01x03 - Prey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
Post Reply

01x03 - Prey

Post by bunniefuu »

- This is so unfair.

- The sooner you accept
that life's not fair,

the better off you'll be.
- But you said I could go

to the city.
- If you said she could go,

it is a bit unreasonable.
- I never said she could go.

- Mom.
- Doug.

[muffled crash]

[strange scream]

- If I did,
I didn't realize it was today.

And I assumed that
you would make her wear,

you know, clothes.


- What was that?

[suspenseful music]

[rain dripping]

- Help me!
- Oh, God!

- Help me, please
- Oh, oh!

Call 911!

- Help me!
- Look at me.

- Help me...
- Call somebody!

- [whimpering]

- You're gonna be okay.
You're gonna be okay.

You're gonna be okay.

- Call an ambulance!

- Come on.
Come on.

Come on.
Come on, keep going, Gideon.

Good boy.
Come on.

Don't give up, Gideon.

- There's so much blood,
we didn't even need Gideon.

- The girl did have,
like, 30 holes in her.

- Heck, you could see
the blood trail from space.

- It's amazing
she even survived.

He buried her.

- You know
if she's gonna make it?

- We don't know.

But I'm pretty sure
they're not.

[tense music]

[indistinct chatter]

- ERT already removed
some bodies?

- The ones that weren't
too badly decomposed

M.E.'s working with.

ERT sent pics of the rest.

He brings her out here,

assaults her,
stabs her repeatedly,

and buries her
in a pre-dug hole.

- Multiply by, what, 19?

- Yep.
- We made nine turns

to get here from the LIE...

It's an out-of-the-way-spot.

He knows this area.

He's spent time here.

He's comfortable here.

Too comfortable, actually.

- What do you mean
"too comfortable"?

- He buried his last victim

without making sure
she was dead.

It's his first mistake.
- What does that tell you?

- He's smart.

He's highly organized.

It's the only way you k*ll
and bury 18 victims

without leaving
a single witness.

- The Sands Point police
have found

a number of human remains.
They have...

- All right, the JOC is hot,

Kristen, you got it?
- Yep.

- We ID'd our surviving victim.

- It's putting out now.
- Her prints hit off

a two-year-old tourist visa.

Nice work, Ms. Chazal.
What do we got?

All right, her name
is Hailey Nuriyev.

She's 20 years old, Ukrainian.

She came from Kiev to JFK
in the fall of 2016.

- Hailey doesn't sound

- Mother was American.

Northern-Cal, hippie,

did a semester abroad
in '96.

Married a Ukrainian,
never came back.

Died in '09.
- Any idea what she was doing

in New York?
She have family here?

- No.
Grandparents are dead.

Visa lists Sutton Suites
as her address--

corporate rentals--

but they have no record
of her ever staying there.

- Medical Examiner
is ready for you.

He's got a pre-lim.

- Let's go.

- The victims were k*lled
over the past three years.

The most recent
was three to five weeks ago.

All were stabbed
approximately 30 times

with a five-inch,
partially-serrated blade.

All have a similar-sized
section of skin flayed

from the upper-left chest,

and they all show signs
of being sex workers.

- Serial K*llers need
to get their victims alone.

- Easier to accomplish
when they're prostitutes.

- I'll have to take
your word on that.

- What is that?

In the exposed tissue.
- Good eye.

Seems the k*ller was trying
to remove an identifying mark.

- Tattoos don't scar
that deeply.

We working with a brand?

- Heat from a branding
wouldn't penetrate that far.

- If it's cut with
a heated blade, it does.

Not easy keeping up
with her, is it?

- Can you bring out
that image?

- The body's condition
has made it impossible

to identify the brand.

One more thing--
one of the girls had

breast implants.

- Is that unusual?
- In an 18, 19-year-old, very.

Those haven't been used
since the early '90s.

Mostly in Eastern Europe.
[phone chimes]

- Jubal said that Hailey's
almost out of her surgery.

We only have a short window
before her next one.

Thank you.

- The scarring
in the muscle tissue

was hard to make out,
but it's there.

I need to prep for a surgery.

- Thank you.
- A crown?

The k*ller removed
the same piece of skin

from the same spot
on all of the victims.

- All the girls probably had
the same brand.

- So all the victims worked
for the same ring

and the brand was removed

so the bodies couldn't get
tied to them.

- We have to change our theory.

Serial K*llers
leave signatures.

Something that serves
a psychological need

but of no practical purpose.

- If the skin was taken to hide
what ring they worked for,

then it served
a very practical purpose.

- No signature,
no serial k*ller.

- So who are we looking for?

