11x03 - Try Carter

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x03 - Try Carter

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on E.R.:

I don't know if I want
to be a doctor.

I'll have a job soon
and I'll send some money.

What job? Where?

Give me a position.

A job, any
kind of job,

just until I get
myself refocused.

I'm sorry, I can't...
I can't really help you.

I've been having
trouble sleeping.

What are you doing?

Couldn't sleep.

Thought I'd get
a jump on the day.

How's the night
shift going?

Ugly, but it's been quiet
for the last hour or so.

Well, that won't last.

Sunburns, blown-off fingers,
potluck food poisoning--

nothing like the ER
on the 4th of July.

You sound like you're
looking forward to it.

Anytime you mix
alcohol, gunpowder

and the great outdoors,
you're in for a good time.

You talk to Kem?

Uh... yeah.
Couple days ago.

The time change makes it hard,
so we e-mail.

She doing okay?

Yeah. You know,
these things take time.

How about you?

I'm here, aren't I?

So much for quiet.

See you inside.

We're out of milk.

Do you need me to give you
a ride anywhere today?

No, thanks.

You sure?
I really don't mind.

No, I'm okay. You know,
you should watch this.

There's a woman coming on next
who fought a mountain lion

that was trying
to steal her baby.

No. I have to go to work.

Listen, if you want,

I can me to take
another run at Weaver.

Maybe something's opened up
at the hospital.

I don't want to work
in the hospital.

I have a couple of
job interviews today.

Do you? Where are they?

I don't want to jinx anything.

Okay, um, well,
I'll just see you, uh,

when I get back from work.

I can pick up groceries today

if you'd like.

That would be great. Thank you.

I'll just need
to borrow some money.

Just until I get
my first paycheck.

42-year-old female,

she came in last night
with shortness of breath...

Harris can go home
with a knee immobilizer.

Hey, Frank, it's
a very nice touch.

You look, um,
very, um...


Granger and Granger both
waiting on rapid streps.

Come find me if
they're positive.

Good morning.
Good morning.

You forgot about Hennesey
in the Suture Room.

I already did a
two-layer repair.

Neosporin, after-care
instructions and send
her out the door.

Tsss. You-'re on fire,

How many Red Bulls
you have today?

Hey, Morris.

Can you take care of
Delacourt in Three?

Just a back strain.

Don't forget to about
femoral and pedal pulses.

I never do.

Why is it important to check

leg pulses in this patient?

Arterial embolus?

( imitates buzzer )

Penny, to you.

vascular disease?

Ooh, close,
but no cigar.

Maybe a little
more studying,

a little less time
at the hair salon.

Next contestant?

Back pain can be either
presenting symptom...

Back pain can be
in abdominal

either presenting
aortic dissection.

in abdominal
aortic dissection.

Can I get some fries with that?

I guess it's true
what they say,

"Those who can't
do-- teach."

Yeah, but what is
he teaching them?

Yesterday I caught
him injecting lido
with epi into a toe.

Oh, I'm not kidding.

Hey, Morris! Wait up.

And she's
still hypoxic

and tachypnic.

Uh, EKG's normal,
no cough.

Nothing showed up
on the X ray.

So, should I order
a spiral CT?

You think I should?

Yeah, I should order
the CT to rule out PE.

Right. Of course.
I knew that.

All right, what else we got?

Mr. Wallace.

Day Three, post-op
hernia repair.

We call surgery.

They like to know when
their patients come in.

This is Dr. Pratt.

He's one of
our residents.

You present to him.
He presents to me.

Dr. Pratt, you can instruct
our med students

on the initial management
of chest pain?

Yeah. All chest pain
consistent with ACS

gets 02, IV,

O2, IV...
aspirin, betablocker...

and nitro.

Well, what if the EKG
is normal?

I repeat. 02, IV, aspirin,
betablocker and nitro.

All right. Fall
to outstretched

arm, earache, belly pain
and vomiting...

Go, go, make me proud.

First one to k*ll a patient
buys me lunch.

I didn't expect you
back so soon.

A guy can only play
so much X-box.

How's the head?

Hard as a rock.

Yeah? No headaches?
No dizziness?

No, man. I-I'm cool.

Besides, I wouldn't
miss this for the world.

July is my favorite month--

new interns,
new med students...

I know more than any of the
newbies this time of year.

It's not necessarily
a good thing.

( chuckles )

Hey, how's Deb?

I think she's good.

