14x06 - The Test

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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14x06 - The Test

Post by bunniefuu »

- Abby.
- Just a second.


Med Staff office says
you can't work tonight.

- Right. See you.
- I'm serious.

- Banned until you deal with your charts.
- Excuse me, Frank.

Told them I was gonna sling you over
my shoulder and carry you myself.

- Sling me over your shoulder?
You're backed up six months.

Good. You're here.

Bringing in a guy out of his head,

- We could use the extra set of hands.
- Ativan?

They gave him migs already,
hasn't touched him.

Abby, don't go out there.

I think Frank has a crush on me.

And go see the Med Staff.
They're bugging me about your charts.

- Nemo Lynch, .
- There's a snake!

Ran through the water tower,
jumped through a plate-glass window.

Sounds like PCP.

Twenty of ziprasidone, I.M.
Got it!

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hey, you need some help here?
Moretti's got me triaging.

Don't worry about that, worry about
keeping patients out of the door.

Vitals are stable, abdomen's non-tender,
wounds look superficial.

Why is the ER calling for a surgeon?

You're a great mentor.

That was a question.
Why does this guy need an ex-lap?

Can't trust the exam if the patient's high.
You even listening to a word I'm saying?

Can I ask a question?
It's a little embarrassing.

It's better to ask rather than fake it.

I appreciate your attitude towards that,
I really do.

It's reassuring to know that...

- Harold, sometime today.
- My girlfriend, Lacey.

- Her homecoming dance is coming.
- Homecoming dance?

She's in the court.
Out of my league looks-wise.

But there's cachet in dating a doctor
when you're still in high school.

- Your girlfriend's in high school?
- A senior at Woodland.

Anyway, there are
certain skills, expectations.

Certain rites of passage
that a certain homecoming princess...

...is gonna be counting on, you know?

No, I'm not sure I do.

I've never been to the dance.

I don't know how to do the mambo
or pin the corsage.

- Do you have any idea?
- I didn't grow up in this country.

- I'm not sure I'm the best person to ask.
- Neela, help me.

I'm a virgin.

MORETTl: You guys all right in here?
Get away, you freak!

- You wrote the map of the skin!
- We're doing just fine.

I will not be the conduit.

Sedation's kicking in.

Interns, your first-quarter evaluations
are in your boxes.

- Find me if you want to discuss.
- Not a good time.

- Nobody told us we were tested.
- Every patient is a test.

Of your intellect, of your wit,
of your organizational skills.

Get the snake!
- Shut up!

Hold still.
We're gonna get the snake.

Hear that? Every patient's a test.

And Sam just got an A this time.

Guess I spoke too soon.

I stole this from the G YN clinic.

- What?
- I didn't "steal" steal it.

- I'll take it back just as...
- I'm not touching that.

Just go over the relevant anatomy.

Oh, come on, man.
Put that thing away.

No air under the diaphragm.

He's just so smug all the time.
Have you ever met anybody so smug?

Let me guess. Moretti?

Every time, you guys
are talking about the same thing.

Well, he's an ass,
but I can't deny he's a smart guy.

C- spine is fine.

- Should I take off his collar?
- No. Upstairs.

This one's fun.
Get him up before sedation wears off.

- Here's everything you need to know.
- We're good. Go.

He can't hear anything?

He's had enough sedation
to down an elephant.

Okay, so where exactly is the G-spot?

Put that thing away.

Hey. I hope you're
on top of your game.

Boards tomorrow.
You're taking the hard cases.

- Why are you working before boards?
- It's Morris', he's taking them too.

- Couldn't find anybody?
- Nope.

And he swore that he would fail
if I didn't bail him out.

But I'll do fine. I test well.

- You hear from Luka?
- Taking longer than he expected.

He has to retrofit his dad's house
for a wheelchair.

This is completely unfair.
- Guy's clearly on a power trip.

Abby, check this out.
Four pages of categories:

Procedures, patient relations,
intellectual curiosity.

- Each rated one to five.
- He gave us ones across the board.

Is that good or bad?
- Bad.

No comments, no feedback.

