10x01 - Now What?

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x01 - Now What?

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

You're going,

To Africa?

It's not Rio.

But it's not here.



( romantic pop music playing )

* Wait for me

* And wait for me...

( expl*si*n, screams )

( speaking French )

Get down!

Je vous en prie!
Ne tirez pas!

...du gouvernement.

Don't do anything stupid.

Like what?

Like get yourself k*lled.



When did you get back?

Just now.

It's 5:30
in the morning.

My flight from London
was delayed.

I missed you.

Did you just let yourself in?

I'm sorry about how I left.

Can I have my key back, please?

( keys jangling )

( keys clanking )

( door slams )

Sorry we're late.

I couldn't get
Hannah going.

Same with
Katie this morning.

I don't want to sit
in the middle.

In the car, please.

I sat in the
middle yesterday.

Hannah, will you sit in the
middle this morning?

Move over,

Can we trade days next week?
Steve has to go

to Seattle, and I don't
have anybody

to sit with Devon.
Sure. Can you call
and remind me

over the weekend?

Thank you, Hannah.

Bye, Matthew.

Sorry you got stuck
with that

Art Institute field trip.

Luck of the draw.

( kissing sound )

( kids laughing )

Hey, Beth, it's me.

What do I have at 3:00?

Can we cancel Howard
or move him till later?


No, not you.


I'll have to call
you back, Beth.

Excuse me. Pardon me.
Excuse me.

Excuse me. I'm sorry, ladies.
I'm late for work.

( sighs )

Just made it, you know.

If I'm late again,
my boss is going to k*ll me.

You're a doctor?


Yes, I am.

Where are we, Mommy?

( phone ringing )

We're almost
there, sweetie.

Denise Johnson.

No, Beth, I'm still stuck.

I'm taking...



Look out!

Mom, look out!
( screaming )

Yes, it can be challenging,

and at times
it is dangerous,

but it's very rewarding.

You know, you get
to make money

and be an asset
to your community and...

Now what?

( over PA ):
Attention passengers,

due to a delay ahead of us,
we are unable to proceed.

We apologize
for the inconvenience.

Thank you for your patience.

Thank you.

Says he'll have them out
in a few minutes.

How many?

A mother and three kids.

And there's another guy trapped
under a car across the street.

Six-victim MVA.
Great way to start a shift.

Yeah, I was supposed
to have today off, too.

Aren't you graduating soon?



You know what they call
the guy that graduates

last in his class
from medical school, right?

That joke is so tired.


Ha, ha.
I graduated fourth
in my class.

When is this supposed
to be finished?

Weaver said they'd be done
last week.

So they should be done by what,

So why don't they just shut us
down during all this?

Oh, please.

That would make
way too much sense.

( electrical crackling )


( screams ):

Is that absolutely

Does anyone know
where Susan is?

We're going to need
extra hands.

Think she's in
the handicapped head.


We're out of copier paper.

I'm not Department
Chair anymore.

Tell Dr. Lewis.

We're over our
monthly allocation

and the Chief
of Staff's office

refuses to authorize
any additional overages.

That's you, right?
( electric crackling )

Excuse me.

Are you deaf?

I said stop!

Excuse me,
can you help me, sir?

You need to find a triage nurse.

No, I'm sorry.
I work here.

Lucky you.

I'm supposed
to start today.
Neela Rasgotra?

Rag what?


Don't we hire
Americans anymore?


( screams ):

I'm talking to you!

Dr. Lewis in there?

Oh, yeah.



Uh, see you later.

Yeah. Uh, you
know what, maybe.

Um, I don't know.

Fire's almost
got the MVAs out.

Three adults,
three kids.

I thought you
were divorced.

We are.

Carter's back.


He tried to apologize.

No, no.
Did he screw it up?

You said Friday.
Why do they even bother?

I said maybe.
Didn't say for sure.

Dr. Lewis, you got another TWA.

Oh, hi,
I'm Susan Lewis.

Are you a resident?

