10x11 - Touch and Go

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x11 - Touch and Go

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

You guys met my sister Val?

I was diagnosed with MS

when I was 22,

and before that
I was a normal girl.

How advanced is it?

I'm still fully functional.

Look, I know I said
I didn't need any help,

but tonight
I did.

Thanks for the help.

Hey, Abby, did you get
your trinket from Carter?

Gone-native junk
for everybody.

It was my father's.

I want you
to have it.

I want you to come back
to the States with me.

I want our baby
to be born in America.

( alarm rings )

( coughs )

( alarm stops )

Remind me to put the clock
on your side of the bed.

Hey, Kem, you down here?

( makes breeze noise )

Been in the kitchen
since dawn.

Oh, yeah, she's still
adjusting to the time change.

Insisted on making
me eggs again.

Oh, that's nice.

That's not nice?

( chuckles )

Good morning.


Good morning.

You know, you have got
20 types of tea,

like, six sets of China

and glasses
for every possible drink.

Did you have trouble
sleeping again?

Um, I had trouble finding
the kitchen again.

I need a map.

You get used to it.

You'll be sliding the hall
in socks in no time.

Oh, and that wouldn't
offend anybody?


you should probably stop

making breakfast
for Emily.

She doesn't like my cooking.

Doesn't like feeling insecure
about her employment.


I'm going to miss you today.

You want George to take you
around, show you the sights

after your appointment?

Do some shopping?
Go to a movie?

I might take a walk.

Would you rather I not
work while we're here?

Because I don't have to.

What I'd rather you do...

is give me your socks.

( laughing )

What are you doing?

( speaking French )

What are you

( laughs )


So where's the, uh,
bedroom again?

( laughing )

( shouting )

( laughing
and shouting )

You coming
or what?

Abby, sorry.

It took forever to get
Alex out of house,

then I forgot
his lunch.

Don't worry about it.

You ready to sign out?

Yes, too bad
I can't leave.

Lelma Ramirez in One,
vomiting times three,

tolerating sips after
ten of reglan.

Stomach flu season already?

So Dr. Lewis would
have us believe.

She just called in

How'd she sound?

Better than she should have.

Repeat EKG and troponin
on Mr. St. John at 8:00 AM.

Lewis probably has that
flight nurse in her bathrobe.

Is he pain free?

Yeah. Miss Clark's
had three nebs.

She may need

Should I call in
another attending?

No, Carter's on.

We're good.

So, what's his story?

Richer and better looking
than you or I will ever be.

The end.

I feel like
crap, okay.

I just want to know
if the guy's a jerk.
Is he?

She's not the best one to ask.

There a problem with
the narcotics count?

Yeah, we're missing
ten migs of Valium

If you sign off on it the
night nurses can go home.

Yeah, or they could
just learn to count.

My onset
seizure guy

just went up to medicine,
the rack is empty

and I am off the board.

Good. Go home.

So you're saying
I can leave early?

No, I'm saying it's slow
and you're an intern.

We'll be fine.

Alrighty then.

Get some rest,

Yup, I hope it stays
slow for you.

What have you got?

Gome from the home.

You mean an elderly patient
from a nursing home?

Breakfast special.

Staff went to check
granny's vitals

first thing, she
didn't have any.

( loud music playing )

Hey, sis.

Hey, you want to turn that down?

Valerie, it's 7:00
in the morning.

Mike, you're home early.

Hey, baby, you have
another razor,

'cause this one's dull.


Morning, Mike.

How many times?


How many times
has he been over here?

None of your
damn business.

It's only my bedroom.

Just a few.

Now I know why you were so
interested in my schedule.

Hey, is there
any coffee?


I'm on the clock

I'll see you later?


Peace, Mike.

What time you got to be
at the airport?

My flight leaves at 2:00.

Wake me up at noon.

I thought you
were off.

Not until she balances
her narc count.

You wanted to see me.

January 18th.

Forget it.

I've already got
two attendings

Super Bowl Sunday off.

No, my last day here.


I have to admit, I'm surprised
you're still going back.

Dr. Weaver,
she pulled out

her foley again.

Kovac will be
right there.

She's a boarder being
managed by cardiology.

Congestive failure
and some dementia.

