11x16 - Here and There

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x16 - Here and There

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

"Dear Michael.

It's been months
since I've heard from you."

"Tell everybody I'm still here.

Still doing the doctor thing."

( screaming in Arabic )

She could die

without the proper burn care.

She can't get that here.

Yeah, okay, I'll try.

What's going on.
She's talking to Gallant.

You got 72 hours, son.

Get her there.

For Laura,

my little one.

your favorite patient

is out in Waiting,
asking for you.

Oh, no, please.

Back pain guy?

Third day in a row.

You can sign out to me

but you have
to take care

of your boyfriend
out there

before you leave
the building.


Hey, I heard the Iraqi girl's
coming in today.

Have you talked
with Gallant?

Not since we set it up,
but when she does,

I'll call the CASH
to let him know.

All right, but this time,
I want to talk to him.

Who's that?

Oh, that
is Tio Escobar, 17.

Superficial s*ab wound
to the right flank.

Not him, her.

He cut me.
I didn't do nothin'.

Word was,
you told Drake

you were coming
for him with a g*n.

I didn't say that.

There were witnesses.

Mind if I take a look?

Other doctor
already saw it.

Yeah, well,
I'm the supervisor

so I have
to check it out anyway.

The wound is superficial.

We'll be back
to clean it out.

You got lucky.

This time.

Hi, I'm Dr. Pratt.

Olivia Evans.
I'm with Ceasefire.


v*olence prevention

How many

sh**ting victims
do you see in a shift?

Too many to count.


So how can you not know
about Ceasefire?

Wait, the name sounds familiar.

Tell me more about it.

Tio and I-- we're not...
we're not done here.

Are we, Tio?

Anything else?

I'll be back.

So, what's she like?

She's a health
professional, Ray.

Don't be such a dog.

( Taggart sighs )

I shouldn't have
taken Franklin.

Mom, what day is it?


I meant date.

It's right in
front of you, Alex.

The 27th.

Dad'll be coming soon.

You spoke to him?

No, he wrote me a letter.

You never
said anything.

He wrote it to me.

And he said
he was coming to see you?


( sighs )

Alex, honey,
how many times has he told you

he was going to do something,
and then he didn't?

Okay, Mr. Kirkendall,

we'll do this
one more time.

All right.
Thanks for your patience.

Dr. Rasgotra,
you got a minute?

You go right ahead,
I'll be with you in a moment.

Okay, I'll-I'll wait right here.
Thank you very much.

Uh, congratulations.

On what?

Yeah. The Iraqi mother
and daughter arrived

early this morning.

Oh, that's great!
Yeah. Is Dr.
Gallant around?

I wanted to
introduce him

to the plastics

Excuse me?

Dr. Gallant.

Michael was in the hospital?

Yeah. I was just
with him an hour ago.


So, if you see him,
could you send him my way?

The unit staff really
wants to meet him.

He's, uh, he's a bit
of a hero up there.


Registration and urgent
care in the atrium,

primary care
clinics over here.

36 state-of-the-
art exam rooms

with a dedicated
outpatient pharmacy.


Lab and X ray suite located
behind the sculpture garden.

And this?

What's this?

Commercial space.

We're already taking bids.

It'll probably go
to some fast-food joint.


Sorry I'm late.

( panting )

Kerry sends her apologies,

but she, uh, had
an appropriations meeting.

So... what do you think?

Very impressive.

Well, listen, uh,

public affairs is working
on a press release

about the Carter Foundation

Dr. Anspaugh, I
thought we agreed

that comprehensive
HIV care would be
very much a part

of all of this.

We cannot get
into subspecialties yet.

We had struggle enough
getting family med to commit.

Primary care docs
can staff the
HIV clinic.

There is no space for that.

Well, maybe we
should pitch a tent

in the sculpture
garden, or maybe

we could stake out a few tables
in the burger joint.

Look, the clinic was your idea.

We are just trying
to make it happen.

Primary care and
HIV treatment.

Not Architectural Digest
and super-size meals.

( chuckles )

Call me when you have something
else for me to look at.

12-year-old Victor Hopkins,
GSW to the groin, pulse 115,

resps 20, 98/60.

