10x02 - The Lost

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x02 - The Lost

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

See? Didn't even hurt.

What should I tell Weaver?

Whatever you want.

Someone has died.


Someone named Kovac,

a Dr. Luka Kovac.

You're going to go back there?

'Cause I left him there.

Left him where?

At a clinic in Matenda.

You sober?

I'm sorry?

You look sober.

I make it a rule
to always land

in Kinshasa drunk.

It's my third.

Steve Davidson.

John Carter.

Oh. Shell? Xerox?


( chuckles )

You give me a second,
I'll figure it out.

I would say,

Coke out of Atlanta.
Am I right?

The new bottling plant?

Sorry, no.

Excusez moi.

May I have
another Dewar's,


Could I get
you something?


Okay, I give up.

Who are you with?

I'm just here
on a personal matter.


Well, there's not much

for the seats, is there?

I guess the "See a Brutal
Genocide" tour package

didn't sell very well.

( laughs )

So what about you?

Why are you going to the Congo?

I'm with the Embassy.

Financial Liaison.

Furthering the
American investment
interest abroad.

Spreading the

Democratic ideals
one Big Mac at a time.


So, a personal matter, huh?

A friend of mine was m*rder*d.
I'm going to go bring him home.


I'm sorry to hear that.

If you need to see

a familiar face
while you're in Kinshasa,

you give me a call.


S'il vous plaît,

Vos papiers,
s'il vous plaît.


( sobbing )

So, what happened?

We don't know.

What about Patrique?

He's still missing.

Was the Red Cross able
to recover Luka's body?

Excuse me.

10,000 people have been k*lled
in the last

two weeks.

There are many bodies in Kivu.

How much longer
do we have to wait?

It's the Congo.
Could be days.

( sighs ):

How are you feeling?

Oh. Terrible.

Who are we waiting for? I...

Please. No more talking.





Andre, Je te présente
John Carter.

C'est un docteur

Dr. Carter.

Nice to meet you.


Can you tell us what happened?

No, I'm afraid not.

After numerous attempts,

we were able
to negotiate a passage

into the Mai Mai-held territory

to evacuate wounded

The Mai Mai provided us
with a list of the known dead.

( clears throat )

That's it?

They also provided us

with some personal items

to identify remains.

Can we get the body back?

Are there ways
that that can be arranged?

Yeah. I'm sorry.


When the
fighting stops,

we'll make every effort
to identify remains.

How long will
that take?

I have no idea.

Days? Weeks? Months?

Someone from the negotiating
team might know more.

Can we speak with them?

They're in Kisangani.


And Gerard.

Have you tried Bob Chase

from the American Embassy?

He has contacts with
the Congolese Army.

He may be able to help you.

Who's Debbie?

She's with the Red Cross
field office in Kisangani.

You'd like her.

She's your type.

What's my type?

We shouldn't have left him
out there.

He didn't want us to stay.

Should have
stayed anyway.

Then you'd be dead, too.

Gillian, we have to go,

or we won't get back
before dark.

( whispering ):
Go, go, go.

( sniffles )

What should I tell Weaver?

Whatever you want.

Can I tell her
you're coming back?

I don't know.

Don't do anything stupid.

Like what?

Like getting yourself k*lled.

He wasn't an American citizen?

No, but he'd been living
and working

in the States for years.

You might have
better luck

going to his
embassy for help.

It's tough for us
to make inquiries

on behalf of
citizens of
another country.

Does Croatia have an embassy
in the Congo?



He was a close friend?

Yeah. We've worked together
for years.

( sighs )

The Mai Mai believe

that foreigners are looting
the Congo's natural resources.

They see us as the enemy.

It is very dangerous
for Westerners.

Um, can some sort of exchange
be set up for the dead?

I mean, aren't those things
normally done?

These guys don't know

about the Geneva Convention,

Most of them don't know
about shoes.


He said to be patient.


Excuse me.

Can you tell me,
is Mr. Davidson working today?

What did Bob Chase tell you?

That we'd have
to be patient.

Oh, I'm sure
that he knows
better than I.

There have to be other channels
that we could pursue.

Well, have you tried
the UN offices or the Red Cross?

Yeah. We've been bouncing around
from office to office all day.

Oh, I'm sure they're trying
everything they can.

Look, Dr. Carter,

I am not suggesting this,

but my experience has been

that there's not much
in this country

that can't be bought.

Quatre-vingt seize,
quatre-vingt dix-sept,

quatre-vingt dix-huit,
quatre-vingt dix-neuf.

Vingt mille
dollars Américains.


What's he saying?

Well, he's just
a little concerned

that you're going
to walk around Kinshasa

with $20,000
in your pocket.

What does he expect me
to do with it,

stick it in my shoe?

Well, it may
not be safe

to carry that much
cash in the Congo.

It's not safe to carry
that much cash anywhere,

but I don't think

the Mai Mai take
travelers' checks.

You can afford
to put $20,000

on your
credit card?

( loud moving vehicle
engine approaching )


Government soldiers.

