12x19 - No Place To Hide

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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12x19 - No Place To Hide

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER.

Change the orders.

This means w*r, you know.

Look, we never talked
about being monogamous.

We never said anything
about not being monogamous.

The surgery is gonna take away
my crutch. Who will I be then?

You're sending
me to Africa?

How did you
get in here?

I got lots of experience

getting into dumps
like this, Vic.

( clearing throat )

Hey, this is Jody.

Leave a message
and I'll call you back.

Hey, Jodes.

Yeah, I know it's late there

and you're probably
sleeping and whatnot.

I just wanted
to call and say hi. Yeah.

Yeah, well, board's a mess
and it's the usual.

Bunch of lowlifes.

Yeah. I don't know
when I'm going to get out.

Yeah, you know, I heard,
I heard you got six inches.

Of snow.

Yeah. In April.

Go figure, huh?

Alright, um...

I'll call you tomorrow.

I love you. Bye.

Dr. Clemente?

Lateral decubitus
on the coin ingestion.

Dr. Lockhart said

that we could

Hey, who are you?

Uh, I'm Jane.

I'm an intern.

Hey, how come I never
seen you before... Jane?

I... I don't know.

I mostly work nights.

I work nights.


Did you want to see these?

Thought you were gone
two hours ago.

I'm a dedicated guy.

What can I say, huh?

Want to help me
stock some shelves?

Do I want to
help you what?

Dr. Clemente.

Dr. Pratt for you on line two.

It's about time.

Hey, Pratski.

Hey, I got

a patient here, Ottley,

claims that you
promised him some Vicodin?

That's right.
He came in with a migraine.

I resolved it with imitrex

I told him I'd give him Vicodin
in case the pain came back.

I think he's playing us,

drug-seeking and whatnot.

Vic, write him the scrip, man.

Hey, you know, you know what
I was thinking the other day?

Remember the time
on top of the roof?

Where we talked. Remember that?

What's the matter
with you?

Is Jody okay?

Yeah, Jody's great, she's great.

It's just, uh...

It's just her ex, Bobby, keeps
sending these weird

freaking sympathy cards.

This one, the latest, was filled

with this bunch
of little dead goldfish.


What's he trying to tell me?

That whole "sleeps
with the fishes" thing?

Okay, look. I think you should
give Mr. Ottley his dr*gs,

go home and get some sleep.


Okay. Alright. Alright.

Thanks, man. Thanks. Okay.

You have fun in the motherland,


Two Vicodin?
That's it?

Dr. Pratt said...
Yeah, well, Dr. Pratt's
not here, okay, Mr. Ottley?

What if my migraine comes back?

Well, you take those
and you call

your regular doctor
in the morning

Okay? You got
any more questions?

Hey, Jer, what else
you got for me?

Possibly the slowest
night on record

and I... am out of here.

You going?

Well, hang on, hang on.
I'll, I'll go with you.

You want to go
to Ike's and grab a beer?

I would but actually I'm waiting
on a friend to pick me up.

That's alright,
he can join us.

What's the big deal?

Well, uh...

It's actually a friend
of the female variety.

Ah, I gotcha.
Gotcha. Right. Right.

Next time.


Yeah. So, um, I'll
be going then.

Okay. Goodnight.

Take it easy.

( men laughing )

( footsteps approaching )

You want to take
me on you little prick?!

You want to take me out?
Is that it?!

Okay. You did it.

I can't believe
I'm done.

Happy graduation day.

Looking forward
to getting back to work?

I've been back
for about a week,

trying to keep up
with my paperwork.


Here's one thing
you don't need

to keep up
with anymore.

Thanks for everything.


Abdominal breathing.
10 reps a day.


Lenore Bee, 43, ten foot fall
from a second story window.

Are we here?
W-what're we doing?

What happened
to the 12 year-old?

Morris, why are
you wearing...?
A Prada suit?

No reason.
Is-is he a doctor? I want him.

Dr. Archie Morris
at your service, ma'am.

12-year-old MVC complains
of tenderness over the sternum.

What's your name?
Ruthie Pooler.

You got this?

( dog barks )
Oh, and you get
to have this, too.

And I recommend a face mask.
Damn mutt farted all way here.

Abdominal pain,
low-grade fever.

Doc was worried
about appendicitis,

so he figured he'd
get a surgical consult.

The guy seems fine to me.


Nice to see you again.

You didn't need to come
in here, Grandma.

