10x14 - Impulse Control

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x14 - Impulse Control

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I need a mat.
Well, get used to it.

You'll be sliding the hall
in socks in no time.

How long are you
going to stay?

Kem's going to go back

and see her family
for a couple weeks, and then...

come back here
and have the baby.

I don't want you
to get the wrong
idea about Luka.

He's a good guy.

I'm not looking for anything
right now.

Okay. I just thought
you should know.

Thank you, but independence
works pretty good for me...

although I wouldn't mind
some regular sex.

They always pray
before they start eating.

You have to bow your head
and stuff. It's weird.

Just be respectful.

Think about
something else.

Like what?

I don't know,
baseball, dinosaurs...


Isn't his mom going
to set something
on fire tonight?


That doesn't
happen every day.

Well, Austin's mom can cook
pretty much anything.

See? You're going to have
a great time.

Sorry, late start.
Hi, Austin.

I couldn't get
Max going either.

I'm never going
to make yoga now.


It's one for my pager,
two for the hospital, okay?

What're you going
to do tonight?

I don't know. Remember to check
your sugar before bed.

You going to see Luka?

Uh, I don't know.

I guess. Bye.

Enjoy your night
of freedom.

Thanks, I will.

Man, your sister's hot.

14-year-old female,
ankle inversion

stepping off a curb,
I'm dying!

probable second
degree sprain.
I'm dying right now,

every second, dying!
Every day,

I'm closer to death!

( all talking )

73-year-old male.
Hold on.
Past medical history?

On the 14-year-old?

Was she drunk or high?
Does the story match the injury?

Is she sexually active?

When was her last
menstrual period?

She came in for
a sprained ankle.

Abby, monoarticular joint pain

in a young woman
could be the result

of gonococcal arthritis,

or a systemic
polyarticular disease.

Or she fell off a curb.

You're a med student.

I don't want to hear
"history unremarkable."

This ER visit
may be the only time

a 14-year-old sees
a doctor.
Dr. Weaver?

Get a sexual history.
Do some STD counseling.

Dr. Weaver, Arnie Nadler,
Human Resources.

Oh, right.
Hi. Arnie Nadler.
Nice to meet you.

Mr. Nadler is visiting us
for a couple of weeks,

advising us on how
to have a happy and
cooperative workplace.

Ah. Shorter hours,
higher pay.

Just a suggestion.

I'm very open
to suggestions.

I'll be interviewing
the entire staff

before issuing
my recommendations,

and I would love to pursue
this conversation with you

when you have
a free minute.

An HR consultant?

Risk management
sent him.

He's a mandated part
of the Romano lawsuit.
Arnie Nadler. Hi.

Which one?

Nurse with the weird
little dog and that hat.

Oh, sexual harassment?

Hostile work

We identify and assess
high-risk employee behaviors

and implement unique
early-intervention strategies

before they escalate into
psychological abuse or v*olence.

Have you ever been
in an ER before?

You know, Dr.
Romano's gone,

and we all get
along great.

In my experience,

all work environments
could use a little help,

especially when navigating
the twin dangers

of anger and conflict.

Morris. Morris,
I'm going to k*ll you.

I'm sorry.

Here, have one.

Don't put those there.

( grunts )

Thank you.



What are you doing?

I was going to make
you breakfast in bed.

Did you lock Emily
in the guest house?

No, I gave her
the day off.

She's convinced that
we're going to burn
the house down.

Oh, let's, and then we can run
off to the jungle

and live off sticks
and berries.

Is my cooking that bad?


Oh, let me do it.

Did they give you a
hard time about going
in to work today?

No. I think Luka's
forced everybody

to lower their expectations.

If we show up
without resigning,

Weaver thinks
it's a good day.

We've got a whole
day alone together.

What are we
going to we do?

I have a list.

This is everything that
I wanted to show you in Chicago

that we haven't done yet.


( paper crunches )

Ice skating
in Grant Park.

Yeah, that's one.

And the Art Institute?

Yeah, that-that,
among others.

So, where should we start?

I have an idea.

Would you get a sexual history

on a 14-year-old
with a twisted ankle?

Uh, depends on
the girl. Why?