Yeah, you talked to her?

Carter! Pratt!
24-year-old male

stabbing victim.

I ain't no victim.

The other guy's the victim.

Do I look like a victim?
Settle down.

You settle down and
let me the hell up!

Whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa!

You could be seriously
injured here.

118 over 78, pulse 86.
I've been shot six
times before, man!

I'm bulletproof!

Sats 94 on two liters.

I got the bulletproof
monk here.

You sure?

Trauma panel, hemocue,
type and cross for two,

start with an upright chest.

( grunting )

That's my
last patient.

I couldn't
get rid of him.

You're leaving me
with Mr. Body Fluids?


Hey, you going
home to crash?

Yeah. You want to
get together later?

Uh... maybe.

Alex has a soccer game.

Steve talked him
into signing up.

Course he never stuck
around long enough

to see any of his games.

I'll call you.


Dr. Carter, what's
the special of the day?

58-year old found in the street
with a blood alcohol of 500

and a footdrop.

Neurology won't take him
till Neurosurg has cleared him,

and they won't come down
until he sobers up.

What about an MRI to rule
out cord compression?

They're gridlocked upstairs.

What am I
supposed to do?

hang a banana bag

and I would hunt around
for a mop and bucket.

( snickering )

All right, 40 bucks says

I get that guy upstairs
in 20 minutes.

You're on, hotshot,
starting... now.

( snaps fingers )
All right.

Yello. this is Dr. Barnett
from the ER.

Ye-Yeah, I have a patient
who needs an L-spine

with gadolineum today.

Well, when, then?

I'll need to take a look
at your MRI schedule.

I gotta get a patients
in there pronto.

It's a holiday.

They're booked solid.

( sighing )


Yo, Lockhart, I need
to borrow a couple
of your students.

They're not my students.

That's good.
Come on, kiddies.

It's teaching time.

We heard you had a good one
up here in the ICU

for my... students.

Patient named Robinson.


So, he's scheduled
for an MRI on his knee?

Yeah, but that's the
least of his problems.

Guy needs a huge workup
before surgery will take him

for the aortic valve

It's a scheduling

I-I'm sure it is.

Pay up, Uncle cr*cker.

Six and 30 makes ten.

May I help you?

Can I get a
job application?

You need to speak
to the manager.

Is he here?

( chuckling )

Yale, University of Chicago
Med School-- interesting.

This is all
very impressive,

but what's the extent of
your barrista experience?

Excuse me?

Starbucks? Diedrich's?
Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf?

I've never actually
worked in a cafe.

I see.

But I'm used to working
in a very busy hospital,

so I'm sure I can
handle a few coffee orders.

Oh, really? How do you prepare

a Vente triple skinny,
no-foam caramel machiatto?

That intern, Abby--
do you know

if she's seeing anybody?

Just me.

It's a casual sexual

but we're always
looking for a third.

Abby, what would you do
if the UA's normal

on a two-year-old with fever,
no source?

Call it viral syndrome, have
them follow up with their PMD.

What if the kid just
vomited all the Tylenol
he got in Triage?

Uh, give him a rectal dose
and explain to the parents

that the fever
won't hurt him.

And what would you do
if a med student asked you out?

Call for a psych consult.

24-year-old male cyclist
collided with another cyclist.

Hold up.
No LOC, GCS 15.

Vitals stable,
complains of some knee pain.

Oh, what is this?
Bike versus bike.

Abdomen soft.
Pelvis stable.

Don't move your neck, okay?


Nah, don't do that.

Funky Monks is a Chili Pepper
tribute band, right?

We were till our lead singer
found Jesus.

That's a bummer.

I was actually thinking about
putting a new band together.

and ecchymosis

to the right hip, Dr. Bon Jovi.

You on any

No. I don't take medicines.

I need to make a
statement to the police.

That's the other guy.

That idiot rode right
out in front of me.

I didn't see him, man.

That's 'cause he was
riding like a maniac!


I got this guy.

Gee, thanks.

Road rash over left
chest, arm and face.

Complains of
shoulder pain.

I ride over 200 miles a week.

Irrigate the abrasions
and apply Neosporin.

Were you wearing
that helmet?

Of course.

When can I see a cop?

He ruined my bike.

I think you did a little
more damage to him

than he did
to your bike.

It's a six-thousand-dollar
Serotta Legend.

You paid six grand
for a bike?

* ...for pilgrim feet

Hey, Mr. Zeller, please.

