11x10 - Skin

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x10 - Skin

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

You look like
an old-fashioned doctor.

Well, I am
an old-fashioned doctor.

Give yourself
at least a week
to be better

than the rest of us.

I think you're doing
a great job.

I just wanted
to make you aware

that there are still
many, many, many, many

problems for you
to work on.

And if there's one word

I can't emphasize
enough, Susan,
it's leadership.

That's it. Carry on.

Right, down from last year,
I can see that.

Patient satisfaction

Yes, Rush had
a higher average.

They also have
a bigger budget.

How'd we do?

All right, fine.
I'm on it.


Yep. Otherwise known
as the four-letter word,

beginning with a "C."


73% of respondents would not
recommend this ER to others.

Patients hate us.

Or more precisely,
they hate the residents

for not listening,
not spending enough time.

Ray, Morris, Pratt,
they all scored 2.5
or lower.

Ah, could be worse.

The best being a five.

Last in the class?
Neela at 2.12.

How about Abby?

Not bad at 4.15,
but she's got
other issues.

I'm telling you,
they don't make interns
like they used to.

Yeah, they're focused
on the science at first.

Once you convince them
they've mastered it,

they're free to focus
on humanistic skills.

They're works in progress.
They have to be taught.

But you can't teach empathy.

Or common sense.


When people come
to the hospital,

they want to
see a doctor,
not a rock star.

Put on some scrubs.

You know, we do have
a dress code here, people,

no stains, no tattered clothes,
no leather, no piercings.

Got it?

You mean visible piercings,

And if your shift starts

at 7:00 and you come in
at 7:02,

that's two minutes
off another resident's life,

which is not only wrong,
it's also salary-reducible.

You say something?

Think it's the tone
of a woman's voice

that makes it easier to ignore?


I, uh, got a call
from a Renal attending

about a dialysis order
you finagled last week.


And in order
to appease them,

I agreed to review
three months' worth
of your charts

for any irregularities.
Wait a minute.

There were some concerns.

You started a central line
with no procedure notes.

Well, wait.
You reviewed
all of my cases?

Here you admitted unstable
angina patient to telemetry

before the troponin was back...

Yes, well, the
bed was ready,
the lab was slow.

And here we have: "Patient
presents with rash,

discussed with Dr. Cohen,
who agrees with the plan."

The problem is,
no one in Derm,

including Dr. Cohen,
has ever heard of this patient.

Abby, these
are legal documents.

In a court of...

He had Lyme disease.

I didn't call Derm.

I called the Cohen in ID.
And who are you?

Single MVA.
ETA: two minutes.

You get promoted,
and all of a sudden
everyone's a slouch

and I'm falsifying
medical documents?

Look, I'm pointing out.

Forget it.
I'm on break.

Residents don't
get breaks.

I'm waiting for the MVA then.

( tires screeching )

We need help!
My brother's bleeding!

You a doctor?
Yeah? What happened?

They shot him!

Where'd he get hit?

you gotta help him.

I think he's dying!

Hey! Hey!



What are you doing?

Go, man! Come on!

Hey, let go of me!

Get off me!
Why are you...?

Stop this car!

What are you doing?


( grunting )

( grunting )


Loose! Loose!


Hey! Help!

Shut up!

He's in the back.

Get in the back
of the car!

( panting )

Got me from behind.

He came out the front.

( panting )

Oh, my God.

Fix him!

I can't. He has to go
to the hospital.

I... I...

Fix my brother,
bitch, before

I blow your head off.

Try to stay calm,
all right?

( sighs ):
I'm trying.

How long have you been
short of breath?

Day or so.

My regular doctor's
on vacation.

I'm pretty particular
about who I see.

Smart lady.
WOMAN ( crying ):
Ai, ai. Ai!

Dr. Barnett will be
with you...

Ai, ai, ai.

Ai, ai, ai!

Señora, you need
to settle down.

Ma'am, the
splinter is out.