And my sats are okay.

( laughs ):
Well, how do you
know about sats?

I heard her say it
on the radio.

Got two of morphine

en route.
Mom's on her way in.

Weird trajectory
for a GSW.

Who shot you, Victor?

Nobody. It just went off.

You shot yourself?

No, it was in my pocket.

What's a smart kid
like you doing with a g*n?

Protecting myself.

Michael, I don't know

if you're checking
this cell phone.

Are you in town?

I'm a bit confused...

Call me back at the
hospital, okay?

I'll be here for
another hour or so.

You ran away
from your back pain guy,

but he's waiting for you.

He can wait.

I heard Michael was here.

Did you know he was coming?

Yeah, sure.

You didn't mention it.

Didn't I?

He didn't stop by?

I guess he just didn't want
to go over everything.

Should I continue
being oblivious,

or do you want to explain

why you're bleeding
from your cuticles?

I'm not crazy, am I?


How did I manage

to build up feelings
for someone

I've spoken to once
in the past year?

Well, you exchanged letters.


What are letters?

You can think, feel,

say whatever the
hell you want

in a letter to someone
thousands of miles away.

It's all speculative, imagined.

It doesn't mean anything,
it's just on a piece of paper.

It's okay
if you're mad at him...


More like furious.

I'm furious
that he didn't tell me

he was coming.

I'm furious that he could just
walk away like that.

I'm ridiculously

desperate to see him.

None of which is based
on anything more substantial

than the inner workings
of my neurotic brain.

You know, I was ready
to bestow my sage wisdom, but...

I think you got it covered.

Am I so pathetic

that I have to
concoct a love life

out of nothing?

That's not fair.

You and Michael were very close.

It's not so crazy

that you're having
these feelings.

( heavy sigh )

Graze wound
to the right testicle.

It's just superficial.

Victor, you're a lucky man.

GSW to the

right thigh,
no exit.

Belly's soft.

What happened here?

I got hurt last summer.

Victor, you got shot before?

Just some kid at school.

I'm not that popular.


Hey, Mom.

Thank God you're all right.

What happened?

Well, your
12-year-old son

had a 9mm p*stol
in his pocket.

He did?

Do you know where he got it?


Mrs. Hopkins,

who's the g*n belong to?

Boo, I taught you how
to keep the safety on.

Oh, Neela.
Oh, I'm sorry,
Dr. Lewis.

I'm getting to
him right now.

Oh, wow. Am I that much
of a hard ass?

I was going to ask you
if you'd seen Gallant.

Uh, no. Sorry. Uh,
patient's waiting.

Can you sign off
on an order

of Ancef
for Victor Hopkins?

The prepubescent

More like aspiring

And his mom's behind it.


She gave him the g*n.

Get social services down.

And, um, Sam,
somebody called for you.


Well, uh,
he didn't leave a name,

and he sounded a bit agitated,
and Frank said

that you got a similar call

Yeah. I, uh, took care
of this wheelchair vet

with ascites last week.

Kind of got a
thing for me.

Do you want me
to put security on alert?

No, no. It's nothing
like that, thanks.

It's fine. Really.


What's going on?

Oh, a patient wants me
on the phone.

Sam, what's
going on?

Nothing. What?

You don't want
to tell me?



Come on,
let's get a coffee, okay?

Have you been taking the
ibuprofen, like we discussed?


Well, like I said yesterday,

and the day before that...

No, it was Tuesday, actually,

'cause I couldn't come
Wednesday. I got busy.

Okay, a muscle spasm like this

can take weeks to heal.

Oh, I know.

So why do you keep coming back?

I believe in you,

and I keep thinking
maybe you can fix me.

All right, let's do a full exam.

Uh, it's a unitard.

You know, like a bodysuit.

Okay, I'm going
to step away

and let you take that off
and get into a gown, okay?


( clears throat )

I can't,
I can't do it.

Why not?

Mr. Kirkendall, do you want me
to help you or not?

Look, don't laugh, okay?



My wife used to call
me, um, uh, Clark,

as in Clark Kent.

Look, I can't examine
you properly

unless you undress...