Whose stern impass...
I need this
to examine you!

Oh, my God!

* A thoroughfare...

* For free...

* Across the wilderness!"

I'm fine.
I keep telling you that!

How you doing,
Mr. Hanson?

It don't even hurt!

There's a little
blood in Morrison's.

That's bull.

Do you know
what Morrison's is?

Do you?

Chest is clear.

I don't think
it crossed the diaphragm.

Hemoglobin is 13.2.

All right, give him
a gram of cefotetan

just in case
he nicked the bowel.

You heard the man.

Give me some medicine, let me
get the hell up out of here.

You're not going anywhere.

You need surgery.

For what? He didn't sh**t me.

He stabbed me. There
ain't no b*ll*ts in there.

I don't know what
y'all looking for.

You're bleeding
inside your belly.

Plus, your intestines can get
an infection. You could die.

Forget that!

I need to call my brother
to get me up out of here.

Well, man, I know
you're supposed

to be tough and all that,
but what part of

"you could die"
don't you understand?

I ain't dying. I'm walking.

Man, get me
a damn phone!

Dr. Pratt.

Give me a phone, man!

Let the fool go,
he deserves to die.

Yeah, that's
what you want.

Yeah, at this point,
I really don't care.

'Cause you're not
the attending.

But since my name's
on the chart,

I think we should
call Psych.

He's not crazy,
he's stupid.

Okay, hey, whatever.

I'll call them down
for an idiot consult.

Look, he's not drunk,
he's not on dr*gs.

And if he leaves AMA
and goes home and dies,

you better believe his
family's going to sue us.

All right,
I'll call his brother.

Maybe a family member
can talk some sense into him.

* ...patriot dreams

Mr. Zeller. Sir?

* That sees beyond the years
Mr. Zeller. M...

Hey, I've been here
for four hours--

still haven't had a doctor
check my foot.

You seem to be walking on it
all right.

That's not the point.

Well, you see
all these patients?

Chances are we're not
going to get to you

until most of them
go home.

So you why don't you
find a magazine

and make yourself

How's he doing?

Crepitance bilaterally,

decreased range of motion
with the effusion.

How's the other guy?

So how many miles
do you ride a week?


Lots and lots of riding.

I ride here, I ride there.

I'm like the wind.

Hey, man!
I told you that they hurt.

What's the matter?

Sorry, man, I'm just
checking your reflexes.

But there's
nothing wrong

with my reflexes.

I got good re...
cat-like reflexes.

I'm like a cat.

Really? Which is it,
a cat or the wind?

I'm like a cat in the wind.

I got nine lives
and I always land on my feet.



Um... ( clears throat )

Did you order a head CT?

Low-speed mechanism.
Didn't indicate.

Yeah, but he wasn't
wearing a helmet,

and he seems a little
altered to me.

Look, it's just
a mild concussion.

We'll just observe
him for a bit.

What happened to the drunk
with the foot drop?

I thought
they were booked.

I pulled a few strings.

Maybe you should
pull a few more

and get this guy one.
What's his problem?

Nothing. He collided
with another cyclist,

but his neuro's nonfocal,

and he responds
to commands well.

He seems altered to me.

Did he get knocked out?

He said he didn't
hit his head.

45-year-old GSW
to the head

following a liquor store
hold up.

Is this the perp?

No, he got away.
This guy's the hero.

Derek tried to help
the store owner.

You the wife?


Okay, B.P. 100/60,
tachy to 115...

Abby, you want
to run this?

Dr. Barnett, get that
head CT just to be safe.

Lungs are clear.

Doll eyes.
What's that mean?

B.P. 108/80,
sinus tach 110.

Can I get an otoscope?

Who are you?

Surgical attending.

I'm covering trauma today.

His limbs are flaccid.

CSF in the ears.

Oh, would someone tell me
what's happening?

We're doing everything
that we can for him, ma'am,

but his injuries
are very severe.

Derek's tough.

He's a fighter.

No corneal reflexes.

He's not breathing
over the vent.

It's been 40 minutes.

No. No.

( cries )

He's tough.

I-- I'm sorry, ma'am, but
every indication suggests

that your boyfriend
has no brain activity.

So that's it?

There's nothing else
we can do for him.

I'm very sorry.

Do you think that you can help
us get in touch with his family?


I'm the closest thing
he has to a family.

Screen him.

CBC, chem panel, ABG,
type and Rh, cultures,

Hep B and C.

