13x13 - A House Divided

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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13x13 - A House Divided

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.:

Did you work on
Edgar Dixon today?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Um, why? What's up?

First Mission Baptist
is dispensing meds

without a pharmacy license.

It's a felony, Pratt.
A man died.

Thank you for
the hot dog.
It's my pleasure.

I'll catch you
later, Joe.

So, how long you
staying, Gracie?

Just till you throw me
out, not a bit longer.

Luka, this is...


Nobody called you a whore.
My mom did.

Your mom's mistaken.

I'm gonna find budget
cuts somewhere else.

There is no way we're losing.

Thanks, but I resign.

This is Dr. Abby Lockhart.

I'm calling
from County General,

and can you tell him

I got his lab results

and he needs to come in
and discuss them?


Since when do you call
E.R. patients from home?

I was worried
about this guy.

I want to make sure
he gets seen.

Isn't that more
of a job for his
primary care physician?

He doesn't have one.

Well, no incentive
to get one

if you're gonna
make house calls.

I phoned his hotel

to make sure he comes in
for follow-up.


Yes, he's from out of town.

Who is this guy?

It's Eddie Jackson.
You met him.



Well, why are you
acting weird?

Hmm, I just... I just think
it's a little strange

the amount of personal attention
you seem to be giving some guy

you met in a bar.

You didn't talk
to her, did you?

I didn't see her.

I thought you were
gonna talk to her
last night.

Yeah, but I got home
so late and she was
excited about how well

she did on her history
presentation, so...


I'm gonna do it.
I'm gonna do it.

You've been saying that
for a week.

She needs to hear
this from you.

She needs to know
that it was your idea,

she'll never forgive me.

All right, I'll tell her.

Tonight, I promise.


Oh, man, would you

look at this board?

We got cough, cough and
vomiting, itchy feet, diarrhea,

diarrhea and vomiting.

I haven't seen a decent trauma
my last three shifts.

People are getting
too damned careful
these days.

Chopper's bringing in some kind
of snowmobile accident.

Called it.

Is this the snowmobile?

Yeah, one of 'em.

Clarke Sutton,
13, lost control
and hit a fence.

It was an accident.

I was trying to turn.

Where's Dennis?

McKay's unloading
the older brother.

I think this one
got the worst of it.

His brother carried him
almost a mile to get help.

Can I be in the same room
with Dennis?

It hurts to breathe.
Okay, try not to talk.

Gates, why don't you go
up to the roof,

grab the next one?
I'll take this.

No, I got this covered.
Nah, I got this one.
Nah, I got this one.

Hey, look, this kid needs

who knows how
to treat him, all right?

And that'd be me.

I'll call you if I need you.

Okay, guys,
knock it off
Come on.

Okay, who gets this patient?

Me, if you're gonna
act like babies

then that's how
I'll treat you.

Luka, sats are dropping

Okay, bag him.

Abby, run ahead
and intubate.

Way to go.

This was your fault.

Yeah, right.
Yeah, I am right.

Don't be an idiot.
Ass for brains.

Edgar never liked to
talk about his troubles.

In fact, the only thing he ever
talked about was football.

But I remember...

one Sunday Edgar looked
troubled, and I said to him

"Well, is there anything
I could do for you?"

So he said, "No, no, Pastor,
you can't help my problem."

I said, "Well, maybe I can't,
but I know someone who can.

You know, God
always listens."

Oh, amen.

Dr. Pratt.

Pastor, that was a nice service.

Thank you.

Very nice.

Um, Mrs. Dixon,

I just wanted to pass on
my condolences once again.

I just, um,

want to let you know
if there's anything,

anything I can do,

please don't hesitate
to call the hospital.

Thank you, Dr. Pratt.

Thank you.


The Medical Board called me.

I bet they did.

They said that they're issuing
a letter

for us to cease
and desist our drug program.

That's not a surprise.

I told 'em to go to hell.

You did what?

They don't understand
what we're doing.

Yeah, but I'm sure
they got a pretty
clear idea now.

Look, I like what you're doing,
but it doesn't work.

People need a continuity
of care

and the church clinic
isn't open every day.