Of course
I needed to.

My eyes don't hurt.

I'm checking for signs
of head trauma.

I was only going
like two miles an hour.

You were driving?

Did you know about that?

Did you tell

your family everything you
did when you were 12?

I did not know.

I wanted to pick up
your prescriptions and still

get to school
before first period.
Let me see.

What about your parents?

Oh, uh, Ruthie's mother
and father died

when she was
six months old.

I was about a year, Grandma.

I'm sorry.
( coughing )

I would be, too,
if I remembered.

( dog farts )

( both laughing )

Oh. Bob, ooh,
he's a regular

wind tunnel this
morning, isn't he?

Ruthie, we're gonna
keep you here

for a little while
for observation.

maybe Dr... Lockhart

can ask you
about your cough.

Sure, we can
check that out.

What about the dog?

Oh, uh, I think
it's his diet.

No, no. Uh, he can't
be here, even temporarily.

Is there someplace
where you can keep him?

So should I call the SPCA?

Bob's 13 years old.

Don't get me wrong--
I support the SPCA.

but, they take him,

I'm stuck here
a day or two

and for some reason
my Grandma can't get him out,

they may put him down.

So if Bob goes...

I go with him.

You're sure you
don't want this?

You'll be sorry.

Lenore, did you
lose consciousness?

No, Dr. Archie.
I remember everything.

Cleaning my windows...

Next thing I know, bam! Fell out

right smack dab
in the middle.

Gotta worry
about the spleen?

Good bowel sounds,
slightly tender

in the left
upper quadrant.

She on meth?

Okay, possible left
tenth rib fracture.

Whoa. Whoa.

Whoa... kay!

You know...

You know what?

If you don't mind.

You want me
to hold it?

What's with the suit, man?

Uh, you know what?
Keep this on the QT,

but I took a job
with Ladokern Pharmaceuticals.

Doesn't start till July 1st
but, uh... signing bonus.

Always been my dream:
pushing over-priced meds

to people who probably
don't even need them.

Always been
to hold Dr. Archie's coat.


Trauma panel, c-spine, chest.

Page Surgery and let's
get an ultrasound.

Will Ruthie's X-rays
only take a little while?

Only about 30 minutes.

Isn't that
what you said?

Yeah, something
like that.

Will you take
another deep breath in?

( inhales, coughs )

How long have you
had that cough?

Oh, about three or four years.

Since Jimmy Carter
was president, I guess.

Since you wished
Jimmy Carter

was president,
right, Grandma?

I write his name in every time.

Still waiting for Radiology.
Shouldn't be too much longer.


Don't worry, dear, they
said it would only take

about 30 minutes.

Can you remind me
again, when was

Jimmy Carter

I think it was back...
Mrs. Pooler?

Well, sometime before
this latest bozo.

Oh, thank you.

You know, I don't
much like any of them.

You want to know why?

I don't think Dr. Lockhart
cares much about our politics.


The price
of stamps.

They all keep
raising them.

This latest increase--
can you believe it?

19 cents for first class.

19 cents?

Come on, Grandma.

You know it's gone up
a lot more than that.

Yeah, I know, I know,

but I don't like
to think about it.

If Ruthie has
to stay in here,

it won't be more than
a couple days, right?

'Cause I really do want
her home for Easter.


I think Easter was last week.

Well, I certainly hope not.

We're picking up the ham
on Saturday.

We got four cases backed up
in the O.R.,

so this had better be real.

I'm Dr. Albright,
from Surgery.

Does your belly hurt?

I guess so.
Here you go.

Fluid in
Morrison's pouch?

That looks like it.

Blood anterior to the bladder
and in the splenorenal recess.

I've seen enough.

Prep her for the O.R.

I think we should get a C.T.
She's unstable. She's anemic.

Could be chronic.

She's hypotensive.

BP normalized
with a liter.

She's bleeding
in her belly.
End of story.

Get her upstairs.

Guess you told her.

Repeat the hemocue,

get a serum albumin
and a urine protein.

Yeah, but
that could take...

Yes, Haleh, it could.

Sam, just wanted

to give you
a head's up.

Steve's in Exam 2 now.
I know.

Hey, we can get
another nurse.
It's okay.

Luka, thank you.

I can handle it.

Hey, Sam.

They thought it
was appendicitis?

Yeah. I was in a lot of pain
on the drive over,

but I feel okay now.

I figured they'd
assign me another nurse.