Did I forget anything?


I'm very sorry.

If you have time to sit,

you have time
to treat patients.

Start him on dopamine if
his diastolic's below 80.

Unless he signs
a consent form

for drug testing,
we can't do that.

No, that's not the same
as consent.

Really? Same to you.

Calling your mom?

Bike courier's boss
wants us to drug test him.

So did you?

There's no need.

Oh, and his head CT
was negative,

thank you very much.

Mr. Tunny, do you remember
your doctor's name?

Yeah, it was him.

Do you know
where you are?

No place
I want to be.

Dude, what are
the first three chords

of the Chili Peppers'

A-minor, F-major
seventh, A-minor.

Thank you.
That means nothing to me.

Well, I guess you're just
going to have to trust me.

Trust you to what?

The guy still seems altered.

A positive drug screen
for opiates, benzos

or even cannabis will at
least give us an answer,

and then we don't
have to keep looking.

Won't change our management.

We're still going
to observe him.

Tox screens can stay
positive for days.

He could lose his job
for smoking a little bit
of pot last week.

It's a confidential test.

Not if it becomes
a worker's comp case,

then it's on his record.

What is he, your dealer?

Maybe we should
tox screen you.

Hey, Sam...


Do you have a UA
for Tunny in there?

Uh... yeah.

Add a tox screen.

Thank you.

Is your supervisor here?

That would be me.

I'd like to apply
for a job.

You've worked
in one of our stores?

No. But I like
the clothes.


That looks more like
Old Navy.

Have you ever
worked retail?

No, but I'm a quick study.

Unfortunately, I'm looking
for experienced help right now.

Well, I can work
a cash register

and I'm a real people person.

I worked in my parents'
restaurant for years.

I'm sorry,
but I really need people

with a strong fashion sense

and a personal
style statement.

Why don't you leave
your name and number

and I'll get back to you?

What are you doing?

I like them to be
the same length.

Hey, Malik, where's the fire?

Exam Three.

Oh! What happened?

Somebody set off
a stink b*mb.

Let's hope there's
no asthmatics around.

Whoa, whoa, whoa,
come here.

Is that the
Colles fracture?


The wrist has to be flexed
for proper alignment.

The wrist has to be flexed
for proper alignment.

What do I do now?

You cut it off,
and you start again.

What do I tell her?

We're going to leave that
on for about 20 minutes

until the mold is ready

and then we're gonna put
on a fiberglass cast.

Okay, dear?

Is this gonna hurt?

Naw, we'll knock you out,

put a little incision
by your belly button

and take a look around.

That's it?
Hold on, Mr. Hanson.

You hear that?

My man says he can fix me up,
have me outta here tomorrow.

You're going to do
exploratory laparoscopy

on a penetrating trauma?

No, he's not.
You guys down here

don't know what the hell
y'all doing.

It's a piece of cake.

What if there's a liver lac?
I'll buzz it with cautery.

What if it's too big
to "buzz"?

If it were large,
he'd already have
clinical evidence

of extensive intra-
abdominal hemorrhage.

Ha! You better ask
to see a specialist

you want to get
out of here

without dying.

What if the knife
nicked the colon?

I'll run the bowel.

Nobody can do that
with the scope.

Um... I can.

Welcome to the world
of modern medicine.

Let's go.

So long, suckas!

Well, don't look at me,
I didn't hire him.

Okay, Mrs. Isley,

all your blood tests
came back normal.

Yes, well, I'd like
to see a specialist.

Hey, Ray,

how about clearing out
a few of these beds?

What are you
talking about, boss?

I'm taking 'em through
like fast food orders.

It's the back door
that's plugging us up.

You got rid of that drunk

pretty quick
when you wanted to.

Let me see some more of that.

Hey, Sam, I need
McCarthy out of here,

and why hasn't Tunny
been discharged?

We're still waiting
on his tox screen.

I didn't order
a tox screen.

Abby did.

( clears throat )

what are you doing?

He presented
with chest pain.

How old are you?

Dr. Pratt said that all
chest pain gets O-2, IV,

aspirin, beta blocker
and nitro.

What kind of physical activity
have you been doing?

Nothing, I was just watching TV.

What about yesterday?

Yeah, I worked out a little.

Weight lifting?

Bench press?

I almost did 200.

( gasps ):

Where's Dr. Pratt?


I just prevented
one of your med students

from giving nitroglycerin
to a 17-year-old,

on your recommendation.

