11x02 - Damaged

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x02 - Damaged

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on E.R...

I don't know what else to do.

Go to your car
and follow me back to Chicago.

Welcome to County,
Dr. Lockhart.

Eight years of school, you're
so close to the finish line.

What are you gonna do,
just throw away your future?

I'm not sure if it's
the future I want.

You don't work here

When are you coming back?

I'm not sure.

I've got to rest...

get back into work.



( Kem screams )


( Kem screaming )

( soft clattering )

( sighs )

Can't sleep?

You'll get cold
like that.

He'll come back.

We won't have any idea when.

We'll be sleeping in
one morning,

or on our way home
from a movie,

and he'll just show up.

Well, we'll deal
with that.

I don't know why you'd want to.

I can think of a reason.

This place is too small.

Maybe you should both
come live with me.


My apartment has two floors.

Alex can sleep downstairs.


if we all move in together,
it's gonna be

because it's something
we all want,

not because you think
we need to be protected.

I need to take
a shower.


Scrambled or fried?



( phone ringing )

( clears throat ):

( woman speaks Punjabi )
What? Hello?

This is Neela's mother.

We are on our way in
from the airport.

Hold on a second.

( gasps )

It's for you.

Hello, Neela?

You didn't tell your parents?

I was waiting
for the right time.

My wedding day.

Hey, you know, you could
just put those... anywhere.

They phoned Michigan.

The department head
told them I wasn't there.

Those are still dirty.

I'm totally screwed.

What are you doing?

I'm getting out
of your way.

No, please don't leave me.

Oh, Neela, they're
just your parents.

You think you've seen trauma
at work?

You don't know the Rasgotras.

I know this may not be
the best time to ask,

but how long do you think
you'll be needing my couch?

( knocking )

( quietly ):
Damn it.

Mom, Dad.

You remember Abby.

You look like hell.

Yeah, The Searchers was on
channel nine last night.

It's tough to sleep
in the middle of
a John Ford movie.

Talked to Jing Mei?
Yeah, she's in a cast.

She's gonna start seeing
a physical therapist.

Pratt keeps calling.

Wants Weaver to put him
back on the schedule.

The guy doesn't even have
his stitches out yet.

Kyle Skinner, 23 years old,
was found altered by his mom.

He's had some
skin grafts.

His headache's
getting worse.

Looks like dehiscence
with cellulitis.

What happened to him?

Iraq. He was
a hemmit driver

in the Sunni triangle
near Fallouja.

Any meds? Allergies?
Just Vicodin
when he hurts.

Lungs are clear.

What's the differential
for altered mental status

with fever and headache?

Well, this guy's a setup
for all kinds of stuff,

but I'd have to go with
meningitis all the way.

( groans softly )

Uh, Dr. Carter?

Take me home, Ma.

All right, CBC, uh...

blood and wound cultures,
LP, ceftriaxone, and a head CT.

Easy, man, we're gonna
fix you right up, okay?

( coughing ):
No, you won't.

Dislocated shoulder
in three, Harold.


Ha! There is a god.

It took me five minutes just
to track down a strep culture.

What are you waiting for on
this ankle sprain in two?

Needs an ace wrap
and a crutch lesson.

I'll do it as soon as I swab
my football player's throat.

Abby, how many patients
do you have on the board?

12. You can't be an
efficient resident

if you get hung up
doing jobs other
people can do.

Yes, well, sometimes
it's easier...

Your job is to move patients,
not wrap bad ankles

or go on treasure hunts
for strep cultures.

You need to learn to delegate
to nurses and med students.

Go see the migraine in one.

Abby... your med student
ordered a bolus

on the dehydrated kid.
My med student?

Penny Nicholson.

Dr. Weaver told me
I'd be shadowing you today.

I need you
to cosign the order.

Weird. Last week someone
was cosigning for me.

Nice to be the boss, huh?

Sam, can you prep and drape
my forehead lac in two?

Yeah, I'm on my way.
And can you do
a throat swab

for the guy in sutures?


Something the matter?
I'm getting slammed here.

In the time it took you
to wait and ask me to do it,

you could have
swabbed him yourself.

Oh, but you can do a setup
for Dr. Tiger Beat over there?

That's my patient.
It's okay, Sam,
I'll do it.

Thanks, Haleh.
No problem.

