10x07 - Death and Taxes

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x07 - Death and Taxes

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

Morris... you bailing?

Let him walk.

How do you put it on?

Donning and doffing are
much more complex tasks.

I want my damn arm,
all right?!

I've waited long enough!

Stay away from my patients.

From now on I'll present
to another attending.

He's diabetic.

I didn't know
he had diabetes.

He's a kid.
You're an adult.

You're supposed
to be a doctor.

That patient
brought you flowers?

And a book.
He's a real Civil w*r buff.

I've been reading it to him.

He's losing his eyesight.

What? You're going
to his house?

He has no one.

He's going blind.

No one should end up
like that.

You're out of milk.

( sighs )

What day is it?


What do you want,
front page or sports?

Do you ever realize
that a month's gone by

without your noticing?

Fed's raised rates

And it wasn't
bad, but...

it wasn't
great either?

Half a point. You know,
I should've bought.

( phone rings )

( sighs )

Yes, hello?

This is she.

Oh, yeah. Okay.

Yeah. See you there.

Okay, thanks. Bye.


No, my accountant
reminding me

of our appointment
with the IRS today.

I'm getting audited,
which blows,

considering I file 1040EZ.

You don't do long form?

Well, I'm single,
I don't own anything,

I don't have any dependents.

You want some?


Kids-- instant tax writeoff.

Yeah, but...

Come on, baby,
let's do it! Huh?

We like each other, right?

The sex is pretty good.

What are the odds we're gonna
find someone better, huh?

Whose stupid idea was this?!

Weaver says
it's space efficient.

Yeah, takes a bucket
of acetone to erase.

Need a hand with that?

You trying
to be funny?

Nope, just trying to be helpful.

You know what?
Don't bother, Boy Scout.

I just finished your eval.

You may want to practice
these words: Paper or plastic?

Oh, and speaking of negative
evaluations, sign this.

What's this?
It's a documentation of
your chronic tardiness,

your failure to attend
required conferences...

I'm pulling six shifts a week,
how am I supposed to...

...and yelling
at an X-ray tech.

He gave me a lateral C-spine
without T-1.

The repeat took
over three hours.

That's totally unacceptable
and beside the point.

Sign it.
So what, this goes up
to Human Resources now?

Nope. Stays with
me, until I have

a fat enough file
to pull the trigger.

Oh, now you gonna fire me now?

Keep giving me a*mo!

Oh, hey!

Uh, electrical malfunction.

Only on women?
It happens.

I'm telling you,
it's not chicken pox.


Teen mom-- news flash--
this is not day care, okay?

Eighty-six the love child and
stop tying up the phone lines.

Yeah, um, listen,
I'm a nurse,
and I'm telling...

Fine. Whatever.

The next time you decide
to put a marker on your face,

can you do it before school
so I can get a sitter?

That means I can stay here?

Only until I can find one.

Now go to the lounge and do
something normal, like homework.



Don't even.

What's that about?

Overprotective mother.

You still on surgical rotation?

No. I start my ER rotation

Welcome home.

Got the whole
family here!

Low speed MVA,
rear-ended, no PSI.

Superficial facial lac on Mom,
sore wrist on the girl

and Dad's only complaint
is about his car.

Six grand in body work, easy.

What about the baby?

Found on the floor, alert,
with no apparent injuries.

No car seat?

Cries whenever he's in it, so
Katie here goes and unhooks him.

Hey, look, we're
all okay here.

Is this all
totally necessary?

The shock of the accident
can often mask injuries.

What are the most
important factors when

triaging children
involved in an MVA?

Proper restraint use.
Glasgow coma scale.

Evaluate consciousness
and spontaneous

movement; in this case,
the baby's a 15.

Good, Neela.

You know this stuff.

Hey, Abby, guy over here
needs a foley.

Oh, wait, I'm sorry,
you're playing doctor today?

Okay, never mind.
I'll find a nurse

who's not
kidding herself.
Here's one now.

Mom, right? Uh, there's
good news and bad news.

The bad news is, my
enlarged prostate guy

needs a tube shoved
up his urethra.

The good news is,
he gets to have
you in his pants.

Excuse me?
I absolutely,

have to take my lunch hour
today. I'm being audited.

Didn't know we paid you
enough to get audited.
You don't.

My meeting's at noon,
downtown, so I'll prob...

Great, that is great!

What the hell do you
think you're doing?!

What are you doing?!

Cut the hell out!

What are you doing?
He just grabbed my ass.