She said she could
see through my,

you know,
everyday disguise,

and underneath my
unassuming facade,

there was, uh, there
was something else...

Something else?

A, uh... a secret strength.

A special person.

The power of a locomotive.

Mr. Kirkendall...

On Tuesday

it'll be 19 weeks
since she died.

I'm sorry.

Allergic to nuts and, uh,

accidentally ate an almond
in someone's birthday cake.

That's awful.

So, after she passed,
I bought the suit,

and I wear it under my clothes
on the really bad days,

and, uh, I don't know,
it makes me feel, uh...


You weren't
wearing it yesterday.

Oh, yesterday was a good day.

You think I'm crazy.

Uh, well, I wouldn't say that.

Oh, you think I'm crazy.

No, I think...

I think I can examine you
over your suit.

I wasn't sure
what the calls were

until Alex told me about
the letter this morning.

So he's here.

I guess so.

What do you
want to do?

I'm not going to
run away again.

Especially not now.

I don't want you to have
to worry, it's my problem.

I kind of think
it's our problem.

I'm Dr. Carter.

What do you got, Dr. Pratt?


GSW to the thigh.
Vitals stable.

Waiting on
an X ray.

And a social work consult.
The kid had a p*stol.

He's too smart
for his own good.

Bullies tease him, he
mouths off right back.

He tell you what
happened last year?

Tony Ramsey,

the biggest doof at my school,

told him he won a Darwin award
for the most inbred.

( chuckling )

I didn't think
he'd actually sh**t me.

He shot you at school?

No, on my way home.

Kid went to juvie, was back
in class four months later.

Still, a g*n's not the answer.

I didn't know
what else to do.

in the femoral triangle.

Pulse is weak.

I'll page Angio.

We may not have time for that.

What's wrong?

He's going to need surgery.

Surgery? Again?

'Fraid so.

Curtain Four
has a biliary colic.

Ultrasound and lipase
are normal.

Better after
two of morphine.

Okay, home and
follow up with PMD.

has settled down,

and going home
with GYN follow-up.

And in Curtain Two,
I've got the...

You mean, the superhero

over there?

Yeah, a
repeat customer

with lower back pain.

No reproducible
paraspinal tenderness...

Hey, is it true
what I just heard?

Is Gallant back?
...and, uh, uh...

That's the rumor,
but nobody's seen him.

...normal neuro exam.
Is he drug-seeking?

Probably went
to see his parents.

I just think
he's lonely.

I've got him on
round the clock ibuprofen

and gave him a referral
for grief counseling.

Neela, is that right?

Gallant's parents,
they in Texas?

Uh, yeah.
Yeah, I believe so.

Is that it?

I don't really know much
about his parents.

I meant the patient.

Oh, no, that's it.

Coffee and
a jelly donut, please.

Same thing every day, Doc.

Try a cruller.
Crullers are nice.

I'll stick to the donut,
thank you.

I didn't even know
you were coming.

Ah, Jamila was,
uh, touch and go.

My CO sent me at
the last minute.

You didn't call?

We were only in Germany
for about an hour or so...

I meant today.

Dubenko told me you
left, so I thought...

I just... I had
to do something.

But I couldn't leave
without seeing you.

I mean, I thought it might
be easier that way, but...

but I couldn't.

Everyone's sad
you didn't come by.

( sighs )

It's just it...

I mean, it feels
weird, you know,

being back
in the world.

The thought of
going into the E.R.

and having to answer

all those questions
about, you know, what I'm doing,

and what it's
like over there...

How long can you stay?

I fly back out tomorrow morning.

I only came to make sure
the girl got here safely.

( cell phone ringing )


I left all the orders on
the chart, it's all there.

I'm at... lunch, Frank.

At Ike's.

No, I can't come back.
He'll be fine.

What happened there?

Uh... nothing.

It's just a...
just a little gash.

( pager beeping )

This morning I went to, uh...

I went to see the family
of a guy I knew from Iraq.

He died right before I left.

And I-I, uh...

I brought something
that he got for his daughter.

I'm sorry.

Monday, his wife

saw two men walking,
uh... towards her door

in dress uniforms.

