13x10 - Tell Me No Secrets

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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13x10 - Tell Me No Secrets

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on ER:

There is no settlement.

We agreed to the meeting
as a show of good faith

in case we went
back to trial.

See the initials?
C.A. Curtis Ames.

I think he's trying
to thr*aten us.

Do you want to talk
about what's bugging you?

I thought I'd
be reporting

on topical medical issues
not doing puff pieces

on Botox and
unsanitary manicures.

Luka, this is...


Uh, you're the husband?

Oh, my God.

Meg, Sarah, this is Neela.

Hey, Greg.

Can a straight guy
go through a gay phase?

I think it's more likely
that he's gay.


Oh. That's what I like to see.

A brother taking
his education seriously.

What you got here?

Art History final today.

We pulled an all-nighter.


do you have an extra
toothbrush I can borrow?


Hi. I'm Nicole.

This is my brother, Greg.


Nic's my study partner.

She lives on campus and
it got a little late...

I hope we didn't make
too much noise.

Well, I didn't
hear a thing.


Tongue stuck in bowling ball,
waiting on a drill...

Bedbug couple,
1% hydrocortisone.

Probably need an
exterminator, too.

Those critters are nasty.

Sleep-eater guy wants
a prescription for a padlock.

For his refrigerator.
Hey, Ray.

Patient in 3 is
ready for transfer.

How do we do that?
What about belly pain in 2?

Small bowel obstruction.

You need to fill out
a transfer packet,

um, to document the
reason for transfer

and consent for transfer

and stability for transfer.

If you don't do this, then
it's an EMTALA violation

and a big fine.
Got it.

So, uh...

We're okay, right?

Yeah, these look pretty

I mean about keeping
you and me under wraps.

Gets out that
we're dating,

it could get weird
around here...

for you.
Oh, for me?

You two make
such a cute couple.

What? Her and me?

No, we're not...

Dr. Weaver,
what should I...

Uh, sorry, you got
to talk to Morris.

I'm due at the station.

You must be excited
about tonight.

What's tonight?

Dr. Weaver's special report
on the Channel 5 News.

Hey, everybody.

This is Ben Parker.
He's a new RN,

all the way in
from Savannah.

Hi, Ben.
Hello. Hi.

It's nice to meet y'all.

Looks like we got ourselves
a Southern boy.

Yeah, a real
Georgia peach.

Hey, since it's his first shift,

let's try not to scare him off.

We need him to come
back tomorrow.

20 says Gentle Ben
doesn't last a week.

I give him five days.

Three, we'll make it 40.

What's up, man?

Hey, Kerry, you on today?

Not anymore.

All right,
what am I walking into?

Uh, we got slammed
at midnight.

But we're under
control now.

Hey. Hey.

Uh, I just wanted to say thanks
for the advice the other day,

but I'm happy
to let you know,

you got it wrong
this time.

Yeah, as it turns out

not everyone who
experiments is gay.

Excuse me?

Talking about
my brother Chaz.

It was like he said:
It's just a phase.

Is that so?

Hey, you remember that girl
he took home for Thanksgiving?



She spent the night.

My brother's straight.

Gee, Greg, you must be so proud.

What? No, that's not...

That's not what I meant.
What I meant was, uh...

Uh, you, you know what I meant.

Yeah. And you're not
my only black friend.

Joe, next time try
eating your apricots

not throwing them.

Hey, do you think
this is funny?

So the budget committee's

pressuring you that much?

Yeah, and girls don't like

when you wear your
food. Trust me.

Yeah, they're all
over me about it.

How much they
want you to cut?

They want me to cut
an attending.

What? That's crazy.


This is between me,
you and Joe.

Hey. Hi.

What's it like out there?
Is it too cold

for Joe to go to
the park today?

I can't believe they want you
to cut an attending.

We need more doctors
in the ER, not less.

It's ridiculous.
How does the
budget committee

expect us

to do our job when...




(car horn blaring)

(El train passing overhead)

What is up with you today?
You're acting so weird.

You running out of the house
without any shoes on,

without a jacket...
I saw a tow truck.

And I thought
my car was parked

on the wrong side
of the street.

What, they don't have

parking in Croatia?

Danielle Davis, 13, unresponsive
with heavy vaginal bleeding.

