15x07 - Heal Thyself

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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15x07 - Heal Thyself

Post by bunniefuu »

Hello, I'm Eriq La Salle.

This week we lost the creator
of our show, Michael Crichton.

A gentleman, gracious and witty. Brilliant
writer, intelligent, unfailingly kind.

But most of all, Michael
was a good friend and we will miss him.


Where are you?.


-What are you doing in here?.
-I hate this wallpaper.

We'll redo it.

I don't know what you were thinking
last night, talking about that.

It was a dinner party,
I didn't pick the topic.

Well, you certainly
didn't hesitate to dive right in.

Maybe that's because you won't
talk about it when we're alone.

You think I blame you
for what happened?.

You think I'd still be here if I did?.

I try not to worry
about who you blame.

No offense, living with a teenage
boy is like living with an animal.

Only, cows make better conversation.
Butt abscess. Needs dressing.

At least a cow's not a predator.

Sarah's friends are like a pack
of she-wolves with cell phones.

Look, a new one just for you.

a**l warts.

This is so ass.

Looks like the Gates-Taggart
merger's in full swing.

-You mean the Brady Bunch from hell?.
-It's going great, she'll never admit it.

-Really?. Okay.
-Never been happier, loves to complain.

This much we know.

-What's that supposed to mean?.

The VA sent these records over...

...and some guy called
from the Wounded Warriors' Project.

-What's that all about?.
-ls the ladies' this way?.

Down the hall and to the left.

BERTHA: Thank you, dear.
-Hey, is Banfield on?.

She should be in soon.

-That about our homeless vet?.

-What's the story?.
-I'm gonna figure it out.

Hey, uh, Bertha.
Bertha, this is not a good time. Bertha!

Whoa. Go get her, big boy.

And Hoberman's still waiting
on a cholecystectomy.

When are you gonna
clear out all these boarders?.

We're working on it, Sam.

Oh, you might wanna get more than one
intern down here doing your babysitting.

-How's Dr. Wade managing?.
-Customers seem satisfied.

Yeah?. What about you?.
Are you satisfied?.

I need to loosen up a bit.
I have a tendency to micromanage--

Yeah, Cate mentioned that.

-Cate who?.
-Dr. Banfield.

You know, department head
coffee klatch.


You know, autonomy's
a fine teaching device, Neela...

...Iet's just make sure it doesn't lead
to slowness or distraction. Okay?.

You guys ready?. Good.
Ready to round.

Where's your intern?.

BERTHA: When are you going to get me
a bed in a real room?.

Uh, soon. Uh, we're a little backed up.

I was meant to go under yesterday.
I haven't had anything to eat...

...but some Jim Jones juice and
Jell-O that made my poop red.

-Red?. Wait, you mean--?.
-Now this?.

The mattress is made of cement...

...and I've seen airport runways
that were less noisy.

Am I smudged?.


NEELA: Hello?.

-What are you doing?.



Oh, God.

Hey. I'm in the middle of my run.


We can talk about this later.

No, I'm not. It's just that....

Listen, I gotta go now, Russell.



NEELA: Six down, two to go.
ANDREW: That's not so bad.

That's just the ER.
We have 40 more waiting upstairs.

ANDREW: Right, 67-year-old
woman presents with--

-God, with the age again.
-...neck mass and dysphagia.

-Uh, pain on swallowing.

Saying it fancy doesn't make
you seem smarter, Andrew.

It makes you seem insecure.

It's a shorthand doctors use,
to save us time.

Yes, in theory.

Uh, her son noticed the mass
about three months ago...

...when she visited him in Michigan.

Ann Arbor.
He's a professor at the university there.


Fine needle aspiration showed
a degenerative albeit benign cyst.

Thyroidectomy is indicated
for symptomatic relief.

All right, that's thorough. Next?.

ANDREW: Review of systems positive
for headache, back pain, constipation.

Let's stick to the thyroid.
That's what we're here for.

I'm with you, Bollywood.

Uh, no palpitations, diaphoresis,
heat intolerance. However--

Her TSH is normal so we know
there's no hyperthyroidism. Right?.

-Right. But there is--
-Okay then. Moving on.

Three-year-old, near-drowning
with hypothermia, core temp's 84.

Bradycardic in the 6Os
with a thready pulse.

-Dr. Banfield?.
-A ride-along?.

I was out. I saw the rescue team.

T ook almost 2O minutes
to find the girl.

ALVARADO: Twenty minutes?.
She was underwater that whole time?.


Grandpa took her on a walk
because she was acting fussy.


Everything was good, she was happy.


And then the baby was just gone.

Go deep. Go.

Go, go, go!


Chase me.

Nice pass.

That's why they call it a Hail Mary.

