10x20 - Abby Normal

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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10x20 - Abby Normal

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

Where'd she go?


How long will she be gone?

I hope just a couple weeks.

Everyone seems
to think

I'm better suited
for the lab.

God forbid
you disappoint them.

Mom, guess what?

Dad's here.

I failed my boards.

You're going to be
with Yuri and me.

We're looking at the
effects of ketamine

on cerebral ischemia
and tissue damage in mice.

What's happening
to her?!

Just give the medicine
a chance to work.

That wasn't
a real seizure.

The EEG doesn't lie.

I'm Abby Lockhart
from Psychiatry.

I don't need a shrink.

I'm fighting
to keep my son.

The judge also said

early July's looking
good for a court date.


I'm trying to
make it sooner.

Now, about the exchange
this afternoon.

I need another day.

Get me another day.

Until the court determines
a permanent arrangement,

you get two
weekends a month...

It's not enough.

...at the discretion
of the Lopezes.

I get to see my son
at their "discretion."

Does that make
any sense to you?

The worst thing you
could do would be

to violate the
judge's order

just as we're about to go

into a custody

Mrs. Lopez will pick
him up here at noon.

This isn't right.

No, it isn't.

But you'll get him
back in two weeks,

and until then, you
have to find a way

to live with it.


Daddy! Daddy!


What if Watson
had listened?

Where would we be?

No double helix,
no genome theory,

no Dolly the sheep.

The other way around,
I believe.

Watson was a skeptic.

She's right.

Just get another
ELISA cooking.

I've got one here.

Is this the right antibody?

What are you doing?

Starting over--
a new set-up

with a fresh pair
of hands.

Great, just what we need:
another med student with OCD.

Oh, don't even bother.

We've checked all the reagents

and run this assay
I don't know how many times.

17 times.

18's my lucky number.

Why are you using
a human anti-XIAP antibody

with a murine substrate?

Your protocol says
to use anti-m-XIAP,

but this eppendorf
says anti-h.

You sure this is
the right reagent?

Do you have
a boyfriend?

What's that?

Mnemonics. I'm studying
for the boards.

You haven't
taken them yet?

Well, I liked them
so much,

I figured
I'd do it again.

Always go with TB.


If TB's an
answer option,

it's usually right.

Looks like they're ready
for you in there.

Morning, dear.

Good morning.

Okay, Stanley's here.
George is here...

Hey, hey, who is he?
We met last week.

I don't remember.

I sat right there.

We don't remember you.

George was referred
by the ER.

He has a problem with...


Let's see it.

I was over-

at a young age.

Join the club.

I also have manic tendencies.

Where's Larry?

Larry Jacobsen--

sad guy,
talks about death a lot?

It ain't just talk.


He k*lled himself.

He took
a bunch of pills,

drank a bottle of gin,
slit his wrists,

and jumped
into Lake Michigan.

Larry really wanted
to be dead.

Oh. Man, I-I...

Don't worry, dear.

You're really very good at this.


Everybody loves
your sessions.

Yeah, everybody
except Larry.

No, coach is fine.

Uh... I'm traveling with a baby.

Do you have a row
with an empty middle seat?

Do I need to book that
right now?

Okay, just hold. Hold on.

( knocking )


I hope I didn't catch
you at a bad time.

I tried calling earlier,
but I got the machine.

I-I-I forgot
to check the messages.

I have Ella's baby things.

Come in.

I took out all
the girlie clothes.

Um... there are
some bibs, hats,
pants, booties.

My parents went
mad for booties

after Ella was born.

Oh, this is one of
my personal favorites.

Are you going somewhere?

I have a friend
in Seattle--

a cardiologist that I met
in med school,

and she's just dying
to meet Henry.

Oh. You need a passport
to fly to Seattle now?

Yeah, I lost my license.

( clearing throat )

Thank you
for dropping these off.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.

Uh, well, how long
will you be gone?

When will you be back?

I'm not sure.