Weaver. I'm used
to the squawk,

but she was totally

Morris, belly pain in Three's
been waiting on you

for over an hour.
Okay. Hey!

You're getting big.
Do you mind?

Uh, yeah.

Do you want to try a
dislocated shoulder?

Yeah. Can I do
the Hennepin maneuver?

Are you getting married,

or is that kid going to grow up
a bastard?

Shut up, Frank.

So, what is going on
with you and Chuck?

He's pushing
to get married,

buy a minivan, fire up
the backyard barbecue.

I don't know.
Oh, Dr. Lewis.

How often do you find yourself
the subject of unwanted

contact at work?

Hey, Abby,

can you do a fly-by
on a swollen knee?

This guy's demanding
pain meds,

wants to see a
doctor right away.

But is tactile contact
between employees

something that
is encouraged
or frowned upon?

How many blonde
bimbos you got
in this hospital?

Just the right number.

Miguel, this
is Dr. Lockhart.

Student doctor,

What's that mean?

It means she's studying
all the latest medicine.

That looks painful.
How'd you do it?

Fell off a ladder.

Look, I got to
get back to work.

What kind of work
do you do?

Hang drywall. It'll
go away, all right?

You just give
me some Vicodin,

and I can get off
your plate.

We're going to take good care
of your knee

and get you home
as fast as we can.

Now, when did
you fall?
All right, what do you have?

I'm not ready
to present.

Knee effusion
from a fall?

Drain it, pain meds,
and send him on his way.

That's what I said.
I haven't finished
doing a history.

Abby, we got 30 on the board
and 50 still waiting.

We're backed up 18 hours,
and this is an easy case.

Come on. Next patient.
Let's go.

I'll get a setup for you.

Med students always want
to spend an hour

with each patient.
It wasn't an hour,

and she was doing
a great job.

Dr. Pratt, if you
have a minute...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I'd like to talk to
you later about that
incident with Dr. Morris.

That wasn't an incident;
it was a French fry.

How's that feel?
Is that too tight?

No, it's perfect.

Oh, I love it...

seeing your whole face.

Are you colder now?


Well, that is what
scarves are for.

That and kissing.

This is where
you used to skate

when you were a kid?

Uh, no. There used
to be another one

on the other side
of Grant Park.

My grandfather used
to rent it out for us.

All right. Ready?

I don't know.

Whoa, ho, ho, ho!


So, who's us?

My brother and I.

Your grandfather
would rent you
the entire rink

just for the two of you?

Yeah, and our friends.

A lot of
friends, I hope.

Usually. You know,
I wasn't quite as pampered

as I make it sound.

No, of course not.


( laughs )

I still don't
see anything.

Once you have the blades
fully in,

pull pressure straight down,

and the cervix
should come into view.

Can you set up
for cultures?


So, when did
the bleeding start?

Uh, last night.

It's weird 'cause I'm usually
pretty regular.

Sorry. Dr. Kovac.

Vulvar hematoma,

multiple bruises
and vaginal tears--

one at least three centimeters.

It'll need suturing.

Lido and 3-0 vicryl.

Layla, uh... there's
some vaginal trauma.

Uh, is that from...
too much sex?

Could be
from the kind of sex.

Has, um... anyone
forced themselves on you?


Did anyone touch you
in a way that, uh, hurt you,

or that you didn't
give permission for?


Do you have a boyfriend?

A... fiancé.


He's in college.

Do you and Dean, um...?

Does it ever get rough?

Well, we get a little
carried away sometimes.

How old is that girl?

16. What are you
doing tonight?

A patient invited me
to his restaurant,

and I thought
we could go.

Does Alex like
Korean food?

Oh, Alex has a sleepover.

Nine victims total--
we're getting three more
after they're cut out.

Gus Loomer, 50s,
altered LOC.

He's wearing
a heart monitor.

Pulse irregular,
but in the mid-90s.

How did it happen?
He plowed his Hummer
into two oncoming cars.

One, two...

What do you want,
Full trauma panel,

lateral c-spine, chest,
pelvis and a 12-lead EKG.

Okay. Add a set
of troponins and
talk to the patient.

Mr. Loomer,
you're at County Hospital.

You were in a car accident.
I was driving.

I must have blacked out.

