10x19 - Just A Touch

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x19 - Just A Touch

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

You're a doctor?


Yes, I am.

Mike, I'm leaving that stripper
in Curtain Four

with the broken toe
just for you.

Try not to TUBE her.

What are you
talking about?

Totally Unnecessary
Breast Exam.

It's Sandy.

Sandy Lopez died today.

What am I supposed to do now?

Give me back my son!

Mom, guess what?

Dad's here.

I don't like working
on old people

or children or drunks.

Go to bloody Iraq
and tell yourself

you've done something noble.

( guitar plays simple chords )


Hey, Mom. Mom, Mom, Mom.

Look at this.

( playing simple chords )

Hey, that's pretty good.

Dad's been teaching
me to play.

Says we might get
my own guitar today.

Oh, really?

Hey, Alex,
you want scrambled eggs?


You could have told me
you needed groceries.

I would have gone.

You all right?


Listen, take this, okay?

What's this?

That's, you know,
grocery money,

rent money, guilt money.

That's not much guilt.

Look, there's more
where this came from.

I've got a few
jobs lined up and...

Look, I'm sure there's
something you and Alex need,

so I'm just going to
leave this here, okay?

What, like a guitar?

Yeah, why not?

It's good for a kid
to learn an instrument.

I mean, music, you know,
it stimulates the brain.

Yeah, prove it.

Well, it helps
score the hot chicks,

that's for sure.

Hey, Dad,
teach me something else.

All right, buddy.
Here, let me see.

This one's a little trickier,
but it's very cool.

You're going to like it.

I've had, uh,
pretty good luck

with this one
with the ladies.

( chuckles )

Let go of me, you dirty freak!

Calm down.
Calm down.

You want Haldol?

Yeah, that and a hammer.

Need any help, Morris?

No, this is going great.

Stop touching me!

Okay, try and relax,
Mrs. Garrison.

You know her?

She's off her meds.
Oh, you think?

What do you want,
five or ten of Haldol?


( strained cries )

All right, this is going

to sting a little,
Mrs. Garrison, okay?

You want hard


Soft restraints?
No. No restraints.

She'll be fine.
( screams )

( screams in pain )


Guess you should have
put her in restraints.

( screams in pain )

Captioning sponsored by


Their argument is that Sandy
was his biological mother,

and you never
legally adopted him.

We were in the process.

And that will help.

Perhaps if the
child's genetic father

was willing to assign
you his rights.

He was an anonymous donor.

We will establish
parental intent.

And I'm confident
we can secure

some sort
of temporary custody.

Henry is my son.

Look, the good news is,
the state has adopted

a sexual-orientation
neutral approach

to child custody

But there are other factors
at play here.

Like what?

Well, in addition
to being gay, you're single,

and your work requires

a great deal of time
away from Henry.

Now the Lopezes present
a blood relationship

with a loving,
intact family unit,

and a stay-at-home mom.

I'll change my schedule.

Hell, I'll quit my job
if I have to.

What happened to you?

Got bitten by a patient.

What are you doing here?


You should have
a nurse look at that.

It's okay.

Sam, wash out Dr. Kovac's bite,
update his tetanus,

and check for hepatitis
and HIV on the source.

I'll call you.

I'll let you know how it goes.

There's another difference

between Sandy's family and me:

And I'll use everything I have
to get my son back.

Make sure they know that.

I'll make them
aware of that.

What are you doing?

Icing my 'nads.

Excuse me?

One of the patients
grabbed my junk.

So Alex must be excited.


Today is first day of
spring break, right?

Oh, yeah, right.

So you guys want to do
something after work?

He's has been talking
about this rock and
roll bowling alley

with glow-in-the-dark
balls and lasers.

Uh, we can't.

Not tonight.

Alex's father is in town.

He just showed up.


Yeah, he does this
every now and then.

Usually without warning.

Kinda like a tornado.

I wish he'd just
stay away for good.

Oh, well, he's
the boy's father.


He only sticks around
long enough

to run up my phone bill
and drink all my beer.

He's staying with you?

( door opens )

Somebody call
for a psych consult?

You on psych now?

Yep. But don't worry.

I'm keeping an extra ID
in my pocket

just in case someone mistakes me
for a patient.

That was a joke.

( chuckles nervously )

She's in the Suture Room.

Give me the chart.

It's my patient.
Have you done an H&P?

I pulled the chart.
Have you done an H&P?

What the hell
are you two doing now?

He's trying to
steal my patient.

I'm trying to help you.

Who are we talking about?

Back pain in Two.

I'll settle this.

You three should be
ashamed of yourselves.

Well, here's a beauty for you:

Blue and puking in One.


( coughing, retching )

Okay, Mrs. Garrison.

We're going
to take you upstairs

and get you some lunch.

