11x22 - The Show Must Go On

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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11x22 - The Show Must Go On

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

What, you got Frank
to snoop on my ex?

He robbed a market
outside Denver.

A cashier got hurt.

Failure to recall basic

respiratory principles,
unsupervised umbilical lines

in an infant
and a fatal air embolism?


Don't sign this contract
unless you are sure

this is what
you want to do.

You from

Any relation to,
uh, Charlie Pratt?

I don't know him.

I'm moving
back to Africa.

I'm not leaving without you
and I'm not living without you.

I love you.

I rented a Ninja
movie for Alex.

Maybe we can watch it
tonight when I get home.

He's got a math test
in the morning.

Hard to keep track.

He's not talking
much lately.

( sighs )

Alex keeps asking when
he can visit his dad.

You think that's
a good idea?

He doesn't know.

Steve keeps
telling him

that he's got some
new job in Colorado.

Sam, you've got
to tell Alex the truth.

Steve promised
me that he would.

Do you want me to tell him?

Hey! Hey!

Hey, can I get
a hand with this?

Your farewell feast?

Pizza and sodas. I think
I got off cheap.

Africa, huh?

That's where she is.

I gotta go. I don't
have a baby-sitter.

I'm sorry I'm gonna
miss your party.

Take care of
yourself, Dr. Carter.


Shut up,
it's a surprise.

I just can't believe
it's your last shift.

Last 72 minutes, to be exact.

But who's counting?

Okay, come and get it!

( groans )

All right.


11 years, all we get's
a few lousy pizzas?

Yeah, man, I was getting
ready to get the search
and rescue team.

I took a little detour
by the river.

I wanted to see them turn on the
lights at the Wrigley Building.

Yeah, must have been

after you picked up the
pies, 'cause it's cold.

Maybe you want
to re-think the pizza thing.

Dr. Carter, we
have a resident

for a fall on
outstretched hand?

I'll take it.

I'm Miss Fleming,
the school nurse.

This is Janell.

How'd this happen, Janell?

Well, I tried to
spike the ball,

and I got caught
in the net.


She's very energetic.

Are they called "residents"

because they live
in the hospital?

And very curious.

Is it true that people
can have face transplants?

Yes, it is.

In fact, I'm 80 years old.

I got this
off a dead guy.

Dr. Carter, I'm
leaving an 18 month old

with febrile
seizure in Two.

Yeah, give it
to Abby or Neela.


Still post-ictal but
temp's coming down.

You get a CT?

No history of trauma.


The kid's got a URI,
no meningismus.

Oh, so you
figured out

a way to evaluate

in toddlers?

How long's the
kid been here?

Half an hour.

LP's not
strictly indicated,

but if he's not
back to baseline

in an hour, we
get it anyway.

And don't look now,
but the next set

of victims is
on their way.

Exam Room Three.
Trauma One

and Trauma Two
over there.

Computer hacker
with a paronychia

needs a quick
I and D in Exam Two,

but since
my shift's not over

for another
six more minutes,

I guess I'll
handle it myself.

Come on, what's
a little cuticle
pus between friends?

You guys gotta learn to
get each other's backs.

Exam Two. Paronychia.
I and D.

I'll get your next
prolapsed rectum.

You're a peach.

Ray, Cubs game starts in an
hour. Wanna grab a beer?

I'm sorry, Chief,
but my buddy's

having a party,
and I promised him

I'd be there.
Sounds good.

Meet you
in front.

We'll stop by my place on
the way so I can change.

And if you look here,
this is the Admit area.

I want you to take a look at
these sad and tired faces.

See, you're the
"before" pictures,

and I want you to
meet the "after."

Trying to frighten them?


Yeah, I was really
counting on Bellevue.

Nice to see you
again, Abby.

Uh, I'm sorry.

I trailed you for a few days

during my third year.
Jim Babinski.

As in the
Babinski reflex?

Cool. Any relation?

Nope. None at all.

I'm gonna go get
them some lockers

and then let them tail
you guys around.

