11x15 - Alone in a Crowd

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x15 - Alone in a Crowd

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

I'm being deployed to Iraq.

So how long have you got?
On your tour of duty.

Well, a year at least.

You heard from Gallant?

We exchanged some e-mails,

but he's always in trouble
with the Internet

at his CASH unit.

He seemed okay?

You know Michael.
He's not one to complain.

Well, when you write,
tell him we're

about him.


Another bad guy
saved, huh?

Now he'll have to survive
the hospital in Karbala.

Need me to redress that?

Thanks. I'll get it.


I'm sorry.

Hey, Dr. Neela.

Hey, Bret.

Girlfriend kick you out again?

Ooh, good one.

No, we broke up.

I burnt this mix for you.

'cause you said you didn't
know the blues and that's...

like a crime.

Thank you.

It's all yours, man.

Check it out. It's cool.

I'm sorry.

I'm getting used

to finding random rockers

passed out in our living room.

Bret's cool. Okay?

He's a good guy, and...

maybe you should get
to know him a little.

No, thanks.

Well, you might like him.

Does he have a job?

Well, I think he likes you,

and I know how hard it is
to meet new people in the city,

especially during
the wintertime.

I guess I'm gonna shut up now.

Dear Michael, it's been months
since I've heard from you.

Sorry I've been
so out of touch.

They keep me pretty busy here,
what with all the parties.

Everyone asks after you,
and I think about you often.

Even at odd moments... at the
market, picking something up,

or just waiting for my coffee.

I wonder how you're doing.

You guys probably
don't even remember me by now.

I'm the tall,
good-looking black guy

with the best
bedside manner in the place.

Tell Pratt I said that,

and tell everybody
I'm still here,

still doing the doctor thing.

Neela. A medevac's on its
way in. Double amputation.

I try to imagine
what your days are like,

how different your life must be.

The days go by,
some slower than others,

but... I'm doing fine.

Incoming. Dump patrol
got ambushed.

I do miss County...

( expl*si*n )

...all you guys,

and sometimes,
in the middle of everything,

I kind of wonder
if what I'm doing here...

...is maybe the same as
what you're doing over there.

It's good to believe it is.

Makes me feel you're not really
as far away as it seems.

...that maybe it won't be
so hard to get through this...

...and that sometime soon

we'll see each other again.

Estimated blood loss?

As for work, well,

some things continue
to be a challenge for me.

I know I'm good at some of it.

Crush injury?
Looks clean!

But I have some deficiencies,

a certain ambivalence.

You can put them
back on, right?

You're gonna be
just fine, ma'am.

What's your name?

Private Thomas Perry, sir!

First of the 12th!

RPG expl*si*n.

Shrapnel injuries
on the right side.

Couple of AK47 rounds
in the thigh.
Hold it!

Hold it!

What happened out there?

They ambushed my patrols.

I had three buddies with me.

Did they make it?

I thank God
for my two years at County.

They didn't make it, did they?

It prepared me for this,
as much as anyone's prepared.

Radial artery
hasn't clamped down.

Direct pressure
for now.

How you doing, Doris?

I thought I
could get in,

unjam it and get out
in a few seconds.

Unjam it?

The saddle stitcher.

Gotta do ten
bound books a minute.

You went inside
a binding machine?

Somebody must have
turned it back on

without realizing
I was still in there.

Well, the cuts are clean,

so the chances for
reattachment are excellent.

Dr. Lewis?

I left the registrar forms
with the guy at the front desk.

Okay, good. Gown up.

Rosales, this is Neela.

Neela, your new
med student.

I'm not even confident in my
own decisions half the time.

Now I'm supposed
to help orient students.

Neela's our resident brainiac.

Talk to me about
pain management.

The irony is people think

I know all the answers...

We could
titrate morphine?

...even when I don't.

No, let's do bilateral
brachial plexus blocks instead.

20ccs of one
percent with epi?

Yes, to Dr. Pratt and me.

I'm familiar
with the procedure.

Have you seen
it performed?

Better see it
before you do it.

Roberto, BP cuffs
as a tourniquet

on both biceps. Keep it

inflated over 140.

Still, I feel like,

after all this time,
the people I work with

should have more
confidence in me,

but how can they if I don't?

Neela, abduct the
arm like this...

Ever since med school, it's
like I've been sleepwalking.

This is gonna
be interesting, huh?

( patient shrieking )

Pressure's down!

