11x20 - You Are Here

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x20 - You Are Here

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:


Yeah, my niece
is getting baptized.

I have to hold her.

Oh, you're
the godfather.

You know, tenure means
financial security.

Tenured attendings
need to demonstrate

the ability to carry
their own weight.

You mean bring in grant money.

We would be interested in
covering the construction cost.

The entire thing?

I had a gig.

Screw your gig!
Medicine isn't a day job.

The chief resident
in a busy urban ER.

We're not giving it
to him though, right?

We're considering it.

Are you out of your mind?

( groaning )

( sighing )


Mm, hey.

Whatcha doing
down there?

I don't know.

Get back up here.

Oh, man, I can't.

I want to, I do,
but I gotta jam.

What, you got gigs
during the day?

Different gig.
I'm a doctor.

( chuckling ):
Oh, yeah, right.

No, really.

I am,
I work at County,

and I'm looking
at a 12-hour shift

that starts in
29 minutes, so...

You want some?

than coffee.

Still, I gotta pass.

Oh, 'cause you're
a doctor?

( snorts )

Pretty much, yeah.

That's one sucky
day job you got.


Ha! That's what I'm
talking about, baby.

What you know
about that?

Shut up and
listen to this.

Man, you ready to go
to school, baby?

You ready to get
an education?

Now show me something.

( grunting )

Hey, yo...

who you bringing
to that party tonight?

What party?

You serious?

Darnell's 30th, man.

Aw, man...

Oh, let me guess: you too busy.

Hey, I wouldn't be out here
at 7:00 in the morning

whipping you ass if I wasn't.

You ain't been back
in a while, man.

Hey, like you said,

I'm a busy man.


Doc Ain't Got Time
for My Friends--

I make this shot,
you're dragging

your sorry ass
to that party tonight.

Yeah, right, like
that's gonna happen.

Come on, show me something.

Come on. It's crunch time.

Don't be a bum out there.

Show me something.

Crunch time,

Game over.

Hey, Sam.


Out of shaving gel.

Uh, bottom drawer
on the right.


Alex, move it!
Carpool's here.

You find it?

Um, still looking.

It's all the way
in the back.


The shaving gel.

You almost done in here then?

Yeah, go ahead if you need to.

Oh, nah, I can wait.

( knocking )

She in?

Uh, let me check.

Make sure these QA files
get to Anspaugh ASAP,

and I need five copies
of this budget, collated.

Oh, and call Surgery again,
tell them I'm still waiting

for their M&M data and
I'm not happy about it.

Yes, ma'am.

This coffee
tastes like crap.

Doesn't anyone change
filters around here?

Sorry. New assistant.

Good help, you know?

Hard to find.

So, um, the formal announcement
will come out later today,

but I wanted to tell
you the news myself.

You've been awarded tenure.


Yup. Congratulations.


Wow, that's great.

I just, I wasn't expecting it
until next year or so.

Nonsense, you've earned it.

Well, thank you, Kerry.
That means a lot to me.

Sure. I still have some other
notifications to make today,

so if you could just keep
this on a need-to-know basis.

After all, you got
the next 30 years

to gloat about it, right?

( music playing )

What, you don't
like that station?

It's fine.

You feel okay today?

Yeah. Why?

Well, you were in the
bathroom a long time.

No longer than usual.

So was it positive
or negative?


Were you going
to say anything?

I... was worried.
I checked. I was wrong.

What is there to say?

What, you'd rather
I was pregnant?

I'd rather you
didn't keep secrets.

Yeah, that's funny,
coming from you.

What's that
supposed to mean?

You've seen all
of my dirty laundry.

I barely know
a thing about you.

That's not true.

You don't talk, Luka.

About what?
About anything.

How am I supposed to know

when you're being honest
when you don't talk?

About what?
I'm not the one

who lied about
a pregnancy test.

I didn't lie.
Yeah, fine,
you omitted.

Like you don't?

What? What?
What do I omit?

Your past.

Your family.

I should check

( sighs )

Uh... Neela.

Cat litter ingestion,
uncontrollable drooling.

Yep. Either that

or a butt abscess
on a 300-pounder, your choice.

Drooler, thank you.

Labs are back on Mr. Busto.

All right, hang
500 of Levaquin.

And Eugene Bradley's here
complaining about pain again.

Here without
a parent.

Morris, see what this
kid's deal is today.