Finally getting
the long coats, huh?

Pretty thrilling.

I don't want to!

All right, here we go.

Lesson number one--
floor control.

Sir! Sir, you're
going to have

to get back
on the gurney.

Come on!
Are we really about
to become R2's?

All right, calm down.
Take it easy. Relax,
relax. Come on.

No turning back now.

My contract is signed
and sealed on Lewis's desk.

Mine, too.

Yeah, I got some things
to think about.

Like what?

Susan was just
pushing you, Ray.

Don't let it
get to you.

I don't know,
maybe she was right.

Maybe it's time for
me to make a change.

Get back on the gurney.

( patient grunting )

Leave me alone!

Hey! Get off!

Take it easy!
Calm down!

Lucky for us...

interns bounce.

What do you mean,
I might not have any fun?

I'm just saying, you're
not gonna know anybody.

You never know--
I'm into the music scene.

Gigs, demos, whatnot.

How's it going, guys?

All good.

Is Nick around?

Try the penthouse.

( music playing )

Good to get out once
in a while, isn't it?

Forget about the daily
responsibility we carry

as healers and just
mingle with regular people.

Okay, listen--
don't talk like that.

What, like a doctor?

Like a bonehead.

I wouldn't want
to see you getting bounced

down all these stairs
by a bunch of my pals.

Duly noted.

Hey, Riles, what's up?

What's up?
Make yourself
at home, bro.

Beer upstairs?

Yeah. Catch me later.

This is about me
being chief, isn't it?


You're a little bitter.

Morris, I
couldn't care less.

I've been meaning to
talk to you about that.


Your lack of initiative.

( sighs )

Yo, Barnett!

Hey, hey.

What's up?!
What's up, man?

How's it hanging?

Uh, this is Archie.
We work together.

I thought you were gonna
bring the roomie.

Neela had to work.

Is Jessica here?

Yeah, she is.


So you're
a doctor too?

Well, chief resident.

Wow. That means,
like, nothing to me.

Hey, Vanessa!

Nice meeting you.

( music playing )

Okay, Mr. Enriquez.

Are you gonna
crack his chest?

That feels like
a ganglion cyst.

What's "ganglion" mean?

Have you had any luck
finding her parents?

She was supposed to be
at a friend's house tonight.

They're stuck out
on a lake cruise.

They wanted
a romantic night out,

just the two of them.

I bet they did.

So? Can you fix it?

Well, unless it bothers you,
I would avoid the surgery.

Most of the time, these things
turn out to be benign.

If you say so.

What's "benign" mean?

Janell, stop
bothering the doctor.

Who says I'm
bothering him?

Dr. Carter. Just got a call

from Building Services.

The sewer pipes they
fixed last week?

They're broken again.

So, we only
have one O.R. open.

All right. Let's watch
the trauma traffic,

and try not to
get overextended.

Break out the buckets.

Chuny, is Curtain Two clear?

Pick a bed, any bed.

32-year old actor,

smacked by
falling scenery.

Now, are you a bull cow,
or are you for milking?

The bleeding won't stop.

Should have been wearing
your headpiece there.

I was, it broke.

A and 0 times
four, no LOC.

All right.
Neela, you
got that?

Good thing
I'm not Hindu.

37-year-old male,

and first-degree burns
to the torso and extremities.

What's all this about?

Community theater
gone bad.

It's an Equity showcase.

Excuse me?

We're mounting
an original musical

about the great
Chicago fire.

I had a little tiff with Mrs.
O'Leary's fat cow over there.

Learn the
you clod!

Listen for your
cue, Elsie!

I'd say you definitely
have this.

I love the theater.

And where might
you two be going?

To get some
Ambulance run.

Dr. Carter, asthmatic
in Three is waking up.

Hey, Tony,
you seen KJ?

The Volunteen kid
I hooked up.

Oh, yeah, Nurse's desk.

All right.
Hey, man.

It's not gonna be the
same without you.

