14x07 - Blackout

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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14x07 - Blackout

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on E.R.--

Why the hell are you working
the night before your Boards?

It was supposed
to be Morris's shift,

but he's taking them, too.

You get stuck on the test,
squeeze this,

the answer will come.

That was so cool, defending us
from Moretti like that.

Well, we were just discussing
different teaching philosophies.

Well, yours is better,
which is why there's no way

I'm going to present to him.

My girlfriend Lacy-- her
homecoming dance is coming up.

Help me.
I'm-I'm a virgin.

I'm not a nun.

I'm a woman
who happens

to be a chaplain.

You've been going
to meetings?


It's like I'm actually trying

to screw things up.

(baby Joe fussing)

(fussing stops)

(Joe fussing slightly)

(Lockhart sniffling)

Soon they'll be blaming this
on global warming.

Yeah. All those years
of plastic cups

and Styrofoam are
coming home to roost.

So, because I've used spray
can deodorant my whole life,

now I'm supposed
to feel guilty

about the resurgence
of malaria in Kenya?

You speak
so crazy, Frank.

I read it in the paper.

I read that cow farts are going
to be the death of all of us.

Cow farts?

Yeah, we eat too
much livestock,

which release gases
into the atmosphere,

k*lling the ozone.

Thank you,
Al Gore.

I would rather drop dead
right now over a bone-in rib eye

than live forever
on organic spinach.

The truth is very

Well, I don't know
about the rest of you,

but I have gotten smart.

Hooked myself up
with a tight little sex machine,

energy efficient to the tune
of 40-plus miles per gallon

and draws babes to Archie
like bees to honey.

Ew! That made me throw
up in my mouth a little.

Me, too.
What about Hope?

Didn't you take an oath
of fidelity or something?

Yeah. What, she's saving
starving kids in Venezuela,

and you're out here
cruising for chicks?

Hope? Hope, Hope...

Oh, oh, that Hope.

Yeah. Uh, we broke up.

No, you didn't.

You did?

I'm sorry.

No. No big deal.

It was very...
It was very mutual.

That's good.

Except it was all her idea,
and I begged her not to do it.

But I'm fine with it now.
It's all good.

Lady for you on
three, chief.

Hope she chokes
on a mojito.

Says she's your ex-wife.
Something about your son.

Oh. All right.

I'll take it, uh, in there.

He was married?
Poor woman.

Ah, the very person

we're looking for.

engine revving)

What's he doing?

Oh, don't forget
the clutch, dummy.

Well, you said I could teach him
to drive your car today.

I did?
Yeah, you did.

No, no, no, no, no.

That was before I hooked
up my new wheels.

You have new wheels? Cool.

No. No, not cool.

I'm not going to let
some prepubescent intern

ding up my
chick magnet.

Is it? For reals?

This car

makes a statement,

and the statement is,
"I am bringing sexy back."

Um, hello?

Look, he's got
his homecoming soon.

He wants to be able
to drive his date.

Give the kid a break.

(engine starting)
Oh! I had to pull
strings to get this.

You can't even buy
one of these babies yet.

Well, I'll get you the number
of that new PACU nurse.

The one from Nashville?

I heard she was in the circus.

She does look

All right.

Okay. Fine.

Now. Now, let's see.

What are you doing?

Doing a walk-around.

I want to make sure it comes
back in the same condition.

God, you're so a**l.

Pristine, beautiful,

Thank you,
Dr. Morris.

Now, let's run down
a few things here.


Harold, the brake!

Wait! Wait!

Harold, be...
Be careful, Harold!

Stay aware of
your surroundings!

It's all about peripheral vi...


(distant voices)

What we're talking
about here is pain.

Proactively treating it

right here in triage
with you guys, all right?

Most of you
know how to use

the Wong-Baker Scale.

(baby crying)

Any kid coming in,
we assess the pain

from zero to ten.

Any score above zero, we give
them analgesia at the desk.

Put it on your charts.
The docs will be checking.

Someone's been

Mm-hmm, Gates drank
the Kool-Aid.

How old?
Three months.

She's been
like this for hours.

Fussy, crying.

It's probably
the heat.

Chuny, can you
take her back?

I got this.
Follow me.

It's never been
this bad before.

All right, here,
check this out.