BP: 90/60 in the field,
up with a liter.
What happened?

Somebody found her down
the front steps of her school.

Danielle, open your eyes.

What is it?

Syncope, head trauma
with a vag bleed.

Or it's an ectopic pregnancy
and she's bleeding out.

I'll clear a room.

Hang on, Danielle.

We're going to take
good care of you.

Well, you may have
torn a ligament.

Looks like a case
of boomeritis.

Uh, that sounds bad.

Mr. Pacheco,
you better warm up

before working out,
and you might want

to consider taking up swimming
or bike riding instead.

He's going to need
a knee immobilizer,

crutches and Vicodin.

You come up with that?


Hey, Morris, I'm going to
need you to sign off on this.

Probable ACL tear.

So how's Katey
working out?
Uh, who?

Katey. Aren't you
supervising her?

Oh, no, not me.

Hey, is it me or
do the med students

keep getting younger
every year?
What's she?

Like 24?
Uh, I don't know.

I've never noticed
how hot she is.


I didn't say anything
about her being hot.

I mean she is
hot, but...
Ah, well.

You have to be
certified as an MICN

in order to take,
uh, radio calls,

but in the meantime you can
use it to do status check.

Somebody get an ortho referral
on my knee guy in Curtain 2?

Yeah, I'll take it.
Thank you.

There's a new course
starting next month.

I'll get you the details.
Sounds great. Thank you.

Hey, Dawn,
is the white count back

on my gallstone guy
in Curtain 3?

All right.

He needs another four
of morphine. Here.

Sure, I'll get to it
in a minute.

Whoa, whoa, Hope,

about your newlyweds
with flu symptoms,

why would you prescribe

"Long walks, holding hands
and romantic dinners."

Oh, um, I sensed tension
in their young marriage

and when we're tense
or stressed,

our immune systems weaken,
which as you know,

limits our body's ability

to fight off infections
and viruses.


I felt if, uh,

Andy and Phyllis carved out
more time for one another,

they could strengthen
their marriage,

thus speeding their recovery

and protecting them
from future illnesses.

Oh, you can't...
Bitch, it's mine,
and I want it.

Come on now, you stole it,
and I want it back.

Sir, you're going
to have to calm down, okay?

This guy has been acting up
since he got here.

Sir, what are you missing?

When I came in here, I had a
five-carat ring in my pocket.

And now it's gone.

And this bitch
stole it. Come here.

And give me my ring.

Hey, hey, hey.

You shut your piehole
and you come with me.

You okay, Hope?

Yes. Thank goodness for Ben.

Yeah, he really
took charge.
You can say
that again.

All right, come on, come on.
Let's break it up, all right?

All right, get back to work.
Not a big deal. Please.

I think we just got shown up
by a "murse."

A male nurse.

Oh, that's bad.

Yeah. He's pretty
macho, though, huh?

Pupils four millimeters
and reactive.

Contusions and lacerations
to the labia.

CBC, coags, type and cross.

She was assaulted.

Pregnancy test
is negative.

Let's get her to CT to
rule out brain injury.

I'll check on CT and notify OB.

C-spine's clear.

When is she going
to be able to talk?

I don't know.

Her clothes need
to be inventoried.

Of course.

Okay let's use Dermabond
to fix this forehead lac.

She probably
hit her head

on the school steps.

ready in 20 minutes.

Trying to run away from
whoever did this to her.

20 minutes, that's
not good enough.

Gates, surgery is down
on your belly pain consult.

I'll get there when I can.

We're okay here. Gates, go.

Hi, this is
Dr. Kovac.

Put her on a
portable monitor.

I'm going to go call this in.

Yeah, I've got an
unconscious kid

down here,
clear the scanner.

There's a Mrs. Arrida out here.
She's from the girl's school.

Okay. Okay!

Timmy, we're going to need
an evidence bag.

Sure thing, Doc.

I'm the Vice Principal
at Lakeside Academy.

How is Danielle?

Uh, she's not very well
right now.


my God.

Do you know what happened?

No, no one saw anything.

We've never had anything
like this at Lakeside.

Okay, what about her parents?
Have they been notified?

The school nurse called,
but had to leave messages.

Okay, they need to be here.

Danielle's mother is here.

She works at County.

What's her name?

Angela Gilliam.

