02x02 - Tanner Vs. Gibbler

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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02x02 - Tanner Vs. Gibbler

Post by bunniefuu »

Michelle, you want to go sleepy?


What do you want to
do stay up all night?


Is mr. Horsy, tired?


Are you going to
say anything but no?


What's your favorite
james bond movie, doctor...


Joseph, it looks like we
can't put a 2 year old to bed.

Is it possible she's
smarter than us?


♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the
paper boy, evening tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's
confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ There ain't a bird
who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Doobie doo bah bah bah ♪♪

Boil that cabbage down, boy.

Turn them cakes around.

Ok. Michelle,
here's a handy hint.

If you put masking
tape around your hand...

Sticky side out,

It's useful for removing
that unsightly lint

From jacket or sweater.

There's something every
toddler should know.

I made a list of what I need

For kimmy's surprise
birthday party...

Grape soda, caramel corn,

Cherry licorice, and ice cream.

Why shop?

Put out a bowl of white sugar.

I'll get it.


Ok. I'll be right there.


That was my boss.

He wants me at the
station right away.

He's got some good news.

Actually, he said big news.

That could be bad news.

Why didn't he say?

Why didn't I ask?

I'll worry on the way.


Why does he make
himself so crazy?

I don't know.

On the plus side, there's
no lint on the phone.

D.j., Which dress would I
look cuter in at your party?

You wouldn't like this party.

It's going to be a
bunch of sixth graders.

In that case, I'll
wear this one.

It makes me look older.

I'll say this as nice as I can.

You're in first grade.

All the kids at this
party are in sixth grade.

What if i...

Bring five other first graders?

I've tried to be nice.

Uncle jesse.

Joey, she won't let
me come to her party.

Whoa, whoa!

Hold it. Neutral corners.

D.j. First.

She thinks she's
coming to my party.

I do think that.

I have a great idea.

Let's have our own
super-duper party upstairs?

Doesn't that sound like fun?

Does it sound like fun to you?

Thanks, guys.

Ready for school, deej?

How can you barge in?
Don't you ever knock?

I looked in the window.

Nobody was in their underwear.

When you're in your
underwear, I knock.

We got to get a guard dog.

Happy birthday.

Remember, we're going
to the movies tonight.

Come get me at 7:00.


What happened to
kimmy's surprise party?

A surprise party for me?

All right!


You're dead meat.

Don't worry. I'll act surprised.

Can I invite my two
friends from karate class?

It's your surprise party.

You can invite whoever you want.

I'm free tonight. Invite me.

Bye, guys. Bye, everybody.

Don't answer now!

Think it over!

How rude.

Here it is... The set of
wake up, san francisco.

You like it?

I love it.

I could live here.

All it needs is a sink

And maybe a wall there.

I can't wait to meet my cohost.

Danny should be here any second.

That was him.

He'll be back.

Oh, there you are
mr. Strowbridge.

Excuse me, miss.

I couldn't wait to
hear the big news.

It is big good news, isn't it?

Very good news.

Tonight will be your
last sportscast.

It's interesting how one
man's good is another man's bad.

Tanner... What did I do?

I never step on the
weatherman's jokes.

Who's replacing me?

Tanner, tanner,

Meet the newest member
of the channel 8 family,

Miss rebecca donaldson.

It's wonderful to meet you.

Wonderful to meet you, too.

You're hiring her?

Don't take this personally.

Are you crazy?

Please don't take
that personally either.

Before you accept this job,

Look at my three little girls.

Boy, do they go through shoes.

Cute kids.

You're not being fired.

You and rebecca
will be cohosting

Wake up, san francisco.



You're serious?


I'm the new host of
wake up, san francisco?


I can live with that.

Oh, thank you.

This is great.

You'll get used to
this. I hug everybody.

I like people who hug.

This was what I was
hoping for... Chemistry.

That's what's going to
take us to number one.

That and the fact

They moved wheel of fortune.

San francisco will
fall in love with you two.

You'll be fine. You'll be great.

You'll be starting monday.

Starting monday?

Well, that's the
best way to do it.

Just, jump right in
there and have fun.

Just, jump right in
there and have fun.

It's going to take hours
and hours of rehearsal

To make it look like
we're having fun.

Unless, we actually
are having fun.

No offense, but have you
ever hosted a talk show?

As matter a fact I have.

A.m. Omaha, for two years.

How about you, have you
ever hosted a talk show?

That's kind of personal.