Here, take this to church
and have it exorcised.

That's right, you keep walking,
right up to the

Nursing Director's office,
'cause by the time

you get there, there'll be
a pink slip waiting for you.

Good! Give me plenty of time

to file
my sexual harassment lawsuit.

Do you mind?

( sighs )

Yes, I do.

You can have it back
at the end of the day

if you learn to behave!

Give me my damn hand back!

Uh, Dove?


That... Is that
the soap you use?

Oh, yeah.

It works, works, works for you.

( chuckling )

You know, they-they say that,

uh, smell is a more powerful
than-than sight...

has a... has a stronger
impact on... on-on memory.

It's true.


Gi-Given the choice, I'd...

I'd choose sight.

Could-could do without
smelling... dog poop again.

Or-or stepping in it.

Can I get a vacutainer
with a red top?

Housebreaking not
going so well?

I can do that for you
if you want.
No, I got it.

Now, it's, it's fine.

Um... oh, and-and, uh, thanks.

For what?

Th-The dog.


He laughs at all my jokes
and licks my feet.

I think I'm in love.

( both chuckle )

You know, if your didge levels
are in the therapeutic range,

you can stop dragging
yourself down here.



Yeah, just see your primary
physician every three months.

Okay, and we are... done.

Oh. Listen, I, uh,
I make a mean tri-tip.

Seriously, I'm...
I'm quite-quite the chef.


Yeah. Would...

Would, you know, would you
like to have dinner tonight?

I-I-I'll throw in
a good bottle of wine

if it... if it would
close the deal.

Uh... sure.

What time?


All right,
I'll see you then.

A doctor who does
her own blood draws, huh?

Only on friends.

Listen, sorry
about earlier,

but I got a rule
against ass-grabbing.

It's a good rule.

What'd you do
with it anyway?

I put it where it ought
to be-- under lock and key.

Here. I don't
need the receipt.

Oh, no, I do--
I'm going long form next year.

Hey! What the hell
are you doing here?


I thought you quit.

Oh, my dad wouldn't let me.

Said he'd pull the money plug

if I didn't see this thing

This "thing" meaning
a career in medicine?

Yeah. You want some?

It's 10:00 in
the morning, man.

( sniffing ):
Hey, you been
smoking weed?

You know, my roommate tokes.

Can't help it
if the smell sticks.


( sighs )

Katie, knock it off!

Sorry about
the mess, Doc.

We're med students actually,
and it's fine, really.

( baby fussing )

He likes you.

Colin usually cries
with strangers.

When's he not cry?

Seems like a happy
enough guy to me.

Head sheet, ibuprofen
and Dad's good to go.

Oh, he's not either
of their fathers.

He's my boyfriend.

Who's next?

no medical history,

ecchymosis of left hand.

Full range of motion,

neurovascularly intact.

X rays are clear.

Um, NSAIDS for pain,
R.I.C.E. and home.

( baby crying )
Good. Neela?

21 year old female,
one centimeter forehead lac,

cleared the neck clinically,
remainder of exam normal.

Irrigated the wound,
approximated edges
with dermabond.

Excellent. Abby?

Full term ten-month-old
male, alert and interactive.

He doesn't seem
to be on any...

Start with the...
the vitals.

Afebrile, pulse 118,
resps 24.

No hematoma or step off.

Lungs are clear,
abdomen soft,

moves all extremities, but
since he wasn't restrained,

I'm thinking baby
gram and head CT.

A full body X ray?

He might need
a screening film

since he can't tell
us if anything hurts.

He'd tell us
with irritability and guarding.

Trust your exam, Abby.

No unnecessary X rays,
no CT.

Um, he already got a portable.

Um... finish the discharge
paperwork and send him home.

Dr. Kovac,
I have a UTI in Two.

Maybe you're like me-- better
with babies than with school.

Got into a fight, got stuck
with a shank made out of a fork.

Jimmy, I need to see your eyes.

Can I help?

s*ab wound above
the scapula.

Tell me what you do.

ABC's IV, O-2 monitor
and pulse ox.

Mm, that and introduce yourself.

Hi. I'm Neela Rasgotra.

I'm going to listen
to your lungs now.

Okay, head's atraumatic,
TM's fine.

They handcuff
in juvenile hall?

He's 18, in with the
big boys at Joliet

for aggravated
as*ault and B&E.

Five to ten, but probably
get a few more now.

Clear and equal,
no increased work
of breathing.