The abdomen's tender,
multiple shrapnel injuries

right flank and pelvis.

Two entrance wounds
right thigh

with gross deformity
of the femur.

Hanging the first unit
of type-specific.

I have a lot
of responsibility here,

and I gotta admit,

I kind of like it.

Where you from, soldier?

Burlington, Vermont.

Only one exit wound.

Give him another
five of morphine.

It must be freezing now.

( screaming )

Thank God you're not there, huh?

God or Don Rumsfeld.

Gotta go with the
Sec Def we got,

not the one we wish we had.

Systolic's down to 88.

Throw me a cordis.

I'll put in the subclavian
before he goes to the OR.

I need surgery?

They're gonna stop
any bleeding

and stabilize
your fracture.

I'll keep the leg, right?

Of course, the
responsibility cuts both ways.

Sats dropping.

Get him on
a non-rebreather.

Set up for an airway.

Forget it, we'll do
it in the OR.

19-year-old 11 bravo, sir,
AK47 times two to the...

I heard. OR's ready.

I'll take him from here.

This is Captain Whitley,

62 Alpha,
fresh out of Doha.

Show her the ropes.

Andy! You're with me.

It's strange after just eight
months to feel like a veteran.

Michael Gallant.

Welcome to the 57th CASH.

How long you been here?

I came over last spring.

How long did it take you
to get used to it?

I'll let you know when I do.

I mean, the ER's rough,

and lately my mind's been
somewhere else, you know?

Is it?

Yeah, my wife and I
just had a baby.

January 21. Celia.

She's seven pounds,
two ounces.

How old are you?

24. You?


We wanna have three
by the time we're 30.

We both grew up in big families.

How about yourself?

I grew up in a medium family.

No, I mean married? Kids?

I have a lot
of catching up to do.

Must be hard balancing an ER
residency and a social life.


This your double amputee?

The arms are in here.

They'll take it
from here, Doris.

Your husband's
on his way.
Thank you.

Dr. Rasgotra,
why don't you come with me.

I'll be late
for board rounds.

That's okay. They'll
manage without you.

While Dr. Lieberman's getting
consent, we'll take a look,

make sure we have
something to work with.

Dr. Lieberman?

Uh, I'm Roberto Rosales.
I'm a third-year.

Lieberman's our plastics guy,
world expert on burn management.

Untoothed forceps and a Kelly.

Should I get you a nurse?

No. You'll do just fine.

Oh, wow.

I find myself both proud
and jealous at times, Michael.

These supple,
resilient limbs.

straight amputations.

I'm telling you, if you had
to have your arms cut off,

this would be the
dream scenario.

You know,

Lieberman's a brilliant guy.

Worked for a while in Germany
with the military

training combat surgeons
in burn care.

You have a purpose
and a role to fill.

Flexor digitorum

Most days, I don't
feel like that at all.

Okay, hold compressions.

Back in sinus.

Get me a chest tube.

Some days are bad.
Some days every victory

feels too small.

He's got a pulse.



That was... wow.

Okay, it won't last.

He needs the OR.

Tape the tube in.

Hook him up to suction.

I'll find Kilner.
You're with me. Let's go.

Where'd you learn
to do that?

I worked three years at a
county ER back in Chicago.

Who do you have
back there?

Wife? Girlfriend?

Not really.

Not really?

Okay. Don't ask,
don't tell.

I know what a lot of people
think about this w*r,

but when you're here, you have
to believe that we're fighting

for something real,
something that matters...

I thought we could save it.

Shattered femur.

Femoral artery
was a tattered mess.

He was bleeding out,
headed for DIC.

...that our guys,
the ones we can't save

and the ones we barely
patch back together,

are heroes, not victims.

Sir, we got a hypotensive Iraqi
GSW with exposed bowel.

Good Iraqi or bad Iraqi?

He's on our side, sir.

Send him here in ten minutes.

So, 20 minutes if
he's a bad Iraqi?

Have to be careful
about human bombs getting in.

A unit in Kirkuk
lost some people

when a patient blew
himself up on the table.

It's crazy what your daily

concerns become.

You end up missing
the littlest things...

...the stuff most of us
take for granted.

( basketball bouncing )



Get that lady up
to Lieberman yet?

The replantation should
be underway soon.

Good. I gotta
get back inside.

Greg, do you...
miss him?

You were good friends.

We still are.