She begged them to go away,

told them, uh, told them that
they must have the wrong house.

But they didn't.

And she, uh, she knew why...

she knew why they were there.

( breathes deeply )

She knew.

Neela's superhero
won't leave.

the problem?

He won't say.

Want me to
call security?

Hey, um, do you think maybe
someone could page her?

You know what,
I'm sorry.

She's home in bed.

No she's not.
She's over at Ike's.

Well, who's Ike?

I mean, maybe we could call him?

Why don't I see
if I can track her down.


Hey, you got a hot nurse
here named Samantha Taggart?

Yeah, what's your name?

Steve. Steve Curtis.

It's okay, Frank.

I got this.

You still
hanging in there?

Looking for Sam?

Yeah, I can't
believe she's lasted

over a year
in this place.

Do you need some water
or something?

If she hasn't
run off by now,

you must have her
chained to a bed or something.

Let's step over here
for a minute.

But seriously,
how long

do I have to wait
for these scans?

I need those now.

Hey, Olivia.
I'll call you back.

Hey, I wanted
to tell you

I was very impressed
with what you said

to that kid
back there.


And I was wondering
if I could

talk to you about
another patient of mine.

This 12-year-old kid,

he came in with a g*n.


that doesn't surprise me.

No, but this is a smart kid.

Not a tough guy,
not yet.

And I was hoping, you know,
you could, uh, do your thing.

My thing?

( chuckles )

Wow. Somebody's
been practicing.

I didn't like the way
you ran the table last time.

Wait, wait,
hold on a second.


I'm your bridge.

Go ahead,
you can reach.

I hope you're not about
to get too competitive,

because it looks as if
I'm about to beat you.



Abby, hi.

Thought you left already.

Well, not exactly.

How's it going?


That's a tough one
to answer, I guess.

Yeah, how you been?

Very good.

Yeah, uh, I came by, uh,
to try to bring you back

for that Kirkendall guy,

but I'll just
take care of it.

Thank you.

Are you going
to stop by?

Um, I'm not sure.
Say I said hi.

It's good
to see you.

And, uh, I hope you know
that we all think about you.

Yeah, me, too.


I know it's a bad thing,

but I'm just trying to
level the playing field.

They all have weapons
at his school.

After what happened
today, you really want

your little boy walking
around with a g*n?

Give us a minute to talk...
Look, Victor was
shot last year.

I can't let that
happen again.

It just did.
Excuse me?

I work two jobs.
I can't watch him
every minute.

But he's a good kid.
I can tell.

But... you know what?

A man like you
can be tough

just by staying away
from problem situations.

You got to grow up
so you can be the president

and fix our public schools.

I'd rather be a pilot.

Whatever you want,

so long as you don't mess up
your young years.

Avoid those bad kids.

They follow me
on my way to school.

Here's what
we're going to do.

You see that tough guy
over there?

When you get better,

he's going to walk you
to school for a week.

What? Wait...

And if you
give up your g*n,

I'll have someone walk you

to and from school
every day after.

And each week your escort
is going to get bigger

and scarier than that guy.

Just point me to her, okay?

I don't need a baby-sitter.

You're not really allowed
to be back here.

We're making an exception.

Wow. Thanks.

There's a lounge
down the hall.

Well, aren't you the man.

Listen, this is
where I work, okay?

I don't want any trouble.

So just get her for me.

She'll be out
as soon as she's free.

Any tingling here?


How about here?


A little.

All right,

here we go, Victor.

I will be your driver today.

You can thank me
later, Sam.

Come here for a second.

All right.

Look at this b*llet.

There's a chip missing.

Let's talk ballistics
later, all right?

15 minutes is not going
to change his outcome.

Should show this
to Carter.

Hey, Vascular's waiting.

He's got a bounding
popliteal pulse.

Surgeons are all set
to do a femoral repair,

but he's got a fragment
in the popliteal artery.

Well, Victor's got
to be in pre-op
in five minutes,

or they're gonna
cancel the case.
X ray, please.

I just want to make sure
they're not operating
on the wrong side.

They're just going to
figure that out upstairs.
Hi. We need a tech

in Trauma Two
for a right knee.