How many people
do you think
we've helped

since we started
this program?

I'm sorry.

Well, we're not giving up
on the program.

Then you're headed
for trouble.

My people have nowhere else
to turn to.

They're already in trouble.

I'm out.

Sats are drifting into the 70s.

Come on, Clarke, stay with us.

Want me to do that?

You sure?

If you want to help, you
can give me some cricoid.

I got blood here.
What do you want?

Uh, CBC, LFTs, chem7...

I'm in.
Bag him.

...UA and a blood gas.

You're probably
not gonna need that.

Decreased on the left.

Pull back the ET tube.

No, I stopped
just past the cords.

Well, it's obviously not,
so pull it back.

I'm gonna call
the Blood Bank.

Uh, good idea.

Still decreased.

Sterile sixes
and a test tube tray.

Hold on. Let's not jump the g*n.

He's got a bruise and bad sats.

I'm not jumping the g*n.

It's a pneumothorax.

Right, I'll call for
a portable chest.

Good, good.

Let's see what we're dealing
with here first.

20% of all pneumothoraces
are missed on X ray.

You taught me that.

Nice to know you were listening.

We have time
to wait for the film

before we start cutting.

What about the sliding
lung sign?

Okay, lungs are up.
No hemothorax or
rib fractures.

What's happening with Clarke?

Why isn't he sitting up?

They put a tube
down his throat
to help him breathe.

Good bowel sounds.

He got the wind knocked
out of him.

I had to carry him
to the road.

It's a good thing you did.

Crits 38, pressure's
still good,


Let me know
if anything's sore.

He kept begging me
to let him drive.

His father's gonna k*ll me.

Wait. I thought
you two were brothers.

He's my stepbrother.

My dad died
when I was little.

My mom remarried
in August.

He thinks I'm a screw-up.

This isn't going to help.

Pretty much wrecked
his snowmobile. Ow!

All right, left lower quadrant.
Call Surgery.

Not so fast.

It's not a contusion.
It's an abrasion.

He's guarding.

Do you have to
keep doing that?
I'm sorry.

He's hemodynamically stable,
and his crit's good.

Let's get a CT of his belly,
and if it's normal,

then we won't have to waste
a surgeon's time.

Well, I'm going to have to
disagree with your assessment.

Ah, okay.

Let's run it by Kovacs.

Let's not.

I decide when we present
to an attending.

No lung sliding.

What the hell
is lung sliding anyway?

Normally there's
lung movement
on ultrasound.

If it's not there, then the lung
must be partially deflated.


Okay, chest tube
tray to Abby.

What? You don't want
to do it now?

I wanted to do it
15 minutes ago.

Well, it looks like Abby
was right

and Luka confirmed
the diagnosis

Good work, team.

What the hell do I have to do

to get someone
to come down here?

Dr. Gates from the E.R.

That's with an "E"
for "emergency."

You called
for a consult?

Actually, I dialed
the Hot Surgeons
chat line.

Which room?

What's the matter?

No, "Hey,
how you doing?

You look sexy
in that white suit"?

Hey, what's wrong?

You mean besides the fact
the last time I saw you

the woman that you live with
practically assaulted me

and her daughter
called me a whore?

I told you I was sorry.

I don't live with her anymore.

Not for long,

How's Sarah?

We're working through it.

No blood out.
It's not the chest.

Xeroform and the thoroseal.

Could be cardiac contusion.

Get a 12-lead and hold off
on the blood

until the troponin's back.

CT's ready.

I'll take him up.

I'll take him.
You sure?

Yeah, in case
he crashes.

Well, that wasn't

Further proof workplace
romance, bad idea.

Is that so?

Uh, yeah.

Hey, look,
the other night

you kinda caught me
off guard with that kiss,

and I don't... I have a rule
against dating people at work.

You do?

Yeah, it's kind of a new rule.

Uh, yeah.

But a solid rule.

That's cool, really.

This is Dennis' father, Gary.

Gary, this is
Dr. Gates

and Dr. Rasgotra.

Where's Clarke?

Oh, upstairs
for more X rays.