I keep... I dunno,
thinking about him.

Nothing wrong with that.

Oh, uh, writing
him a letter.

Is there anything
you want to say?

You writing a letter
or an email?

An actual letter.

On paper and everything.

( chuckles )

Well, um...

tell him to hurry up and get
his ass back here in one piece.

I'm tired of waiting
for my rematch.

Now let's get back inside.

We got things to do.

Pratt says he misses you.

Lots of my time
is spent baby-sitting.

Even here,
there's all the small stuff

right next to the stuff
that rips you up.

Are you feeling
better, soldier?

Getting there.

We've had a nasty virus
blasting through camp.

Knocks you on your ass
for about 48 hours.

Whole kitchen staff
came down with it.


Well, that explains why
the food suddenly improved.

You want to go back
to the days of MREs?


We started off on rations,

when we were setting up.

Now it's our chow
three times a day.

Yeah, you're welcome.

When the fluid's in,
we'll recheck your orthostatics,

send you to the border tent.


It's just for a day or two.

We don't want
her infecting
the whole DFACs.

Is there anything I
can get you, soldier?

The hell out of here.

They're sending a medevac.
Shouldn't be too long.

It's tough,
these enlisted kids

who come back with less
than they came with.

And then there are the
reservists and the Guardsmen

who never expected
to be here at all.

They bit the b*llet
and showed up for duty,

only to get their tours

extended for months
as a reward.

Now they're here
with no end in sight.

"A weekend a month," my ass.

Hey, did you
get 18s, too?

Hey, Chicago,
for you, I got it all.

Hoo-ah! Name a
tent after you!

Yeah. Hey, Cap!

( chuckles ):
Hey, special pickup for you.

Cubans are legal
in Kuwait.

What's the word
on our Bulls?

Flirting with .500.

You think Jordan's got
one more comeback?

You smoke those?
Nah, a pregnant
local lady

came in wounded from
a building collapse.

I delivered the baby.

Hey, scorpion sting.

Got a minute?
Scorpion sting?

Yeah, it's pretty common,
no big deal.

Hey, is it always like this?

Multiply the usual busload
of colds and coughs times ten

because it's February, add
all the seasonal complaints--

frostbite, sled accidents,
tongues frozen to metal poles--

double the car crashes,
add your baseline chest
pains, strokes and GSW's,

and this is what you get:
hell frozen over.

Suzanne Harris, rash.

Hello. I'm Dr. Rasgotra.

Hey, yeah, I've got
these red spots all over me,

and I have never itched
so bad.

Looks like, uh,

insect bites.

Fleas, maybe?

Now, I don't have fleas.

Have you ever had

tiny insects

that can cause
severe skin reactions.

Oh, God.

Benadryl, Elimite, and home.

I know I shouldn't
complain to you.

My troubles must seem
pretty minor.

Hey, Gus.
How you doing?

I haven't thrown up
in an hour.

How about the other end?

Slowing down.

That's what
I like to hear.

Uh, after the liter's in,
we'll "PO challenge" him

and recheck orthostatics.

But I spend 99% of the time
waiting for the one percent

where it feels like
I make a difference.

Neela, waiting time for a bed
is up to 18 hours.

Lewis wants you to see
about dispo-ing

some of the deadbeats
straight out of chairs.

Yeah, we're on it.

Scorpion must've just
crawled up my arm.

I never even felt it.

'Kay, IV, 500cc NS bolus.

Oh, hey, uh...
Sergeant Varga's mom

sent him a box of Lucky Charms.

Can he eat the crescent moons?

As long as he's here,
he's NPO.

In Landstuhl,
he can eat what he wants.

( ringing )
So, uh,

no green clovers, either?

What is that,
a monitor?

( ringing continues )


Jackson picked it up
in Kuwait.

You can't use
that here.

Look, Captain, if you want

to borrow it sometime,
make a couple calls...

Will it call Florida?

My old lady's
in Sarasota.

It's a security
risk-- the signal

could be picked up by an enemy.

Come on, sir,
you really think

these insurgents
have homing technology?

Get a 12 lead,
keep him on the monitor.

He's 112 degrees!


I got 98.

With all due respect, ma'am,

if your boy had a temp

of 112, he'd be dead.


Here. Show me.

Excuse me...
We're not up to you, sir.

Check in with
the triage nurse.
( groans ):
It's just...

I hurt my back.

Um, I was just
tying a shoe.