Okay, come on, we don't
need this, all right?

This is my patient, Sam.
I don't want this.

Yeah, you do.
Show that to Carter.

Make Vascular wait.

Thank you.

She can't be pulled away
while she's with a patient.

Okay, boss, I
think we're done.

It's okay. Thanks.

I got it.

Big guy's
kind of tense.

So it's serious
with this guy?

Yeah, it is.

I'm glad it's
working out for you.

Do you want to talk?

Has anybody been
looking for me?

Nobody's contacted you?


Never mind.

Steve, what'd you do?

Nothing. Noth... I just...

I-I owe a guy some money.

Could I...

could I borrow
some cash?


I n... I need it.
I do, Sam.

I-I'm going to take Alex
on a little trip, okay?

I may... I may not
see him for a while,

and I'd like to spend
some time with him.

He's in school.

What is he, third grade?

So he'll miss
finger painting class.

He's in the fifth grade;
he's studying the Constitution.

But he's still my kid, right?

Please, Steve?

You know it's a bad idea.

Yeah, I guess you're right.

Hey, look, if you want,
maybe the three of us

could go get some dessert
or something together.

You could catch up with him
a little bit.

He'd like that.


I got to hit the road.

I'll... I'll just
call him, 'kay?

But, uh...

what about the money?

I think I only have
about $40 on me.

How much do you need?

A couple hundred
would be good.

Come on, there's an ATM
around the corner.

So, you still having
a bad time at, uh, at work?

Oh, I'm sure I
overstated it.

It's just I came to work here
and fell into old patterns,

from college,
from growing up

and all the stuff I
wanted to get away from.

I mean, one day you realize
that's how people see you,

that's who you are to them,

even if that's not
who you want to be.

So you don't like
who you are?

I don't always like
how people see me.


You can change that.

Be someone different

Come on.

Where are we going?

Millennium Park-- it's new--

and then I'm taking
you to dinner.

Dr. Kovac, can
I talk to you?

Sure, Frank.

I know it's none
of my business.

I was a cop,
and I can still

sniff out a skel
when I see one.

Guy's name is
Curtis, right?


A detective I
know at the 1-5

checked the NCIC for me.


National Crime
Information Center.

He pulled up this arrest
warrant from Colorado.

I thought you should know.

Thanks, Frank.

Is the film back on my GSW kid?

Uh, not sure.

Pratt and Ray are
in with him now.

You okay?

Where's Steve?
Gone. It's all right.

He just wanted
some money.
No, there's something else

we need to talk about.
I saw something
on TV once

where they cut
the wrong leg off.

cutting your leg off.
Just a minute, okay?

Do I have
to sign something?

has the consent forms upstairs.

are you guys going?
To the O.R.

No, we have to wait
for the results of Victor's...

X ray.

You were right.

b*llet fragment in
the popliteal fossa.

Nice catch, Sam.

Vascular's scrubbed
and waiting.

My mom says I can eat ice cream
for dinner after I wake up.

Yeah? Well,
your mom is pretty cool.

Thanks for everything.

Yeah. Ditto that.


Alex left school
with Erica.

Yeah, she's
tutoring him today.

Frank got this.

It's about Steve.

What, you had Frank
snoop on Steve?

He just did it.

He robbed a market
outside Denver.

A cashier got hurt.


Oh, my...

I mean, he's gotten
in trouble before,

but nothing like this.

We should call the police.

No, I can't...

He's Alex's Dad.

I can't be responsible
for getting him locked up.

Oh, Sam, I need you to work
a couple hours of overtime.

I lost my MICN.
I can't.

I need someone
who can work the radio.

Yeah, I'm sorry,
Dr. Lewis.

It's just
till Chuny gets in.

She's stuck on the I-90.

Yeah, I know, but...

Hey, come on, Sam,
I've cut you some breaks.

Help me out here.

Hey, Susan, I'm going to take
the sled collision in Two.

Oh, okay, wait.
Thanks, Sam.

It's okay, I'll
go straight home.

All right.

Call me
as soon as you get there, okay?