- Just ones.
- So uncool.

I'm never gonna get
a toxicology fellowship.

That's not true.
- Are we supposed to learn from this?

You have to talk to him.

Yeah, would you?

Frank, what's up with the lab?
I've been waiting three hours for a CBC.

Something about a flow cytometer.
It'll be a while.

Oh, your kid's school called twice.
Alex biting off lizard heads again?

Shut up. He's not a sociopath.

That's right, ignore the problem.
It'll go away.

Well, it's too late,
I have to call them tomorrow morning.


Hey, Sam. You're supposed to be
covering Triage right now.

- What?
- Yeah.

Nurses rotate every two hours.
You're up. Come on.

Excuse me.

- Yeah. Hi.
- Hi.

Slamming the interns without giving
any concrete suggestions isn't helping.

These numeric evaluations are useless.

Don't worry, Abby.
I gave you solid threes.

Listen, they're freaking out
about the bad evaluations...

...instead of focusing
on how to improve.

- lllustrating my point.
- Which is what, exactly?

Are they concerned about
giving patients sub-optimal care? No.

They're worried about
how it's gonna look...

They need mentors, constructive
feedback, guidance. They're just kids.

Arrogance and inexperience
are a lethal combination.

- There's gotta be a more effective way...
- Abby, look, I understand...

"... it's" your natural instinct to listen,
to wanna be supportive.

But in the end, with...

Forget it. Can't.

Excuse me.

Okay. Ma'am, why are you here?

He got a cough.

Oh, yeah? Let me see.

Hey, let me see.
Well, his breathing's okay.

I'll try to get you back
as soon as I can.


Sir, let me see your hand. Let me see.

- Come over here. Sit down.

- Hey.
- Yes?

I've been here.
This guy just walked in.

- Well, this guy's bleeding.
- Okay, well, my head is exploding.

- You look comfortable to me.
- Well, don't tell me what I'm feeling.

You get headaches a lot?

Never like this.

All right, here. Grab that.

I'll get back to you in a second.
Follow me.

- This place is gross.
- Well, you get used to it.

- What's your name?
- Heather.

Heather, I'm Dr. Gates. This is Sam.

Sam, Heather here says
she has an exploding headache.

Hm. Let's get you checked out.

- Moretti have you working in Waiting?
- All day.

He's doing that to all the Residents.

Well, I better get back.

Take a seat over here.

On a scale of one to ,
how bad is your headache?

It's a .

You're pretty calm for a .

Yeah. So you think I'm lying?

- I have a high tolerance for pain.
- Where are your parents?

I don't know. Out.

Give me their numbers.
We need permission for any treatment.

Sam, you seen Pratt?

He's in Exam reducing a shoulder.
Are you on tonight?

You mean "on" as in lively
and invigorated, or "on" as in working?

- What?
- Morris.

- What are you doing?
- I'm looking for you.

- Why aren't you studying?
- I got too much nervous energy.

There's no way I'm gonna sleep.
I came in so we could study.

I took over your shift
so that you could stay home.

Come on. We can help each other
get psyched, get focused.

Listen, if you're here, I'm out.

Dude, you need to work
on your game face.

- What?
- Game face, Greg.

What's wrong with you?

Shrug your shoulders.

- Can I open my eyes now?
- Yep.

Okay, the good news is
your neuro exam is totally normal.

- But you have trigger points.
- Which means?

It's tension.
You'll feel better with ibuprofen.

Aren't you gonna do a CAT scan?

You don't need one.

Well, do one anyway.

We don't do tests
just because patients want them.

Why not?

It's a waste of resources.

Okay, well, make my dad pay,
he's rich.

That's not really the issue.

You just said
it was about resources, so...

- Is this your home phone number?
- Yeah.

So when I call it,
why do I get a video rental store?

Video rental?
I didn't even know those still existed.

That isn't funny.

My mom is dead,
my dad is in New York.

And he doesn't need
you guys bothering him, so...

Not that big a deal.

Six hundred of ibuprofen.
Get consent.

And give us his real number.
No more games.

That was so cool,
defending us to Moretti.

