10x10 - Makemba

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x10 - Makemba

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

Got a medical transport
plane in Kinshasa

waiting to take
you back.

( kiss smacking )

( groaning )

( shouting )


( sighs )

( vomiting )

( groaning )

Getting bad out there?


Merry Christmas Eve, huh?

If you say so.

You're late.

Yeah, I had to walk
from LaSalle.

My bus crashed
into a UPS truck.


Weak and dizzy
in Six,

LOL with bloody
stool in Two

and there's a kid
who swallowed

a Christmas tree
ornament in Five.

Work them up and send
them to Dr. Kovac.

My shoes are soaking wet.

Happy holidays,

Where's she going?

Home to wait for
the Ghost

of Christmas Past to show up.

Thanks, Michael.

I was afraid you'd
already have it.

No, it's great.

A kid swallowed
an ornament?

Yeah, Mom's worried about
the wire hanging hook thing.

Take a couple
of minutes.

The old lady with
the bloody stool

can wait for you
to change your shoes.

Hey, Abby,

did you get your
trinket from Carter?


His Third World care package.

Gone-native junk for everybody.

Look, Kovac's got, eh,
some kind of voodoo mask.

I think
it's Bangala.

Yeah, they use it
to slaughter farm animals

in some kind of satanic ritual.

Oh, here.

Go ahead,
it won't bite.

You ever send that box
of stuff to Africa, Frank?

Toys For Third World Tots?

Went out last week.

What'd you get?

A box.

A tribal shaman's box.

Medicine men use it
to store their potions.

Oh, Lord.

Merry Christmas everybody.

Welcome to Calcutta.

Yeah, come on,
come on, that's it.

Hey, what is that?

It's a little bit
of Sikh rap.

Sikh rap?

Hey, you ready
to go?

keep dancing.

She's good.

Okay, I'll be back for the H&Ps.

This one?


( rattling )

you shake it.

( chuckles )

Oh, God, are you
a paper saver?

( chuckles )


how romantic.

Open it.

You like it?

is beautiful.

it was my father's.

I want you to have it.

Go on,
try it on.


It suits you.

Thank you.

So, what'd you get me?

It'd better be good.

( chuckling )

I hope you won't
be disappointed.

Come on.

It's, um,
kind of sentimental.


( metallic clinking )


They were mine
when I was little.

( kisses )
Thank you.

There's more.

I want you come back
to the States with me.

I want our baby
to be born in America.

Captioning sponsored by



Well, back to work.

You really don't like
the Dixie Chicks?

Everybody likes
the Dixie Chicks.


with any taste.

( Carter
speaking French )

He's weak on the right.


We got a CT?

No, so treat with Sulfadiazine,

Folonic acid.

Spinal tap?

No, we have to save
the taps

for the patients
who really need them.

And he doesn't?

If he doesn't improve
in a week,

we'll tap him then.

Hi, you looking for me?

How's our Belgian

Oh, suffering from
first day shock.

He'll be all right.

So, are you
coming tonight?


Coming alone?



I think
it's great.

( chuckling ):
It's nothing serious.

9:00 then.

( engine rumbling )

( indistinct chattering )

Bonjour! Ca vas.

( talking at once )

Oh, come on, it is
not that simple.

is imperialism,

no matter whether
the conqueror claims

that the conquered
will be better off.


The conqueror
brings with him

the seeds of his
own destruction.

Heiner Muller.

Very good.



are like sheep.

I don't understand

why they aren't
rioting in the streets

of Palm Springs
or Atlana.

Atlanta. Ta.

Two T's.
And Palm Springs?

Nobody riots
in Palm Springs,

they're too busy
playing golf.

You can't argue democracy
hasn't been a positive force

for change throughout
the world in the last...

Hiroshima, Chile,



Poland, Romania...

Coca-Cola, Marlboro,


Oh, mon dieu, what
I would give

for a Quarter Pounder
avec cheese right now.

That's exactly what
I'm talking about.

American commercialism
is ruining music, film,

indigenous culture
around the world.