What makes you think
it's a small bowel obstruction?

Abdominal pain, distension,

no bowel movement
for three days. Ouch.

There's no history of abdominal
surgery, no adhesions.

He's too young for a
colon lesion. Upright?

How's that?
That better?

Air-fluid levels,
but no dilated loops.

Not consistent
with obstruction.

Well, you can't be
sure, you know.

Sometimes things aren't
always the way they seem.

Listen, about

the other night...

It's over. I told Meg

it's over.
Maybe for you,

but any idiot could see
from the look on her face

that it's not over for her.

It's an ileus.

The bowel's asleep.

Doesn't help that he's
been popping Vicodin
four times a day.

Just give him a laxative
and wait for him to poop.

That's ileus-- I-L-E-U-S.

My assistant pulled me
out of a staff meeting.

What's the emergency?

There's a patient
in Trauma 1.

Okay, let's go.

We couldn't discuss this
on the phone?

Look, we don't know
what happened.

They found her
outside of her school.

Luka, what's going on?

We think she was
sexually assaulted.

CT can take her,
Dr. Kovac.

Uh... Angela, it's Danielle.

My baby.

My sweet baby girl!

Okay, Trudy, can you explain
to me how this happened?

Well, Wes--
that's my boyfriend--

he's always talking
on his cell,

but when I'd ask,
"Who are you calling?

Who are you talking to?,"
he gets all secretive on me.

Does your old man
do that to you?

No, my old man's
pretty cool.

Lucky-- anyways,
me and Wes are in bed,

and his cell rings,

so I rolled over and grabbed it
before he could.

That's pretty smart, huh?
Very smart.

Anyways, Wes gets all mad,

starts chasing me
around the room,

and I see
that it's "Debbie" calling.

So I say,
"Who the hell is Debbie?"

He tells me it's none
of my damn business.

And that's when you decided
to swallow his cell phone.

Okay, I'm going
to order an X-ray

and we'll find out if we can
pull it out here in the ER.

If not, you're going
to need surgery.

Oh, it's one of those
real tiny ones.

I could stick my finger down
my throat to try to barf it up.

Hey, Abby, you got a sec?

Hold that thought.

This is Ben Parker,
new RN.

Hi. Abby Lockhart.

Hi. Abby, you're the nurse
that became a doctor, right?

Yeah, guilty as charged.

Got seduced by
the dark side, huh?

Well, I use my powers
for good, not evil.

Abby's an R3 now.

Nice to meet you.

Oh, I forgot.

There's an asthmatic at Triage
asking for you.


Okay, uh, I'll be back
when GI gets here.

What is it?
You hear that?

It's probably that stupid bitch
Debbie calling.

Sounds pretty wheezy.

It's been worse.

How long you been off
your medication?

Since my prescription
ran out.

And that was when?

60 of prednisone PO.

You giving me steroids?

Yes, we're sorry,
but only for five days

to knock down
the inflammation.

And something
tells me that...

you didn't get
your flu shot.

I'll add that
to the orders.

How's your buddy?

You know your friend here,
at County?

You going to
visit him?

Yeah, he's doing better.


You'd be doing better
if you quit smoking.


You two ever smoke?

I did, but I gave it up.

Miss it?



Hey, you work here, too.

Small world.

Yeah, hi.

Uh, can I talk to you?

I need you in
Trauma 1 now.


Can I get a chest X-ray,
PA and lateral.

And I'll be back.

Yeah, you got it.

I need you to do a r*pe exam
on that girl

we brought in
this morning.

She's Angela Gilliam's

Oh, God. How's Angela?

Keeping it together,
just barely.

Okay, I'll find you
when I'm done.

Officer Hollis?

You have a minute?
Sure, doc.

Maybe we can get
some coffee sometime.

Can we talk outside?


What do you think?

Don't tell me I don't have it.
I've read all about it!

Okay, well, then you
should know, then...

Fecal leukocytes
All right, thanks.

There are no known cases
of avian flu in the US.

Maybe I'm the first.
I demand you give me Tamiflu.

You have no flu-like symptoms--
no fever, no cough.

I've been in direct contact
with questionable poultry.

You cannot contract
avian flu

from eating take-out
chicken chow mein.

What caused my diarrhea?

It could be a stomach virus,

food poisoning...
And avian flu virus
does not cause diarrhea.

