11x07 - White Guy, Dark Hair

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x07 - White Guy, Dark Hair

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I was wondering if you found
a permanent replacement

for the Chief
of Emergency Medicine.

Is there someone you
want to recommend?

Yeah, me.

You're doctors now.

Time to stop
thinking like
med students

and take on
a real patient load.

You like it
over there at Luka's?

Guess so.

You like him, too, right?

Yeah. Why?

You two decide yet?

About moving in?

Don't. Not unless you
want to k*ll the romance.

They're on their
best behavior at first

and then, before you know it,
they're farting in the can.

Thanks for your help today.


If you wait for a second,
I'll, uh...

walk out with you.

Dr. Lewis, phone call.

Tell them I'll be back
downstairs in a minute.

Seems kind of persistent.
Someone called Chuck.

Oh, yeah.

Hi, Chuck.
I can't talk right now.

Cosmo ate the yams?

Yes, sure, of course
I'm thrilled.

It's just that I'm late
for a meeting with Weaver.

No, no, no, I'm glad you called,
just Chuck... Chuck.

Chuck, I gotta go.

I'll call you back,
okay? Bye.

How's Chuck?

He's fine. Thank you.

He's, uh, you know,
he's excited

'cause Cosmo ate yams
for the first time.

You know how babies are--

they like the bananas
or the apples.

Henry loved the yam
right from the get-go.

So, as to your one-month
performance review...

review? Now?

You've been Emergency Chief
for 30 days

and I think it's gone well.

Staff feels positive.
"Esprit de corps" is high.

That's good to hear.

Which isn't to say
there haven't been
a few little glitches.

First, the average wait time
to see a physician

is almost ten hours.

I think we'd all agree
that's a bit excessive.

Second, we had
a record number of patients

leave without treatment,

which resulted in a record
number of complaints

coming directly
to the administration.

That would be me.

Yes, Kerry,
I've tried...

Third, the number
of bounce-backs

in under 48 hours
was up 11%,

signifying an increased rate
of misdiagnoses,

improper treatment and really
just poor follow-up planning.

Kerry, you can give
it to me straight.

If this isn't working out...

Oh, don't be silly.

I think you're doing
a great job.

I just wanted to make you aware

that there are still many,
many, many, many problems

for you to work on.

And if there's one word I can't
emphasize enough, Susan--

it's leadership.

That's it. Carry on.

Still waiting on transport
for Mr. Lemley.

Thanks, Jerry.

From when you
were in Africa?

No, these are new.

Kem just e-mailed me these.

I was going to print them up.

She looks happy...

Uh, which is nice,

Yeah, she does.

Oh, very nice.

Anyone I should
get to know?

You're not her type.

Paramedics at
the back door.

Lewis is upstairs
with Weaver.

We'll take it,
won't we, Doctor?

Hey, that's Carter's,
uh, whatever, right?


Man, I could look
at her all day.

60-year-old woman,
multiple facial injuries,

chest wall contusions
and deformities to both arms.

What's your name, ma'am?


Might be Louise.

There's no ID.

She was found in an alley,
no purse, wallet, anything.

What happened?

She could've fallen
out of a window

or dumped from a car,
I don't know.

BP: 124/74,
tachy at 118.

She's going to need an airway.

Let's clear
her neck first.

C-spine looks good.

Does that mean
I can talk to her?

You can take
the C-collar off.

Sit her up to 30 degrees.


You need a hand in here?

Facial fractures,
pulmonary contusions,

fractured wrist,
fractured hands.

Name is Louise.

Hi, Louise.
I'm Sam.

Let us know if this
makes you at all dizzy.


Don't talk
if it hurts.

Dr. Carter, your COPD guy's

seizing in Curtain Four.

Okay, go.

8-0 ET tube
is ready to go.

Not so fast.


( moans )

I'm sorry, I
know it hurts.

Pulse ox 82. I'm moving her
up to five liters.

No intubation.
It's a LeFort Two.

She's going to need surgery.

She can't have an oral tube.

Okay, can I crike her?

No, you're going
to observe quietly.

Louise, you have
a broken jaw

and broken bones in your face.

Now, we're
going to put

a breathing tube in your neck.

We'll numb you and sedate you
for the procedure.

Wait... Wait!