Bet it's the same
as last month--

"My pills
don't work, Doc."

Or last week,
"I lost the bottle."

There's always, "When the pain's
this bad, I gotta have my IV."

We can't blame him, really.

His disease has made him

AKA an addict.

No, there's a difference.

And we take complaints
here seriously, so go.

Isn't it Abby's turn
to treat this turkey?

Abby's at some family
thing with Jake.

Looks like it's
your turn, big guy.

TMJ's going out
on NSAIDS, five-year-old

gastro tolerated the PO
challenge and gram stain's

negative on the knee effusion,

home and ortho

Gonna start calling you
"The Closer," man, all right.

Hey, kid over there?
Sickle cell.

Little bit of pain,
here without his mother.

Get his story, call
the Heme Clinic,

give them a heads-up.

If it's non-emergent,
send him home.


Anyone ever tell you
you got a cruel streak?

Hey, have you seen
Lewis around?

No, she's hiding out.

Uh, but congrats,
by the way.

Associate Professor
of Emergency Medicine--

nice ring to it.

How did you, um...

Uh, just...

Who's "CoryB123"?

Uh, just someone
on my IM buddy list.

Uh, a celebration
is in order, yeah?

Yeah, well, it's not
exactly official yet...

so keep it quiet

and off the Internet.

Good news
needs to be shared.

My mom's at work,
but she told me to come.

Well, it's a good pulse,

minimal swelling, it
doesn't look that bad.

But unfortunately,

we can't treat you
without her consent.

I brought a note from her.

Unless it's an emergency,
we need the real deal, man.

Look, it hurts really
bad this time.

Real bad, you know?

What are you
taking for it?

Morphine, but most of the time
the pills are just a waste,

and my mom says
I probably need an IV.

Mm-hmm, okay, well,
I tell you what I'm going to do.

I'm going to get you
a couple of taxi vouchers.

Yeah, you're going
to go home,

you're going
to take your pills

and you're going
to stay off your feet.

Now if you're still in pain
when your mom gets home,
have her bring you back.

Then I'm just gonna
have to wait again.

And you just ask
for Dr. Barnett.

Bring you
right in, okay?

You getting organized on us?

These two shelves,
free samples,

those two cabinets have
all been alphabetized,

benzos and narcotics here
and actually locked up.

If only I could do
this with my kitchen.

What's going on?


Has Kerry
found you yet?

No, I haven't seen her. Why?

'Cause they're making
the tenure announcements today.

And you're not
the only one getting it.


When did this happen?

Just now.

No, I mean, when did you apply?

Are you surprised?

No, of course not.

Of course you get tenure.
You're great.

I just thought you said you were
going to wait a couple years.

Yeah, well, they kind of
encouraged me to apply early.


They didn't encourage me
to apply at all.

Well, she's probably been trying
to find you all morning.

Well, I've been in here
busting my ass.

Yeah, 'cause you're dedicated
to reorganizing the dr*gs.

Or is it because
you're avoiding Morris?

Complaining of nausea,
vomiting, diarrhea....

right flank pain...
Flu. It's the flu.

( groans )

All right,
I'll tell him.

Give the patellar

a shot of Toradol.

I can't stand hearing
her whine anymore.

Isn't Toradol

since she's
going to the OR?

Um, if you're busy,
I can find Dr. Pratt.


Stay here.
Don't move.

I'm here for you,
okay, buddy?

What up, Chief?

Uh, we need to talk.

Okay, if this is about

the lady who refused
a pap smear...

You're the new
Chief Resident.

Oh, my God. Oh...

This is fantastic.

Thank you,
thank you.

Thank you, thank
you, Dr. Lewis.

Wait until my old man
hears about this.

He will eat his words!
However, it is on
a provisional basis.

Slacker, ha!
There'll be
a three-month
probation period,

during which you'll receive
additional training.
I knew my presentation

on the Circadian...
I'll be your
supervisor for that.

I could feel the roo...
Morris, are you listening?

It is so gratifying
to see that, that

meritocracy is alive
and well at County.

That hard work
is rewarded

and that an
individual's ability

is valued over
politics, wealth

and the proverbial
old boy's club.

( grunts )


You start today.

Yes. I do.


Hey, Jerry, do
I have any messages?

Are you sure?

Have I ever given you
reason to doubt me?


Kitty litter

given Benadryl,
drooling stopped.

Suggested she get
a dog instead.

Hey, Pratt, some
guy on line one.