Check her potassium

and hit her again with
lasix before she goes up.

So you'll notify

About what?

My resignation.

No. You will.

Put it in writing
and leave it on my desk.

I'll bring it to the medical
executive committee

in the morning.

For the record,
we need you here

as much as they do there.

Dr. Kovac.

You're late.

Power outage
at Armitage station.

Valerie again?

I was going to put a Swann-Ganz
in my cardiomyopathy guy.

Afterload reduce
with enalopril.

How are you doing,
Mrs. Webster?

I want to go home.

A mig of bumex
and 40 of "K."

I'm on it.

Pressure's borderline, I can't
manage him without a Swann.

How you doing?

Just give
the ACE inhibitor

and support
with dopamine.

I love you.


If I know
his wedge pressure,

I can then do
what I need to do.

Dr. Kovac.

My kid finished the
chelation therapy today.

They're coming home.

That's good.

You are going to be our only
doctor from now on, okay?

Anyway, Swann tells me
his output and PVR.


De nada, angelita.

Uh, do walk-rounds
with the med students

and I'll talk to about
it later, okay?

( sighs )

Patients really respond
to him, don't they?


Give the differential diagnosis
of peripheral edema.




Lockhart, you belong
to me at 4:00,

you better be
sharper than that.

Come on.

What was that all about?

Could this day suck more?

Sign in sheet's
over there.


not a patient.

Hey, Dr. Carter.

Nice to finally
put a face to the name.

She with you?


Call me John.

This is Kem.



Pleasure to meet you.

So this is it.

This is it.

Double MVA
two minutes out.

Hey, stranger.

How are you?!

Hey, everybody.

Hey, Malik.

Welcome back, Doc.

Good to see you.

I heard you were
coming in today.

And who
is this lovely lady?

this is Kem Likasu.

She's visiting
from the Congo.


Good to meet you all.

It's nice
to meet you.

Kem has an appointment

with Dr. Subramanian

Dr. Subramanian
from OB?

Pre-natal checkup.
Second trimester.

( laughing )


That's so great.


Hey, Pratt, how are you?

Life is good, but I see

it's better for you.

How you doing?

So, are you back
on shift, yet?

Yeah, yeah, about
five minutes ago.

Can somebody show

Kem upstairs
for me?

Okay. This way.

You're coming, right?

Yeah, yeah.
Start the paperwork.

I'll be right there.

Right behind you.

What do you have?

Larry Brodie, 44-year-old
restrained passenger.

Single car versus
telephone pole.

May have had
a syncopal episode.

Bad bruising
to the chest and belly

and dropping
his pressure.

Who's worse off
between the two?

Dad by
a long shot.

Can I get four units
of O neg

and a portable chest
and an EKG?



I'm a second year resident, too.


Uh, Pratt,
take the driver.

All right, tell me his story.

19-year-old restrained driver.

Said he was trying to wake his
old man up when he crashed.

BP 128/74.

Cracked a couple ribs,
got six of morphine.

What's with
the collar?

Custom made
by dad.

What for?

Ankylosing spondylitis.

( labored breathing )

Equal breath sounds.

Hemocue's only 8.5.

Well, he's profoundly anemic.

He's bleeding somewhere.

Pressure down to 76.

You're back.

( strained ):
Where's my son?

Let's, uh, squeeze in
both units.

Yeah, a week ago.

I've been holed up at the house.

And not alone, either.

Central line kit
and size eight gloves.

Kem, right?

Cordis introducer
gives more volume.

Excellent, Morris.

Yeah, she was the one

setting the ARV therapy
in Kinshasa.

my son?

He needs help.

Don't worry,
Mr. Brodie.

Your son's
in good hands.

Is there someone
you want us to call?

Your wife?

No. She died.

One percent lido.

Did you ever meet her?

Must have gotten past me.

Set up
for ultrasound.


It's good to be home.

We need another
doc in here.


Is my dad next door?
I can't turn my head.

Yeah, he's hanging
in there, okay?

How's he doing?

rib fracture.

The neck film shows big time
fusion and a bamboo spine.

That's ankylosing

Unusual to have degenerative
bone disease at his age.

Yeah, similar
to juvenile arthritis.

Weakens the spine though.

Sucks living life
in bubble wrap.