Is this a social visit?

Tony asked for a consult.

I hope you're happy now.

I'm sorry. We were being
really careful.

You obviously weren't
being careful

if you put Clarke
in the hospital.

I want to see
my son.

Where is he?!

Uh, Lily, could you?

I can take you to him, sir.

Thank you.

You better pray he's all right.

Uh, Neela, I'm sorry
you had to come down here.

Um, he doesn't need a consult.

Oh, well, I'm here now
and I'm almost finished.

Okay, fine, then can you explain
to him why

this patient is not a good
candidate for surgery?

Actually, I'm suggesting
we admit him for observation.

Why? His kidneys look good.

His liver and spleen appear
to be normal.

Did I miss something on the CT?

Well, an occult injury

could take time
to declare itself.

He's right.

No, he's not.

The surgeon concurs
with my assessment.

Hey, don't worry, boss.

I'm not one of those
"I told you so" kids.

Can I speak to you outside?


Not you.


Hi, guys.

Ben, hello.

Hey, Gracie.
What's up, Alex?


Alex is signing up
for the Volunteen program today.

He's real
excited about it.

I had to practically
drag him here by
his ears.

Alex, even if you volunteer
for a couple hours a week,

it'll still help
on your college
applications, okay?

And maybe you'll
even like it.

Just keep telling
yourself that, Mom.

When I was your age,
I had two jobs.

Yeah, doing what,
milking the T-Rex?

I worked on the Milfords'
farm before school, smartass,

and at night
I worked in Addison's Bakery.

If you'd like, I could take
Alex to the volunteer center,

show him around a bit.
That's great.
Thank you, Ben.

Well, actually, I probably
know this hospital

better than you do.

That's great.
Then you can give me the tour

'cause I still can't find
the gift shop. Come on.

He gets cuter
every time I see him.


I heard you.

You should be
going after that one.

It's a little tricky dating
someone you work with.

What's tricky about it?

Having sex without
getting caught?

Look, honey,

I know what your life
has been like.

Trust me,

Sammy, I know.

All the women in our
family are the same--

very fertile,
allergic to chestnuts,

prone to bladder

And we all have
that damn gene

that predisposes us

to bad boys.


Sammy, life is short.

You deserve to be happy.

You deserve a good man.

If you like this guy,
go for it.

Okay, the least you can do

is give me an honest
and professional opinion.

I did.
No, you didn't.

Well, how would you know?
You're not a surgeon.

Neither are you.

Sorry. Sorry, look...
We established...

No, you look.
I came down, I assessed...
You shouldn't have come down...

I made a professional call. If
you disagree with my opinion...

...it's personal, just like
your visit.
...fine, that's
your prerogative.

What you can't do...
The reason why you're
siding with Gates

is because
you're screwing him.
...is accuse me of being...

I can't believe
you just said that.

So it's true?

No. And even if it were,
it's none of your damn business.

And it certainly has nothing
to do with this case.

It does if it's
clouding your judgment.

Hey, maybe we should
get an attending to
weigh in on this.


PRATT: Hey, hey, hey,
hey, hey.

Somebody want to tell me
what the hell's going on here?

Oh, so everything's
just all good now, huh?

Well, somebody better have
a good explanation. Ray?

Okay. 13-year-old drove
a snowmobile into a fence.

Normal CT, stable
crit and B.P.

Gates wanted
a surgical consult,

I said we didn't need one,

but he decided to call Neela
down here anyway.

Better safe
than sorry, right?


It wasn't your call
to make.

Ray's above you.

Now if you have a problem
with your resident

or you disagree
with his judgment,

then you call
an attending.

I wanted to present
to Kovac.

And I didn't.

He was busy with
another trauma anyway.

And now they've taken the
hospital's last surgical bed.

That kid needs
24-hour observation.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.

You cannot give up
the last surgical bed.

I need to follow serial exams.

Then do it down here.
You're already full up.

Then send him home
and have him come back

in 12 hours for a re-exam.

You know, I'm trying to help

you guys here.
No, you give up
your last surgical bed

to this kid and
we can get stuck boarding

a real surgical train wreck
down here for days.

