02x05 - Jingle Hell

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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02x05 - Jingle Hell

Post by bunniefuu »

Isn't patrick swayze cute?


Not funny.


♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the
paper boy, evening tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's
confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ There ain't a bird
who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart,
there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Doobie doo bah bah dah ♪♪

♪ You got all a man would need ♪

♪ You fill my soul
with sweet desire ♪

♪ Oh ♪

♪ And I'm singing to a tire ♪♪

I'm singing to a tire!

This is your job. Think!

You don't k*ll bugs anymore.

You write advertising jingles.

You've sold one.

I need some inspiration.

I need, uh... Sam.

Sammy. Samele.

My main man, speak to me.

♪ Who can turn a lug nut ♪♪

Who is it?

It's me, stephanie tanner.

Uncle jesse, this
is my friend harry.

Hello, harry.

Hi, uncle jesse.

Harry's in my class.

He sits next to the crayon bin.

That's very impressive, harry.

I got two hours to
write a tire jingle.

I can help.

In school I wrote
a poem about milk.

It made me want
a cookie real bad.

I'm involved in the creation

Of a very sophisticated
musical composition.

See if this sparks anything.

It goes like this.

♪ Da da da da da da da da ♪

♪ Fred's tire town ♪

How about this?

♪ It's a very, very very, very ♪

♪ Very, very, very, very ♪

♪ Very, very niiiice place ♪♪

She's done it again.

All right. Thanks for trying.

Anybody who's not
me, out of the room.

Nice meeting you, harry.

Jess, you will not believe

What michelle just said.

Poo poo.

Thank you for sharing
that with me, joseph.

This kid is not all talk.

First she said it,
and then she did it.

I called danny at work,

He said it's a sure sign

Michelle is ready
for potty training.

High five, michelle. High five.


How's the tire jingle coming?

Joseph, I've lost it.

I'm all dried up.

I got jingle block.

Lighten up. It'll come to you.

Look, michelle.

A picture of a tire.

Look. Isn't that a cool tire?

Yeah, it's like
totally radial, dude.

Get out.


Get out.



Like totally radial, dude.

Totally radial.

You think?

It's funny.

♪ Totally radial ♪

It's kind of hokey.

♪ Totally radial ♪

Ooh, you got me.


Master of the universe,
your tea is ready.

I'm not master of
the universe anymore,

I'm g.i. Joe.

And g.i. Joe doesn't drink tea.

He does when he
plays house with me.

Got it, chief.

Sweet and low, joe?

Ugh, this tea is poisoned!

Oh, my god!

Freeze, nerd bombers.

Off, off, off, off!

Keep away from my stuff!

I just got back
from karate class,

And I'm pumped!

You're just jealous
because I have a boyfriend,

And you don't.

You're dreaming.

You don't have a boyfriend.

It happens I do.




You're a boy. You're my friend.

That makes you my boyfriend.

Got it, chief.

More tea, soldier?

I'm never having kids.

Joey, joey!

Yeah, what is it?

Where's michelle?

Where is my little genius?

Last time I saw madame curie,

She was licking squash
off the high chair.

She's napping.

Look at this.

The latest high-tech potty.

It's japanese, it's

And, it's digital.

Wow, it's all happening so fast.

Potty training.

Pretty soon michelle
will be off to school.

Meeting boys.

Going to the prom.

Getting married.

We ought to think
about having another one.

The kid's back!

You sold the jungle?

Yes, sir!


♪ It's totally radial
at fred's tire town ♪♪

Totally radial.

That's pretty clever, jesse.

Don't look at me,
joey came up with it.

I did? Of course I did.

Thanks to you, joseph,

I have a check for $827.

Half of it is yours.

Wow, thanks, jess,

That is very generous of you.

What's really important

Is getting it in cash.

I'm glad I could help you.

You snapped me out
of my jingle slump.

I almost feel like hugging you.


You know, this is so great.

Guys, listen. We
should celebrate.

Let's all go out for
nonfat frozen yogurt.

Before we get totally funky,

There's another
piece of good news.

I got a shot at a
national commercial.

It's for kitty
krispies cat food.

I need a funny jingle.

So, joey, if you
have a little time

And you'd like to work together,

Maybe, uh, you and I
could become... Partners?


Want to do it?

I don't know.

Get out!

Of course I will.

This could really
make my career take off.

We're a great team.

Like butch cassidy
and the sundance kid.

Can I be butch?

Not in that shirt.

Michelle, with any luck,

You'll be doing this
the rest of your life.

Now watch closely.

Potty polly sits down...

And she makes the
bell go ding ding.

And then she gets a cookie.



No no. Bad hat.

Not a big hit in
the easter parade.