I didn't tell them
to do that.

You have to be very specific
with these kids.


You all right?

Just a headache.

I thought you said
you weren't having those.

Only when I'm working here.

Okay, go home.

Oh, come on, no harm, no foul.

Look, I'll keep
an eye on them.

You have been dragging
your ass all day.

I've had some
time-consuming cases.

And maybe you
came back too soon.

So, go home.

Get yourself into shape
before you come back

and try to fix anybody else.

You can't afford
to send me home--

I'm worth two other doctors
and three interns.

Not today you're not.

Go home, I'll find
somebody else

to cover the end
of your shift.


The biker's blood work
came back-- HIV positive.

He's no good for
organ donation.
Too bad.

Frank, can you call Kovac?

I need him to come in
and finish up

the rest of Pratt's shift.

Sure, make me
the holiday hatchet man.

Do you have any special
plans for this evening?

Take-out and the Cubs-
White Sox game on TiVo.

I was think about maybe
going to a meeting,

and then getting
something to eat.

You interested?
My treat.

You're buying?

Did you order a tox screen
on my patient?

Which one?

You know which one,

The altered bike courier.

You can't order tests on
my patients behind my back.

Urinalysis was negative
for opiates, benzos, PCP,

cannabis, cocaine,
amphetamines, you name it.

Okay, so now we know.

No, what we know is that
this is the second time

you've been wrong about
one of my patients today.

And you know what,
it's the last.

You treat your cases,
and I'll treat mine.

Can you believe this guy?

If you have a problem with
another resident's work-up,

take it up
with the attending.

It's easier
just to fix it.

That's what the nurses do.

You're going to have
to work with this guy

for the next four years.

Dr. Carter...

I suggest that you
figure out a way

of getting along with him.

This is Douglas James.

He's a friend
of Derek and me.


Douglas is waiting for a liver.

And him and Derek have
the same blood type.

Right. I'm sorry.
We, uh, we screened Derek,

and we found that he is not
eligible as a donor.

Because of his HIV?


I'm HIV positive, too.

I-I've been taking

for hepatitis C, but they've

given me three months
without a transplant.

Right. Well, direct donations
are not encouraged.

I'm HIV positive.

You really think
anyone's ever

gonna give me a liver?

Can you get serum organic
acids, lactate and a VBG?

On Mulhoney?

Throw in a free T4 and
TSH while you're at it.

Are you kidding?

Did I miss something?

No. The kid's got
a tiny second degree burn

on two fingers

He doesn't need
any of this.

Oh, so you only like
to do unnecessary tests

on my patients when
Abby asks for them.

I thought you
were working together.

He's my patient, Sam.

I'm the only one
who can write

orders for my patients.

If you want to...
Hey, Luka?

What are you
doing here?

Hey. Carter needed me
to cover for Pratt.

Why didn't you
say no?

Labs are back on Tunny.


Did you get
any sleep?

A little.

Jane Doe, 23, found down
in the park by some kids.

Breathing's labored, sats 92,
pulse 111, systolic 93.

Ma'am, wake up.

Inspiratory stridor.

Ma'am, can you hear me?

Aeration is terrible.

Sub-Q epi and get her
in a trauma room.


Could be an allergic reaction.

Was there any
food on the scene?

You see
any bee stings?


Hurry up, Howard.

Okay, okay.

Sub-q epi's in.


Any MedicAlert bracelet?

Asthma inhaler?

Didn't see any.

Periorbital petechiae.


Ecchymosis on the neck.

Oh, what's that mean?

It means someone
tried to strangle her.

God bless America.



I've been calling
you all day.

Yeah, I've been in meetings.
and I've got another one--

Three minutes ago.

Sorry. Call my office.

Tell them I said
to fit you in tomorrow.

I need to talk to you
about Dr. Dubenko today.

How's he working out?

Well, he's not,
to be quite frank.

I haven't received
any complaint.

Well, consider
this your first.

You know, no one
even bothered

to tell me
you'd hired him.

That's what search
committees do.

Perhaps as head of
Surgery, you should have

attended more

I missed one meeting.

What did you do,
wait until

I wasn't there to hire the only
candidate I didn't endorse?

Why are you taking this
so personally, Elizabeth?

I've got to go.

I'm sure you two of
you can work this out.

Oh, hey, um... Doctor...?


Right. Sorry. John Carter.

You remember the GSW
from this morning?

Yes. Brain-dead biker.