Ray's patient,
Ray's call.

Keep him down here.

Less work for me.

Thank you.

Yeah, you better
be right.

Thanks for the vote
of confidence, boss.


You get a chance to
speak with Angela Gilliam

about Edgar Dixon?

The guy from
the church clinic.

Oh, yeah, she-she said
she'd, uh, look into it.

All right, I'm just
a little concerned.

Someone called
the medical board

and they called the church.

Okay, I'll talk
to her again.

All right, thanks.

You looking
for something?

A patient.
Which one?

Hockey dad,
Jim Singer, 30.

Hockey puck versus face.
It was a slap shot.

This is his son,
Jimmy, Jr.

God, he spit out
his teeth.

Okay, Jimmy, we're gonna
fix your dad up

and you get to play
X-Box, okay?

Margo, can you
take Jimmy?

How you doing, sir?

I can't breathe.
Looks like
a fractured jaw,

multiple broken teeth.

His pulse ox is down to 88.
Okay, he needs an airway.

Pratt, you want
a piece of this?



How come they didn't
bring Clarke back?

They probably moved
him to another bed

to free up the trauma room.

And that can be
a good sign, so...

Your stepfather
hasn't come by, huh?


Why didn't you tell him you
weren't the one who was driving?

What's the point?

I don't know,
maybe so that...

he knows you
didn't do this.

He'd still find a way
to blame me.

At least now he can't
get mad at Clarke, too.

You two are close?

Yeah, I guess.

First, it was kind of weird
having a little brother.

But he's cool.

His dad's really strict
on him.

I'm afraid he thinks
that I'm a bad influence.

Sometimes I let him do things
his father doesn't.

Like drive the snowmobile?

I'll find out how
he's doing, okay?


Forget it, we're never
going to see the cords.

All right, let's bag him up
and prep the neck

for a seldinger crike.

Hey, Abby, what's the status

on the other snowmobile kid,
Clarke Sutton?

CT showed persistent pneumo,
Kovac put in a second tube.

But other than that he's good.
Try Exam Three.

Okay, thanks.

Dr. Pratt, I'd like you to stop
by my office

at 4:00 today
if that's possible.

is right here.

Yeah. Um...
did you talk to Dr. Kovac yet?

Yes, we need to have
a quick sit-down

with the hospital lawyers
about Edgar Dixon.

Guide wire.

Yeah, I was just
at his funeral today.

I spoke to his wife.
She's not pressing any charges.

She's not the problem,
the board is.

They're not too happy
Mr. Dixon was getting

his medications
through his church.

Medications that you

Yeah, but... who got
the board involved in this?

I don't know.


Abby, here's
your introducer.

Dr. Pratt, we got a hot
MI five minutes out.

Uh, Greg...

Yeah, all right, um...
chest X-ray,

call for a vent,
page Head and Neck,

and, uh, come find me
when you're done.

Do either of these
belong to you?

How'd it go?


Sarcasm is a poor
substitute for wit.

Do you know who
said that, young man?

Do I care?

Alex, don't be rude.

Say you're sorry.
Just relax, okay?

Hey. Don't tell
me to relax.

I think it's time
we went home.

Okay, let's go.



So, uh, finally get things
sorted out with Neela?

There's nothing
to sort out, man.
You sure?

Because it looks like you
got some sorting out to do.

Look, man, if you
need my advice,

all you have
to do is...
No, no, no, no.

No, I don't need
your advice.

I don't want your advice.
I took your advice, remember?

You know, "Give her
some time, Ray."

"Give her some space, Ray."

Yeah, I did that.

In fact, I gave her so much
time and so much space,

she started seeing
somebody else.

So thank you for
the advice, Pratt.

What? So that's...

Stop acting like a baby.

Why are you even here?

Nobody invited you.

It's time you started
showing a little respect.

And you need to mind your
own damn business, bitch.

Don't you ever talk...

And don't you ever
touch me.

You ever raise
your hand to me

or your mother
or any other woman

I'll break every bone
in your sullen little body.

Grandma's got some game.


your snowmobile kid's
not looking too good.