Heading west,

away from Kivu.

They're retreating.

The Mai Mai will come
again soon.

( shouting )

Oh, God.

Refugees from the fighting.

More come every day.

The hospital is worse.

I'll put these
in your room.

Give me that
big one there.


( children squealing, shouting )

Still working bankers' hours,

I see.

Hello, Doctor.

( zipping )

I'm so sorry about Luka.

How are you holding up?

Doing what we can.

I brought you some things.

Sterile gloves,

needles, catheters,

IV Ceftriaxone
and Cipro.

( chuckles )

DPL sets,

suture kits,
old pulse ox...

Ooh, look at this.


Tried to get
a portable X ray

but it wouldn't fit
in my carry-on.

Where did you get all of that?

My hospital in Chicago
donated it.

Do they know they donated it?

Yeah, more or less.

Tout est pret, Docteur.

You busy?

with an abdominal GSW

and gross hematuria.

I'm not a surgeon.

Dominic's assisting,

and he never finished
the sixth grade.

et poinction lombaire.

We still have
enough amoxicillin?


Are you feeling
all right, Doctor?

I'm just tired.

Merci, Docteur.

I'll need help.
Set me up with lidocaine,

a suture kit
and a scalpel.

You'll be fine.

GILLIAN ( over radio ):
Base to mic One.

Luka, Patrique, are you there?

Luka, are you there? Over.

Mic one to base.

Bonjour, Gillian. On est là.

Luka, the fighting is getting
heavy east of you. Copy.

Copy that.

Have you had any problems?

No, no.
Patients are improving.

I'm going to revise the
flap on the little girl

in a few minutes.

You warned Patrique
what he's in for, right?

He's tough.
He'll be fine.

Um, I should go.
Save the batteries. Over.

Okay. Be safe. Clear.

Yeah, you, too. Out.

Docteur? Docteur?

There she is.




This is Dr. Carter.

Uh, he was a
friend of Luka's.


I'm very sorry, Dr. Carter.

Thank you.

The ICRC in Kinshasa
said that you were part

of the negotiating team,

that you might have
some information

about what happened to Luka.

No, sorry.

They just gave us the list
and a few personal items.

Steve Davidson,

American Embassy, said maybe
you could get us into Kivu.

I'm trying to recover
Dr. Kovac's body.

And I've brought a substantial
amount of cash along

with me to spread around
if you think that might help.

How much cash?


( whistles )

Wow. That's a lot of cash.

I work
for the Red Cross, Doctor.

Our safety is dependent
on our neutrality.

If any of the various armies
or militia involved in this mess

knew we were giving money
to the enemy,

money that could be used to buy
weapons or food, we'd be dead.

And I don't mean
dead in the water.

I mean, "head mounted
on a sharpened stick" dead.

I'm sorry.
I didn't mean to offend you.

You didn't.
I was led
to believe

that money can sometimes
be helpful

in situations like this.

So, what'll it take
to get his body back?


How much time?

It's hard to say.

Thanks, Debbie.


I told you
she was your type.

( chuckling ):

Not at all.


Richie Rich.

We've been negotiating
to get into Kivu

for more of the wounded.

I could use a doc
to help transport 'em.

Somebody in one of the camps

might know something
about your friend.

Okay. Thanks.

She's definitely
not my type.

Yeah, right.

Dr. Luka. Doctor.

Doctor! Please,
we have to go.


You have a fever.


I'm fine.
Why did you wake me?

The Mai Mai are in Masenga.

They are burning
the village.

You were pretty
hard on him.



He's cute, don't you think?

Not again.

What was the last one?

The surgeon from Atlanta?

Turned out he had a wife
and five kids.


You need medicine.

I'll just fend it off.

We have some
IV quinine left.

Save it for the boy.

He's getting better.

I'm not that sick.

I'll go get it.


Save it for the boy, okay?

Oh, my God.

You guys burned the clinic
to the ground?!

You guys...

You guys keep
burning down hospitals.

Where are you going to go
when you get shot, huh?

Where are you going to go
when your mothers get sick?!

Dr. John!

He says many
people died here.

They took the
bodies to Kasese.

He thinks they're
still there.


( sniffles )

What time is it?


( groans )

Where is everyone?

They left.

Where did they go?

They didn't want
the Mai Mai to
find them with us.

( shivering ):
With me, you mean.

They should go, too.

They are worried about you.

Give me your arm.


You need medicine.

I told you to save the quinine
for the boy.

I gave him one bag, and
kept the other for you.

Give me your arm.

( blows air )

They should go
while they can.

Pars, fais attention.


You, too, go.
I'll be fine.

Just leave me the radio.
Take them there to safety.

I'll be all right.

We don't have the radio.

We must have left
it at the camp.

When Charles comes, he'll look
for us at the clinic first.

It should be safe
again by now.

The Mai Mai will
have already stolen
everything and left.

He's dead, Doctor.

I know you want to get him back,

but Kasese is ten miles
from here.

Plantez l'autre la-bas.

I was happy to stop
in Matenda 'cause
it was on the way.