Listen, from what
I've heard

of, uh,
French rock and roll,

you were
well on your way

to ruining French music
all on your own.

I thought
this was supposed

to be a celebration?

I don't so much mind

American intervention
in Iraq.

The Baathists were rapists
and mass murderers.

Hear, hear.

But I do mind America
callously dismissing

legitimate international

Just trampling 50 years of
carefully crafted diplomacy

in pursuit of
it's own

political and
economic interests.

Makemba Likasu,
Dr. John Carter.

Kem works with
the Ministry of Health.

And her friend, Peter.

I have no idea
what Peter does?

What do you do, Peter?

Ministry of Finance.

Kem's setting up an ARV
demonstration project

for AIDS patients.

Oh, that's great.

Has everybody already
ordered already?


Oh, wait, I love this song.

Come on, Walter.
Let's dance.

Come on, Walter.

Be very, very,

( laughing )

So, what project
are you working on?

I'm starting a small
HIV/AIDS program

with money from
the Global Fund.




Triple cocktail,

is well-founded.

We have our doubters.

Well, can you afford to treat
millions of patients, right?

I mean, meds cost $15,000
a year per person

and we can't even get
IV antibiotics here.

My point exactly.

We're not using
American dr*gs.

Another perfect example

of American commercial

I mean, blocking the use

of generics.

After the WTO ruled
that poor countries

could ignore drug patents,
India developed a generic.

It only costs $200
a year per patient.

Money we also don't have.

What is your
alternative, Peter?

Just to watch
30 million Africans die

in the next
ten years?

If we can

that these programs work,

then we can appeal to the UN,
to rich countries,

to our own

I think I just heard
someone playing our song.

Imperialist Yankee dollars ride
to the rescue again.

It's nice to know
we're still needed

for something
around here, isn't it?

( chuckling )

Oh, Peter,
stop pouting.

Let's dance.

It's Bastille Day, you know?

Vive la revolution!

I won't be forced
to say nice things

about the French all day now,
will I?

He's not improving.

When did we start him
on sulfadiazine?

Ten days ago.

Now do we do
a spinal tap?


Is this his wife?


Tell her that
we need to do

some additional tests.

( speaking French )

I speak English.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Your husband is not getting
any better on the medicine,

so we need to do some
additional tests.

He's very sick?


He will die soon?

Not immediately.

But yes.

How pregnant are you?

Six months.

Do you know why
your husband is dying?


And have you been tested?


Your children?


It only takes a few minutes.


Is there anything
you can do

to help us
if we are sick?

If you are HIV positive,
we can give you medicine

to try and keep you
from passing it

along to your baby when
the baby is born.



Dad's dying. End stage.

He's probably
got a couple of weeks.

Mom's pregnant,
she's got two kids.

One's 18 months,
the other's five.

All the tests
came back positive.

You got a CD4 count?

She's stage three.

They've been living
in the refugee camp.

She had to flee
the fighting

in Bukavu last March.

Has she been to a VCT center?


Counseling. Community support.

She doesn't
need counseling,

she needs antiretroviral dr*gs.

You want to get her
into my pilot program?

She's a teacher,

when her husband dies, she'll be
the sole support for her family.

I would think that
would make her

the perfect candidate.

I can only enroll
ten patients a month.

We're only funded
for 200 participants.



How long
is your waiting list?

The selection committee
is very particular

about who gets in.

How long?

We can only take patients
with TLCs under 1200.

They have to live
close to the clinic,

they have to agree
to participate

for a minimum
of five years

and shown consistency

in taking previous drug

If they fulfill
all these criteria,

they're included
in the list of candidates

that I present
to the committee monthly.

They then select ten
to get the ARV dr*gs.

We have six fully
occupied AIDS wards

in this hospital,
Dr. Carter.

Every patient in every ward
wants to be in my program.

Who would you
like me to exclude

so I can take your
mother from Bukavu?

( coughing )

Your AIDS drug
finally came.

Pharmacy needs
you to sign your
credit card slip.

