12x05 - Wake Up

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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12x05 - Wake Up

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

I saw Charlie Pratt
at Ceasefire.

He said he stopped
by here last week.

How'd it go?


Did the oncologist
you spoke with

mention anything about
prophylactic surgery?

You mean having
my breasts removed?

There have been
a lot of advances

in reconstructive surgery

and you need
to protect yourself.

Can you promise me that giving
up my breasts would protect me?

I had my annual
PSA screening.

Needle biopsy showed

a moderately differentiated
prostate cancer.

I'm so sorry.

Does this hurt, Blaire?
She's in a coma, Inez.

Not anymore.
What's the last thing
you remember?

Were we in an accident?

...The reason I'm calling,
Dr. Clemente,

is that, according to my notes,

you were supposed
to start today.

So unless your plane went down
or you got hit by a bus,

you'd better get in here
as soon as you get this message.


Luka, I need you to wait.

Pratt's running behind;

the new attending's
a no-show.

It's his first day.

You'd think he'd want to make
a good impression.

You never did.

I have to go.

Page me
if he doesn't show up.


See if we can find
someone to come in.


Where are you
rushing off to?

I have to go upstairs.

Uh, never mind.

Last time
I reached out to someone,

Dubenko tried to make me
his concubine.

Ah, hello, my people.

You're late.

Not according to me.

Yeah, according to me--
I got 20 patients on the rack.

Chest pain,
I need a monitored bed!

We don't have one.
Do a 12-lead in the hallway.

Is Dr. Lewis coming in?

Dr. Lewis is never
coming in again.

She took a tenure track
position in Iowa City.

Just like that?

Just like that.

That's why Dr. Clemente
is supposed to be here now.

Who's this
Clemente guy, anyway?

He was Residency Director
at Jacobi in the Bronx,

then did a stint
in Newark.

Is he gonna be the
new department chief?

We're forming
a search committee.

The guy wouldn't be here

if he wasn't angling for it,

Abby, vomiting blood.
My favorite.

Ray, nosebleed...

Sorry, I'm on
my tox elective.

I was just
rolling down here

to remind everybody
about my gig tonight.

The Pogo Lounge?

Isn't that a strip club?

It's behind the Lava Lounge,
which used to be called
the Aqua Lounge.

Roomie, you gonna come?

It's why I wake up
in the morning.

Okay, med students.

Burning urination.

Seafood allergy.

We're not really doctors.

That never
stopped Morris.

Roswell and Marshall
are pre-med.

They're collecting data
for my grant,

tracking patient through-put

Well, if we don't start
moving the meat,

they're gonna be unemployed.

You want me to supervise
everyone else

and take on three
new patients?

You're an R-4,
stop whining.

And where you going?

The Weaver Lounge,
to work on my presentation.

Anything short of a meteor
crash, don't bug me.

I need a doctor now!

EKG looks good.

All right.

Where's your pain, sir?

It's not a pain.

I... I just feel
something right here.

BP 124 over 78.

What's it feel like?

Just feels really heavy,
like a boulder.

I can't breathe, Doc.

Say no more.

Sir, would you do me a favor
and open up?

Yo... yo, I did two lines
of coke last night.

And a bottle of tequila.

You did?!
Not to mention three Viagra.

Why didn't you
say something?

Aren't you supposed to take
my history?

Who are you?

Victor Clemente.
Your new attending.

And congratulations, Doc,
you just k*lled me.

Usually, Dr. Pratt
is very thorough.

Look, we're
getting slammed.

It's okay;
death becomes me.

I've got a Q-and-A upstairs,

but maybe I should
stay down here.

No, no, go ahead.
Take it.

Dr. Kevorkian and I--
we'll hold down the fort.

Hey, Jerry, you know
where to find me, right?


You know, you sure know
how to make an entrance.

Just trying to get the
lay of the land, that's all.

Yeah, but I think you
took it too far.

You should've seen
me at St. Mary's,

I took it all the
way to a rectal.

She was cuter
than you, though.

Oh, look at that.
Look at that.

You guys still
using X-ray film?

I thought everybody
was digital by now.


Oh, hey, nice job
shaving my chest hair.

No problem.

Now, it took 24 minutes
to get my vitals-- 24 minutes!

Now, come on, I know we can
all do better than that.

Yes, we can.

Yes, we can.
That's totally what I think.

Archie Morris, chief resident.