Viruses mutate.
It happens all the time.

Okay. Dawn,
get Ms. Martinelli

two of Loperamide,

and dispo her before she
convinces me we all have it.

All right.

Katey, nice work.

I have a good teacher.

How long you two
been dating?

Uh, we're
not dating.

You're not?

Mm, my bad.

It's all ready.

Thanks, Haleh.

Okay, Danielle, um...

Let me explain what
we're going to do.

All right?

First, we're going to put
your feet in these stirrups.

Then I'm going to examine you
inside with this.

It's called a speculum.

It has a light in it.

When the speculum is in,
I'm going to take some swabs

and sweep inside, and then
I'm going to irrigate with water

and remove that with a syringe.



Can you scootch down towards me?

A little bit more.

All right, here we go.



Hey, why did you blab

about Katey and me
when I asked you not to?

What are you
talking about?

Everybody knows,

even the patients.

I didn't say anything,
I swear.

(man clears phlegm,


Hell, man!

This is my
favorite shirt.

That's a f*g shirt.

Look, just cut it out,
all right? No...

There's no spitting
in the...

We got to get a mask
on this guy now.

Ben... ooh!

Your friend's
acting up again.

Yeah, I see that.
Up yours!

Ew, ew, who knows
what kind

of diseases he has!
Yeah, exactly.

So don't just stand there.
Help me find a mask.

No, I've seen guys like this
bite through masks before.


Where'd you learn that?

It's just a little parlor trick
I picked up at Savannah General.

Haven't seen
that one before.

Can I get you some fava beans
and a nice Chianti?

Dr. Morris, um,

I need you to see my patient
in Curtain 1.

What's the problem?

Well, he complains
of a migraine, but...

Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Did you say migraine?

Yes, but...

Hope, would you drive a
Lamborghini to a laundromat?

Hitch Seabiscuit to a plow?

Have Eddie Van Halen
play air guitar?

No. I'm Dr. Archie Morris.
I don't do migraines.

I think it's more
than that.

Ya think?

Look, I don't want
a restraining order.

I want him arrested.

Look, I know
you're frustrated,

but Ames hasn't done
anything illegal.

What? So he has
to hurt my family

before anyone
will listen?

I wouldn't worry
about this guy.

He's just a poor sucker,
working a crappy job.

And if you pursue this,

you might piss him
off for real.

Piss Ames off?

Look, do yourself
a favor: forget Ames.

He's already
forgotten about you.


The r*pe exam evidence
for Danielle Davis is sealed

and waiting for your signature.
Just see Haleh.

Yeah, thanks.
Take it easy, doc.

Are you okay?

Yeah. Did you send
Danielle's cultures to the lab?

Yeah, GC and chlamydia,

and I told them to rush
the vaginal washings.

Okay, I better
get back in.

She's still pretty agitated.

Okay, try a mig
of Ativan.

Is your daughter
dating anyone?

She's 13.

You'd be surprised how young
they start these days.


My husband, Paul.

Dr. Kovac.

Was Danielle r*ped?

Well, the initial results
are negative for the presence

of sperm.
Thank God.

But there's
something else.

Well, it looks like Danielle was
assaulted with a sharp object.

It appears she was cut

and penetrated repeatedly
with a razor blade.

What kind of monster
would do this?

I'm so sorry.

Which one of you two saw
Danielle last this morning?

I usually drive her to school,

but I had an early meeting,
so Paul took her.

And what time was that?

About 7:15.

Anyone see you
drop Danielle off?

I don't know.

What time did you get to work?

Do you need
to do this now?

How is that important?

Mr. Gilliam,
let's step outside.

I'm staying here
with my stepdaughter.

Some lunatic has cut up

our daughter and you're
treating my husband

like a suspect?


what's going on?

That's enough.
Come on. Outside.

I know you have
a job to do,

but I can't have you
upsetting my patient.

That wasn't our intent.

Paul, listen to me.
Listen to me.

The police want to catch
whoever did this to Danielle

as much as you do.
Of course, but...

So just go answer
their questions,

and then you can rejoin
your family. Please.

It's okay, baby.
Everything's going to be okay.

You have to talk to me.

Danielle, honey,
do you know who hurt you?


Then tell me.

I can't.