Neela Rasgotra.
Third year medical student.

That's a nice outfit.

You may want to wear
something different
next time.

It gets kind of
messy down here.

You can put your
stuff down here.

Where's the ceiling, huh?
Where are the doors? The glass?

Is this
your first rotation?

The tile?
Look, we usually
wait until...

No, no! I don't
want you to wait.

I want you to take
what you have and
do it now, finish it.

Have you ever been
in a trauma before?


32-year-old restrained driver

in a high-speed rollover
with PSI.

No LOC, complains of
hip and low back pain.

Pulse 120, B.P. 130/82.

Okay, Neela, hang close.

The kids...

Please help the kids.

Eight-year-old female.
Bilateral femur fractures,

head trauma with
altered mental status.

B.P. 90/60, resps 24.

What happened?

Her legs were crushed
between the truck and the seat.

Took CFD a long time
to cut her out.

How many more incoming?

Any other attendings?

You a doctor yet?

I graduated yesterday.

Good enough.
Where's Pratt?

Don't know.

Frank, where's Dr. Pratt?

How should I know?

Okay, Jerry, I want you
to start paging Pratt

and don't stop paging him
until he calls back.

My computer
just went down.

they're all down.

Son of a bitch!

Oh, for God's sake.

( Pratt gasping )

Oh, man.

Oh, no, I'm a doctor here.

All right.

Hey! How was Africa?


( pager beeps )

That's your pager going off.

Going to answer it?

I'll catch up with you later.

Matthew, back middle passenger
wearing a lap belt.

Scalp lac from the dome light,
closed left wrist fracture.

Doctor, you're late.

I was outside helping
the paramedics.

You were supposed
to be here at 8:00,

not five after
or ten after or 20 after.

( electrical sizzling )

Hey, Frank.

Where's the lounge?

Down by X-ray.


You bring Kovac back with you?


( strained ):
Where's my mom?

Can you call my mom?

Hey, how you doing, Matthew?

I'm Dr. Gallant.

Good vitals.
A and O times four.

When did that happen?

About 20 minutes ago.

Where does it hurt?

( groans ):
My arm.

Can you push my hands
with your feet?

( Matthew grunting )

Who's in there
with Dr. Lewis?

New med student, I think.

Yeah, his belly is tender.

( groans )
But soft.

It's probably just bruised.

Get abdominal CT
and a wrist series.

I'll be next door,
if you need me.


You need some help?


Trauma panel includes CBC,
Chem-7, LFTs, amylase,

PT/PTT, urine toxicology
screen and a BAL.

I'm Dr. Greg Pratt.

Neela Rasgotra.

I don't know what happened.

I was driving,
then we were upside down.

"Neela," that's
Indian, right?

Mm, yeah.

My daughter,
is she okay?


We need to make sure
you're fine first.

Pupils four millimeters equal
and reactive bilaterally.

Sinus tach, hemocue is 8.1.

8.1, that's
pretty low.

Yeah, we have to
find the source
of the blood loss.

Could be hemothorax,

bleeding in the chest.

Chest is clear.

Or it could be


Belly is soft and nontender.

Or it could be
something else.

( woman gasps )

( gasping )

Like a unstable pelvic
fracture, Professor Pratt?

( loud hammering )

Hey. An attorney called
every day while you were gone.

Said he was the executor
of your grandmother's estate,

needs to talk to you.

Call him back, would you?

I am not your
personal assistant.

Hey. Welcome back, Carter.

Yeah, you, too.

( paper crinkling )

What do you have?

Pelvic fracture
with a low crit.

How was Africa?

It was... great.

She hypotensive?

No, pressure's holding.

But there's a little girl
next door may need some help.

Is that Hannah?

Is she okay?

Need a hand?

Welcome home, stranger.

Open your eyes, Hannah.

( groans )

Responds to pain.


( groans )

When did
you get back?

Last night, late.

They pulled another kid out.

I'll take the new one.

Let you two catch up.

She's altered.
Right parietal hematoma.