Which means the
knife wound hasn't
affected your lungs.

Okay, portable chest
with a lateral neck

and a set of

Dr. Chen, there's
a call from China

holding on line one
for you.

Huh, wonder what
time it's over there.

Do me a favor: Can you tell
my parents, the cat's fine,

and I'll call them
later at the hotel?

It's not your folks,
it's the embassy.

Um, get him set
up for suturing.

"B&E," that's "breaking
and entering," right?

What did you break into?

My stepfather's house.

He locked me out.

You still here?

Who's, uh...
who's, who's asking?

I'm a nurse.
I saw you earlier.

Oh, I wish... wish
I could say the same.

Have you seen a cabbie
anywhere around here?

I called for one
about an hour ago.

No. I can call another one
for you.

You okay?

Me? Oh, yeah, yeah.

Blind and getting blinder
every day.

Life is good.


I'll call you
another cab, okay?

Got your backup baby-sitter
on line one.

She says she's glad
you called, she's got pinkeye,

wonders: Can you
get her antibiotics?

50 pounds of pressure

in addition
to being waterproof.

Which makes it perfect
for shucking clams.

What happened to
your other gizmo?

It's being punished
for being naughty.

Enough fun and games.
Where is it?

You got a stay
of execution.

Your audit's been
pushed an hour.

Nothing like postponing
the inevitable.

Hey, my hand!
cough it up.

At the end of the day, provided

you don't try anything
with that one.

Hey! Do I need to remind you
that I'm in charge here?

You'd have to convince me

Hey, Alex.

What's a prolapsed rectum?

Shouldn't you
be reading

like Harry Potter or something?

You menstruating?

Hey, look a popped-out eyeball!

( Chen speaking Mandarin )

( speaking Mandarin )

Something wrong?

My parents were
in a car accident.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Happened in some province
north of Suzhou,

I'm not exactly
sure where.

Hey, can you get somebody
to cover for me?

Yeah, of course.
Are you okay?

Not really.

I have to pack

and get my emergency visa.

I don't even know if my
passport's still good.

Do you know any details?

Only that there are no
trauma centers in China.

Something happen?

Yeah, her parents

got hurt in China.

Hey, Jing-Mei!

What's going on?
Your folks okay?

I won't know
until I get there.

Is there anything
I can do?

No, I don't think so.

Come here.

Don't worry,
it's gonna be okay.

I got to go.

Jensen's at a conference,
Stewart's on nights

Chen's on emergency leave,

that officially leaves
us short one attending.

Ankle sprain, med refill,
kid with cough.

I'll pick up her slack.

She also had a
dislocated shoulder.

And I'll give any reductions
to residents like you

with two paws
and half a brain.

Elbow contusion,

fight-bite lac. Beat it.

What pleasure could
you possibly get

out of humiliating people?

Fun. You ought
to try it sometime.

All right,
so what'd I miss?

Your calling as a hoodlum.

Here, prison stabbing,

ought to be
right up your alley.

If it's any consolation,
we all suffer at his hand.

What do you got?

Franny Meyers, 34 years old,
brought in by paramedics

with chest pain and
palpitations for an hour.

No cardiac history,
no risk factors.

Hi, Franny,
I'm Dr. Lewis.

Can you tell me
what happened?

Nothing, I felt a little dizzy
at work

and somebody called 911.

I'm fine now.

Orthostatics were good,
and I got an EKG

which was also normal.

Any medications?

Are you having
trouble sleeping?


Do you drink
soda, coffee?


Really? That's amazing.

I skipped breakfast,
that's all.

Listen, I have got to go

pick up my little girl
from pre-school.

No, you're not
going anywhere soon.

When someone comes in
with chest pain

and heart palpitations,

we usually keep them
overnight for observation.

No, my husband can't do
everything, he works, too.

Find her a bed on telemetry
and send out for troponins?

And have Cards
can do a stress test
while she's up here.

I have three kids
and work a full time job--

every day is a stress test.
This is nothing.

Probably, you're right,
but we need to follow

your labs and monitor
your heart, okay?


You seem to be
doing well.

One on one; I'm not
so hot in a group.

You know,
it gets better.
It always does.

You want to get something
to eat tonight?

Oh, I have a date
sort of.


No. We're at that point
where we should be

spending either
all our time together
or none at all,

and I'm kind of leaning
towards none at all.

So, it's a date
with someone new?

Someone old actually.

Did that guy's head
get cracked by a bat
or something?

Sledge hammer.