You'll be mad.

My head hurts
just looking at it.

How'd he get it in so deep

without hitting
any vital structures?

Wow, he managed to stay

outside the brain,
miss the internal carotid,

optic nerve
and pituitary.

Lucky bastard.

Hey, I heard you guys had
a cool case. Is that a...

Ice pick.

What makes someone shove
an ice pick in his ear?

Ran out of Q-tips?

Guy was hearing voices,
wanted them to shut up.

Yeah, but I wonder
why he didn't

try pulling it
out himself?

Said the demons in his head
would get loose if he did.

Hey, is this an ER case?

I'd say Neurosurgery.

Nah, ENT.
Definitely Psych.

I say we page 'em all.
Let 'em fight it out.

Hey, where you going? You
don't you want in on this one?

Nope, nope, nope, nope.

I'm leaving it all
in your capable hands,



Whoo. Nice move
for an old dude.


What's up, man?

How'd you get back here?

I got some moves
of my own.

I don't doubt that.
I don't doubt that.

So how was the art final?

It was nothing.

Can I talk to you
about something?

Uh, yeah, yeah,
go ahead.

Is there some place
a little more private?

Uh... Yeah, come on.

If this is a
bad time, man...
No, no, it's
all good, man.

So, uh, does it have anything
to do with this morning?

Uh, yeah,
kind of, man.

Let me tell you
something, man.

You and I-- definitely brothers.
You got good taste, man.

The girl is fine.

Greg, listen, I...
Heads up.

I think you got the impression,

and I kind of gave you
the impression,

that something happened
between me and her.

Well, it sure looked
like that to me.

Nah. The truth is Nicole
and I are just friends.

Man, I mean, like her and
she's cool to hang out with,

but I'm not hitting it.

Mmm. That's cool.
It's nothing. Trust me.

Give the girl time
if that's what...

I'm gay.

I mean, you said
it was just a phase.

I mean, you're 18. Come on now.
What do you know?

Look, you just need
to meet some new chicks...

Look, all the talk in the world
about chicks and sports

isn't gonna change me.

(long sigh)

So you were lying to me?
No, I was lying to myself.

And I'm not going to
do that anymore, man.

This is my life!

And I'm sorry if it
makes you hate me.
I don't hate you.

Oh, you don't hate me,
but can you deal with it?

Are we still cool?

Pratt, can I give your
vomiting guy another
five of Compazine?

Look, I-I can't
do this right now.

It's okay. I can do it.

No, no, I better.

Um... look, I gotta go.


Sorry. Sorry,
sorry, sorry.

I have a bunch
of eighth graders

with gastroenteritis.

Potato salad left out
too long in the cafeteria.

How's it going in there?

Surgery's coming down to rule
out intra-abdominal injury.

Seems Danielle
knows her attacker,

but won't say who it is.

What, is she
protecting someone?
I don't know.

Well, what does
Hollis think?

Hollis, the cop.

That you were talking
to about Danielle.

Uh, he doesn't know
much more than we do.

Your bar buddy's
still here.
Oh, sh**t.

I have my eighth graders.

No, don't worry.
I'll take care of him.

Thank you. He's had
a couple of treatments
for asthma

exacerbation, but
if you clear him,

you can send him home
with albuterol and prednisone

and I'll have Sam
bring in the X-rays.

Hey, doc.

You draw the short straw?

You taking care of me now?

Dr. Lockhart's
with other patients.

I'm only guessing, but you're
not from around here.

No, Croatia.

Long way from home.

Well, this is
my home now.

You have some
mild wheezing.

visitor myself.

I probably should've
come in the spring.

A friend of mine told me
winters could be tough.

It's not too bad.

You, uh... planning
on raising your son here?

Abby told me. Congratulations.

You mean Dr. Lockhart?

Luka, you need these?

Yeah, thanks, Sam.

I'm not discussing
my personal life with patients.

Okay, Sam, five
of albuterol

and check on him
in 30 minutes.

Have me paged
if somebody needs me.

Listen, doc, if I
spoke out of line...

No, no, sir.
Don't touch it.

Don't touch it. Don't touch it.

It's official.

Every department
has passed the buck.

Surgery, Neurosurg, and ENT?

Uh-huh, they all claim
it's not their problem.

What are we
going to do?