I'd call for a head CT.

Crush injury, bilateral femur
fractures with good pulses.

She needs
Hare traction.

She broke both her legs.

So, put on two.

Not room for two.

Are we arguing?

I just don't want to adduct
her legs.

She needs traction.
Well, we can

rig a Sager in the middle,
with a double harness bar.

Why didn't you say that
in the first place?

Morison's pouch
is between

the liver and
the right kidney.

Any liquid blood
appears anechoic

between the
two organs.

Big black
stripe, right?

That's right.

Can I steal
a nurse, Susan?

Yeah, sure.

Central line's in.
Hook up the infuser.

Dr. Chen, this is Neela,
our new medical student.


Nice to meet you.


Uh... no blood

Moving to the left
upper quadrant

to view
the subdiaphragmatic space.

can you join me?

Thank you.

The transverse
suprapubic scan

looks for blood
anterior to the bladder.

I'm stealing your aprons.

Okay, go ahead.

I found your present
hanging on my locker.

It was subtle.

It was very subtle.

All clear.

Hemocue seven
point nine.

Bring me the films
when they're done.

How's her pressure?
110 over 78.

If she's anemic
and losing blood,

why doesn't she drop
her pressure?

She's young and healthy.

Ma'am, we're going
to stabilize your
pelvic fracture.

I need you to keep
traction. Come on.

Okay, this is going
to hurt some, Denise.

I'm going to go check
on your daughter, all right?

Keep two of O-neg
on the rapid infuser,
just in case.

Be back.

( panting )

Need a pedes vent?

Called for it.

At least five
rib fractures

with a flail segment.

Prep for a 28
French chest tube.

All right,
I'll get you some help.

Hey, Gallant, how you doing?

You want to run it?

Yeah, eight-year-old boy.

Middle rear seat

Scalp lac,
left wrist fracture.

Seat-belt sign.

Rule out
an interperitoneal injury.


Hey, unilateral
open book fracture.

She drop her BP yet?

Well, she's a trooper.

Okay, I'll call upstairs.
Go next door.

Jing-Mei needs some help.

Hey, Frank, can
you call Angio,

and tell them to
reserve a room
for my pelvis?

Where's the Thoraseal?

I only got two hands.

I can pitch in.


You sure you can
tear yourself away

from your med student
for a moment?

She's doing fine.


Are they together?



Oh, yeah.

My hands
are starting to cramp.

Well, I'll go get
those towel clips.

I don't know
what happened.

I was driving,
and then we were upside down.

And the truck hit us.

( shuddering )

How are Matthew
and Katie?

I don't know.

Has someone
called their

Lizzie and Steve are Katie's.

Matthew's dad is Andy.

Oh, God.

( shudders )

Is that one
of the girls
next door?

Is that Hannah?

Oh, God, Hannah!

Please, please...

( sobbing ):
Be okay,

Is that Hannah?


What's her pulse ox?
Run of four.

All right, 30 of lidocaine.
Let's crank up the O2.

You think her T waves
look peaked?

No, no, it's too early
for hyperkalemia.

Carter, they look
peaked to me.

Just push the
damn lidocaine.

V tach.

Lost the pulse.
Starting compressions.

Charge it to 30.

What are
they doing?

What's happening?

I can't tell from here.

Is something wrong?

Please, ma'am,
don't move.


Mrs. Johnson?

I need some help in here.



What's going on
in here?

Pelvic fracture
with anemia.

Just dropped
her pressure.
Who are you?

Medical student.
Who's her doctor?

I'm stabilizing her fracture.

Yeah, while she bleeds out.
Are you from the East End?

No, West London.

What happened?

Chuny, I want
a second line,
wide open.

How much O-neg
has she had?

None. She was stable.

Well, now,
her pressure

is 60 over 40.

Did anyone bother
ultrasounding the belly?

Negative for blood.

What about chest X-ray?

All clear.
Pressure's up to
80 systolic.

Okay, I want a second line in,
prep for a DPL.