Well, we were just discussing
different teaching philosophies.

Yours is better. There's no way
I'm gonna present to him.

- You got a minute?
- You can't boycott an Attending.

I can't? Come on, just for today.

Hanging out in Waiting is inefficient.

- Just get back out there.
- I should be here clearing beds.

A woman arrested
in an ER waiting room...

...because nobody
was paying attention...

- Brian?
- Hey.

MORETTl: What are you doing here?
- Thirteen-year-old in respiratory distress.

Tony. It's really bad this time.

I know this kid.
Got a neuromuscular disorder.

- I know him from ICU.
- Okay.

Hey, buddy, how you doing?

- Pretty good.
- Yeah?

Did you see D. Lee
hit for the cycle last night?

No, I missed it.
Have to give me the play-by-play.

- Pulse ox is only . Let's go.
He needs oxygen.

Sam, you're with me.
Where we going?

Trauma .
- Brian, wait right here. I'll be back.

All right, let's set up a non-rebreather
and let's get an ABG going.

Find someone else to cover Triage.
I'm staying with this kid.

He left? What do you mean, he left?

He was here and then he was gone.

- Is that clear enough for you?
- Did he say where he was going?

Frank, where's the Crohn's fistula?

Ask me again in English.

Never mind, I found her.

Do women need additional lubrication?

Harold, get a consult form.

If you're willing to put in the time
to sufficiently stimulate the area...

Isn't there anyone in your life
that would be more appropriate for this?

Like a brother, uncle, anyone?

No, just Grandpa.
And he thinks I still believe in the stork.

Is there anything special I should know
about the Crohn's lady?

She's narcissistic,
she's addicted to "morphine... "

"... and" if she says that she's allergic
to NSAIDs, she's lying.

Thanks for the warning.

Excuse me. I'm looking for you.

Dr. Moretti, I'm Skye Wexler,
new Attending. We spoke on the phone.

I didn't realize you were starting.

- Yeah, tonight's the night.
- All right.

Follow me. When you...

Write your initials in this column
when you pick up a patient.

And chart any progress
in this column over here, okay?

Frank. Sorry, this is Dr. Wexler.

She's gonna be taking some shifts
over the next month or so.

And this is one of our lifers, Haleh.


- Hello.
- Hi.

You new to Chicago?

Doing locums
to make some extra cash.


Yeah, it's like moonlighting.
Mostly nights.

- Ah. That's when I work too.
- Oh. Yeah.

Much better than being stuck in a hospital
all day when it's beautiful outside.

I hear you. I'm a big hiker myself.

You bump your head?

Hang in there, Josh. I'm almost done.

ABG's back, . . CO , .

Yeah, he's retaining.

- What does that mean?
- It means he's tiring out.

You try breathing times a minute.

You're gonna have
washboard abs after this.

Art line's in.

So we can check your blood gases
without needles.

See this shadow?
- Yeah, is that fluid?

Yeah, most likely
aspiration pneumonia.

His muscles are weak.
It's not protecting his...

- Airway.
- Right.

I never should've let you go
to that Kelly Clarkson concert.

That's not why I have pneumonia.

Did she just say Kelly Clarkson?

- Problem?
- Good thing you're sick.

I'd be giving you so much crap.
Kelly Clarkson?

Hey, Sam.

Gram of ceftriaxone, liter of NS.

- Which one of you is Pratt?
- That would be him.

Hey, Skye Wexler, new Attending.
I'm doing overnights.

- Nice to meet you.
- Call Hopkins.

We're supposed to report ER visits
to the study coordinator.

Boards tomorrow.
- Yeah.

I'll hang here so you can study.

Really. Go.

- Gates, you good with this?

All right, buddy.
We'll get you feeling better soon, okay?

Looks like you're stuck with me, Josh.

Let me take a look at the film.

Your feet must be tired.

This hospital bites.

Been here hours,
nobody's done anything.

We get busy.

- What are you doing?
- Trying to find someone who gives a crap.

Yeah, well, those computers
are for staff only. Go back to your bed.

Okay, did you hear me?
I have chest pain.