Oh, you'll survive.

See you at the party?


I don't know anything
about any parties.


Finish breaking down
those charts?

Yeah, I took yellows
back to Medical Records

like you told me.

Good. It's after 8:00.

What are you
still doing here?

Waiting on my dad.
He's late.

Did he say how late
he's gonna be?

You have anybody
that can take you home?

No, but he'll show, though.

All right, come on.

I'll take you home.

First I gotta hit this party.

What party?

Check it out.
Huh? Huh?

Music notes?

No, man.

Try the opening guitar
licks to "Free Bird."

( singing guitar riff )

Oh, Benny, we got it.

You had a hep B shot
lately? I mean, the tat's

really red around
the edges.

You might want
to keep an eye on that.

Oh, my God!

Doc Barnett talking
the talk, man! You!

You're a doctor?

Yeah, yeah, I guess so.

That's really cool.


Then, yes, I'm a doctor.

Got anything for heartburn?

No, man. How about
some mellowing agents?

Man, there is mellowing agents
all over this place, okay?

It's kinda hot in here.

Wanna go get a drink?





I thought you
were a musician.

Oh, medicine's the way
I pay the music bills.


( man howls )

Hello up there!
Beer here!


What's up?

Toss us down another
couple of brews, bro.

All right.

You ready?

( grunting )

( laughing )

So, how's the double
life treating you?

Well, some days are
better than others.

That's interesting.

Hey, any more
Jagermeister around?

Uh... try inside.

Hey. Archie.

Yeah, I introduced you
two ten minutes ago.


Is that guy
really your boss?


That's what
he's been saying.

I hadn't even kicked over
the lantern yet.

You missed your cue

on account of
all that mooing.

10ccs of lido and 5-O
on a needle driver, please.

I'm doing the job
of two actors.

And giving half a good
performance, assboy.

Son of a bitch!

Unless you'd like
a saline shower,

keep your head still.

How'd you get these burns?

It must have been
the light stand.

I'm not gonna be
scarred, am I?

Nothing too serious.

Hey, Abby, got a minute?


Because I usually
play leads.

600 of ibuprofen
and silvadene dressing.

I use my body

a lot as an actor.

You mean, like
in pornos?

You've seen my work?

What an idiot.

Okay, I'll be right back.

What do you need?

There's a bunch
of people waiting at Ike's,

so I thought I'd
walk Carter over.

You guys are good?

Are we taking traumas?

The pipes
won't be fixed

for three or four hours,
so not till then.

Okay. And I'd like
to get over there

at some point, too.

We'll rotate.

I'll be back
in half an hour.

You ready to go
to my surprise party?


( television playing )

Hey there.


Did you check your sugar
before dinner?


That's good.

Did Erica help you
with your math?


Did you remember to tell her
to pick you up tomorrow?


Are you done
with your homework?

I'm doing it.

Looks like you're
watching TV to me.

( hip-hop music playing )

( music stops )

You got a letter from your dad.

As soon as
you finish studying.



It's my mail.

My rules.

You're such a...

Excuse me?

Where's Luka?

He's at work.

Are you still fighting?


We're going to have
to move again, aren't we?

Yeah, I'm bringing him
right now.

Okay. Right.

What was that about?

Just telling them
to be ready.

Act surprised.

I'll act surprised.


( laughing )

You guys, you got me!


Who wants a burger?

Yo, Ray, Your boy's
hurling in here, man.

Stay here, okay?

I won't move.

All right.

He almost made it
to the bathroom.

Hey, sweetie, you okay?

Yeah. You going
to come out here?

Yeah, one second.

Let me just finish
talking to these guys, huh?


( groaning )

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Easy, easy.
Stupid, stupid.

( sighs )


You know, I admire you, Ray.

You're one of those guys

who just glide over
every speed bump.

It all comes so easy.

But me... people don't
expect much from me.

Most of the time,
I prove them right.

I guess that's why
I wanted chief, you know.

Show 'em I could do it.