Also has a big
pulmonary contusion

and a small pneumo
on the right.

What's happening?

There's a bruise on your lung,

which is why you're
having trouble breathing.

We may need to tube him.

Great, give my dad

another reason
to keep me in the house.

No, let's call

They can do
an LMA.

Or an awake nasotracheal
while he's stable.

Ah, between you wanting
to call in the whole team,

and your African buddy
wanting to ban all tests,

what the hell
am I supposed to do?

Isn't he the attending?

Hey, Taggart,
principal of your kid's school

wants you over there

What for?

Don't know. Can't be good.

Hey, you better find
another nurse to cover for you.

Okay, let's try nasal bipap.

I'll get it.

Thank you.

Where are the bipap masks?

Bottom right drawer.

Grab the EKG.

Pressure's up
to 100 systolic.

Neela, read it
for me.

I can do that.

Uh, left bundle
branch block,

can't see the ST segments.

Probably not an acute MI,
but send a troponin.

Can't visualize Morrison's pouch
with all this fat and air.

Where does it hurt,
Mr. Brodie?


Okay, stay ahead four
units of type specific,

and let's hope
his pressure stays up

long enough to get the CT.

He's fragile.

So, is he mad?

My dad.

I talked him into

letting me drive today.

Oh, I'm sure
he's not mad.

Rales are worse,
sats are down to 88.

Might need to think
about an airway.

Oh, there's plenty of room
to move on bipap.

Why don't you up

his inspiratory
pressure to 10?

Dr. Carter, Kem called.

Dr. Subramanian

is seeing her now.

Well, she took her
in early.

Go, we're
all over this.


Okay, I'm only covering for
Sam until Severa gets here.




Normal extremities.

Good fetal movement.

Any neural tube

No, looks great.

It's our son.

I couldn't help it,
I wanted to know.

He's beautiful, isn't he?

A son?


Counts the same.

Come on, Abby.
That's totally wack.

Don't make me call
the union rep.

Okay, I'm going
to call Weaver at home,

see if she'll cut us
a break.

It's ringing.


Hi, Dr. Weaver.

It's Abby.

Yeah, we found
the missing Valium.

Yeah, someone
actually left it

in their lab coat pocket.

I'll pass that along.

She says whoever did it
is an idiot.

I'm out of here.

Make that a double.

June 2,
two days before John's.

That's so sweet.



Hey, how are you?


I'm Abby.

Kem. Good to meet you.


And welcome back.

How have you been?


I'm back in med school.


What's this?

That's ultrasound.


Wow. Congratulations.

Thank you.

Must be Kem.

Are you Luka?



If it wasn't for you,
John and I would
never have met.


So, boy or girl?

It's a boy.


Like his daddy.

( chuckles )

Uh, well,
I should probably

get back to work.

I'll walk you out.

Sure. Good to meet you both.

You, too.

( clears throat )

They got together
after I left.

You okay?



Boy, did he knock her up
the minute he got there?

Going home?

No. On-call room.

Same thing.

( yelling )

Got a messy
one here.

Let me go!

What happened?

Two s*ab wounds
to the upper left thigh.

Tachy at 120,
BP 90 palp.

Lost two liters
of blood easy

even with direct pressure.

Back off, man!

Over the femoral artery?

Okay, let's have a look.

Can we fit a BP
cuff above it?

Injury's too high.

Undo my belt.


He needs a tourniquet now.

Leave me alone!

Mine's thinner and cheaper.

Leave me alone!

Okay, wrap it as high
as you can.

Leave me alone!

( man yelling )

Can't get it
tight enough.

Got it!

Okay, let's get him
in Trauma One.

Get off me, man!

Where'd you learn
that trick?

What, sitting
on a patient?

From a Congolese nurse
named Mwadi.

You getting down
or what?

Get off me, man!

Not until he's
restrained or sedated.

s*ab wound.
Out of the
way, please.

You taking Mr.
Brodie to CT?

No, Chuni is.

Why, you need help
with that one?

Your patient's

is borderline.
Take two units

and a med student with you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Mrs. Webster,
this is a busy road.

How do I get out?

By getting treated
and released.

Now let's get you
back in the bed

before another gurney
comes around the corner.

Oh, you're a good boy.