Here, let me take a look.

( groans )
This where
it hurts?

Yeah, right there.

Any meds,
medical problems?

Mm, no.

You have
a lumbar muscle spasm.

Oh, no.

A backache.

Oh, I-I probably should stay
for a full exam.

Listen, you could go home,
take some ibuprofen,

have a glass of merlot
and get some rest,

or you could sit here
and wait to be seen

for the next 20 hours.

Home sounds good. Thanks.

Uh... these yours?

Oh, yeah.

( pounds door )

Uh, Neela, did you just
send that guy home?

Simple backache.

He still needs a chart.

I did a quick exam,
pain was musculoskeletal.

It's an EMTALA violation.
He left on his own.

Dr. Lewis, MI in 2
is ready to move.

I thought you wanted me
to dispo...

I do, but I don't want you
to get us sued.

Please, we need help!

My brother's in the car!
He's very sick!

You do triage
outside the perimeter?

If they're at risk of losing
life, limb or eyesight,

or were wounded as a result
of US military action,

we can bring them in.

Otherwise, it's off to
a civilian hospital.

If we treated every civilian
who showed up at the Gate,

we'd run out of beds
and supplies in a half a day.

No interpreter?

I'm fluent in Arabic.

I was at the Pentagon
on September 11.

On September 12, I started
studying the language.

Over here! Hurry!

He's really sick!

( woman speaking Spanish )

She said they went
to the clinic first,

but they couldn't
help her.

Pulse is weak,
barely moving air.

( speaking Spanish )

They gave her
this note.

Please! Help him!

"To County General doctor,

rule out meningitis.
Please evaluate." What?

Come on!

( woman speaking Arabic )

She can't keep
anything down.

That hurt?

( speaks Arabic )

Bolus her up

and send her off to Balad?

She's only about five
percent dehydrated,

not sick enough for us.

Balad, you have

to go to a hospital
in Balad.

Do you know where it is?

( speaking Arabic )


h-hold on, hold on.

( Whitley speaks Arabic )

'Kay, this will help.

One cup every hour.

( speaking Arabic )

It's good stuff, okay?

You drink it.
( speaking Arabic )

( speaks Arabic )

How is the hospital
in Balad?

The infrastructure's been
neglected for a decade.

They should be able

to handle a saline
bolus, though.

It's so tough

turning them away
when they're right here.

Even in the States,
they wouldn't admit her.

Certainly can't justify
treating her at the CASH.

( horn honks )

Any requests
from the big city?

Hey, Jackson, you think
you can score me some citrus?

I have a craving
for some mangos.

I don't think
mango's a citrus fruit.

How about some oranges then?

You got it, Chicago.

See if I can hunt us down
some red hots, too.

All right, you better get going.

Okay, Rollins, let's go.

( woman speaking Arabic )

( speaking Arabic )

( shouting )

IED! Get down! Get down!
Stay here!

There might be more!

Get them
out of the truck!

Get them out of the truck!

I need two nurses
and a pedes mask!

Set it for intubation.

Bolus 500

of normal saline,

and we'll need 400
of rectal acetaminophen.

( child shrieking )
This kid's burning up!

( shrieking continues )

( shrieking continues )

( yelling )

( yelling continues )

( girl shrieking )

( shrieking, yelling continue )

Supply driver's hurt
pretty bad!

Get the CASH on the horn!

Tell 'em we got

a MASCAL at the gate!

( shrieking )

( woman yelling in Arabic )

( crying, shrieking )

Oh, my God!

Get me a C-spine! Now!

Right now!

( shouts in Arabic )

( shrieking )

( crying, shrieking )

Gross deformity
of the right clavicle.
Oh, God!

Dr. Gallant, what
antibiotics do you want?

Clinda and Levaquin!

Pharmacy's out of Levaquin!

Amp and gent, then!

Blood in the canal.

Okay, ten of morphine.
Let's go! Let's go!

Got it.

we need you here!

( screams ):

CBC, type and cross,

get a second IV,

call X-ray for chest, abdomen,
and right shoulder!

Only 87%
on non-rebreather.

Okay, stridor and
carbonaceous sputum.

Okay, 6-0
and a mac two.


The inside of her
airway is burned.

We need to get a tube down
there before it swells shut.

( speaks Arabic )

Six of etomidate,
20 of rock.

This is medicine
to help her sleep.