No, he slipped in the shower,
bumped his head.

He's gonna fine.

Aren't you supposed to be
in the lounge?

Yeah, but mostly
away from you.

I don't know what
my mom's problem is.

I've been in DKA, like,
a thousand times this year.

Wasn't your fault.

I better take you back.

Belly pain prior to
vomiting and diarrhea,

no fever, no history of stones,

urine dip negative.

Might be
the seafood lo mein.

I'm thinking appy.

CBC results?

I didn't order a CBC.

Uh, Dr. Kovac?
You didn't think checking
the white cell count

on a possible appendicitis

would be a good idea?

I told him not to bother.

No guarding, no rebound,
no fever.

CBC is the standard test
used in the diagnosis...

For almost everything,
but it's useless

for anything else except
leukemia, which he doesn't have.

It's also a primary indication
of infection

and I have absolutely
no intention

of proceeding without it.

Fine, then it was 16,000.

You just told me
you didn't order the test.

I forgot to put
the results on chart.

I still think it's
an unconvincing case for appy.

Exactly my point.

Order a CT with triple contrast
to be certain.

Yes, ma'am.

And if you're on a mission
to subvert protocol,

perhaps you should clear it
through administration first.

How on earth do you
stand it down here?

Everybody's so much more
agreeable in Surgery.

Gee, why do you suppose that is?

Okay, here's a time-waster.

Transport from Geldin--

stable 12-year-old
heme-onker with fever.

The community hospital
on the East side?

Otherwise known as
a glorified doc-in-the-box.

Who's expendable?
You are.

But since you're
neither fish nor fowl,

you're useless even on
a mindless transport.

Dr. Corday,

you forgot to sign
for the factor eight.

Ah, eureka...

our Affirmative Action hero

and our sultry
hand thief.

Go with God,
but more importantly, just go.

My kid's here and I
don't have a sitter.

That's my problem, how?

The nurses can take care
of him in the lounge

until you get back,
right, Chuny?

Sure, no problem.
that's settled.

Ebony and ivory can
go off into the sunset

and maybe the rest of us

can get a little work done
around here

without being stared at.

Come on, honey.

I don't think his mom
loved him very much.

Are you on hold?
Yeah, why?

Mrs. Meyers wants
to leave AMA.

Yes, yes, I have an
appointment for today

that I'd like to reschedule.

Mrs. Meyers,

you need to see a doctor
before you go.

I can't find my shoes.
Someone stole my shoes.

Nobody stole your shoes.
They're right there.

I don't know what
I was thinking.

Who's going
to make dinner?

Who's going to feed
the dogs?
Slow down.

Who's going to
wash the clothes?
Slow down.

All right, oh...

She barely has a pulse.

Someone grab
a crash cart!

No, I'm okay.

I'm okay.

Have you been
in prison long?

Few months.

Busted me right after
my girlfriend got me this.

( groans )

Her name's Lila.

She's pretty, too.

Stitches can come out
in ten days.

How's he doing?

Still has some
bony tenderness,

just on his way
to radiology now.

completely intact.

Come on, lay down.
Need to make a switch.

Hang on, let me
uncuff him.

Let's go.

Ow, easy, man.

Dr. Pratt?

Get her out of here!

Jimmy, it's all right.

Just get her out!
Okay. Go.

Go. Guys give me a
couple of minutes,
all right?


Want to tell me
what happened?

I'm not a f*g,
all right?

But you're bleeding pretty bad.

Did they r*pe you?

Don't come close, okay?
I'm cool.

This is serious.

I said just leave me alone.

Okay, so you're
refusing treatment.

Just know that
you're AMA

and going back to the big house
in about an hour.

Now, you let me do the exam,

you buy yourself
at least a day here.

One more time,
hard as you can.

Anybody seen
Sam's weird little kid?

I can't find him anywhere.

( groans in Spanish )

Still SVT.

Am I having
a heart attack?

I don't think so,

but your heart is beating
faster than normal.

No P-waves, narrow QRS.

Has anything like this
ever happen before?

No, I don't
think so.

EKG tech's on his way.


Yup, and vagal maneuvers
didn't work.


Six milligrams.

Mrs. Meyers, we're going
to give you medicine

to try and convert
your heart back to
a normal rhythm.

When we do, we'll be
better able to find out

why this is happening.

All right, I'll be back
to administer it.

Nice assessment.

You never compliment me
like that.

Like what?

"Nice assessment."

I do.
No, you don't.