And it's really, really bad.

I'll get someone to check you out.

How's the boy doing?

- Struggling, headed for a tube.
- So, what are you doing out here?

- The new Attending came and said...
- Wait, wait, wait.

You left a patient
in respiratory failure...

...with an untested Attending
you've never met?

- Oh, well, I...
- I'm kidding.

I sent her in.

- Okay. Thanks.
- Hey, doctor. Check me out.

Hey. What happened? There you are.

You show up out of nowhere
and then suddenly you disappear.

- How you doing?
- Good.

You seemed busy.
I didn't wanna get in your way.

Is everything all right?
You look like hell.

No, I drove all night, so...

- Oh.
- Yeah.

Dr. Pratt, I'm sorry,
this is Brian, my son.

- Oh, really? Hey.
- Yeah. Yeah.

Aren't you in college
on the East Coast?

MORETTl: Yes, he is.
- Yeah.

And now this is the part where you
tell me why you're not in "school... "

"... and" you're here visiting me at work.

- What's that?
- Happy birthday.

You drove all night to give me a book?

No, it's not just a book,
not just a book.

It's like a new way of thinking.

Really? All right, well...

Remember in college you got so excited
about everything that you learned?

Come, let's get out of here.

You look like you haven't eaten
in a week.

- Okay.
- Hey, Skye has my sign-out.

All right.
- Okay.

It's the natural course
of Fazio-Londe disease.

The respiratory muscles
aren't strong enough to clear secretions.

So there are no other options.

This is Dr. Bazzano
from Pediatric Neurology.

Hi, Joshua.

- You're his mom?
- Yeah.

Acidosis is worse.

So listen up, buddy.

Your muscles that help you breathe
are starting to get tired.

Tell me something I don't know.

So we're gonna have to put
a tube down...

...and that will breathe for you.

Oh, God.

The ventilator's temporary.

His muscles rest
so the antibiotics do their thing.

And after the pneumonia's
treated, we can take the tube out?

Well, that's the hope.


It's gonna be okay.

We talked about this possibility.

I have to run upstairs.
I'll see you guys up in the ICU.

Thanks, doctor.

Do you understand everything?


- Mom.
- Yeah, honey?

The situation demands a Slushee.

Josh, sorry, but you gotta be NPO.

Come on.
Let's give the kid a Slushee, huh?

You can live with that, huh?


Okay. Where do I...?

The Jumbo Mart. My kid loves them too.
It's across the street.

Come on, I'll take you.

Be right back.

Good catch.

You're not tubing me.

Headache's gone. Now it's chest pain.

EKG was fine, exam was normal.

Did you do a Beta HCG?
Could explain this whole thing.

Keep her on oxygen,
call if she has sustained decels.

Abby. HCG?

Oh, yeah. It was negative.

I have to check on a sick asthmatic.

- Oh, that's cool. I got this.
- Okay.

Hey. I'm Dr. Wexler.

I'm in charge tonight.

Lucky you.

Deep breath.

- I can't.
- You can try.


Well, your heart and lungs sound good.
Oxygen level's perfect.

Better keep looking, then.

Your pain can't be that "bad... "

"... if" you're able to text your friends
all through my exam.

I'm not texting.

I'm trying to get online.
Reception in here sucks.

Is there a computer in here I can use?

Do you know where Pratt is?
I can't find him anywhere.

- Try the break room. He's studying.
- Thanks.

Sorry. You were saying?

Just forget it. Never mind.

Of course we have the grand old dame
of cramming, caffeine.

Grand old dame?

Three hundred milligrams, baby.

Keep our engines nice and revved.

Oh, and this. Okay? This.

This is the silver b*llet.

If you get stuck on the test,
squeeze this, the answer will come.

Hey, I don't need
any good-luck charms.

You can't reject a good-luck charm.

That's like the opposite of good luck,
as in bad luck.

Don't believe in luck.
I believe in preparation.

And I'm prepared.

Whoa, what's all this?

We got boards tomorrow.

Yeah, and how exactly
does this fit in?

Something to perk us up
when our stamina flags.