- A trafficker.

Someone who disposes
of the girls

when they outlive
their usefulness.

- Help me!
Help me!

- Hailey, it's okay.
- [wailing]

- Hailey, it's all right.
Sit back.

- It's okay.
My name is Maggie,

I'm with the FBI.
You're safe now.

It's okay.

No one's gonna
hurt you anymore.

- But what about my sister?

[crying softly]


my sister...

- This is all my fault.

- Hailey, one in five women
are sexually assaulted.

It could happen to anyone.
- You don't understand.

My sister would still be
safe at home

if I hadn't suggested
the employment agency.

Coming to the U.S.
was all my idea.

I had...
- This is not your fault.

- Tell us what happened.

Start with
the employment agency.

- I saw an ad online.

Pass their test
and you interview

for jobs in New York.

I should have known
this was a scam

Two dumb farm girls
from Travneve.


- What happened
when you got here?

- [breaths shakily

Three men picked us up.

Snake was the boss.

The others were Spider and Hog.

- Ukrainian?
- Yeah.

Spider and Hog were.

Snake spoke Ukrainian,
but not well.

His English was better.

- What else can you tell us
about him?

- Um...

uh, he blindfolded us...

took us to a basement...

If we resisted...

they said they would k*ll us
and our family.

[tense music]

[shaky inhale]
And then they r*ped us

for three days straight.

- It's how they break down
your resistance.

- Afterwards...

they took me away and
I haven't seen Brooke since.

- You know where they took you?

- There were four basements.

They rotated us through them.

Once, there was...

in the summertime,
a beach house.

- How do you know?

Did you see it?
- I could hear the waves.

- You're doing really great,

Thank you.

Do you know
who att*cked you last night?

- Snake.

- Do you know why?

- I broke the rule.

I asked for help.

I heard Brooke was sick,

and girls that get sick
and don't get better,

they go with Snake
and they don't come back.

- Who did you ask for help?

- A john that I'd seen
a few times.

I took a chance.

I begged him
to call the police,

and then Snake came for me,
and he--

- I need to prepare Hailey
for surgery.

- Are you willing to work
with a sketch artist later?


We'll be back soon.

- Please...

please find my sister.


- It's all about meta-data.

Every digital photo contains

the specific settings
of the device taking the photo.

- So it's like a fingerprint
for cameras.

- Exactly.

So, I run facial recognition

Found one with a photo
of Hailey,

and created an algorithm
to search for any photos online

with the same fingerprint
as Hailey's.

- So you have
the camera's fingerprint?

- Could be a cell phone.

I found nine photos
of girls so far.

Then I ran facial recognition

against all inbound
Ukrainian visas...

and viola.

Nine of the advertised women...

match with nine
Ukrainian visas.

- That's a before-and-after

a guy with three sisters
doesn't need to see.

- Nine names
for nine of our victims.

- Nice work!

- We found the 911 call
Hailey's john made

three days ago.

[tense music]

- I don't know
what you're talking about.

I never made a 911 call.

- Look, man we're not here
to judge.

There's a lot of guys out there
trying to avoid

the hassles of dating.
- You got bad information, man.

I can't help you.

[phone beeps]
- 911, what's your emergency?

- Yeah, uh, there's
a girl named Hailey

in a townhouse
on 87th and 5th.

She needs help.
- Sir, is she breathing?

Is she conscious?
- Yeah, she's--

she's breathing.

She needs the cops.
She says she's in trouble.

- Okay, sir,
what is your name?

- What?
Why do you need to know my--

why do you need my name?
I'm not--

I'm trying to help.

I-I--look, I can't.
I'm sorry.

[line disconnects]

[indistinct chatter]

- Maybe we should play it
for the guys.

See if they recognize
the voice.

[tense music]

- I was afraid
I was gonna lose my job.

- I'm pretty sure lying
to the FBI

will also cost you your job.

- Okay, I--

I was with Hailey.

I just--I didn't want
to get involved.

- I get it.

It's okay.

We just need to know
the last place you saw her.

- [sighs]

[soft indistinct chatter]

[drill whirring, clangs]

- Clear.

- Clear.

- Far right clear.

- Left, clear.

- Check upstairs.

[indistinct chatter]

- Agent Bell?

We got a basement.

[suspenseful music]

- [quietly] Go, go.

- Let's move.
- We got it.

- Corner's clear!

- Clear left.

What're you seeing?

- Give me a torch over here.
- Far back, clear.

- Zero contact.

- Back room's clear.

[water dripping]

[dark music]

- Hey, over here.

[somber music]

- Is this paint?

- It's what they had.