Kerry, don't do anything
that you might regret later.

for the clothes.

Mr. Podell, what
were you doing

walking down Michigan
Avenue with a sword?

There were no buses.

Okay, I was more interested
in the sword part.

The enemy is coming.

But I will overwhelm him.

When he's thinking
of mountains...

What happened with the blood?

Ask him.

What happened with the blood?

I was practicing

for the battle royale.

On yourself?

No, my guinea pig.

His name was Cookie.

Thank you for
clearing that up.

Borderline call,

but I'd recommend
taking him upstairs.

Gee, you think?

Morris, 29-
year-old woman

with 15 minutes
tonic-clonic activity.

This isn't the first time
she's had this.

Pulse ox: 98.

Gave her two of
Ativan en route.

Any fever? Did she fall down,
hit her head?

No, nothing like that.

Another two of Ativan,

and prep a gram
of Dilantin.

Wait, hold it.
She doesn't need Ativan.

Abby, she's in status.

Did we see you
last time?

I tried to talk
to your wife, Mister...


Haleh, take them

to Trauma One.

We'll be
right there.

She's having
factitious seizures.

Come again?

She came in the
same way last week,

and the EEG
was negative.

You mean she's faking?

No, it's a
conversion disorder.

Was she

No, they took off
before we could admit her.

Can I try the
husband again?

We'll up the oxygen
and run some saline.

BP's 120 palp.

Shh. It's okay, Caroline.

No tongue biting
or incontinence.

All right, let's up
the O2 to five liters,

and run in
500cc's of saline.


Let's see if it helps.

Is this the
first seizure

she's had since
last week?

She's been having
three or four a day.

They usually stop after a while,
but not this time.

Pupils equal
and reactive.

Mr. Dunn, can
we speak outside?

Jordan? Jordan,
squeeze my hand.

It's stopping.

Is she okay now?

For now, yeah.

She needs a

Your wife's condition
is not neurological.

What she's having what
we call pseudo-seizures.

We have been
through this.

Did that look to you

like she was faking?

Last time
Jordan was here,

she had a normal head CT
and EEG.

Wait. Are you
a psychiatrist
or an ER doc?

I'm a med student,

C-could I talk to
a real, live doctor?

Of course you can.

But any doctor's
going to tell you

the same thing
I'm telling you,

which is if you want your wife
to get better,

she needs to be hospitalized,

and the only bed
she's going to get

is in the psych ward.

Abby, do you have
a minute?


Hi, Dr. Nelson,

Have you spoken
with Kerry lately?

Uh-uh. She was in this
morning, but she left
pretty quickly.

I'm concerned,
and frankly

I don't know who else
to talk to about it.

Is something wrong?

Hi, uh, could you
ask him to come
down to the ER?

Lockhart. I'm
admitting a
patient. Thanks.

She seems
extremely distressed.

Well, she's in mourning.

I know, but I'm worried

she's thinking
of running off with him.

With Henry?

( sighs )
Maybe you should call her.


I tried talking to her,

but I couldn't seem
to get through.

Well, I'm sympathetic,
but maybe we should ask someone

who's, you know,
a closer friend.


Like who?


How you doing?

Good. How's Alex?

He wants to know

if you got
that plasma screen yet.

No, not yet.

Sorry I haven't called,
but I've just been, you know,

trying to figure stuff out
with Steve.


I don't think he'll be staying
too much longer.

We're not together,
you know--

me and Steve.

He sleeps on the couch.

There's a woman in One
admitted for seizing.

Can you let me know
if her husband's looking for me?

See you later?


How's it going?

Never better.

Oh, my God!

What did you do?

Oh, not much.

Painted, redid
the paneling.

I hung up those Art
Deco light fixtures
that you liked

from Marshall Field's.

Wait till you see
the nursery.

Did you operate the screwdriver
yourself, Mr. Fix-It?

Hey, I'm a nesting

I'll go to any lengths.

So, this is our home.

I wasn't sure if you

were coming in
or not.