Come on, guys,
stop goofing around!

Victim of auto
versus pedestrian.

Possible blunt
head trauma.

The car didn't hit me.
I walked into it.

I told them that.
What's with
the backboard?

Patient resisted treatment,
so we took all precautions.

I do not meet
trauma center criteria.

What do we have here?
He was
combative on scene.

No, I wasn't!
A little bit,
a little bit.

Because I don't need
any of this.

Might need
a head CT.

Definite possibility,
Dr. Gates.

No. No! I don't need
spinal immobilization.

No, no, no, no. No,
you might need
an X-ray, sir,

before you
take this off.

No, the hell you do,
and stop calling me sir!

Oh, could be a
distracting injury.

Distracting... I'm going to
distract your face with my foot!

Look! Huh? Huh?
I'm fine.

All this
wasted energy

is seriously inflating
my carbon footprint.

So, are you refusing
medical care, sir?

Yes. Yes, I am.

So you're going to sign
a form indicating that

you're leaving this ER
against medical advice?

Screw you guys.

You're wasting valuable time
and resources on this

silly little
comedy routine.


Stupid doors.


Next time that happens,
give him a Foley in the field.

(Pratt snickers)

Make sure your grandma

follows up with the clinic
visits, okay, Jeffrey?

Refuah shleima,

Toda raba,
Ms. Dupree.

And a happy
shana tovah to you.

Oh, nice try.

Jewish New Year
was two months ago.

Oh, I got you
your musicians.

My what?

Well, you said you wanted some
help brightening up the place,

alleviating the misery, so,

Ken and Willow Monterey,
this is Dr. Gates.

Oh, hello!
Thanks for
having us.

This is our first
time in the ER.

We're super-excited.

We mostly perform
in Pedes.

Love bringing joy
to the little people.

But this gives
us a chance to
dig a bit deeper

into the old
set list.

Oh, good.

All right, well, uh,
make yourself at home.



(Julia sighs)

Where'd you find
them, God Camp?

Oh, man, I almost forgot.

Is it...? It is.

Today's the day.

What day?
Uh, D-day.

Or Independence Day.

Starting to sound
like Stupid Day.

Don't push me, Sam.

It's hot, and I don't know
where my Smart Car is.

Greg and I get
our Board results back today.

I'm worried about him.

I'm not sure
he hit the books hard enough.

Hey, Vin Diesel,
where's my car?

It's parked around the corner.
I've got to go to a laparotomy.

did you damage that vehicle?

Oh, no, sir, not that I
know of... well, uh,

yeah, a little.

A little ding to the fender.

Gives it character.

You'll hardly notice it.

I got to go.

Air conditioner
broke down

at the nursing home.

Multiple victims with
hyperthermia and dehydration.

Another five
coming in the van.

Yeah, they turned our place
into Kentucky Fried Old Folks!

How you doing, sir?

Hey, I did not survive a pogrom,
a gulag and bris in a back alley

just so that I could
be baked like a strudel!

This is J.J. Perkins,
80 years old, ALOC,

history of
previous MI.

Temp high of 104.

Mr. Perkins?


Positive O sign.
Not good.

Is he okay?
We're roommates!

Hey, Grady, get
some more wheelchairs.

Power shortage, my ass.

The engineers
are selling off the energy

to the highest bidder, just like
they did in California.

You know who's getting it all?
The Pakis!

* Say hip hop...

Hey! Where'd they put my buddy?

* ...to the hip hip hop

* You don't stop a rockin'

* To the bang bang boogie,
say up jumped the boogie *

* To the rhythm
to the boogie, the beat *

(baby crying)
* Skiddly bee-bop, a-bee-bop,
a scooby doo *

* And guess what, guy?

* We love you

* Now what you hear
is not a test *

* I'm rappin' to the beat

Do you think our
apartment's too hot for her?

I can't say yet.

(baby crying)

Any vomiting or diarrhea?

No, none of that.

* To the black, to the white,
the red and the brown *

Does anything help
to calm her down?

Car rides
or noise machines?

She doesn't like
any noise really.

Even music.

Well, I can't say I blame her
for that right now.

Our doctor thought
it was reflux,

so she ordered
this scope test.

Uh-huh. And?

Everything was normal.

Do you think
it could it be colic?

