.

So, what's the deal?

Why are you going around
dressed like a girl?

Because I am one.

I have the wrong body.

You're kind of young

to be thinking that way,
aren't you?

No, I always have.

Is your dad
in on this, too?

He moved us so
I can start over
at a new school.

Nobody knows.

Well, they're going to find out
eventually, don't you think?

Not if we keep moving.

And when I'm old enough,
I'm going to get the operation.

What does your mom
have to say about that?

She has a different family now.

Look, um, your dad's
going to be a while

and we need someone
to come get you.

My dad's friend lives near us.

No, I think your mom
would be more appropriate.

She thinks I'm a freak

just like you do.


What's this friend's name?

So, what do we do?

Who do we call?

Don't do anything.

Oh, G! G!

Leon, what
are you doing here?

( sobbing ):
He made me leave.


He gave me no reason.

He just told me
that I was fired.


He was mean, G.

He hit me with a broom.

I didn't even do nothing.

Urology, line one.

Yeah, take a message.
Come on.

In all my spare time. Hold.


Someone's asking for you.

Did you get a name?

Anita Coffee.

Is that a pseudonym
or a cry for help?

Pretty clever, huh?


It's freezing;
why didn't you come inside?

Didn't feel like
dealing with
anybody, I guess.

Did you get someone
to cover for you?

Is everything okay?

Yeah, just need
a little company.

I was hoping
the mailman would come.

Good pedal pulses.

Is the pain medicine working?

I don't get much mail.

No letters from your grandkids?

Oh, junk, mostly.

Matilda, I need you to be quiet

while I listen to
your chest, okay?

2/6 systolic
ejection murmur.


How much fentanyl
did she get?

100 mikes.

That wouldn't
knock her out.

Might be a CVA.

She could be losing
her airway.

Matilda, wake up.

Got 'em.

Initial glucose is 576,
bichem is normal.

Not DKA, maybe
hyperosmolar coma.

I'll check
for the gag.

( gagging )

What the hell are you doing?!

Are you okay?

I was having a nice rest

till this bitch
started choking me.


Dr. Lewis

this is Jeremy Cranston.

He's here to
see his mother.

Oh, yeah-- Hi, Jeremy.

Right this way.

I got home
and a neighbor said

she went
to the hospital.

What happened?

Well, apparently she started
throwing up this morning.

Throwing up?

Yeah, we think
she might have
food poisoning

but we're not sure.

What did you have
for dinner last night?

We had steak;
I'm not sick.

Yeah, well, like
I said, we're still
working on it.

Mom, how come
you didn't call me?

I thought you
were going to.

I didn't get a chance.

I'll get another chair.

Honey, you don't
have to stay and
watch me sleep.

I want to.

Besides, Bill's
got to go to work, right?

No, that's okay,
I can stay.

Let me get you
something to read.

Thanks, honey.

The gift store's

Um, if you need anything
official, or whatever

ask me and not
her boyfriend, okay?

Is there a problem?

No, he's just
kind of a jerk sometimes.

So, how was it left?

She went back to my apartment,
I came here.

I'll pick him up tonight,
we'll all have dinner

it will be fine...
as soon as she leaves.

What happens then?

Then, Eric and I will get into
a routine with his treatment

and I'll work days so I can
keep an eye on him at night.

And I'll probably get

a bigger apartment, I guess.

You're going
to be roommates now.

Well, I can't
just let him wander off

and hope for the best.

He needs my help.

You think that's too much?

I think that it's
a responsibility

that you could share.

With who? Maggie?

( rueful chuckle )

Do you know

when she would leave us

she used to do it
when we were sleeping?

Did I ever
tell you that?

So, it became part
of our morning routine.

We would get up, go pee

check and see
if Mom had abandoned us.

And on the mornings
when she was gone

I was left
with my little brother--

this skinny little kid who
never, ever did anything wrong

and was good
and beautiful and sweet--

and I would have to tell him

that everything
was going to be okay.

What would he say?

"You're a liar."