You know, usually, it takes me

about ten minutes to figure out
who the kiss-ass is,

but, hey, at least
we're breaking records
somewhere, huh?

Now, the EKG was prompt

but the resident's evaluation
was sloppy.

Come on, you know
we were busy.

It's always busy,
it's always chaos,

it's always out of control.

Look, I know you people
don't have enough hours

to spend with every patient,

but our job is efficiency
and excellence.

We're marksmen--
we hone in

on what's important,

we hit our target with
one shot and we move on.

We should call psych
on this guy.

And who are you?

Abby Lockhart. R-2.

Oh, yeah; Weaver was talking
to me about you.

I'd like to say it was all good,
but it wasn't.

Can we start by
clearing this stuff?

Okay, in Trauma One,
we have...

A grease board! God,
I haven't seen one of
these since the '80s.

That's pretty cool.

Look, unless anybody
has any objections,

I prefer walking rounds.

We all learn, okay?
Let's go.

He's kinda hot.

I thought you
had a boyfriend.

He's at w*r
and so are my hormones.

( knocking )

( spits )

Come in.

How are you?

( swallows )

This toothbrush feels like
a hundred-pound weight.

Well, it's normal,
after such prolonged bed rest.

Please tell me

you brought some Rocky Road
and a cheeseburger.

Just came by to test
your muscle tone again.

So, no fries?

Well, at least you're
not Dr. Shulansky.

He brings tours in here
like I'm some freak at
the Wild Animal Park.

He's excited
that you're awake.

She's alive.
She's alive.

Squeeze my hand.

Okay, that feels a little
stronger than last week.

Try to lift up your leg.

That's good.
Very good.

Well, it's more than
you could do the last time.

That's thanks to
three hours a day with Helga,

the therapist
from hell.

Oh, I see you had
some visitors.

Yeah, that was my best
friend from college.

I haven't seen her
since graduation.

I asked her for a joint and
she brought me a teddy bear.

Well, that's good
for her.

The last thing you need

is to take anything
that will interfere

with your recovery.

I need... ( chuckles )
to take the edge off.

Waking up and finding out
that your mom's dead

and your fiance's MIA
and you've literally

slept through your 20s
is just a little stressful.

( heavy sigh )

Has Dr. Shulansky said anything
about the accident?

All I know is you and your mom
were driving,

and it was some kind of
traffic collision.

Yeah, that much I remember.

We were on our way
for my final fitting

for my wedding dress.

It was strapless...
with a tulle skirt.

( giggles )

I wouldn't even let
Jason see it.

Your fiance?


You spoken to him?

Oh, that would fall
under the heading of

"Scared as hell,
don't know how to do that one."

( laughs )

A lowered tidal volume
of six cc's per kilo

decreased mortality
from 40% to 31%.

You twirl a knob,
you're gonna save a life.

All right, let's go.

Gracias, Doctor.

Di nada, mami.

Those a cool shoes, man.

Get laid, Morris.

( clearing throat ):
Boris Nadinovitz,

presenting with fever,

and night sweats--
no obvious source.

( speaking Russian )

( Boris coughing )

( replies in Russian )

( speaking Russian )

So what's your
diagnostic approach?

Uh, skin test for TB
and Cocci, histo.

Good, good, good.

( Clemente
speaks Russian )

( Boris coughing )

Dorsey Watson.

Greg Pratt!

What's up, man?
What's up?

Man, what's it been,
like, five years?

Uh, six. I was a second-year
when you graduated.

Wow. So what are
you doing here?

I work here.
What's your excuse?

You know, last I heard,
you were in Winnetka,

doing lipo on rich chicks.

Still am, man.
Still am.

One of my patients just
got a half-price tummy tuck

from some hack,
landed upstairs.


Hey, k*ller, k*ller,
come on, come on!

We got patients to clear!
Let's go!

I gotta roll, man.

Hey, do your thing.

I'll holla at you
before I go.

All right.

Okay, be relaxed,
try to sound calm.

It'll be weird
for him at first.

You think?

It's ringing.

Okay, take
a deep breath.

( anxious laugh )

What's going on?

( anxious laugh )

Oh... hi, uh...

Is this Jason Clark's house?

She's calling
her fiance.

Um, Blaire Collins.

I'm an old friend of his
from the Art Institute.

She's doing great.

I'm amazed by her progress.

I been trying to help her
for over four years

and, all of a sudden, this.


Yeah, it's really me.

What were you
treating her with?

Most recently,
an experimental cocktail:

Fluoxitine, sinemet
and dextroamphetamine.