I... was r*ped.

Excuse me.

I'll be back,


Are you the one
the, uh...?

We've got the r*pe kit.

Got 'em done
while she was out.

She doesn't need
any more trauma.


Well, her full name
is Louise Garvin.

We canvassed
the neighborhood.

Her apartment's right above
the alley where she was found.

Anyone see anything?

No. There were signs
of a struggle inside.

It seems like she
got away from him,

and then maybe took a fall
coming down the fire escape.

Have you found
any family?

Not yet.

Detectives are
handling the case,

and they're going
to be here shortly.

They're going to want
to talk to her

to you and the doc.

Yeah, fine.
Hey, Jerry.

When the detectives get
here for Louise Garvin,

will you come find me?

We can't have patients
sitting around for ten hours

waiting to be seen.

You need to adhere
to a 15-minute rule.

Even if you're busy,
the patient needs

to be seen within 15 minutes
of hitting the gurney. Okay?



And we have a serious issue

with bounce-backs.

Oh, man, I was supposed
to suture that head lac in Two.

Okay, bounce-backs.

I need you all to provide
after-care instructions--

directly to the patient.

Make sure they understand...

Were you going

to take that belly pain
in Curtain Three?

Yes, I was.

Make sure they
understand the plan

and that they know to go

to their clinic
or primary for follow-up.

Did you get the labs back
on that renal colic?

Still waiting.
What do those guys want?

I got them a crate
of cr*cker Jacks.

Uh... what's the, um...
about the follow-ups?

Okay. Mi-Cha Pak?

Mi-Cha, am I saying
that correctly?


I'm Dr. Lockhart.

Tell me about the pain
you're having.

It hurts here.


And is it constant
or does it

come and go?

Comes and goes.

I think it's a kidney stone.

My father had one.

( loud clang )

Hey! Morris!

Sorry, okay. Sorry.

What about a kidney stone?

Her father had one.

And are you...

Sorry. Sorry.
What is your problem?

No problem, we're all set here.

Sorry again.

Um... vomiting or fever?
Any vomiting or fever?

I think maybe I'm better.

I could probably go.

No, no, no.

As long as you're here,
we'll take a look at you, okay?

We'll get you
in a gown, okay?


And I'll be back
to examine you.

So, you two moving in?

Girl, that's
getting serious.

With Luka?
That's getting lucky.

It just seemed to make
more sense, you know?

That's what my girlfriend said
when she moved in six years ago.

So that's why you two are
always coming in together.

No, Jerry, we just moved
our stuff over last night.

We haven't even
unpacked our boxes.

Living together
is for wimps.

Real commitment
comes with a ring.

Yeah, my girlfriend's
on that one, too.

Excuse me.
I'm Detective Patrie.

I'm here about, uh...
Louise Garvin.

Yeah, she's over here.

She's in rough shape.

As soon as a bed opens up,
we'll send her up to the ICU.

Did she say anything other
than that she'd been r*ped?

She could barely
get that out.

She's got a crike tube now,
can't talk at all,

and two broken arms.

Hi, Louise.

This is
Detective Patrie.

He's investigating
your case.

Hi. May I call
you Louise?

I'm so sorry
about what happened.

I know this is difficult,
but I'm going to need

to ask you some questions
if you're up to it.

Now, the man who r*ped you--

was he someone you knew,
a friend

or an acquaintance?

Anyone you saw around your
building or neighborhood?

Was he alone?

It's just a mucus plug.

Louise, I'm going to have
to suction you out

since you can't cough
this stuff up.

Can I still talk to her?

( coughing )


Louise, was he alone?

Did you get a good look at him?

Would you be able to identify
him if you saw him again?

You know, I think that's enough
for now.

When will she be able to talk?

We'll have to ask Dr. Kovac.

It's a gravid abdomen.

Ow! It hurts.
It hurts now.

I need sterile gloves, surgilube

and help with a pelvic.

When was your last period?

I don't know.

You don't know.

Did you have
a gush of water today?

Maybe, when I was peeing.

( screaming )

Oh, God, she's
ten centimeters dilated.

Oh, God, is right.

Station's 2 plus.

Call OB?


Okay, Mi-Cha, don't push.
All right?

Listen to me and focus.

I need you to pant
when the pain comes.