I'm really not hungry,

although I wouldn't mind
a nice glass of merlot.

See what I can do.

I'll try to get her admitted
for a few days.

She'll be fine once she
gets back on her meds.

How's the psych rotation?

It's kinda scary.

The patients?

No, me. I like it.

How about you,
everything good?

Sam's ex-boyfriend's
back in town.

Hey, Abby.

Can you take
Mr. Chen here upstairs?

Not unless you want
him admitted to psych.

Oh, don't tempt me.

Fall to an outstretched hand.

It's nothing serious.

Except it's his right arm

and now he won't be able
to do anything,

not that he would.

I've already been through
four home care workers.

I can help you out.

I can't get any more
nursing shifts,

I really need the money

or I'm going to have to
drop out of school again.

Abby, you don't want
any of this.

( speaks Chinese )

( speaks Chinese )

( both arguing in Chinese )


Yeah, good idea.



How's Kem?

She must be getting big.


You should see Susan.

How's she doing?

Well, you know
how some mothers

talk to their
unborn children?

Susan threatened
to pull hers out

with her bare hands
if it didn't hurry up.

You been doing
anything differently,

exercising, sports?

Any heavy lifting?

You help a friend move,
anything like that?

Slip or fall recently?


( giggles softly )

Sorry, I'm just checking
your lymph nodes.

I'm ticklish.

I'll make
a note of that.

You ever have
a mammogram?

You do self
breast exams?

Hey, Sam, can you
give me a hand.

I need to perform
a breast exam on
Miss Campbell.

You do?

It's just routine.

Now you really
should do this every month.

You have to get
to know your breasts.

You can't rely
on friends.

Right after your period
is the best time.

Blood bank's on line six
for you, Sam.


All right, first you look
at yourself in the mirror

This is Taggart.
for any changes in shape...

Yeah, I drew blood on Mendoza.

...dimpling, puckering
of the skin or nipple changes.

You lift up your arm,
and you do it again.

I signed all of them.
My initials are "S.T."

Then you gently
squeeze the nipple

to check for discharge.


Now you start
by circling the nipple

moving out in large
and larger circles...

Okay, it's been a
little busy down here.

...feeling for any lumps
or bumps along the way

until you reach
the outer edge.

This guy needs two units
type and crossed right now.

Be sure to feel
all the breast tissue.

He's vomiting blood.

Just beneath the skin
with a soft touch

and down to the rib cage
with a firmer touch.

From the collarbone
to the top of the abdomen,

and from the armpit
to the midline.

Do you want me
to come down there?

I don't appreciate any masses.

That's good, right?

That's perfect.

You can sit up.

Forget it.

Jut send two units O-neg.

You should also do this
in the shower.

Skin's a lot more slippery
when it's wet,

and sometimes it helps.

(man screaming):
Oh, make it stop!

Oh, please, give me something!

Connor, James, 28,
passenger in an MVA.

Other car T-boned into them
pretty good on his side.

Give me something!


He's been thrashing too much
for us to get a B.P.

No LOC. He was walking
and swearing on the scene.

Three centimeter temporal
lac with some glass.

My arm is k*lling me, man!

Come on!
Driver's right behind us.

She got the worst of it.

Where's Pratt?
Right here.

Okay, this guy's yours.

Neela, come with me.

( man continues screaming )

Seat belt and harness
airbag didn't deploy.

Where do you hurt,

All over.

What happened, man?

We were just driving.

Some guy blindsided us.

Oh, God! Oh, God!

Save my arm! Save my arm!

You're not going
to lose your arm, sir.

She your girlfriend?

Naw, man,
I just met her last night.

She was driving me home

from her place.

( crying ):
I should have taken a cab.

Big closed deformity
on the right elbow.

( yells )
He's dislocated.

No radial pulse.

A hundred of Brevital.

Yeah, and a hundred of fent.

All right, man,
just hang in there, okay?

We're going
to fix this up real quick.

( whimpers ):
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

What do we want, Neela?

Full trauma panel, a set
of hemocues, and X rays.

You want me to guess
which ones?

Chest, c-spine and pelvis.
Thank you.

I think I'm gonna be sick.
On the monitor.

Get suction.

Periumbilical ecchymosis.

Pretty tender in
the upper right.

Systolic's 90.
First hemocue is 11.

My head feels funny.
Okay, get another line.

Already done with
a liter on board.

( man yelling in other room )

Is Dr. Pratt working?

two units of O-neg

on the rapid infuser.

Can you get him?

Still tachy at 118.

She's going to crash.

Have a seven
and a half ready,

and I need
the ultrasound.
I'll get it.

call surgery again.

( hysterical whining )

Brevital is in.

It's not helping!

It's not...!

Thank, God.

All right,
we got about 20 seconds.


Dr. Pratt,
this patient's asking for you.

For me?
( groans )

He's waking up.