So just give me a vehicle.

After we've triaged here,
I'll have it back.

No, okay? No.
And don't make me
regret bringing you.

She won't do it.

Je regrette mama, on n'a rien
avec nous pour vous soigner.

What's her complaint?

She's afraid
she might be pregnant.

She was r*ped.

They all were.

There are more injured
down there.

Bon jour.

I'm going to examine you, okay?



I know you, don't I?

They were at the Clinic.

They were at Matenda
when we left.

The boy had pertussis.

Les Mai Mai sont venus.

( both speaking French )

Mai Mai came.

I think they have gone.

Keep walking.

( metallic thud )


Keep going.

J'ai dit halte.

Bon jour.

Nous sommes les doc...

Do you want a beer?


It's warm,
tastes like formaldehyde

but it's wet.


No, thanks.

( sighs )

What is that thing, a radio?


Digital music player.


What are you listening to?

Les Nubians, the Nubians.

No Dixie Chicks?

No Dixie Chicks.

Mm, you don't like
the Dixie Chicks?

( blows raspberry )

So they just left him there?

In the jungle?

The Congolese were afraid

to be found
with Luka and Patrique.

And that's all he knew?

That's all he knew.

Do you ever get worried
that these guys

are going to get bored
and just start sh**ting?

I don't think about it.

If I did, I'd probably
never leave Seattle.

You know,

I consider myself
reasonably well-informed...

...but before I came,
I hadn't heard a thing

about the Congo.

Nobody at home gives a damn
what happens out here.

There's no oil here.

Millions of people
are slaughtered...

and we're too busy...
eating Happy Meals.

What are you doing here?

You don't seem
the type.

What's the type?

Macho, adrenaline junkies

and save-the-world
peacenik freaks.

( laughing )

Which one are you?

( laughs )

Which do you think?

I... don't know
what I'm doing out here.

I've been seeing this woman.

She's great...
but it ain't good,

for her or for me.

It's simpler here.

People need help,
I can help them.

I'm sorry.

I think I'm... tired.

You should get some rest.

I'm getting up early.

We'll take the Rover
over to Kasese

while they load the trucks.

See what we can find out.


( Kovac shivering )

Is she still in there?


You speak English?

Please, I speak no French.

Do you know what
are they going
to do with us?

They're waiting
for someone to come

and tell them what to do.

Can you tell them
I'm a geologist.

I'm not involved
in the w*r.

I'm only here for rocks.

( vehicle rapidly approaching )

Another truck with soldiers.

They're coming.

Can you see?


( g*nsh*t )

Oh, God.

They are coming back.

Damn, Gillian,

how can you smoke this
early in the morning?

So what made you
change your mind?

About what?

About coming out here.

Come a hell of a long way,

I figured the least I could do

was help you
get the last few miles.

Here we go.

What was this place?

A school, I think.

Les cadavres de Matenda
sont a l'interieur.

He says the bodies from
the clinic are inside.

You don't have to.
We can just go.

Are you religious, Patrique?


I was raised in the church.


I used to go
twice a week with my mother.

It was beautiful.

I liked the music, the singing.

Do you still go?


I stopped
when my children were k*lled.

I couldn't believe in a God

that would allow
such cruel things to happen.

It's probably hard to feel
the Holy Spirit's presence

on a day like today.

( g*nsh*t )

I'm sorry, Patrique.

I shouldn't have
let you stay.

Nous sommes docteurs,

pas des FAC ou des RCD.

Alliance des
Médecines Internacional.

C'est notre clinique...
on n'assiste...

On donnes des medicaments
aux maladees.

On n'assiste...

( coughing, gagging )

( coughing )

My God.

( coughing )

Gillian, stay outside.

( gasps )

Eh, laba.


It isn't him.


This isn't Luka!


Ask him!

Was he there
when these men were k*lled?

( speaking French )

This man!
Did you see this man?

Where is this man?
( speaking French )

Le, le pretre.

What's he saying?

Le pretre?

Le pretre. Il y etait.

What's he saying?

He says that Luka is a priest.

A what?

A priest!

( grunting )

No, please, please,
no, no, no...

( two g*nshots )

( speaking Croatian )

( speaking Croatian )

( speaking Croatian )



Tu est pretre?

Dis, tu es pretre?


Il est pretre.

C'est un homme de Dieu.

( speaking Croatian )

Mon pere, benissez-moi
je vous prie.

( speaking Croatian )

( Kovac speaking Croatian )

Le pretre.


Is he alive?

Thank you.

Thank you.



How you feeling?


Where am I going?


Where's that?


Got a medical transport plane
in Kinshasa

waiting to take
you back.


I know somebody
who knows somebody.

Give this to Abby
when you see her.

You're not coming?

I think I'm going
to stick around for a while.

If she asks,

just tell her...

tell her I was lost,
and now I'm found.

Thank you.

Well, back to work.

You really don't like
the Dixie Chicks?

Everybody likes
the Dixie Chicks.


Everybody with any taste.

( engine starting )
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