The one you insisted
didn't need surgery.

Hey, I got this.


Hey, look, um...

I'm sorry about Alex.

You know, he's not
always like that.

He's had a rough year.
You don't need to
apologize for him, Sam.

I just don't want you
to think that...

That he's what?

That he's a teenager?

Sam, I was a holy terror
at his age.

My principal suspended me from
school one time for fighting.

So you know what I did?

I slashed all the tires
on his Corvette.

That is a little delinquent.

Yeah, I was a real
piece of work.

My mom raised me by
herself, too, Sam,

so I know it's not easy.

We fought
every single day

for probably
ten straight years.

And now we talk at
least once a week.

And we're best friends.

And in time, I'm sure
you and Alex will be, too.

Hey, have you
seen Dr. Pratt?

He's out in the ambulance bay
waiting on a rig.

Hey, Abby, I have a working girl
with a mandible dislocation.

I've tried everything.

You know any tricks?
No pun intended.

Can this wait
ten minutes?

No, I've already paged
Kovac and Pratt.

She pre-medicated,
they're all tied up.

I've tried everything.
It won't budge.

I gave her 100 of fent.

Add some midazolam.

How'd you do this,
big yawn?

From what I gather, it was
an oral occupational injury

she got while
performing a service.

Oh. Okay.

Two milligrams in.

Did you try it
from behind?

Oh, you're talking to me?

Relocating the mandible.

Oh. No, that's a new one.

From the back, you've
got better leverage

for downward force.

And you can put
your weight into it.
Makes sense.

You also get
a better grip.

Hey, Tony,

got a visitor.

Sarah, what are you
doing here?

I went up to your room.

I saw your boxes.

Why didn't you
tell me?


I was going to.

You lied to me.

Sarah, this really
isn't a good time.

Why don't you guys
go in the break room?

Go with Sam and I'll be there
in a few minutes.
You want to leave,

then leave.
I don't care anymore.

Want me to get her?

Go ahead, I got this.

You okay?

Sarah, wait.


Stop and listen to me.


You can't tell me
what to do,

you're not my dad.

Yes, but I'm your friend.

Friends don't leave.


Damn it, abdomen's
rigid with fever.

Crits stable,
he's not bleeding.

Could be a bowel perf
with peritonitis.

Blood cultures and Zosyn 3.375.

Should I get Gates?

No, no, no.
No, I need surgery down here.

I already called them.

Okay, mix up dopamine.

Dennis, Dennis,
can you hear me?

I need you to start fighting,

Your brother wants
to talk to you.

Page Neela. Tell her I need
her down here, now!

Here you go.

(high-pitched voice):
"Thank you, Tony."

(normal voice):
You're welcome, Sarah.

Hey, come on, you can't
be mad at me forever.

Why not?

Because of this...

What are you doing?

My sympathetic
doctor face.

You look stupid.

No? All right,
you know what,

you're making me bring
out the big g*ns.

When somebody is
really sick and
it's very fatal

I say to them, "Mr. Smith,

"it's very fatal,
you're very sick,

"the tumor's too big

"for your very
tiny little head.

"It's fatal.
You're not going to live.

Sir, you're
going to die!"

Okay, stop.
Then I give
'em this face.

Then I go... (sobbing).

Stop. Stop it.

It's not funny.

I'm mad at you.

I know. I'm sorry.

I wanted to tell you.

Why do you have to go?

Because it's the right thing.

Is it because of Neela?

You called her?

She was worried about you.

Come on.
Come on.

What's happening?

Free air under the

Systolic's only 90
after two liters.

I'll throw in a subclavian,

then straight to the O.R.

He seemed okay.

Where's his stepfather?

I sent Dawn
to find him.

Thanks for coming.
It's my job, Ray.

Cordis introducer.

Prime the infuser.

All right.

You have a minute?

Yeah. Why, what's up?

It was me-- I called
the medical board
about Edgar Dixon.


Why the hell would
you do that?

Because I heard he
was getting his meds from
some doctor at a church.

I thought it was some
unlicensed crackpot.

Oh, Abby.

I'm really sorry.

It's all right.