Says the party's at 8:00 and
that ball had too much bounce.

Tell him a bet's a bet.

Excellent as always, Neela.

going upstairs,

need you to sign off.

Hey, whatever
happened with Eugene?

Sickle cell kid?
Sent him home.

Then what's he still doing here?

Morris didn't
tell you, huh?

Tell me what?

a frequent flyer.

Yeah, the kid knows how
to work the system.

Hey, Morris.
Hang on, kiddo.

Can I have
your attention, please?

Uh, I am very proud to announce
that effective immediately,

I am your new Chief Resident.

This is a joke, right?

You didn't want it.

expl*si*n and fire
in apartment house.

16 casualties,

seven critical,
two minutes out.

Okay, okay, nurses...

restock the trauma
rooms, med students

find an intern,

docs at the ready--

everybody move out.

I wonder what Abby's gonna say
when she finds out about this.

...Jesus Christ.



Do you reject Satan
and all his works

and all his
empty promises?

I do.
I do.

Do you believe in God,
the Father almighty,

creator of heaven and Earth?

I do.
I do.

You all right?

Do you believe
in Jesus Christ...

( clears throat )

Do you believe
in Jesus Christ

his only Son, our Lord,

who was born of
the Virgin Mary

was crucified, died

and was buried,
rose from the dead,

and is now seated
at the right hand
of the Father?

I do.

Do you believe
in the Holy Spirit,

the holy Catholic Church,

the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,

the resurrection
of the body,

and the life everlasting?

I do.
I do.

( baby crying )

Out of my way, please.

Nurse, five of morphine,
normal saline, liter bolus.

What's open?
Did you just
call me "Nurse"?

Let's check for an H and H
and move him to Trauma Two.

Gross deformity
of the right ankle.
Hey, Doc!

I'm kind of busy, dude.
But I can't walk.

Oh, he's smart.
That makes it an emergency.

Uh, Haleh, I need
a wheelchair.

Looks like we have
a non-ambulatory
"sickler" here.

For Eugene?

Says he can't walk.

You're the doctor.

Give me an IV, CBC,

retic, one liter of saline
and two of MS, okay?

Thanks, man.

Coming through!

( sobbing )
Ray, what
are you doing?

We've got multiples
rolling in.

What's her story?
Marilyn Bracken, 40,

minor burns
and multiple lacs to the face

I shouldn't have been there!
arms and belly.

Was she altered
at the scene?

Yeah, but no evidence
of head trauma.

Smoke inhalation?

Pulse ox 100%, can't do
any better than that.

Lungs are clear.

( sobbing ):
What the hell is wrong with me?

Heart rate's up to 130.
It was so dumb!

Pretty tachy,
internal hemorrhage?

No blood in Morrison's.

Hang in there,
Tension pneumo?

No, good breath sounds.

She's still
satting at 100.

Cardiac contusion?

No sign of

any chest trauma,
EKG looks normal.

I give up, what do we got?

We don't know.

Multifocal PVCs.

( sobbing ):
I didn't mean it...

100 of lidocaine,
100% non-rebreather.

BP's down to 80/60.

Not bleeding, lungs are up.

No sign of
head trauma.

No cardiac history.

Respiratory rate's up to 40.

No tamponade.

Pressure's dropping.

What are we gonna do?

We don't know.

Ready with the etomidate
and sux.

Could this be spinal shock?

No, she's still moving
all extremities.

Systolic's down to 65.

Maybe she's
allergic to latex.
No, no, just...

Okay, let's step back
and start over.



up to 60-- we need
to intubate her.

( all talking at once )
Repeat CBC. What else?

Wait, hold the meds.
That's venous blood?

Chuny, did you
hit an artery?
No, no way.

No, it's cyanide toxicity.

Retinal arteries and veins
are bright red.

Open an antidote kit.
She ingested cyanide?

It's released
when things like PVC,

polyurethane foam,
and polyester wadding burn.

Amyl nitrate pearls.
Got 'em.

Usually cyanide toxicity
is fatal at the scene.

10cc's of sodium nitrite,

then 50cc's
of sodium thiosulfate.

Okay, let's just
give it a minute for
the meds to kick in.

Do I just keep bagging?
BP's 90/60.

She's good.

Cool catch.

( sighs ):
Ah... Okay.

Uh, let's keep her 100%

Send off
for an RBC and...

cyanide plasma level.

Uh, excuse me.