She still on them?

Not anymore.

She's asked me
about what happened.

You know, how she got hurt.


I think it's better
not to talk to her
about it yet.

Is there something
she should know?

The accident was violent,
to say the least.

Blaire and her mother
were carjacked;

her mom was r*ped.

And shot?

Blaire tried to fight them off
and was p*stol-whipped.

They would've k*lled her, too,
but someone pulled up.

But still, uh,
she has a right to know.

She's in a fragile state.

Telling her
could set her back.

Let's get her healthy

She needs to hear this
at the right time,

from someone close to her.

She has no family.

She'll be told, Doctor.
All in good time.

22-year-old female,

presenting with
recurring headaches.

No history of migraine...

Right, right--
but there is a history

of ideopathic
intracranial hypertension.

When I get headaches,
they usually just

take out
a bunch of spinal fluid.

Yeah, well, we don't
do that anymore.

We don't?

Now that we know
that IIH is caused

by sagittal sinus

resulting in a
decreased CSF

reabsoroption at
the arachnoid sinuses.

I didn't know that.

Heparin is the
treatment of choice.

Here you go, Doc.

I'm just going to place a drop
in your eye, all right?
Lean back.

Well, she still needs
an LP for diagnosis.

Hey, hey, not so fast,
no so fast.

Annals of Emergency Medicine,
May 2000...




Ten points for
the winner.

Intraocular pressure correlates
with intracranial pressure.

54, diagnosis made,
and you don't get a spinal tap.

Oncology's on the phone.

You say he's hot again,
I'll knee-cap you.

Some patient of yours
is freaking out.

In Oncology?


Who is it?

Stephanie Lowenstein.
Double mastectomy.

She's upset because
we couldn't do the

Why not?

They found an
enlarged lymph node.

We told her pathology
isn't back, but she
won't listen.

She's says
it's all your fault.


I don't want you here.

I just want to help.
You call this helping?

This is not helping.

Okay, I understand...

how you feel.

You have no idea
how I feel!

Please wait,
Ms. Lowenstein-- wait.

We'll just have
to let the doctors

get the results
back from the tests,

and then we'll figure out
how to proceed.

To do what?
To do what?

To cut me up some more?

To hell with
your damn tests!

Okay, Stephanie,
listen to me, please.

Just listen.

You ruined me!

I know you're scared.

Is that what I am?

Just because they found a node
doesn't mean you have cancer.

I need a cab! Where's a cab?!

You need to come inside
and let us treat you,

I had money.
Where's my stupid money?


Listen to me: everything
you're feeling right
now is normal.

It's just gonna take some time.

I don't have time.

That's not true.

( stammering )

Who's going to marry someone

who could need chemo
for the next ten years?

Who's gonna have a kid
with someone who could die

before the kid
goes to high school?

If they had trouble making a
diagnosis, it may not be cancer,

and if it is,

if it is,
because you had the surgery,

they caught
it earlier.

I don't believe you!
It's the truth.

You did what you
had to do, and it
was incredibly brave.

Then why do
I feel like this?

Because it's scary.

It's scary and
it's unexpected.

But you don't have
to go through this alone.

Get the hell away from me.

Stephanie, please, please.

Just-just let me take
care of those cuts.

Just come inside with me

Stephanie, please...

( sighs )

I tried all
the Internet dating sites.

I rewrote my profile
so many times,

you would have thought
it was my thesis.

Uh, what happened to Lou?

I liked Lou.


I don't think
he could handle this.

He said he would come back
after the surgery,


I never liked Lou.

Guy's a jerk.

It's a good thing
you found out early.

I don't want to freeze my eggs
or buy milk on the Internet.

I wanted to breast feed.

This is a little
bit of Neosporin.

Aren't you afraid you'll
wind up the auntie?

Be forced to adopt
some kid from Cambodia?

I think Cambodian
kids are cute.

You know what I meant.

Stephanie, if all goes well,
you'll get the reconstruction,

you'll have an
uneventful recovery

and lead a perfectly
normal life.

That's doctor talk.
You don't get it.

My mother's sister died
of breast cancer.

So did my grandmother.

And you?

And I...

have never even had a mammogram.

Tony DeJesus, single s*ab wound
to the neck.

Vitals stable.
Good airway.

Hey, Tony, you having
any trouble breathing?

Time of arrival-- 14:42.

Was this g*ng-related?
No, my old lady
stabbed me.