I'm sorry, I thought I was
doing the right thing.

You were.
We both were.

Sometimes you do the
right thing and you
still get shafted.

Don't sweat it.

Hey, Greg, these detectives
would like to talk to you.

About what?

Your involvement with
a patient named Edgar Dixon.

I called Angela.
She's on her way down.

All right, thanks.
Dr. Pratt,

is there someplace we could
go talk in private?

Yeah, sure.

Right this way.

Yo, Abby, I've been
looking for you.

That patient you were
asking about?

Boom, he left
a message.

Let me guess,
your friend Eddie again.

What, are you jealous?

No, I just don't understand
why you're giving this guy
so much attention.

He's a 60-year-old man
with lung disease.

I'm just trying
to help him out.


Hi... Kerry...

Uh, we can talk
about this later.

Or not.

Everything all right?

Yeah, just a disagreement
about a patient.

Hmm. Gotcha.


I still can't believe
you're leaving.

Yeah, it feels a little weird.

Scary, but, uh, it's exciting.

I'm actually going
to miss this place.

You know...
Listen, I just want to...

No, no, no...
No, go ahead.

You go.


I just want to say that I think
that you've probably

uh, seen me... at my best,

and um... and at my worst.

And even though we didn't
always see eye to eye, um...

...you helped me go
from a nurse

to a med student...

to a doctor...

...to a mom.

I'm the one who's supposed
to be upset here.

I know. Sorry.

You were always there
as a nurse and a doctor

and most importantly,
you've always been here

as my friend.


Do you think this happens
to the guys

when one of them leaves?

I heard Carter bawled
like a baby when he left.


I'm going to miss you.

Thank you.

And now it's time for us
to take care of ourselves.

You can still hang out
with Tony.

It won't be the same.

No, but it will
still be good.

You can go to Tony's place
when I get on your nerves.

Oh, easy, now. I don't want
the kid living with me.

I can stay at
your place sometimes?

If it's okay
with your mom.

I'm going to have
a swinging bachelor pad.

I'm going to have a big-screen
TV over the Jacuzzi,

trampoline and a
shark t*nk, the works.

Nothing stays the same
forever, Sarah.

It's part of growing up.

Besides, you won't
care about me

in a few years anyway.

You're going
to run off

and marry that
horn dog character

and have six kids
and eight cats...
We broke up.


Oh, you know, I really
never liked that guy.

It was my fault.

He found out I like
Kevin McIntyre.


Better get going, kiddo.

Let Tony get back to work.



Baby girl.

His vitals have stabilized.
Let's get him up to O.R. Two.

I'll call you when
he's out of surgery.



Neela, I need to say something.

No, you don't.

You did what you thought
was right for the patient.

I respect that, Ray.

No, see... no,
that's not it.

Then what is it?

Uh... this is probably wrong,
I know.

It's the wrong place,
the wrong time, but, uh...

Why didn't
somebody page me?

We handled it.

What happened?

Seems like your patient
has a perforated viscus.

Really? Good thing we didn't
send him home, huh, Rock Star?

Looks like he needed
observation after all.

It's not small bowel
perforation, okay, Tony?

This has nothing to do
with the seat belt sign.

How do you figure?

Small bowel doesn't seed
the peritoneum like this.

It's colonic, maybe

Really? Interesting.
Tell me more, Doctor.

Where are they
taking Dennis?

He's going up to surgery,
if you really care.

What the hell's
that supposed to mean?

You know, I sent a nurse to find
you 30 minutes ago.

I was with my son.
Yeah? Well, this one
needed you, too.

You know what,
actually I'm sorry.

He needed a parent.
Maybe I should have
called his mother.

Hey, you're out of line.

Neither one of them
would even be in here

if Dennis wasn't
screwing around.

Dennis wasn't even
driving. Clarke was.

That's not true.
Yes, it is.

But did you even
bother to ask him?

No, you just blamed
him from the get-go.

Why didn't he say something?
Would you have
believed him?

He was trying to protect
his little brother.

That's what big brothers do.

Dennis is older.
He should have known better.

He's 15.

Do you know that
he carried Clarke

almost a mile
to the road to get help?