Still V-tach.

Amp of epi. Charge.

Epi in, lido in.

Why tell me all
that if you're not
going to fight?


Still V-tach.

You have a daughter
who needs you, damn it.

Charge to 300. Clear.


Change the leads;
make sure.

Just do it.
It's not the leads.


Still flatline.

The leads are fine.

Milligram of atropine,
five more of epi.

He's oozing everywhere.

No pulse,
no pressure.

( sighing )

God, I hate this.

We'll keep you comfortable

till they are ready
for you in surgery.

All my life,
I've been terrified

of going
under the knife.

Done everything I could
to avoid it.

You'll be fine.

No wedding ring.

Good-looking man
like you?

Oh, it's okay now.

But before-- being alone,
being a spinster-- terrible.

Called women like me
"lonely hearts."

Were you?

No more than a lot of women
I knew who were married.

Oh, what the hell.

Gave me time
to improve my chess game.

I'm a k*ller.

Is that right?

Damn well better be at my age.

Maybe we should play sometime.

I'm pretty
good myself.

And what
about Mr. Boyle?

Uh, refresh my memory.

Compulsive overeater
with abdominal pain.

Oh, yeah, give
him an extra lunch

and pray a bed
opens up in Psych.

Oh, and Dr. Weaver

and asked
that you cover

the Finance Committee
meeting at 2:00.

She asked?

Well, not exactly.

Dr. Lewis.

I used to think that
would be so cool to
hear-- "Dr. Lewis."

Toxicology came back
on Melody Cranston.

Negative for dr*gs of abuse,
serum iron level normal.

Any osmolal gap?

No, but
her salicylate level

is 41 milligrams
per deciliter.

Aspirin overdose?

Well, it looks
that way.

She's a nurse, she knows better.

She also knows
that's not a lethal enough dose

to do anything
but make her sick.

Do me a favor;
pull her medical records.


Maybe she wants
to get medical attention

instead of giving it.

Dr. Lewis.


What do you think
of the name Elias?

Don't ask me.

I named my dog Puddles.

Talk about a self-
fulfilling prophecy.

Somebody getting a dog?

No, we're just
trying to come
up with a name

for the
abandoned baby.

Which do you like better,
Percy or Oliver?


Hasn't he
suffered enough?

What's the matter with Rudyard?


I'm afraid
Mr. Brenner didn't make it.

Where's his daughter?

Uh, Pratt was
treating her.

She might be
in Exam One.

Does she
have family here?

Hey, Harkins?

You worked on
Brenner's kid, right?


Did you reach
the mother?

Dr. Pratt said
he was going to handle it.

Did he?

I don't know,
he's on a break.

Well, the girl's father
just died.



Uh, Morgan's a boy.

I guess the proper term
is transsexual.

Uh, wait, I'm sorry.

His daughter
is actually his son?

Yes, I wanted
to call the mother

but Dr. Pratt

Did you get
the number?

Mr. Brenner
mentioned an estrangement.


Yes, I have it.

Then call.

She's next of kin.

Have a good night.

Hi. How did it go today?

Not so well.

He left.

What do you mean, he left?

He withdrew
from the program.

And went where?

You should probably
ask your mother that.

Excuse me?

She came and got him
about an hour ago.

I got no problem
with you.

Fire Leon and you do.

Use a broom on him

and you've got an even
bigger problem with me.

He wouldn't leave.

The man shows up
on time every day

works his ass off
for you

and does every damn thing
you tell him to do.

So when he gets
kicked to the curb

maybe he doesn't
understand that.

Somebody gets into my store
after hours, with a key.

How the hell
you think they got one?

Think I left it
in the door?

For all I know,
Leon ripped me off himself.

No, no, no, no.

He's not like that.

Everybody's like that.

Even if it was his friends

then they tricked him.

He wouldn't
have a clue.

Let me tell you something.

That dumb ass brother
of yours ain't so dumb.


The man took
a b*llet to the head.

He's not dumb.

Get away from me.