His girlfriend says that he
wanted to be an organ donor.


But he's HIV positive.

No can do.

Well, his buddy
needs a liver ASAP

and he's the same tissue type.

It's against the law

to harvest an organ from an HIV

positive patient.
You know that.

The recipient is also
HIV positive.

It doesn't matter.

UNOS won't approve
and no surgeon's

gonna perform the operation.

What's that smell?

Stink... Stink b*mb.

Got it!

They warned me

about this place.

They weren't kidding.

Uh, Dr. Corday.

Maybe you
could help me.

I need some help
with a patient.

I believe Dr. Dubenko is
covering the E.R. today.

Well, I don't think that
he wanted to take the case.

What, is it too mundane
for our new superstar?

I think it may
be too illegal.

Oh! So he's
cowardly and cocky.

You know, he's the
perfect complement

to Weaver's treachery
and ambition.

I'm sorry, Carter.

If I have to deal
with him, so do you.

Good luck.

Stridor seems
to be improving.

Keep an eye
on her pulse ox.

Come and get me
if she de-sats.

I'll notify the police.

What happened to her?

Hey, Luka.

Alex? What are
you doing here?

You're supposed to be
with Steven and Monique

at the soccer game.
Did Dad call?

No. Okay, I gotta find
someone to cover for me.

Don't bother.
It's probably
gonna suck anyway.

You are going
to that game.

I can take him.
I'm off in 20.

I was just filling in until
the end of Pratt's shift.

You can pick him up
at my place after work.

Hey. Are you busy?

I need your expertise.

Have Alex meet me
in the lounge.


You worked at a restaurant

from the time you
were six until 16?

It was a family restaurant.

What kind?

Indian. And I
never want to work

in a restaurant again.

I don't even
like eating in them.

And you haven't
worked since then?

I've been in school.

Studying... Medicine.

Oh, wow.

I'll be honest, we don't get
many doctors looking for jobs.

So you placed very high
on your placement test,

but you haven't got
a lot of experience

in any other
service industry.

No retail, no sales.



Uh... Bookkeeping?

Not really.




Perhaps we'd
have better luck

if you told us what sort
of things you can do.

Well, let's see:
I can crack open your chest,

reinflate your lung and squeeze
your heart back to life.


Dubenko was
right to pass.

Why are you pushing
so hard for this?

'Cause we're this
guy's last hope.

'Cause I couldn't
save his friend.

Because some good
should come out of all this.

And what if they sue?

Who? His buddy
wants the liver

He's not gonna live
long without it.

The hospital
could fire me.

Look, the guy's gonna die
without the liver

and he's never gonna get
another one any other way.

They could
pull my license.

You're acting

in the patient's
best interests.

Or jail.
There's already

that's been passed
allowing this.

It's just waiting for
the governor's signature.

It'll still violate federal
transplant regulations.

I know but it's
absolutely ridiculous

to let a perfectly
good organ go to waste.

Look, the donor liver's not
gonna affect the recipient.

The recipient's already
got the virus.

He's got a good heart,
he's got good lungs.

Low viral load,
320 CD4 count.

How do you think
Weaver's gonna react?

Well, she... yeah, she might
have a little issue with this.

She'll have a bloody
conniption fit.

Which in itself is
almost worth the risk.

Screw it...

Screw it. Prep him.

I'll mobilize the team.

Sneaking tests
on other doctors' patients?


You totally boned me.

I felt like an idiot.


Well, you were right.


Mm-hmm. Check out
the serum salicylates.

Ah. I'll let you
know next time.

Don't do it
next time.

Where's he going?

To the O.R. Corday agreed
to do the surgery.

You talked her into it?

No. Well.

Maybe a little.

So you never
responded to my offer?

Uh... Right. I think I'll
take a rain check on dinner.

What about the meeting?

You still go
to meetings?

I'll go if you go.

Um... I'm good.


I see how hard
you're throwing

yourself into
the job, Carter.

It's a hard job.

So's sobriety.

and so's losing a child.

Hey, where's Dr. Kovac?

I don't know.
What's wrong?

I think his Jane Doe
is having trouble breathing.

Call Respiratory Therapy.

Hey, I need
to talk to you.

Talk to your patient,
and while you're at it,

you might want to add
an amp of bicarb to his IV.

You need to
alkalinize his urine.


He's got a toxic
aspirin level.


Hey, what are
you doing here?

Oh, pediatrician visit.