It can't possibly still hurt,


Neosporin dressing

and wound care

Yeah, you got it.

So, uh,

( clears throat ):
was she faking
or what?

That was what's
affectionately known

in the ER
as "Hispanic Panic."

Okay, let's see.

We've got cough and
dyspnea on exertion.

How are we

Miss, um, Mitchell?

Ms. So-so, I guess.

Okay, "Ms." It is.

We're gonna run
a few tests,

get back and
examine you

as soon as possible.

Icon, CBC
and chest X ray.

EKG, too?

You the man.

Thought "Ms." went
out in the '80s.

Here you go.
For the urinalysis.

Um... is there any chance

that I could see
another doctor?

He's lost a lot of blood.

I don't think
there's anything I can do.

All right,
um, um,

let me try to stop
the bleeding.

Do you have a-a napkin
or a towel or anything?

No, all he's got
is CDs and crap.

Hey, CJ, you got any towels
in your ride?

Use whatever you got
till we get some supplies.

Listen to me.

You need more than supplies.

You need surgery.

( panting ):
No, just...

Just patch me up. I'm good.

You need to go
to a hospital.

( pained groaning, panting )

Make a list of everything
I'm gonna need.

Hey, and get us some paper.

She moves, you sh**t.

Hey, wait, wait, wait,
wait, wait.

I can't just patch you up, okay?

I can't, and even if I could,
it wouldn't help.

You have got internal injuries,

You could bleed to death...

b*llet went clean through.

U-Use a needle and thread
if you got to.

Get him some antibiotics
or whatever.

You got a medicine
pad, right?

Start writing!

( sniffles )

Cause of ulcerative
colitis is not known.

Probably some

of external agents
and host factors.

More common in women or men?


Right. And peak incidence
is bimodal.

Who can tell me the age range?

Excuse me, Miss?


I know you're
not my doctor,

but melanoma,
when it's spreading, how long?


impossible to say, sir.

It depends on the number
of metastatic sites,

of the primary lesion,

a number of factors.

( sobbing )

I'll make sure
your doctor comes to see you.

( sobbing continues )

That was tough.

Yes, but there are
some biological

for excessive

Who can tell me

the differential
diagnosis of crying?

Starting with the obvious,
limbic system lesion,

or temporal lobe
mets would do it.

Could also be a
thyroid dysfunction.

( sobbing ):
Oh, God.

Other ideas?

Um, a sense of doom

has been associated
with acute MI.

Right. Inappropriate

can also be produced...


that man's just been told
his cancer has spread.

Don't you think
he has a reason to cry?

Well, yes, of
course, he does,

but there are also other
organic causes of crying

which warrant
consideration, too.

Excuse me.

This man's
looking for anyone

who may have
worked Monday.

I did. Can I help you?

Uh, my wife
died here.

Uh, Jenna Putnam.

I was hoping, um,
you know, talk to anybody

that, uh, might remember her.

I don't believe
she was my patient.


I'm sorry.

Maybe you can try asking
in the Nurses Station.

Someone there
should be able
to help you.

Dr. Carter,

this, um, gentleman's wife

died here last week.


I'm very sorry
for your loss.

Thank you.

Um... I was up in Maine

and, you know,
by the time I got back, uh...

You know,
she was by herself.

You know.

And, well, I was just wondering
if maybe she said anything,

or, uh, you know,
she was scared.

What was her name?

Uh, Jenna Putnam.

Okay, I'll look
into it for you.

I'm a social worker.

It might take
me a while.

Do you want me to call
you at home or...?

Oh, uh, could I wait here?

Uh, is that okay?

All right. Uh,

is there any way to know
what, uh, room she was in?

Not really. No.

All right. Thank you.

( sighs ):


It's nice of you,
by the way.

It's my job.


Maybe it's a little
forward of me,

but I was wondering
if you'd like to...

You know, it's
bad enough

I got saddled
with the shifts
Chen dumped on me.

Now I've got residents
bailing on me, too.