Great, thanks.

1,200 bucks.

Yep, Carter's
paying me back.

Carter needs

What, did he get
a stick or something?

No. Patient.

Well, say hello to him
for me, will you?

Why don't you
write a note?

I'll stick it in.

Leave a little
for somebody else?

You're Kovac right?

Med student
needs you down the hall.

Call a pick-up for me,
will you, Frank?

You get used to the heat.

It's the food--
that's another matter.

Mm. Can't be any hotter

than it was last year
in the Sudan.

Thank you, Charles.

So, you've, uh, you've
volunteered before?

Yeah, every year
for the last eight.

What is that?


Made with potatoes?

( chuckles )


Halloween candy?

Ooh, anything


Who's Elizabeth?

She is a friend from work.


She blonde?

She's a redhead,

So, are you in private practice
back in the States?

Yeah, I spent

15 years at Women
and Children's, O.B. ward.

Oh, yeah?

I have a patient eight months
pregnant, HIV-positive.

Husband's end stage.
She's got a couple of kids
who are HIV-positive, too.

I'd love it if
you'd take a look.

Sure, anytime.
How 'bout now?

How's her CD4 count?

175, but that should
come up with the ARVs.

Ah, good heartbeat,
Mommy. Strong.

And the ARVs cut
the transmission rate

down to three
or four percent,

so, if she uses formula,

that cuts it down
to one percent.

Uh-huh. Are you living
in the refugee camp?

And are you
still breastfeeding?


Celine, you can't
breastfeed the new baby.

Uh, you could pass
the virus along
in your milk,

so we'll get you formula,
which is great stuff,

and that will help
keep your baby strong.

My milk can make my baby sick?


Uh, Doctor, can I speak
with you a moment?

You're doing great, Mommy.

Listen, she's going
to have to breast feed.

No, we get the, uh, formula
in the UNICEF packs.

No, it's powdered.
You have to mix
it with water.

She's living
in a camp.

She's going to have
to get that water from
a lake or a river,

and there's a 50% chance
that her baby's going to die

from dysentery or cholera.

The three percent chance
of contracting HIV

from breast milk--
it's a bargain.

I'll get her
bottled water.

Eight times a day
for six months, a
year, two years?

It's possible.

Maybe, but it's
not practical.

What do you expect?

Of course they're going
to start blowing things up.

Nationalism, tribalism...

You didn't figure
it out with Vietnam?

No, we're slow learners.

Now you come

begging Europe
for help...

Soldiers, money,
but not as partners.

No, you just want us to
legitimize your misadventures.

What can I say?

I voted for the other guy.

Is it always like this?

The conversation is
turning into something
of a perennial.

If America is going
to insist on bombing

half of the world
into some...
David, enough.

Really, if they're
going to keep...
Forget it!

We all get it.

Come on,

let's dance.

Come on.



Where's your friend?

From the Red Cross?

ICRC food convoy to Goma.

And yours?


He's at conference in Nairobi.

about currency fluctuations

in the capital market.

How's your AIDS study coming?

Fully enrolled.
All 200.

Really, great.

What about
your adherence rate?

100 percent.


We have this
combination pill,

so patients only have to take
two a day.


In America, the patients
have to take seven.

Where are you from?

I've been trying to place
your accent.

My father was Congolese.

My mother's French.

They met when he was
in school in Paris.

Where were you raised?

London mostly,

but my mother remarried.

Moba in the summers
with my dad.

What about you?

I was born and raised
in Chicago, Illinois,

the Windy City.

Have you ever been
to America?

No... but I've seen
it in the movies.

You want to dance?

I am terrible.


So am I.

All right, what's your...

No, no,
...most embarrassing...

oh, no, no, no,
not a chance.

Come on, I just
told you mine.

That wasn't embarrassing
so much as stupid.

Come on, give it up.

Uh... it involved
a lack of clothing.

Oh, thank God.

Merci infiniment.
Looks like we closed
the place.


Bonsoir? When are you
going to tell me

how you got naked?