Let's try some reggae.

Oh, yeah, man.

1, 2, 3, 4.

♪ Day-o ♪

♪ Ah, with the cat
food every day-o ♪

♪ La la la la la, yeah, man ♪♪

All right, we got
that out of our system.

You got that, man.

Let's try a conga thing.

Like a dink dink dink.

That's it.

♪ Do we like this music ♪

♪ Do we like this music ♪

♪ I think I threw my back out ♪♪

All right, let's get
back to our roots.

Let's get a little rock
'n' roll going like...


Oh, big daddy.

Now this music says cat food.

Good. That's the style.

That's the motif.

Now we need some words.

Lucky for me my partner's
the king of comedy.

Ready, joey? Be funny.

What a great audience.
Where are you from?


Get outta here.

Come on, I need something catchy

Like this "totally
radial" thing.

I need it to be cat food funny.

Ok, ready? Be funny.

Ok, cats. Funny cat food.

Funny cats. Funny cats.

Funnier, funnier.

Two cats walk into a bar...

Uh, take my cat, please.

A priest, a rabbi, and a cat

Are sitting in a rowboat.

Joey, that's not funny.

It's not me. It's the room.

It's like working a telethon.

We need a funny room.

My room is funny.

Fine. We'll go to your room.


Ow. Ow.

Ow. Ow.

Ice cream race. Bad idea.

♪ Funny room, funny room ♪

♪ Everyone's goin'
to the funny room ♪♪

I love coming here.

Those ice cream bars
are for me and kimmy.

They're mine.

They don't have
your name on them.

Yes, they do.

Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle.

Here, d.j.


You're always
messing up my stuff.

I'm going to get you back.

You won't know when
or how it's coming,

But it's coming.

See why she doesn't
have a boyfriend.

Warm up a little.


Ooh, I hate that rabbit.

Now, something we
hope you really like.

Thanks, rocky.

Ga ga ga ga ga.
How embarrassking.

I love you, spartacus.

All right. Now that's funny.

Here. Think cat food.

Ok, ok. I got it.

A duet. A guy
sings with his cat.

That's good. Let me
give you some music.

So it goes like...
♪ Bomp ba boom ♪

♪ Well, I went to my
cat the other day... ♪♪

You're the guy. I'm the cat.

Love it.

I'll use a cat voice.

Love it.

I'll wear a cat suit.

Hate it.

I'll get a cat costume.

My friend was in
a broadway play.

What was the name of it?


That's the one.

Tomorrow, we're going
to make a presentation

To a very important
advertising agency,

A roomful of
serious suits and ties.

We can't act like amateurs.

Trust me. I'm a professional.

Hey, trust me.

I'm a professional, too.

Jess, they want a funny jingle.

Let's go in there and be funny.

Give me that.

No cat suit.

Just ears and a tail.

Look me in the eye and
promise me no cat suit.

I promise. No cat suit.

Thank you.

So the 6-foot ball of
yarn is out of the ques...

My partner's coming any moment.

Meanwhile, can I
get you anything?

Freshen your coffee,
sharpen your pencils?

You look like a happy crowd.

This way, mr. Gladstone.

Hi, joey.

This is my partner,
joseph gladstone.

Nice to meet you.

My partner and I have
worked long and hard

To come up with a campaign

That we feel has
strong consumer appeal.

May I present...

A cat puppet?

A cat puppet.

You and I need to talk.

Right after this word
from kitty krispies.

♪ Well, I went to my
cat the other day ♪

♪ And asked him
what he'd like to eat ♪

♪ He said I'm sick of that
junk you're feeding me ♪

♪ How about a brand new treat ♪

♪ He said I'm sick of that
junk you're feeding me ♪

♪ How about a brand new treat ♪

♪ So I went to the supermarket ♪

♪ To find that special blend ♪

♪ He said buy me those
kitty krispies, man ♪

♪ And I'll be your best friend ♪

♪ He said buy me those
kitty krispies, man ♪

♪ And I'll be your best friend ♪

♪ Meow-ow meow-ow ♪

♪ Meow-ow meow-ow ♪

♪ Now me and my
cat are buddies ♪

♪ We really do get along ♪

♪ We serve him cases and
cases of krispies now ♪

♪ And all we do
is sing this song ♪

♪ We serve him cases and
cases of krispies now ♪

♪ And all we do
is sing this song ♪


♪ Now my little kitty ♪

♪ Is sittin' really pretty ♪

♪ Eatin' kitty krispies now ♪

♪ Meow-oww ♪♪

Come here you little
food processor.

I got you.

Don't worry. No more
potty training today.

All I really want is
for you to be happy,

Get good grades,

And get into an
ivy league college.