That's what all
the ladies say.

30-year-old mom
with a history
of migraines.

Neuro exam
is normal.

No neck stiffness
of fever.

Good vitals.

Morris, you all right?


Mrs. Halsey,
are you still going
to the headache clinic?

No money for a sitter
or anything.

I had to bring my kids.

Any chance I can get
something to eat?


Maybe hamburgers
or hot dogs.

For breakfast?

Something hearty,
you know?

Like, mashed potatoes,

and giblets.


Think you should be working?

Yeah, maybe, maybe I should call
somebody else in.

Sympathy hurl.

Even a sandwich would be okay.

We're not picky.

Mrs. Halsey, when's the last
time you had anything to eat?

I know he's not happy,
but he can't be an ordinary boy.

Man. Martin's 19.

You need to let
the guy live a little.

Does he need oral contrast?

No, just IV.

We'll be right
on the other side

of the glass, Mr. Brodie.

All right, fire it up.

His son's the one with all
the osteoporosis, right?

Yeah, but it's not like
he wants

to play tackle football.

Just wants to get out
once in a while.

Make sure you stay still, okay?

( alarms )

Mr. Brodie?

His pressure's down.

We got to pull him
from the tube.

No, we have to define
his pathology first.

How fast can you do this?

Well, fast, but...
Come on.

Wait. What are we doing?

Getting the scan.

You need to wear lead.

He's not wearing lead.

He's only getting one scan.

You think I do this every day?

Here, ladies first.

Leave that alone.

Spike another unit
and squeeze it in.

Hurry up.

And page Corday.

They your patients?

Mom was.

Thought her migraines
were kicking up.

And then I noticed
the hair and nail changes.

The dermatitis and loss of fat
from the cheeks.

She and the kids are starving
to death.

They can get sicker

if you increase
calories too rapidly.

Yeah, I'm admitting
to pedes for slow refeeding.

She's beautiful,
by the way.

So when are you
going back?

Two weeks.

I'm on my way up
to Weaver's office

to drop off
my resignation letter.

How long are you going
to stay this time?

Kem's going to back
and see her family

for a couple of weeks

and then come back here
and have the baby.

She miss home?

Yeah, we both do.

Hey, give yourself a week
of hot showers

and an unlimited glove supply,

you'll miss it less.


Dr. Carter,

Martin's respiratory distress
is worse.

I thought anesthesia
was coming down

for the intubation.

I paged twice. Apparently,
he's at the pain clinic.

What's his
pulse ox?

86 and dropping.

How are you doing, Martin?

Not so good.

Okay, let's up his
inspiratory pressure to 15.

Give him five of Albuterol.
I'll be back

with an anesthesiologist
if I have to pull one

out of clinic myself.

Heart rate's down to 58.
Come on, man.

You got a kid who needs you.

Push the dr*gs. Start the scan.

Need to get your hands
out of there first.

Atropine's in.


How long's this going to take?

20 seconds tops.

I thought this was

a third-generation
helical scanner.

Another ten seconds.

Pratt, what in God's name

are you doing
in there?

Keeping this
guy alive

so we can get the
CT and show you

where to cut.

Systolic's down to 90.
Come on.

We got soup
yet or what?

There. Eight centimeter
triple "A."

Nicely done, Greg.

He would have bled out

while I focused on the liver
and the spleen.

It's all in
the wrist.

Is Dr. Carter in here?

My patient's
in respiratory failure.


Dr. Carter is not in here.

( alarms )
Sats are 82.

Can't find Dr. Kovac, either.

Martin, stay with us,
all right?

What the
hell's going
on in here?

Progressive hypoxia despite
inspiratory pressure support.

Meaning, he's not
breathing. Bag him.

Bradying down to 52.

Carter ever call anesthesia?

An hour ago.

So much for them
coming to the rescue.

Mig of atropine,
20 of etomidate,
120 and sux.

We're supposed to wait?

Lost the pulse.

No, can't
wait anymore.

Amp of epi.

What are you doing?

He needs oxygen.


Is the stiffness part
of his disease?
Pull his arms down.

Let's get them
as straight as we can.

Hundred of lido.

I can't visualize squat.

Dr. Pratt, are you sure?

Lido on board.

All right, stop compressions.