And don't push.

Hey, Chuny, can you help me
with this gurney?

Is she having a baby?

I'm not pregnant.

Pulmonary contusions
are getting worse.

That's why she can't talk.

She was punched
so hard in the chest

that her lungs are bruised--

swelling, fluid,
bleeding in the air sacs...


Her condition is critical.

We'll provide oxygen,
wait for the lungs to heal

and hope it doesn't
get any worse.

It could get worse?

Yes, much worse.

Doc, I need to talk to her.

I don't think that's
going to be possible.

The details she could give us
might help solve this case.

This r*pist has been assaulting
women all over the Northside.

He's violent, angry,
and she's the first one

who seems like she got
a good look at him.

Isn't there something
we could do?

I think she really
wants to help.

By blinking in Morse code?

We can't miraculously
cure her pulmonary edema.

She's being admitted

to the ICU and then she'll go

for reconstructive surgery
on her facial bones.

In a week or so,
they may be able

to remove the tube
and then she can talk.

( screaming )

Don't push. Don't push.

What's she doing
down here?

She didn't know she was pregnant

till I examined her.

Her name's Mi-Cha.

Hi, Mi-Cha.
I'm Dr. Carter.

I'm not pregnant.

Don't push, okay?

( screaming )

Come on. Come on.

Hey, breathe,
breathe, breathe, breathe.


Yeah, breathe.

All right, we're not going
to make it. She's crowning.

You want to take it?

No, not in the elevator lobby.
No, thank you.

Okay, give me a BOA kit
and a baby warmer.

( screaming )
Okay, don't push.

Hang in there, Mi-Cha.
You're gonna be okay.

Baby's LOA,

normal presentation.

Okay, Mi-Cha,
now I want you to push.

So push. Push.


( straining )

A little bit more.

Head's out.
Good, good.

Bulb suction.

Okay, now, stop pushing.

Stop pushing.
Don't push. Don't push.

A little bit more.


there we go.

Cord clamp.


Time of delivery, 11:14.

( baby crying )

Oh, ten fingers.

Ten toes.

You have a beautiful,
healthy baby boy.

You did great.

That's not my baby.


That's not my baby.

( crying )

Abby's not making much progress
with that Korean girl.

Well, give her
a little bit more time.

She was hoping
you could come.

If she can't break
through that girl's denial,

she ought to get Psych
down here.

Is that the message

you'd like me
to give Dr. Lockhart?

All right, Haleh,
why don't you tell her

I'll check in with her
in a few minutes.

Hey, Frank, call a taxi
for Mrs. Donaldson.

Hear you're doing the
"mi casa, su casa" thing.


Hell, it's none of my business.

Detective's still here.

You shouldn't
have been

so dismissive of me
in front of him.

You didn't need
to discuss the details

of Louise's condition.

She deserves
some privacy.

Yeah, and she deserves
a chance to help.

We have an option we
haven't even talked about.

And that is?

If we deflate
the crike balloon,

Louise could whisper.

You want to take
her off the vent?

Just for a few
moments at a time.

She's requiring
100% oxygen.

I take her
off the vent

every time I suction
her, and she's fine.

Come on.
We both know it's possible.

Technically, yes,
but why risk it?

Because she
wants to help.

She does or you do?

What is that
supposed to mean?

You're sensitive about

these kinds
of cases.


You always want to stand up
for women who've been assaulted.

And you don't?

Of course I do.

Maybe because of when
you were with Steve?

Steve never r*ped me.

Physical abuse,
hitting you?

Oh, this has nothing
to do with that.

Are you sure?


There's a violent r*pist
out there.

How are you going
to feel in two days,

two weeks, a month from now

when we get another woman
like Louise in here?

Hey, crit's only

19 on your
GI bleeder.



The Korean girl--

her mother's in
the Family Room,

but Mi-Cha is still

kind of living
on another planet.

She's perfectly reasonable
until I mention the baby,

then she looks at me
like I'm nuts.

Well, teenage denial can
be fairly intransigent,

can't necessarily
attack it head-on.

I know.
That's why I...

I'll talk to her.

Hi, Mi-Cha.


How are you?
How you feeling?

I feel fine.

It's hard
to sleep, though.

That baby cries.

She said my
kidneys are fine.