So instead
of busting his balls,

maybe you should
be thanking him.

He probably saved
your son's life.

Hey, you know, I don't
think I like your attitude.

Really? I don't think I like
the way you treat your kid.

Where do you get off
talking to me like this?

Where's your

You don't know a damn thing
about me or my family.

No, no, no, that's wrong.

'Cause I know that Dennis
is a good kid,

and I know
that you are an assh*le.

Yeah, and if I were you,
I'd probably start to
treat him a little better.

Because in a couple years
he's probably going

to be bigger than you,
and he is going to remember

every single time you
treated him like crap,

and one day he is going
to kick your ass, okay?

You got a valid medical license,
Dr. Pratt?

Of course.

What about
a pharmacist's license?

My medical license allows me
to write prescriptions.

Write, yeah,

but diverting
controlled substances

to an unauthorized
distributor-- that's a felony.

I wasn't diverting anything,
I was treating patients.

At this illegal clinic of yours?

Illegal clinic?

All right, come on, fellas,

let's not get carried
away here, okay?

Look, I was helping
out at a church

where most of the congregation

doesn't even have
health insurance.

Like the man that you k*lled?

Isn't one of you supposed
to be the good cop?


Look, Dr. Weaver, I
just spent the whole day

with this great kid who
saved his little brother's life,

and when his
stepfather came in
and started to berate

and belittle him in front
of everyone, I just...

I don't know, I guess
he just reminded me

of someone I used to know.

Yeah, I was just
coming to say good-bye.


I may have done
a great disservice

to the world of rock
keeping you here,

but you could be
a great doctor, Ray.

I kind of thought
I was.

I'm kidding.

Sort of. Um...

Wow, um...

Thank you, Dr. Weaver.

Thank you for everything.

So what do
we do now?

Um, hug, kiss?

All right.

So what's next, you guys gonna
beat me with a rubber hose?

What the hell
is going on?

Dr. Pratt
is under arrest.

On what charges?

Violation of the
Controlled Substance Act.

Do you believe
these jokers?

You had to handcuff him?

It's a felony
charge, Doc.

Aw, come on, guys,
you can't do this.
Back off, Doc.

Unless you want
to go with him.

She's playing with the bunnies,
I'm looking for my camera...

And then, suddenly, we hear
this God-awful scream,

and we see this billy goat
has Sammy by the pigtails.


Speak of the devil!

Gracie invited
me to dinner.

She did?

Hi, Mr. Owens.

Evening, Sam.

Don't worry.
I'm not staying for dinner.

Thanks for
the dessert, Gracie.

Anytime, Bennet.

I baked a blueberry pie.

I'm making fish and chips.

Night, Sam.

Hey, you need a hand
with anything, Mr. Owens?

No. I'm good,

I... I was just
telling the boys

about how the goat
ate your pigtails

at the petting zoo.

Great. Where's Alex?

He's in his room.
He's doing his homework.

At least he better be.

Nice shot.

Hey, what are
you doing here?

Why didn't you come back
to the hospital?

How did you find me?

Guy at your hotel
said you might be here.

And, in case you're interested,

your test results show
that your lungs aren't
expanding properly.

They've become fibrotic.

Guess I'll have
to switch to menthols.

You didn't have to come here.

Eight ball,
corner pocket.

You're not getting enough oxygen

in your blood.
You're going to need

an echocardiogram
to check your cardiac function.

Better luck next time, chief.

You need to be referred
to a specialist.

No more doctor stuff, huh?

Well, we need
to find out what's
causing this, Eddie.

No, we don't.

Abby, listen...
I don't understand
why you got the tests

if you weren't planning
on following through.

I don't care
about my damn lungs.

I didn't keep coming
to see you for
health reasons.

Okay. Well, then, talk to me.
What's going on, huh?


I been taking care
of myself my whole life,

usually at the expense
of others.

I appreciate
your concern,

but I don't
deserve it.

You know, I...
I shouldn't have come here.



Look, just stay
away from me. Okay?

Let me explain

No, you don't... Don't.

You don't have to.
It's just a mistake, all right?