Thought you couldn't
walk, man.

Had to pee.

What else am I
supposed to do?

Well, you could
stop playing me,
for one thing.

Nah, man, it's different.

I'm serious.
I need to be here.

The IV helped.

That's why my foot
feels better.

Give me your arm.

( gasps )
Okay, you got your fix.

Now, go home.
Man, it's different.

I'm serious.
I need to be here.

I need to take care of patients
with real problems,

so go home and take
your meds, okay?
I can't. I'm all out.

All right.

MS Contin, 20 pills.

Go get your refill
from hematology, okay?

It's just gonna be
bad, I know it.

I am starting to lose
my patience, Eugene.

Just let me stay
for one night,
please, one night.


Nicely done.
Thank you very much.

You have some cuts
on your chest, arms,
hands, some bruising.

your fall.

I jumped.


Can you feel me
touching your leg here?

You're not pressing hard, right?

Pratt, Kovac wants to know
if you're almost done.

We're getting slammed out here.

Tell him we'll both
be right there.

He's got lateral
lower-extremity numbness.

Motor exam's
limited by
his pain.

H-Hey, what are they saying?

They're just discussing
possible diagnoses.

Contusions, lacs
and all four limbs move.

You're making this more
complicated than it needs to be.

He also had some
partial saddle anesthesia.

DTRs are intact.
No sensory level deficit.

Motor and sensory loss
is usually incomplete

with cauda equina syndrome.

X ray's back.
Good. Maybe now
I'll get

some respect around here.
Anthony, your roommates
aren't here, but that

doesn't mean they're not
at a different hospital.

When did you
see them last?

C-spine's clear.

And, oh,
look at that--

bilateral calcaneal fractures.

I made my way to the window,

and I told them,
I was, like, "Follow my voice."

Look at this,
compression fracture

of L-1.
I saw flames.

He broke his back.

Doesn't mean there's
cord involvement.

I felt 'em, you know?
I'll call CT.

I didn't want to die, okay?

Need some help here.

Another one
from the fire?

Yup. Megan Nesbitt,
home alone.

Partial-thickness burns
to hands and forearms.

Good radial pulses.

How old are
you, Megan?


Pretty young
to be home alone.

One percent with that epi.

Let's buffer
with bicarb.

How are you feeling,

Where's-where's my purse?

She still altered?
Is it here?
Is my purse here?

All right,
you need to sit back.

We're gonna numb
and suture these cuts, okay?

Ow, ow.

Ma'am, you remember
what happened to you?

I was in the lobby,
I-I was leaving, and...

What time is it?

There was
an expl*si*n?

On the
first floor?

I have to go home.

My husband travels.

I should be there
when he gets home.

All right,
just calm down, Marilyn.

Ow! Ow!

Your apartment building
was very badly damaged
during the fire.

( panting ):
That's not where I live.


It's okay to cry, Megan.

I know it hurts.

First and second-degree,
nothing circumferential.

Titrate two to four of MS.

We'll debride
after that.

So you were home
by yourself, huh?

That must have
been pretty scary.

I'm used to it.

Okay, Megan,

you have some bruising
on your belly,

so I'm gonna look at it
with something called

an ultrasound.

Reached the parents yet?

Jerry's calling them.

They're at the mall with Logan.

No blood in the abdomen,

but we'll still need consent
for a CT.

Yeah, Jerry's on it.

Is that a problem?




Jake, how's my
favorite cousin?

Patrick, how are you?

Hey, this is, uh, Abby.

Abby, yes,

Care for
some whiskey?

Uh, no, thank you.

Look, dear, it's
Jake and Abby.

Well, she's a tiny
little thing, isn't she?

Allow me to present my aunt
and uncle, Eileen and...

Call us Aunt Eileen
and Uncle Liam.

( laughs )

So, are you
divorced or
never married?

Uncle Liam, we're-we're...

We're gonna go sit down.

We'll catch up later, yeah?
All right.

Nice to meet you.

Nice to
meet you.

Oh, there's
a seat.

Okay. Hi.


Did you get
the sodas?

Oh, yeah, I put them down
when I shaking someone's hand.

I'll go get 'em.

I'll go get 'em.

Sit down. I'll
go get 'em.





I'm Grandma Mary.

We're so glad you
could come today.

Oh, thank you. Me, too.

We've heard so much
about you.

Good things, I hope.

Oh, Jake goes on and on.