Just doing my job.

So things are
going pretty well, huh?

Alex writes me
a lot of letters now.

Yeah, I know.
Your temp's 99.4.

I'm happy for you, Sam.

New job,
new place to live...

What's with the cross?

Oh, the chaplain
gave it to me.

You keeping up on
your Bible studies?

Yeah. Picking up
a thing or two.

And it doesn't hurt
that those are the guys
that watch your back.

Your B.P.'s 124/80.

That's good, right?

It's normal.

You think I'm faking this pain,
don't you?

A lot of guys do
just so they can get out.


I can't say I blame them.

There's one thing
you can say about jail--

it's everything
it's cracked up to be.

One of the docs will be in
to check you out.

with abdominal pain--
rule out appy.

Oh, we got a "detainee"?

Pain was ten out of ten.
Now it's resolved.

Resolved? That's convenient.

Dr. Clemente,
I feel I should tell you

that Mr. Curtis
and Sam...


It's my ex--
my kid's dad.

Oh, wow. That must
be really tough

on your little boy, huh?

It is what it is.

Hello, Mr. Curtis.
I'm Dr. Clemente.

You feeling any tenderness
at all anywhere?

No. It's better now.

His white
count's 10,000.

Well, that's not very impressive
at all, now, is it?

Pulse is down
after a liter.

It was pretty painful
for a while.

Oh, yeah? Could be
the stomach flu though, right?

That kind of thing
can run rampant

through half
the population.

Close quarters?
You're a riot.

Anyway, anyway...
You're feeling better, right?

And Dr. Rasgotra here
will sign you out.

He has a low grade fever.

Maybe we should
observe him for a bit.

It's barely
a low grade fever. Please.

CBC shows a left shift.

Yeah, but there's
no leukocytosis.

Look, I can appreciate
these guys wanting

to get out of the can
now and then,

but we're not running
a time-share here, okay?

Just release him.

I'm sorry if you
didn't want me

to mention your

That's okay. I just don't
like people protecting me.

You want to write up
his aftercare?

No. Repeat the CBC.

You don't have
to do that for me.

I'm not
doing it for you.

His history
tells me to do it.

History? What?
Lies and deception?

You never really
thought he was sick?

I don't know. Clemente examined
him and released him.

He's a patient like anyone else.

Repeat the CBC.

So it's not Alzheimer's?

No. But there
are similarities

in how it
affects people.

And, with this
type of dementia,

it can sometimes
progress very quickly.

But that means
sometimes it can be slow.

Ruthie, let the doctor talk.

There are some concerns,
Mrs. Pooler,

about your ability
to take care of Ruthie--

to make decisions,
to cook...

I can cook.
I can make decisions.

Like you did
about driving this morning?

And Social Services

is going to want to talk to you.

Most likely, they're going
to want to discuss

putting Ruthie into foster care.

They can't do that!

You can't do that!
That's not fair!

We're not going to let

I don't take the
car very much.

And I've never
hit anything before.

I know everything
she needs--

all of her


300 milligrams,
twice a day,

Diltiazem, 240
milligrams a day,

Lanoxin, .125
milligrams a day.

Stop it now.

Please, please, don't
let this happen.

I don't want
anything to change.

when your mama and daddy died,

I thought that nothing
would ever be the same.

And then we took

the worst possible moments,

and we turned it
into years and years

of the best possible moments.

Didn't we?


Now, I know that,
at least about this one thing,

Grandma is not confused,
am I?


( chuckling ):
No. That's my girl.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, okay, so you don't want me
to hold the coat this time?

Had a little talk
with myself this afternoon.

I said, "Archie, you...
You know what?

"You are Dr. Archie Morris.

You don't need
no stinking Prada suit."

What did you spill?


A little numbing medicine here,

Morris, what the hell
are you doing?

Peritoneal aspirate.

Is your name Morris ?

Her crit was stable,

so I decided
to do...

I have been waiting
for half an hour.

I discovered she's been
on lithium for a year.

Oh, and that changes everything?

Not quite everything, but...

Whoa, whoa. Wait.

She's prepped
and draped.

And bleeding internally.
What's going on?

Wait, wait. The lithium could
cause nephrotic syndrome.

Tell me something I don't know.
Okay, her hypotension

could be vasovagal
from the rib pain.

Oh, you want to
make that assumption?

Where... where am I going?

Hold on, honey-- they're
figuring it out.

She may not need the O.R.
You know what?