Have you been having
heart palpitations?

Uh, I had a heart attack
two years ago.

Call Cards to interrogate
the monitor

and go see if they need any help
with the other traumas.


How bad is it?

We're still assessing
your injuries, sir.

No, no, no, not-not me...
my Hummer.

It's brand-new.

Okay, C-spine is clear.

Can you find out about my car?

Not right now, sir.

We've got three more victims
from the MVA,

two of them critical.

Is he stable enough
to be moved?


What's MVA?

Motor vehicle accident.

Oh. Going to be a lot
of crashes today.

It's icy out there.

He's hypoxic. He
could be retaining.

Hang a gram of ancef
and update his tetanus.

You sending
him to CT?

No. Belly's benign.

We'll follow his serial crits.

Good day to be driving a Hummer.

Sam, we need you to get

the pede's airway box.

There was a
kid involved?
Mom and dad, too.

Oh... damned shame.

He doesn't know?
No, he was unconscious
at the scene.

This is the dad.

Lungs down,
hypoxic and altered.

We need the room.

Can you move him out?

Oh, my God...

What've we got?

Kathy Shepard.
A&O times four.

Breath sounds clear,
good radial pulses.

is my family okay?

We're working on your husband
and your son.

Any loss
of consciousness?

But what about my daughter?
What daughter?

But they never
brought in a girl.

Oh, my God,
is she dead?!

Is she dead
and you're not telling me?!

Distal perfusion sucks.
I can't get a line.

Draw up etomidate.

What's his weight?

Uh, about 25 kilos,
same as Alex.

Oh... God,
he's been scalped.

Exposed skull and galea

with a big hematoma.

Neck's broken,
C-5 and 6.

We'll need Gardener-
Wells tongs

to stabilize the neck.

Page neurosurg.

( whispering ):
Where's my mommy?

It's all right, sweetie.

Mark the placement
point for the tongs.

They're all beautiful.

Most of these
are over a hundred years ago.

These were all built
for the doctors and lawyers

and managers who'd moved west
with the railroads.

It's my favorite street
in Chicago.

What do you think
of this one?

It's lovely.

Yeah. You like it?



Mm, I was thinking
maybe we could buy it.


Actually, I may have
already bought it.

I had to put
a deposit down.

There were four
other interested buyers.

We need to have someplace
to stay when we're here.

What about your
grandmother's castle?

We could sell it.

What will your
father say?

Uh... he might get
a little upset, but...

Gamma left the house to me.

I don't want to live there.

Are you sure?

It is a little bit more space
than we need.


We can get our deposit back...
if you don't like it.

I love it.



They sent two people
to Mercy and two
to Northwestern.

Why would they split us up?

In a big multi-victim

one hospital can't take care
of everyone.

There were ten victims total.

We could only handle four.
Yes, I'm
still holding.

No, that's eight.
What happened to the other two?

Uh, there were two fatalities
at the scene.


Oh, my...

Kathy, we don't
know anything yet.

Mrs. Shepard.

What was the
last hemocue?

He has to get
into the OR.

He's losing
blood somewhere.

Ethan. Where's Ethan?

How far?

What are you doing to him?

Until it's anchored
in the skull.


Dr. Kovac.
Reverse Trendelenburg.

Stop it!

Stop it...

( screaming and sobbing ):
Get off me!

Oh, God...
Your husband
has suffered

massive injuries
to his chest.

Both lungs are
collapsed, and he's
bleeding internally.

What about Ethan?

What about you?

You-you were in
there with him.

Tell me!

Uh, Dr. Weaver
will talk to you.

Please, please,
what was that thing

they were screwing
into his head?

Ethan has a broken neck.

The tongs help prevent


There's been, uh, severe injury
to Ethan's spine,

and his lungs,

and probably
his brain.

They're dying, aren't they?

We don't know yet.

Where should I go now?

I'm sorry?

Who's going to die first?

I've had this
ice cream cone

for nearly
two hours,

and it hasn't
even melted yet.

That's just one
of the many,

many wonderful things
about winters in Chicago.

My grandparents
got married here.

And my parents.

Is that
a proposal?

You want it to be?

( laughs )

No. I thought because breakfast
in bed didn't quite work out,

we'd try for lunch.