( laughs )

Abby this.

Abby that.
You were
a nurse.

Now you're a doctor.

But he never mentioned
any children.

I don't have any.

I had Eamon here
when I was 35.

Cousin Grace had
her first at 40.

Don't worry, Abby.
You've got time.

( laughs )

I met him online.

I'm almost done numbing.

Well, I never
actually met him.

Oh, God,
I hope he's okay.

So you never...

( laughs ):
Oh. I got lost.

Found myself looking at one
of those floor maps.

You know, "You are here."

Okay, 30cc syringe
and a splash guard
to Dr. Lewis.

4-0 nylons
and open ten pack.

This is wrong.
her BP.

It's really, really wrong.
80 systolic.

Check her lungs.

She had equal breath sounds
and no evidence of chest trauma.

Blast wave from an expl*si*n
can still collapse a lung.

Okay, let's up the
dopamine to 20 mikes.

Dr. Lewis, Dr. Weaver.

Oh, great.

Now she's
calling me?
Can you

tell me where
it's hurting you?

My stomach.

Repeat the hemocue.
Why didn't you get me?

She just wants you
in her office at 7:00.

Okay. Uh, let's get
a repeat chest.

Why so late?

No life.

hemocue 13.4.

Okay, so no blood loss.

Temp's 101.

She could
be septic

from the belly.

She's got some
guarding on
the right.

No. We need to look
for another source.

The blast could've
put a piece of glass

right into
her intestine.

There's nothing on X ray.

These are all superficial.

Can I get, uh, 3.375
of Zosyn, please?

I've irrigated all the lacs.

Do you want me to probe all 30
of them to prove it?


Okay, this one's superficial.

I'm telling you, there's nothing
deeper than the subq.

( groans )


What happened?

Something cut me.

Your parents are
on their way in.

Did-Did you tell them
I almost died?


C-Could you?

Megan, is everything okay
with you and your folks?

I guess.

How about your little brother?


My mom got married again.

Could you at least

tell them I got hurt,

like, really, really bad?


those guys you wanted
me to check on,

uh, the jumper's friends?

Thank you, Jerry.

You are all done.

Why don't you get some rest,
and I'll be back soon, okay?

I think we should get
Social Services involved

with Megan.

Family here yet?

No, but she is
in a weird space.

Well, she just went
through a traumatic event.

Might be problems
at home.

Is that what she told you?

No, but her parents left her
all alone

while they went shopping.

Well, we've done
the same with Alex.

I just think that she's...

Sam, the girl
was in a fire.

Give the family
the chance to
deal with that

before pushing a
social worker on them.

Two sets of cultures
prior to antibiotics,

and start another line
of saline,

titrate the dopamine
to a MAP of 90.

Free air. Glass shard
punctured her colon.

Why didn't it show
up on the X ray?

Must have been unleaded glass.

Only heavy metals
show up on X ray.

Dr. Carter, your father's
returning your call on line two.

Oh. Excuse me.

Oh, by the way,

I heard you got
early tenure.

Yeah. Thanks.

Dr. Lewis,
how's the finger?

Oh, sore.
So is my arm.

Tetanus hurts.
What can I say?

Rapid HIV test
on Mrs. Bracken
came back negative.

Thank God for that.

I hope this means
in the future,

you'll leave any deep
probing to the surgeons?

Call the OR. Tell them
we're on the way up.

Did Dr. Weaver make
the surgical tenure

Yeah, first thing
this morning. Why?

I was just wondering

when she was gonna work
her way down here.

Well, I hope the ER
fares better than Surgery.

We only got one slot.

I'm sure it will, though.

Dr. Lewis?

Uh, could you order
a Social Services consult

on Megan Nesbitt?

Uh, Kovac's patient?


Uh... we just disagree
on how to handle it.

Oh, you guys

Lack of money,
sex, communication?

The last one.

Yeah, there's a
lot of that going
around here today.

Where is he?


No. What are you doing?

My job.

Come here.

( sighs )

Sam thinks that
Megan Nesbitt

needs a Social
Services consult.

You went over my head?

You totally
blew me off.

Okay, despite working
here 12 hours a day,

this isn't your home.

This is a workplace.

It's an emergency room--
my emergency room.

So, if you're having trouble,

you should see
a couples therapist,

and if you can't do that,
you should work separate shifts.

Does that make sense?


And as far as
a consult goes, uh...

just call them
because the parents

will probably get here
before they do anyway.