( laughs )

What happened, uh...
what happened to
your patient:

the mother, HIV,
and the kids?

Celine? Oh, she's doing great.

You got her to
a VCT center?

No, I got her on ARVs.

Antiretroviral dr*gs?

Yeah. CD4's over 400.

Where'd you
get the dr*gs?

I had a, uh,
friend of mine

write a prescription back home
and ship 'em over.

You smuggled them in?

No, no, I used FedEx.


What, she's doing great.

dr*gs entering
the country

have to be registered
and approved

by the Ministry
of Health.

Well, you didn't have
the resources

to include her
in your study, so...

Yeah, and Nelfinavir.

And that cost you...
thousand dollars a month?

Twelve hundred.

Where'd you
get the money?

Um... I paid for it.


( scoffs )

I could treat four
patients for a year

with what you're
spending on your
patient every month.

It took me two years

to get all the
approvals necessary

to import the dr*gs,

arrange the funding
and staff, and you're

jeopardizing it

by pulling out
your checkbook

and sending
them in by post.

How am I jeopardizing
your work?

It's not sustainable.

What happens to that poor
woman when you leave?

What, you're going
to keep shipping her
thousands of dollars

worth of dr*gs for
the rest of her life?


Yeah, I was planning
on it, yeah.

And who's going to
monitor her progress,

make sure she
remains compliant?

You know, what if one
of her kids get sick...

Well, that's...
...and she decides

to split her meds
with the child?

It happens!

Or if she moves
back to Kivo?

Is your Mr. FedEx
going to chase all
over the Eastern Congo

tracking down
your one patient?

What is going to happen
to your patients
when your funding ends?

You cannot start
a patient on dr*gs
without guaranteeing

you can maintain
a supply.

What, and you can guarantee
a supply?

Yes. I'm trying to
show my government

and the international
community that ARV
therapy works here,

and when they see our
success, they'll realize

we can save
millions of lives.

I'm just trying to save one.

One's not enough!

You want me to walk you home?

Oh, it's just mild jaundice.

Three Fansidar tablets,
and tell her

if she's not feeling better
in a couple days,

just come back.
Okay. C'est
le paludisme.

Si ça ne va pas
mieux dans quelques
jours, revenez.

Bonjour. Comment vous
sentez-vous aujourd'hui?

Dr. John.

Ms. Likasu is here from
the Ministry of Health.

She was looking for
your HIV patient.


She was quite

Did you tell her
where she was?

She went to Angelique.

They're already
on the ward.

( speaking in French )

What's going on?

You shipped in dr*gs.

Merci, Celine.

Je la prends
pour l'étude.

Il faudriat qu'elle
vienne á l'hôpital Mardi,

dans la journée.

Okay, sure.

Okay, what, what?

I'm enrolling Celine
in my pilot program.

I thought you were full.

Yeah, I was.

Thanks, Angelique.
Au revoir.

So, what happened?

I met this
rich American

who can afford to
commit $15,000 a year

to my study for the
next five years.

You can afford that,
can't you?

Yeah, sure.

So that means
I have funding

for 40 additional

and your patient seemed
like the perfect
place to start.

What about her two kids?

Don't push your
luck, Doctor.

Thank you.

Look, I said I looked
in the records room,

and it's not there.

Yeah, well Happy

to you, too,

Hey, did
Detroit win?
I have no freaking idea.

Well, what about Dallas?

Don't make me come over
there and smack you.

Are those from Christmas?

Uh, last year?

The year before.
Dr. Greene.

Which one's
Dr. Greene?

I'm going to
need a massive
amount of caffeine

if I'm going
to make it to sunrise.

Here you go, Abby.


( laughter )

Shred it.

Oh, look at this one.

That's definitely 2001.

The Secret Santa party.

Anybody hear from Carter?

He sent us a postcard
about a month ago.

You should put that up
in the lounge.

How's he doing?

I don't know.

Why did you
come back?


Well, you were raised
in Paris and London.

After you got
your degree,

why didn't you come
back to the Congo?