( speaks broken Arabic )

( speaks Arabic )

( speaks Arabic )

( repeats phrase )

Etomidate's in,
pushing the rock.


Talk to me.

Sats up to 92, had a 30
per kilo fluid bolus.

CBC, lytes and
blood cultures sent.

Chest film's on its way.

Still needs
a cath'd UA and LP.

Dopamine's at
ten mikes

and ceftriaxone's

How long has he been
sick like this?

Two days fever.
Also vomiting.

Can't go through this.
All right.
Give it to me.

No. I'll get it.
Let's try five
and a half.

There are times
when all my worries...

all the crazy thoughts
in my head go away.

All that matters
is what I'm doing now.

Securing an airway.

Got it!
Bag him!

That's when I know
what I'm doing.

Who I am.

You've got
a pulmonary contusion--

some bleeding and bruising
in the lungs.

We'll get you stabilized,

you'll be headed off to
Landstuhl on your way home.


( labored breathing )

It'll take weeks for your lungs
and the fractures to heal.

Your family will be glad
to see you.

I don't want to
ship out like this.

Tech just dropped this off--

repeat chest
on Gopher there.

Okay, let me go take
a look at your films.

Take it easy.

Contusions look worse.

How are his sats?

Holding... barely.

Okay, they'll come back.

I'll keep a bag-mask
at the bedside.

Urine dip is positive for
leukocytes and nitrates.

Bingo, found
the source.

That's my sterile field.

You can re-prep.

He can be this sick
from a bladder infection?

No, there's

Probably septic from pyelo.

We still need
to rule out meningitis.

It's unlikely.

The kid's been vaccinated
for H flu and pneumococcus.

Pratt, MI in 4
is crashing.

Okay. Add five of PEEP,

start gentamicin
and lean on the PICU.

Let me know about the LP.

What if the PEEP doesn't work?

In the NICU, we used
a high-frequency oscillator,

but I'm not sure
if he's too old for that.

Should I call RT?

Let's wait and see
what Pratt wants.

Sir, there are
no facilities in Iraq

with the resources
or the training

to take care of this girl.


But you're telling me
to stabilize and
discharge her, sir.

I'm telling you we've done
what we can, Captain.

Move on.

( fires shot )

They cannot take care of
her in a local hospital.

Sometimes we have to accept
our limitations here.

That sounds like
a fancy way of saying

you don't care, sir.

You've been here, what, a year?

I've been doing this for 20.

So don't lecture me
on who cares and who doesn't.

Yes, sir.

Maybe we could
check a facility

in Kuwait, sir,

see about transferring her
to Landstuhl for her recovery.

Captain, Landstuhl's
for US servicemen.

Maybe some hospital in Egypt
or Jordan could take her.

A C-130's on the way
for Perry and Jackson.

We could get her
on the same flight.

You need State
Department approval

to bring that girl
into the United States.

I know that, sir.

All right.

See what you can do.

Yes, sir.
Thank you, sir.

Will he sleep
in hospital tonight?

In the pediatric ICU.

But we'll keep him here
until the bed's ready.

Hey, check this out.

What's that?
It's a high-

High-frequency oscillator.

I had a talk with
the PICU attending.

He suggested that we
give this thing a trial.

It uses high-
frequency waves...

To carry oxygen
to the alveoli.

Well, you're the expert.

Tell us what he needs.

A hundred percent at six hertz.
Inspiratory time 33,

amplitude 40,

mean airway pressure 18.

Yeah, that's what
the PICU doc said, too.

I'll get you
set up.

Hey. Way to stay on top
of his pressure.

One of us should call
the state medical board.

What for?
To report
the clinic doc.

You don't know what
the kid looked like
when they sent him home.

He looked bad enough for
the doctor to advise them

to come here with a note
to rule out meningitis.

Listen, clinic docs provide
essential care in places

where there's nothing else.

I'm not sure bad health care
is preferable to none.

The kid's vaccines
are all up to date

and amoxicillin's better
than no meds at all.

Look, you shut a guy
like this down,

you're not doing
anybody any favors,

including this family.


No, no, no, it needs
to be immediately.

Because this girl can't wait.

Okay, can I speak
to someone else then?

What? No, don't...

You okay?

Two places in Kuwait said no

and the administrator
at Landstuhl

practically laughed at me.

It's real sweet,
what you're doing.

Yeah, what I'm trying to do.

What's up?