I took the clavicle fracture

out of a

and put him in
a sling and swath.

All your fault,
by the way.

Morris as
chief resident.

If you'd taken the
job, we wouldn't be
living this nightmare.

His first day
and already a mutiny.

I'm ready to keelhaul him.

I'll try back.

MRSA abscess.
Allergic to sulfa.

Um, clindamycin.

Two words: voice mail.

( exaggerated laugh )

What's all that?

Friends of mine bugging me
to go out with them tonight

and party after
a long 12-hour shift.

That's the problem
with the non-medical types:

they don't get it.

Dodged the admission
of Eugene Bradley

in complaining
of foot pain...

Par-tay at Ike's tonight--
bossman is buying--

but don't get used to it.
Who's on board?

Half the time the medical
types don't get it.


Other plans.


The Apprentice is on.


I'm busy.

Dr. Carter?


Oh, um...

* Happy Tenure to you

* Happy Tenure to you...

Don't I get a cake?

* Happy Tenure, Dr. Carter

* Happy Tenure to you.

( cheering and laughter )

Thank you.
Thank you very much.

( all cheering and whooping )

Excuse me. They said
my wife was in a fire?

It's just down here.

She responded very well
to the cyanide antidote.

Both her blood pressure
and her pulse normalized.

Good, good.

A piece of glass shrapnel
from the blast, however,

may have perforated
her bowel.

She's gonna need surgery,
maybe a colostomy.

Oh, God...

Which hopefully
will be temporary.

I don't understand.

I'm sorry?
How this happened.

From what I was told, there was
an expl*si*n, followed by...

We're just
going over here.

...followed by a fire.

We live in Tinley Park.

Wh-Why was she at some
apartment in the city?

I don't know.

She told me
she had a dance class.

I'll tell you what, why don't
you have a seat right here.

I know she's alone a lot.

My... job...

We fight about it.


Listen, let me
go see if I can...

Can I talk to her?

Um... you probably
wouldn't be able to...

Well, then, can you
tell her something?


Tell her...

that I'm here.


Susan, how long have you
been standing there?

Not long.

Sorry I'm early.

I know you wanted
to talk to me later.

Oh, sit down.

Guess there's no point
in rushing to tell me

I didn't get tenure.

I'm sorry, I've just
been incredibly busy.


You want to at least tell me
why I didn't get it?

There were a number of factors:

significant budget cuts,

your lack of
published materials...

The criteria are complicated.

How about
I simplify it for you?

I've been
an attending
for seven years--

that's two more
than Carter--

I've been an
outstanding doctor,

a dedicated teacher
and a committed chief.

No one's refuting your abilities
as a clinician or teacher

and, yes, you do
an excellent job

running the department...

Which is where
you want me to stay

until, of course,
you can replace me.

I don't follow.

The ER runs smoothly.

That's one less thing
for you to worry about.

That's ridiculous.

Because if I was tenured,

I might work less shifts
in favor of doing research,

and you might actually
have to give a damn

about the first floor
of this hospital.

Did you honestly think
your interest

in an academic track
would be taken seriously?


That you could wait

until your seventh year
as an attending

to start aggressively
pursuing grants?

I've brought in some grants.


By now you should've hit
at least a million.

The university

depends on grants
to cover your salary.

That's not only unacceptable
for a physician seeking tenure,

that's embarrassing.

So forget excellence,
forget performance...

just write a check
to build a new wing.

This hospital is in the business
of staying open.

We have to make our
choices accordingly.


Finger dislocation's at X-ray,

and shrimp allergy needs
a recheck after subq epi.

So why tell me?

Well, because if I
don't leave now,

my band can't make
its Evanston gig.

And that's my problem
how, exactly?

Neela, I dispo'd ten
patients in the last hour.

You get to pop a finger
back in place. Please?

Fine, but you're cleaning
the bathroom this week.

All right, deal.

With actual cleaning products.

Banker's hours,
huh, Ray?

I'm like an ATM, babe.
Do business 24/7!

Hey, yo, yo!


Hey! Ah, hey, taxi!

Damn it.


Wh-Wh... What are you doing?

Okay, you need El fare?

Here we go.

Well, it's getting
pretty late.

Mom's gonna worry.

She's still at work.

Eugene, you need
to go home now.

We are not going
to admit you.

They're not going to
give you any more dr*gs.

You need to go home now.