Look, it's not
so easy for me either.

I-/////!m just pretty good
at faking it.


Oh, my God.

( retching )
I'll go get you some water.

I swear to God,
that's what
she said.

Get out of here.

Hey, he okay?

He gets excited.

Hey, Ray!

Find me some aspirin, too?

( sighs )

Sure thing.


( whimpering ):




( victims yelling and groaning )

Call 911.

Okay, call 911!

We've got at least
20 people injured here.

Oh, man.

Molly, where are you, baby?!


( groaning )

Jess, Jess, I got you.
I got you.

You all right?

I'm burning...

You breathing okay?



Hey, over here,
this kid's stuck!

You, you, get over here.

Stay with her, okay?

Help me!
Somebody help me!

The ambulances are on their way.

Stay with her.
Don't move her.

If she passes out,
come and get me.

No, Ray, don't go!
I'll be back.

Ray, man, stop that! Get over
here, and help me get him out!

( victims groaning )

Talk to me, Molly.

Come on, baby,
keep talking to me.

My friend's hurt.
Help me get her
to my car!

Okay, everybody, stop. Stop!

Shh, shh...

I'm a doctor, okay?

The paramedics
are on their way.

So what we need to do
in the meantime,

is just clear out
all this crap

and uncover as many
bodies as we can,

but nobody move anybody

until I get
to check them over first, okay?

Is the cow all fixed up?

Both ends.

May they go now?

I'll be with you
in a moment, sir.

He's here for the actors.

It's his play
they ruined.

My stage manager
is filling in.


But if I can get
them back in time,

I might still have
a second act.

I doubt these guys
are up for it.

They're professionals.

You know--
"the show must go on."

Yeah. Why is that exactly?

I mean, why can't the show
just stop once in awhile?

Keep the pressure
going, okay?

Stay here. Don't move.

Tachy at 120.
Pulse is weak and thready.

It hurts when I breathe.
All right, all right.

Yeah. Breath sounds
are on the bad side.

So no tension pneumo?

Paramedics to him first.

He needs two liters
of saline ASAP.

Ray. Please.
Just another sec, okay?

Jess, you're okay.
You're okay.


They're coming, man.

( groaning )
Keep tight.

Ray, come here, man.

I think she cut her ear, man.

Okay, well, that's
one possibility.

Molly? Molly?
Follow my finger.

You got a headache?

I feel okay.

How many weeks are you?

38. Is the baby okay?


Can I have it now?

On the table.



Are we ever going
to live with Dad again?


He's got
a good job now.

He's a river guide.
It's cool.

We're not going to live
with your dad.

Hey, I got you those
marshmallow cookies.

I want to go
read my letter.

( groaning )

Easy, Nick. We're going
to get you fixed up.

Four of MS and monitor
the foot pulses.

All right, we got at least four
other criticals,

and I'm not sure
who's still under there.

Loading the pregnant lady
and chest pain.

Working on the
impaled girl.

What else?

Okay. We got
six dead over there.

Plus about another
15 non-criticals,

fractures and contusions.

We were only eight minutes
behind the call.


You assessed over
25 patients in
eight minutes?

There's no paperwork
out here.

Morris is with
you, right?

Yeah. Send him
to Saint Rafe's.

He needs a banana bag.

No, we'll send
the criticals there.

The rest can go on
to Lakeview.

Saint Rafe's?
Why not County?

You guys closed to trauma.
Got the call an hour ago.

Whoa, this is
a level one.

St. Rafe's can't possibly take
care of the patients like we can

Well, if you can get County
to open, all the better.

It's a lot closer.

County General on two bravo.

You're with Rescue 56?

Our Ray?

No, she's not here.
Him either.

We got Abby.


Ray, what's going on?

Porch collapse.
Lots of wounded.

Five criticals.

We need you to open up
right now.

No, we only have
one working O.R.

They won't all need the O.R.

It's mostly blunt trauma.

Okay, we can
accept one critical.

Come on, Abby.
Take all five.