Listen, Haleh, I, uh,
I think you might have been off

a decimal point
on my pylo patient's dopamine.

Excuse me?

I just noticed it was running
at three cc's instead of 30.

I caught it early,
but next time,

maybe you could double-check.

You need to double-check
the concentration

before you start messing
with the I.V. pump.

I mixed it ten to one.

Don't we always mix it
one to one?

No, you always mix
it one to one.

I always mix it
ten to one.
I didn't realize...

If you concentrate the drip,
the bag will last longer.

I'll go turn
down her rate,

make sure her B.P.
doesn't hit the roof.

Um... you know, nurses
really are the backbone
of a place like this.

It's good to get
on their good side.

Thanks. I'll keep
that in mind.

So, when are you going
to tell us what's going on?

Ajay, relax.

I don't know if I want
to be a doctor.


I'm not sure
I'm good at it.

Of course you're
good at it.

You're good
at everything.

Some people
send their children
to medical school,

they get a Nobel Prize
on the mantle.

Ajay, please!
Why does she want
to punish us?

I'm not trying
to punish you.

I'm just trying
to figure some things out.

What's there to figure out?

Like what I want to do,

how I want my life to be.

Neela, you're not
a child anymore!

Then stop treating
me like one.

And what about
your brothers and sisters?

Don't you think they want
to go to university, too?

We don't make enough
at the restaurant
to pay for all that.

And, Neela,
you promised to help out

once you began
your residency.

I'll help soon enough.

You'll just have
to wait a little.

Is that what you're going
to tell them?

That their futures
have to wait

because their sister is not sure
what she wants her life to be?!

I'll have a job soon,
and I'll send some money.

What job? Where?

Here at the hospital, I hope.

That's possible?

I've talked to my supervisor,

she's trying to arrange it.

Starting when?

I'm supposed to discuss it
with her today!

If the third neb
doesn't break her,

it's time to
call her up.
Call her up?

To medicine,
to be admitted.

Call the resident.
Should I write this down?

What year did
you say you were?

Labs are back on
your Crohn's guy,
Dr. Lockhart.

Something wrong?
Yeah, I heard
what you did.

Um, excuse me?

Changed the bedpan
in two and dug out
the earwax in one.

Et tu Chuny?

Acetaminophen level
on pharmacy girl.

Okay, what, so now
I'm the bane of all nurses?

Anything else?
Yeah, you can stop
the mucomyst.

Yes, Doctor.


Anterior glenohumeral

I was hoping you
could take a look.
Did you try to reduce it?

The girl won't let
me tape the weight

to her hand--
she's crying a lot.

Hi. I'm Dr. Lockhart.

Are you the mom?
I'm her aunt.

She cannot move it.

I tried to fix
at home but...

Okay. What's her name?


Marta, I'm gonna show you
a trick with a sheet,

and it's gonna make your arm
feel much better, okay?

She doesn't speak
much English.

Um... okay.

Quiero ayudarte.


Three of versed and 50 of fent.

You sure you want
to use both?

Yes, I am.
Can you hook up some blow-by.

I'll get it.

You don't think the
versed will be enough?

No, I think
it'll be too painful.

Marta, es sola una...

uh... uh...

sheet, okay?

No dolor nada.
Here you go.

Versed's in.

Penny, come here.

Um, I'm not
really familiar

with this
It's okay.

All right, go ahead
with the fent.

O2's not ready.

50 of fent sounds like a lot
on top of the versed.

That's what
I was saying.

Listen, team, we're shoving
a bone back into its socket.

If it were you,

you'd want all the pain meds
in the hospital.

It could suppress her
respiratory drive.

I'm aware of that, Howard.

That's why I asked for oxygen.

Okay... on the count of three,

I want you to lean back

as hard as you can.

All right, this
is gonna go fast.

Muy rapido.

Okay, one,

two... three.

( crying gasp )


We can go now?

Um... there's a cut here, too.

We should clean that out.

Ceftriaxone's in.

CT shows a sinus

that's spread
to his brain.

We can isolate it
with a tap down here,

but he's going to have to go
up to the O.R. for drainage.

Hold still, Kyle,
little pinch.

When was he wounded?

In February.

Okay, one more minute.

I've been with him
the whole way.

Finally got him home
on Tuesday, and now this.