Man, I ain't going back.

I can't.

Why not?

He'd be there.


Her boyfriend.

Your mom's?


So, the two of you
don't get along?

He just does stuff.

Stuff like what?

I just need to get
some Dilantin.

Where is...

Whoa, did somebody
alphabetize these?

Yeah, believe it or not.

Why don't you just say it?

Say what?

You're mad.

I'm not.

Right. Didn't bother you one bit
that I went over your head?

See, that's what
I'm talking about.


You won't tell me how you feel.

Because it's fine.

It's not fine, Luka.
If it were fine,

you wouldn't have
avoided touching me

when I squeezed
past you just now.

You... you bury
your feelings.

You pretend that
they're not there,

or that you don't have them.

I have feelings,
but I don't need

to share them
every five seconds.

And I don't need
to share them here, okay?

Sorry to interrupt, but Megan
says she's in a lot of pain.

Uh, give her
another four of morphine.


Just try four of Zofran.

How's your cake?

It's good.
It's unexpected.

They should've waited.

They could've had
a cake for both of us.

Snack cake?

No, thank you.

What's wrong?

I didn't get tenure.


Wait. Susan, who
got the slots if
you didn't get it?

Slot. Singular.
That'd be you.

I am so sorry.

Yeah, they gave me the usual
drivel about budget cuts and...

No, no, no, no.
They've always had

more than one
tenure slot.

Well, till now. Too bad
it was the year you applied.

What do you
mean by that?

Just... nothing.
No, what do you
mean by that?

You saying I
didn't earn it?
That my funding

of the outpatient
clinic got me tenure?

No, don't, don't
put words in my mouth.

I have worked my ass off here
for 11 years, you know.

Yes, yes...
I've brought in grants,

I've published,
I taught...
Yes, I know you have.

I never asked for this.

You never wanted it, Carter.

You never did.

This is my home.

This is where I started.

This is where I want to stay.

And I get the feeling
that half the time,

you would rather
be anywhere but here.

Yeah, I thought so.

Iron chef in three needs
a non-occlusive dressing,

then he can go.

How about you?

You gonna go?

You don't give up,
do you?

Car's outside.

Give me trouble, you're
riding in the trunk.

All right,
give me two minutes.

Don't try sneaking out the back.

Jerry, what's open?

Thought you'd
be covering

"Smells Like
Teen Spirit" by now.

Anything in exam two?

We got one free bed.
What are you doing?

Admitting him.

I can see that.

The question
is, why?


Can you get Eugene
here settled in?

Oh, sure.

You want to come with me?

He was r*ped.

This will make you
feel better.

I know her.

She lives in my building.

Her burns are minor.

She going to be
okay, like you.

She used to bring food
to the guy next door.

He was weird.

Had all this stuff
stacked up.

He's probably dead, isn't he?

Your neighbor?

I don't know.

I was the one
who called 911.

Smart girl.

They didn't come as quick
as I thought they would.

I thought if I called them
before I did it...

I tried to put it out,

but it got too big...

( baby crying )

Honey, are you okay?

Mommy... Mommy...

It's okay. It's okay.
( baby crying )


It's okay.

It's going to be okay.
It's going to be okay.

( baby crying )

Now how do you get an Irishman
up on the roof, huh?

You tell him the drinks
are on the house.

( laughing )

There's a man from Kerry

comes into the bar with
a pig under his arm.

The bartender says...

Here you go.

Thanks, lady.



Her name's Abby.

Sorry, Uncle Jake.

All right,
get out of here.

Get out of here.

They're cute.

A little loud.

You have to be.

You got to raise your
voice in a clan this big.

How am I doing?

Let's see, uh...

with 99 percent
of the votes in,

( laughter )
it appears that
you are a keeper.

Who's the holdout?

Aunt Cecilia.

I think you lost points

when you told her
you weren't sure

if there's a heaven
or a hell.

Well, I'm not.

Doesn't bother me...

I'm a pick-and-choose
Catholic myself.

Doesn't work that way.
Yeah, it does.

"Honor thy father and mother."

"Thou shall not k*ll."
A given.

"No premarital sex."
"No birth control."

Not so much.

( chuckles )

( laughs )

Pretty overwhelming, huh?

But in a good way.

( laughter )

Do you want to hear something
kind of stupid?

I'd love to.

I never imagined
there were families...

like this.

You're really lucky.

( laughter )

Having said that...