Almost got it.

( Pratt grunts )

( groans, whines )

What happened?

We fixed your elbow.

Holy crap, you're good.

You can pick up
your Dr. Greg Pratt

Fan Club ring at the door.

Barely holding
at 100 systolic.

Blood's running.

Hypoechoic in Morrison's...

How are we
doing in here?

Greg, is that you?


Foley is on.
Blood on the dip.

What's the name on the chart?

Rena Carlson.

We hooked up last year.

We met on the El, remember?

Oh, yeah, right.

Okay, make sure

the blood bank
gets a clot.

Let's drop an NG tube
and pack her up.

Rena, you injured
your spleen,

and you're going
to require surgery to repair it.

Oh, God.
I'm all messed up.

No, you're going
to be okay.

We're going to take
very good care of you.

( sighs )



I, uh, see
Mrs. Garrison is back.

Yeah, she bit one of the
attendings in the ER.

Well, better them
than one of us.

Mr. Rosenblum was asking
for you.

Oh, great.

You should take it
as a compliment.

It took me two years
before the Duke

would even
talk to me.

Maybe it's your
nursing background.

It's probably a combination
of nursing and genetics.

My family's
pretty high maintenance.

You can lead
the group today.

By myself?

No better time
than the present.



Hi. I'm Abby

I'm a medical

and I'm going
to be running
the group today.


The elbow's good.

Sutures will come out in a week.

But the ortho clinic will want
to get some more X rays

and start you on P.T.

So, does that
mean I can go?

Yeah, but you're not going
to stick around for her?

Like I said, man,
I just met her.

You spent the night
together, right?

That don't make
us married.

What's her status?

Stable after four units

of packed cells
and some fluid.

Corday's waiting
for her upstairs.

I have to have an operation.

Don't worry.

Dr. Corday's an
excellent surgeon.

Will you come see me after?


Not really.

Could you, uh, just
let me know how she does?


Labs and films on Campbell.

And Sussman is starting

to get some
short-term memory back.



Neuro checks
on Mr. Sussman q hour.

I can't. I'm working
at the lab at 4:00.

Doing what?

Stroke physiology

You're going to the mouse house?

It's an elective.

I'm doing a lousy
job down here.

Everyone seems
to think

I'm better suited
for the lab.

Yeah, well, God forbid
you disappoint them.


I'm sorry this has
taken so long.

So, what's going
on with you, Denise?

I've just... I've been feeling
pretty cruddy,

like, um, sick to my stomach
and headaches.

At first I thought
it was just the flu

un-until I started
losing the feeling

in my hands and my feet.

So, you're not here
because of your skin?

No. That's-That's
from the amiodarone.

I have
a ventricular arrhythmia.

It's pretty sad, huh?

You know what the guys
at school call me?


Everything looks good.

No fractures, no arthritis,
no bony lesions.

I'm thinking it's probably
just muscle strain.

But I told you
I didn't do anything.

Maybe you didn't
realize it at the time.

It may not have been
a sudden strain.

You could have slept funny
or been sitting too long.

That's it?

Yeah. It should get
better with time.

Try a warm bath
and some ibuprofen.

Come back and see me
if it gets any worse,

or you start to
feel numbness

our weakness in your legs.

Yo, doc!

Excuse me.

29-year-old woman

with syncopal episode.

Housekeeper heard a crash,
found her down in the kitchen.

She on any meds?
Nothing we could find.


Ma'am, can
you hear me?


Excuse me.

Could I speak with
someone in charge?

What do you need, ma'am?

Would it be
possible to speak

with Dr. Pratt's

Uh... yeah, okay.

What are you doing here?

Where's Alex?

I thought
I'd take you to lunch.

Where's Alex?

He's showing one
of the doctors his guitar.

( strumming )

What, was this a bad idea?

I can't just
leave for lunch.

Well, I asked Alex.

He said it would be all right.

He's ten.

Hey, Mom, look.

He did it. Dad said

he would buy me
a guitar, and he did.

So I see.

Uh, th-this is my dad.



Isn't it cool?

Do you know how to play, Luka?

Uh, no.

Well, my dad's in a band.

Luka, your little old lady
stopped breathing again.

Oh, um, it was
nice meeting you.

You, too.

Some old gal
stopped breathing?

That can't be good.
People die in
here all the time.

It's no big deal.

( laughs )

He already sounds
like a doctor.

It's great.

You going to play something
for me, buddy?

This lady fainted
and is altered.

What are we looking for?

Normal sinus.
She's not
having an MI.

Think about
the differential.

No ectopy, QT interval
is not prolonged.

QRS duration
is point one zero.


Pupils equal and reactive.

What's the common
final pathway in syncope?

Low blood pressure.
I don't hear a murmur.

No. It's the lack
of vital nutrient delivery

to the brain stem reticular
activating system.