No. No, we're understaffed here.

They might not make it
anywhere else.

Ray, we don't have
any attendings.

Abby, you're a doctor.
You can do this.

No. No, I'd have to run it
by Kovac.

There isn't any time.

CPR guy's flat-lined.

Okay, we are down
to four criticals.

Ray, I can't...

Come on, County General.

Will you accept these patients?

Abby, you're being
recorded, you know.

I know.

Rescue 56, we're taking
four trauma patients.

You have blanket orders
for IVs, c-spine and O-2.

Thank you, County.

We're four minutes out.


Okay, let's get patients
out of trauma,

sutures and curtain two.

Jerry, call the O.R., tell them
to set up another room.

Chuny, page Kovac.

Okay, listen up.

Okay, first of all--

you should all
eat and drink well,

because the party's on Weaver.

That is a surprise.

If you guys are still on duty,

don't let me see
a beer in your hand.

Hey, 11 years.

Couldn't we spring
for some caviar for the man?

Anyway, uh...

There's something
my father would say

when... when a friend went
on a journey.

And, uh...

he said it to me
when I came to the
United States first.

So I thought of it today
when I realized

I wouldn't be working
with this guy anymore.

Not for a long time at least.


My father would, uh...

clasp the person's hand,

and say, uh...

"We only part to meet again."

Here, here.

( applause )


Cheers, everybody.

To Carter.

To the doc.

Burst eardrum, no battle sign.

When's her due date?

May 29.

Tachy at 128 after a liter.

Systolic's only 84.

All right, get her
on her side.

One, two...
What are you doing?

Yeah, I have
the same question.

Supine hypotension syndrome.

Uterus compresses the vena cava,
reducing cardiac output.

We're helping to get
her blood pressure back up.
( groans )

You're okay, Molly,
we've got you.

No, my back!

Does it hurt here?


All right, those back pains,

they were contractions.

What? Now?

Baby's crowning.

Should I get a screen?

No, we'll flip the bed.

Get a warmer,
a BOA kit
and page OB.

( alarm )

BP's 80 palp.

Ten blade.

Chuny, everything okay?

Baby's coming,
mom's hypotensive

and we don't have
fetal heart tones yet.

Well, a simple "no"
would've sufficed.

Where's Kovac?

On his way, I guess.

Doesn't he need
a chest X-ray?

32 French.

He's unstable with clinical
evidence of a hemothorax.

Tube first, ask questions later.

Good. Systolic's
up to 100.

Wow, you did that
chest tube really quick.

O-Neg on two pressure bags
set up for a subclavian.

Are you like
the senior resident?

No, I'm like an intern.

What you're gonna be
in a few days.

BP is 110 over 76.

How's Riley doing in there?

Need a central line.

( hoarse ):
Is he okay?

Yeah, he will be.

How's your throat?

A little raw.
All the yelling.

( coughs )

No dorsalis pedis.

No posterior tib.

That doesn't sound good.

You cut the artery
in your foot.

You're gonna need
surgery, all right?

We only called them
a few minutes ago.

I doubt the O.R.'s
gonna be ready.

No, no, no, they will be.

Have them call us back
as soon as they can.

Off the phone.

Go, go.


I called OB.
They're in the middle

of a crash
There we go.

Head's out, Mom,
lots of hair.

Molly, you're doing
so good, baby. Come on.


( crying )

Um... Neela?

Turtle sign.

Jerry, 911 them.

Tell them we've
got a shoulder.

Shoulder dystocia?

Wait, is something wrong
with our baby?

He's a bit big
for your pelvis.

( yells )
You can do this, Molly.

Push again.
Really hard, okay?

Pull her legs back.

( screams )

Anterior shoulder
is stuck.

Suprapubic pressure
as hard as you can.

Another big push, Mom.
Come on.

Molly, push again,
all you've got.

( cries ):
I can't.

You can, Molly.
I know you can.

Come on, baby.

She can't,
contraction's over.

Fetal pulse
is coming back up.