I don't?

I give you my time,

which is the highest form

of a compliment.

( whirring )

Out of the way.
Out of the way. Shoo.

What's the weirdest thing

you've ever taken
out of somebody's body?

Prednisone for five days

and benadryl for itching,
okay, Mr. McPhee?

Like a real long


Can you get a knee immobilizer
for the LOL in Three?

Yes, Doctor.

A gerbil?

Look, Alex, I really
need to work now.

Go back to the lounge,

Chuny, the rule-out appy
guy's eating?

Mr. Persky? He's on
his second tray.

Okay, Mr. Persky,
time to go home.

Let me just sign
these discharge papers...

What about the CT
Corday wanted?

He's past the common age
for appy,

he's not getting any sicker
and he's got an appetite.

I thought you said
it was appendicitis.

Not if you can stomach
that much hospital food.

Yeah, but there was
progression of pain,
there was tenderness.

Could be an unusual

Sure, once in
a million cases.

Kovac, Radiology
wants you upstairs.

Your tibia fracture lady

is agitated.

Mr. Persky, if you
experience any vomiting,

fever or worsening
belly pain, come back.

have a nice day.

Where are you going now?

Can I come?

No. The lounge, go.

Hey, Chuny, need you to get me
an attending for a r*pe exam.

We use the same kit on men
that we do for women, right?

I can do it when I get
back from radiology.

No, thanks.

A guy can get r*ped?

( sighs )

Dr. Romano, you got a minute?

I've got ten
patients of my own

and six med students I'm
avoiding like the plague,

does it look like
I have a minute?

I need you to do
a r*pe kit.

Didn't see anything
on the board.

Came in with a knife wound,
he didn't tell us at first.

The prisoner
you gave me earlier.

He has some
rectal bleeding.

Oh. Well, uh...

You go ahead,
I'll sign off on it.

No, per legal,
an attending's

supposed to do
all the r*pe exams.

It'll be our
little secret.

Hey, wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You're always
all over me

for this, that and
the other protocol,

and now you want me
to do a procedure...

All of a sudden
you're Mr. By The Book?

This is not a stretch
for you, Pratt.

Just do it,
break the rules.
You're good at it.

A coffee break,
imagine that.

You guys from County?

Yes, sir.

12-year-old with acute
myeloid leukemia,

spiked a fever to 102.

It's probably
just a cold,

but since she's neutropenic,

she needs admission somewhere
till her culture's negative.

You don't have
a pedes floor?
Mm-mm. Budget cuts.

Chest X-ray's clear,

UA's negative,
got two grams of ceftaz.

Her parents here?

Yup, brought her over
from Ann Arbor

for a concert,

celebrate her successful
bone marrow transplant.

Girl started feeling sick
so they drove her

to the nearest hospital,
which was us.

Thought you said
she just had a cold.

I'm Dr. Gallant from County.

She didn't look
like this earlier.

Michelle, can you hear me?

Last vitals were two hours ago.

They said she
was just sleeping.

Give me an oxygen mask.

She was fine,
she was satting at 100%.

Can't get a good pulse ox
through this much nail polish.

No, a pedes mask!

We don't have them.

She should've been
on a monitor.

Mix some ox and gent,
and hang another liter.
She was stable.

Yeah, well, now she's septic.
We need volume.

Here, catch.

Will someone
please tell us

what the hell
is going on?

She might have
a blood infection

and her chemo weakened
her ability to fight it.

Sat's only 81.

Okay, help me get her
onto the gurney.


I need to explain
the risks of transport.

Gallant, I need
to talk to you.

There's a chance of mechanical
problems in the ambulance

or worsening
of her condition.

Now, Doctor.
I need to speak with you.

She's not stable.

You need to stay here
or tube her before we go.

She has a strong pulse,
we have her on O2.

I say we scoop and run.

She only has about
20 minutes before
she stops breathing.

County is 15 tops.

Look, if I can't get her tubed,
there's no backup here, none.

Okay, let's go.

We're going code three.

What does that mean?

That means your
daughter's very sick,

we need to get her
to a trauma center
as soon as we can.

Can we ride with her?
No, not enough room.

We're headed to County.

Gallant, consent.

Sign here.

Well, your heart rate's
back to normal,

which means
the adenosine worked.

Did you get in touch
with your husband?

Yeah. He's picking up the kids.

Well, that's one less thing
for you to do, right?

( sighing ):

You should try
to get some rest.

I can't.