My father was k*lled,

so I came back
to settle his affairs.

How was he k*lled?

He was on his way from...

Manono to Kabineta,

and his car was ambushed

by rebels and CLF soldiers.

I'm so sorry.

He was an engineer.

He worked 30 years

trying to upgrade
the water supply

in Kivo and Katanga.

But he was a Banyamulenge
driving in a Mai Mai area,

so they pulled him from his car
and shot him in the head.

He believed in the goodness
of people.

I came back for him.

( applause and cheering )

Prets? Et partez!

Go, go, go, go!

Vite, vite,
vite, vite!

Vite, vite, vite, vite!

You are the winner!

J'ai gagné!

( applause and cheering )

J'ai gagné!

Oui, tu as gagné!

( laughs )


( laughing )

Here he is.


You need a helmet?

( laughs )

Oh, probably.

What's the matter?

Celine didn't show up
at the clinic

this morning
for her testing.

( groans )

( sighs )

So, when was the last time
she came in?

Two weeks ago, just
after her husband died.

And her lymphocyte
count was still good?

Yup, it was excellent.

Something must
have happened.

She knows
she's supposed

to be monitored.

So, how are we going
to find her?

She'll be with people
from her village.

How are we going
to find them?

We ask.

When did you first notice
he was sick?

A week ago.

Has he been

Yes, but nothing is coming out.

Shortness of breath?

( breathes quick,
rapid breaths )

He cannot run.

He gets very tired.

I know I was supposed
to come to the clinic yesterday,

but I wanted to wait
till he was feeling much better.

I have been taking my medicine

every day.


( weakly ):



I would start him
on high dose trimethoprim-sulfa.

20 milligrams per kilo per day

divided q six hours.

ten milligrams
twice a day.

How are we
set for oxygen?

Not good.
All right, hold off
on the O2 for now.

Is it the AIDS?

He has Pneumocystis

It's an infection
that can take hold

if the immune system
is weakened.

Will he get better?

I hope so.

We're going to give him medicine
and see how he does.

He looks so small...

and sick.

I only slept with my husband.

No one else, ever.

( rain pouring down )

How bad?


if he gets
through the pneumonia,

he's going to need ARVs.

Do you have
the pediatric suspensions?


We can grind up
the adult tablets.

I can figure out the dosage
for a five-year-old.


That little boy's going to die.


And you can just stand there,
not doing anything?

You can just let that happen?
I don't...


I am doing something.

I'm proving drug
therapy works

so we can save
1,000 little boys,


Then help me save this one.

Don't you
yell at me.

You go home, you yell
at your president.

You yell at your

You tell them that
we need real money.

Not just these
empty promises.

You tell them,
6,000 people are
dying out here.

Damn it! Damn it!

Every day,
and they have

to do something
about it.

( yelling )


How are you?


You still mad?

I wasn't mad.

Well, Charles tells me

that you're going
to take a C-140 flight

into Kinshasa to get a couple
more tons of rice.

No. It's MONUC's plane.

I'm just along
for the ride.

Well, it occurred to me
that I might be able

to talk you
into picking up a few things

for me in the capital?

Like what?

Oh, Christmas decorations.

You know, tree, lights,
ornaments, tinsel.


Santa suit, snow globes,
that sort of thing.

Oh, and a couple
of cylinders of oxygen.


Yeah, you know,
if you could find any.

I made a list.



What are you doing?

Oh, just wrapping a
few Christmas presents

for some friends
back home.



Hope you didn't pay too much
for it.

No, it was cheap.

50 bucks.


Just kidding.

It was three.


( laughs )

How was your day?

Oh, endless.

Who's Abby?

She's a, you know, friend.


I hope she still is.

Why, are you jealous?

A bit.

( chuckles )

I think I might be pregnant.


( laughs )


Uh... when
did, uh, uh...?

Oh, yeah.



Are you angry?


You're upset?



I... I thought I would be,
but it's strange.

I think I might be happy.

Do you want to
have a baby?

I don't know.
Do you?

You first.