Are we going
to check in?

We already have.

Beth Shepard.

No, Kathy Shepard's
here at County.

I'm looking for her
daughter, Beth.

I should get a smaller set
of sandbags.

Stabilize the tongs

while I add five
pounds of traction.

Can you at
least tell me

what hospital
she was sent to?

Abby, I need you
to hold the counterweight.

Layla's been
waiting three hours

for a repeat crit.

Go on. He's stable.

I'll take three
of your patients

if you take over
for me in there.

No, thanks.

How you doing?


Uh, when can I go?

As soon
as we get these results in.

Nurse, can I have
some orange juice?

And when he said that,

did you feel threatened
or just uncomfortable?

I mean, would you categorize
his comments as hostile

or merely insensitive?

Can I still have sex?

Not for a couple weeks.


Just tell your boyfriend...


Just tell him
that he needs to settle down.

If he really loves you,
he'll understand.

Dean loves me.

We're getting

You know, sometimes
you can love someone

and not realize
that they're hurting you.

He doesn't mean
to hurt me.

But does he?

Hurt you sometimes?

Did he hurt you last night?

I don't know.

What do you mean?

We went on a drive
last night

with two of his friends.

We went to this park
near his house.

He tells me I'm sexy
all the time.

He just likes to show me off.

Well, show you off how?

Uh, sometimes he likes
to let them watch.

Do they ever...

do more than watch?



Sam, we need you
to set up another IMED.

Get Duvata.

She's busy.

We're going
to figure this out, okay?

Sam, now.

I'll be right back.

Dispatch RDC can't tell me
where Kathy's daughter went,

or even if she's still alive.

The father's maxed out
on three pressors,

he arrested twice,
and I don't know

how long he's
going to last long.

( alarms beeping )
Decreased on the right.

( knocking )

Pratt wanted that guy

You know, I'm busy.

Betadine. Let's
do this again.

Doesn't look good.

Needle decompression
and chest tube.

Where are my pain pills?

You can't be in here.

You're going
to have to wait.

No! I got to see you now.

Abby, get him
out of here.

Tachy at 124.

We're still waiting
on some tests.

I don't need any tests!


BP's dropping

This is stupid.

We're just torturing him.

Let's go.
( Miguel coughing )


Mm. Hi.

Was this on
your list?

Several times.

I hope he has
your nose.

You have a
lovely nose.

What do you want him
to be when he grows up?

I don't care.

As long as he's healthy
and happy.

( laughs )

Okay, I'm deciding
between Cy Young award-winner

and the guy who cures cancer.

I think he'll be
astoundingly cute.

Well, nature likes
genetic diversity.

We should make him
marry an Asian

or Hispanic girl.


You know
what frightens me most?


That I could get used
to all of this.

Well, I'm not going

to be renting out
any ice rinks for him.



That's what I ran away from.

Good femoral pulse.

All that epi
kicked his BP up.


Layla's pregnant?

I can't get his sats above 80.

Did you call
social work?

Yeah, but they're slow
as hell.

Subq air
in the neck.

Let me tell her.


Haleh, I'll be
right back, okay?

We do a pregnancy test

on all female patients
of childbearing age.

Yours came back positive.

I'm pregnant?


Do you use birth control?

I was on the pill for a while,
but it made me fat.

Oh, my God.

This is incredible.

Layla, do your parents...?

I've got to call Dean.

He's going to go
through the roof!

You can't use
that in here.

Listen, you need to
seriously consider

whether or not you want
to keep this pregnancy.

Oh, Dean loves kids.

What you think
you want now may not be

what you're going
to want in five years.

Or next year.

Or even in six months.

We need a SonoSite in here.

I'll be back.

You running some kind of scam?

'Cause I been here nine hours
waiting on some stupid tests.

Hey, man,
I hear you.

Sam, how come Mr.
Rivas hasn't been
discharged yet?

Abby's still waiting
on some labs.

Mr. Loomer?

Hey, can you take this
to Trauma One?


Ms. Taggart, I would love
the opportunity

to sit down with you

and discuss appropriate
workplace conduct

when you have a moment.

I don't, okay?
Maybe later.

I won't then, either.