Which is usually caused
by low blood pressure.

Or hypoxia, or hypoglycemia.

Abdomen is soft and nontender.

So, what are we ordering, kids?

CBC, lytes,
head CT.

And a urine tox screen.

And call a family member
to verify

she's not on any meds.

What medications cause

orthostatic hypotension?


Beta blockers, dig, diuretics,

phenothiazines, nitrates,


and cocaine.

You know, we don't have
to do this

if you've got
something better to do.

No. I've got the papers
right here.

I'm just going to be stuck
at the hospital

for another couple hours.

Is there any way that

you could have a notary,
uh, come here?

( door opening )

Oh, that'd be great.
Thank you.

Carter, I'm so sorry
I stranded you here.

They're going
to admit him,

so I can drive
you home now.

( chuckles ):
I just arranged

for somebody
to come over here

with some papers for me to sign.

Plus, I got to be at work
in a couple hours.

I think I'm just going to stay.

Okay, I just ruined your
whole day, didn't I?

No. Don't worry about it.

You can buy me lunch.

You know what you can do?

You can help me pick out
nursery colors.

Hey, what do you think? Circus--

colorful, fun,
developmentally stimulating.


Aquatic-- soothing,
yet educational.

Sort of for the young scientist.

Or, jungle--


a celebration of his
African heritage.

If you had a baby,
which would...?

I like the jungle.

I'm sorry.

I wasn't
even thinking.

Yeah, Carter, no, it's okay.

Don't worry about it.

I mean, you know, sometimes
I forget about him myself.

Actually, I think
that's when I feel the worst--

when I realize
that I haven't thought

about him in, like,
a week or so.

You know,

ever since my, um, mom died

and my dad got sick, I, uh...

I've been thinking
about him a lot.

You know, when my dad goes,

I'm not going
to have anyone else.

No aunts, cousins.


Have you ever gone to see him?

Maybe you should.

Maybe I should have kept him.

I mean,
he is three years old now.

( laughs )

( laughs )

The nightmares have stopped.

But I feel like k*lling myself.

Oh, so what else is new?

I smell something.

I can't smell anything.

I developed anosmia
after my accident.


puts their
head in a
paint mixer.

Well, let-let's
let Larry finish.

Why? It's the same
damn thing

every week.

I want to k*ll myself.
Blah, blah,

blah, blah...

He needs new material.
You need a soul.

Please stop fighting.

PujwI' Hivlu'chugh

What's-What's he saying?

No one here speaks Klingon.

It's rather odd,
don't you think?

Yeah. No. Uh, no.

I think we should
just take a minute.

Where did you go to school?


I'm going back
to school.

I want to be
a lawyer.

Last week he wanted
to be a lion tamer.

At least
he has goals beyond

how many women
he can screw.

Ooh, you jealous?

Hey. Okay, okay.

You're a pig.


Stanley, if
you continue

to disrupt
the group,

I'm going to have to-to
ask you to-to leave.

Oh, that's a
good idea.
Oh, that's

a good idea.
That's what
you should do.

Can't we all
just get along?

Is it just me,
or are we a pretty kooky bunch?

Okay, that
word is...
I smell gas.

Sit down, sit down.
Roger, sit down.

When I become a lawyer,
I'm going to sue this hospital.

You can't sit on a jury

if you have multiple
personality disorder.

Does anyone else
smell gas?

It's coming from Larry.

Why don't you shut up?

Next time you cut yourself,

start with your tongue.

Oh, leave her alone.

You have nothing...
Do us a favor
and slit your wrists.

You have nothing
inside you.
You make everybody sick.

( both talking
at once )


( speaking Klingon )

You can't
smoke that
in here.

It's against
the law.

So is su1c1de.

You've got an addiction.

Well, I'm trying to quit.

I'm allergic to smoke.

It only takes
11 seconds

for nicotine
to reach
your brain.

There are 50
different kinds

of carcinogens
in cigarettes.

You better put that out
before somebody catches you.

Stanley, what about you?

Do you have a
problem with this?

My mother died of lung cancer.

It's a nasty habit.

Well, now that
we've all agreed
on something,

let's talk about personal goals.

I don't want to make a big deal
out of this.

He just made me feel
pretty uncomfortable.

How so?

He did a breast exam,
and, I don't know,

he seemed to enjoy it.

Was there a nurse present?

Yes. Um,

it was her.

Did you voice your concerns

to Dr. Pratt?

No. I guess
I was caught off guard.

Well, I can
assure you

he's a very

However, if you
want to file a
formal complaint...

Oh, no. No.

I-I don't want
to make a big deal out of this.

I just felt

I should tell someone.

Maybe they could
speak with him.

I'll speak to him.

Thank you.

Where's Pratt?

With a patient.

What do you need?