Why'd she do that?!

'Cause she's a psycho bitch.

Where are my residents?
Where are my residents...?

Time in treatment
room 14:43.
Got it!

Who are these clowns?
You're not coming in.

We're not putting
on a show for you.

What the hell's wrong with you?
Get the hell out of here.

The woman who answered
Jason's phone was his wife.

Eh, six years is a long time.

You know the thing that's
so hard about all of this

is that everything
has just gone on,

and I still feel like
Jason had I were just

finalizing our wedding
list yesterday.

I'm sure he stayed by you
as long as he could.

He came by twice.

Shulansky told me.

No wonder he wanted us
to write our own vows.

He probably planned on omitting

the whole "in sickness
and in health" part.

Did you want him to spend
the rest of his life

hoping for something everyone
said wouldn't happen?

Maybe I can be his mistress.

( both chuckling )

Which anatomic landmarks define
zone two of the neck?

The cricoid cartilage to
the angle of the mandible.

Very, very, very good.

Because management of zone two
injuries is very controversial.

some people advocate

surgical exploration
for everything.

I'm pretty sure our surgeons
would not want to explore

an asymptomatic patient
with a superficial wound.

Could you
guys hurry up?

My old lady's going
to burn my truck.

Well, homes, maybe next time

you won't double dip
with your moms-in-law.

You see my wife's mother?

Then don't criticize.
My bad.

Now, I'm sure you guys are aware
of all the indications

for immediate exploration,
right, Dr. Morris?

Uh... airway compromise,
severe hemorrhage

or expanding hematoma.

But he has none of those.

Good, so then let me go.
Right, but we can
always learn

from every case.
Dr. Pratt...

talk to me about selective
management with neck injuries.

keep it short.

Don't go Al Sharpton
on his ass.

Duplex scan endoscopy
and gastrograffin swallow.

Which you would only
do if he had symptoms.

Well, slow your roll, bro,
because what proportion

of zone two vascular
injuries are asymptomatic...

Dr. Rasgotra?

With a significant injury,

he might have signs of
bleeding or hematoma.

The guy is stable.

Maybe. Maybe, but nine
out of a hundred times,

asymptomatic patients
have lesions

that require
surgical repair.

How about that, Dr. Pratt?

How about that?
Talk to me now.

You know what?
How about I go

check on my asthma patient
in Curtain Two?

There's no
asthma patient
in Curtain Two.

Yeah, well, uh, maybe
he went out for a smoke.

I'll go find him.

Yes, Eve.

I did. I put up
the sanitizers.

( sighs )

No, I didn't hand
out the pins.

I am putting up the
poster as we speak.


That special tape that
won't ruin the walls.

Okay, bye-bye.

Don't tell me-- Eve.

It's her day off,
and she still calls in.

Here. She wants everyone's
hands to be sanitized

before they
touch a patient.

"Scrub or Rub"?

Sounds kinky.

We should be so lucky.
( chuckling )

No, I was thinking we could get
something to eat.

You know, maybe catch a movie
or something.

Nah, I haven't seen
that one yet.

All right, cool.

I'll meet you out front.


how you doing, Greg?

What? You stalking me now?

No, I'm here for...

a sick friend.

You sure you don't have
another illegitimate
kid up in there?

We need to talk.

What are you doing
after work?

I've got a date.

With Olivia Evans?
Nice girl.

I've known her since
she was in high school.

Oh, that's great.

What about tomorrow?

Maybe we could have dinner.
You like gumbo?

I know a great place
over at King Drive.

Then down the street,
there's a cat with
a pool hall, and...

Listen, we're not eating
any gumbo together

or playing pool,
all right?

Then what would
you like to do?

I would like for you
to leave me alone.

For real.
We're done.

Okay. You don't want to have
anything to do with me.

What about your
little brother?

Whoa, don't use him like that.

He'd like to get
to know you, Greg.

He just met me.

I don't know what your mother
told you about me.

But I have an idea
it wasn't everything.

Come on, man.

I could explain, but only
if you give me the time.

I do not have the time.

I'm trying here.

Then stop.


If you want to drop it
forever, that's your call.

But you'll have
to live with it.

Your choice.

( sighs )

I never got the whole marriage
talk from my mom.

But you know what?
The moment that I told her

that Jason proposed,
she pulled out this trunk.

She had every detail
of my wedding planned.

It was crazy.

Oh, my God. Stop. Stop.

She wasn't going to
pressure you, huh?