Mr. Loomer, you got
to get back to bed.

happening in there?

Come on.

You have a heart condition.

Is-Is he dead?


Damn shame.

Come on. You got
to get back to bed.

I bought that
car on a whim.

You have a heart condition.

Cost me half my
retirement savings.

You shouldn't be wandering
around the hall,

and you should really
leave these people alone.

Mid-life crisis
thing, but hell,

it probably
saved my life.

I-I could've
ended up like...

like that poor
schmuck in there.

You drove your car
into that family.

You were unconscious
on the scene.

Your Hummer slammed
into their car

and went right over it.



I don't... I
don't remember.

Is that Mr. Loomer?

( panting )
Oh, God.

I need some
help here!


What happened?


Get a quick look.

V tach.

Okay, charge to 200.


( zapping )


Got a pulse.

Okay, can you at least
tell me how serious the...?

She's alive.

Okay. When can I
call back to...?


Fine. Thank you.

She's at Mercy Hospital.

The doctors are working
on her right now.

What's wrong with her?
I'm sorry,
I couldn't

get more specifics,
but I'm pushing

for a transfer here
as soon as possible.

I just want to know
if she's okay.

Do you want to be
with your son, Kathy?

Will you go with me?


Labs back on your knee effusion,
Miguel Rivas.

AFB's positive.

Okay, um, I'm sorry.

Can you take Mrs. Shepard in?

Of course.

I'll be back in a minute.


Miguel's knee effusion
is from TB.


I looked at his old charts.

He had multi-drug-resistant TB

15 months ago; he
stopped showing up

to observed therapy.

But there was no fever,
no coughing.

Because of the history,
I did AFB stain,

which is positive,
and he's coughing,

so he's probably

Where is he?
I just discharged him.

Well, we have
to find him

before he starts coughing
up TB all over the El.

I gave him a prescription.

Call the pharmacy.
I'll see if he's still there.


Move this damn thing.

Watch it. Watch it.

Hey, hold the elevator.

Damn it.

Damn it.


Miguel, hey!

Hey, wait for
the next one.

Come on, man.

( coughing )

All right.

Hey, Alex.

I just wanted to let you know
that if you don't want to go

to that sleepover tonight,
you don't have to.

We could do something fun

But if you still want to go,
then that's fine, too.

And I just realized
that I'm the only one

who's ever going
to get this message

'cause I never showed you
how to use the voice mail.

Damn it.

I'm sorry,

How could you do this to me?

You're getting rid of it.

But it's our baby.

You need to leave.
How do I even

know it's mine?
I love you.

Get out! You need
to leave right now.

What's going on?
Oh, who's this?

One of your buddies
from the g*ng bang squad?

She knows?
Get out of here,
both of you.

I told you
she'd talk.

Hey, I don't know
what she told you,

but we didn't make her
do anything

she didn't want to do.

Oh, yeah? Well, why don't you

tell that to the cops.

She lies, okay?
You heard her.

If it was true, why
would she still

be saying she
loves me? Hold on.

Let go of me.


she's just a
stupid little slut.

( grunts )

( sighs )

( sighs )

Hey, how long is it going
to take in here?

I've been here 12 hours,
going on 13 now.

Keep your mask on.
Yo, nurse!

I'm talking
to you!

( sneezing )

Hey, Frank?

Has my kid called?

He was supposed to call
a half hour ago.

Maybe he's busy.

Can you hold for
a tap in Three?

Weaver said you're not supposed
to see any more patients

till you talk to her.

You're supposed
to wait here for her.

I got it.

Don't hit me;
I'm just the messenger.

I don't trust him.
He didn't understand.

He stopped taking the pills
when he stopped feeling sick.

I want Miguel
in isolation,

and if he can't take
his meds on his own,

I want him handcuffed
and force-fed.

Oh, he just
started coughing.

You're really going
to call the police?

The guy's a
ticking time b*mb.

Are we throwing
all our TB patients in jail?

'Cause it's not sustainable.

If this is how we treat
people with TB,

they are going to stop
coming to this hospital.

Abby, it's not like they
all go clubbing together.

No, but they hang out
at the TB clinic.

Miguel needs
six months of therapy.

And you think
you can do that?