I say we pull it out.

Come on. Come on,
let's show those wusses

that the ER is
not afraid of a...

10-inch ice pick
in a man's skull?

No, no.

Push three of Versed.

I don't know.
It's kinda...
The films show

it missed everything
on the way in.

So all we have to do

is ease it out
along the same path,

and admit him
for IV antibiotics.

I know, but what if...
Not to mention,

this is a publishable
case report...

for any ambitious
med student,

intern or resident.

Well, it's not
the craziest...

The guy can't
walk around...
If we don't it,
he's gonna do it himself.

Okay. Okay.

Who wants to do it?

I'll do it!

All right.
Don't wiggle the handle, Hope.

I won't.
Just give it one

good tug, okay?
Don't be nervous.

Now, relax, and pull,
gentle, but firm.



Is there any pain
when I press here?

How about here?


I'm gonna need to take
a look inside you.

They already did that.

I know, but I'm checking
for other things.

It's okay, honey.


The detective is asking if you
could step out for a moment.

I need to stay
with my daughter.

It's okay, Mom.

You can go.

I want you to.

Okay. If that's
what you want.

I'm going to see
how deep the cuts are.

They're not bad.

I know.

How do you know
the cuts weren't deep?


did you do this to yourself?

Please don't tell my mom.

Hey, hey. How many loads
you hauled out today?

The boss wants
to make sure you get
that load you left

in the corner last time.
Hey, go screw yourself.

Mr. Ames?

Man, what are you doing here?

We need to talk.

Man, I'm working now.
This is not

a good time, all right?
I don't care.


I don't pay you
to chitchat.

Is it okay if I,
uh, if I take

my break right now?

Ten minutes.

You're lying.

Check my time cards
if you don't believe me.

It wasn't me.
I don't even know
where you live, man.

And it wasn't you
in the park.

And you didn't send me
my son's toy.

Your initials were on it.

Why are you
doing this to me?

You sent the
police to my job.

I can't have
you doing that.

This job is all
I got left now.

Stop playing games.

I'm just trying to live my life

and make it
through one more day.

My family is gone.
My house is gone.

I'm living in my car.

My damn car.
That's not my problem, okay?

What is it you want from me?

You've been watching
my family, following us.

That stops right now.

I would never do anything
to hurt your family.

I know what it's
like to lose one.

You do, too, right?

I heard that you were
married once with kids.

Must be horrible
going through all that.

I gotta get back
to work, all right?


Listen to me, Ames.

Come near my family again,

I'll k*ll you.

I am so sorry.
It's all my fault.

No, no. It was my idea.

Maybe I pulled the handle
too hard or I...

Hope, no, no.
You were the only one

in the entire hospital
to step up to the plate.

I'm proud of you.

So how is he?

The human shish-kebab
will be fine,

no thanks to that incredibly
imbecilic stunt of yours.

Hey, how were we supposed
to know the handle

would break off?

Okay, all right,
just for fun, let's pretend

that you each had even
a modicum of grey matter

that you somehow managed
to fashion into some crude,

rudimentary semblance
of a brain.

Maybe then you would know
that you never pull out

something near
a vital structure
unless you're in the OR.

We remove foreign bodies
all the time in the ER.

Pulling a vibrator out
of someone's ass...

not the same thing.
Hey, hey,

Dr. Bobek acted under
my supervision and my orders.

Perfect. You got the halfwit
leading the dimwit.

Look, you obnoxious boor.

The ER works damn hard

for every patient we see.

We acted in this
guy's best interest

when no one, not even
surgery, would give him
the time of day.

Now, did we do something
that didn't work?

Yes, fine. It happens

sometimes, I will take
full responsibility.

But at least we got off
our asses and tried to help.

Oh, well, gold stars
for the ER asses.


What is it about your need
to belittle other people?

Does insulting someone
make you feel like a man?

Bolster what little self-esteem
you're clinging to?

Wow, you know...

I can't even begin to imagine

what happened in your life

to make you the kind of person
that everybody hates.

(drops chart)

I could kiss you
right now.



now it's gone.

Sorry this took so long.

It's just kind of the way
things work around here.

Oh, I didn't mind.

Uh, don't forget
to fill your prescription

and remember you need to take
the prednisone with food.

Yes, ma'am.
If you say so.