Look, he wouldn't do this.

Get away or I'm calling
the cops on you and him.

Leave Leon out of this.

You understand me?

Leave him out of it.

Mrs. Garding?

What happened?

Hi, I'm Dr. Carter.

I don't know how much

you were told over
the telephone...

Next to nothing.

Your ex-husband
and your son

were involved
in a car accident.

Morgan has
a broken ankle

it's relatively

Oh, thank you, Jesus.

Mr. Brenner's injuries,

were far more extensive


Did he die?

Oh, my God.

I understand that
it's been some time

since you've
seen Morgan.

Three years.

And are you, um...

are you aware that he's
been living as a girl?

His father and I disagreed
on how to handle that.

Morgan wanted to live with
his dad, so I didn't fight it.

Morgan hasn't been told
about his father's death.

I can't be the one.
I'm sorry.

That's okay,
that's okay.

I can take care
of that for you.

I do think it would be
better if you were there.


( sighs )

Morgan's going to need
crutches for about six weeks

and there's a chance
that he may require

a little physical therapy.

Otherwise, he should
recover fully.



What's wrong?


What are you doing here?

Where's my dad?

Morgan, your dad was hurt
very badly in the accident.


And we did what we could
for him here

and then he went up
to an operating room...


They worked on him
for a very long time

in the hopes that his heart
would start pumping again...


But it didn't

and he died.


No, no, no!

It's going to be okay.

Sweetie, I'll take
care of you, okay?

I'll take care
of everything.

How soon before I can
play basketball again?

Uh, soon.

After the reduction,
put Mr. Trotter

in a sugar tong splint
until the swelling goes down.

And a short arm cast
for six weeks after that.

Your ears get red
when you lie.

How are you holding up, Matilda?

You don't even
have to try, do you?


With women.

I, uh, checked with surgery.

They should be ready
to take you up in an hour or so.

Is that pronounced "Ko-vack"?


Um, spell your first name

for me, please.

What are you doing?

Oh, tipping you.

You seem like
a nice young man.

I can't accept your money.

Why not?

Because you need it
for yourself.

I never had
a soul to spend it on.

Not even a cat.

I'm frugal, I'm 82.

Trust me, I have enough to last.

No, I can't.

Says who?

Take it.

I'm an old,
arthritic woman.

I can't hold my arm out forever.

Now take it!

Can someone really do that?

Never had it happen before.

Well, how much is it?

I didn't look.

A patient writes you a check

and you don't look
at the amount?

Oh, my God.

You accepted money
from a patient?

I'll look at it.

That's completely

It made her feel good

to give me a token
of appreciation.

So, yes, Susan,
I took it.

Hello, have her send you
a basket of muffins.

It'll probably
bounce anyway.

Uh, it's for $10,000.

Melody Cranston's
medical recs.

Certainly thick enough
to support Munchausen's.

Well, maybe not.

Six months ago she came in
with a fractured orbit

from falling off a ladder.

Which is pretty
damned impossible.

Yeah, well, a month
after that

she was back with multiple
abrasions and contusions

and a forearm fracture.

Broken jaw in 2000,
broken ribs in 2001.

Looks like Melody's

got a lousy

( door unlocking )

I tried to call.

( door slams )

What's the matter with you?

He doesn't want
to do it this way.

He doesn't, or you don't?

Where is he?

Abby, the only way someone
with this disease gets better

is if they want to.

Oh, what, so until then
we just wait it out?

Is that it?

No, I didn't
say that.

Well, then what
are you saying, Mom?

What's the plan here?

Does he even
have one?

Do you have one?

We're going back
to Minnesota in the morning.


No, you're not.

Do you have any idea

how many strings
I had to pull

to get him into
that center?

He'll live with me.

I'll get him to see
my psychiatrist

at least once a week.

This is a proven program.

I'll keep him on his meds
if I can.

If you can?

I realize this is hard
for you to understand.

No, it's impossible, actually.

I love him, too.