She's tachy with a
widened pulse pressure.

The gram stain
was negative.

Still on triples

but we'll be out of
flagyl in the morning.

Yeah, well, it won't matter

if they don't get
her skin grafted soon,

and that's not gonna happen
anywhere around here.

Urine output's only half
a cc per kilo per hour.

( speaking Arabic )

"God keep you
for what you're doing."

It's not gonna be so easy.

You want me to
tell her that?


If you ever send us
an unstable patient again,

we'll report you
to the state medical board,

and trust me, Dr. Lima,
you will lose your license.

Yeah, good-bye to you, too.

( phone slams )

Did you get it all out?

Whatever it is that's been
bothering you all shift.

One minute you're
treating me like I'm
God's gift to medicine,

the next you're
humiliating me in
front of a student.

Humiliating you?

If you trust me, then
just give me some room.

If you don't,
just say so.

I don't.


Neela, you could be
the best doctor here.

Hell, everybody knows that
you're five times smarter.

But most of the time
you're in your head.

You're right. I am.

I blow things out of proportion.

I obsess.

So stop.

It's just...

I come here. I do my shift.

I go home. I sleep.

I can't believe
this is my life.

See, now that's the problem.
This cannot be your life.

You need to go out.
You need to have some fun.

When was the last time
you went on a date?

Why does everybody
seem to think
I need to get laid?

Trust me on this:
sometimes it helps.

Colonel Kilner...

This Marine woke up
with someone's arm

draped across his body.

Took out his dagger
and started stabbing it.

It was his own arm.

It'd fallen asleep and
he took it for the enemy.

Sir, I've run into
some interference

getting things set up.

Maybe you could
extend Jamila's stay?


Just for a few days,
it'll give me more time...

We don't have beds
to give away.

I want her out of the unit
by the morning.

Hey, Larabee, hold up.

What did I do now?



Neela, telephone.


Is it that clinic idiot again?



I got a nasty hangnail
on my big toe.

Do you prescribe over the phone?


That's too bad.
Yeah, okay, I'll try.

What's going on?

She's talking
to Gallant.

When's he coming home?

Sounds like
he needs help
with something.

Hey, don't forget to spread
the love, okay?

Is he okay?
Yeah. They're yakking

like a couple
of teenagers.
What do you suppose

a long-distance call
from Iraq would run you?

More important: what do you
suppose it'll run the Army?

You know,
it's we, the taxpayers,

who are underwriting
this little rendezvous.

Yeah, okay. You, too.

What? you just hang up
like that?!

He couldn't talk.
He said hello to everyone.

Can we call him back?

It was a one-time thing.
He got access to a phone.

I gotta go.

I'll be right back.
He sounded okay.

( sighs )

So, how you feeling?

You were right.

Time to go home.

Yeah, it'll just be a few days.

Your family will meet you
at Walter Reed.

You told them I'd be all right?

Yeah, somebody
contacted them, yeah.

( sighs )

You see that?

( sighs )

Picked it up in Mosul
for Laura,

my little one.

( chuckles )

She's gonna love it.

( sighs )

I wonder how cold it is
in Joliet.

My wife hates the winter.

Now, you make it quick,
all right?

'Cause if you get caught,
I never knew you.

( chuckles )

Looks like
you caught them both.

Is that Lieberman
with Dr. Dubenko?

Yes. They're looking at
the lady you brought in.

She's doing well.

That's good.
I'll tell them
you're waiting.

That's all right.

Hello, Doris.

Dr. Lieberman,
may I have a moment?

Bit busy here,

I'm sorry. This can't wait.

The winds kicked up all
through the Arabian Sea.

Your flight out should be
in tomorrow, at the latest,

maybe even tonight.

It sucks, but it
could be worse.


I raided chow supplies
for you, Burlington.

Maple syrup?

You can take
the boy out of Vermont...

( sighs )


Who wrote you, sir?

Uh, my folks.

And a friend.

That stuff's like gold, huh?

Yes, it is.

Have a minute,

Take it easy, soldier.

A Dr. Lieberman

in Chicago has agreed to
underwrite Jamila's care.

( sighs )

It came through.
That's great, sir.

County General...

my guess is, that's
where you used to work.

So, how did you plan
to get her there?

Piggyback her
on the transport
to Andrews, sir.

And who's gonna
get that approved?

( sighs )

It was lucky for you
that the State Department

and the Army okayed it.