Have you seen Abby?

Uh, no. Why?

( sighs ):
She went out to
wait on a rig,

and she's been
MIA ever since.

We can talk later.

When was this?

Hey, I've got a couple of more
GSWs en route, ETA's five.

Okay. Half an
hour ago, maybe
40 minutes.

And she went out
to meet a rig?

Yeah, I called her
on some stuff,

she got all bent out of
shape and stormed off.

I guess I hurt her
feelings or whatever,

and she declared
herself on break.

Hey, you know what?

Malik, text-message
Abby and tell her

to get her ass
back on the job.

( pager beeps )

You don't got a cell phone?

( sniffles )

Not with me.

My brother's
got one.

Plays this funny
little song

when somebody calls.

He's like the captain
of the ship, you know?

What's his name?


( sniffles )

What's yours?

Mostly they call me
Little C.


( sniffles )

Because CJ's really,
really sick.

And I know your friend thinks...


He's our cousin.

Well, I know he thinks

CJ can be helped this way,
but he can't,


You need to listen to me.
Listen to me.

I'm a doctor.

Your brother's gonna die

unless he gets an operation,

so we have to take him
to the hospital.

( car door opening )

Get busy!

( sobbing )

Another one? Some kind
of g*ng w*r going on?

Yeah, this one's
got multiple GSWs
to abdomen and legs.

I ain't in no g*ng!

Spontaneous resps,
tachy at 121,

BP's holding
at 106/64.

I'm Dr. Lewis.

What's your name?

I was just waitin' on a bus.

Second GSW's coming
in on another rig.

Three others
went to Mercy.

This one's
the youngest.

She looks all of 13.

Hey, Jerry, did you get
a hold of Abby yet?

I'm paging her now.

I need some light back here.
I can't see anything.

What you got to do first?

Get his intestines back in.

That hurting him?


I have to keep pressure
on this

to stop you
from losing more blood.

Just do what you got to do.

I can't do anything
while we're moving.

( yelling )

Damn. I think
I hit something.

Oh, man, it's
a little kitty cat.

Hey, fool,
get back in here!

Hey, I think
it's still alive.

Give me the g*n.

( g*nsh*t )

( pager beeping )

Is that you again?

I need you to help me
lift his head up.

Come on.

All right, CJ,

I need you to swallow
this, okay?

( gagging and coughing )


Come on, dawg.

Good, man.

Drink it all down.

That's good.

Don't be stupid, all right?
Pay attention.

Come on, sew me up.

Not yet.

I'll give the codeine

a little time to work.

One exit wound, right flank.

My dad usually
drives me...

The other two b*ll*ts
must be in the belly.

Through-and-through left thigh,
distal pulses good.

It was for his birthday.

Hang in there, Tisha.

Ray, call the OR.
Tell them we're on our way.

There's blood in the foley.

Page urology. Looks like
the bladder's been hit.

Want me to call in a dinner
order while I'm at it?

Roll on my count:
one, two, three.

I was just going to the mall.

Sat's only 84.

She needs an airway.

Neela, go.
Pratt, go.


20 of etomidate
and 100 of sux.

Set me up with
a seven-five.

Tachy at 133,

BP's 82/50.
Central line kit,

sterile 7's and a gram
of cefotetan.

Can I do the femoral?

Last resort
in abdominal trauma.

Could end up pouring blood
and fluids

into a severed vessel.

How about a subclavian then?

No, call the blood bank,
tell them to send

directly to the OR.

Systolic's dropping-- 78.

Okay, another liter
and mix up dopamine.

Bag her.

Urology knows.

Good, now call for
an X-ray and a vent.

Are you serious?

Second GSW's coming in.
Can you guys spare a resident?

Yes, she can.

Take Pratt, too.
We can handle this.

BP's 82/59.

How much dopamine?

None. Aim for relative
hypotension in a young person

with internal bleeding.

If you jack up the BP,
she'll just bleed more.

She can tolerate
the lower numbers.