Uh... I lied.

I... I don't sleep
much at all.


Do you think that's weird?

I don't even know anymore.

I think...

( chair rolling )

I think, with three kids
it's pretty hard to do...

without some help.

Do you have any help?

A nanny?

Uh... ( laughs ) no.

No, I mean... for energy.

Are you taking anything
or drinking anything

to... give you
a little lift?

Because, Franny,
if you are taking something,

it could be doing serious damage
to your heart.

Another mom I know
gives it to me.

It's the only way that
we can get things done.



don't tell my husband.


I'll be right back.

Ah... an hour and counting.

Do you think the IRS flagged me
because I worked in two states?

Soccer mom uses
crystal meth.


You heard me.

Did she just tell
you out of the blue?

No, I asked.

Somebody help us!
We were just here.

What happened?

He fell asleep on the way home
and now he won't wake up.

They came in with
an MVA this morning.

They were cleared
and discharged.

Any vomiting?

No, no, but he's-
he's-he's not right.

You must've
missed something.

Okay, come on.

( utensils clattering )

Pupils are equal
and sluggish.

He's hypertensive,
110 over 82.

Miller two and
a 4-0 ET tube.

What's going on?

Sir, we're trying
to find out.

Let's get a gram of mannitol
when we're in.

Did he get a CT?



Heart rate's 69.


No CT after an MVA?

He just flew
out of the car seat.


I... I'm in.

Did you check
for a cranial hematoma?

For a step off?

Yes! I checked
for all of that.
He was fine.

Mannitol's running.

What's wrong?

Um, he might have...

had some head trauma
in the accident.

It can cause bleeding
in the brain.

I'm sorry
it wasn't caught earlier.

Okay, let's
get him up to CT.

Unrestrained and no CT--
are you kidding, Abby?


What'd the CT show?

Parietal skull fracture
with a subdural hematoma.

Neurosurg has got him
up in the OR now.

How could I miss
a intracranial bleed?

It happens.

He seemed like a perfectly
healthy baby to me.

And you had
an Attending.

No, if I can't trust
my clinical skills,

I might as well go home

because the book stuff
is not going that great either.

Look, when I get back,

we'll pull the charts
and the film,

and we'll just go over it

and see what went wrong.

It's how you learn.

Need some help in here!

What, did they just
forget to tell you
she was septic?

Claimed they didn't know.

Dropped her pressure and
went apneic in the rig.

Lost the pulse right
when we pulled up.

She's in PEA.
Milligram of epi

and stand by
with atropine.
What about your audit?

Third atropine's in.

Weak femoral
with compressions.

The trip over
did not help.

She wasn't coding.
She had a good pulse.

Dopa's up to 20;
still don't have a pressure.

I mean, they had no
pedes RTs, no equipment.

Figured it was more
dangerous to leave her

than to bring her back.

Well, they're
a bunch of idiots.

So why didn't you
tube her?

Stop compressions.

Still PEA.

Because she was breathing
on her own.

Dr. Lewis, I've got
your geriatric boyfriend
on the phone.

He says it's important.

I'm going to have

to call him back.
Resume compressions.

Come on, Michelle, come on.

Another round of epi.
Where are the parents?

En route from Geldin.

Do they know how to get here?

I think they're
from Michigan.

She's fixed and dilated.

They better
figure it out fast.

Dr. Morris, your pancreatitis
is a case of menstrual cramps.


Uh, so, perhaps in the future,
before you call surgery

you could read chapter one
of Harrison's.


Can you make sure Amanda Knight
gets 600 of ibuprofen?

Yes, Doctor.
I consulted on that man earlier.

Why isn't he in a bed?

He just signed in.

Mr. Persky's back?

Well, who let him go
in the first place?

Doctor Kovac
discharged him.
Without the CT I ordered?

Mr. Persky,
what happened?

He's febrile.

( groaning )

Oh, God.

( groaning )

It hurt for awhile there,

but... it's much better now.

Think he perfed?

Yes. Mr. Persky, when
the appendix bursts

it releases pressure,
which abates the pain.

Unfortunately, it
also releases fecal
matter into the belly,

requiring us to
operate on you.

Like under anesthesia?


My mother died that way.

No anesthesia.

During your surgery?

Yes. Going under's
what k*lled her.


Okay, well, let's take
Mr. Persky upstairs

and prep him for surgery.

I'll be right there.

Where are you going?

Oh, I'm going to find Dr. Kovac.

Stop compressions.