There's a C-130 on the
airstrip in Baghdad.

We'll helo them over
soon as we get a chopper.

Don't say I never did
anything for you.

( exhales )


Good news?


( Clemente laughs )


I've got, um...

two Heinekens under my bed.

They've been
sitting there for weeks,

waiting for something
to celebrate.

We're here, you know.

Gotta hold on to the good stuff
while you can.

Yeah. Sure.

Dr. Gallant!

Sergeant Jackson's crashing!


( loud blues music playing )


Oh. Hey.

Um... hot water's
out at my place.

Sorry. Ray said it was okay.

( lowers volume )

You want?


Yeah, sure.

Haven't listened
to this CD yet?

You familiar with this
guy, Robert Johnson?

Not really.

( sighs )
Eric Clapton?

Jimmy Page?
Keith Richard?

Well, yes, of
course, I've...

Well, there's a direct line
between Robert Johnson

and every dude who's
ever picked up a Gibson.

Robert Johnson
is American music.

Is that so?

Yeah. That's so.

( panting )

Sats were trending down.
I had to tube him.

Getting hard to bag.

Bleeding into his lungs.
Hold compressions.

Still bradycardic, 48.

Another epi. Let's go.
Maybe occult pneumothorax?

Pericardial effusion?

No. He's moving air.
No carotid?

Holding compressions.

Rate 27, no pulse.

His heart's not getting
any oxygen.


You know, they say he sold
his soul to the devil.

Really? Why?

Well, he wanted
to be the best.

And he was.

So, that makes it
worth it?

Well, kind of depends
on your opinion of the devil.

I think it's a made-up story.

Of course, it is.
That's the best kind.

But this guy--
I mean, listen to this--

he's actually making
a guitar talk.

( sighs )

To play like that, I would
give almost anything.

( chuckles )

Wouldn't you?

It's good you feel that way
about what you do.

What way?

I don't know...


Well, don't you?

I mean, what Ray and you
do-- that's pretty amaz...

I'm-I'm-I'm, like,
in awe of you guys...

I wasn't talking about me.

All I meant was...

...you seem pretty
passionate to me.

( sighing )

( panting )

Damn it. Pace at a faster rate.

Not capturing. Atropine.

Epi drip-- wide open.

Hold compressions.

( panting )


We haven't been
going that long.

You can't reverse this.

( panting )

Another atropine.
Come on. Come on!

( whooshing )

( panting )

He's had three
rounds of meds.

Hold compressions.

( panting )

Dr. Gallant?

Dr. Gallant?

( panting )

( giggles )

Wait. Hold on a minute.

( stifled sobs )

( Larabee panting )

You're-you're great, but...

I... ( laughs )

Are you laughing?

I'm-I'm sorry.

great, really.

But, um... I'm
just not into it.

Oh, well, you seemed
into it a minute ago.

I need to go to bed now,

because if I don't
go to bed now,

I'm going to stay
out here with you.

And what'd be
so bad about that?

Um, you know...


( laughs )

...when you have a-a
cut or some injury,

but, uh, all you have
in the house

is one of those tiny
Band-Aids that don't
even stay on...?


They don't really help
the problem at all.

This would be...
very nice, I'm sure.

It already was. Uh...

Can you see what I mean?


I'm a tiny Band-Aid?

I'm in a weird place, and...

I don't want to do something
just because I'm lonely.

Isn't the cure for loneliness
to be with someone?

That is so totally reasonable.

Good night.

She's not stable, sir.

Just get to the C-130.
They'll take it from there.

She's hypotensive
and septic.

You've got room to go
up on the pressers.

She'll blow a pneumo
at altitude.

Fly low and bag her
on the way.

Sir, you're not the one who'll
be coding her at 5,000 feet.

She could die without
the proper burn care.

She can't get that here.

She could die
during transport.

I'm not taking

Would you take her
if a doctor went?

( helicopter blades whirring )

You got 72 hours, son.
Get her there.

Thank you, sir.

I try to be positive, Neela,

but the truth is...
it gets to you.

Even if no one sees that,
even if you never admit it.

Sometimes I wish
I could just get out,

wear civvies, drink beer
and clear my head for a while.

Then I'd come back...
and finish the job I started.

There are things I can't
say to anyone except in a

Except... to you.

Be safe, Michael.

I know I worry a lot
about everything.

But most of all I worry
about how long it will be...

before I see you again.
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