I need Pratt.
Hey, Sam, hold up.

Where are you going?

I'm going to grab a quick bite

with Alex and his dad.

Did you assist Dr. Pratt
in examining Campbell,

the woman in Curtain Two?


Was there anything unusual
about the exam?

I don't think so. Why?

He gave her a breast exam
for back pain.

I don't know
what her chief complaint was.

I was on the phone
with the blood bank

and juggling five
other patients.

Sounds like

he TUBE'd her.

She wasn't
intubated, Morris.

No, no. You know a TUBE.


Totally unnecessary
breast exam.

You're such an ass.

What was that?


No, not you.

Where did you hear that term?

I... I don't know.

I didn't make it up.

Well, who did?


Where's my

Your daughter's
with your neighbor.

My name is Dr. Pratt.

You fainted at home,
but all your tests look good.

We checked your heart,
your lungs,

and your brain.

You're not anemic
or dehydrated,

and all your electrolytes
are normal.

I feel fine.

Are you taking any medications?

Could be anything

diet pills, cold medicine?


You ever have
any heart problems?

shortness of breath?

I'm healthy.

Anyone in your family
ever have seizures?

I did when I was a kid,
but I grew out of them.

How long ago was your last one?

I don't know.

Years and years.

I was on
phenobarb until,

like, fifth grade.

They said I had epilepsy.

But when I stopped
the medicine,

they went away.

I never had another one.

That was almost 20 years ago.

Dr. Pratt,
can I see you

for a second?

Yup. Just give me a minute.

Can I go home?

I need you now.

All right.

I'll be right back.
Okay. I have

a baby at home.

I just need to run
a few more tests, okay?


What's up?

Did you treat this patient?

Yeah. Why?

She basically accused you

of sexual harassment.


Did you "TUBE" her, Pratt?


Well, that's
what you call it, isn't it?

When you want to feel up
a good-looking patient.

If she hires a lawyer,
you could be charged
with sexual harassment.

If I'd found a lesion,
I would've saved her life.

But you didn't.
So I'm being punished
because she's not sick?

It's not about her condition.
It's about your behavior.

There was nothing
wrong with my behavior.

She had tenderness
over the fourth and
fifth lumbar vertebrae--

bony tenderness--
and none over the
paraspinous muscles.

I also felt a one
centimeter lymph
node in the axilla.

Are you saying you weren't
the least bit attracted to her?

Oh, come on, bone
pain and axillary

in a woman who's
never had a mammogram.

You know damn
well you'd have
done the same thing.

It's not about what you did.
It's about how you did it.

I did it with a
nurse present,

per hospital policy.
The patient felt
you were enjoying yourself.

Oh, come on,
please, would you
give me a break?

Have you ever
gotten turned on
giving a breast exam?

I bet you don't even
have a nurse in the room
with you while you do it.

I'm a woman.
Who sleeps with
other women.

I've never TUBE'd
a patient.

Yeah, well,
neither have I.

You coined the phrase.
No, I did not.

That phrase has
been around since
I was a student.

You've been overheard using it
on more than one occasion.

So what? It doesn't
mean that I've done it.

And if she was so
uncomfortable with
what I was doing,

how come she didn't
say something?

Maybe she was intimidated
by you.

Oh, right, scared that
the big black doctor

was going to bend
her over the bed...
Oh, don't you dare

turn this
into a race issue.
Oh, no, no, no.

When you're black, it's
always a race issue.
I'm not going to let you

hide behind that.
I'm not hiding
behind anything.

Dr. Weaver,
call for you.
Take a message.

It's your lawyer,
line four.

Don't go anywhere.

Where's Sam?

I think she's with her son.

Hey, Dr. Pratt.

Neela's patient collapsed.

She was coming back
from the restroom.

Ma'am, can you hear me?

All right,
somebody find Neela!

Let's get her
up on the gurney, okay?

Ready? One, two...

Malik, monitors.

Positive sternotomy sign.

What happened?
She's in v-tach.

She has a ventricular

She's on amiodarone.
Tetrology of Fallot,
repaired in 1975.

Why's she in today?

Flu symptoms.
What's her labs show?

They haven't come back yet.
Need another set of hands?

Did you open your
big mouth to Weaver?

Can't get a pulse ox.

Airway's clear.
Start bagging.

Did you tell Weaver
I TUBE'd a patient?

V-tach, no pulse.

Come on, Denise,
stay with us.
Charge to 200.

I'm charged.

No change.

Going again. 300.
Well, did you?


Somebody did, though.


Good carotid pulse.

100 of lidocaine.
What'd you say to her?

Nothing! Uh, that that
hot patient was complaining

about you.
Good breath sounds.

I'll call about her labs.
Perhaps the fact

that you two are
referring to a patient
as "hot" is a clue

to the problem.
First of all, I
never called her that,

so she's the one
with the problem.
Oh, really?