All right, support the head.
Right here.

I'll be back in a second.

Wait, she's leaving?

Why is she leaving?

Abby, I've got
a shoulder dystocia

and OB's MIA.

Uh, did you try
a Wood's screw maneuver?

Never heard of it.

That gives me
a strange satisfaction.

I'm getting a flash
but I can't thread the wire.

They need someone in
there with L and D
experience. I'll do this.

You're giving up?

If you can't get a procedure
after the third attempt,

you're never going
to get it.

Is that from
Tintanelli's book?

No, that's the book
of John Carter.

Heartbeat's up to 140...

This guy needs tons of volume.

I'll stay ahead
four units.

What's going on?
Mom's pressure is borderline.

Baby decels
with contractions.

Okay. Hi.

I'm Dr. Lockhart.

Are you from OB?

I used to be, yes.

Okay, let's see if we can...

( Molly groans )

...coax this little guy
out, huh?

It's a girl.

Her name's Janis.

Janis. Okay...


I'm going to rotate
Janis' posterior shoulder...

( yelling )
Here comes another
contraction, Mom.

Come on, push!

( yelling )

( groaning )

Flex the arms
across the chest.

Come on. Big push,


( grunts )
Baby's pulse
is dropping again.

In the 80s, poor variability.

All right, come on, Molly,

Really big push.

She's tiring out.
Sat's 91.

Okay. All right,
all right, relax.

Okay. Put her on
oxygen, have O-Neg
standing by.

Someone asked me
to bring you this.

Did OB ever call back?
Stuck in the OR.

They said it'd be
about 15 minutes.

How long ago
was that?

Eight minutes ago.

What about Luka?

Want me to
page him again?

All right, you.

Yeah, you.

You know where Ike Ryan's is?

Get over there, find Kovac
and bring him back here fast.

Okay, we can't wait,
not with the late decels.

Betadine, lido and a ten blade.

( cries ):
Get her out.

You're doing a section
by yourself?

Where the hell is Luka?

I only needed one more shot.

I got lucky.

Three times in a row.

You guys just missed Kovac
running the table on me.

I've heard Kovac cheats.

Yeah, I didn't
even know

they played pool
in Croatia.

Sure, but we just
used broomsticks

and goat testicles.

Get out of here.

No, it's hard.

Those balls don't
roll straight.

( laughing )

All righty then,
on that note...

let me get out of here,
take the young man home.


take care of yourself.
Thank you...

for everything.


All right, and I'll see
you suckers later.

Enjoy yourselves.

See ya.

Got your
toast ready?


Got to say
don't you?

Do I?

Oh, yeah,

Let me go lick
my wounds first.

I'll be right back.

Dr. Lewis said to wait
till she gets here.

When's that
gonna be?

She's on overnight.

She's gonna stop by
on her way in.

( panting ):

Who's Ko-vach?

Neela, talk to me.

Porch collapse
in Wrigleyville.

I know that.

Tell me about the patient.

Chest trauma
with two liters

out the left.

We're doing a cut down. Ray?

Open it up
to the femoral sheath.

This is the
fastest way

to resuscitate a
peri-arrest patient.


That's right.

Looks good.

Run the level one.

Do you know Abby's doing

a symphysiotomy
in here?

By dissecting the ligaments
connecting the pubic bone,

you can get up to three more
centimeters of pelvic space.

Fetal tracing.
He's holding in the 90s.

Feels like we opened up
a little bit,

so next

big push, okay?


Here we go.
Here we go.

( inhales, groans )

All right, come
on, Molly.

Come on, Molly, push!

( groaning )

Here she comes.


MOLLY ( crying ):
Oh, God!

The anterior

is out!

( sighing and panting )

( baby crying )

and clamp.

( panting )

to Dad.

( panting )

( baby cooing )

Oh, wow.

( Kyle panting )

( crying )

Hey, big girl.

( crying )

( whimpering )

( crying )

( Molly sighs )

Hi, Janis. Hi.