Neither was I.

Henry's grandmother
is coming to pick him up.

I just...

Um... well,
why don't you wait here

and I'll come and get you
when she shows up?

No, you have
your psych rotation.

Yeah, but I'm waiting
on my supervisor,

so I'm going to be
down here for a while.

I'm not sure I can do this.

Kerry, I know
this part sucks,

but he's going to
end up with you.

You're saying
I'm not really sick?

No, what we're saying
is we believe

the cause of your illness
may be psychological.

Well, I've never had
any trouble like that.

I've never even
been to a shrink.

That's what I told her.

If you continue

to have seizures,
there's a real...

I don't want to go
to the psych ward.

I'm not crazy.

No one's saying that.

But you'll be
safe up there

until we can figure
this thing out,

and then after that,

you can go wherever you
need to go to get healthy.

Look, you can go
home and risk

injuring yourself
or your baby

or you can
come upstairs.


I'll be back to take you up.

Perception of
a psychiatrist,

bedside manner
of an ER doc

and the empathetic eyes
of an overworked nurse.

Ooh, yeah,
I'm the whole package.

All I have to do is
actually pass my boards.

Are you Abby?

I'll be right up.

Are you going to get
my grandson for me?

Yes, I'll tell
Dr. Weaver

that you're here.

No, they asked me
to look for you.

I thought maybe
Kerry's trying to avoid us.

No, she's
expecting you.

Well, then,
should we follow you?

No, can you just wait
right here, please?

Why, is there
a problem?


Because we're
here on time.

She'll be
right out.

Is she here?
Where is Henry?

I asked you to wait
outside, Mrs. Lopez.

And I asked
where is she?

You're going to have to
wait at the front desk.

If the baby is not in our
custody in ten minutes,

Dr. Weaver will be in breach

of a court-
ordered agreement.

Jerry, where's Weaver?

Haven't seen her.

Why are you
telling me this?

Because if you're
doing anything

to help her avoid us,
I'll come back here

with an officer
of the court.

All right,
you shut up.

( speaking baby gibberish )


He likes to be held
up to the sky.

( baby gurgling )

( rustling )

Mm, what is that?

it's from the ER.

I was hoping
for a puppy,

but I don't see
any air holes.

It's big.

And heavy.


It's not.

It's another crib.

Hey, are we
having twins?

You saw the sonogram.

All right, I got
to get going.


I got
a board meeting.

Oh, yeah.
I told you.

Here. Let me.

Oh, my God, John.

We're having a boy.

Yeah, I think
you mentioned that.

What is this? What?

You having a little
prenatal jitters?

Well, you don't think
that maybe we...


Maybe rushed into this.

Of course we did.

But we didn't, uh,
overanalyze it.

We didn't
reexamine it.

We didn't
overthink it.

We just did it
'cause it felt right.

This is a life
that we're responsible for.

You and me.

We're ready.

Are you ready?

Hey, you want
to come with me,

see the house
one last time?

I don't think
I need that.

You'd see me ruffle
a few feathers.

I don't think
I need that, either.

You could
meet my father.

Your father?

Jordan, Nick,
this is Ken Sung.

He's the social worker
I told you about.

Another expert.

He's here to talk
to you about

how things are
going at home.

So I understand you
had a baby recently.


That can be
a hard transition.

How have the two of you
been getting along?

I've answered that
about 20 times.

We're good.

Uh, I'm self-employed
right now,

so I'm home to help with
the diapers and everything.

I think he'd nurse
her if he could.

Any financial

We hired a nanny,

but that's getting
a little too expensive.

Our neighbor Frances
gives us a hand.

Jordan, are you
concerned about

your ability to look
after Caroline?

What do you think?

As long as I'm sick,

I can't hold her.

I can't take
care of her.

So you do want to get better?

What kind of question is that?

Sometimes, patients get sick

and they feel safer
or more protected

in a hospital

No, no, no, no.
She wants to get better.

Yeah, it's all I think about.