It's make-up.

- We got something here.

[foreboding music]

- The town house is owned
by a shell company.

The property manager
is on her way here now.

- ERT found traces
of polyacrylamide in the trash.

- M.E. found polyacrylamide
implants in one of the victims.

- It was a common technique
in the Ukraine

until the 1991 ban.

- A legit doctor wouldn't risk
his license

doing illegal treatments.

- Look for Ukrainian doctors
who tried and failed

to get their license
in the U.S.

- On it.
- Yeah.

- We'll go talk to Hailey,
see about this mystery doctor.

- [grunts]
Property manager is here now.

Conference room three.

- We manage the townhouse

and several other properties
for the client.

- Who's your client?
- Uh, Jacob Roscha.

Very wealthy.

He lives in London.

He owns an energy company

- How many properties?
- Couple of townhouses,

a few office buildings.

- Do you think it's possible
that Mr. Roscha knew

what was going on
in his townhouse?

- No.

I mean, it's possible,

but no.

- Why is that?
- Well, he's never there,

and he's not
especially interested

in his investment properties.

He has people for that.

- Just seems odd that
this particular townhouse

has been sitting empty.
- It's been empty

for six months while we wait
for building permits.

Here is a list

of the properties
that I manage for Mr. Roscha.

We're not supposed
to give it out, but...

after what was going on
in those townhouses,

I don't even know
what to say.

- Do we have permission
to search these townhouses?

- Well, I don't have power
of attorney,

but I can contact the owner.

- Okay, great.

Thank you.

- Thank you.

[door opens]

- We're not waiting
on warrants.

I'm putting
the surveillance teams

on these townhouses right now.

[dark music]

- Hey.

- That's Snake?

- [shaky breathing]
- Um...

I have to ask--
before this,

were you ever treated
by a doctor?

- No.

But other girls were.

- Do you remember anything
they might have said about him?

What he looked like?

- They said he was old.

Uh, he told them that he'd been
a doctor in the Ukraine.

- Anything else?

The smallest detail
can make a big difference.

- Um...


he was nice.

The ones who saw him
said that...

he was the only one who ever
showed them any kindness.

- That one, yeah.
- Jubal.

Any word on
the surveillance teams?

- Uh, yeah, No activity
at any of the townhouses.

- Probably tying up loose ends.

Emptied them out.
- That's what I'm thinking.

- Kristen find any
possible doctors?

- Speak of the devil.
- Found three immigrants

who were licensed doctors
in the Ukraine,

did polyacrylamide
breast augmentation.

None of their licenses
transferred here.

- Well, she said he was old.

Good bet that's our guy.
- Go.

Kristen, send them the deets.
- Come on.

- What are the chances
our doctor's in the wind?

- Pretty good.

[deafening crash]

[car alarm blaring]

[dramatic music]

OA, it's our doc.

- Shut the elevators down,

I'll take the back stairs.


- [grunts]

[both grunting]

- [groans]


- [straining]
- [coughing]


- [grunts]

- [coughing]

- Are you okay?
- Go.



- [shouting in native language]

[tires squealing]

[tires squeal]

- [coughing]

- I couldn't even get
the plate number.

That's gonna need stitches.
- [panting]

The wall.

- You hit it on the wall?
- No.

[clears throat]

He touched the wall.

We have his prints.

[clears throat]

- ERT pulled the prints
off the wall.

Won't take long
to get Snake's name.

- All right.

- Ouch.
- Why are you "ouching"?

You're not the one
getting your face sewn back on.

- Hey you're doing better
than him.

[indistinct chatter]

- They're eliminating everybody
who can hurt them.

- Yes, they are.
- The girls can hurt them.

[phone vibrating]
- Yes, they can.

- Jubal.

- Hey your prints
ID'd our k*ller.

Stepan Tsarko of City Island.

Born in Brighton Beach.
- Do you have an address?

- Yeah, it's coming
to you now.

SWAT and ERT are on the way.

- Yeah, we got it.

- Stepan's mom immigrated
from the Ukraine.

She worked as a domestic
at a Sands Point estate.

- Matches Hailey's sketch.

- His juvie record is sealed.

He spent summers in Kiev
with extended family.

- He's got to have partners
over there.

- Oh, yeah, yeah,
he's got a cousin in Donbas.

Guess what he does?

- It involves
an employment agency?

- The same one that arranged
Brooke and Hailey's travel

to the U.S.

[tense music]

[door crashes]

- Room above is clear!

- Maggie.

[foreboding music]

He kept their brands.

- Souvenirs.

You okay?

- [sniffs]

See the lights
on the far shoreline?