Well, we have to rule out
some other stuff first.

How are you guys holding up?


it's been
kind of hard.

This heat and the brownouts.

She just seems so unhappy
all the time.

It gets easier.

It does.

I'm going to run this
by my supervisor. I'll be back.

* And on and on
and on and on... *

Now, the next time
that the power goes out,

don't go using jumper cables
to juice up the AC, okay?

Where I went wrong was,
I had the wide screen

and the massage chair hooked
up to the same battery.

* First I was afraid,
I was petrified *

* Kept thinking
I could never live *

* Without you by my side

* And I spent
so many nights... *


intermittent crying spells
times three months.

The kid's whole
life, huh?

If it's been going on that
long, it's not an emergency.

Well, seems to be
okay-- afebrile, alert.

Fontanelle's flat, no signs
of injury, exam's benign.

Of course it is.

Exam's always normal
in babies like this.

* I've got all my life to live,
I've got all my love to give *

Okay, I'll check it out soon.

First, I got
to put a stop to this.

Where the hell is Gates?

More importantly,
where are our Board results?

Oh, they're
not in yet.

But the Vegas odds are
ten-to-one you both failed.

Look, just tell Gates
to get rid

of the Captain and Tenille.

We're supposed
to be healing people here,

not driving them
to su1c1de.

You nervous?
About the results?
No. Are you?


You got those old
folks all fixed up?

Yeah, Moretti ordered
evaporative cooling.

I got Javier

All right, let me know
if you need any help.

* Do you really want
to hurt me? *

* Do you really want
to make me cry? *

Patient was
in his usual state

of excellent health
until 1:00 p.m. today,

when he got up
from the living room sofa...

Okay, stop-- I'm
bored and lost.

You're going to
put him to sleep.

But that's the history.

Yes, yes, presented in the
most obtuse way possible.

What do you think
is wrong with this guy?


Okay, spit it out up front, so
Mussolini doesn't eat you alive.

And can you please
sh**t me or sh**t them?

I really don't care which.

How's it going?

It's weird, this music
seems to be soothing her.

That is weird.

My supervisor's
on his way over.

Okay, Grady,
one more time.

65-year-old man,
syncopal episode

after skipping
breakfast and lunch.

Okay, now I know
what you're thinking.

No chest pains, palpitation,
weakness, headache.

That's what I'm talking about.

Please, Gates,
make them go away!

Yeah, I'm with her.

I pushed them in the back.
What do you want me to do?

Get rid of them!

Guy, what they're doing
is a nice thing, okay?

And some people
actually like it.

Oh, yeah?
What people?

(Frank singing along)
Frank's not people.

I'll see what I can do.
* I want to be sedated...


Break room-- it's time
to present. Come on.

Say, here's an update, folks.

Green line is down,
there's scattered looting

on the West Side, we got
two X-ray machines out,

the temperature

in the O.R. is 84
degrees, and, uh,

oh, oh, oh, that's
right, boys, the, uh,
test scores are in.


Why didn't you
say something?

Stop playing games.
Hey, man.

Hey... you got us
waiting like this.

So, did the Medical Board

make another deadly
error in judgment?

Yes, they have, Frank,
I passed.

(cheering and laughter)



Come on, baby.

Yeah... it's good.

It's all good.
Yes, they passed!

My man.
Morris and Pratt passed!

All right, after work,
drinks on me and Morris.

All right.

* Nothing to do, nowhere to go

* I wanna be sedated.

MAN (on TV):
You stole her, didn't you?

MAN 2:
She's mine.

Says who?
Says me.

Yeah, well,
she came to me.

Damn power.

I'm telling you,
it's the Pakis.

Oh, that's not nice,

Chuny, how's Mrs. Lidner?

Down to 99,
she's perking up.

Chest X-ray clear,
no hypernatremia.

Hey, you should
see this, J.J.

It's very good.

What's it
called again?

Grumpy Old Men.

How's Mr. Perkins doing?

He's fine, hey, he's better,
leave him alone.

Minimally responsive,

tachy to 130, having
some ectopy on the monitor.

Hey, we were hot
and thirsty.

We don't need
any more witchy medicine.


The cooling blanket

didn't help, he's still 103.

Mr. Perkins?

don't do that.
What are you doing to him?