You're just another person who
thinks I'm faking, aren't you?

That's what you all think.

That's not true.

Then how come
you can't fix it?

She can be treated
as an outpatient,

but that's
where things

get kind of
dicey for me.

If she doesn't
get better,

then I'd have to file
a report with the state.

You put her in the system

it'll make everything worse.

There's a potential
danger to the baby.

What if she has a seizure
while she's nursing,

or carrying it down
a flight of stairs?

I'm aware
of that, Ken,

but she's not a child abuser.

My job is to
protect the baby.

Is that how you'd approach it
if she had epilepsy?

And was non-compliant
with the treatment?

Sure as hell.

Okay, what if I can get
her condition under control
before she leaves?

If she stops
having seizures?

Yeah, then there's
no more danger.

And nothing for me
to worry about.


This is my father.


My pleasure.

It's so nice
to finally meet you.

Well, yes,
you, too.

Well, we'd better
get in there, John.

Hello, everyone.

This is Makemba Likasu.

She's going to be

sitting in.

I apologize; I don't
know all your names,

and introductions

would take all day, so...

First item on the agenda.

Northwestern has agreed
to take over the management

of the house and the property

for use as an Institute
of Advanced Health Studies.

You're selling Mother's house?

Donating it.

It will serve as
a conference center

for various
public health issues

and housing for
visiting scholars

and experts on
foundation fellowships.

I don't understand.

Which part?

This Foundation was expressly
created by your grandfather

to support arts and
cultural institutions.

And that's

what we've been doing
for almost 50 years.

Well, time for a change then.

You're going
to unilaterally

overturn the legacy
your grandparents left behind?

I'm not overturning

I'm simply redirecting
some resources

into other
worthy causes.

What gives you
the right?

My grandmother's will
gives me the right.

But if you
don't believe

in what I'm doing here,

maybe it's time
you stepped aside.


Millicent dies,

you run off halfway
around the world,

disappear for months,
only to come back

like some sort
of avenging angel,

with a pregnant
African girl in tow.

Her name is Kem.

Are you back
using dr*gs?

Hey, I made lunch.

Thank you, but
I have to be going.

Oh, Dad, stay a while.
Come on.

Thanks. I can't.

She left
the money to me.

She left
the house to me.

She trusted me
to make the right

decisions for the future.

I doubt she'd agree
that's what
you're doing now.

meeting you.

I look forward
to getting

the wedding

Glad I came?

Really smoothed out
those rough edges, eh?

( sighs )

The soda machine
stole my money.

Sorry, George.

What are you going
to do about it?

Hello, I'm here
to see the Dunns.

I'm their neighbor,
Frances Burkett.

Hi. They're in Jordan's room.

It's right through
here on the left.

Can you believe
a dollar for a soda?

And then no soda.

Do we have to keep having
the same conversation, George?

is all set in Two.

Young's getting his IV meds
in the treatment room.

Do you have
a hammer?

Why don't you watch TV
for a little while?

I don't want to watch TV.

In one hour
of TV...

Mr. Dunn in with Jordan?

Yeah, and their neighbor

brought the baby by
for a visit.

...I don't want
whiter whites.

I don't want minty
fresh breath.

I don't want to dial
down the middle...

How's the studying going?

Microcytic anemias.

...is that so much
to ask?

Why doesn't it
just stop?!

Dr. Nelson.

Jordan's seizing.

Please, we need
some help in here!

Oh, my God.

Oh, no, no, no.
I got you, got you.

That's it.
I'm signing her out.

This isn't working.

Calm down,
Mr. Dunn.

I want you to call
different doctors.

I want a neurologist
down here right now.

Can you just please
wait outside?

Your frustration could be
exacerbating the seizure.

Wait in the hall.

It's okay,

Jordan, it's okay.

When was her last one?

Two days ago, also while
he was visiting.

for a stressor?

Maybe he's right
over there.

Yeah, but she was fine yesterday
when he was here.