Fine. Pretty
controversial approach,

but hey, guys,
I just work here.

Saline flush
and O-silk.

Hey, Malik, can you waste
this ketamine for me?

Done deal.

Excuse me, sir...

I can feel
her presence.

It's-it's very strong here.

Uh, sorry?

Uh, I'm...

uh, I'm pretty sure this
is where my wife died.

She was in a-a car
accident this week.

Do you remember her?

Uh, well,
I-I'm not quite sure

that I was working
on that day.

Well, she has red hair.

Uh... well, she had.

It was... flaming.

What was her name?


Hazel eyes.

Ringing any bells?

( sniffles )

This is stupid.
This is stupid.


No... I'm feelin' better.

No, it's needle and thread.
It's not going to work.

He just said
he was feeling better.

You're going to
bleed to death.

Sewing him up like this
is-is-is-is-is pointless.

You need
Do it.

I can barely see what I'm doing.

You heard him.

( sighs )

This should numb it up
a little bit.

( gasping ):
All right, it's good.

It's good.

All right.


( grunting softly )


brace yourself.

( wailing )

( screaming ):
What you doin' to me, woman?!

She's just trying to
put in an IV, dude.

Settle down.
What'd you call me?

We'll give you something
for the pain as soon as we get

this line in.

Ray, secondary survey.
Let's go.

Yeah, you're okay, homey.
b*llet just grazed your scalp.

Man, what'd you buy, a book
to learn how to talk like that?

He's just saying you're lucky

'cause the b*llet didn't cause
more damage.

Nah, you the lucky one.
You free.

Wound's superficial,
chest is clear,

pelvis stable,
distal pulses good.

I bet you like hip hop, too,
huh, Mr. Cool Guy?

We sent for a CBC,
trauma panel, PT,

PTT, type and screen
and five of morphine.

That's what I'm talking about,
my brother.
Shut up.

Bolus is in.

TKO. What else?
That's about it.

Entrance and exit sites
left upper arm,

small laceration right arm.
Dr. Barnett,
that lady

with the splinter's
asking for you.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You didn't roll him yet.
Pratt's got him.

Excuse me?

Got a better connection.

And what connection is that?

He's obviously
not comfortable with me,

so what do you
want me to do?

Ray, we're in the middle
of a trauma.

Nobody gets
to be comfortable.

I've got a patient who needs me.

How's he doin'?

He's going to die
if he doesn't get to a hospital.


can I ask what's the plan here?

Just stay out of sight

till the cops are gone.

Then we can get him home.

( scoffs ):
To get something to eat.

Neela, I need to talk

to you later about your
patient satisfaction scores.

Is there a problem?
Yeah, they sucked.
Abby, are you there?

Abby, you can't be serious.
Come on, walking off a shift?

If you're there, pick up.

Fine, all right, call me
if you get this message.

Wow, was she really
that pissed off?

Abby left?
Yeah, and now
I'm pissed.

Here, Neela,
go satisfy a patient.

Weeping pregnant teenager
in Curtain Three.

Make eye contact,
introduce yourself,

stay in the room
longer than two minutes.

Um, I'm about to go
and do a digital block.

I'm not really asking.

Dr. Lewis, uh,
that patient of Ray's,

uh, still waiting
to see you.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

What'd she say?

Uh, fatigue
and shortness of breath.

No, about Ray.

Oh, I don't know.
She didn't say.

Hi, I'm Dr. Lewis,
What seems to be the problem?

Just a little
winded, mostly.

Any fever?
Coughing up any junk?


A little effusion here.

What's that mean?

Uh, just some fluid
around your lungs,

but heart looks good.
No pneumonia.

Does that hurt?

No, I just...

I didn't tell the
other doctor that...

Sam, could you go check
on her labs?


Hey, why is Lewis
seeing my patient?

Uh, the patient...
The labs just got back here
a second ago.

What the hell
does she want from me anyway?