Yes, they are.

Then can I go home?

No, no, you can't. Not yet.

We're still waiting on
a few more test results.

How long is that going to take?

'Cause my parents get really mad

when I'm not home
right after school.

Well, you're not
in school today.

I still need to be home by 4:00.

Hey, Mi-Cha, have you checked
out this baby over here?

He's pretty

Why do people keep asking me
about that baby?

We're just wondering
if you like babies,

or if you

wanted to have
a baby.

I don't know.

Maybe when
I'm married.

Who cares?

Want to try holding him?

Why would I do that?

I don't get
why he's

even in here,
I mean, shouldn't his mother

be dealing
with him?

Okay, you just take it easy,
calm down,

and we'll be back in a bit.

Am I going to get out

by 4:00?

Don't know. Hope so.

So, is she pretending
this didn't happen

or does she really believe
she didn't just give birth?

Who knows?

Her dissociative denial
is pretty strong.

And I have her mother
hanging around,

and I can't break

and tell her
about the baby.

Let me guess, this is the
mother walking towards us?

Uh-huh, that's Mrs. Pak.

All right, call Social Services
and Psych again

and get back in there,

see if you
can keep working on her.

Mrs. Pak.

Hello. I'm Dr. Carter.

43-year-old female
took a 15-foot fall.

Blunt head trauma, GCS: 13,
heart rate: 92, BP: 112/72.

Why isn't
she wearing a collar?

What collar?

You're not supposed to talk.

Did you just say "43"?

Okay, what do we got?

28-year-old male
penetrating injury

to bilateral
lower extremities...

...with arterial
Is Mike gonna go?

Will you ask him
if he'll give me a ride?

BP's 72 palp.
BP's 72 palp.

I don't think she'd be
talking on a cell phone,

and I don't think
she's a male.

Uh, we're here now.
I gotta go.

39-year-old female,

crush injury to the chest
and abdomen,

ST elevations
on the strip.

I'm sorry,
I know I just got here,

but where are the bathrooms?

What's going on?

Are you
the Incident Commander?


Mixed process chemical expl*si*n
at a maraschino cherry factory.

93 casualties,
you're getting 35.

Okay, ladies and gentlemen,
this is a drill.


What the hell?

Did you know
anything about this?

Dr. Lewis!

Uh, Louise is
still asleep.

Yeah, I got some background
information on her.

She lived alone

since her husband died
five or six years ago--

neighbor wasn't sure.

No children,
haven't located any family yet.

I thought
you might want to know.

Yeah, uh... thanks.

I should probably get in there
and check on her.

Yeah, guy uses a similar
pattern each time.

How many other victims?

Four women in the
last five weeks.

He poses as a pizza guy,

pretends to be confused
about the apartment number.

( sighs heavily )

Never open your door to
anyone you don't know.

The others,
are they okay?

r*pe isn't quite bad
enough for this guy.

He likes to beat them,
too, like Louise.

One died, and the other three
are in pretty bad shape.

I hope she makes it.

Each victim has
given us a clue,

you know, helped us get
a little bit closer.

If Louise dies...

we'll just have to
wait for the next one.

Got a head lac, GCS 15.

Yeah, she's a green.
Put her in Sutures.

Suture room's full.

Okay, then, Curtain Four.

I want to stay
with Kaitlin.

They said
we could be together.

Sorry, you're a
pelvic fracture,

red tag, Trauma One.

That's not fair.
I want to stay
with Julie.

They promised us
we could go together.

Relax, guys,
you're not babies, all right?

Yeah, but if they were told
they could stay together.

Yeah, they said so.
Yeah, they said so.

Don't forget to call
your consults and support staff.

They're keeping track
of the response... times.

Abby wanted me to tell you
that Social Services is here.

They're in with the Korean
virgin birth girl.

Okay, thanks, Haleh.

Frank, where's Jerry?

He left on account
of the infestation.

He was calling transport

for a real patient
in Two, going to CT.

I'm on it.

Wow, this is fun.

Oh, damn JCAHO drill.

at a maraschino cherry factory.

Yeah, that's what I heard.
I mean, come on.

Who makes this stuff up?
I don't know.

Does something like this

even exist in Chicago?
I, actually...

I got rid of two greens

and a merit badge
holder who was dead.