So what's the difference
between then and now?

The baby.

( knocking on window )

We need to get her talking
about her past, her childhood.

Why won't it stop?

I just want it
to stop.

I was doing some patties
and I start to space out.

Got my feet tangled up
and started to slip.

Caught myself by putting
my hands on the grill.

This was at home?

No, I work nights
at a burger joint.

Dr. Pratt's on the way.

Does he need an IV?

No, just 50 of Benadryl PO,
six of IM morphine

and Thermazine dressings.

If you patch me up,
I can finish my shift.

I don't think
that's going to happen.

I need that job.

All right, what
have we got?

Elgin Gibbs, 17,
burnt his hands on a grill.

Elgin, what's
poppin', man?
'Sup, Doc?

No bullae
or charred areas.


That good?
You're golden.

Dr. Pratt.


If your BP were your IQ,
you'd be a genius.

Too high?

His pulse is normal,
so it can't be from the pain.

You're too young to have
high blood pressure, E,

so what's the deal?

I don't know.

You using something?

Meth? Coke? Ephedra?

No way.

Look, there's no cops here.

I'm just trying
to get you fixed up.

I don't do that stuff.

Okay, be right back.

Add a tox screen.

I bet you 20 bucks
it comes back positive.

I'm sorry. I've got
to run over to the lab.

I shouldn't be more
than 20 minutes or so.

I have some mouse brain slices
defatting in ethanol

that have to be removed
in exactly three hours

for cresyl violet staining.

We've got a sick kid here.

Those mice are already dead.

The experiment
is time-sensitive.

Hey, are you an ER doc or not?

Last time I checked, but
you're not the first one to ask.

Oh, sorry.

You off?

You on?

I've been meaning
to call you.

Yeah, me, too.

I'll try you tomorrow.


You should deal with your slides
and go home, Neela.

I'm working in the ER.

Then get back
down there fast.

Yuri, say something.

Three minutes,
total silence.

Maybe I need
to up the dose.

Talk to me, man.

You're always
so nonverbal.

Colin, is he okay?

He's more than okay.

Where did you get
that monitor?

Dog lab.

Dude, she should leave.

It's okay, man.
It's all good.

It is not all good.

What's going on?

It's a supplemental study
we're working on.

Ketamine has a lot
of potential applications.

Like for getting high.

I've heard that.

No, no. We're

astronauts of the mind.

We're explorers.

disrupts downstream

GABA-ergic connections.

Gives us access to places we
don't normally have access to.

And it leads to severe
hallucinations and dysphoria.

We always
control the dose.

One of us stays sober
to record vitals,

observational data,
subjective experiences.

The unconscious is
the final frontier.

So it gets under
the external inhibitors?

Yep, that's right.
No more ego overlay.

The real you.

The real me?

Can I trust you?

Of course you can.

I'm scared.

What if I don't get better?

If I can never
hold my baby again?

I know this is difficult,

but you just have
to try very hard.

You have to...

I told you,
I am trying.

You keep pushing.

I don't know what
you want from me.


Okay, at some level,
we're all the same.

We all have things we hide,
things we keep buried.

Like what? What do
you keep buried?

This is not about me.

You want me to tell you
things, to trust you,

but you don't have
to say anything?

Is that fair?

Don't you trust me?


I can't follow through.

On what?

On anything.

Once something gets in my way,

it's like
a-a chemical reaction--

I just shut down
and I give up.

I'm just looking
for an excuse to stop

because in the end
it's easier to do that

than to risk being hurt
or disappointed again.

You mean with men?

Men, my career, my family.

Pick your poison.

So that's me.

Well, your family must be proud
that you're becoming a doctor.



Well, that's enough for today.

You don't have to go.

I know. Well,
we can talk some more tomorrow.


I had a baby eight years ago.

His name was Charlie.

You have another child?

I did.
Before I met Nick.

Uh... when Charlie
was two months old,

he stopped breathing.

I'm sorry.