So what?!
I know you think

you're the only one
that's ever been there

for either of us, and
maybe that's true...

No, that is true!

All right.
But Abby, I'm here now.

Where is he?

Afebrile, normal vitals
after two 80cc boluses.

What about
his glucose?

The last two were fine.

Slow start on the Enfamil,
but he's good now.

Okay, then,
time to go, baby.

Excuse me.

We've both been
in here for hours

and I haven't been able
to see his face.

Could I?

Hey, your first roommate
wants to meet you.

Beautiful, isn't he?

I love this age.

It's when they
really need you.

Okay, say bye-bye.

Oh, okay.


You ever figure out
a name for him?

Um... no.

Did your
boyfriend leave?

He had to get to work.


So, how are you feeling?

About the same.

Mm, I mean in general.

Have you been upset

or depressed?

No, not really.

Then why'd you take

an aspirin

What was it?
Like, 20 pills?

That must have been
some headache.

Are you trying
to get his sympathy

or are you trying
to get away from him?

We both know
you've been beaten.

A lot.

Melody, someone is hurting you.

You have to turn him in
to the police.

I can't do that.

I couldn't.

The v*olence is not
going to stop on its own.

I just need a few days.

we both know...

He's joining the Navy.

Your boyfriend?

My son.

All right, Jerry, talk to me.
What'd I miss?

Security stopped a guy

with a crossbow coming in

Yosh forgot to put Connie's
ice cream cake in the freezer

oh, and, uh,
Carter was wondering

where the hell you been.

Hey, I had business
to attend to.

What's he care?

I signed my patients
out to Chen anyway.

He asked and you asked.

Hey, did you dispo
the diabetic ulcer in One?

Yeah, and Mr. Barnstal
got moved up to the ICU.

Perfect. Mr. Brenner
back from surgery yet?

He exsanguinated
in the OR.


Died about
an hour ago.

Where's Morgan?

Uh, with his mom, I think.

I thought I told you
not to do anything.

Well, you weren't here,
what was I supposed to do?

Learn to follow
simple instructions, Harkins.

I did,
per Dr. Carter.

What are you doing?

I can't bring him
home this way.

Please, put down
the scissors. Come on.

His step-father will
never accept him.

You do not need to do this.

It's my right.

He's my little boy.

I'm doing this
for him.

It's the best thing.

So, how often
do you get earaches?

Only when it's
cold and windy.

( laughs ):
And you live in
Chicago, huh?

Well, blame my parents.

I'd much rather have grown up
in Jamaica.


Where did you grow up?

Dr. Chen?

Uh, she described you.

She said
she'd been here earlier.

Excuse me.


I changed my mind.

I want my baby back.


Is this the mother?

Yeah. Do you want to tell me
what happened?

No, I just want him back.

Oh, yeah? For how long?

Can you give me
the potassium level

on Mr. Pinkus?

Look, I was just
really scared before

but I'm not anymore.

What's your name?


Do you think you
can really take care
of a baby, Romy?

My mama will help me.

You told her?

No, but I'm going to.

He's mine.

Can I see him?



Can you please take
Romy to see her baby?

Sure. This way. You going
to call Social Services?


Mother of the year, huh?

At least she's trying.

She left her baby
with a bunch of strangers.

How is that trying?

Make sure she gets
an examination

before she leaves.

( alarms ring )

V tach.

Not surprising after lying
on the floor for two days.

She probably got a blood clot

that broke off
and went to her lungs.

Happens all the time.

Why didn't someone come get me?

She had an advanced directive--
no heroic measures.

How come I didn't know
about it?

Gave it to me a
little while ago.

Wanted to make sure

it was out
of her purse

and in her
medical record.

( alarm sounds )

V fib.

Aren't you off yet?

An hour ago.

I've got this if
you want to go.

You need the monitor on?



Where's the accu-check?

Exam Three.

Hey, you going
to bingo tonight?

I can't. I need
the overtime.

Blackout jackpot's
five grand.

Yeah? Maybe
I should go.


Have you called it?