( clears throat )

Yeah, fluid's cloudy.

That means
an infection, right?

Almost done.
You okay, Kyle?


Okay, we are done.

You want me to run those
to the lab?

Yeah, but I want you
to stay with them

while they do the gram stain.

They like to lose things
up there.

Okay, you can
sit up now.

Why don't you try
and get some sleep,

and I will be back
in a little bit.

Can't sleep.

Well, I will see
what I can do

about moving you
into a quiet room.

Doesn't matter.

Try and get
some rest, huh?

In my dreams,

I'm still the guy
I used to be...

but I always wake up.

Did you get a history?

No hablo,

and they didn't have
any paperwork, so...

And no address
and no phone number.


She better now. We go.

Get a guard
over here, okay?


Feels good. Gracias.

Okay, but, uh, I'm
going to give you
a complete exam.

What for?




See there?

¿Que pasó?

The-the girls play
crazy sometimes.


Los pantalones, can
you take them off?

Why you look at her legs?

Because everybody
gets a full exam.

We don't have time.
Marta, vamonos.

Well, you can't leave.
Ma'am, you can't leave.

Ma'am, you don't want
to do that. Stop them!

Calm down, ma'am.

What are you doing!
Calm down!

Calm down!

Get away from me.
No me toques!

Take her
to the conference room.

No me toques!
I'll get the girl.

Marta! Marta!

Wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait. Okay.

No quiero que me toques!
Slut. Puta.

Okay, listen,

Uh, tranquila,
tranquila, okay?

I'm not going
to hurt you.

I'm not going to hurt you.

( sobs )



I wasn't aware there was
a dress code here.

I just don't want you
to create

any discomfort
for the patients.

The patients or
the other doctors?

It's the jewelry,
isn't it?


Hmm, the fingernails?
Tattoo? The hair?

It's the whole package.

Okay, well, I'll
talk to my band mates

and see if I can't
pull it back a little.

Band mates?

It appears we've hired

the love child
of Ozzy Osbourne.

So, did Kem get back okay?


Have you heard
from her yet?

Yep, she sent
me an e-mail.

Dr. Weaver?

She and I are just
sort of taking a
little time to...

How's Henry?

He's pretty great, thanks.

So, your folks are
back in Chicago?

That's great,
but where are they?

They're across the street.

Is Dr. Weaver in?

Yes, she is.

She's just
down the hall there.

Hi, Dr. Carter.
How is everything?

Um... nice to see
you, Neela.

Wait, what's
she doing here?

I'm not really sure.

I am not an animal!

Whose patient is that?

I did the H and P,
was waiting on a doctor.

I am not a victim!
Okay, ma'am?

You need to settle down!
( shouts )

I am the solution...
Hard restraints.

to the problem...

( screams )

I am not the problem!

Actually, right now,
you are.

He forgot to
write it down.

He's lying. He wouldn't
even let me take it.

You're a liar!

You're a liar!

You are!

Dr. Weaver, do
you have a minute?

Malik, try to take his
temperature again, okay?

I've decided not to do my
internship at Ann Arbor.

I know. Your department
head called me.

He wanted to know
if we detected

any psychiatric problems
during your rotation.

What did you tell him?

I lied.

I didn't want to be there.

I'm not even sure I
want to be a doctor.

So... what can I do for you?

Give me a position.

A job-- any kind of
job-- just until I
get myself refocused.

But you don't want
to be a doctor?

No, what I meant...

I have no idea what I meant.

I just... I
need some work.

Uh... I'm sorry.
I can't-can't really help you.

Look, I'll take

I-I can stock supplies
or be a candy striper...

Neela, can I give
you some advice?

Go back to Michigan,
before it's too late.

¿Esta bien?
Does that hurt?

Donde esta Mamacita?

Quiero Mamacita.


your aunt has to
answer some questions.

Why do you call
her "mamacita"?

Is she your mother?

You said she was
your aunt, right?

No es.


No es mi tia.

She... she keeps us.

She keeps who?
You and your sisters?

Not sisters.

Only girls.

Is Mamacita the one
that's been hurting you?

You can tell me.

No mas. Secreto.


It's okay. You're safe here.

Who's hurting you?

Marta, who hurts you?

Los hombres.

Military medical record
on Kyle Skinner.

His mom had someone
drop them off.