Do you guys mind
if Harold hangs for a while?

He could benefit from your tutelage.

No, we have
too much ground to cover.

If you don't know it,
this isn't gonna help.

That's not true.

Studies have shown that cramming
can improve short-term performance.

See? Have a seat, Harold.

Oh, excellent. Great guys.

Smart, experienced.

So, what topics
do you wanna cover?

Just some basic fundamentals.

No appetite?

Dairy is pumped full of hormones,
and wheat is genetically modified.


Okay, I'll try to find you
some organic Jell-O.

Urine aminolevulinic acid is elevated.

Suggests a problem
with porphryin metabolism.

She does seem to have
a serious fear of food.

Acute porphyria can be
brought on by caloric restriction.

Well, see, it fits.

Hematology said to order
an erythrocyte enzyme assay.

Okay. Cool case, Grady.
But make sure...

...I keep moving other patients through.
- Okay.

Hey, Abby.

- Hey.
- How is everything?

It's better. Much better.

- You been going to meetings?
- Yes.

Okay, because I haven't seen you.

Well, the last couple of times,
I worked late.

So I couldn't make it to St. Mark's.

Oh, I see.

And I kind of wanted to go somewhere
where nobody knew me.

Hm. Why is that?

I don't know.

Look, the church on Franklin's
got meetings all hours, day and night.

Okay. Thanks.

That's good to know.

When your infection clears,
capacity will improve...

"... and" they'll take the tube out.

Be real. I'll never get off the vent.

Don't say that, Josh.

I've been thinking about this moment
continuously since I got my diagnosis.

No tube.

So that's it?
You're just gonna give up now?

And I need to make it look like
it's your decision.


It would k*ll my mom
if she knew this was my idea.

I promised her I'd fight.

So fight. They're doing research on
neuromuscular diseases all over the world.

It's not gonna help me.

They could come up
with a breakthrough.

They're years away from a cure.

Whether we like it or not,
this is happening.

My mom can start
getting over it now...

"... or" a year from now when she's given
up everything to be by my bed...

...while I wither away on a ventilator.


Tony, you get me.

I know you understand.

He's a bright kid.
He knows what's in store.

Intellectual understanding
isn't the same as emotional maturity.

No, I know him.
He understands what he's doing.

You're absolutely sure about this?


Okay. Do me a favor
and run it by Ethics.

You can tell them
your Attending's on board.

Thank you.

Hey, Sam.

- It is Sam, right?
- Yeah.

Could you give our asthmatic in
of Solu-Medrol?

I already did.

Part of Moretti's new protocol.

You don't need orders
if the patient meets criteria.

Efficient. I like it.

- Could I take a look?
- Sure.

Hey, Frank,
do you have the asthma flowchart?

Hey, kid.

This is a hospital,
not an Internet café.

What's wrong with you?

What is wrong with you?

I called your dad.
Somebody's on their way to get you.

You shouldn't have.
He didn't wanna be bothered.

- Of course he does.
- How can you say that?

You don't know him,
you don't know me.

- I'm a parent, I understand a parent's...
- Oh, shut up, you phony bitch.

It's "like... " It's already after
and I think it's about time we go to bed.

No. I think it's time we opened
another bottle of champagne.



Did I tell you I'm taking a course
on the history of wine?

- No.
- I know, I know.

It sounds like
major slacker territory, huh?

But it's actually this awesome survey
of Western civilization.

There's the Last "Supper... "

...Spanish Inquisition,
Yalta Conference.

You name it,
somehow wine was involved.

- Yeah, well, wine is...
- Oh, I switched my major.

To semiotics.

A degree in the meaning of meaning.

I mean, could there be
anything cooler than that?

No, I don't... But, Brian...

I know what you're gonna say.
I know.

I don't wanna be premed, Dad.
I thought you were cool with that.

No, I am. That's not...

- Why are you here?
- It's your birthday.

All right, but what's the real reason?

I remember
when I was in fourth grade...

...you showed up, and you said...

It was right before lunch.

And you said "We're gonna go
on this secret surprise mission. "

That's what you said.