His neck's stiff.
Are we missing meningitis?

He's stiff all over.

Increased muscle tone.

Let's go--
Trauma Two.

Blood cultures,
two milligrams ceftriaxone.

Let's get a head CT.

Stop it, you, you're
not a real doctor.

I want a real doctor.

You're some
stuffed-up quack!

Calm down.

He's going to be
all right, right?



(Matthau and Lemmon
grunting and shouting on TV)

Worse when I press...
or let go?

The same.

White count
is 11.2.

Mildly inflamed appendix
that doesn't fill

with oral contrast.

Looks like early

Oh, geez,
I need surgery?

If we take it out

you'll be back
home tomorrow.

Might we be jumping
the g*n here?

There is an alternate
diagnosis to consider.

It could be epiploic

Rather unlikely, Doctor.

So, in terms of the
laparoscopic procedure...

He hasn't been vomiting,
he's got a normal white count.

No single sign,
symptom, or test

confirms the diagnosis
of appendicitis.


So as I was

Just hold the phone
a minute.

The CT isn't
that impressive...
Dr. Zelinsky.

If I'm on to something,

then he'll get better
with rest and nonsteroidals.
Dr. Zelinsky.

He won't need surgery.

So I don't need surgery?

That's not what we're saying.

His CT lacks all

of the predictable findings

to support your theory, okay?

I don't want an
unnecessary operation.

Are you sure?

I'm very sure.
Dr. Rasgotra

will be back to
consent for surgery.

I'll see you in the O.R.

Thanks, Mary.

Uh, Dr. Dubenko,
I'm interested in
why you think...

...that the CT shows no signs
of an ovoid pericolic lesion.

Shut up now.

(Willow & Ken singing
"k*lling Me Softly")

Go round.

Drinks at Ike's
on Morris and Pratt.

They passed
their Boards.

Wow, great.

Um, I'd like to discuss

Zelinsky's progress with you.

Yeah, about that...

Tomorrow, not now.

I don't want
to say anything too cruel,

which I am at risk of doing

if we discuss it at
this moment, so...

we'll talk
about Dr. Rain Man tomorrow.

* With his words...

Can you help me out
here, please, a little?

You want me
to fire the volunteers?

Yes, in a nice way.

Look, they love them in Pedes,
they're a hit in oncology.

Why do you ER types have
to be such snobs?

Just do what God would do--
cast these people out.


The mocking use of religious
imagery always works with me.

Well, I'm just trying
to speak to you

in a language you
understand, that's all.

* Da, da, da

* Da...

* La...

Still having ectopy.

300 amiodarone I.V.

So chest pain in three should
have had an EKG and troponin,

but the resident
cancelled the orders.

He's breathing. Sat's OK.

Dawn, bring
them in.

What resident?

Did you sign off on it?

Uh, must have
been Pratt.

I'm sure there was
a good reason.

What are you doing
to J.J.?


Mr. Leftkowitz,

did Mr. Perkins have
any new pills at the home?

They're always
giving us pills.

If you can't poop,
they give you a pill.

If you complain
about the government,

you get a pill.

Can you be more specific?

Try to get people
to vote for Obama--

they got a pill
for that, too.

Papi, listen, did they give J.J.
anything today?

He got feisty because
it was so hot in there.

Does this look

How about this?

Maybe this--
it was yellow.

Bingo. Haloperidol.

I bet he's got neuroleptic
malignant syndrome.

Interesting theory.

100 milligrams I.V.

I'm pretty sure
what we have here

is a beautiful, healthy little
girl with a bad case of colic.

That's what
the pediatrician said.

There's nothing
we can do,

like no medicines
you can give her?

No, you just have
to wait it out.

But it's too hot to keep her
all wrapped up like that.

We read a book that said
to do that when she gets fussy.

No, not in this weather.
Now, if you feel the blanket,

you'll see she sweated
right through it.

That's normal, she gets
all worked up when she feeds.

All right, well,
just hang in there.

A nurse will be back with
your discharge paperwork.


Hey, do me a favor.

See if you can get
some kind of referral

for some new parenting
group or something.

That's it? You don't want
to do any more of a workup?

For colic?

No, why?

There's no need,
it's classic.