Resuming compressions.

Should we try
transcutaneous pacing?

How long
has she been down?

42 minutes.

Okay, Gallant.


Time of death-- 15:37.

There's only so much
responsibility you can take

for what happened.

You didn't give her cancer.

So how come that doesn't
make me feel any better?

Those the parents?



I'll tell them.

( knocking at door )

Is it all right if I come in?

Sorry it's taking so long.

Dr. Pratt's been tied up.

But then I suppose
you don't mind the delay.

Will you report
what happened?

I never said anything did.

Because maybe you could be
transferred to another facility,

someplace safer for you.

There's no shame in this.

No one's going to think less
of you for it,

not me,
not your girlfriend.

I don't have one anymore.

I'm the girl now.


Can you leave me alone?!

No! It's going to hurt my baby!

Eloise, you have a broken leg.
You need to settle down.
No! No!

Give me five of haldol.

No! It's going
to hurt my baby!

Please! No! No! No!

( sobbing hysterically )

I don't...
I don't want my baby...

I don't want my baby...
to do...

( calming ):
to do...


Did you k*ll her?


Send her up to Ortho

and make sure they cast
her before she wakes up.

( sighs )

Sorry you had to see that.

Did you get scared?

You kidding?
It was cool.

( chuckles )

So what does this thing do,

make you glow in the dark?

Yeah, only after
1,000 x-rays.

Want one?

Can I have one of my head?

Is it okay?

Long as your department
gets charged for it.

( chuckling )

Okay. Lay still,
hold your breath.

I understand
you overrode my order

for an abdominal CT
on the possible appy patient.


Well, he's since managed
to perforate his appendix

and is upstairs
waiting for surgery.

So, instead of a quick
laproscopic procedure,

I'll be performing
an open laparotomy

with antiseptic wash-out.

That's too bad.

( sighing ):
Your actions have made
his life and mine much harder.

You know he wants
epidural anesthesia?

What do you want me to say?

Neither a CBC or a CT
would have been definitive.

Sometimes the
best test is time.

You're serious.

He was given discharge

and came back as directed.

The system worked.

Oh, for you, maybe,

but he'll be subjected
to a riskier surgery

and I'll miss dinner
with my daughter.

Score one
for your bloody mission.

Can you see Morris's crouper

so we can discharge her?

Yeah, in a minute.

And I need a consent

for conscious sedation
for Carolyn Kinaire.

Okay, hang on.

Dr. Lewis.
You know, you have to
present to Kovac or Romano.

I have to call the IRS and
beg not to be imprisoned.

Kovac is not here

and Romano's the reason
why I need this favor.

Great, what'd he do now?

I got a male r*pe victim
who needs an exam

and Napoleon's not too
comfortable with the prospect.

Fine, I'll do it.

You're the best.

Ready to go over this?

Uh, yeah, I've denied my bladder
this long...

Ah, the Helen Keller of County.

I hear you missed
a skull fracture today.

Keep it up, you'll be back
to code browns in no time.

Hang on a second.

Hey. You.

What is it, Dr. Lewis?
I'm a busy man.

Well, now you're
one less patient busy.

I'm taking the r*pe case.

Excuse me?

I don't know
if it's a gay thing,

or if you're afraid
of two-handed procedures...

What are you
talking about?

Pratt feels that...

Pratt is a rabid
dog who needs

to be taken
outside and shot

before he infects the
rest of the staff.

As for my abilities
are concerned, I finish
what I start, okay?



Hey, Frank...

Back from
your little joyride?

You seen my kid around?

Yeah, I saw him
stalking Kovac earlier.

Did the IRS call?

Yes, they said something
about penalties, back taxes,

you owing them
for their lost time,

and that Hollander guy
called again.

Did he leave a number?

Nope, just canceled dinner.

I spoke with Mrs. Meyers.


Meth mom.

She's agreed to
seek counseling,

and social services
will follow up.

They don't want
to see her?

I told them she's obviously
devoted to her family,

takes good care of them.

Be harder to do when she dies
of a drug-induced heart attack.

Well, I'm sure
this scared her,

enough to get the
message, I'd think.

Okay, go with your gut.

Are you sure?

Because it's a bit of
a weakness on my part,

not reading people well.

Never occurred to me

that a working wife
and mother would
be a meth user.

People are capable
of anything

when put
under the right stressors.

( g*nsh*t )

Need help visualizing
the fissure.


You want to swab
for sperm, too?

No, we have enough.