I want to try
to make him cooperate

with the health
care system.


You're supposed
to stay put.

If you still want to talk...

Maybe later.

You waiting for Weaver?

Don't hit her.
She's crippled.

( chuckling )

Never stops being funny,
does it?


How's Ethan?

Pressure's holding.

Last gas looks better.

Mr. Nadler is recommending
your immediate dismissal.


He called for references

at three other hospitals
you've worked for.

You've had prior incidents.

I never got fired
from any of those jobs.

Yeah, because you left
before they could.

Look, I'm a good nurse.

If you want me here, fine.

If not, I'll find another job
just as good somewhere else.

Something tells me
you've used
that speech before.

It's clear
to everyone

that you have
an impulse

control problem.

The guy helped his friends
g*ng-r*pe his girlfriend.

We'll probably get sued.

The kid's in PEA.

All right.

The Director of Nursing

will talk to you
tomorrow at 8:00.

For what it's worth,
I wish I'd hit him harder.

You know, it's a
lot warmer here
in the summertime.

I like Chicago.

In the summertime, the
lake is full of sailboats.

I can't live here, John.

My work-- it's... important.

I know.

What terminal?

United, Terminal 1.

We could just disappear,
and no one would ever know.

Yeah, I'd like that.

Me, too.

The pills made me sick.

If you stop taking the pills
before you're supposed to,

you're only going to k*ll
some of the TB,

and the bacteria
that's left

is going to get stronger
and multiply,

and then none of the medicine
is going to work.


Did you call
the cops yet?

No, not yet.

You're wasting your
time with this guy.

Call the cops.

Hey, what are you doing?

I'm getting the hell
out of here.

Well, it's not that simple.

You can't just leave.

I'll take
the damn pills, okay?

You need to go to the
TB clinic every day

for observed therapy.

I don't need that.

Oh, Abby,

Mercy for you
on line one.

Okay. Miguel, stop.

It's about that woman's
daughter, Beth Shepard?

Don't be an idiot.

Okay, Security,
stop this guy.

Hold it!

Come here, please.

Hey, come on.

Come on.
Take it easy.

Come on!

( grunting )

Don't hurt him.

I don't want you to leave.

I don't want to leave.

Well, then stay.

I can't.

It'll be all right.

( no audio )

Your halter monitor
records every heartbeat

and stores it for 24 hours.


It appears you had a run
of V-tach at 8:20 A.M.

8:20? Is that about
when I crashed?

Your arrhythmia
caused you to black out.

But upon impact,
it seems you reverted to sinus

almost instantly.

You mean the car crash
saved my life?


How long?

41 minutes.

Hold compressions.

Pace at 80.

No capture.

Another atropine
and resume CPR.


Mrs. Shepard, your
son has no pulse.

His brain has been
deprived of oxygen
for almost an hour.

I think we
should stop.

But it's still beeping.

It can take
some time

for the electrical activity
in the heart to stop.

( sniffling )

What about my daughter?

I'll find out.

I thought my life

was over after my...
my first heart attack.

I couldn't work.

I couldn't walk upstairs and...

I couldn't have sex.

I felt like I was dead.

I never thought
I'd get married,

have two kids.

Wasn't the type.

I always thought that stuff
would mean life was over.

But then...

I got pregnant.

Paul was so excited.

He was always more excited
about everything.

I thought my wife
was going to leave me.

You know, I mean,
I thought she should.

But she didn't. She...

She made me get out of bed
in the morning.

I'll take any seat.
I just need to get to the gate.

Sorry, Amsterdam's
completely sold out.

Another flight. Anything.

I have a first
class to Tokyo.

It's $9,000.

The car cost $110,000.

But she didn't care.

She said, "Gus,
you spoil yourself.

You deserve it."

So... that's
what I did.

I went out and bought
myself my dream car...

and took it
for a drive.

I'd been having these dreams.


Stretching out alone
at night.

You know, reading a book.

Now I can.

Did I make
this happen?

Why, why should I
be the lucky one?

Why should
I be spared?

No one knows
why these things happen.

You have to believe

there's a reason
you're still here.

Late start this morning.

Ethan wanted ice cream.

He always wants
these crazy things,

today I said okay.