Somebody was being checked
for pyloric stenosis.

Hi, Cosmo. How's he doing?

Oh, good.
Just reflux.

Oh, hi, Frank.


So, wow, you look great.

Oh, thanks.
How's it going?

I've got 12 new
med students.

How do you think
it's going?

Is, uh, Chuny
or Haleh around?

Yeah, uh, Chuny's around

Why, you need a nurse?

Well, I just need
somebody to watch him

before my bladder bursts.

I could do it.

Uh... Well, are you sure?

'Cause, he-he can be
really cranky.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, of course.

Um, okay. Well...

You'll need this,
because he spits up.

That's what he does.

Basically spit, poop,
eat, sleep, repeat.

Yeah, just like his daddy.

How is Chuck taking
to fatherhood?

You mean motherhood?

Swear to God, he's
more maternal than I am.

Okay. Thanks.
I'll be right back.


She'll be right back.

( whispers ):
She'll be right back.

All right,
the IV's blown.

I need to start
another line.

Okay, seven P's.


Paralysis and sedation.

Protecting the airway.

Passing the tube.
Proof of placement.

Post-intubation management.

Okay, Preparation-- Suction.

Good. Yankhauer's ready.

Preoxygenation O-2
100% non-rebreather.

7-O stylette, half
centimeter from the end.

You got this, Howard?

Yup. Six-five is ready
if cords are tight.

Laryngoscope bulb is... good.

I can't believe
how big he is.

Oh, he should be--
he doesn't stop eating.

Where have you been?

I was parked
in the red zone.

Oh, I had to pee and everybody
wanted to see Cosmo.

Okay, what's wrong
with you people?

You've never seen
a baby before?

Can we give him
some room, please?

What? No one's wearing
masks or gloves.


There's germs
everywhere, babe.

It's good for
his immunity.

Dr. Carter, I called
for a consult

and I don't think
I should have.

What patient?

Which of you is Carter?

I'm Dr. Carter.

Do you know what otitis
media looks like?
Yes. I do.

Then maybe you should teach it
to your med students

so they don't call me down
for a damn ENT consult

every time a kid
comes in with an earache.

She's closing off.
You're not gonna get

any size tube in
if you don't move.

Find Kovac?

Couldn't find him.

Sats are down to 79.

CO2 monitor's ready, purple.

Paralysis and sedation...

82.5 of sux and 17 of etomidate.

Heart rate's 66.

What are you doing?

Checking the doses.
You've done that

three times already.
She's gonna end up criked

if you don't move now.

Oh, God!
Now, look what you've done.

You've ruined everything.


Get it together!
You can do this.

She messed it all up.

She's bradying down.




All right, give her
the damn meds

and have a 7-0 ready to go.

I got this. She's my patient.

Pulse ox 72.



Sux is in.


It-it was on the floor.

Give it to me.

Bradycardic, 55.

Cords are so tight.

54, 52.

All right, have epi

and atropine ready.
Howard, stand by

with a six-five.

I al... I always
check four times.

I'm in.

Good color change.

Heart rate's coming up.

Sats 88.

Call for an X ray
See if CT

is ready to take her.

Pupils are nonreactive.
Were they nonreactive before?

Uh, I don't remember.
I'll go check the chart.


( crowd cheering )

Nice pass.

He's good.


Come on, come on.
Here we go!



( cheering, groaning )

( whistle blows )

Tough break.

( cheering )

Played a good game.

My team blows.

Every team has
good and bad days.

The most important thing
is to try your best.

Want to grab a pizza
on the way home?


I can help you
practice some day

if you want to kick
the ball around.

No thanks.

I don't mind.

I played football
in school.

I mean, "soccer."

I was pretty

We could go, uh,
to the park...

Look, Luka,
I'm glad we're friends,

but I've got a dad,
and he's coming back.

What happened?

Abby saved
Kovac's patient.

From what?

Delayed laryngeal edema.

And a freaking

Have you seen Howard?

Hey, Abby...

Yeah, just a minute.

Could you show me how to use...

Not now.

You need

Think you could get me
her phone number?

What's going on, Howard?

Just, uh,
needed some air.

Sometimes it's
olfactory overload.

I was talking
about the trauma.

You were looping in there.

Checking things three or four
times, repeating your actions.

I like
to be thorough.

Come on.

What is it?

I get nervous.

Didn't seem like
nerves to me.

Do you have OCD?

I've got to get
back to work.