Well, it's not classic,

When I worked in OB,

we did a lot of anticipatory
guidance about this

and colic doesn't usually
start until six weeks of life.

This baby's been fussy
since birth.

It hasn't
k*lled her yet.

Yeah, but the sweating
when she feeds

could be an indication...
It's a million
degrees outside.

Her parents keep her
wrapped up like a burrito.

I have a feeling...

Look, this is a long-term
pre-existing condition

with no signs of abuse.

Just let them follow up
with the pediatrician.

And Abby, relax, okay?

You are now talking

to a board-certified emergency
medicine attending, thank you.

You still have
to take the oral boards.

Nothing but a
mere technicality.

See you at Ike's?


So we done
with them?

The Burke baby.

Um... yeah.

Hey, wait, no.


Hold on, I just want to
check one more thing.

Hey, you coming out

It's Brownout Thursday
at Ike's.

Drinks half-price
if you bring a candle.

I thought Pratt and
Morris were buying.

Only a round--
cheap bastards.

Come on,
let loose for a night.

I'll think about it.

Your AC is putting out air at
77 degrees through this duct.

You mean it's working.

Yeah, but it's 62 degrees
at the compressor.

That's a lot of waste.

Hey, Frank, what's going on?

Oh, the green
Nazis are here.

Oh, you must be
the energy manager.

Ethan McInerney.

And you are...?
Sam Taggart,
the charge nurse.

I spoke to your office.

We, uh, made sure to change
out the incandescents

for compact

We're down to
30 foot-candles.

That's very green of you.

Just doing our part.

Maybe you can show me

where the utility access is
around here.

Sure, uh,
come with me.

I'm going out back and burn
some tires with kerosene.

You good with that?

I'm leaving
these for Sam.

You're out of here already?

What about the party?

God, it's like junior
high around here.


Shift over already?

Uh, Pratt's up to
speed on my stuff.

Your intern presented to me.

Did he forget to kiss the ring?

No, in fact,
Grady was letter-perfect,

which I'm sure had absolutely
nothing to do with you.

Absolutely nothing.


(groans quietly)


I understand you've
been canceling

my preemptive orders.


In selected cases,
I have, yes.

On what criteria?

Well, a 20-year-old with
epigastric pain from ibuprofen

doesn't need a CBC,
chem panel, and a UA.

He needs to be sent home
with some antacid.

But that's an exception.

I mean, the system
is the system

and the system is working.

Yeah, not for me.

I didn't go to med school
to check boxes and push paper.

When are you going to stop
with the end-runs, huh?


I mean, what is it?

You just feel more
comfortable with Dr. Pratt

because you've worked
with him longer or...

or is this just, like, the
path of least resistance?

Or is it simply that
you just don't like me?


You know what?
It doesn't matter.

What doesn't matter?

If I "like" you
or not?

No, forget it, forget it.

No, I don't like you.
You know what?

You do whatever the
hell you want, okay?

And I hope it all
works out for you.

Folks, local power grid
might be going down,

but don't worry, we're prepared.

Is somebody going to make
a toast or something?

No, no, no, nobody's
saying anything

until my partner
in crime gets here.

Oh, and by the way,
I know I'm still on,

so this is a Seven and Seven
minus one of the Sevens.

Can you guess
which one?

Hey, here he is!

(all cheering and applauding)

Can't stay long, somebody's got
to mind the store.

Well, then,
allow me.

We are going to talk later.

I saw what you did to my car.
It takes

a lot of years
of training...
Is he mad at me?

to become a doctor...

He is.
...and a lot
of successes,

a fair amount
of failures

as well,
but I think

it's important
that we all reflect

and appreciate
the milestones,

so I would like
to be the first

to congratulate Dr. Pratt
and Dr. Morris,

who will become


...attending emergency

(all cheering)

This chaplain thing,
it's really more of a hobby.


My true passion...

is hustling pool.

I see.

You know, I got to tell you,
to be honest,

you don't really strike me
as the chaplain type.

Mm! And why is that?

I don't know-- 'cause you
don't look the part.

I mean, the way you dress,

your vibe, your... tat.

Oh, I have lots of tats.

Oh, yeah?


What is, what is that one?

It's a labyrinth.

It's a pretty common symbol,

in the Native American cultures,
in the Vedas.

The Minoans use it, too.