Is it okay to help
a real person

with double vision
and vertigo?

Susan, you really want
all the red tags

parked in Trauma One?

Hi, I'm Trina.
I'm a Squad Leader.

Do you need any help?

You've got a head lac.
You can't talk.

I wasn't asking you.

Phone call for you,
Dr. Lewis.

It's the lab.
They want to yell at you.

So Fremont has a pretty good
football team, don't they?

I don't go to that many games.

What kind of stuff
do you do with your friends?

Mostly we just
eat lunch together at school.

What about the weekends?

Do you go out as a group
on dates?

Mm, some of my friends

have boyfriends
so they just go with each other.

Do you have a boyfriend?


Can I still leave by 4:00?

Do your parents get very upset

if you're not
home on time?

I have to be there
for my brother.

Why is that?

I take care of him.

How old is he?


So you spend a lot of time
with your brother?

Yeah, of course.

And when you
take care of him,

what kind of
things do you do?

I don't know why you keep asking
all these questions.

I'm getting tired.

Can I just...

take a nap in here?

Sure, get some rest.

We should check out
this brother.

Mom's in the
Family Room.

I'll try talking to her,

If we have to, we can designate
the baby as a Safe Haven.

Safe Haven?
This baby's not abandoned.

Well, he kind of is.

He's got a mother
right there.

He's got a grandmother
down the hall.

Mi-Cha's not acknowledging
the baby.

In her current state,

she's not competent
to give up the baby.

Yeah, but even if she
does acknowledge him,

we don't know if
she'll want to keep him.

Shouldn't we
at least try for that

before we ship
this kid off?

We don't know anything
her family circumstances.

Let's go find out.

You can't break

Maybe the support of her family
is exactly what this girl needs.

Dr. Carter...

I talked to her mother.

She seems very reasonable,
very concerned.

This baby has a family.


Mrs. Pak.

Yes, Mi-Cha-- can I see her now?

Mrs. Pak, have you
noticed any changes

in Mi-Cha's condition
over the last couple months?

No, she's good.

Please tell me
what's wrong with her.

So you didn't know that your
daughter was pregnant?

That's right.

This morning,
she gave birth

to a beautiful,
healthy baby boy.

Her father will not have her
in the house.

Mrs. Pak...

How long will she stay here?

Maybe a couple days.

Mrs. Pak?

She's awake.

Did the Unasyn piggyback
get here yet?

Yeah, I just hung it.

I'll get back to our
little Ranger Scouts.

Yeah, be my guest.

Hey, Louise.

How you doing?

Louise, the man that r*ped you,

he's r*ped
four other women.

Now there might be a way

that we could help you
talk to the detective.

The tube that's in your neck

has a little balloon
on the end of it that we inflate

to protect your lungs,
prevent oxygen from leaking out.

If I deflate the balloon

and cover
the end of the tube,

you would be able to whisper.

Just a few words at a time.

There are some very real risks.

I would be
depriving your lungs

of supplemental oxygen
for a minute.

But if there were a problem,

I'd reinflate the balloon
and put you back on the vent.

Do you understand
what I'm saying?

I would need to clear it
with Dr. Kovac,

and I also need your consent.

Hey, Jerry, where's
that surgery consult

on Mr. Rapke in Two?

Oh, man, I have called
them, like, five times,

but they're so jerked around
with these Ranger Scouts,

they won't come down
for something real.

Why don't you go up
and physically

drag one down here
before the guy bleeds out?

As soon as I take these
to the...
No, Jerry, I said now.

Frank, call the lab,
have them come pick that up.

And don't accept any excuses.

Which patient does
Kovac have up at CT?

You have to check the board,
but stay away from Carter.

He's got his panties
in a twist.

Just tell Kovac to come
find me when he gets back.

Did they call yet
about an ICU bed
for Louise Garvin?

They said maybe an hour.

Oh, uh, just wanted
to let you know

that I'll be leaving
for a while.

Louise is awake.

Yeah, I saw her.

I told her I'd see her
later in the afternoon.

Well, she'll
be in ICU then.

I'll find it.

Thanks for your help.

Detective Patrie, wait.

Uh, there is something
else we could try.

So, you knew the
drill was today.

Dr. Lewis? Dr. Lewis,
I'm Trina, remember?