The paramedics came
and worked on him,

and the ER doctors,
but they couldn't do anything.

He died the same night.

What caused it?

They said it was SIDS.

Why didn't you
mention this before?

I don't know.

Don't you see
the relevance?


That was just a terrible thing
that happened a long time ago.

I love you, Neela.

Yes, I know.

You rock.

Yes, I do.

You're curious,
aren't you? I can tell.

I prefer to leave the real me

buried under my inhibitors
for the time being.

You're the coolest med student
we've had up here all year.

( monitor alarm beeping )

Oh. Tachycardia.

Mild side effect.

It'll resolve soon.

( alarm beeping )

He should've normalized by now.

Do you feel all right?

Um, heart's pumping a bit,

but I'm okay.

P waves.
Do you see any P waves?

P waves?

Narrow complex. Lie down.

Huh? What?

Get on the floor.

Hey, babe, don't skip
all the foreplay now.

He's fine.

He's in SVT.

Supraventricular tachycardia,

Do you have chest
pain, dizziness?


Any medical conditions?

But it's no biggie.

It's just a short circuit
in my heart.

You idiot!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You're making a big
deal out of nothing.

His BP's 95/60,

no response
to carotid sinus massage.

Okay, we're going to the ER.

Bear down.

You told me you were
gonna be 20 minutes.
I was.

That was almost
an hour ago.
I know.

Take the GI
bleeder in Two.

We're jammed up and
I need to push charts.

I'm sorry. We need
the monitored bed.

Who's that? What's with
the IV and the monitor?

It's not working.
I can still feel it.

Hello. Somebody better
tell me what's going on.

He's in SVT. Won't break
with vagal maneuvers.

We need a bed.
I thought

we were going
to keep this quiet.

Who is he? Who are you?

It started up in the lab.

History of WPW.

Up in the lab?

Yeah, uh, we have
special projects

on the side.

You boys in
the Mouse House

doing experiments
on human subjects now?

( alarm beeps )
It's really starting
to hurt now.

90/55. Adenosine?

What's that do?

Blocks the A-V node.

It can lead to v-fib
if there's anterograde

through the bypass tract.

Six of adenosine going in.

Jam in the flush.

( yells )

Still SVT.

Go again. Double the dose.
I got the paddles.

You're gonna shock him?

Hopefully not.
Charge to 50 sync.

12 migs.

( yells )

Mother of God!

( flatline alarm beeps )

Did his heart stop?

Just a glitch in his
conduction system.

( monitor beeping )

Normal sinus.

Feel better?

Yeah. I think.

Tox screen back
on Elgin Gibbs.

Burnt hand kid in Two.

Okay, thanks.

Get him registered
and start a chart.

Exam Four is open.

He doesn't need
a chart or anything.

We'll just get
out of your way.

Hey, man, you could
revert back into
SVT at any time.

Neela, you didn't say
anything about registering.

Let me guess--

whatever you geeks were doing
up there was strictly illegal.

No, it's-it's...

legitimate science. Word.

Did you just say "Word" to me?

Uh, well, uh, it wasn't
exactly authorized.

So we're saving lives,

and you're up there
playing Jekyll and Hyde?

You wanna tell me
what it was?

We just... we don't
want to get kicked out.

Forget it.

Just hang down here
for 20 minutes.

Then you can get back

to wiring electrodes
to your nuts for all I care.

Thanks, man.

Sorry about all this.

Hey, what's up, E?

'Sup, Doc?

How you doing, man?

About the same.

Well, we got
some good news.

Your tox screen
came back negative.

I told you it would.

Yeah, you did.

I'm gonna give you
something for the pain.

Just take one if
you can't sleep.

Otherwise, stick
to the Tylenol

and leave that
dressing alone

until you come back
for a wound check.

Dr. Pratt, do you
have a minute?

Maybe in a minute, I might.

Hello again.



Why don't you
recheck his BP?

So you think I can
go back to work tonight?

No, not for a few days.

Is somebody coming
to pick you up?