Yo, doc, the freak
in the cape

just put his hand through
the window to Exam Two.

All right, set him up
for sutures in Curtain One.

Dr. Carter, I think
I gave Mr. Ogilvie

too much oral contrast--
he's vomiting everywhere.
Okay, I'll be right there.

Doc, can I ask you
a question?

My patient in Exam Three
has a two-inch head lac.

Should I use 3-0 Prolene
or 4-0 to suture?

Doesn't anyone

knock anymore?

( chuckles )


What are
you doing?

Oh, it's a supplemental
nursing device.

What, you've never seen a father
breast feed his kid before?

I can't say that I have.

These things are amazing.

You know, it allows the father
to bond with the child

in the same way the mother does,

if you can get past
the sore nipples.

Wanna give it a shot?


Doc, my patient
in Exam Three

has a two-inch head lac.

Should I use 3-0 Prolene
or 4-0 to suture?

Hey, Rockheart.

What'd you call me?


You heading home?

That's what most of us do
at the end of our shift.

Yeah, well, I'm sort of in
between places right now.


I'm sorry we got off
on the wrong foot.

Can I buy you dinner--
make it up to you?

No thanks.

Look, you were right
about the bike courier.

He was altered from
an aspirin overdose.

The more he popped, you know,
the more his knee hurt.

He was popping
them like M&M's.

You might want
to suggest endoscopy.

It probably ate out
his stomach lining.

Listen, can I ask
you a question?

How well do you know Howard?

Not very. Why?

He doesn't seem
a little strange to you?

How so?

Maybe a little

Or compulsive?

He totally froze
in a trauma today.

Abby, you've been
in thousands of codes.

He's probably
seen six.

Ought to cut
the guy some slack.

You don't think I should
mention it to an attending?

What are you, the hall monitor?


I like to live

Come on,
you got to wolf down

a few dogs on the Fourth,
it's tradition.

Didn't she used to work
in the hospital?


Hello and welcome to Jumbo Mart.

Can I help you?

What are you doing?



We have a special on
Fourth of July cupcakes.

Buy two and get one free.

Oh, sweet.

When you said you were
looking for a job

I thought you meant at another
hospital or a clinic maybe.

I didn't have much luck.

You only looked
for one day.

This is the only job
I can get because I'm a loser.

You are not a loser.

At least you're close
to the hospital.

( grunts )

Which is as close
as I'm ever going to get.

That's not true.

Yes, it is.

I blew it.
I blew everything.

I've got no job,
no apartment, no money.

I mean, look at me.

I'm not even American.

Oh, you're
going down,

you little freak.

You suck.

You're worse at this
than at soccer.

Bite me,
you Slav bastard.


What did you just say?


What did
you say?


I heard you.

You heard him.
What did he say?

I didn't hear

It might
have been the game.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure
you heard the game, Mom.

Yeah, well, I don't
want to hear

that kind of
talk out of you.

Or you.

Hey, how was the game?

We lost.

Yeah, but he
played well.

We still lost.

Well, maybe next time.

Come on, grab your stuff.

After this game.

Oh, Alex, please, now.

Or else I'm going to fall asleep
right here on this couch.

You can stay here
for tonight.

of room.

Actually, you can stay
as long as you like.

Well, that's something
that me and Alex

would have to talk about first.

Talk about what?

Talk about you
getting your butt in gear.

( yawning )

Kramer can go home.

Balmore's waiting for
a transfer to the jail ward,

Henderson needs a monitored bed
or the morgue,

if he doesn't get admitted soon.

Where is Ray?

Try the roof.

What's he doing up there?

I think he
lives there.

He lives in a call room.
He just cooks on the roof.

What are you doing?

Just chillin'.

Looks like you're all
moved in up here.

Yeah, well,
the rent's right,

and, hey, you can't
beat the view.

Well, while you've been up
here on your little cookout,

your patient Mr. Henderson
has been circling the drain.

He needs dopamine and
a trip to the ICU.

He's a DNR.

His daughter's bringing in
the paperwork from Milwaukee.


Want a beer?

No, thank you.

I could throw on a dog.

No, I'm good.

I heard about your son.

I'm sorry.

Thank you.

That's got to be hard.


So you aren't really living
in the hospital, are you?

Why, would that be a problem?

Might be a problem
for Dr. Weaver.

She has the place sprayed
for interns.

Hey, dude, check it out.

Happy Fourth of July.

Yeah, you, too.
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