Okay, thanks.

Coffee break?

Nah, I put vodka in
here on special days.

( sighs )

I wasn't trying to be
a hero this morning.

I asked you to move
in, because I...

I love you.

I'm in love with you, and I..

I thought, I don't know,
maybe... you feel the same.

( sighs ):
Did you just say that?

I've spent too much
time wasting time.

So, whenever you're ready,
just let me know.

You guys doctors?

My buddy needs
some help.

Herm Bullard.

I'm a marine biologist
over at the aquarium.

Hey, over here!
There's been
a small incident

during a t*nk cleaning.
What the hell
is that?


a nurse shark.

Damn fish just latched onto me.

We need to get
them disconnected.
Gee, you think?

But it's important that neither
Mr. Fahey nor the shark

be damaged
in any way.

I'll get a gurney.

Uh, wheelchair, too.

Keep pouring water
on him, Mort.

He's suffocating.

Chuny, I have a
patient in Sutures.

I need you to help
me get a history.

Last time I checked,
an H and P was a doctor's job.

Yeah, she's in trouble, and
my Spanish is not very good.

The one who came in
with her aunt?
It's not her aunt.

Chuny, can you change
the pressure dressing

on my pumper in one?
Security has her in
custody right now.

I'll be over there
in a minute.
Thank you.

He'll only live
for 30 minutes

or so like this.

Not you, Mort, the shark.

You're just making it worse.

Need three grams
of Unasyn I.V.

Can you feel this?

Clem, go get
the t*nk from
the truck.


Fish got a mouthful
of subq fat.

Can you feel this?

Hey, watch it!

( moaning )

( screaming )

Okay, you don't have
a job here,

so we are taking you
to Michigan.

No, Dad.

It's a good hospital.

Dermatology is
a lucrative field.

It's not what I want.

What do you want?
To be like this man here?


I don't know, that's what
I'm trying to tell you.

I have heard enough.

Ajay, will you
go get us a cab?

Excuse me?

We are getting your things,

we'll rent a car
and then we'll go.

And that's final!

He doesn't get it, Mum.

You think he doesn't get it?

We get it.

You're the one
that doesn't get it.

Oh, don't you start in
on me now.

Neela, when I
married your father,

I was younger than you are.

Sure, I loved him, but
do you think I didn't have
grander ideas for my life

than running
a curry house
in Southall?

Well, then let me find
my own path.

Passing up the opportunity
that you have been given

is not the way to do it.

I've worked hard for it.

So have we all.

All those years
at the restaurant,

saving, planning
for your future.

I just need some time.

Sorry, love. Time's up.

I've always done everything
you've asked, everything.

Even the damn viola.

When I was a girl,
I had to learn

to play the sheet music
and play it perfectly.

I was never allowed to play
what I wanted.

You wanted to
play rock music!

Or to improvise
or be creative...

You can't improvise
the viola.

You can try.

So, you want to
be a musician now?

No, Mum...

I want to improvise.

En mi país, un hombre estaba
en la parada del autobus.

Me golpeó y me llevó.

A man abducted her
from a bus stop in Mexico.

When did this happen?

Tenia doce años.

You were 12?

How old are you now?

No... no sé.

So, what happened
after the man took you?

Me trajeron aquí,

y me dejaron en un cuarto
con otras chicas.

They make me dañada.

"Damage girl."

What is "damage girl"?

Quando los hombres te pegan,
o hacen lo que quieren contigo.

The men, they hit her,
or do what they want.

Anything they want.

When was the last time
you spoke to your family?

Hace mucho tiempo,

los llame una vez

que con moneda
que me dio un aomre.

Once, a long time ago,

she snuck off and
called her parents.

Les dije,
no se cuando voy a volver.

She told them she didn't
know when she'd be home.

No lloren.

She told them not to cry.

Okay, Marta,
we're going to help you now.

All right?

Vamos a... ayudarte?


My name's not Marta.

My real name is... Tesoro.

We're going, Ajay.


Neela's staying here.

I love you, Mum.

Get in the car, Ajay.

I hope you know that we
can't help you anymore.

I'll find a job.

I'll send something
for Rajiv when I can.

When you were little,
you used to tell me

that you always dreamed
of being a bird

so that you could
fly far, far away.

Well, you've finally
done it, haven't you?