Can you even imagine
what it was like for
her to come here?

She's feeling ill,
worried, scared.

Probably waited several
hours to be seen,

only to have a stranger
fondle her breasts.

Secondary survey.

( coughs )

Good gag. She's waking up.

You're okay, Denise.

CBC, electrolytes,

calcium, L.F.T.s,

Lab reports her amiodarone
level less than zero.

She said she sometimes forgets
to take it.

She must've
stopped taking it

a few weeks ago to
have a level of zero.

She give any indication
why she would do
something like that?

Maybe because men are idiots.

Can I play pinball?

Uh, finish
your lunch first.

I'm full.

You barely touched
your hamburger.

I don't want to get
mad cow disease.

Then finish your fries.

God, he's grown a foot

since I've seen him last.

It's been a year.

You've done a great job, Sam.

He's a cool kid.


I guess I can't take
much credit for that.

Anyway, is he, uh,
doing good in school?


when he's not
being expelled

for performing medical
procedures on himself

or dissecting dead squirrels
in the schoolyard.


It's not funny.

He seems to like that,
uh, Russian doctor.


You two, uh...?

We've gone out.
Nothing serious.

Does he have any
friends his own age?

Yeah, he's got some buddies
at school.

That's good, considering
how much you guys move
around, that's good.

Well... you got to go
where the work is, right?

Yeah, tell me about it.

That's the good
thing about Chicago.

Always building...
How long are you planning
on staying?

You sick of me already?

It's not about me.
It's about Alex.

Well, he seems happy
that I'm back.

That's the problem.

The longer you stay,
the harder

it's going to be on him
when you leave.

Well, maybe I won't leave
this time.

What's going on

with Hollis in Two?
Cardiology was supposed to come
get him an hour ago.

Call them again.

What about Dunn
in Exam Three?

Some sort of recurrent
seizure disorder.

I'm waiting on an E.E.G.

They can do that
upstairs after
she's admitted.

We need to free
up some beds.

Medicine won't take her.
Why not Neurology?

They don't think
she had a seizure.

Was there, uh, witnessed
tonic-clonic activity?

Not really.
Did she bite her tongue?

Was there
urinary incontinence?

I don't think so.

Then she didn't have
a seizure.

Discharge her, and she can have
an outpatient E.E.G.

If she passes out again,
she could hurt herself.

So send in a D.M.V. card.

There's also a baby at
home who could get hurt.

Look, she had
a syncopal episode,

and I'm going to rule her out
for M.I., so while we wait

for the six hour troponin,
might as well throw on an E.E.G.

Dr. Pratt, Denise's
parents are coming
in to talk to her,

and I spoke with
her cardiologist.

He's going to
switch to sotolol,

which should help
with her skin.
Hey, Neela?

When's your, uh,

research rotation start?

15 minutes.

Good luck.

Thank you, Dr. Kovac.

Hey, let me ask you
a question.

When you do a breast exam
on an attractive woman,

it's awkward, right?

For you and the patient.

Yeah, see, I'm just as nervous
and uncomfortable as they are.

I don't know-- maybe it comes
across as something else.

What do you mean?

How do you do it
so that they don't think

that you're
enjoying yourself?

Well, it's a... it's
a medical procedure.

It's, uh, no different
than looking for
rebound or guarding.

I pretend
it's my mom.

Yeah, it's a little trick
I picked up

from my OB/GYN attending.

It works... I mean,
unless your mom's hot, too.

You're a freak.

Every workstation
has its own microfuge.

We share the ultracentrifuge.

Cold room for tissue
culture media,

bacterial plates,
DNA ligations.

Arun and Angelie are
looking at expression

of heat-shock proteins
in glial cells.

This is Neela.

Hi. Is that
an electron microscope?

Yeah. E.M.'s kind
of old school

for showing apoptosis
in neurons,

but, you know, looks
sexy on the page,

so Lundgren
still likes it.

Dr. Lundgren,

the guy whose huge
R-0-1 grant is
funding your butt.

I'm not getting paid.
It's rotational.

I'm a fourth year
med student.

I'm an eighth year,
PhD program.

Eight years? God.

Yeah, we don't get
credit around here for
wiping snotty noses.

I've actually got to discover
something new

in neuroscience
in order to get my degree.

Takes a while.

I'm supposed to be
helping with some
kind of stroke study?

Okay. Well, everyone here
is researching some aspect

of brain hypoperfusion
and tissue injury.

You're going to be
with Yuri and me.

We're looking at the
effects of ketamine

on cerebral ischemia and
tissue damage in mice.

Yuri, Neela.
Neela, Yuri.

No one said anything
about working with animals.

Is that a problem?

All the tests look good,

but we'd like to
figure out why she
had a seizure.

Yeah, I-I thought
that was something

she outgrew as a kid.