- Yeah?
- That's Sands Point.

The dark patch
in the middle...

that's the dump site.

- So this bastard...

comes out onto the balcony,

has a drink and a smoke...

And then he looks out
at his victims,

reliving his kills.

- When I was stationed
in Germany,

a couple of my guys
came back to the base late.

Said they'd been
to a brothel.

- Did you report them?

- We were headed to Iraq,

so at the time I figured,
"What's the harm?"

And then a few months later,

some German feds raid the place
and the girls were...


- You couldn't have known.

Besides, writing them up
wouldn't have changed a thing.

- Yeah, I know, but...

- OA...

- [scoffs quietly]

Eliza lied to us.

- The photo was taken in Miami
in 2013

when Eliza Holliman
sold Roscha property.

She must have impressed him,
because he hired her

and moved her up to New York
to manage his properties.

- Already got NYPD
picking her up.


Not yet.
- Uh, the other man

in the photo
is Stepan's first cousin,

Oleg Tsarko of Donbas.

Oleg Tsarko ran
the employment agency front

in the Ukraine that trafficked
Hailey, Brooke, and the others.

Oleg got his financing

from--wait for it--

Russian oligarch Jacob Roscha.

As I mentioned the photo
was taken in Miami.

Roscha's got a yacht
that he keeps down there.

- So Oleg hooks up with Roscha,

sets up the exports
in the Ukraine.

Oleg then reaches out
to his cousin, Stepan,

to handle the imports here.

- And then Roscha taps Eliza

to keep an eye
on the physical locations

and manage the books
and the girls.

- Troops on the ground
are awaiting orders

to raid the townhouses.

- Warrants for this many
properties will take

at least another 90 minutes.

- We don't have
that kind of time.

- The "JustForJohns"
personal site--

they're no longer offering
in-call services.

Only outcall.
- Right.

Because they don't have
the townhouses anymore,

so they have to bring
the girls to the customers.

- What are you proposing?
- We set up a date.

By then, we'll have
the warrants.

- We take down whoever's
delivering the girls

at the same time
as we raid the townhouses.

- A sting.
I like that.

- I'd like to play the john.

- No.

Jubal, you worked vice.

Feel like getting out
of the JOC?

- Uh...

sure, why not?
- Done.

Suit up.

- You got the JOC, man.

That sounded weird.

- Ma'am, could I have a word?

- This office has exactly one
Arabic speaker

with undercover experience
inside the Jihadi.

I am not going to burn him

by having him play a john

in an airport motel.

You of all people
should understand that.

- Fair enough.

- The sting was a good call.

[insects chirping]

[suspenseful music]


- This place isn't half bad.

- He's kidding, right?
- Is this the, uh--

the honeymoon suite?

- Is it really one in five?

- What?

- I have three sisters
and a mother.

You said one
in five women are...

- Yes.

One in five.

But by the grace...

- Can you see
how many are inside?

- Jubal, black sedan
just pulled into the lot.

There's three girls
getting out of the vehicle.

- You're in business.

You think you can
handle them all?

- You guys watch and learn

why the ladies call me
Mr. Valentine.

[clicks tongue]

[knocking on door]

Ladies, come on in.

- Are you ready?
- I am.

Are you?

- Do you want to choose,

or do you like
all three of us?

- Uh, you know what,
it's my third divorce,

so I think we should celebrate
with all three, don't you?

- First you pay--

500 per half hour
for all three--

uh, 900 for the hour.
You decide.

Uh, give me the money and I let
the driver know we are cool.

- Oh, you're gonna--
you'll--you'll text?

Okay, very good.

Um, so 900.

Now, if I go
with the $900 plan

but I don't need all that time,
do I get any money back?

A rebate of some kind, or...?

- No.
- No.

That's okay.


Okay, uh--

oh, uh, you know what?

Why don't you guys have a seat?

Um, there's no mini-bar.

No drinks, but, uh,
make yourself comfortable.

[clears throat]

[baton clicks]

- It's him.
It's Snake.

Don't move.

Yeah, go for the g*n.

You won't make it, but
I'd sure appreciate the effort.

- Tsarko's in custody.

Copy, I'll tell them.

See you soon.

- Hailey's sister?

- Not one of ours.
- What about the raids?

- Dana said the townhouses
were empty.

- So Tsarko's our only chance
at finding Brooke

and those other girls.

[knocking on door]

- ERT found sand
on Tsarko's tires.

- Hailey said that they'd
taken them to a beach house.

- It took the girls less than
two hours to show up, so...

- So a beach in Jersey
or Long Island.

- Long Island.