Help me take this off.

The bleeding's stopped.

The tear will heal
on its own.

So is he good to go?

Yeah, right back
to the daddy t*nk

as soon as his discharge
papers are signed.

Excuse me,
Dr. Romano,

may I speak
with you privately?

You're already my favorite.
You want people to talk?

His lab work-up.

Why you showing
it to me?

Dr. Pratt's
on his way into Trauma.

Some test results
have come back.

You're HIV-positive

with a CD4 count
of less than 200.

That means
you have AIDS.

Did you hear
what I just said?

Yeah, thanks.

At least now
I know it's not
going to be forever.

That the guy
who got punked out?

Shut up.

He's had a bad day.

Okay, this all looks
well documented, anyway.

Gee, thanks.

Baby had a normal exam

and the mechanism
was borderline.

I would've scanned the head,
but Kovac could argue not to.

It's a judgment call.

Which is why
I ordered a babygram.

When you're reading
an X ray,

are you using
the ABCD mnemonic?

Airway, Bones, Cardiac,


this is the wrong film.

No, it's Colin Tranh,
and I still don't see it.

Is it more superior?

Do you have the head CT?


Okay, um, here's
the fracture.

And I still don't see it.

It's not there.

Get a social worker
and find the boyfriend now.


Dr. Lewis,
GSW to the head!

Went into V-fib
two minutes out.

Robbery, homicide, both?

No time to transfer.

Charge to 200.

Why isn't he intubated?

Because he's a DNR.

That's what
I told him.

But su1c1de
is against the law.

He could've flinched
and only injured his
frontal cortex.

Okay, let's do this.
8-0 tube.

Come on,
give me those.

Dr. Lewis?

Stand by with epi.

Still V-fib, 300.

Amp of epi.

He used a g*n.

Charge to 360.

Stop it.

I said stop it!

What? I'm trying
to save this guy.

A hundred of lidocaine.

She knows him.

Just leave him.

It's what he wanted.

Is the baby out of surgery?

Yeah. I spoke
to the doctor.

It went well.
Where's his mother?

She's at work.
I called her.

So he's going
to be okay, right?

Yes, he will.

This is Mr. Sung.
He's a social worker.

How you doing?


What's this all about?

Well, you
mentioned earlier

that Colin cries
a lot.

Yeah. So?

Was he crying
when you got home today?

It appears his
skull was fractured

after he left
the hospital.


He didn't have
a fracture

when he was
here earlier.

So what are you saying--
I hit him?

I don't know
what you did.

Did you slam his head
against the wall?

Or the floor?

The crib railing?

I don't have to listen
to this crap!

I'll take it from here.
This is ridiculous.

Why don't you come
with me?

She's nuts!
I didn't hit that kid!

I didn't do anything.

Excuse me. You're nuts!

Lady, you don't know
what you're talking about!

I didn't hit
that stupid kid!


Alex, this room's
for families

who need privacy.

Come on.

Super power punch.

Quit knocking me off.

Plus it's time to go.

But I'm winning.

Alex, it's late
and I'm tired.


See ya.

See ya.

Did you make
a new friend today?

Guess so.

Hey, would it be okay
if we invite him over

for Thanksgiving dinner?

He doesn't really have
any family.


Oh, wait,
I forgot something.

You finish
your homework?

Yeah, but look.

It's my head.

Dr. Kovac did it
for me.

He X-rayed your skull?



You going home then?

Yeah, my family's here
to pick me up.

Listen, I just
want to thank you
for everything, okay?

Hey! Do you guys want me

to make spaghetti
tonight for dinner?

Uh, Neela,

labs are back
on my lupus patient.

How do you calculate
creatine clearance?

Weight in kilos times 140,

minus age,
divided by 72,
times creatine.


Have a good night.

Abby, would you
be interested

in studying together
some time?


I'm good at the academic
stuff, you know?

But you're good
with everything else.

Maybe we could
help each other.


Hey, Dr. Lewis.
What is it?

The LOL in two
is complaining of nausea.

All right, give her
ten of compazine

and make sure she
gets a dinner tray.

Pretty rough day,
today, huh?


Did you hear
from Jing-Mei?

She got on a plane.

Did you send in
a blood draw
this morning,

check a didge level?


The tube you sent
was hemolyzed.

They need another draw.

What do you want me
to tell them?

Tell 'em he left AMA.

Time's up.
Where's my hand?

It's in the
women's bathroom
in the tampon machine.

Get it yourself.
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