It represents
life's real journey--

the spiritual journey
to the inner self.

Reminds me every day
that I have to constantly

be seeking.

And how easy it is to get lost.

Have you been lost?

Haven't you?

So what other tats you got?

You know Harold was just
trying to impress you.

I thought we weren't
going to talk about this now.

Well, I don't understand
why you don't like him.

He's unshaped,
he's immature.

That's not enough.

Well, he's a little rough
around the edges, sure,

but instead of getting

hung up about
the presentation,

maybe we should
start commending
him on the insight.

And by "we," I of
course mean "you."

He's not ready to be
a surgeon on my team, Neela.

Lucien, he wants
to be here so badly.

I believe he can do it.

You really want
to mentor this kid?

Well, if you'll agree not
to kick him out.

Give me a month.

It's not just about turning him
into a doctor, Neela.

It's about turning him
into an adult.

Do you understand that?

Oh, hey, guys.

Looks like I'm getting
kicked out.

Check you on the flipside!

Okay, you've got a month.

It's weird to think
of Morris and Pratt

as the top of the heap.

I still remember
when Mark Greene

and Doug Ross were
running the place.


Hey, Sam.

I came over soon as I
was done with my evaluation.

Um, this is Chuny.

And Dawn.


Nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.

Anybody need anything
from the bar?

No, I'm good.

Apple martini.

Coming up.



What's up with the fine brother?

He wanted to see if I wanted
to have a drink after work,

so I just...
What about your hunky beat cop?

You sly dog.
No, no, no.

It's not like that.

It's just, um...

Okay, you know that time
in your life

when you're in your teens
or your early 20s?

You know, when you get
to look around

and see what you like
and what you don't like?

You mean, like positions?

(all laughing)

No, it's like...

Well, I never had that.

And I think I should.

So, now is my chance.

You know what I mean?

Oh, yeah,

we know what you mean.
Mm-hmm, the boy in blue

wasn't hitting that buzzer.

(all laughing)

That's not true.

Apple martini.

I miss something?

Let's hope you don't.

Excuse me.

Hey, hey, hey,
is this where the party is?

Hey, Abby!
What's up?


Abby, what's happening?

Hey. It does not look
very festive in here.


That's better.
Oh, no, no, no.

Do I have to?

Frank? Frank.

I love Frank.


Frank never misses a party.

Where have you been?


Sam, you look fantastic.

I do?
You look so hot.


Wait a minute,
wait a minute.

You're getting some,
aren't you?

You are.



Who's he? Who are you?

Ethan. Ethan McInerney.

I work for the County

as an Energy...

Look at his eyes.

He's very sincere.

(horn blares)


All right, come on,
let's get some coffee.

Oh, no, thank you.

No, thank you, boss.

It's a night
to celebrate, right? Right?

Tonight is a night
to celebrate, right?

Am I right, Chuny?
You are right.

What... what is Chuny
short for, anyway?

Nothing, just Chuny.

Actually my real name is Ethel.

Get out!
No, I'm serious.

Frank, put that hat back on!



Uh-oh, surgeons are here.

You guys better be careful,

because you are

And if there's a throwdown,
we will kick your ass.

Oh, is there going
to be a throwdown?

You never know,
Lucien, you never know.

Heads up.

Um, who wants a drink?

No, we're good.

What's up? It's a party.

Cheer up.

Is she all right?

Yeah, she's just
letting off some steam.

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.




I didn't expect
to see you here.

Oh, well, yeah, I, um...

I had a babysitter,
so I just figured, you
know, what the hell.



Can I get something, please?

Hey, look, about before...

You shouldn't do that,
you know.


What you've been doing.

What have I been doing?

Playing the tyrant
and then flirting.



You should stop that.

Okay. I was not aware
that I was flirting...

I'm not stupid, you know.

No, I know...
I never said you were stupid.

I never said that.

Good, 'cause I get it.

You come in here on your

white horse
and you just figure...

What? What?

What do I figure?

Nothing. You just "figure."


I just got paged back
on the Burke baby.

She's been screaming for
an hour and the parents

are threatening
to sign out AMA.

The baby we saw.

Oh, yes.

That's her prerogative.

Their prerogative.
Their prerogative.

You were supposed to discharge
them before you left.