I called the factory

where Tesoro said
her parents worked.

Did you talk
to somebody?

Through the translator.

A secretary gave us
this number.

Okay, great. Get Chuny
for me, will you?

She's a real piece of work.

Asking for asylum,

saying she's as much
a victim of the Lenones

as the girls are.
The Lenones?

Organizations of
traffickers and pimps

that bring these girls in
and set them up in houses.

You've seen this

A bit.

She'll be placed into custody
and we'll search the apartment.

What about the girl?

All the girls will be put
into foster care.

Children's Services and
the INS will get into it.

She needs to go home
to her parents.


Hey, where are
your folks?


You crying?


Look, I'm sorry.

I'm off at 8:00,
we can talk then.

I'll wait around.

You're gonna wait
around for three hours?

I got nothing better to do.


Hey, you don't speak
Spanish, do you?

Punjabi, French,
bit of Farsi,

smattering of German,

All right, all right,
all right.


How's your shoulder?

What happens now?

Maybe you can go home
to Mexico.


They don't love me.

They don't want me.

Of course they do.

No more.

Want to call them?

I have a phone number
where I think they'll be.

Maybe we should try.

Too long now.

I've gone too long.

Let's try it.

It's ringing.


¿Usted es Senora Delgado?

¿Tiene hija, Tesoro?

Ella esta aqui.



Te extrano tambien, Mama.

Te amo, Mami.

Did you get any sleep?

What do you think?

So, your mom says that
you don't want the surgery.

It's relatively minor.

They're just going to
touch up your cheek implant.

A drop in
the ocean, right?



You a Democrat?

Yeah, most of the time.

People rag on this w*r.

I say it was a good thing.

Gave a lot of people
their freedom.

It's good that
you feel that way.

Where the hell would I be
if I didn't?

I hear you got engaged.

I was.

Her name's Karen.

What happened?

She tried to come
see me at Bethesda.

I wouldn't let her.

You think she would've
given up on you that easy?

Karen's a good girl,
she's the best.

But sometimes things happen

that even the best people
can't get past.

Maybe in a few years,

I won't think
about her anymore.

What kind of
shark was it?

A nurse shark.

We got a few of those
working here.

Says here they "adapt
well to captivity."

Sounds like a nurse to me.

Not all of us.

"They tend to move slowly

within a relatively
small range during the day."

Watch it.

Nobody has any work
to do today, huh?

Need me to take
a look at that?


It's nothing.

Why don't you
take off early?

We have things
under control here.

I got some
follow-ups to do,

and my vet guy in
curtain two...

I'll take care of it.

Okay. Thank you.

19-year-old male att*cked
in Grant Park,

multiple contusions,
complains of belly pain.

Hi, I'm Dr. Lockhart,
can you tell me your name?

Good airway, sats 98.
Pulse 133, B.P. 104/58.

They hit us...

Who hit you, honey?

They hit us with a tire jack.

Initial GCS 15, but
mental status is waning.

Help my boyfriend.
Help Zack first.

Wait here,
I'll check the other one.

20-year-old, blunt trauma
to the head and torso.

Agonal on the scene,
L.M.A. placed,

sats 78/100 percent.

Pulse thready and irregular,

Flail chest.

Oh, God, are they
going to be okay?

Give us room to work.

Pupils are fixed and dilated.

We were sitting
in the grove,

a bunch of us.

I'd never
been there before.

Belly's tense.

These four guys, they
came out of nowhere.

They just started
beating them.

It's because they were kissing.

I'll take this in T-2,

you and Haleh with
the other guy in trauma one.

This guy's less critical,
shouldn't I stay...

Just go.

Curved kelly.

Sats are 72,
heart rate's dropping.

Sure the ET's
in good position?

I put it through
the cords.

36 French.

What do you hear?

Uh, distant breath sounds.



Okay, I'll tighten up
the clamp.

All right, hook him up,
get the cell saver.

Hemocue's 5.2
after two units of O-neg.

Okay, hang another two
on the rapid infuser.

Start another P.I.V.

He's too clamped down.

Well, set me up
for a subclavian,

I'll do it
right after this.

Ten blade.
Sats down to 68.

It's getting harder to bag.

Bradycardia's 47.

Mig of atropine, amp of epi.

Uh, there's blood
in the ET tube.