Ms. Mitchell,

I'm so sorry
to keep you waiting,

but I think
I can explain to you

why you've been
so tired lately.

You're pregnant.


I think I got this.

No, you don't.

Come again?

Excuse us.

Yes, I still need to
work up the effusion,

but it's not like
I need a chaperone.

She requested
another doctor.

Why would she do that?

Maybe because she's a he

and didn't feel comfortable
telling you that.

She's a pre-op transsexual.

But it was a positive
pregnancy test.

Yeah, which in a man
means only one thing.

$11.52, please.

Busy night, huh?

A little.

( register beeping and opening )

Three cheeseburgers,
three fries.

Three sodas.

Bottled water...

and a Frosty.

Anything else?

Hey, dawg,

get some
extra ketchup.

Extra ketchup.

You have a nice night.

Thanks, you too.

So... snowboarding...
you and I...

overnight at Telluride
next Friday?

Ah, oh.

What? Don't tell me
you're a skier.

That, and, uh...
I have other plans.


Dr. Carter, I think

my six-year-old knee
pain has "skiffy."

A little young
for that.

Go ahead, order
the films.

Look, I, uh...

I realize this might
sound a bit weird...

Me and Abby have
been roommates

for a while now, but
you've known her

for a lot longer.

I was wondering if you thought
I should be worried.

She's not back yet?

No, and I can't
imagine her

just walking off
her shift like
that, can you?

Uh, no, but that doesn't
mean that she wouldn't.

( rap music playing loudly )

Um... hello?!



( clears throat ):
I need to use a bathroom.


Hey, um... you just drove
p-past the gas station.

You just drove
past the gas station.

Where you going?

Excuse me. Where are you going?!

You know what?

It's okay. It's okay.

Uh, never mind.

Get out.

I really didn't...
I said get out.


Let's move!

Said you had to go.


but you ain't going alone.

Right here?

Drop 'em and go!

Come on!

( sniffles )

Scared of big
black men, huh?

No, I'm scared
of big black g*ns.

Yeah. Soon,

I don't know exactly.

CJ, how you doing?

I'm not sure.


Okay, I guess.

See that?

Now look here.

Just got mine a few weeks ago.

Healed nice.

What's it mean?

Skin called, dawg.

I don't know exactly.

He don't want to tell me.

Told me not to get one.

Find out soon enough.

Yeah, all right, dawg. Yeah.


( sighing )

Cops been all over the hood.

Boo said they'll call
when they're gone.

We'll take him home then.

Yo, give me those, man.

What, my comics? For real?

I need it for the fire.

Dawg, I'm right in the
middle of a story.

( paper tearing )

I'll tell you a story.

( sighing )

So there was this punk
and his girl, right?

They was parked
out in the middle

of nowhere, you know
what I'm saying?

Kind of like this.

They was in the car,

working it, getting things
all hot and sweaty,

you know what I'm saying?

( lighter clicking )

But on the radio...

Can I have one of those?

Gives you cancer.

Granted, she has been under

a lot of pressure, but...

It's still not like her.

I mean, she can be also
be very emotional.

Easily hurt, stubborn...

Then again, she might just
be going out for a walk.

Yeah, probably just blowing
off smoke someplace.



Did you two finish
your QA reports?

Uh... no, not
quite exactly.

When were those due again?

This sucks.


You know why? Because
it sets a tone.

What tone?
If my attendings

don't take me seriously,

why should the
rest of the staff?

You're taken seriously.

All right. What do I have to do?

Pull rank? Okay, I'm the
chief of this department.

If I set a deadline,
it needs to be honored.

Okay, I'm sorry.
Okay, I'm sorry.

No, forget sorry.

Just do what I ask
when I ask it.

Dr. Carter.

That g*ng kid's

I guess the fire helped.

He ain't shivering no more.


CJ! He's apnic!
Help me get him on his back.

What's apnic?

He's not breathing.

Nah, he's warm right now.

He doesn't have a pulse!

What are you doing?!

Trying to get his heart started.