And you need to follow up
with your doctor in a week.

Right. Um...

what are your
office hours?

Um, I can refer you
to the pulmonary clinic.

Ah, that's all right.
I'll work it out.


Hey, hey. Where'd
you disappear to?

Dr. Kovac,

I need to talk to you.

I'll see you later.

He seems like
an interesting guy.

Could use a little work
on his bedside manner.

Well, it's been a rough day.

Hey, Abby.
Weaver's coming on.

Okay. Uh...
good-bye, Eddie.

Take care.

Good night.

Did I miss anything?
(TV news playing)

No, I think it's on
after the weather.

Timmy, Channel 5 now.

(changing channels)

Pretty easy once you
get the hang of it, huh?

Yeah. Look, I appreciate you
showing me the ropes today.

Oh, please, I was
once a, uh...

brash, overconfident
new nurse myself.

I just hope that we haven't
changed your mind about County.

No, not yet.

Why don't you let me
buy you a drink
or take you out to dinner

just to say thank you.

You mean like a date?

Does it sound like a date?


You can call it whatever
you want. Just say yes.

So, uh, did
my incarcerated hernia guy...?

Still in line
for the OR.

What? Do you think
he needs a colostomy?

Well, uh, it'll have
to wait until I get there.

Hey, Ray, you forgot to fill out

the consult request
on your CF'er.

This is Dr. Rasgotra.
I was paged.

Yeah, thanks. I'm
sorry about that.

Hey, and, uh...

you guys got to knock it off.

I'm talking about Katey.
She's a med student, Ray.

I'm not gonna be
evaluating her.

Doesn't matter.

I don't want you distracted
or your judgment impaired.

My judgment is fine.

Besides, it's not like
it's not going on

around here
all the time.

Yeah, well, as long
as I'm running the floor,
it isn't, okay?

Tell you what, Pratt.

When it's your business
to know about my love life,

I'll let you know.

Hey, hey, she's on.

Shh, somebody turn up
the sound.

Last week, while looking for
cans and bottles in the dumpster

behind me,
two homeless men found...
Weaver's a real natural.

...what they thought

was a child's discarded doll.

Wow, this really
turned out good.

It's only TV.

You're kidding, right?

Shh, Henry just
fell asleep.

How many patients do you
treat in one ER shift?

25, 30 tops?

I don't know.
It depends.

Okay, well, on TV,
you can reach

a hell of a lot more
than 30 people,

and still help them.

No, it's not the same.

Yeah, but it still counts.

Oh, my gosh.

I can't believe
it's me up there.

Yeah, well, you better
get used to it,

because you're
really very good.

I couldn't have done it
without my producer.

The Safe Haven Law is not the
only answer to save the lives

of innocent babies,

but it provides an alternative
that can work

if only more women knew
about it.

For Channel 5 News, this is
Dr. Kerry Weaver reporting.


Hey, you heading out?

Thank God.

It's been a long day.
Yeah, this place
can suck at times.

Better leave
while you can, huh?

Uh, you know, Pratt's right.

It's not cool
to date a student.

So now this is
your business, too?

No, I'm only saying.
She's nice and everything.

I mean, I like her, but...

But what, Neela, what?

Nothing. I'm concerned.

Well, thank you,

but I'm good...
and Katey's good.

In fact, things
are going great.

Well, then, I'm
happy for you.

So, what's this really about?


Why do you care
all of a sudden?

We're friends, right?
That's what friends do.

Talk about the people
in each other's lives.

Oh, oh, that's how it is.

Well, okay, friend,
um, how's Gates?

'Cause you know what?

I'm really not into playing
your games anymore.

What are you talking about?
Do you really think

I'm gonna hang out
waiting for you

to find out that he's
just jerking you around?


you made your choice.

You can't have it both ways.

Ms. Gilliam,

if you can think
of anything else,

give us a call.

Thank you.

Is your husband back?

He'll be back soon.

The police wanted to look
at Danielle's computer,

see if she kept a diary.

Angela, I need
to tell you something.


when Danielle was
being examined by surgeons,

she told the doctor
and the nurse in the room

that she did this.

She cut herself.

That's not possible.

They must have
misunderstood her.

Well, she said
she's done it before,

but today she couldn't
control the bleeding.