Now instead, they're waiting
on studies that someone ordered

without my permission,
studies that

this kid doesn't need.

Now, do you have any idea
who could have done that?

Was it me?

You know what?

Let's take this outside.


Okay, if I ordered tests,

I'm sure I had
a very good reason, Greg.

Even if you don't
remember it?

I remember it.

What's the big deal?

A chest film shouldn't
take this long.

It does when half
the X-ray machines in
the hospital are down.

You know, totally
disregarded my instructions

to send these people home.
Okay, power trip,
what do you want?

I'll go over there.
I'll discharge them.

What? No, no, no, you
can't be serious right now.

Well, I don't know.
It's your party.

Cry if you want to,
I'll just take care of it.

No, no, no, no.
You're not going anywhere

near the ER like this.
Like what?

Like what? Huh, what?

You know what?

I don't know what
your problem is,

but you should really take
a cab home right now, really.


Both guests of honors are gone,
this place is kind of dead.

I know a little blues place
over by Northwestern.

Mm! I know where we can go.

There's a little place that has
salsa nights on Thursdays.

(all agreeing)

Hey, hey, Abby.

We're getting ready
to go somewhere else.

You want to come?

No, um, I'm just going to finish
this and get out of here.

You sure?
Yeah, but have fun.

Did you drive here?


I got his attention.


Thank you.

Everything okay?

Yes, work thing.
Fixed it.

So where's your husband?

He's in...?


How much longer is he
going to be there?

You would have to ask him that,

'cause he was supposed
to be home weeks ago.


It's hard to, um...
it's complicated to balance

the whole-- you know,
the kids and the spouse...

You want to hear
about a complicated life?

I will make you cry.


I'm not kidding.


I'm sorry.



what you said before...

Yeah, forget about it.
Listen to me.

I'm an assh*le.

I know.


Well... just forget about it.
You're not. You're not.

Really, okay?
All right, all right,
all right, all right....

It's a good thing about
Pratt and Morris, though.

That's good.
Here's to Pratt
and Morris.

Yep, Pratt and Morris.


Oh, sorry, sir.
I'm sorry.

Sorry about that.
No problem.

We ain't closing for
no stinking blackout,
either, all right?

Next round's on me.




Power's back.

This family shouldn't
even be here.

The plan was
chest X-ray and EKG,

and then discharge if the
studies are normal, right?

That was Abby's
plan, not mine.

(baby crying)
How's she doing?

She's been, uh, sweating
and breathing really fast

ever since I fed her.

She's retracting.
And really diaphoretic.

No fever, her temp's normal.

You guys better check this out.

(crying continues)

Heart's big.

Yeah, and her lungs are wet,
she's in failure.

What's the sat?
Uh... I don't know.

You don't know?
I'll do one now.

So, all this started happening
after she had a bottle?

Sweating with feeds is a sign
of congenital heart disease.

What's going on?

I'm sorry, you're
confusing us.

Someone tell us what's going on.

Her heart's not pumping
strong enough

and the fluid's backing up
into her lungs.

How come she
doesn't have an I.V.?

I was told she was going home.

Get me an I.V. kit.

And where's the EKG
Abby ordered?

I haven't done it yet.
We're moving to One, let's go.

Listen, I know you're new and
I don't know your name yet...

It's Tiffany.
...but that EKG
was ordered hours ago.

We didn't have neonatal
leads down here.

I called central supply.

Central takes forever.

You can't wait for them
on a day like this.

Run to the NICU. Run.

Get those leads
and get back here.

Where did you find that one?

You sure you don't want
to have a glass of water

or a cup of coffee
or something?

I gotta go.
Before you go?

(clears throat)
I gotta go.

What happened?
How did I get here?


I mean...

Look, why don't you stay
for a little bit.

Don't drive right now.
It's late.

Oh, my God.
I don't think
you should go.

I gotta go.
Wait, Abby, hold on.

Wait a minute.
Honey, wait, wait.
No, I gotta go.

What are you doing?!


All right, sorry.

Dr. Morris?

Is she...?

You sure the leads
aren't reversed?

I checked three times.

Look at the lateral leads.

Oh, damn.

All right, call Cards,
we're on our way up.

The blood flow to your baby's
heart has been compromised.

We're not sure how.