Well, suction it.

Call for platelets
and FFP.

( air sucking )

I'm in.

Any blankets in here?

Check in the warmer.

You guys okay?

( alarm )
Lost the pulse.

Starting compressions.

Sam, get Kovac in here.

Sats are down to 82.

I got a good look at those guys.

I can tell the police.

The grove always seemed safe.

Tom, we're going to put
a tube in your airway
to help you breathe.

20 of etomidate,
100 of sux.

Abby's asking for you.

This guy needs to be
tubed right now.

Where's Howard?
See if he can help.

He's stuck in CT
with a kid in status.

Meds are ready.

Okay. We're going to
send you to the O.R.

so surgeons can
stop the bleeding, okay?

Zack... how is he?

His belly's
blowing up.

He's going to need
another crit.

Okay, he's out.

They'll be able
to fix it, right?

The surgeons.

They'll stop the bleeding.

That's what you said.

They're going to do
everything they can.

What's that mean?


( alarm )

He's really tachy, 145.

What do you mean
"everything they can"?

He was just talking to me.

Okay, page Corday again.

You can't just k*ll people
for kissing in the park.


Don't go in there.

Hold compressions.

( alarm )
Still P.E.A.
Rate 38.

What's happening?

You need to
let them work.

Resume compressions.

How long since
the last epi?

About 30 seconds.

Just pushed it.

How much fluid?
Liter of L.R.,

seven units O-neg, and
another two going in.

Um, can I switch out?

My arms are
getting tired.
Check the I.V.s.

Maybe the meds
aren't getting in.

We got good flow
through all the lines.

Okay, no pneumo, not tamponade,

temp's okay, tube's good,
got bicarb.

The obvious cause
is hypovolemia.

We're slamming fluids in.

Can you check the pupils again?

Tox screen's back, negative.


Not with blunt trauma.

Fixed and dilated.

Should I put in a central line?

You think that would make
a difference at this point?


You have three large-bore
I.V.s with good flow.

But if we had central access,
maybe we could

get the blood
in faster.


I don't know.

Okay, two liters
out of the chest.

If anybody has any opinion
about this, please speak up.

It's your call, Abby.

You're the doctor.

Hey, Dr. Carter.

( clears throat )


I get you an iced coffee
and a BLT right away.

Maybe something else today.

Holding compression.

Junctional rhythm, 24.

No pulse.

What's our time?

42 minutes.

( clears throat )

Is there anything
you want to say to him?

Thank you.

You made me strong.

You let me see who I was.

And to know that it was okay.

Come on, Robert.

Let's go talk
to the police now, okay?

I didn't know
I was gay

until they became

my friends.

4:53 p.m.

Guide wire back.

Run the FFP
and platelets up here.

My guy died.

Can you throw in
a femoral line?

Tell the O.R. if Corday
isn't here soon,

I'll bring him up myself.

Hematoma on the left,
try the right.

Could have used
a little help in there.

B.P.'s dropping,
55 over 44.

Narrowed pulse

Muffled heart sounds.

needle to Abby.

Raise the head of the bed.

Lost the pulse.

Mig of epi,
have atropine ready.

Angle the needle.

I know.

Ectopy on the monitor.

I need another syringe, quick!

Carotid's back.

Good job, Abby.

I'm sorry.

I was on my way
to grand rounds.

Blunt trauma, bleeding out
into the belly.

Complicated by a bloody
pericardial effusion

and tamponade.

Yeah, set up room five
for an emergent ex-lap.

And tell Doctor Edson
he's going to have to do it.

150 cc's out.

Right. Let's get him

Systolic's up to 88.

Nicely done.

You left me alone
in there.

We had two traumas.

Yeah, and last week,
I had to get approval

for everything I did

and now all of a sudden
I'm supposed

to run a code by myself.

Welcome to internship.

I was tentative,
I was unsure.

I was asking the nurses
for advice,

They respect
that openness.

They respond
to being treated
like members of a team.

No, they don't.

You always did.

Luka, the boy is dead,

and I don't think he got
the best possible care.

You're right,
we gave the best
possible care

to the one I thought
we could save.

And we gave the next
best to your guy.


He had coded when
they brought him in, Abby.

He had barely any vitals
and was fixed and dilated.

He was already gone.

So, what?
I never had a chance?