Uh, I've got my program...

and we barely
know each other.

It's been what,
six hours?

Six weeks.

Oh, God, I'm really in trouble.

( laughs )

( loud retching )

Getting bad out there?


Merry Christmas Eve, huh?

If you say so.

Hey, Greg.

Hey, Valerie,
how you doing?

Good. Just ready
for the holidays.

Yeah, me, too.

I've got to work.

Too bad.

You waiting for Mike?

Yeah, he's supposed
to be off

in a couple of minutes.

All right then, Merry Christmas.


Merry Christmas,

Hey, what the hell is that?
Welcome to Calcutta!

Come on, that's it.

Hey, what is that?

A little bit
of Sikh rap.

Sikh rap?

Are you ready to go?

No, keep dancing.

She's good.

I found six tanks,
but the pilot

couldn't handle
the extra weight.

He only let me
bring on these three.

interstitial infiltrates

and a high LDH.

Yeah. We've got him
on IV Bactrim and steroids.

Pulse ox on O2
is only 78.

Is he not getting any better?

He should, uh,
be resting more
comfortably now

with the oxygen.

How about the other stuff?

I found a couple
of things.

Dumped them
in the hallway.

Yeah? Decorations, ornaments,
that kind of thing?

Someone offered to
sell me a fruitcake.

You like fruitcake?

That's it-- you didn't get
any, like, decorations

or tinsel
or a garland?

I did the best I could do.


( laughing ):
All right!

Oh, it's fantastic.

Where did you get
all this stuff?

American Embassy.

They had a bunch of their old
junk in the basement.

Oh, my... oh!

( laughing )

Friends back home
sent all this?

Yeah, the ER staff
where I worked.

I asked everybody
to get one gift--

nothing over $20.

Looks like
everybody chipped in.

How did they know
what to give who?

They were supposed to...

Here, they wrote
on the back, see?

Appropriate age--
boy, girl.

Should be a few in here
for the adults, too.

Package in here
for you, John.

Wow, this
one's heavy.

Looks like some
kind of doll.

What'd you get?

It is a card from work
that everybody signed.

What's Martin, Hall and Jacobs?

Uh, that is a, uh, a law firm
back home.

It's marked "urgent."

Oh, my God.


Dr. Romano died.

Was he a friend?

Um... no.

No, not really.

It's beautiful, isn't it?

Yeah. It really is.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas.

Oh, oh, careful.

Got it?

Merry Christmas.

Read the labels.

Okay, three-year-old boy.


You want another one?

You know what?

Keep going.

I'll be right back.

Joyeux Noel, Celine.

Joyeux Noel.

He hasn't woken up
this morning.

His oxygen level is too low.

Will he ever wake up?

No. I don't think so.

I brought some presents
for your kids from the party.

This is for your little girl.

And this is for the baby.

And this is for Lamia.

Shall I open it for him?

I think
it's a truck.

Thank you.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.


They were mine
when I was little.

Thank you.

There's more.

I want you to come back
to the States with me.

I want our baby
to be born in America.


I have to go back.

That, um... package, the
envelope from the law firm

that you were
asking me about.

I used to get them
every few months,

then it was every
few weeks, now it's
every few days.

It's just something that
I have to take care of.

Are you in some kind of trouble?

( chuckling )


No, it's nothing
like that. Um...

My grandmother died
nine months ago,

and I have to
settle her estate.

Just some financial things
that I have to deal with.

I kind of ran away
after she died.

You ran away from what?


( chuckling )

Responsibility. Um...

It's hard to explain.

I wasn't happy.

Something was missing
in my life.

I can't leave.

My work is here,

and it's my life, you know?

I know.

I don't expect you
to leave forever.

Come for a couple weeks,
a month, two.

Meet my friends.

See my life there.

You'll get the
best prenatal care.

Your program's
up and running.

You've got a
great staff.

They'll be okay
without you for awhile.

How long
do you have to stay?

I don't know...

but we'll figure
it out together.

What was missing in my life...

isn't missing anymore.
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