She's a beauty.

( laughs )

( Molly panting )

( groans )

So, how's school?

It's all right.

You doing okay?

Well, you know,
I'm pretty damn
good with science,

so if you ever
need a hand,

just give me a call.

( glass clinking )

Uh... thanks.

Uh, I got it
from here.

( metal clinking )

Hey, Dad.
Huh? What? Oh.

Hey, Dad, come on,
let's go inside.

( sighs )

Oh, man.

Here, I'm gonna help you up.

KJ, go put
some coffee on.

Come on.
It's okay.

Don't worry,
I got him.

Go ahead,
go inside.

Come on, man,
let's go.

Come on, come
on, man, get up.

All right, all right.

You know
how to walk.

( coughs )

Come on,
sit down.

( sighs, pants )

He give you any trouble, man?

All right, man,
go get the coffee.

He's getting a little older.

He thinks he's smart.

But that don't give him
no excuse to give any lip.

How come you didn't
pick him up, man?

( sighs )

Damn. What time is it?

He was waiting
on you, D.

You never
showed up.

Where were you?

Hey, listen!

You his father.
You understand that?

The only one he's got.

( sighs )

( sighs )

Systolic's up to 110.
Where's Dubenko?

He went up
to get the OR ready.

What about Jessica's ex-lap?

The impaled girl?

Anspaugh took her up to surgery.
She's stable.

Ray, he's

Uh, uh...

Okay. Sleep tight, Riley.

I'll check up on you
in a bit, okay?

All right, come get me
if he decompensates.

( loud, labored breathing )

How's your breathing, man?

A little rough.

Oh, Dr. Neela,
you missed the party.

( loud gasping )

How are you doing, Nick?

( groans )

I'm sorry.
( Nick coughs )

There's crepitus.
I had a dream like this.

( loud gasping breath )

Only Ray wasn't with us.

( chuckles )

C-spine's clear,
losing the collar.

Pulse ox 90
on five liters.

20 of etomidate,

120 SUX.

( phone ringing )


Yeah, speaking.

My credit card?

No, it hasn't been stolen.



I'd like to thank you all

for coming tonight.

I consider myself...

a lucky man.

Yeah, a lucky man...

That's good...

for Lou Gehrig.

It's been...

11 years.

And I feel...

like I grew up here
with all of you.


Where did everybody go?


They said they'd be back.

Are you new in the ER?

Uh-uh. Geriatrics.

Heard there
was free food.


I like you
with the beard.

( laughs )

( murmuring )

Keep an eye on
the stats, all right?

All right, I'll check
your crit in angio.

Symphysiotomy, huh?

Uh-huh. Healthy girl.

Eight pounds, ten ounces.

Dr. Barnett, I was
told you demanded

we not take any patients
before the tib-fib guy.

I re-prioritized.

Take Neela's patient first.
My guy can wait.

( sighing )

They took me to Lakeview.

I couldn't find a taxi.

What do you guys need?

We're all good, Morris.

Really? You sure?

I'm gonna go lie down.

Hey, you guys all
ditched Carter.

He was hugging some huge
orderly when I got there.

We've got it under
control now.

Well, that's good. Cosmo's been
screaming like a banshee.

I intend to spend my overnight
shift sleeping in the lounge.

Carter, your volleyball
girl's up in traps,

ready for the reduction.

That's okay,
I'll get it.

No, I'll take it.

One more for the road.

How long you
here for?

I just have
to pick up some stuff.

How 'bout you?

I'm off as soon
as you're ready.

How's "never" sound?

Luka, did you hear from Alex?

Is he here?

Why do I have to hang
my hand from these things?


So that I can
re-align your bones.

Hello, I'm Dr. Carter.

Clyde Parkerson.
My wife, Eva.

I'm sure that Janell told
you she broke her wrist.

AKA Colles' fracture.

And that we gave her
a local anesthesia.

AKA hematoma block.

( chuckles ):
And that she has

a future in medicine,
it would seem.