I feel very strongly
about this, Dr. Albright.
Oh, you do, do you?

Yes, I do.



Straw-colored fluid,

not blood.

It's ascites,
from nephrotic syndrome.

She doesn't need surgery.

She needs steroids
and a kidney biopsy.

Hey. Double trauma
pulling up

if you're looking
for some action.

No. I got to
head upstairs.

Dr. Morris, sorry we
missed you in your suit.
How did you know about my suit?

I know everything.

Dr. Weaver, don't
suppose I can get you

to look at this
open tib-fib in Four?

Sorry, Chuny.
I'm not on today.


Dr. Weaver.
Dr. Albright.

Don't worry about it.
I'm handling it.

You haven't even called
Social Services yet.

I didn't say that.
I said they put me on hold.

Do you really think
you're going to
make things easier

by... by keeping
them around?

Well, it's not easy.

They've always
had each other.

I know, and it's
horribly sad,

but it can't
stay that way.

Well, we don't know that
100% for sure, do we?

That woman has bilateral
lacunar infarcts.

She's going
to decompensate,

sooner rather
than later.

And what? She's going to
raise a 12-year-old?

Well, a very mature

that seems, so far,
to have done

a very good job of
holding it together.

They're a family, Luka.

Why aren't we
fighting for that?

Kids shouldn't
be caretakers.

they have to be.

Look, I know,
in Croatia,

you grew up like
Ozzie and Harriet.

And I'm sorry.
I know you probably

don't even know what
Ozzie and Harriet is.

But whatever.
The thing is, yes,

it's going to get
harder and harder,

but that doesn't mean,
they're not better off together.

Like you were better off
with your mother?


You know, that girl is
healthy, she's in school,

she's in a loving

The grandmother is
still functioning.

She can still
handle her ADLs.

Yeah, for now
If you had asked me
when I was 12,

if I wanted to be taken
away from my mother,

I would have said no.
It's not our job
to let 12-year-olds decide.


Hey, Ruthie!

Very mature.

Neela, your repeat blood work

is back on your
no doubt unfairly-prosecuted,

rule out appy.

Hey. I told you
to discharge him, didn't I?

His white count's up to 12,000.

Big deal. So what?

If his appendix burst
on the way here,

his pain might've been relieved.
We should see if he declares.

He's got to go.

Temperature's up to 100.4.

Could be an appy.

No way. It's

Let me take a look.

The initial exam
could've been done

in the post-perforation

He'd have signs
of peritonitis.

Takes a while to develop.


Hey, Steve.
Oh, Sammy...

He's diaphoretic.
Barely has a pulse.

Alright, two liters wide open.
Put him in trendelenberg.

Can you get his cuffs off?!

Abdomen's rigid as a board.

It was soft.
Pressure's 70 palp.

He's going to need
a second I.V.

Alright, give him
a gram of cefoxitin.

You gonna take him
to the O.R.?

If we get his pressure up.
He's septic. Mix up dopamine.

Run a V-tach.
Okay, get the crash cart!

Hey, how are you?

I wasn't faking it.

Yeah, I know.

Hey, Rasgotra, Barney Fife here
wants to know

how long you're going to be
detaining his detainee.

I was thinking,
as long as possible?

Yes, that will be correct.

( phone rings )


Been working pretty long hours,

Getting any sleep?

Bobby, I'm not doing this.

You hear me?
I'm not doing it, man!

I been wanting
to talk to you.

Even stopped by
to drop something off,

but there was this
sheriff's van outside.

What'd you do,
go and hire protection?

I'm not playing your game.

You hear me? I'm not playing
your little games.

Okay. Calm down, buddy.
I'll let you go.

Oh, and one last thing, though.

What time you going home

Where's Dr. Lockhart?

I would have
to check.

Could you please tell her
Ruthie Pooler's here

and I'll be in with my
grandmother, Exam Three?

Any word from
Social Services?

I think Dr. Lockhart
called them,

but no one's been down yet.

It just I haven't been
getting any sleep lately.

And the thing is that I've been
really, really needing some.

Things have been
kind of rocky since

Jody and all that.

She okay?
Oh, yeah,
yeah, yeah.

She's, she's great.
She's great.

It's just...

I'm just wondering can you write
me a scrip for some Ambien?

Is herbal tea
not working?

Ha, ha, very funny.
Did you ask your doctor?

Docs don't have docs,
you know that.

Abby, thank you.
Thank you.