And I remember looking out
the window of the car, just...

I'm thinking, I'm wondering,
"Where are we gonna go?"

And that, I just...
I swear, that was just one of the...

That was the most exciting moment
of my life.

The time we went ice fishing?

Yeah. It was you and me and the lake.

And I just...

I just wanted to thank you.

Thanks for that. Thanks.

You're welcome.

I'll call school. They can send
a new syllabus to the ICU.

Thanks, Mom.

Sat is . You guys ready?

Actually, we're gonna hold off.

What do you mean, hold off?
- We're not intubating.

He won't tolerate the pressure
generated by the ventilator.

- But I thought you said before...
I have new information.

The clinical picture's changed.

What kind of new information?

Are you on board?

Dr. Gates and I have discussed
the options at length.

You think this is such a good idea
on your first night?

I've been Attending for years.

I don't understand.
This wasn't the plan.

- Well, we have a different plan now.
But he's in respiratory failure.

We'll give him medicine
to keep him comfortable...

...take away the air hunger.

- Tony, no.
- Trust him, Mom.


How's your new interns doing?

Uh, overzealous and inexperienced,
but they seem like an okay bunch.

Well, I had to send mine
to man camp today.

So I wake up the next morning
and I look over...

...and that best-in-show hottie
from before...

...big, hairy mustache.

And that, lads, is why drinking is bad.

You have your noses to the grindstone.

Yeah, well, we got a little distracted.

It's only : .
The night is still young, huh?

Go, go, go.

Go, go, go.

Go, go, go.

Harold, I need you upstairs now.

But we were getting
to toys and accessories.

It's not an invitation.

Paranoid chemical lady in
dropped her pressure.

All right.
Come on, party's over. Come on.

Whatever advice they gave you...

...you must forget it immediately.

- Most of what they said made sense.
- God, what did they tell you?

Well, Morris said the greatest sex
happens when you're in love.

- Oh. He did?
- Yeah.

Pratt talked about how to keep
the lines of communication open.

You're joking.

I still do have
some unanswered questions, though.

Do two orgasms minutes apart
still qualify as multiple?

Pulse ox is .

It's progressive. There's no cure.
He has the right to stop.

- His mother, doesn't she have rights?
- My obligation is to my patient.

- Josh doesn't want his mom to know.
- He's .

People make bad decisions.

Laying in a bed hooked to a ventilator
is not a life.

He can think, communicate. Maybe he's
around when they discover a cure.

He doesn't want to lay in bed
waiting for a miracle.

What part of that do you not understand?
We're not intubating, Sam.

What are you doing?

- Who's on call for Ethics today, please?
- It's Larabee.

- I'm not gonna sit...
- All right, stop! This is my call.

Either go mix his morphine drip
or take yourself off this case.

We're done here.


She had headaches, abdominal pain,
rash, mood swings.


Porphyria seemed to explain
all her complaints.

Okay, I'm in. Pass me the bag.

- Nice job, Abby.
- Yeah, Abby. Real nice job.

You and your intern
spent hours working up a zebra...

...without ruling out common causes
for abdominal pain.

X- ray's back.

Air under the diaphragm.
Probably a perfed ulcer.

Which might not be perfed
if you had diagnosed this four hours ago.

O.R. is ready.

Haleh will help you get her upstairs.

All right, that's it, you two, okay?
I got this.

Sats coming up.
What's her access?

Did you send the coags?
Yep. They're cooking.

Gotta have them done.
Flagyl's running.

I'm sorry.
I went down the wrong path.

You got excited about your hypothesis.
It's fine.

It's good.

This is my fault.
I'm supposed to know better.

Excuse me.
I'm here to pick up Heather Baker.

- Are you family?
- I oversee the Chicago property.

I have a letter which allows you
to release her to me.

I don't know where she is.
And I'm busy. Gonna have to wait.

Well, I've been waiting
almost an hour.


I have a kid who needs
the wax cleaned out of his ear.

I'm a little tied up now.

And if you could pull up the troponins
for our rule-out MI.

I don't have a password
for the computer yet.

Lily. Lily.

Take this to Gates.