May be totally

Here we go.

What's all of that?

We're doing an E.E.G. to monitor
her electrical brain activity.

It takes several hours,
some of which is done

while sleeping.

Can I stay with her?

Sure, just try
not to wake her up.

We're more likely to pick up
the seizures when she's asleep.

Thank you.

You hear that: we
got to let your
mama sleep, okay?

Hey. You know...

when I ask you to
assist me on an exam
of a female patient,

it's so that I don't
get accused of things
I didn't do.

Ooh, don't blame me
for this.

You were right there.
I didn't do anything.

I did everything I
could to put that
patient at ease.

Guess it didn't work.

I was trying
to be friendly.

One man's friendly is
another woman's creepy.

You're a flirt, Pratt--
you can't help yourself.

I wasn't flirting.
I was breaking the ice.

It's a breast exam,
not a cocktail party.

You don't have
to break the ice.

Nice package,
by the way.


Your package. Amira and I
were noticing earlier.

Must be those pants.

Okay, I see what you're trying
to do, and you're way off, okay?

I didn't say anything
even remotely inappropriate
to that woman.

But it was going
through your head.
No, it wasn't.

You weren't thinking
about what a great
rack she had

when you were
examining her?
Hell, no,

and even if I was,
which I wasn't, so what?

She can't read
my mind.
Of course she can.

We all can-- it's
not that difficult,
believe me.

You're a guy.

Men only think
about three things:
food, sports and sex.

Dogs are more

If they ever invent
a refrigerator

with a wide screen
TV and a vag*na,
we're all doomed.

Yeah, okay.

You think I'm
kidding, but I'm not.

When you
check us out,

you might as well
be asking us to
show you our tits,

because that's
what it feels like,

and believe me, it's
not a nice feeling.

I didn't check her out.

Dr. Pratt, your patient's
seizing again.

All right,
find Kovac.

Push two of Ativan!

I knew it.
Pulse ox 97.

Up the nasal oxygen
to five liters.

What's happening
to her?!

Malik, another two of Ativan,
and mix up dilantin.

She's going
to be okay.

Just give the medicine
a chance to work.

How long
has she been seizing?

Less than a minute.
I just stepped out
for a second.

It's okay...
it's okay, Jordan.

It's okay...
you're okay...

Caught the seizure
on the E.E.G.

Is this just going
to keep happening?

She'll need to go on
the anticonvulsant
medication, but after that,

everything should be fine.
See any spikes?

Not yet.

Can she hear me?

Sure. You can talk to her,

but she's not going to be awake
for a while.

Hey, sweetie... it's me.

I'm here with Caroline.

going to be okay.

You're doing good.

Dr. Pratt?

I'll be right back.

She's going to be fine.

Looks like Neurology
can't refuse to admit her now.

That wasn't a
real seizure.

What are you
talking about?

The E.E.G. doesn't lie.

No focal spikes, no
sharp waves, and no
spike-wave complexes.

She was faking it?

She had a

Call Psychiatry.

Legh Sott wa'leS.

Ghaj a QaQ ram, Hawthorne.

( growls )

I learned a little Klingon.

That's good.

And we had to get rid of
our Klingon translator

in the most recent
round of budget cuts.

( chuckles )

You're serious.

My buddy's hospital
in Seattle

had to hire someone who
speaks Elven-- full time.

Thank you, Mr. Tolkien.

So that was an interesting
approach today.

Yeah, um... I'm sorry...

Look, I know it's cruel throwing
students into a group like that,

but it is a good indicator
of who has what skills.

I-I was kind of freaked out.

I've never seen them respond
to a student

the way they did to you.

Of course,
they've never seen

anyone show as much disregard

for hospital policy.

I think you
scared them.

You kinda scared me.

( beeping )

I'm being paged to the ER.

Yeah, we could
try hypnosis.

On who?

You. Might help
you quit smoking.

Mmm. I'll get back
to you on that.

I told her to look
for any changes

in the shape or size
of the breast

and I felt for any lumps.

I told her to watch out
for dimpling and puckering
of the skin.

This is stupid.

( sighs )

Told her to check
for discharge.

then to gently
squeeze the n...


I can't help it.

My nipples
are sensitive.


Your lawyer, Mr. Brooks,
is here.

Excuse me.

So, are we done here?

No. I want you to prepare a
lecture for the med students

on gender sensitivity
in the physical examination.

Abby's down from psych
for your patient.

Pardon me.


Do you mind?

Bored yet?

Actually, I find it
extremely interesting.

I prefer working with empirical
data over patients.

Not a people person?

Not when they're sick.

Watch it! ( groans )


You contaminated my eliza!

You shouldn't have
coffee in the lab.

I always have coffee
in the lab.

You just ruined
my sample.

Do you have to rerun it?