BANFlELD: Ha, ha, ha.


You didn't chase me.

Because I'm the quarterback.
Now, buttonhook.

I'm tired.

Aw. One more touchdown,
then we get ice cream.

RUSSELL: Booker and Banfield, that's all
the Bears are gonna need this year.


What's your plan?

She has a pulse,
so warm her up and wait.

-Access, warm saline...

...get Respiratory down with a vent.

Get Bair Hugger, prep for intubation.
I'll be right in.

-I have a favor to ask.
-Not now.

-I need your help getting an MRl.
-An emergency, call the radiologist.

It's not an emergency but it needs
to happen today. I have a homeless vet.

Cognitive deficits, behavioral changes.

Let Neuro work it up.

They said they want him as an
outpatient, which is never gonna happen.

He's not an ER patient anymore,
it's out of our hands.

He was in lraq.

A w*r hero.

Served in the same unit
I did back in Desert Storm.

I hear the harmonica playing, Dr. Gates,
but work is work, the rest is irrelevant.

Dr. Banfield, I get this whole
tough-boss thing and it works for you...

...it really does,
but cut me some slack.

I need your help.



Dr. Banfield,
the old ball and chain on line two.

Thank you.

Tell him I'm in with a patient, Frank.

I'll call him later.

Max Gonzalez...

...sergeant first class.

You figured out who I am, huh?.

Mm-hm. Hundred and first airborne,
first squadron, 75th cav.


Yeah, that's right.
They called us the Widowmakers.

So you remember it?.

My memory's a work in progress.
But it's getting better.

-So thanks for that.
-Don't you wanna hear more?.

Not really.

Awarded a silver star in 'O6,
later wounded in a rocket attack...

...k*lled a bunch of buddies.
Doctors documented altered behavior.

Anger, depression, hostility.

-They gave me some pills.
-Yeah. SSRls.

-Didn't help much.

They discharged you on a 5-1 3.
Do you remember what that is?.

-Yeah, it meant that I could go home.
GATES: No, it meant the Army...

-...could stop giving you medical care--
-lt meant I could get out of there.

Because they said you had
a personality disorder.

Something wrong
with you before you enlisted.

Maybe there was.
That's what my old man always said.

What if there wasn't?.

What if it was a lie?.

Your symptoms are consistent
with a traumatic brain lnjury, TBl.

You could have suffered
when that rocket hit.

So you're saying what?.

They dumped me?.

I'm saying I think they missed it...

...mistreated it and sent you packing
for the cheapest possible price.

I wanted out, doc.

Trust me, I wanted out.

Yeah, because you needed out,
but not like this.

I don't wanna be here,
I don't like it here.

I know how it is to come back from w*r
and feel adrift.

Max, just give me a
couple hours to help you.


Tube's in.

Get Pharmacy to send more warm saline,
as much as they've got.

-ABG's back, she's acidotic, 7.22.
MARTlN: Should we use a high vent rate?.

The mother's out here. Someone
should probably talk to her first.

Dr. Morris, update the family.

I kind of have my hands full here.

Dr. Martin.

Okay, but, uh, shouldn't you?.
I mean, she's your patient, right?.

-What's the CO2?.

Standard rate, the pH might
normalize as we get the temp up.

Hello. You the mom?.

Sandra Herrero, is my daughter okay?.

It's hard to know yet,
we're trying to warm her up now.

She's very strong for her age.

She's a good girl, very sweet,
so she'll be okay?.

The cold water may have
protected her heart and brain.

We're just waiting to see.

Please, I know you know. So tell me,
is my baby gonna be all right?.

RUSSELL: Why can't you ever
give a straight answer?.


You wanna have baby?.
Another baby?. Now?.

-Well, not right now, but--
-Ha, ha.

Excuse me?.
Is--?. Is this your son?.

There's something wrong with him.




-It's happening again.
-You're okay.

-Call an ambulance?.
-No. I'm a doctor.

WOMAN: He doesn't look good.
-He's burning up.

BANFlELD: Just febrile seizure.
Get him home, cool him down.

Maybe we should be safe.

It's just like last time.
Look, it's stopping already.

Are you sure?.

I've been doing this too long
to make promises.

But I'll tell you losing control
is not going to help her.

If that's what you gotta do,
do it outside.

In here, you be the mom,
you be calm...

...you put energy into
helping your girl fight back...

...because that's what she needs.

Can l--?.

Can I go be with her now?.



-Still seven boarders here.
-Cate's gonna k*ll me...

-...if we don't clear them.
BANFlELD: Yes, she is.

How long is this gonna go on?.
You people are practically living here.

And by ""you people"" you mean?.

-Of course.

We're trying to clear overflow
as quickly as possible.