It's Navy, huh?

Yeah, what can I say?

I like the water.

I can't fault
you for that.


Is she ready to go?
Uh, not quite.

Look like
your mother has the beginnings

of a stomach ulcer, probably
from taking too much aspirin.

That makes sense. She's always
complaining about headaches.

Yeah. Anyway, we'll need

to keep her here
for observation.

For how long?

Well, we need
to treat her abdominal pain

keep her hydrated
on IV fluids.

So, a couple of days
at least.

I'm shipping out in
a couple of days.

Good thing
they invented telephones, huh?

Good luck.

Maybe I misheard.

What was your


aspirin overdose.


That's what she's telling
the social worker.

And we're admitting her?

( sighs )

Her son knocks her around.

Her son?

And he leaves

for good in two days

and she doesn't want it
to be for jail.

( sighs )

So, you made up a diagnosis?

No, I stretched one.

Sounds unethical.

So is eavesdropping.

What number?


You have a key?


Eric, it's Abby.

( sighs )

Can you let me in?

I need to talk to you.

Are you alone?

No. Mom's here, too.

Why did you bring her?

She's worried about you, Eric.

I don't want you here.

Okay, just hold on, all right?

I don't want you
in my life right now.


Are you coming in?

Okay. Wait a minute.

Eric, don't do this.

Move your hand.
You need help.

I don't want to hurt you.

You can't do
this by yourself.

You need structure
and stability.

Let go.
Someone you can

rely on and trust.

That's not you anymore, okay?

You don't understand.

Yes, I do.

You think you do, but you don't.

You're not like us.

You never will be.

I'll call you
when we get settled.

Don't bother.



You taking off?

I have to make up time.

Seems like I took
too long of a break.

You can't just leave.

I signed out to Chen.

Breaks are for ten minutes
in the hospital.

You were gone for over an hour.

Look, you weren't here...

so I overrode your order
to Harkins

but it's not like
I had much of a choice.

No. You could have waited.

You could have paged me.

You could have
respected the kid's wishes.

He's a minor.

You could have called
Social Services in.

To do what?

Remove him from the home?

Hey, I feel bad
about what happened, too

but like it or not,
she's his only family.

Define family.

That's her.

She never told me.

I just thought
that she gained some weight.

Thank you.

Oh, I so need
a margarita.

Are you ready?

Uh, I think I'm going to pass.

Oh, come on.

I hate drinking alone.

I mean, I'll
do it, but...

See you tomorrow?


Next in line.

Help you?

Yeah, I need
to cash a check, please.


and most recent
pay stub.

You realize
there's a 20% fee

for cashing a
personal check

this size?

Yeah, that's fine.

Hundreds okay?


( sighs )


What's up?

Be better if I
got my job back.

That ain't
going to happen.

You talk to him?


Find anything?

Maintenance man
at an apartment building.

But they want somebody
with experience.

Anything else?

McDonald's, but they're talking
minimum wage.

Wouldn't be so bad if it was all
you can eat, though, huh, G?

Hey, what's this?
X Box, G.

Yeah, I can see that.

What are you
doing with it?

My friends heard
about me getting fired

so they gave it to me.
What friends?

You know, my boys.

They gave it to me.

They won it or something.

Leon... did it come in a box?

Every once in a while

you'll have a really
perfect cigarette

you know?

Everything about it is perfect--

the taste, the moment.

Of course, 99% of the time,
it tastes like crap.

It causes cancer.

That, too.

I left you a message.

How did it go?

With what?

With your brother.

Are you going
to let me in

or do I have to
guess, or... ?

Nothing happened.


Come on.

Despite the best laid plans,
nothing happened.

Mostly because they left.


They went off
into the sunset together.

It was very romantic.

Wait, your mom and
Eric-- they're gone?

You know... I don't really want
to talk about this right now

'cause it's ruining
my perfect smoke.

I'm sorry.

It's okay. I'm done.

I'm done with the both of them.

I'm done with all of it.

Cancel Christmas.
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