I think I got it.

( cracking )

Oh, God.

Hook up the
Ambu bag.

Pulse is strong

and regular.

Did he break his neck?

( sighs )

Sats are good--
98 with five of PEEP.

There's still no motor tone
in the legs.

It's probably
the, uh, intubation meds.

Sux only paralyzes
for ten minutes.

Could be a
slow metabolizer.

Just broke off a bone bridge,
that's all.

No withdrawal
to pain.

Even if his neck is broken,
doesn't mean he's paralyzed.

Why don't you hang the steroids,
and we'll take him

up to MRI?

They'll know
for sure.

( sighs )

It's okay, baby.

Mrs. Webster,

you have to get back in bed
before you get hurt.

I know you're busy.


can we get her
some soft restraints

for her protection,

Yes, Doctor.

But Mama still loves you.

Hey, you're back.

Not quite.

Go wait in the lounge.

Hi, Chuni.

Hey, Alex.

Mommy dearest,
nursing director called,

says you're one
emergency break
away from probation.


Everything okay
with Alex?


No school today?

Nope. Excuse me.

Dr. Carter?

Start with 25
of meclizine.


I know we just met,

but I wondered
if you could
do me a favor.

35-year-old female
with AIDS-related lymphoma,

new onset shortness of breath
and hypertension.

Her HIV status was diagnosed
but untreated.

Hospice care?

Lives alone at home.

How long have you
had AIDS, ma'am?

Too long.

One, two, three.

Any advanced

Hypotensive, 78/52.

Hey, what are you doing here?

I guess someone
bought into the idea

that Morris
was really sick.

100% O2 and mix up dobutamine.

Who's your doctor, Ruthie?

Don't have one.


and a portable chest.

Sorry about this morning, man.

Yeah, you didn't look too sorry.

Lungs are wet,
and there's

a heart systolic murmur.

Could never get an appointment.

Aortic stenosis?

More like
mitral regurge.

We need an echo ASAP.

Got it.

How's Val getting
to the airport?


We're going to take care
of you, Ruthie, okay?

I can't believe
he sutured himself.

Edges are averted.

Nice wound approximation.

Did it hurt much
when you did it?

I numbed it with an ice cube.

That's good thinking.

Don't encourage him.

I'm going to put in
another stitch

just to be
on the safe side.

And I think
you'll find that Lidocaine

works much better
than ice cubes.

I didn't have any.

Sutures stay in
for about seven days,

and then I'm sure Mom
can take them out for you.

I can do it.

Uh, I don't think so.

I appreciate your doing this.

No problem.

You ever seen a kid

do something
this crazy before?

To be honest?

Pressure's up to 100.

Try a nitro spray.

She's a grown
woman, Mike.

Yeah, and we work together.

Some respect for that
would have been nice.

No acute
ST changes.

And some respect for the fact
that we're consenting adults

would be nice, too.

Okay, enough.

Take it outside.

Just when it was getting good.

Hey, it's not like
I don't want her to date.

Yeah, you just don't
want her to date me.

Look, man,
this is not personal.

You thinking that I'm
not good enough for your
sister isn't personal?

Well, I got news
for you, Mike--
it's not your call.

I give up.

You barely know her.

Yeah, no thanks to you.

Pratt, MRI called.

They finished with

the neck
fracture guy.

Ruthie, it appears as though
you have a tumor in your heart.

It's going to require
a surgery.


Because, uh, the tumor

will eventually make it
impossible for your heart...

That'll keep me in the hospital
what, a month?

Maybe longer.

( laughs weakly )

Now you people want
to spend money on me.


Just save it
for the next patient.

Too late for this one.

Okay, how about a little
cramping and dizziness

to ease back in?

I thought you
weren't on
until 4:00.

I'm not,
but since I couldn't sleep,

I figured I'd make
myself useful.

Hey, uh, do you know much
about our insurance policy?

Does it cover, uh...


Physical or psychological?

Like couples or, uh,
family counseling.

Nothing serious.

I think it's 80%,
but there's a max per year.

Excuse me.


Can you tell me
where I could find...

Hey, Valerie.

What are you doing here?

Looking for you.
Yeah, right.

You seen Pratt
anywhere around here?

He's upstairs in MRI;
you want me to call him down?