Can you imagine ice cream
in winter?

She's in here.





Can I get four coffees,
three chili dogs,

and in a separate bag, please,

two plain burgers
and three plain yogurts?

Hamburgers and yogurt?

Susan can only eat two
things without throwing up.

Oh, being pregnant sucks.

You want to sit?


How are you handling
nursing and student shifts?

Do you ever get
any sleep?

Um, not that much, no.

( chuckles )

That's what you get
for switching careers.

Well, medical school was a
plan for a while, actually.

I just sort of
got sidetracked.

Last thing I remember
wanting to be

was an international spy.

I was 15.

Then I got pregnant.

15? Wow.

Oh, I was like
one of those girls

who gives birth at her prom--
total denial.

By the time I figured out
where the clinic was,

I... didn't have the money.

Alex's dad never kicked in
his half,

and I couldn't get a waitressing
job 'cause I was too young.

So I took double shifts
at Baskin-Robbins

to save up the dough.

Did he go with you?

He was at a gig.


First time I went,
I sat in the waiting room.

They called my name.
Never got up.

Second time, I was too late.

Now I look at Alex, and I...

The place I went to
had this calendar

on the wall with
a picture of, um...

...Strawberry Shortcake.

I just stared at it
the whole time.

You have
a nursing shift?

Yeah. You're
finished, right?

Oh, here.
Thank you.

See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.



How's your arm?

Oh, it's okay.

Is Alex having fun
on his sleepover?

Yeah, too much fun

to come to the phone
when I called.

Yeah, sleepovers
are tough.

I mean, on parents,
not kids.

I had a boy and
a girl in Croatia.

Uh, Miss Taggart?

Do you have a minute?


Talk to you tomorrow.

This is a document, drawn up
by our legal department,

that says you agree
to be admitted

for two weeks for treatment,

and after that,
visit the TB clinic

every morning
for six months.

I'm not signing anything.

I notice you don't have
a Social Security number.

Hey, I been living and working
in this country for ten years.

Good, so you know if you
get arrested for a felony,

la migra's gonna kick your ass
out of the country.

Oh, where's Dr. Carter?

Sandy's gonna k*ll me.

Dr. Weaver, we need you
to sign off on a TB admission.

TB on a knee effusion?

See, that's what I mean
by doing a thorough exam.

Good catch, Pratt.
Dr. Weaver.

It was Abby's catch.

Doesn't matter.

Dr. Weaver.

What do you want?

Well, a month alone
in Door County

with my cats and
my French horn,

but I'd settle for
five minutes of your
undivided attention.

This place is a disaster.

I've never seen
anything like it.

I've witnessed your
workers engaging in
bullying, hostility,

inappropriate touching...

Oh, come on.

We have a good staff.

They do their best.

You have a bunch of walking
lunatics on your hands.

Doctors yelling,
nurses beating up patients.

You need to start firing
people immediately.

Fine. You're fired.

Don't come back tomorrow.

You won't be meeting the terms
of the legal settlement.

So sue me... again.

What else is new?

You're late.

Night shift started
20 minutes ago.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

Where were you?

At the airport,
dropping off Kem.

Oh, yeah?

Where'd she go?


She have to get back
to her program?


She has 200 HIV patients'
lives to save.

Good for her.
( pager beeping )

Oh, it's Sandy.

She can't believe
I left her alone

with a screaming
baby for 12 hours.

How long will she be gone?

I hope just a couple weeks.


Did I show you the new pictures?


( chuckles )

He's pointing
his finger, huh?


I mean, he does
that all the time.

He came out of the
womb doing that.

It's like, "I've
got a point to make."

Oh, he's got
his own personality already.

Yeah, they all do.

You'll see.

( sighs )
( keys clatter )

( sighs )

MAN ( on TV ):
Now, we're in the 30s
in Chesterton, Indiana.

( changing channels )

Tools that are stylish,
affordable, and...

( turns off TV )

( chuckles softly )

( knocking )

( knocking continues )



I was going to see if
you'd had dinner yet.

I thought maybe we
could get something.

Come on in.

Let me get my coat.

Wow. Nice place.

Yeah, it's okay.

So... where do
you want to go?

I don't know.
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