Probably my mom,
but most likely

she'll bring along the kids.

Oh, you got brothers
and sisters?

Four of 'em. I'm the oldest.

My mother works the graveyard

so she can be
with the little ones in the day.

And I work nights
to do what I can.

What about your pops?

Never met him.

So your siblings,
their father...?

You know how it is--
two different fathers.

Either one of them help out?

C.C. used to, but he went away,
and I never met the other guy.

BP's still high: 162/94.

Well, at least
you're consistent, E.

I don't know. Maybe it's
just whitecoat fever.

What's that?

Fear of doctors.

I even get it myself
from time to time.

We'll recheck it
when you come back.

All right, Doc.


Have you ever seen hypertension
in a kid that age?

What do you care?

You got mice
to impregnate.

Have I done
something wrong?

You tell me-- Gallant's
in a w*r zone,

and you're off
playing Madame Curie.

I never asked Michael
to cover for me,

and I feel terrible
about what happened.

Oh, yeah? I think
he feels worse.

Look, I don't think
it's right

for you to hold me

Look, my friend took
a hit, and he's gone,

but you're here
running around

doing everything
under the sun
except ER medicine.

Now, if that's
how it's going
to be, then fine,

but hurry up and decide.

You're taking up space.

Pudding and tea. Yum.

I don't like that tapioca
they give us.

Well, I'll put
a special request in.

From now on,
nothing but chocolate.

I'd like to talk
some more about Charlie.

Come on, Abby.
I told you what happened.

But you didn't tell me
how you felt,

how you reacted
to losing him?

How would you react?

I think I would need
to talk to somebody.

Did you get
any counseling?

I didn't need someone
to tell me how to cry.

If you can't
talk about this,

you won't get past it.

I'm already past it.

Well, the mind
is very complicated,

and I think
yours is playing
a trick on you.

What, that I'm sick
because of something

that happened
eight years ago?

I think there's a lot more
going on in there

than you realize.

And there is a medication

I can give you
that can help
us learn more

about what you're
feeling and thinking.

You mean bourbon?

It's called Amytal.

It's given

It makes you kind
of sleepy, but it
opens you up.

And once you reach
that drowsy state,

I would ask you
some questions,

and we'll see if we
can learn something

we don't already know.

Would you be
willing to do that?

How long has he
been in there?

About half an hour.

Do you have
an extra p-20?

Yuri's this close to his PhD,
you know?

He's first author
on a paper

coming out in Stroke
next month.

Maybe he'll just
get reprimanded.


Maybe this'll teach you guys
to cut that crap out.

Shut up, man.
It's a laboratory,
not a playground.

He's an idiot.
He doesn't get it.

The NMDA receptor
is the key

to understanding
the neuro-psychiatric filters

that separate us
from our unconscious.

I didn't say
anything, you know.

It's cutting edge stuff.
I don't think anyone

downstairs did either.

I like you guys.
I really do.

I like working up here.

It's weird, but in
some ways, I'm much
more comfortable here.

Social work is talking
about placing restrictions

on her access to the baby,

and her insurance coverage
runs out in three days.

Sorry, can't do it.

Look, conventional
therapy with Jordan

could take months
to break through.

Sodium amobarbitol
is just a way to jump-
start the process,

try to get to the core issue
of her conversion reaction.

I'm glad to see you're
so thoroughly prepared
for the boards,

but this is not the
standard of care.
I know it's not a cure.

It's like getting
a girl into bed when
she's plastered.

Not a good thing in the morning.
That's an interesting analogy,

Maybe we could talk
about that another time.

There are plenty of mothers
of SIDS babies

who don't have
a conversion disorder.

so there's got to
be more going on here
that she can't access,

certainly not in
the next three days,

which is why we
should use the drug.
It's hocus-pocus.

Abby, even if it does work,
it could destroy

the therapeutic bond
you've established.

She wants to do it.