Abby, I know
what you're feeling.

No, I don't
think you do,

because I don't know
what I'm feeling.

And you're right.
I didn't need
to come here.

And I shouldn't
have come here.

Abby, I lied to you.

I didn't want
to scare you off.

My name isn't Jackson.

It's Wyczenski.
I'm your father.

Yeah. I talked to Maggie
a while back.

Probably going
on three years.
No. No.

Yeah. I got caught up on you
and your brother, Eric,

before she started
screaming at me.
No, no...

This is not happening.

Yeah, it is. She told me you
were working at the hospital

here in Chicago.
You know, why
are you doing this?

I wanted
to see for myself.

After 30 years?

Yeah. I wanted to see what sort
of a person you grew up to be.

Oh, God! I can't do this.
Took me two years

to work up the nerve
to come and visit you.

I cannot do this!
One of the nurses at

the triage desk,
she pointed
you out to me,

and I got cold feet.

You know, if you hadn't
walked into the bar,

I... I probably
would have left

without ever
speaking to you.

But when I met you,
I wanted to know more,

but I didn't have the gut
to tell you the truth,

because I thought
you'd tell me
to go away.

Well, guess what.
You were right. Go away!

Go away.
Oh, Abby...

Abby, please.

No. Just leave me alone!
All right?

You don't get to do this.
It's not fair.

Hey, Kerry!


Hey. I didn't get a chance
to say good-bye to Pratt.

I'm on my way
to the police station
to bail him out.

That's one of those
parts of the job

they never tell you about.

One of the many parts
that I'm not going to miss.

Look, hey, I never had
a chance to tell you...

Luka, Luka,
you know what?

I'm done talking about
this. Really. Please?
I... I know...

but, hey, you...
you hired me.

I still remember
my first day.

An oxygen t*nk

rocketed through the E.R.--
almost k*lled me.

Well, no one ever said
this was the safest
place to work.

You... you changed my life
by giving me this job.

You may even
have saved it.

I don't know where I'd be
if I hadn't found this place.

And you taught me a lot.

Thank you.

Come here,
you big Croat...

You know what?
Don't get up...

Don't get caught up
in the politics, all right?

A good hospital is about people
and medicine.

Thank you.

I'll see you around sometime.



Take care of this
place for me.

I will.



It's getting late,
so I'd better get going.

But we don't
even work tomorrow.

Yeah, but I'm
like Gracie.

And I need
my beauty sleep.

Well... you could sleep
here tonight if you want.

It would save you
all that driving.

Yeah, but you
have that rule

against workplace

It's actually more
of a guideline than a rule.

And it applies more
to doctors than nurses.

Hmm. That's good to know.


And Alex and Gracie
would be okay with this?


Come on.

(indistinct voices)

(music playing)


Here's a two bedroom
on Lakeshore with a concierge.

Hey, I always wanted
to live in a building
with a concierge.

You can't possibly
afford a place
on Lakeshore.

$3,600 a month.

Like I said...

$1,800 apiece.

What? Are you going to split it
with the concierge?

Funny? Make
yourself laugh there?

You like that one?
Is that a funny one?

(phone rings)

Hold that thought.

Hello. Hello.



I think mom's really sick.
I can't wake her up.

What? Where are you?

In the car.

Where? Where...
where's the car?

I don't know where we are, Tony.
But you have to do something.

I think she's dying.

Sarah? Sarah?



Okay. All right.

(baby crying)

All right, one second.

I'll get you out in one second.

Sorry, honey.

(baby screaming)

Shh! Okay. It's okay.

Here we go.
We're home.

Hey, hey. Just one sec, okay?
One sec. Here we go.

Come on, Luka. Pick up.

Hey, it's me.
Um, uh... I'm home.

I just got Joe from Ellen's.

Listen, can you call me
as soon as you get this?

It's kind of...
it's kind of urgent.


(baby crying)

Here we go. I know.
Sorry. It's okay.

Yeah, I know.

Shh! Shh! Shh! Shh!

Okay, okay, here we go.


Call your husband.

I... I just did.
He's not picking up.

Call him again.
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