She wanted it

to be special.

Which way is Lake Michigan?

That way.

You can see it from the
other side of the hospital.

Can we go?
I shouldn't even have
you out of your room.



Come on.

What does a girl have to do
to get a break with you?

Hope this Clemente
doesn't become chief
of the department.

I thought you liked him.

I did, until I
had to present to him.

"Sure, the patient
doesn't have flesh-eating
bacteria right now,

but if he did, what
signs or symptoms
might he have?"

"Is that muscle spasm
in the jaw any chance it
could be acute tetanus?"

You know,
I'm all for teaching,

but this guy doesn't
know when to stop.

Yeah, he's annoying.
You just said

you liked his bloody
shoes, you w*nk*r.

Just because he's
annoying doesn't mean I
can't like his shoes.

You going to
Ray's gig tonight?

Oh, the hell with Ray.
He's probably upstairs
having a blast.

Jerry, it's Ray.
Save me. I'm bored stiff.

Try picturing every
woman up there naked.

That always works for me.

Come on! Are there any drug
cases down there?

Couple of traumas rolling in.

Lola Simon, seven-year-old
with crush injury.

B.P. 70 palp.
What crushed her?

Your next patient.

Lola, move your legs for me.

Seven-year-old girl.
No sign of dr*gs.

Yeah, I'm king of the world!


King of the world.
Looks like you forgot
how to fly, King.

Tommy Bonetti, stood up
on the tilt-a-whirl

at the Saint
Ignatius Fair.
( cackling )

Is he on dr*gs?

Aw, he might have
just hit his head.

Sounds like dr*gs.
I'm on my way down.

Move away from the light!

Okay, we're trying
to take care of you, man!

You-You look like an alien!
Don't probe me!

Please sedate him!

I have to assess
his neuro status first.

( grunting )

Taking the hemocue.

( garbled yell )

Process the spinal films

before you
take the rest.
Here you go.

Hey, I'm rolling out, man.

What, you scared
of a little blood?

Hey, squeeze my hand.
Systolic's 65.

All right, no fluid in the
abdomen, pericardium is clear.

Looks like spinal shock

with a high
thoracic injury.

Am I right?

I'm way out of
my league, man.

Don't you remember Bartlett's
lecture on blunt trauma?

All right, sweetie, listen up.
I'm gonna poke you, okay?

Tell me when you feel this.

Okay, start dopamine
at five mikes.

900 of methylprednisolone.


Sensory level at T-four.

How you doing, Lola?

That's a big bug.
Man, you just k*lled
our mascot.

( retches )
Oh, here she goes.

Log roll.
Keep her on the backboard.

Come on.


Look, uh, you know,
some of the older

U of I crews are hooking
up at Cherry Red tonight.

You got plans?

( Bonetti groaning )

Pratt, we need you in here.

Yeah, I'll try
to roll through.

Pratt, now!
Go see what's up.
I'll intubate.

( yelling continues )
Dude, I swear,

if you don't stay still,
I'm going to put

this needle
through your heart.

( cackling )

Shouldn't we sedate
and paralyze?

I would if I had a line.
He took his I.V. out.

Since when did Alfred E.
Newman become a doctor?

What about
I.M. versed?

Gave five.
It's not touching him.

Okay, what did he take?

Maybe ice, coke.
Tachy at 140.
Pupils are dilated.

Dude, what the hell are you on?

Her in a minute.

I can't find the vein.

Her in a minute.
How about Haldol?

No, he could seize.

Morris, let me try the line.

( Bonetti grunting )
Dr. Pratt!

Go ahead and push the sux.
This guy's
unstable as hell,

and we can't get a line.
I'm tied up.

We need help.

You got to get Clemente.

( groaning )

Is there another
attending on?

Clemente's the only one.

We're never gonna handle
this ourselves.

I'm gonna do a femoral cutdown.

Are you serious?

He needs access.

Pulse keeps going up.
( laughing )

Mix up esmolol.
We need to slow down his rate.

Ten blade.
Hey, we got
sugar in here?

Oh, wow, we got a trauma.
I didn't know.

Pager's probably
not working.

No, my pager's working.

20-foot fall complicated
by unknown intoxication.

What? What are
you guys doing?

A femoral cutdown.

Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Everybody take a deep breath.

Take a deep breath.

( Bonetti cackling )

Get my briefcase under admit.

Banana cheese!
Yeah, banana cheese.

What'd he take?
Won't say.