I'm really, really
ready to go home.


There you are.

And to think I
was gonna leave

'cause there wasn't
any real men here.
What's up, baby?

Give me some sugar.

Nice to see you.

'Bout damn time
you got your fine self here.

How you doin'?
Where you been anyway?

You know,
just working out,

all around,
I ain't goin' nowhere.

Uh, keep moving.

Sorry, ladies,
he'll be right back.


( Pratt talks quietly )

( laughs ):
Yeah, yeah.

Look who's here.


( laughing )

Holla at your boy.
Oh, man.

Happy birthday.
Now shut up.

( all talking )

What's up, baby?
What's up?

What's up?

What are you
talking about?

Where the chicks at?

I see you standing
here by yourselves.

Where the chicks at?

Just get Mrs. Grayber
started on Compazine.


Need an ankle series
on Joanna McVay in Three.

Sure thing.

Just let me know
how she's doing, okay?

What's Eugene
still doing here?

Dr. Barnett admitted him.

Ray, your band's on two.

They're backstage,
and you're late.

Tell 'em
I'll be right there.

Yes, no,
I realize that but...

No, no...
Uh, hold on. Yeah?


You dispo patients faster
than a speeding b*llet,

and not in a good way.

And now that we're slammed,

you dump a known drug-
seeker on the next shift

so you can get to
your next gig on time.

I tried to warn him.

It's a bit
more complicated than that.

You know what? You
want to be a rock star,

that's cool, go for

But play weddings
and bar mitzvahs

to make ends meet.

Because medicine
is not a hobby,

or another way to pay the bills,

or Plan B in case you don't
sell a million records.

It's what you want to do,
or not.

She didn't mean
for the fire to get so big.

She just wanted
the firemen to come.

Pretty desperate for
her parents' attention.

I think she just
felt shut out, you know?

Now she needs to live
with even more pain--

three people dead,
more wounded.

Social worker
said she's going to juvey.

12 years old.



Why is it that we can talk
about anything other than us?

I don't know.

I think Lewis is right.

I think we need help.


No, man. I'm good.

Hey, man,
thought you had the job

at the print shop, man.
What happened?

Downsized, man.

Gotta get a new job soon.

Teesha says
I get in her way being home,

mess up her routine.

I know--
be a doctor.

( all laughing )

Yeah, if Greg's one,
how hard can it be?

Right? Right?
Right, right, right, right.

Man, what time is it?

Man, I gotta get up
in the morning.

Hey, yo,
check this out.

Look at that.
Yo, man, what you doin', man?

Put that away, man.

Oh, man, come on, man.

That loaded?

Hell, yeah,
it's loaded.

Stop playin', man.
Don't be wavin' it around.

Let's get back to the party,

What you doin'?

This the real party right here.

Remember back in the day

when we shot all those
lights out on the bridge?

Yeah, I remember that.
That was a long time ago.

( g*nsh*t )

What are you doin', man?

I think this fires
a little bit crooked.

I think that's
the problem.

Nah, you're drunk, man.
That's the problem.

( g*nsh*t )
Oh, come on, man.

I'm 30, man.
The last thing I need...

Put that away, man.

Do you want to
get arrested?
Put that away.


Man, chill!
That's nice.

Y'all just jealous.
No, man, you stupid, man.

Come on. Let's haul ass.

Let's haul ass, man.

( talking indistinctly )

How you doing?

Listen, I... ( sighs )

I really wish
you'd told me.

Or, uh...

that I'd asked.

You tired?



Why don't I stay here

till your mom gets here?

You a musician?

Not tonight, man.

Oh, yeah.

You know what, babe?

Weaver and the tenure board

can kiss my big, white,

semi-hairy ass.

( laughs )

I shouldn't have
got my hopes up.

Our hopes up.

It's okay.
We're going to be fine.

I just had all
the money spent--

buy a house,

start a college fund
for Cosmo,

take a damn vacation.

Baby, we'll figure it out.

( sighs )

You know what's funny?

I really wanted this.

I know.

I know you did.

I know.

( sighs )



Nothing. Nothing's wrong.

Oh, not much.

I got awarded tenure today.

Thank you. Thank you.

No, no, it is.
It's very nice.

It's very nice.

We will. We will have
to celebrate it sometime.


( chuckles )

You serious?

How's the clinic?

( laughs )

Oh. Oh, they
must've loved that.

I miss you, too. Yeah.
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