What's her CBC?

It's not back yet.

You! Go pick up her labs.

Right now?

No, next Thursday.

B level,
Specimen Processing.

Take the elevator
in the lobby. Go!

Prep for an IJ.

I'll do a mini-lap
for the DPL.

Excuse me? The elevators?

And clear!

Still V-tach.

All right, charge
again to 60.

Let's open an intubation tray.

Her chemistries
are almost ready.

And clear.

Okay, sinus tach.

Another half bolus
of lido.

Say that again.

More lidocaine.

Eight-point-three, thanks.

Well, her potassium's

All right, 30cc's
of bicarb,

five units regular
insulin, amp of D25.

T waves are peaked.

You should have
listened to...

Yeah, can we
do this later?

Kayexelate by NG,
call for dialysis,

and let's open a 12
French double lumen
femoral catheter.

Spell the last name again.



"Specimen pending."

Says Dr. Shine
is reviewing the slide.

Where's Dr. Shine?

Hey, you can't go
back there.

Sorry, won't
happen again.

Hey, this is
authorized personnel only.

I'll only be
a second.

Dr. Shine?

Dr. Shine?

Dr. Shine?

Are you working
on Denise Johnson?

Who wants to know?

She's crashing
in the ER.

This is a very
unusual smear.

Pressure's up to 95.

Fluid looks clear.

Hang two of
type specific.

No, don't give
her type specific.

She has an autoimmune
hemolytic anemia.

Give her type specific,
she'll go into renal failure.

Where's the lab slip?

I reviewed the slide
with Dr. Shine.

She's got microspherocytes,

and a high
retic count.

Hang more
of O-neg.
Get Shine on the phone.

She said she
was driving,

and when she
woke up, she
was upside down.

The anemia could have
made her pass out, right?

I have Dr. Chen
for Dr. Shine.

Dr. Shine, line one.

Dr. Shine...

Pressure's 105,
pulse is down.

...a med student was
just up there.

Damn, girl.

E.R., please hold.

E.R. What?

No, this is
not CICU.

No, you have
the wrong extension.

OB is 1687.

E.R. No, this is not
the cafeteria.

E.R. No, sorry.
Surgical Post Op
is 7204.

Why would I
transfer you?


What the hell
is going on?!

Hey, jagoff, what,
are you screwing up

our phone lines now, too?

What are we
going to do?

Don't answer 'em.

Charts for waiting
patients are over here.

Do an H&P and call me.
You ever do history?


Good. Grab an easy one

and come find me
when you're ready.


don't you cats hear
the phones ringing?

Med student?


Hey, I saw you
a bit earlier.

Your first day?


Are you Indian?

Yeah. Punjabi.


This must be, uh,
quite an adjustment for you.

Uh, no, not really.

My family moved to London
when I was 11.

Yale for molecular biology
and biophysics

and Chicago
for medical school.

Okay, then.

Let's get you started.


Penile discharge.

Probably not your
ideal first patient.

AV infected graft.

Sounds about right.

Come on.

What the hell is going on
down here?

Hey, glad to see
you, Dr. Romano.

Yeah, I doubt it.
Who was that?

One of those University
of Calcutta carpetbaggers

you people
insist on hiring.

I think she said
she went to Yale.

Yeah, her daddy's
probably a drug lord.

Built a new wing
on the Yale library
with his poppy profits.

How's the arm?

Gone. How's
the prostate?

About the size
of your head.

I'm up four times
a night to pee.

What's with the beard?

I hear the
ladies like it.

Whose bright idea
was all this anyway?


Dr. Romano,
you're back.

Yeah, try to hide
your wild enthusiasm

at my return.

I find overt displays
of emotion embarrassing.

Hey, page Weaver for me.

Dr. Carter, you got a minute?

Lumens are flushed. Cut.

Bactroban and opsite.

Call me if
you need me.

I won't.

What do you got?

HIV-positive patient.

Came in a couple
of weeks ago

with oral candidiasis.