I'd still really
like to help.

You know what?
You're a yellow tag.

You should be back
in your area, okay?

Oh, but I feel fine, and I
really think I could be useful.

Oh, well, thanks again.

Malik, could you take Trina back

to the yellow tags?
Yeah, no problem.

Are you sure?
I'm good with injuries.

And I'm a people person.

Yes, anyway,
I knew it was today

because they called
to schedule it.

But you didn't
tell the staff?

I've got a new-onset
scrotal pain,

but we haven't got any rooms.

Can I move the Scouts
out of Exam One?

Yeah, but they still
need to be seen.

Yeah, of course.

Well, I thought it was supposed
to catch us by surprise.

Technically, but a
hint wouldn't hurt.

Susan, you need to
learn to take control,
despite the rules.

Well, I guess I'm gonna need
a little clarification

on which ones to follow
and which ones to break.

What should I do with the Ranger
with the shrapnel injury?

The OR won't let me

through the door.
I'll call them.

Girls, girls
please, stop.

You-You're gonna get hurt
for real.

Uh, Morris, what the hell
is going on?

Oh, a vat of cherry dye blew up
on this group.

They needed decon.

I couldn't find the key
to the decontamination closet,

so I sent them to the shower.

It was supposed
to be a pretend shower.

Yeah. Go round them up.

Okay, get them some scrubs.

Get them out of
those wet clothes.

Oh, my God.

Susan, this is chaos.
We could use

some help on Curtain Area Four
with the green tags.

Okay, girls, we're gonna...


can I have your
attention, please?

Yo, scouts!

That's much better.

Thank you.

Pulse ox 94.

That's good.

Okay, Louise, I'm going
to deflate the balloon now.

You okay, Louise?

( whispers ):

Sam was looking for you.

She went off
with that detective.

Okay, thanks.

Luka, can I give
Mr. Sanchez another
four of morphine?

Sure. His chest pain
is getting worse?

Up to seven
out of ten.

Okay. Repeat the EKG.

Already did.

Says the pain
radiates to
his back.

Oh, could be a dissection.

Well, see
if his chest X ray is ready.

Already got it.
It's bedside.

Okay. Better be sure
this guy doesn't need the OR.


you said you got a good look
at this guy's face?

What color was his skin?

( whispers ):

( sniffles )

Was he tall or short?

( gulps, coughs )

( alarm beeping )

All right,
do you want us to stop?

( inhales )


was he tall or short?

( gulps )

( whispers ):
Kind of medium.

( whispers ):
Maybe tall.

( sniffles )

Jerry's not back yet?

When is Jerry ever back?

Is this where we
keep the workmen's
comp claim forms?

No, no.

They're in these bins
down here somewhere.

I talked to
Mi-Cha's brother.

He's coming in.

Yeah? How's all that
working out?

Okay. She's opening up
a little bit about her family.

They sound kind of scary.

Meaning what?

Conservative, traditional,
old world,

as in, you'd be pretty screwed

if you were
an unwed teenage mom.

Wendall had to leave
on another case,

but she's coming back.

Do you want to talk to her?

To Mi-Cha?
Again? Why?

I don't know.

I just... figured
whatever helps.

What are these
doing in here?


Pictures of Kem
from the computer.

What are they doing
in this drawer?

I really don't know.

Well, somebody printed them out.

You don't have
any idea who?

Well, Morris was looking
at them, but...

Morris? Where is he?

Well, he's wheeling one
of those Scouts up to CT

or something.

Hey, Morris!

Morris, what the hell
are you doing

downloading pictures
of my girlfriend?



( baby cooing )

You should really come
and take a look at him.


This beautiful baby.

This beautiful boy.

What are you talking about?

You haven't even held him yet,
have you?

Why are you talking like this?

Oh, he is so beautiful.

Look at those eyes.

Look at that face.

And all he wants
to do is be held.

All he wants to
do is be loved.

( baby coos )

Do you know how
lucky you are?

( sighs )

Do you know
what a miracle this is?

What are you doing?

I just don't understand.

Can't you see it?

I mean, look at that.

Here, take him.

Why are you doing this?

Hold him
for a second.

Dr. Carter.

I just thought that maybe
if she-she held the baby for...