What the hell happened?!

He was just fine
five minutes ago.

Ativan's in.
Sat's only 79.

What did the head CT show?

Not done yet. Keeps getting
bumped for more acute cases.

More acute than this?

Seizure's stopped.

The wound was superficial.

The guy had a GCS of 15.

Sometimes tangential GSWs can
cause intracranial bleeding.

I saw him. He was lucid
and he was talking.

Bilateral papilledema.

50 of mannitol, come on.

He's not moving air.

Intubate, hyperventilate,

and this time run him
to the scanner.

8-O and Mac 2.

Okay, he needs to go
to a hospital.

He ain't gonna let us do that!

He's unconscious, he can't
tell you what to do anymore!

( puffing )

CJ, can you hear me?

Can you hear me, CJ?!

He can't hear you.

Just do something!

I am.

Watch your back.

He's posturing.
Sedation's wearing off.

Okay. Dose him again
when we get inside.

The movement will
help jack up his ICP.

What did CT say?

Diffuse hemorrhagic
contusions with edema.

Ventricles are collapsed.

He's bradying down.

Blown pupil.

Neurosurg ready for him?

I said the bleed
was inoperative.

If we don't decompress the
brain, he'll herniate and die.

Sam, page Neurosurg again.

They're stuck in the OR.

with an emergent
shunt revision.

We'll do a ventriculostomy here.


Sam, let's get Neela for this.

What? I've only gotten
to do it once before.

Yeah, and she's never
done it at all.

Somebody needs to
help me do this.

Do what?

The breathing part.


One breath after
I count to five.

I can't do it myself anymore!


Okay, fine, you do
the compressions,

I'll do the breathing.

Get in here.


Put your hands like this
right here.

You press down hard five times.

One, two, three, four, five.

I'll give a breath.

All right? One, two,

three, four,


Come on.

Do it.

Go ahead.

two... three...

Hey, I need a flush.

Sorry, took a while to find her.

Checked the Jumbo Mart.
Abby's not there. What's this?

You're doing a ventriculostomy.

I've made the skin incision.


3-O silk.

Getting your flush, Pratt.

Separate the attachments of the
temporal muscle from the bone.

Is it normal to have
this much bleeding?

Yes. Sterile gauze
and retractor.

I can't see.

More gauze, Sam.

Frontal bone's exposed.

Nice. You'll use
the twist drill

to penetrate the outer cranium.

Hold it perpendicular
to the skull

toward the ipsilateral
medial canthus.

Like this?


You can do this, okay?

Hey... oh, sorry.

What is it?

I just need Neela
when she has a sec.

This about
my pregnant teenager?

No, a guy whose wife
died here last week.

He's been hanging around the
hospital for a couple of hours.

Wants to talk to the
doctor who handled her.

That'd be you.

One, two,

three, four...

Where are we?


One, two...

I don't know.


He really needs help.

Can't... can't do it no more.

Can't do it no more.

I got it.


two, three,

four, five.

One, two,


four, five.



Dr. Lewis was pulled
into a critical case

and won't be available
for a while.

Now, I'm sure you
prefer her to do this.

We don't have a lot of time.

Unfortunately, I'm going to have
to be the one to tell you.

We think you have
testicular cancer.


And your urine was positive

for a hormone called beta-HCG.

Now, in women,
that hormone means pregnancy.

In men, it means
testicular cancer.

Are you sure?

Yeah. We've run
a number of blood tests

that support the diagnosis

and we will do
a testicular ultrasound,

but yeah, I'm sure.

But listen, it's treatable.

Even if it spreads,

your chances
are great, okay?

That's funny.


I was getting rid of
the equipment anyway.

Ms. Mitchell...

You mind if I ask you why
you wanted another doctor?

It's like you put on
some kind of show here,

like you're not comfortable
in your own skin.

I don't trust that kind of
energy, I know it too well.

...three, four, five.

One, two...

He dying?

( sniffling ):

Three, four, five.