Got a prescription
for Nystatin,

but he's back,
with worse.

What was that
all about?

The moons must be
lined up or something

'cause Jing-Mei's
pissed off, too.

What's Deb upset about?


Abby still mad at you?

So what did you
do, anyway?

Oh, I don't know.

I left, I guess.

This guy's not
on Medicaid?

No, he's uninsured,
so I referred him to ADAP.

So, what do you
want to do with him?

ADAP's out of money.

They told him it would be
at least two months

before they could get him
started on his meds

if he's only HIV positive.

Mr. Williams?

Hello, I'm Dr. Carter.

Mind if I take a look?

How long has he been
HIV positive?

Two years.

Does it hurt when
you swallow?


I've been taking
my medication.

You're not on
the triple cocktail?


No, uh, I have a prescription,
but the guy at the pharmacy

told me it's 1,200 bucks.

I can't afford that.

Well, I've got some good
news and some bad news.

Um, the oral thrush
from last week

has spread down
into your esophagus.

That's the bad news, huh?

No, actually...
that's the good news.

It's a, um,
an opportunistic infection.

It means you now qualify
for Medicaid

and the anti-retroviral

So what's the bad news?

Candidal esophagitis
is an AIDS-defining infection.

That's why
you qualify now.

I have AIDS?


We're going to write you
a prescription

for Diflucan

to help fight
the infection.

What is that going to cost?

Nothing. Medicaid's
going to cover it,

and we'll send you up
to the financial
counselor's office

to help get your paperwork
straightened out.

He came straight
from the airport
to your place.

That's got to tell
you something.

What, he's horny?

Or that he really
missed you

and felt badly about
leaving that way.

Tell him how it
made you feel

and give him the chance
to make up for it.

Oh, for God's sake,

where are we
supposed to go?
Second floor.

Screw that.

I mean, he just shows
back up

like he never went away...

and like he wasn't
a jerk

for leaving like that,
and like...

That's the men's room.

Howdy, boys.
Don't mind me.

Guard the door for me,
would you?

Make up for it how?

Flowers, a nice dinner.

If you're really mad,

I could use a
new transmission
for my car.

You're a real romantic,
you know that?

AV graft connects
the brachial vein

to the brachial artery
for easy dialysis access.

See the redness
and the swelling?


Is there any
pain here?

It hurts like hell.

Yeah, the fluctuance
and the infection

is pointing
with discharge.

Feel for the thrill
over the graft.

Listen for a bruit.

You have beautiful skin.

Thank you.

You use anything
special on it?

Not really.

What a lovely color.

Lastly, you want
to check the heart

to make sure
there's no murmur.

What do you think
we'd be worried about?

Bacterial endocarditis.

Good, good.

So what do we need?


Yep. CBC, Chem 7,

Gram stain,
and a culture
from the abcess,

and get me, uh, three grams
of Unasyn IV piggyback.

Uh, do we drain it?

No, not in the E.R.

She goes to the O.R.
for an I and D...

so check her vitals
every 15 minutes

until she, uh, goes up
to the O.R., and, uh...

grab another chart.

Just talk to him--
haven't you punished him
enough already?

It's not about
punishing him.

Oh, no...
I'm chair now, Kerry...

You know, if he starts
in on me again,

I swear I'm going
to cut the other arm off.

We need more beds...

...a same-day
surgery center

so that we get more
paying customers

into this place.
That's not your
concern anymore.

This department
is a money pit!

We have more people
coming through the door,

and we're legally
obligated to treat them.

Which is why we
should grab some wood,

nail the entrance shut,
and paint "Go away"

in big letters.

( sighs ):
Frank, are the phones
working again?

Two lines. The rest
we don't answer.

Some guy looking
for Cubs tickets

last time I checked.

Oh, Dr. Carter, that guy

from the foundation
called again.

Did you take
a message?

No, I told him
you were here.

He said he was coming by
with some papers to sign.

I don't want him
coming by here
while I'm working.

Well, tell him yourself
when you see him.