So, Chuck and I
have basically

been hibernating for a year
with Cosmo,

and I'm trying to get us
to reenter the social world.

So I was thinking
that maybe you and Wendall

could come over sometime
for dinner.

If you don't mind

talking over
the static of a baby monitor.

Oh, that's a
really nice offer.

Yeah, I'd love to.

But things with, uh,
Wendall didn't work out.

Oh. I'm sorry.

Yeah, it's weird.

She's actually not really
even speaking to me.

Are you all right?

Yeah, I'm good.
I-I'm fine.

I just, um...

Just what?

I don't know.

I just kind of feel
like lately I've...

fallen off the tracks.

It's taken me a little while
to figure how to get back on.

Will you
call the office later

and let me know
how Victor's doing?

You got it.

After he's discharged
we'll set up a schedule

for you to walk Victor
to school.

You weren't serious
about that.

I'm serious about everything
I say to these kids.

Um, I'm kinda busy.

We're all busy, Dr. Pratt.

So, what, you going
to stamp out v*olence in Chicago

one kid at a time?

That's the plan.

( Pratt sighs )

It's like
any other epidemic.

How do you contain TB?

Knock on doors
and give out meds.

You stop the flu
by giving out vaccine sh*ts

on street corners.
It's the same thing.

Yeah, but there's no
meds and no vaccine.

The kids I know
who carry g*ns,

you can't talk
them out of it.

We react
to every single sh**ting

even if no one gets hurt.

We mobilize
a neighborhood response

every time
someone fires a g*n.

Stigmatize v*olence
and death rates will drop.

It sounds good.

It's working.

Come by
and see for yourself.

The address is on the card.

It looks like
a frat house.

Yeah, it's definitely

That's what you get

for rooming with a
rock and roll resident.

Where are you
staying tonight?

Uh, a buddy of mine
took over my old lease.

I'm probably going
to sack out there.

I'm hungry. Are you?

Yeah, yeah, definitely.

Well, I'll just go
and get changed then.

Me, too.

I could use walking around
in some civvies for awhile.

Okay, well,
I'll be back in a minute.


What are you craving?

What's that?

What kind of food
do you want?

Chinese, deep dish,


Uh, deep dish
sounds good.

Or, uh, Thai.

There's this great place
on Indiana.

Yeah, yeah. You know,
whatever you think is good.

( tailgate slams shut )

I'm just picking up
some of my stuff.

You broke into
our apartment?

Alex let me in.

Where is he?

Where's the baby-sitter?

I sent her home.

Okay. Put it all back.


It doesn't
belong to you.

You see this?

I gave her this.


What about the TV
and the stereo?

You keep whatever you want.

I'll go check on Alex.

Alex is fine.

I'll go see.


You don't want to do that.

( strained grunting )


It's nothing, kiddo.

Just a little disagreement.

What's all that for?

Dad's taking
me to Florida.

We're going to get a
bungalow by the beach

and watch
the whales migrate.

Mom said it was okay.

Alex, go back up.


Alex, now!

Easy hoss,
not your kid.

Listen, you can take
whatever you want,

I don't care,

but he's not going
anywhere with you.

Think about it.

You really want to get
him into all that?

Hey, we'll catch the whales
in the fall, kiddo.

I'm going the other direction.

Come on, now,
don't be upset.
You said we'd...

You said we're going
to go to Florida.

You can't miss
that much school.

Doc here's
got a point.

We'll do it next time.

Come on, buddy,

don't make this
harder on me.

That's right.


If that's your
deep dish pizza outfit,

I'm glad
I didn't say French food.

Let me just, uh,
turn off the light.

( inhales sharply )


( moans )

It's pretty.

Can't sleep?


Does it hurt?

No, not really.

What happened?

There was a, uh,
a patient brought in...

he was part of a unit
that got caught in a firefight.

They had men down, they needed
help getting them out alive.

( rapid g*nf*re )

Get him out of here! Quick!

( rapid g*nf*re )

I never thought
I'd be in the middle of it.

( yells )

We'll cover you!
Get going!

But there I was.

And all I cared about

was getting
us both the hell out of there.

( rapid g*nf*re )

( yells )

( panting )

Three of our men
died there that day.