It's party time!


Michelle, you're supposed
to be in the kitchen,

Not carrying around pretzels.

It's ok. I'll clean it up.


Ah, you little... What
are you doing here?

What happened?

All right. Come on.



This is a party. Why
is everyone so quiet?

They think you're cute.

Where were they when I was 12?

Not born. Bye.

I promise that was
the last interruption.

That's kimmy.
Everyone get ready.

Surprise! Surprise!

For me?

You shouldn't have.

We didn't.

What are you doing down here?

I just went to check the mail.

Nothing yet.

Ah! Pretzels.

Don't mind if I do.

I mind if you do.

Stephanie, please go upstairs.

Oh, I almost forgot.

I have a super-duper party

Waiting for me upstairs.

Hello. What a pretty sweater.

Love your hair.

We must do this again sometime.


Oh... Oh... Oh... A
surprise party for me?

What a surprise!

D.j., These are the two friends

You said I could
invite, nina and melissa.

They're in junior high.

Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!

I'm glad you could make it.

We wouldn't miss a
party for our pal kammy.

Her name's kimmy.

They wear lipstick.

They can call me
whatever they want.

This party is dead.

Is your dad home?


Good! This is a
great party house.


Better than the house
we trashed last weekend.

Where's the phone?

Oh, it's over here.

Let's call greg,
andy, and the duke.

Do you mind telling
me what you're doing?

In an hour, we'll
have 50 or 60 kids here.

Hello, duke?

What's the address here?

Uh... Hello, duke?

This is a crank call.

What a dweeb.

This party isn't for
you and your friends,

It's a party for
kimmy and her friends.

You're messing everything up.

They're in junior high.

Who cares?

This is the land of the lame.

Kimmy, let's go.

You can't leave your
own birthday party.

Don't tell me what to do.

I'm not. I'm just
saying don't act dumb.

I'm dumb?

You are if you stay.

The mall's open till 9:00.

Let's do it.

There will be no
talking in class.

Everyone turn
to page... Mr. Bear,

If it's so funny why don't
you share it with everbody?

Hi, d.j. Want to play school?

No. I want to quit school.

Is that because you
ate lunch by yourself?

I wasn't eating by myself.

I was eating alone.

There's a big difference.

Any questions, class?

Yes, mr. Bear?

Mr. Bear wants to know
why everybody in school

Was calling you a geekburger?

Mr. Bear is going
to principle's office.

That's the cafeteria.

I told them you
weren't a geekburger.

Then they called me
geekburger junior.

How rude.

It's all kimmy's fault.

She hates my guts

'Cause I wouldn't
let her stupid friends

Take over the party
and wreck my house.

Now she's turned the
whole school against me.

Don't feel bad.

I know you're not a geekburger.

Thanks. And you're not
a geekburger junior.

Thanks back.

Until this blows over...

I think I'll change my name.

To... Connie chung.

Danny, the tv is fine
will you stop windexing.

Come on, we're dying to
watch your first show.

Okay, okay.

Don't show the tape
till uncle jesse's back.

I knew I forgot something.

I have it.

What a team.

I forget, and you remember.

♪ It's a groovy... ♪♪

Have mercy.


You must be danny's

Danny told me about you.

Oh, yeah?

What did he say?

He said he had a
brother-in-law named jesse.


Thanks for the build-up, pal.

So, you must be rebecca.

Please call me becky.


I like that.

Becky. Becky. Becky.

So, becky, would you
like something to drink?

Sure. What you got?

What do you like?

Whatever you have.

Let's get it together.

Fascinating. I see why you
have your own talk show.

D.j., Is everything ok?

Fine. I can't wait to
watch your show.

So, have you found
an apartment yet?

Oh, plenty of them.

The problem is they
all have people inside.

I find a sense of humor
very attractive in a woman.

This is going to sound weird,

But you remind me of someone.

Oh, yeah?

Who's that?

It's silly. You don't
want to hear it.

Go ahead.

It's ridiculous.

Come on, pretty
mama, lay it on me.

You remind me of corky.

Yeah, people say... Corky?

My little baby brother.

He used to do that
same cute elvis voice.

I remind you of your
little baby brother?

Yeah, it's uncanny.

Corky and I would go to
sutter's pond to catch frogs.

He would always say,

"Come on, little froggy mama."

Elvis never said that.

You really are cute.

We are so far from
where I want to be.

Remember, this
is our first show,

So we were a little nervous.

Come on!