No, he never had a chance.

You'll have another
one sooner than you want.

15 minutes, an hour,
tomorrow maybe.

You're still here?

Jerry's got me addicted
to this game

where you zap zombies.

Oh, you missed
that guy!

Which one's that?
Pain k*ller?


Hello again.

I thought
you went home.

Just something
I meant to do.

You okay, John?

Yeah, I just got
to talk to this guy
for one second.

Can we talk?

Just one minute.

Thought you were gone.

Call Karen, okay?

Bad things happen
to everybody,

but you two have to at least
take a shot

at getting through this.


call her, okay?

You can live through this,
you can live through

all of this.

But you may never
get over losing her.

Dr. Carter.

Let's take a walk, John.

Call her.

You hear me?

Yeah, he heard you.

Call her!

Is he all right?

Yeah, he's fine.

The lady from CPS is here.

Thank you.

Hi, I'm Dr. Lockhart.

You're from Children's Services?

Marie Barclay.

I'm here for
Marta Delgado.

Her name's Tesoro.

They told me "Marta."

No. So when
can she go home?

We'll be in touch
with the Mexican consulate,

they'll locate
the family

and then we'll send someone
to pick her up.

The family's very poor.

We'll figure it out.

And how long
will that take?

Well, she'll be placed
in foster care

until the INS clears her.

Once that happens,
should be a few months.

Like, two?

Six, eight months
at the most.

Of getting bounced around

from one
foster family
to another?

I don't think this
girl can take that.

We'll do our best
to look after her.

Sorry. Okay.
I'll go get her.

Just wait here.

I have a family conference
in an hour.

Will it be long?

No, I'll make it quick.

The train station?

She'd need I.D.
at an airport.

Do you have any money?
I'll pay you back.

Do you know
what you're doing?

Yeah. I'm going to
call her parents

and tell she'll be
there in two days.

Here, here's all my cash.

Take this cred...
No, take that one.
Take this one.

I can't just hop in a cab
and whisk her away.

What, do you have something
better to do?

Uh, I go?

Yeah, honey.
You go now, okay?

Your name?


Muchas gracias, Abby.

Okay, you got to run.

And don't take her
through the bay.

Take her out the front.

I don't know
what happened.

You've had a rough time.
It's not hard to understand.

I guess...

I just thought
it would help somehow.

Help what?

What else is going on?


I'm fine.

You looked bad all day.

I wasn't the only one
who noticed.

Well, I did get hit in the head
by a psycho patient.

You can talk
to me, John.

I've been having trouble

I keep having these dreams.

I miss her.

And I miss the baby.

And I miss all the stuff

I thought
we were going to have.

( clears throat )

And I don't know how
to get any of it back.

Here's your ticket:

Chicago to LA,
LA to San Diego,

then a bus to Tijuana.

This envelope
has $200 in it.

It's yours.
Keep it safe.

The train leaves from track 11
in five minutes, okay?

Okay, good luck.

You need to get
on that train now.

No se como.

Tengo miedo.

It's, it's all right,
you can do it.

It's simple, tickets, money.

Dr. Lockhart,
I'm still waiting.

Oh, yeah. I'm sorry.
I feel terrible,

but when I went to get Tesoro,
she wasn't there.

I think she ran off.

Did you have someone
watching her?

A med student.

And I have a nurse
looking for her now.

I have to call
my office.

You people need
better security.

We say that every year.


I lost my cell phone.

There's a meeting
over at St. John's

if you want me
to go with you.

Yeah. No, that's
all right. I'm okay.

I... just a little slip.

After all the crap
I used to give you.

I'm kind of a hypocrite.

No. We're all hypocrites.

You need a ride home?

No, I took the train.

See you tomorrow.


Hey, what do you want me
to do with the med records

on the vet guy?

Um, I'll take 'em.

I'll have them
sent up to the O.R.


I thought you're still on.

For awhile, yeah.

Uh, you know what
you said earlier
over on the steps?

Me, too.

So... come on by later,
and I'll make you some eggs.



( laughs )

Hey, Kem, it's John.

I know that you're sleeping.

I just, um, wanted
to hear your voice.

No family?

College student
from Milwaukee.

You know, Haleh,

if there's ever anything
you think I'm doing wrong...

You did everything
you could, Abby.

It was a good code.
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