Heather, stop!

No, I don't want this.

- Hold still. You're making this harder.
- Hypoxia makes people combative.

She was here alone
with vague complaints...

...none of us wondered why.

- Kept changing her story.
She's calming.

That's the valium.
Next she's gonna stop breathing.

Eighteen gauge in the antecube.
- Give the flumazenil.

- I totally missed it again.
- Yeah, I saw her too. I blew her off.

Big occipital lac back here.

I knocked her down hard.
She cracked her head.

Page Psych.
They need to come see her.

- NG's in. Tape.
Placement's good. Charcoal.

Fifty grams.

Here goes.

I thought she was playing games.
I should've seen it.

You saved her life, Sam.
Don't be too hard on yourself.

- Hey.

Thank you.

What can I say?

- I overreacted about the ulcer.
- No, you didn't.

It happens to everyone.
And she did great in the O.R.

How do people do this?

Working with interns is always tricky.

It's hard to supervise
without micromanaging.

It's not just the interns.

It's everything.

Some guy shoved me on the El today
and I lost it.

I followed him off the train screaming
even though it wasn't my stop.

I also fired the nanny,
which is totally irrational.

Joe's fall had nothing to do with her.

I couldn't look at her
without thinking about it.

- That's understandable.
- No, it's not.

It's like I'm actually trying
to screw things up.

- It sounds like you need a day off.
- I wish it were that simple.

Anything I can do?

Do you mind if I sign out a little early?



I finished the brow lac
on the carpenter.

Wow, that was fast.
Didn't need a two-layer closure?

Actually, Dr. Morris
just had me Dermabond it.

Oh, okay. And how's
our gastroenteritis girl doing?

Is she keeping Gatorade down?

I didn't end up pushing "fluids... "

...because Dr. Morris
said to just go ahead with the bolus.

I saw Ortho down here
reducing that shoulder.

- How much ketamine?
- I ended up using propofol...

...because Dr. Morris...
Well, he decided that it "wasn't... "

- Morris.
- What?

What? Jeez.

I ask for Benadryl,
patient gets Atarax.

I order a splint, kid gets an ace.

What kind of creepy loser
hangs out in the break room all night...

...second-guessing Attendings
when he's not on schedule?

I don't know if I'm being punked
or if you haze all new Attendings...

"... but" don't double-check my work.

The only reason I am here
is to make cash for a surf trip.

Come December, I am gone.

So you can stop worrying that
I'm after your job or your "promotion... "

...or whatever you and your micropenis
are so afraid of.

Hi. Archie Morris.

I have no idea who you are
or what you're talking about.

Gotta bounce. You good?

Hey. You're okay.

Got rid of all the pills you took.

Heather, we didn't take very good care
of you last night.

I'm sorry for that.

Your dad's on a plane.

He'll be here in an about hour.

- Is Eliza-bitch coming too?
- Who?

His wife.

He married her after my mom died.

Eight months after my mom died.

She convinced him to move to New York
and leave me here.

What do you mean, leave you here?

She didn't want a step-kid.

So he visits.

Takes me out to lunch
and buys me things.

But mainly he just pays people
to tend to me...

"... like" I'm a high-maintenance garden.

Why did you do it?

- Why did you save me?
- Heather.

I wanted to die.

Things will get better, I swear.

- Don't you have to get out of here?
- Yeah, it doesn't start for another hour.

I can't believe you worked the overnight
before the boards.

After a few years of getting no sleep,
you get used to it.

No, not me.

I don't think I'll get used to it.
I hate nights.

- Always have.
- Here.

- And good luck today.
- Thanks.

He's unconscious and bradycardic,
but he's still breathing.

So it could be a while
before he actually...

Yeah. I get it.

His mom's in shock.
I don't think she was expecting this.

But she knew that he had a fatal...

She wasn't expecting this today.

She thought they had more time.

Of course she did.

Serena, this is Julia.

She's a chaplain here.


Yeah. I'm so sorry.

I can't do this.

It's not the natural order of things.

Do you wanna say a prayer?

- No.

Do you want me to say a prayer?

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