( welder's torch zapping )


You want to...
get a cup of coffee?


Excuse me, Dr.
Carter, right?

Tom Williams.

Uh, you sent me up to
financial counseling

to get on Medicaid for
my throat medication?


I filled out
the paperwork

and I went to the pharmacy,

but they can't give
me the prescription

until I get my Medicaid card.

Should I keep taking
Nystatin until then?

Did they say how long
it was going to take
to get the card?

A few weeks.

You need to take
the Diflucan now.

Can you cover
the cost of the prescription

till the card comes in?

It's 300 bucks.

Okay, hang out.

I'll call the pharmacy

Now what?

The pharmacy won't fill
his prescription

till he gets his new
Medicaid card.

Why don't we just
take him out back
and sh**t him?

It'd be easier.

My Frank died four years ago.

Liver cancer.

Married 52 years.

I was a teenage bride.

No, really, I, uh...

I was 16.

Never dated nobody else.

Never kissed nobody else.

Oh, boy, that man
was a perfect slob.

God love him.

Yeah, had six boys
to boot

and not one of them
worth a damn.

You married?

No. I've been in school.

Oh, well-well,
don't put it off
too long, dear.

He doesn't have to be

Just make sure
he treats you right.

Okay. All done,
Mrs. Ferguson.

I'll be back soon.

Wait, where do you think
you're going?

It's 2:30.

So what?

We stop at 2:30.

It's barely lunchtime.

We started at 7:00!

I started at 6:00!

This is unbelievable!

Labs go...?

Uh, right over there.

How's it going?

Dr. Gallant's been
very helpful.

Oh, I'm pretty
sure he has been.

You need another patient?


All right. Come on.

( sighs ):

( laughs ):

Ah, here, try this.

Take a history
and come find me.


( phone ringing )

Hello, Emergency Department.

I-I-I'm sorry, I can't hear you
very well.

For who?
Anybody seen

Yeah, he's outside
with Abby on a break.
Excuse me,

but the phone was ringing,
and no one was around,

so I thought
I should answer it.
Big mistake.

It's long distance,
overseas for a Dr. Carter.

Of course. Who else?
Take a message.

Yeah, can I take
a message?

Uh, they say
it's important.

Someone has died.

Someone named Kovac.

A Dr. Luka Kovac.

So how was it?

It was incredible.

And it was terrible.

It was, um...

It was kids with polio,

it was kids dying
from malnutrition

and malaria and
whooping cough and...

And it was beautiful.

I mean, the country's

Hospital doesn't
have enough staff

so the patients', uh,
family members,

they stay with them.

They cook for them,
they clean for them,

they even, uh,
change the sheets.

It was a life-changing

I just don't
know how yet.

Where's Luka?

Is that what this
is about?


Luka's fine.

Luka's more than fine.

What does that mean?



Do you know we don't talk?

We're not talking now?

Your mouth is moving.

I mean, you give the impression

we're having
a real conversation,

but when you finish, I have
no idea what you're thinking.

I was trying to tell
you about Africa.

I don't know.

You knew I didn't want
you to go and you went anyway.

What, were you trying
to hurt me?

( sighs )

Why would I
want to hurt you?

I don't know.
I don't know.

Why would you
want to hurt me?

It wasn't about you.

Oh, come on.

You weren't even going
to tell me you were going.

If hadn't
bumped into you

when you were leaving, I
wouldn't have even known.

I wasn't trying to hurt you.

I wanted
to feel like

I was really doing something.

Did you even
think about me?


What did you think?

What did you think?

I don't know why you
bothered to come back.

You just going
to walk away?

Okay, walk away,

That's what you
do best.


You want to know
what you do best?

You make this
all about my problems,

but you know what,
you have some problems, too.

You've got some
really big problems.

Why did I come back?

I mean, Luka's over there
changing the world

and I can't even
get a hospital pharmacy

in the richest
nation on Earth

to give an AIDS
patient enough damn

Diflucin to him... from dying
from a sore throat.