They need you down the hall.

( baby cooing )

( quietly ):
I was trying to, uh...

They need you down the hall.

( baby cooing )

I don't remember.

I'm sorry.

( coughs )

That's okay.

You're doing great, Louise.

Did he have any tattoos
or scars that you saw?

( coughing, alarms beeping )

All right, Louise, I'm going

to blow the
balloon back up.

( coughing and choking,
alarm blaring )

It's okay, Louise. I got you.

What? Is she gonna be okay?

Go get Dr. Kovac now.

Good news, Mr. Sanchez.

You won't be needing
that surgery after all.

How are her sats?

79. She vomited.

I can see that.

( sighs )

She's aspirated.

Add five of PEEP,

hang 3.375 of Zosyn
to cover aspiration.

Chest X ray now,
and repeat in an hour.

Is she gonna be okay?

She's sucked vomit
into her lungs.

I don't think there'll be
any more questions today.

You left
her airway vulnerable.

I didn't expect
the vomiting.

Her lungs were
already in bad shape

from the pulmonary contusions.

I wanted to help.

I explained the risks.

It's what Louise wanted.

And what you wanted.

Are you sure no one else knows

about what you were doing
in there?

Just the cop.

Luka, her sats
keep dropping.

( alarms beeping )

Down to 72 on 100% oxygen.

Put her up to ten of PEEP.

Repeat chests.

Bilateral white-out.

Is that the contusions
or the aspiration?

Does it really matter
at this point?

Mi-Cha's brother's here.


He's 23,
but developmentally delayed.

Wendall's in there
with them.

I'm heading in.
Do you want to come along?

Nope. You and Wendall
can handle it.


I'm Dr. Lockhart.

So, Yong-Jo,
you and Mi-Cha

spend a lot of time together?

First, we get up,

and then we have


and then Mi-Cha goes
to school,

and I go to Sadler's.


It's a supermarket.

I stock shelves.

I bag groceries.

I can lift things.


So, when Mi-Cha comes home
from school, what do you do?

She... she stays home with me.

She doesn't go out ever.
She never leaves.

She stays
home with me.

What are you doing?

I didn't tell anybody.

Tell anybody about what?

What are you doing here?

I came to see you...
and the baby.

And the baby?

I didn't tell anybody.

You told me not to,
and I didn't.

I promise.

You believe me,
don't you, Mi-Cha?

I didn't do
anything wrong.

Please, Mi-Cha...

Okay, okay, Yong-Jo,

let's go
outside, okay?

I didn't do anything wrong.

I know. It's okay.
I didn't tell anybody!

Come on. We'll go
with you. Come on.

( baby crying )


It's a real
disaster in here.

Red tag, partially
amputated foot.

Another red,
unconscious and
short of breath.

Uh, Trina...

Abdominal lac and dizziness.

She's only a yellow,

but I think she's taken
a turn for the worse.

I can help.

Trina, please,
I-I think we'll be okay.

Hey, Malik,

can you dispo
all these fake patients?

Respiratory distress
needs 02, pulse ox,

chest x-ray
and a possible tube.

Okay, it's
in the works.


Ow! Ow!

What are you doing?

Her foot's amputated.

If we don't put pressure on it,
she'll die.

Trina, please.

You want her to bleed to death?

You want that
on your conscience?

Please, please, Trina,
please get back to your gurney.

But I can help you.

But you're not.
But I can.

I've earned
a lot of badges:

Adventure Club,
Adventure Teen...

Globe Trekking, Horse Lover,

Horse Rider, Horse Grooming,
Hiker, Safety Tips,

Stress Tips, Sailing, Surfing,
Boating, Bow and Arrow...

Stop it now!

I don't care about
your damn badges.

Water World?

Weather Watch?

You know what?
That's it.

I'm done.
You're all out of here.

Excuse me?

Every observers,
all the little girls, out now!

This drill is over.

You can't do that.

I'm the chief
of Emergency Medicine here,

and I damn well can.

We don't need this drill.

We had a helicopter crash in our
ambulance bay, for God's sake.

So you take your clipboards
and little Ranger Scouts

and move onto some other
sucker hospital,

because my doctors
and my nurses

need to get back to treating
real patients

with real problems--
you got it?

Back to work.