We just got the E-ZPass data
from Tsarko's sedan.

Hit on the Triborough
moving westward.

- Thank you.

- Tell SWAT it's gonna be
Long Island.

Prepare to deploy.

- Maggie, you and OA gear up
and go with SWAT.

- You're going in.

Because Tsarko thinks women
are weak and inferior.

He'll be vulnerable.
He'll be off his guard.

- You disapprove?

- Absolutely not.
- Good.

Because I'm not going in.
You are.

[tense music]

Everything you just said
about why he'd respond to me

applies to you.

Except that with your eye,

he'll be even cockier.

- Right, and as a sadist

the pain he's inflicted
on me...

will turn him on.

- Also to your advantage.

- [sighs]

- You got this.

[door buzzes, lock clicks]

[door closes]

- Um...

I just need a minute.

- Looks painful.

Is it painful?

- Hurts a lot.

- I'm sorry.

Got nothing to say to you.

- It's your thing, isn't it?

You like to cause pain.

That's not what drives you...

is it?

What drives you--

what really gets you off--

is experiencing
their suffering.

It makes you feel like a man.

A real man.

You know, powerful, dominant.


That's why you chose that spot
to bury the girls.

The ones that you...


So you could sit
on your balcony,

and you'd look out
over the field...

and savor every memory.

Plunging the knife
in and out, like, what...

30 times in each girl?

But you messed up.

You got too excited,

and you r*ped this last girl
in the parking lot

before you got
to the disposal site.

We know this because
we have it on security cameras.

- [growls]

You lie.

I never stopped
in the parking lot.

[handcuffs clattering]

[heavy breathing]

I've got nothing
to say to you.

- The parking lot.

We both know
I made that part up.

But the rest of it
was all fact,

because you just sat there
and listened and smiled.

But the second I said something
that was a lie, you flagged it.

We have it on video.

And to a jury, that's as good

as you laying it all out
for me.

- Take me back to my cell.

- Mm, you sure?

Considering that
my affidavit will be read

in the arraignment,

and the media loves
serial K*llers...

- What are you saying?

- Whether the lawyer
Roscha sends tells him

or he sees it on the news,

Roscha's gonna find out
you're a sexual deviant.

He's gonna love hearing
about that.

How he lost all his townhouses,
and his girls,

his money--

all because you are
a sexual deviant.

You're a dead man.

- I need to be
in protective custody.

- Start with
where the girls are.

[suspenseful music]

- I have eyes
on two adult males.

Ground level.

They're both armed.

- Alpha team, move
to your Phase Line Green

and execute when ready.

- We're blown.
- All teams go.

[silenced g*nsh*t]
- [grunts]

[silenced g*nsh*t]
- [grunts]

- Clear!

Go, go.

- We're clear!

- Clear!

[door opens]

- [grunts]

- OA!
[men grunting]

- Stay back!
[blows landing]

[both grunting]

- Hey!

- [choking]

- You okay?

- Yeah.

[girl crying softly]

- Ma'am, we got
somebody else upstairs.

- I'll go.

Find Brooke.

[dark music]

[radio chatter]

- Sure.
I'll take her.

Come on.

- Hey.

[suspenseful music]

- Brooke?

[hopeful music]

It's okay.

Hailey sent me to find you.

- Guess they liked him better
as a serial k*ller.

- He still is.

He just found
the perfect job to hide it.

- I don't get it.
Press sensationalizes

serial K*llers,
but ignores sex trafficking.

- 50 people a year
get att*cked by sharks,

300,000 get att*cked by dogs.

Yet, every year,
what do we have?

"Shark Week."
- People choose to fear

the improbable
over the possible.

- You go to sleep at night,

do you think about the chance--
that's remote--

of being att*cked
by a serial k*ller--

or that it's twelve times
more likely

the person sleeping next to you
would m*rder you?


- I guess that was rhetorical?

- Thanks for having my back.

Stairwell and the beach house.

- I always got your back, Mags.

- You don't have to go home but
you can't stay here, people.

- I might see my mom
and my sisters and crash.

- Uh, home.

After I make a stop.

[indistinct announcements
over PA]



- Thank you, Agent Bell.

- I'm so glad you guys
are okay.

- I'm not so sure.

- I am.

You're a fighter.

[hopeful music]

- I didn't fight.
- Are you kidding me?

Hailey, you were tortured
and stabbed.

You were left for dead.

You fought.

You crawled out
of your own grave

and you just saved 50 girls--

including your sister.

- [laughs]

[breathes shakily]

If you say so.

[woman vocalizing]

- [sighs]

[wolf howling]
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