She got frightened

and she tried
to run home,

and that's
when they found her.

She also said

a boy kissed her
before class today.

He tried to reach
under her skirt,

she pushed him away,

but she said
she remembered something.

Remembered what?

That's when she went to the
girl's room and cut herself.

Luka, I don't understand.


Danielle talked
about something

that happened
to you in Detroit,

she witnessed.

Oh, God...

She saw...

When Danielle was nine,

a man came to the door
of our apartment,

said he was doing repairs

in the complex.

He wore overalls and carried a
tool box, so I let him in and...

he r*ped me.

Danielle was playing outside.

I never thought
she had any idea.

I never told anyone.

Not even Paul.

I didn't want to upset Danielle.

I just wanted
to put it all behind me.

What did I do?

This isn't your fault.

What did I do?

I was so busy trying
to keep it all together

I didn't even see what my own
daughter was going through.

You did
what you thought was best.

You were just trying
to protect your family.


Hey, Neela.

Neela, wait up.
Oh, not now.

Really, not now.

Didn't get the chance to tell
you earlier: I'm moving.

Oh, yeah, where?

Well, I haven't actually
found a place yet, but...

I so don't have time
for this crap.

Look, it's not
like I can just

walk out of there


Sarah and Meg have had it
rough for a long time

and they've come
to count on me.

Yeah, it must feel good
to be the big hero.

I promised my buddy
a long time ago

that I would take
care of them...
Oh, yeah, right, the promise.

Tell me, was sleeping with
your best friend's wife

part of the deal, too?
Oh, come on.

It wasn't about that.

You know,
you're not making this easy.

Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't
realize I was supposed to.

Look, right or wrong,
yes, Meg and I sometimes...

Maybe it was out of comfort
or convenience or loneliness.

I don't know
what you want to call it,

but it wasn't love
and we both knew that.

Enough. Just stop.

Stop lying.

You're right.

You're right. I haven't been
honest for a long time.

For ten years,
I've dealt

with people and things
in my life

in a way that I wouldn't
have to get too close.

Oh, and I suppose now

you're going to tell me
that it's different.
Hell, yes.

Since I met you,
I've been a mess.

You're making me think about
the way I want my life to be,

the way it could be.

I am?

My train's here.

Hey, Chaz, Chaz.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, man,
what are you doing?

Wait in the car
for me, okay?


You don't have
to leave.

Yeah, I do.

I never said
I wasn't cool with it.

You never said you were.


All right, look, I-I work
on gay patients all the time.

I work
with gay doctors,

but when it comes
to my own blood, I...

I just need some time.
That's all.

Some time.

That's funny.

Greg, you're a lot
more like Dad

than you realize.

It's not coming out
like I mean.

I could see when I told you
you weren't okay with it.


And maybe you'll
never be okay with it.

I sure hope someday
you prove me wrong.

So, tomorrow, they're
taking Danielle

to a private facility.

Well, it sounds like she's
getting the help she needs.

Yeah, yeah, it's going
to take some time,

but I think they'll
all get through it.

Abby, you asked me
about where I went.

Yes, and you said something
about "nowhere."

I went to see
Curtis Ames.

The patient
who sued you?

That guy in the park,
when you lost Joe's toy.

That was,
that was Ames.

How do you know?

And this morning,
he was on our street.

He has been following us.


I don't have proof,
but today...

Wait, you didn't
say anything?

No, I just...

I-I thought...
I-I've been walking all
around Chicago with our son,

I know.
and the babysitter
takes him out every day.

And there's a crazy,
angry guy following us?

Well, it's over now.

How do you know that?
You don't know that.

I know,
because I took care of it.

How did you
take care of it?
I took care of it.

Hey, let's just go home.
We can talk about it there.


Abby, what are
you doing?

The train is too slow,
I just want to get home.


I can't believe this.

I cannot believe
you didn't tell me.

I didn't want
you to worry.

You didn't want me to worry?

I thought we were past this.

Past what?
What are you talking about now?

This-- in our relationship--

This need you have
to protect me

or, or shield me
from the hurts of the world.

Why are you bringing
all that up?

It's different now.
We're different people.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

Look, I know
I should have told you,

but this is
just about Ames.

Don't make it
about us.

It is about us.

I'm going.

Are you coming or what?

(taxi door shuts)
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