AKA I'll be rich.

I'll give you

Dr. Carter, do
you remember us?

Um... I'm sorry, I don't.

Cast padding.

I was a patient here
in 1994.

( chuckles ):

We went into premature
labor at 32 weeks.

There was no time to get
me to the OB floor,

so I gave birth here,
in the ER.

You delivered her.

I did?

( chuckles ):

Two-inch roll.


can I have the purple cast?

Whatever you want.

He must have gone
through my purse.

He tried to buy a bus ticket?

They wouldn't
let him.

He took off while they
were calling the cops.

He probably went
to a friend's apartment.

I called them all.

What did the police say?

They said for me
to, um,

wait at home while
they're searching,

but I'm not just
gonna sit there.

I have to go try
to find him.

What if he shows up
at the apartment?

Erica's there.
She's gonna stay.

How much cash did he get?

Uh, about 80.

Maybe a hundred.
I don't know.

He's pissed.
He's just walking it off.

He tried to buy
a ticket to Colorado.

He's gonna do whatever
he can to see Steve.

He's not gonna stop.

He doesn't have
his glucometer.

He doesn't have
his syringes,

he doesn't have
his insulin...

Sam, Sam, Sam,
hey, hey, hey.

He'll be okay
for the next 12 hours.

We'll find him way
before then.

Let me get my jacket.

Hey, uh, Luka, will you, uh,

will you get some
NPH from lock-up,

and some D5 and some
D10, too, okay?


( doorbell rings )


Can I help you?

Yeah, I'm looking
for Charlie Pratt.

I know you?

Your name is Charlie Pratt?


I'm sorry,
I must have got it wrong.

Chas, who is it?

Is there a problem?

Are you Charlie?

Are you a bill collector?

Then, yeah, I'm Charlie.

I'm an ER doc over at County.

Is somebody sick?

No. No, nothing like that.

I, um, I got your name from
the folks at Ceasefire.

Couldn't wait till morning?

I'm gonna be there tomorrow
for the meeting anyway.

You're right. It can wait.

You all right, son?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Maybe you ought
to come in.

Sorry if I disturbed you.

Did I spell...



Thank you.

How's your friend?

Missed the aorta.

fixed her up.

Jessica's gonna be fine.

You look tired.

You should go home.

Mm-mm, I want to be here
when my friends wake up.

All right, then.

Help yourself to a chart.

Dr. Carter.

I was just on
my way out.

I'd stop by.

Sorry we missed
the party.

Eh, you weren't the only ones.

So I just found this
in my locker.

It has been in there
for a very long time.

And, to be honest,

I haven't given it much
thought for many years.

Not since Mark died.

You see, when you were
an intern under Dr. Greene,

he would have everybody
write a letter to themselves

that they wouldn't open

until their
very last day of residency.

So... that's your
letter to yourself?

What's it say?

It says...

that I'm scared.

And that I know
I have a lot to learn,

and I hope I
learn it quickly.

And that I pray to God
that I don't k*ll anybody.

And it says,
um, that if

I'm good at this...

and I can stick it out

and become
an attending,


it'll be all I ever need.

I got a plane to catch.

One day, you'll look up

and maybe, uh,
ten years will have passed.


you're going
to make a good doctor.

Carter, you got to hurry it up.

You got a million things to do.

My mom told me that you never

put anything in your ears
smaller than your elbow.

You set the tone, Carter.

( Morris groaning )


I think I might
puke again.

You set the tone, Morris.


( chuckles )

Never mind.

What's that?

My contract.


Okay, then I guess you have
some more writing to do.

It's good enough for Carter.

Think it's weird if
I put "Dear Neela"?

Hey, Erica, any word?

Did Bobby's mom
call back?

He wasn't
with them?


Yeah, it's gonna be all right.

Uh, what about Navy Pier?
He likes the rides there.

It's after 11:00, it's closed.

What about your cell phone,
is it charged?

Sam. Sam.

It's all going to be okay.

( honking )
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