I thought your plane
left at 2:00.

It does.

What, you come
all the way down

to see him
before you leave?

It's going to take
an hour...

I came to
see you, Mike.

I didn't want to
leave things this way.

For real?

You're my brother.

That's got
to come first.

I'll be more considerate
next time, okay?


Need me
to get you a cab?

Nah. Got one waiting.

I'll call you when I get in?


Don't be so serious
all the time.

Have a safe flight.

Cord edema

and contusion at C-5.

That can resolve
with decompression.

Not with this degree
of hemorrhage.

Kid thought
he had it bad before.

Broke it in MVA, right?


Mr. Brodie's in recovery.

I've repaired
his abdominal aneurysm,

and he's going
to be just fine.

How's his son doing?

You don't want to know.

Actually I do.

His father's
asking about him.

Complete cervical cord
injury with quadriplegia.

His neck snapped
during an intubation.

Performed by whom?


I'm sorry.

You okay?


Hey! Taxi!

Hey! Taxi! Hey!

Greg? Unlock the door.

Hi. If I'd known
you were coming,

I would've stayed downstairs.

Come on,
let me help you out.

You all right?

Yeah, it's just a rough day,
that's all.

You know,
it's been good with you.

Very good.

Yeah, it has.

( chuckles )

Look, I got four days off
next week.

How about I come out to DC,

we hang out,
have a good time?

That's sweet.

I'm serious.

I'm sure you are, but...

But what?

( sighs ):
Greg, it's been fun--

you know, a total blast,


this has been
like being on vacation for me,

you know?



( engine starts )

Bye, baby.

He needed
to be reminded.

No chips?

Carrot sticks are
better for you.

I got this. Thanks.

Yeah, look, uh,
he told me what he did.


Uh, I just wanted you
to know

that I
didn't show him how.

I know. I did.

Didn't think he'd ever try it.

I guess that wasn't, uh,
such a good idea.

I'm trying to call Sharon,

see if she'll pick
you up and baby-sit,

but I haven't heard
from her yet.

( sighs ):


She's, like,
wigging out over nothing.

Hey, just do as your
mother says, okay?

( annoyed scoffing )

Did he seem
okay to you?

( chuckles ):
Yeah. Why?

Just, it's really hard,

doing it all by
yourself, you know?

I, I mean, I
try, I really...

Come on,
you're doing great.

Sure, that's why
everyone says
my kid's a freak.

People talk-- so what?

I stuck tweezers
into an electrical socket

when I was his age.

I knew better,
but I did it anyway.

Then why'd you do it?

Because I was a kid.

Kids do stupid things

You think maybe he needs...?

Hey, he'll be fine.

Severa, where's
Mrs. Webster?


Older black
woman, wanderer.

She finally go
up to Cards?

Had to park her in the hall.

Morgue hasn't come
to get her yet.

Didn't think
she was your patient.

She wasn't.

( sighing )


16-year-old male,
multiple GSWs to
chest and abdomen.

Talking in the field, but
lost his pulse en route.

Is he a g*ng kid?

Whatever happened to just
playing cops and robbers?

Two dead, another one
on the way.

Open up!

Trauma Two's clear.

Hey, Luka, I got another one
coming in behind me.

Gallant, Sheila,
Lester, go with Carter.

Neela, stay with me.

Where do I go?
They need more hands
in Two.

Nine-year-old caught
in the crossfire.

Shotgun wound
to the left arm.

Pressure's steady
at 92/64 after a liter.

Sam, prime
the rapid infuser.

What's your name,
big guy?

Don't be
scared, David.

Dr. Kovac is one
of the best here.


Your dad's going
to be okay.

I need to talk to you
about your intubation.

There was, uh...

a problem involving
your spinal cord...

...and it seems as though
you're going to be paralyzed.



All right, let's shock him once
before we cut.

200. This guy's got
an entrance wound

for every two
years of his life.

Missed one
on the right axilla. Charged.


There's no change.
All right, give
me the ten blade.

Two units of O-neg infusing.




All right, everybody,
watch your feet.

All right, four
units of O-neg,

then type-specific.

Abby, you want to come
around here and do
internal compressions?

The most survivable lesion

is myocardial penetration
with tamponade.