Of course, most
major universities

Do want you to be potty trained.

Give me a kiss.


Daddy, look what d.j. Did.

I did it for your own good.

Boy, are you going to get it.

Ok, daddy, ready?

On your mark, get set, punish.

She messes with my stuff.

I'm teaching her a lesson.

I'll take it from here.

Stephanie, honey,
you know we need

To treat each other's
property with respect.

And d.j., In this family

We do not tie together
each other's shoes...

Unless there's some
kind of weird emergency.


Red light.

What's our rule after we fight?

Never walk away angry.
Never walk away angry.

Very good.

Now go ahead and apologize.

Sorry. Sorry.

Now help stephanie
untie her shoes.

Poo poo.

Poo poo?

Oh, michelle.

Oh, I'll tell you what.

Why don't we mosey on upstairs

And, you know, just sit down...

Maybe on the potty,

And we'll thumb through
some college catalogs.

Ok, you heard the man.

Untie my shoes.

He said help untie your shoes.

Here's some help.

Start with the white sneaker.

You have to untie them, too.

I don't.

You do.

I don't.

You do.

I don't.

You did.

I didn't.

You did.

I didn't. I don't.

You did. You do.

You did.

I didn't.

See what you started.

Why do I get all the blame?

They said we're
going another way.

Which means put your puppet

Where the sun don't shine.

I took a risk,
dared to be silly.

Why didn't you tell me?

You promised.

I did not wear a cat suit.

You wore a cat
suit on your hand.

You stabbed me in the back.

What's the big deal?

You're not really mad at me.

There's something
else bothering you.

What's your problem really?

Living in this house with you.

What does that mean?

Nobody needs three fathers.

You've seen my two dads.

Two's all you need.

Fine with me.

Fine with me.

This is ridiculous.

D.j., They sound really mad.

Are they going to get a divorce?

Not if we get them to make up.

You get uncle jesse,
and I'll get joey.

You have a great mind.

If you could only
use it for good.

No monsters are in there.

I don't believe you
broke a window.

I don't believe it
'cause it's not broken.

Well, well, well.
Looks who's here.

Well, well, well.
Look who's leaving.

I'm gone.

Red light! There's
a rule in this house.

Never walk away angry.

So say you're sorry
to each other... Please.



That was pathetic.

Michelle is on the verge
of a major breakthrough.

Oh, god, we're missing it.

Michelle, we did it.

That's my big girl.

Yay! Yay! Yay!

You're one step closer
to a diaper-free world.

Come on, we'll all
go out and celebrate.

Isn't that little
pumpkin something?

Did you see her
with that magazine?

Was that cute or what?

Does this mean
you're not divorcing?

A divorce? What are
you talking about?

You said there were
too many dads here.

You guys heard us fighting, huh?

We don't want anybody to leave.

Uh, we need to talk.

Come on, let's sit down.

Girls, nobody is
leaving this house.

Right. We just
had a little fight.

Sometimes in the
heat of the moment

You say things you
don't really mean.

You know that. You
fight all the time.

We're sisters.

We're supposed to fight.

It's our job.

Well, same with us.

We fight like brothers.

Really, you think
of me like a brother?

Well, you definitely irritate me

Like a brother.

Jess, that is the nicest thing

You've ever said to me.

We've helped raise
these kids together.

We do the laundry together.

We make school lunches together.

Somewhere along the
line, we became brothers...

And housewives.

I'm sorry about springing
that puppet on you.

I thought it would be a big hit.

I should have talked
to you about it.

Aw, it was cute.

I'm sorry for
getting crazy, joey. I...

Joey, you know that
thing you said about

Something else was bothering me.

You're right.

I'm scared.

You're scared?

Scared of what?

Scared I'm not making it.

It was hard to break
away from my father

And leave the family business.

The thought of me crawling back,

k*lling bugs again...

Admitting that I failed...

I just don't know
if I'm good enough.

No one ever knows.

I have that fear
whenever I jump on stage

Trying to make people laugh.

You got to hang
tough. You got talent.

If it makes it any easier,

We've got faith in you.

Fred's tiretown is
my favorite song.

We're going to sing
it at graduation.

Well, I'm going to ask.

Thank you, guys.

That makes me feel a lot better.

You know, joseph,

There were a few
problems in the beginning,

But we could make
a pretty good team.

We did some good stuff.

What do you say?

Still want to be partners?

Like butch and sundance?

Like martin and lewis.

Bert and ernie.

No puppets.

Put her there, partner.

Come here, bro.

Ahh. Ahh.

This calls for a tea party.

All right. Let's
have some tea here.

A little toast to
our friendship.

This tea is poisoned.

Aah! Aah! Aah!
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