He ain't dying, bitch!
You hear me?

Don't you let him die!

...three, four,

five. Come on!

( sniffling )

One, two,


( sobbing )

( sobbing quietly )

( sniffles )

( sobbing quietly )

Come on.

No, wait. Wait.
I said let's go!


Ain't got no shovel here.
We gotta do it somewhere else.

Close it up.

Listen, you don't
have to do this.

You don't have
to do this.

Lay down.

Let's go.

I said lay down.

Transducer's reading
on the portable.

Bring a dose of Ativan with you.

Pratt, walk him up to ICU.


Yeah, just to be safe.

Thank you.
That was incredible.

You're gifted
technically, Neela.

That's what makes you
feel best about yourself.

Now all you have to do
is take the confidence

you have when you do
a procedure like that,

and just put it in the
other half of your game.

I'm not sure
I know what you mean.

Here's her chart--
Jenna Putnam,

multiple injuries
sustained in an MVC.

Your signature.

I still can't believe it.

Well, we
handle what--

20, 30 cases a day?

Easy to see how
you could forget.

But it was just Monday.

I don't know
what to tell him.

Yes, you do.

Dr. Kovac, I have no memory
of that man's wife.

Are you telling me to lie?

No, I'm telling you to trust
yourself enough to comfort.

Mr. Putnam?


I'm sorry I didn't recognize
your wife's name earlier.

Oh, no, that's okay.

But you do remember
her now, though?

She was lovely.

She... talked about
how much you meant to her.

How much she loved you.

And I don't think
she was scared.


Changed my plans.

I'm sorry?

Telluride-- I'm in.

If the offer's still open.

Yeah, yeah.



Oh, it's something.
I can tell.

I just...

Are you all right
moving... forward

with... this?

Yeah. Are you?




She wasn't even
in the room?


He pulled her from
somewhere else...

Hey, Carter, I need
your opinion on something.

Talk to you later?


What's up?

Neurosurg called
to find out

why Kovac did
a ventriculostomy in the ER

without one of them there--

which is difficult
enough to explain.

Factor in the idea that he
actually let Neela perform it...

And so...?

A: It's a very
difficult procedure.

B: In a delicate
situation like that,

it's customary to let
the most senior resident

have first crack at it,
and Pratt was right there.

Hey, I told her
it was no big deal.

Well, I'm going to talk
to Kovac about it.

Are you kidding?

No, I'm not kidding.

You don't think
it's a bit of

an overreaction?

Thanks for your support.

Look, Susan, I understand

you want to define
yourself as Chief.

I do. We all do.

Are you sure that this is
the way you want to do it?

( sniffling,
sobbing )

Stop crying now.

Ain't gonna
bring him back.

( sobbing continues )

It's almost 9:00.

They'll be getting up
around the block around now.


I'm not going to tell anybody.

Okay, I really won't.

I just want to go home.

Hiding out, are you?

Uh, maybe.

Sometimes I'd use
the utility closet instead.

Worse lighting,
but more privacy.

So, how's it going?


Oh, actually, it blows.

Every time I
turn around,

I'm either offending someone,

or hurting someone's feelings

or acting like
a total...


Tell me about it.

It sucks to be in charge.

So what do you do?

Oh, get used to not being liked.

That's it?
That's your advice?

Look, it's what we as women
have the hardest time with--

we want to be liked,
care what people think.

But the fact is, when you're
in a position of authority,

you're gonna
piss people off

and you're gonna lose friends.


Hope it helps.

ABBY ( on machine ):
Hi. This is Abby.

Leave a message
and I'll call you back.

( beep )

Hey, it's Susan.

You're probably not there.

I don't know, maybe
you're at the movies,

or down by the river
having a smoke.

If that's the case,
I should be pissed.

If it's not, I'm worried.

Hopefully, I'll see you here
before you get this message.

Sorry about today.

This is it.

Let's go.

We got business
to take care of.

Get out.

Thanks, anyway.
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