I'll just play the tape.

Great idea. All right.

Here we go.

♪ Wake up ♪

Good morning.

It's time to wake
up, san francisco.

I'm danny tanner.

And I'm rebecca donaldson.

We'd like to know your names,

But we've only got
an hour and one phone.

I thought that was pretty good.

That was good. Yeah.

Danny, that was a terrific
12 seconds, is there mo.

Oh, yeah, wait till you
see the next 12 seconds.

Rebecca comes to us from
two years on a.m. Omaha.

Nebraska's one of
the plain states?

Well, we have
tried to decorate it.

Ha ha ha.

You didn't laugh at my joke.

We were laughing inside.

Yeah, kind of an internal thing.

Should I show it again?

Danny, we have lives to lead.


This is so great.

This is so much better

Than reading sports scores

And interviewing sweaty guys.



You just turned off
daddy's new show.

Dad, wait!

Yeah, this is a good one.

It's ok. I've already seen it.


Yeah, hold on a second.


Here she comes.

It's kimmy gibbler.

Oh, thanks.

Is something wrong. Deej?

I told that kid a million times

To keep her junk off my bed.

You're pretty
bummed, aren't you?

No, I'm not bummed.

Yes, you are bummed.

You twirl your hair like that

When you're bummed.

You'd be bummed, too,

If kimmy got the whole school

Saying you're a geekburger.

Maybe she called to apologize.

She can dial till
her fingers fall off.

She's a traitor.

You don't mean that.

Kimmy's your best friend.

Ex best friend.

D.j... I know you're
upset with kimmy,

But don't throw
the whole friendship

Out the window.

Ex friendship out the ex window.

I know why you're so upset...

Because the people that
can hurt you the most

Are the people
you love the most.

Take me and jesse for example.

Is that the best example?

It just popped out.

Just kidding.

Here's a perfect story.

Just last week,

Joey taped over my
favorite elvis video

With pee-wee's playhouse.

How would you like to be
watching, when suddenly,

♪ You ain't nothin'
but a hound dog ♪♪

I know you are, but what am i?

The point is,

Joey made a mistake,
but I forgave him.

Erasing a friendship...

Is a lot worse
than erasing a tape.

I still think she's
a nerd bomber.

Uh, d.j...

Remember your beat-up
old, flat soccer ball

That I accidentally threw away?

The one I scored
my first goal with?

Yeah, I remember.

I was so mad at you.

See? You're not mad anymore.


See... D.j... If you
hadn't forgiven me,

We would've missed
some good times we've had

And all the good times
we're going to have.

You know what I'm saying?

You're saying give
kimmy another chance.


Part of having a best friend

Is being a best friend.

Let the hurt go away, not kimmy.

D.j., Kimmy gibbler's

I guess I'll talk to her.

That a girl.


I'm touched.

That was... That
was really beautiful.

We really helped
the kid out, huh, ozzie?

We sure did, harriet.



So go ahead.

Go ahead what?



Isn't that why you came?

No. My mom told me to come here

And get my presents.

If you don't apologize,
how can I forgive you?

Forgive me for getting
kicked out of my party?

Kick you out? You left!

Because you embarrassed me

In front of nina and melissa.

What's wrong with you?

You'd rather be
friends with girls

Who aren't your friends

Than friends with an old friend.

I don't understand you,

But same to you, geekburger.

Oh, yeah, kimmy gobbler?

Double geekburger with cheese!

I hate you!

I hate you, too.

Mail me my presents.

Wait! You can't leave.

How could you call me
all those names in school?

I wasn't the only one.

Everybody was calling you...

Well, you know, the "g" word.

But you're supposed
to be my friend.

Best friend.

Best friend.

If we don't make up,

How will we share
lockers in junior high?

We won't go to college together.

We won't marry identical twins

And be congresswomen.

We got to make up, or
our lives will be ruined.

D.j., I really am sorry.

I'm sorry I brought those
dumb junior high girls

To the party.

I'm sorry I left with them.

I'm sorry they dumped me

When they met those
cute guys at the mall.

And I'm really sorry
I told everybody

You were a geekburger.

I'm the geekburger.

Don't say that
about my best friend.

Wait. You never opened
up your birthday present.

Happy birthday.


This is, like, only
the raddest hat

In the entire universe!

It should be. It cost a fortune.

What should we do now?

Let's open your presents,

Then exchange them at the mall.

I might like them.

You won't. I already
opened them.
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