Tachy with mydriasis.
My guess is a sympathomimetic.

( grunting )

Bad, bad guess.

Skin and membranes are dry.

It's an anticholinergic.

Electrolytes are back yet?

Uh, right here.

( Bonetti grunting )

anion gap is minus four.

How could that be?

Skittles, people.

Very popular
with the kids these days.

It's cold pills
with dextromethorphan
hydrogen bromide.

The lab analyzer thinks
bromide is chloride,

you get a reversal
of the gap.

( yelling )

Anything to calm him down?

Two migs of I.M. physostigmine.

He still needs access.

Here you go.

I'm Rick James, bitch!

Close your eyes.

Go to your happy place, son.

Now, what time did
the chem panel come back?

He's got weird anatomy.
We couldn't find
the subclavian.

There it is, right there.

See, the probe allows
us to cannulate the vein

under direct

That's... very cool.

You carry that around with you
all the time?

It's just a demo.

I ran the phase three trials.

Beautiful, beautiful.

It's like sh**ting
fish in a barrel.

Heart rate's down to 80.

I guess we didn't need
the beta-blockers, did we?

I trust you guys

can finish without me?

No problem, boss.

Hey, even if you think
I'm a pain in the ass,

it should never get in the way
of the patient care.

You with me?


Dr. Lockhart.


What's up?

Well, everything.

And almost
twice a day.

Hear you're getting out
of here today.

You thought it
stunk to work here.

Try being a patient.

By the way,
thanks for the date.

She told you.

Someone had to pay her.

Well, it was supposed
to be a freebee.

It was the
first time.

Look, initially, it kind
of turned me off

when I learned that
she was a professional.

Then when I thought
about it,

it, uh,
it turned me on.

We're both

So you didn't need me,
after all.

Well, I guess not.

Hey, I don't remember
your name.

Abby. And, uh, you're
a little late, Lou.

I came to see
how Stephanie
was doing.

She had her breasts removed.

Why don't you pick up
a pink ribbon on
your way out?

What? She did?

Yeah, she did.

What are you
talking about?

Stephanie says
you disappeared on her.

She told the nurse
not to let me in.

And every time I called,

she wouldn't say
why she was here
and kept going on

about how she
couldn't handle dating
anyone right now.

Why would she
do that?

I don't know.

All I know is I can't
stop thinking about her

and I'm a little worried.

Come on. Come on.

Do it, do it, do it, do it.

Oh, Dr. Clemente.

Aw, damn it!
Do you have
a moment?

You know, you should really
consider getting one of these.

It might keep you
from hacking up
the patients.

I'm sorry I didn't call
you in earlier.

Bonetti's gone up
to the ICU.

We got to really
consider preemptive orders.

That was really
unprofessional of me.

Nurses transporting

what a waste
of resources.

Dr. Clemente,
are you listening to me?

Actually, no.

I lost.

Okay, look,
a femoral cutdown has

to be a last-ditch effort
in a peri-arrest patient.

Okay, and Skittles boy
wasn't quite there yet.

Well, I thought he was.

Oh, you thought he was.

Look, look, I know, I know.
I was a resident, too,

and I thought I had
the keys to the kingdom,

but the great thing is
that we can always learn.

That's why I'm here.

Sometimes you want
to do it yourself.

Sometimes your ego does,

but the patient would rather
that I do it, believe me.

You're right.

No, it's not about
being right.

It's... Okay, look.

I consider you, Pratt,
Morris, every resident

and every student here
an investment in the future.

My dividend comes

when something that
I've taught you
saves a life.

That's it.

And you should really consider
surgery as an elective.

Well, why do you say that?

Because you're quick to cut

and you like to use a scalpel
more than your brain.

Come in.


I brought you
some company.


I heard what


Come in. Sit down.



I'd like to schedule
an outpatient mammogram.

Sure. Patient's name?

Abby Lockhart.

First, you miss
morning rounds,

and now they tell me
you're avoiding
Poison Control.

No, I got stuck
with a consult.

Look, a bunch of Zen monks
made tea from this plant
in their garden.

Now they have vomiting,

Some are tachycardic,

some bradycardic,
some hypotensive,

some hypertensive.

Not a clear-cut toxidrome.

I haven't been able
to identify this plant
on the Internet.

I even sent digital photos
to the botany department, but...

It's not jimson weed,

not foxglove,
not oleander.

Well, maybe, uh,
it's tabaco gigante.

You know something?
You may be right.