And the EKG shows the classic
pattern of an acute MI.

An M... an MI?
What's an MI?

Your daughter's
having a heart attack.

Come on, let's go.

We're taking her up to
the cath lab right now.

We're gonna do everything
we can for her.

You told us to go home!

You said we should go home!

Why did you tell us to leave?

He told us to go home.

I don't know, Officer,
I don't know.

(door closes)


It's okay, she's home now.

Doris, I'm really sorry.
I'm so sorry.

It's almost 3:00
in the morning.

I know, I'm really sorry,
and you can go now.

But he, um, he slept
the whole time, right?

He just slept?

Are you okay?
What's the matter?

Here you go,
just take that.

Take that and take that.

And you can go now.
Take that.

Maybe I should stay--
you're worrying me.

No, I'm okay, honey.
I'm fine.

I can call my mother,
tell her I won't be home.

Oh, my God, please,
get out of here.




Hey, Joe.

Hey, buddy.

How you doing?

We're gonna go see
your daddy, huh?

It's going to be okay.

All right, sweetie.

(Joe crying)

(exasperated sigh)

It's all right.

It's okay.
It's okay, honey.

Shh, shh, it's okay.

(crying continues)

(Joe wailing)

Hey, taxi!

I'm going to O'Hare.

(Joe whimpering)


Ow! Ah...

Lady! You can't hold the
kid like that in here.

Yeah, it's okay, just go.

(Joe crying)

Croatia, please.

Uh, Zagreb, Dubrovnik, whatever
you got, just get me there.

Um, and do you guys
go through

London or Frankfurt?

London, but...
London it is then.

Ma'am, there are no
flights going out tonight.

Yeah, but, you just need
to get me a ticket, okay?

Because of the blackout,
it's affected all our...

All right,
but just give me a ticket.

It doesn't have to be
for right now.

Okay, you need
to calm down.

No, you need to do your job

and sell me a ticket, okay?

Ma'am, you need to
relax a minute before
we can do anything.

I don't understand what's so
hard about this, I really don't.

I have a passport,
and I have a credit card.

And I'm not a t*rror1st.
Do I look like a t*rror1st?

I think she's been drinking.

Why do you have to be so bitchy?

Okay, you can't call me a bitch.

I didn't call you a bitch.
There's no need
for language.

I said you were bitchy.
It's not the same thing.

Okay, here's how
this is gonna go.

You won't be getting a ticket
or boarding a flight to anywhere

as long as you keep
behaving like this.

So I want you to go
sit down over there,

get yourself together

so I don't have
to call Security.

Got me?

(Joe crying)


(Joe crying)


Keep the urine alkaline

and recheck labs in
another six hours.

I'll let the ICU know.

You'll have your
roommate back tomorrow.

He doesn't trust
lawyers, accountants,

anybody with a
degree, but...

he appreciates
what you did.


As doctors go...

you seem to be
a pretty decent one.

So... thanks.


Just got back
from the cath lab.

Baby was born with an
anomalous left main coronary.

Blood was getting diverted
into the GI tract.

The heart gets shafted, which
explains the fussiness

after feeds--
she was having angina.

They can fix it?

Well, she's in
the O.R. now.

Cards said
the prognosis was good.

Guess we got lucky.
Hell, yeah, we got lucky.

I don't remember any questions
like this on the Boards.

Come on, coffee's on you.

Looks like we
survived the blackout.

Yep. The news said
Commonwealth Edison's

got it all under control.

(laughs softly)

I failed, Greg.



Why didn't you say something?

I was ashamed.

It happened so fast, everybody
was so psyched for us.

Look, man, the only thing
that this test measures

is how well you take the test.

Doesn't mean
you can't keep working.

Just have to take it again,
now, come on.


In the meantime...

maybe we can keep
this between us.

Not tell anybody.

Yeah, if that's
what you want.

Oh, man.

Especially Abby.

She coached me a little
on the side,

when I had some
family stuff a while back.

I kind of feel like
I let her down.

Eh, well, I'm sure she wouldn't
see it that way, but okay.

We won't tell anyone.

Thank God for Abby, huh?

She saved that
kid's life.


Thank God for Abby.

(Joe crying)

(Lockhart sniffles)

(Joe crying)

(Joe fusses)


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