I really,
I really appreciate it.

I really do.

What'd you give me, two?

Is that it,
just two?

Yeah. Tonight,
tomorrow night

and I'm sure
by the next day

you'll have your
very own primary
care physician.

Hey, uh, Ruthie Pooler's back.
She's looking for you.

She's in the room.
Thanks, Jerry.

Come on, Abby,
you're k*lling me.

Try those nature CDs,
birds chirping, waves crashing.

I wasn't running away.

I didn't think you were.

I didn't think you would
leave your grandmother.

Or your dog.

Ruthie, believe me,

I know it's not
going to be easy.

Keys to my grandmother's car.

"L" passes,
three months worth.

Italian Cooking
Made Simple.

Rachel Ray's
30-Minute Meals.

Better Food For Dogs.

This one's for Bob.

This one's for us.

I can do this,
Dr. Lockhart.

We can do this.

You know, for this to happen,

Social Services is going
to have to follow up with you

probably once a week.

You're going to need

home healthcare workers
probably every day.

You said it wasn't going
to be easy.


Don't you ever pull
that crap on me again!

Excuse me. Excuse me.
Last time I looked, I was right.

You were lucky.

A hypertensive patient
with a low crit

and a positive ultrasound
always needs surgery.

It was vasovagal, chronic anemia
and it was ascites.

I saved your ass.
She could have bled to death!

You would have sliced her open
on a table for no good reason!

( gasping )

Hey, Jerry.

Olivia, how you doing?

Where are we?

Pick your poison. Trauma One or

Uh, Dr. Pratt

dropped this off for you before
he took off for the airport.

They're lovely.

Too bad they're not mine.

(male on speakers) 'Good
afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
This is Captain Balisma..'

Hey. Here you go.

Thank you.

Here you go, sir.
Vodka tonic.

Thank you very much.

You're welcome.

How you doing?

I'm Greg Pratt.

Fatima Abakar.

Nice name.

So if you don't mind
me asking,

what's taking you
to Khartoum?

I live there.

Work for the government,
Ministry of Education.

Wow. I'm a doctor.

An emergency physician,

and I'm on my way to Darfur
to do some work

at one of the refugee camps.

You mean IDP camp.

They're not refugees,
they're IDPs--

"internally displaced

Right, right.


Why what?

Why are you going?

Um, I don't know.

Something new, I guess.

You know,
something different.

And you've read up
on Darfur?

Oh, yeah.

It's a lot.

Yeah, well,
I work in Chicago,

a county ER,

and I've treated
hundreds of g*nsh*t wounds,

knife wounds,
domestic v*olence.

I think I know
my way around.

AIDS, malaria,

Two million people

not to mention the nearly
400,000 already slaughtered,

boys, babies, tossed
onto bonfires,

women and young girls r*ped,

sometimes by men,
sometimes by bayonet.

The work of gangs,
all things you have seen.

But in Darfur,

it's political and
on a massive scale.

And while this insanity rages
on and on and on,

the rest of the world continues
its debate--

"Is it or is it not genocide?"

This is not debate,
this is paralysis.

Can you treat that, Dr. Pratt?

Can you cure paralysis?

( speaking Arabic )

I don't speak Arabic,
only English.

What, where are you working?

Yeah, I'm going to work
in a refugee...

an IDP camp, Dumtala.

I'm a doctor.

( speaks Arabic )

( replies in Arabic )

( speaks Arabic )

Is there a problem?

( The Beach Boys'
"California Girls" playing )

Ibrahim, you're going
to run the battery down.

Come on. We need you.

Assalaam alaikum.

Alaikum salaam.

I was wondering if you
could help us, Mr...

( speaking Arabic )


Mr. Mudawi, we're here
to pick up that gentleman
right over there.

It'd been easier if they had
someone who could speak English.

Yeah, the whole
language thing,
very inconvenient.

Giving me the third degree
over a paperback.

They wanted
to confiscate it

like it's the n*zi
master plan or something.

Guess they don't put much money
into road work.

I'm just going to assume
you're being facetious.

Doesn't look like they put much
money into anything.

Money's not the real currency
around here, Pratt.

Life's about a little bit of
food, a little bit of firewood.

Safety is the scarcest
resource of all.

Well, it's hot as hell.

Got any cold sodas or waters
in this cooler?


measles, Hep "B"
and tetanus vaccines.