I saw this once
in Mexico.

It's a tobacco plant.

Your patients have
nicotine toxicity.

Good call.

( mouthing )

Dr. Clemente,

why are my research
assistants sitting
in the waiting area?

I don't know.
Parking garage
was too cold?

They're collecting
data for me.

Okay, all right.

The looky-loos were getting
in the way of the work.

Then you just tell
them to step back.

Yeah, well, you know,
I didn't want to overstep.

I thought maybe
it should just come from you.

Overstep? You pulled
the plug on my study.

Look, I meant that more
as a time-out kind of thing.

You told them
that my study
was useless.

Look, I know
what happened in Newark,

and I really do not want
a repeat here, okay?

All right, look,
bottom line:

You hired me to make
this place more efficient,

and that's what
I'm trying to do.

And if and when
we start bedside registration,

it's going to make
your study, I don't know,

not so relevant?

Yeah, I've got a $100,000
grant that says that it won't.

You got $100,000?
Why don't we just go digital?

Listen, I run
this hospital!

We start bedside registration,
that goes through me.

If you put my students

on a time-out, that
goes through me.

If you want to wash
the floors differently,

that goes through me.

Do I make myself clear?

Yeah, I got
one more question for you.

Does my answer
go through you?

My mom loved
seeing the lake.

Look at the water.

At least some things
stay the same.

We should
really get back.

You always been
such a worrier?

I've always had things
to worry about.

Do you think this was God?


Me waking up.

I don't know.

You think it was science,
don't you?

I've seen deeply religious
people come to the hospital.

Prayer did nothing for them.

And then I've seen plenty
of skeptics

experience miraculous

So you think it was fate?

I think...

I'm glad we're both here,
able to wonder about it.


Man, how you gonna
punk me like that?

Hey, what's up, little man?
You know where Olivia is?

Yeah, she's down the hall.


( sighs )

I hear you fellas.

But you sound like a
bunch of knuckleheads.

Hey, all I'm saying is,

you can't feel nothin'
with no jimmy on.

Get used to 'em.
There's no alternative.

Getting a girl pregnant

is 18 years of lock-down.

Half your check
going to Uncle Sam,

the other half going
to your kids and...

The baby mama.

And what happen if you miss
a child-support payment?

Who's going to be
blowing up your pager?

My baby mama.

Having a kid at your age

ain't what you want to do.

Trust me.

Do you miss Croatia?

I have family there...

but there are more

for me here.

I like Chicago.

Except the winter sucks.

Yeah. You can always go
inside and warm up.

You know how I keep asking you
about the, um... accident?

It's because I keep having these
flashes that don't add up.

What kind of flashes?

I remember being scared.

We'd had just gotten coffee

and I remember seeing
my mom's face...

Her eyes were petrified.

And I hear her screams, but her
screams are muffled by the radio

and there's blood
and laughter...

there's... lots of laughter.

And at first I thought
it was just a dream,

but the images are so vivid...
they're so clear...

Come and sit down.

( crying )

Sit down.

Something else happened
that night

and not knowing what it is,
is k*lling me.

( sobbing )

But I... need the t-truth.

I want to be...


figure it...


Come on, Blaire, stay with me.

Hey, I need a monitored bed.

Trauma One.
What's going on?

Page Shulansky in Neurology!

Hey, I'm Dr. Clemente.

So, what's the problem?

She's not talking.

All right, get me
an accu-check,

a hemocue and
a pulse ox.

She doesn't need that.

And can we have her friend
wait outside, please?

I'm not her friend!

Uh, this is Dr. Kovac.

He's one of
our attendings.

Hey, Doc, sorry.
I had no clue.


Can you hear me?

Her name's Blaire.

Can you hear me?

Shulansky's at the V.A.

Damn it.

Gaze is fixed to the right.

Need a CBC,

chem panel, and a head CT.

No. She need fluoxitine, sinemet
and dextro-amphetamine.

Excuse me, Doc, but I
don't know what the hell

you're talking about.
Abby, run to the pharmacy
and get the meds.

There is a
standardized approach

to dealing with a patient
with altered mental status.

This not a standard patient.

She's been on
an experimental cocktail.

Abby, Fluoxitine, sinement
and dextroamphetamine.

Abby, please go!


Hey, need some help!


What's up?

Fluoxitine, sinement,

Write it up.
( groans )

Hey, hey, what are you doing?

Are you crazy?
You can't go back here!