Heart's empty.

All right. Satinsky.

You want FFP, too?

Why FFP?

'Cause you get a
dilutional coagulopathy

after five units.

Aorta is

Big hole in the
left ventricle.

Let's plug it
with a foley.

30 cc balloon.

Oh, that'll work?

Paramedics said he had
a pulse in the field.

Ah, it's worth a try.

50 mikes

of Fent. He's out.

Vascular stuck in the
O.R. with a Fem-pop.

It'll be a while.
He doesn't
have a while.

The longer we wait,
the greater loss
of arm function.

Get me a
vascular clamp.
From where?

Thoracotomy kit.

Neela, I'm rolling back
with pressure.

When you see the
end of the artery,

press down hard
with your finger

right on the pumper.

Have an O silk
stitch ready

on a driver.
Wound's down

through the biceps.
I see humerus.

Can a vascular clamp
repair that?

It's our best shot.

If the arm is
ischemic too long,

we'll have to amputate.

All right, hold compressions.

Charge to 30.

No, you're going to
let go of the foley.

No, no, it won't conduct.

Still fib.
Shock again?

No. Resume

hold this-- and
give me a ten blade.

The heart won't respond
to defibrillation

until you've restored volume
until it's full.

So what are
you doing now?

Um... it's called
a clamshell incision.

He must be bleeding
in the right chest.

Six units in so far.

Keep 'em coming.

Got it.


Push with the
pad and get me

some IV tubing.

I'll tie the proximal
end; you do the distal.

it with O silk.

Is that going to hold
a high-pressure artery?

Just a bridge
until Vascular can
do a real repair.

And this won't
clot off?

By then he'll
be in the O.R.

Releasing proximally.

A little oozing.

Nails are pinking up.

Palpable radial
and ulnar pulse.

Didn't think you could do that.

Fine V-fib.

Been five minutes
since the last epi.

Okay, push another amp.



Another mig of atropine.

Is the heart filling?

after eight units packed cells,
two FFP

and ten of platelets.

( sighs )

Pretty big mess.

Can't say we didn't try.

I'll get Housekeeping on it.

I'm glad you went back.

To med school?

Yeah, me, too.

Never should've left.

Well... timing
is everything, right?

( chuckles )




You seem happy.

Right back at you.

So we're okay?

We're okay.

Good...'cause Kem and I were
going to get some dinner later

and I wanted to know
if you wanted to come with us.


Well... not that okay.

See you tomorrow.


Ready to go?



Come on. It's
time to go home.

You know, you can bring
your car around.

I'll help you carry him.

He's pretty out of it.

You should've waited
in the car.

Come on, I haven't seen
snow since I was a kid.

Did you arrange for it?

Yeah. Think
it's too much?

I think it's damn cold.

( yelps )
( laughs )

God, it's a good
thing I love you.

You want me to stop?

Not necessarily.

We should get going.
Put him in the back seat.



Good night.



You off now?


You need a lift?

I have something to
take care of first.


What are you doing?

Need to fix
my resignation letter.

So you broke into my office?

The door was open.

I'm changing the date
of my last shift.

Let me guess. Sooner?

Actually, later.

You want to be
a little more specific?


Not right now, anyway.

Well, let me know
when you decide.

See you tomorrow, Kerry.

Stay out of my in-box.

You'll have another?

Bring it on.

You come by to
give me some more?

Hey, I'll take
one of those.

You got it, man.

To tell you the truth,

I'm really not
in the mood.

( sighs ):
Yeah, I heard
about that neck thing.

That's some hard stuff, man.

Look, we got a big family,
okay, lots of boys.

Val's the only girl...

so we all tend to be
a bit overprotective.

I ever tell you my mom
died when I was 12?

No, you didn't.

Well, that's some hard-
ass stuff right there.

You have to get used
to being by yourself
when that happens.

What about your father?

Truth is, all anybody's got
is themselves.

I'm not sure I agree with that.

Look... why don't you just say
what you have to say

and leave me at peace, okay?

My sister...

Played me.

She played me.

Well, you can't say
I didn't warn you.

Mm... so you were
protecting me, huh?

Look, anyway, I'm sorry.

No worries.

Okay, then.

You have a good night.

No, leave it.

I'll drink it.
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