Kisangani, West Africa.

Do they know how?


Does he have family here?



You okay?

I didn't know him.
Who was he?

An attending.


No, not really.

So how's
your shunt?

That's where I'm going.

Well keep an eye
on her.

Surgery should be down soon.

Where did she go?

Do you know where
my patient went, Mrs. Ferguson?

Infected dialysis shunt,
older woman.

I have no idea.

What's up?

Ready to present that
old guy in Curtain One?

Mm, yeah.

All right.

Uh, 72-year-old man

notes constipation
without fever, nausea,

vomiting, weight lose
or hematochezia.

His only medication
is Vicodon TID.

Abdomen is soft, flat,

bowel sounds.

Negative guaiac,
no evidence of inpaction.

So what's your

Constipation due
to Vicadin use.

What is
the number one

neoplasm in terms
of national mortality?

Breast cancer?

No, that would be lung.

And number two?

Colon cancer.

Over 50,000
deaths per year.

The common
presenting symptoms are?

Anemia, hematochezia
and constipation.

So wouldn't you agree
that a constipated,

elderly patient merits
an evaluation for colon cancer?

The stool is negative.

He got all bound up when
he started the Vicadin.

Order a bowel
prep and schedule

an out-patient barium enema.

You're serious?

You heard the lady.

You know, you were
pretty rough on her.

You really think
that was necessary?

Who we talking

Come on now.

I was trying to teach her.

So whatever you think...

Look, no, you
come on now.

You were
all over her.

It's humiliating
and embarrassing.

I wasn't all over her.

Look, don't make
a fool of me, okay?

I'm not trying to make
a fool of you.

Hey, there's an old lady
in here bleeding out.

No breathing,

no pulse.

Get the crash cart.

Bag her on 15 liters.

Who's patient is this?

She's mine.

Greg, start

You're kidding.

I'll do it.

Excuse me,
I'll be right back.

You left an infected

AV graft

She needs a central line
and saline.

No, what she needs is
a hearse and pine box.

The graft was in
a major artery.

She needed constant

I was supposed to check her
every 15 minutes.

No, she was

my responsibility.


Amp of epi.

I went to her room
and she was gone.

I thought she'd been
taken to surgery.

I moved her in here
to give her more privacy

for a 12 lead EKG.

Did you tell anybody?

Yeah, I changed it
on the board.

Did you check
the patient board?

It's not
her fault,

it's mine.

( sighs )

Four units of packed cells,

four liters of
saline and another

round of EPI
and atropine.

In Zagreb,

Kovac, K-O-V-A-C.

Uh, yeah, Croatia.

You can connect me,

Yeah, uh... in Za...

You speak English?

Zagreb, Kovac.



Do you know Luka's
father's first name?

There's like 100
Kovacs in Zagreb.

Uh, okay, sorry.

No, thank you,
thank you.

What are you doing?

The Alliance.

They're going to have all
of his contact information.

I can just get it from them.

Do you know
who's this is?

What are you doing?

There's a 12:00
flight to Paris,

and then I can

to Kinshasa with
a four-hour layover.

Wait, wait, wait--
you're going to go back there?


Cause I left
him there.
Left him where?

At the clinic in Matenda.

I should
have stayed.

You're not making
any sense.


what are doing?

I'll inventory it.
You can bill me.

It wasn't
your fault.

You've got blood on your sleeve.

What's a TWA?



Where'd you hear that from?

The old guy at the front desk
with the flat head,

he called me a TWA this morning.

I don't know what it means.

Third World Assassin.


Hey, come on, I want
to show you something.

Come on.

Was that today?

mother of two

with a rare blood

Still alive

I'll see you

You don't have
to go tonight.

I'll call you
when I get to Paris.

Just, can't you
just please wait

until it's a
little bit safer?

No, I can't leave him there.

Well, just, I don't
want you to go.

I'll be gone a couple days.
I'll call you.

John, please,
please, just stay.

I can't keep doing this.
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