Crit's fine.
Sodium, potassium are normal.

Told you that.

CT is ready.

Okay, let's move her now.

She needs the meds.

Dr. Weaver, we
could be missing

a brain bleed,
a mass effect.
I know.

So we don't have
time to screw around.

The meds woke her up
from a coma.

If they did, we'd have
coma patients waking up

all over the country.
All I know is they
worked for her.

Got 'em.

You're not gonna
actually let him

go through
this, are you?

Are you confident these meds
are gonna work?

Because, if not, there's going
to be a tall guy in a cheap suit

from the state asking questions.

It's worth a try, Kerry.

All right,
hold this scanner.

I'll give him five minutes.

You know what?
Don't sweat it.

Dr. Kovac, you're
the physician

of record now,
cause I'm not gonna be

on the chart
when the family sues.

Well, I'm in luck--
there is no family.

And fluoxitine in at 20:19.

Let's get up to CT.

As soon as I get
a portable monitor.



Eyes opening to pain.

( groaning softly )

verbal activity.

I got a GCS of 2-2-4.

Check her gag.


Two of Ativan, now.

100% oxygen,


Does she have a
history of seizures?

Well, any of the meds you pushed
could have caused this.

So could falling
drug levels.

So could withdrawal.

( grunts )
Another round of Ativan.

( grunting )

ZOE ( laughing ):
I really liked that last one.
Is it new?

Yeah, it's call "Blood Wine."

Oh, Blood Wine.

How'd you think of that?

I cut my finger
opening a bottle of merlot.

( chuckles )

So, um, you and your friend
headed home?

Uh... I don't know
what she's doing.

Do you know
what you're doing?

Yeah, I know what
I'd like to do.

Hold that thought.

I'm gonna to settle up with the
boys, and I'll be right back.

Hey, you guys are late.
We were the opening act.

Clemente had us pull
current journal articles

to justify the treatment
of every patient.

You want to
get something to eat?

I have plans.

Your plans
have friends?

Let's see.


That's my boy, Archie.

What up, ladies?
You guys hungry?

We want to
meet the band.

I play drums.

Yeah, no, I'm serious.

( mimics drum playing )

It's my marching band.

We won the nationals.

( mimics drum playing )

Turning and the--

boom, boom, and then the boom.

And then we did like a...




Blaire, open your eyes.

Maybe she's post-ictal.

Or the Ativan didn't wear off.

I shouldn't have
pushed the meds.

You don't know why
she had a seizure.

Maybe we overloaded
her synapses.

Luka, there is no way to know
why she fell back into this.


I have to go.

Are you okay?

The state conservator agreed

to admit Blaire
to the hospital for two days

to see if there's
any improvement.

If not, she'll go back
to the nursing home.

I could have been a doctor,
but why poetry?
( vocalizing )

Why I?

Why me? Why I?
I could have been a lawyer,

but why poetry? Poetry.

Why... poetry?

Thank you.

Where's the waitress?

You know, to hell with her.
What do you want?

Uh... light beer.

Don't tell me the lipo doctor's
scared of getting handles.

Don't hate...
I look good.

( both chuckle )

I'll be back.

Hey, what's up, bro?

Can I get two beers, one light?

What, you want something?

A conversation would be cool.

You haven't said anything
to me all night.

Can barely hear
in this place.

You could hear everyone
just fine.

What did I do, Greg?
Just tell me what I did.

You should have told
me he was in there.

You want me
to survey the building

every time you come?

Look, he's the one down there
helping those kids.

Who sews up
those kids once

they leave
your place?
Well, your father tries

to help them
before they get to you.

Listen, Charlie Pratt
may be a lot of things,

but he's not my father,
my dad, or my pops.

He's just some guy who
got my mom pregnant.

So, basically, he
made the same mistake

he's warning
those kids about.

Greg, wait...

You want to hate him,
I can't stop you,

but Charlie's a good guy.

20 hours a week with the kids,
runs a basketball league,

rehab houses
or poor people!

Yeah, see,
that's the problem.

I've waited my whole life
to spit in my old man's face.

And not only is he not laying
face down in the gutter...

People change...
...but he's building houses
for people for free!

No. No.

( rail car passing )

( sighs )

( device whirring )

Blaire, I hope
you can hear me.

On that night you and
your mom were driving,

you stopped at
the red light.

Another car pulled
up next to you.

There were three men inside.

They, uh... pulled a g*n.

They dragged your mom
outside of the car.
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