Don't have any serum left.

You just set us back
six weeks.

I don't know,
maybe she's faking it.

Well, she's not faking if
it's a conversion reaction.

There was nothing on the EEG.

Yeah, but that doesn't
mean her symptoms are
under voluntary control.

I mean, whatever's happening to
her is on a subconscious level,

maybe due to
some sublimated
emotional trauma.

Would you listen
to Miss Freud over here.

Okay, okay, so what
are we talking about,
postpartum depression?

Maybe. In some women,
it can turn into full-
blown psychosis.

Hey, where are you
going, Mrs. Dunn?


Mrs. Dunn, hi, I'm Abby Lockhart
from Psychiatry...

I already told him.

I don't need a shrink.

I have to go.

My husband's waiting
for me in the car.

Jordan, if you don't stay,

we can't help you.

That was my easiest
consult all day.

( chuckles )

Remember to get your
prescription filled,
Mrs. Epstein.


I got these back today.

( laughing )

Oh, my God.
Look at you guys.

Yeah, you can
keep those.

I got double prints.


Good night.


I didn't know he was coming.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Hey, how did Rena
Carlson make out?

MVA, came up
for an exlap.

Mm, she had a lot
of clot in the belly.

We had to take out
the spleen, I'm afraid.

What about the liver?

Good. Mesenteric arteries
are fine.

Kidneys, too.

She's a lucky girl.

She should be awake
by now.

I think she's in ten.


You working banker's
hours now?

Hardly. I only stepped out
of surgery once today

and that was to pee.

I'm sorry to hear that--

for you and your bladder.

Are you up
for some dinner?

Tonight? I can't.

You can't eat?

Not with you.

Oh, really?

What's wrong?

Who's that, a patient?

Um, it's difficult
to talk about.

Sounds serious.

Could be, I still have
some tests to run.

Is there anything
I can do to help?

No, no, nothing.
I think I'd better go.


Oh, what are
you doing here?

I thought
I'd surprise you.

Well, you certainly did.


Dr. Jeremy Lawson,
um, Mr. David Spencer.

Mr. Spencer.

How's it going?

It's going very
well, thank you.

Have a good evening,
Dr. Corday.

It was nice meeting you.

What's with the
James Bond routine?

He's English.

Oh, that's nice--

a little taste of home.


Dr. Weaver, I'm sorry
to bother you about this,

but if I don't get
more nursing shifts,

I'm not going to be able to pay
for my spring tuition.

Are you okay?

Kerry, why don't you take
some time off?

You need to give yourself
some time to grieve.

I don't have that luxury.

I lost my wife, and now I'm
fighting to keep my son.

I'm sorry.

I've been begging and arguing
with lawyers all day

just to get Henry
for the weekend.

They're "granting" me two days
with my son.

Well, if there's
anything I can do...

Thank you, and, uh...

don't worry about
your tuition--

it's been paid.


Yeah, the registrar said it's
been paid through graduation.

You need to sign this.

What is it?

Uh, it's a visitation agreement.

Basically, it says you'll
return Henry to the Lopezes

by Monday at noon.

Hey, baby.


Hello, baby!

There you are.

How are you, huh?

He's been a little fussy.

Maybe he's teething.

Yeah, I don't think so.
It's too early, isn't it?

You don't have any teeth,
do you?

You just miss your mommy.

That's my baby.

Not all of us think
the way my parents do.

They're pretty

I know Sandy would
be really pissed

if she knew
what was happening.

She'd be cursing
up a storm.

I know she'd want you
and Henry to be together.

I hope it works out
for the two of you,
that's all.

Thank you.

Thank you.

That's my boy.

That's my beautiful baby.


What are you doing?

Waiting for an ambulance.


I'm not taking your money.

What are you talking about?

You know
what I'm talking about,

and I'm not one
of your charities.

Oh, I was hoping to count
you as one of my friends.

Well, neither a borrower
nor a lender be.

Abby, I'm not loaning
you the money.

I'm giving it to you.

I want you to think
of it as an investment

in the future
of medicine.

You'd be better off
with tech stocks.

You know, in the time
it's taken us to have
this little conversation,

I've made your salary for the
rest of your life-- in interest.

Wow, when you
put it that way,

how about a couple extra grand
for a new car?

( motorcycle approaches )

Uh, hey, hey, you
can't park there.

This is where we bring
the ambulances.

He's with me.

And I will pay you back.

You know, you both
should be wearing helmets.

My throat hurts.

It's from being intubated.

I didn't think
you'd come.

I said I would.

I think you said
you'd call me, too.

Well, this place
keeps me pretty busy.

You don't remember
me, do you, Greg?

That's okay.

Is there anybody
you'd like me to call?

My mom lives
in Detroit.

Her last name's

Julie Henderson.

I'll write the number down
if you've got a pen.
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