I don't know how many Iraqis.

( g*nshots )

( rapid g*nf*re )

It's funny,
what you were saying earlier

about, uh, wanting to be...
someone different.

I keep wishing
I could go back to who I was.

All we can do
is keep moving forward.

I wish you didn't
have to go back.

It won't be too long
before I'm home for good.

They're in 3-L?

Yeah, burn unit.


Morning, uh, Dr. Gallant.

I didn't realize
we'd see you again.

Yeah, I'm just
on my way back.

Uh, Hayat,

this is, uh,
Dr. Rasgotra.


We were able to lighten

her sedation
for a few minutes.

She squeezed her mom's hand.

( pager beeping )

Um, sorry.

It's the E.R.

I'll be right back.

I'll be a minute.

Probably forgot
to sign a chart.

Okay, uh... yeah,
I'll wait right here.

Why don't you come down?
Abby's there and Pratt.

I don't have a lot of time.

Okay, I'll come get you.

Systolic's down to 60.

Fluids wide open.

Hang two of O-neg,

and type and cross
for four more.

I'm in,
pass me the bag.

Oh, no. I saw him
yesterday, he was fine.

Never left, he just signed
in again at the triage desk.

Got good breath sounds,
let's call X ray.

Aorta's dilated,
abdomen's full of blood.

What happened?

Looks like
a ruptured triple-A.

All right,
prep the chest.

tray to Dr. Pratt.

His pain was musculoskeletal.

Bradycardic, 58.

Mig of atropine.

Come on, get the
blood on the rapid

infuser right now.

Ten blade.
I missed it.

Well, he's a young guy

with no risk factors,
it's an atypical


Well, I could have done a CT.

Nobody would have done that.

Never lost a pulse,

he's got a shot.

Let's go, Neela.
Get sterile.

( knocking )

I didn't know
you were up.

I know you're mad.

And I know that
he's your father,

and nothing's
gonna change that.

But you and me and Luka,
we're a team now, right?

We're in this

And last night, he had
to make a decision.

And what he did, he did
because it was best for you

and that was
the right thing,

whether or not
you like it.

I have to pee.

Hey, come here.

Talk to me, okay?

I know you're sad
and that's okay.

( sobbing )

Subclavian's in,
good flush.

Run in a liter while
we wait for the other blood.

This clamp
keeps slipping.

Try the DeBakey?

Already did.

Systolic's down to 54.

Chuny, can you
get the burn unit

on the line for me, please?

We don't need the burn unit.

No, I know, I just...

Aorta' s flat.
He's bleeding out.

Okay team, this is a race.

Let's get that blood up
as fast as we can,

let's up the dopa to 20
and stand by with epi.

It's the O.R., they want
to know when he's coming.

We're not gonna transfer him
until he's cross-clamped.

I'll make sure they
got a team ready.
Neela, come here.

Hold the descending aorta, okay?
Don't let go.

Neela, I can do that.

It's okay.

I got it.

Oh, look who's here.

Pratt, call for FFP

and cryo,
he's going to need it.

( chuckling ):
Big Mike.

I knew you'd show.

But you've got
the worst timing, though,

We got a nasty
triple-A in there.

Yeah, I can't
stay anyway.

Hold on.

Yeah, this is Dr. Pratt
in the E.R. No, wait...

I know you're going to let
me buy you a beer, right?

Not this time.
Listen, Greg, I need a favor.

Yeah, I need two units of cryo
and FFP right away. Name it.

Can you give this to Neela?
I gotta go.

No, no, just send it
straight to the O.R.

All right? Thanks.

Uh, what's up?

Tell her not to open
it unless, uh...

unless something
happens to me.

Nothing's gonna happen to you.

I just want her
to have it just in case.

You okay, man?

all right?

Come on,
Pratt, let's go.

He could code on the way.

Dr. Carter.

Hey, Mike,
good to see you.

Take care
of yourself, huh?

All right, back off

the tidal volume,
you'll blow a lung.

Systolic's 65.

All right,
crank up the epi.

( engine revving )

( sighs )

( helicopter blades whirring )

( helicopter approaching )
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