Did you tell her it's not safe,

that there are serious risks
if the dose is not titrated

She knows,
and we'll have

an anesthesiologist

No. I'm not signing off.

You have to find
another way.

I kind of already did.

Dr. Henriksen approved.

Henriksen? What is he,
80 years old?

He'd sign off on a lobotomy
if you asked him to.

He was also in the Army,
where he saw Amytal
used successfully

a number of times
Good enough in 1958,

good enough now?
in cases of combat
stress reaction.

Is it better to let
them take her kid away?

Another 25 q
five to ten minutes.

How you feeling, Jordan?

Like I'm floating.

What do you want
to talk about?

How'd you meet Nick?

( laughs )

I couldn't find a
token for the el,

and he offered me one
if I gave him my number.

So, as this gets going,

she may say things
which will surprise you

or upset you.

I-It won't hurt
her, will it?

We won't let that happen.

Two years.

He's a great guy.
He is.

How 'bout you?
Ever been married?

I'm divorced.



And what about you?
You just have the one, right?

Yeah, Caroline.

Charlie's gone.

That must've been hard.

( whimpers )

The doctors,
the paramedics...

they kept saying
it wasn't my fault.

It wasn't my fault.

Jordan, can you tell me

about the moment
you realized

there was something wrong
with Charlie?


Is she breathing?

Jordan, you all right?

Do we have to stop?

It's okay.

I was holding him.

Tell me what happened.

Jake worked all night
at the bar...

and we had a fight that morning.

And he said that I couldn't do
anything right...

I was a lousy lay...

I couldn't cook...

I couldn't keep
the baby quiet...

Did Jake hurt you?

He hit me.

He hit me a lot.

What about that morning?

He was asleep in the bedroom.

Then the baby started crying,

and I was scared what Jake
would do if he woke up.


were you trying
to keep the baby quiet?

He kept crying.

I bounced him.

I held him,
I gave him my breast,

but he kept crying.

And then Jake...

Jake started yelling...

and throwing things,

and he said he was going
to come out and k*ll us both.

So I held
Charlie tight.

He was wrapped
in a blanket,

and I held him tight
for a long time.

I just kept saying,

"Shh, peewee, shh...
you got to be quiet now..."

( whimpers )

...until he
fell asleep.

I thought he was asleep.
I thought he was just sleeping.

It's okay, Jordan.
You were afraid.

But I held him...

I held him too tight.

And you're afraid
you're going to do that again?

( phone rings )

Hey, we're not in right now,

but leave a message for Kerry,
Sandy or Henry after the beep.

( beeps )

Kerry, it's Elizabeth.

Uh, you haven't been in to work,

and I wanted to run
the monthly morbidity stats.


Kerry, how are you?

Look, I-I know
how dreadful it is

when-when someone you love...
isn't there...

so if there's anything I can do,

anything at all...

please, please call me.

Okay. Bye.

I hope this is going
to work out, Abby.

I think it will.
What do you mean?

The seizures are going
to stop; trust me.

That's not what I meant.

She's responsible
for the death of a child.

I can't just ignore it.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.

You-you-you said...

I said that if she posed
no further potential harm,

there'd be nothing to file,

but I can't in good conscience
say that right now.

She was a battered
woman, Ken.

It's not going
to happen again.

She's a good mother.

I'll monitor the family.

I'll keep CPS apprised,

and we'll see how it goes
from there.

How's the husband?

It's a shock to him,
but I think he's relieved.

What you did...
was good medicine.

Might've been better
if I just left it alone.

It was a tough
situation, but you
got to the truth.

That's always good.

Well, too bad the truth
is so messed up.

You know, the
cafeteria's still open
if you're hungry.

I could, uh, drill you

on developmental
milestones, that
kind of stuff.

The boards are
laced with it.

Too late.

Too late? Why?

Got to go.

Lockhart, Abby.

identification number.

Keep it with you
at all times during
the examination.

You must enter your CID
in order to begin.

Once you start a test block,
you may not take a break

until the block
is completed.
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