Hey, I was afraid I
was going to miss you.

Uh, yeah, we're
just on our way out.

Yeah, just give
me one second.

Uh, look, you're
going to go up to
the third floor.

Just tell 'em
you're looking for the OR.

What? You're not coming?

Look, just hang out
for about 30 minutes or so,

then roll yourself back down.

How's your dad?

Uh, he came in for a G-tube,
ended up with pneumonia,

but after two weeks
of antibiotics, oxygen,
and chest PT,

he's back to just being old.

( speaking Mandarin )

I just fired all the Scouts.
No more fake patients.

Okay, good, but what about
the ones that we dealt with?

Broom 'em. All of them.

See real patients
only within 15 minutes

of their signing in.

Susan's seems to take
this chief thing

kind of seriously.

I don't know
if it was the
brother wanting

to see the baby
or us thinking

the brother
was the father.

Whatever, it got
through to her.

So, the father was
actually some guy

that lives
across the street?

Yes, her boyfriend...

and her cover was
having Yong-Jo say,

"She never goes out.
She always stays home.

She never leaves me."

Good work.

Thank you.

How are they?

Uh, adjusting, hanging in.
Who knows?

Was that Carter
who was just out here?


I thought he
might come in.

I... think all of this
might've been

a little bit rough on him.

Why? What do you mean?

I don't know if you've heard

what he went through
last spring.

No, I hadn't.

Are you going to come back
to work tomorrow?

Well, that's the plan,

as long as everything's
okay on this end.

( speaking Mandarin )

Shh, shh, shh...

Is he okay?

He just gets confused
and agitated,

and being in the hospital
for that long didn't help.

( speaking Mandarin )

Whoa, Mr. Chen,
Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen,

calm down, calm
down, it's okay.

It's all right.

( groaning ):
Oh, damn it!

( speaking Mandarin )

Son of a bitch!

Son of a bitch.

Bradying down to 42.

Amp of atropine, and
open the crash cart.

What about going up
on the PEEP?

Pressure's too low.
What about steroids?

V-tach, no pulse.

Starting compressions.
Charge to 200.

Milligram of epi.



No change.

Check for pneumothorax.

Good breath sounds

No tracheal shift.


The Ativan's in.
You might not need these.

Send a tech to get
a 28 French Button.

We'll put in a Foley
to keep the tract open.

I register him first?

No, don't bother.

I'm just going to put
the G-tube in and get him home.

What're you looking
at him for?

He's a second year resident.

I'm an attending.

I said he doesn't need
to be registered.

I'll be back.

He should be in a nursing home.

I'd never do that to him.

Well, at least
you shouldn't have to do this.

Call GI.
Watch his hand.

He may react
when I put in the Foley.


( groaning )


( sighs ):
Still in fib.

Charge to 360.

I heard she vomited.
Do you think she aspirated?


Fine v-fib. Possibly.

Try 360 again.

You shouldn't arrest
from aspiration.

The balloon on her
crike must've burst.

It happens.



How long
have you been at it?

39 minutes.

What about a dopamine drip?

No. Hold compressions.

Get a strip. We're done.

I'll clean her up.

She's a coroner's case.

Yeah, I know.

And when they do the autopsy,

they'll see that the balloon
didn't burst.


They'll see that it did.

So, is she going
to keep the baby?

Well, we finally got her
to hold him.

One miracle at a time.

( clears throat )

Look, I just came up
to, uh, apologize.

A few months ago,

the woman that
I'd been with...

we lost a baby.

I heard.

You getting some help
with that?

I'm working on it.

Good night.

( clears throat )

I thought they would've
taken her by now.

Morgue's backed up.

Coroner's backed up.

Same old, same old.

I thought you were with
that intussusception kid.

Pedes surgery
took him up to the OR.

Sam, you don't need to do this.

I know.

There are
other nurses.

I know.


I shouldn't have done it.

The contusions were severe.

She could've died anyway.

( sniffles ):
I shouldn't have done it, Luka.

You did what you did
to help the patient, Sam.


When I deflated that balloon,
Louise was still so traumatized.

He kept asking her
all these questions,

and the only thing
that she could remember was...

( sniffles )

...white guy, dark hair.

I did what I did
for "White guy, dark hair."

( whispers ):
Come on.
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