( sighs )

( "I Got You, Babe" plays )

* They say we're young
and we don't know *

( hums ) * ...until we grow

* Well, I don't know
if all that's true *

* You got me, and baby,
I got you *

I can't believe it,
we're in the middle of nowhere

and this cat's got
Sonny and Cher.

Ibrahim speaks
English, Pratt.

* I got you babe

Hey, sorry about that, man. How
you doing?

* I got you babe

* They say our love
won't pay the rent *

* They say our love
won't pay the rent.. *

Whoa, what the hell is that?

Keep driving.

Maybe they won't
stop us.

Who are these guys?


( speaks Arabic )

Don't do anything,
don't say anything.

( speaking Arabic )

( speaking Arabic )

No, no, no!

( speaks Arabic )

It's okay.

I'm not leaving you.
He won't hurt me.

I'm not leaving.

( yells in Arabic )

( speaks Arabic )

( speaking Arabic )

He's not Sudanese.

He's an ex-pat doctor only here
to help, He has no g*n.

We're on our way
to Dumtala camp.

Pratt tell him.

Tell him who you
are in English.

Tell him!

I'm a doctor,
we're all doctors.

We're on our way
to the Dumtala camp
to help the sick people.

We're not armed.
We have no g*ns.

We're only here to help.

( yells in Arabic )

Okay, Ibrahim, let
me take a look, man.


Okay, okay, okay.

Yep, it might be broken.

No septal hematoma,
so you'll be okay.

Just pinch it,
keep the pressure on.


Radio's no good.

Yeah, what a surprise.

What are you looking
for, a phone booth?

Who feels like walking?


You got to be
kidding me.

You're a weird dude, Pratt.


( grunts, groans ):

( baby crying )

( crying )



( loud groaning )

You need some help?

( yelling in Arabic )

What? No, take it easy, relax.
I'm a doctor.

Take it easy, rel... whoa!

Sorry, sorry.

Um... I'm a doctor.

Do you speak English?
Do you need some help?

Actually, I think it is you
that needs some help.

I'm Steven Dakarai,
medical director here.


Nice to meet you,
I'm Greg Pratt.

I know.

I was trying to see
if I could do anything.

The girl was r*ped.

It is a custom here
that only women

take care of those patients.

But don't worry,
Zahra is an excellent nurse.

She will handle it.



you just got here.

And not easily I heard.

Well, that's one way
of putting it.
( chuckles )

The Janjaweed, generally
they do not hurt the doctors

or the NGO workers.

But one never knows
what might happen.

You okay?

I caught myself
a stomach virus.

You must be careful
what you eat here.

Here you go.

That's the best
we could come up with.

We don't have a
supply sergeant here.
Thank you.

We will take up a collection
for you later.

Dr. Carter,

This young girl outside

wants us to check her
grandmother in the camp.

What's the problem?

She's got vomiting and diarrhea,
too weak to walk.

Hey, Greg.
Want to take a ten cent tour?

Yeah, sure.
I'll be right out.

I'd offer to come,
but these IV poles,

they don't run so well
in the sand.


Hey, Pratt,

how are your feet?

Still working.

See you later.

So Debbie and Dakarai, huh?

Yeah, they're an item.

So tell me the news.
What's the news from County?

Uh, well,
Susan Lewis left.

She took a job over
in Iowa City.

Yeah, I talked to her.

She thinks she got
kind of screwed.

She did. So now we got this guy
named Clemente.

He's the new attending.

Frank calls him
"Dr. Schizo."

He's really not a bad
guy, he's just...

I don't know,
a little nutty.

And the R2s?

Well, we're still keeping
our fingers crossed

that they don't
k*ll anybody.

Even Abby?

She's always ahead
of the rest.

Her and Kovac are
back together again.


( chuckles )

Yeah, and they're
about to have a baby.

Wow, that's news.

That's great news.
I'm happy for them.

Yeah, I'm going to have
to send them something.

From here?
Good luck with that.

( yelling )

( yelling in Arabic )

Ishaak, what happened?!

He went too close to
the village by himself.

They took him off his horse.

( clamoring )

( yelling )

They're beating the hell
out of the guy.

Stay back.
Pratt, let Ishaak
handle it.

( yelling )

( yelling )

( yelling )

( yelling )

Is that vodka or gin?

Something like that.

Little green
food coloring...

That's a good trick.

Yeah, well...

I'm a guy who really
knows his way around.

( speaks Arabic )

Welcome to Darfur.
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