SAM: Miss Mendenhall is crashing.
-Well, that's one way.

SAM: BP down to 6O, palp.
-We've got a massive Gl bleed.

Saline wide open on pressure bags...

...prep for central line, two units
on rapid infuser. Let's go.

-How's her airway?.
SAM: Not great, even on 1 OO.

Okay. Tube her, Neela. Hey.

-She complain of abdominal pain?.

Any history of blood per rectum?.

Uh, no. Not so far as I know.

NEELA: Suction's on high.

Call Gl.
Endoscopy if we get her pressure up.

SAM: Lost the pulse.
-Ah, damn it.

Starting compressions.

Dr. Banfield, our frozen girl's
having runs of v-tach.

I've got the amiodarone.

Give 75 milligrams
and set up an infusion.

MARTlN: Got it.
-BP's 67/32.

Valecia's temperature's dropped a little.
We're working on that.

-It's supposed to go up.
-I said stay calm.

I'm stepping up rewarming
with some pleural lavage.

You see that?. Huh?.

-How are coags?. Platelet count?.
ALVARADO: Not back yet.

Specimen clotted,
we had to send it again.

We should not have to wait an hour.

We'll give platelets and FFP empirically.

BANFlELD: Why do we have to fight
the same battles every damn day?.

Go on, do it.



How long have we been going?.

Thirty-nine minutes.

It's time for another epi.

-lt won't do any good.
-What about the Gl consult?.

They won't scope a patient
without a pulse.

-Eight units of packed cells, two FFP.

We've replaced her
entire blood volume twice.

If the heart could come back,
it would have by now. We're done.

ANDREW: Uh-uh.
-We're done.

Two, three, four.


Eleven-fifty-eight a.m.

-Any relatives?.
-A son.

-She said she had a son in Michigan.

I'll call him.

Okay. I'll get started on
the paperwork for the coroner.

Could you get me--?.

Could you get me
a death kit please?.

-I can take care of that if--

Pull the curtain behind you.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

T omorrow's not good enough,
she needs it now.

-What's the hold-up?.
-There's no ECMO unit in the hospital.

-What?. That can't be.
-County only has two machines.

One's in use,
the other's out for repairs.

Systolic's down to 44.

Valecia needs a machine...

...that will warm her blood
and do the work of her heart and lungs.

We don't have that here, so we have
to transfer her to another hospital.

It's gonna take hours for a hospital to
accept her, a transport team to pick up.

Time is critical. So let's not waste it.

-Call transport. Go.
-This girl's not stable enough.

Increase rewarming, get the heart
in better shape before we ship her out.

She still has a pulse and a BP.
Now is our window.

Dr. Banfield. She's here now.

We gotta work with what we have.

We don't need to go to the hospital.

You don't know that.

He's groggy, he's post-ictal.
Just like what happened the other time.

That wasn't the same.
He was fine in 1 0 minutes.

He had a full workup,
he stayed overnight.

-Spinal tap, CT.
-You're not being objective.

They terrified him and found nothing.
It was nothing.

Febrile seizures recur.
The pediatrician warned us about it.

What if this is different?.

If he is not better in 20 minutes,
we'll take him in.


She's in v-tach again.

We got a pulse?.

Thready femoral.

Okay, Morris. Lead the way.

Let's move her to a trauma room.

Prep for peritoneal lavage.

T en more liters of warm saline
and grab a thoraseal.

Wait. You're leaving?.

Get it started. I'll be in soon.

It was probably diverticulosis.

So she blew an artery in her
colon wall and bled to death.

It wasn't foreseeable.
She had none of the predictors.

-Like bloody stool?.
-Yep, that would be one.

She had it.

-Well, it's not here. You never said.
ANDREW: She had it.

Did you do a rectal exam?.

Check for occult blood?.

Did you ask her about any
specific signs of Gl bleeding?.

She, uh-- She said something
about the food making her stool red.

-Why didn't you bring this up at rounds?.
-Because she had so many complaints.

Her headache could have been a brain
bleed, her backache a ruptured triple-A.

It's your job to decide what needs
to be considered and when to speak up.

If you're submissive when someone's
life's on the line, you're not ready--

I try to speak up and nobody listens!

Let's discuss this later.

There's no way to be ready
for something like this.

But in the end, it'll make you better.

You can't be a great doctor
until you've k*lled a patient.

Yeah. I've heard that before.

I think it's called a rationalization.

It's only been 1 5 minutes.

It's too long, I'm-- I'm calling 91 1.


Russ, he's waking up.

Hey, sweetie. How you feeling?.

Hey little man, you had us scared.

Can't have our number one
wide-out on the injured reserve list.

Here, have some water.


Call an ambulance!

Call an ambulance!


Oh, don't bother,
that's my private line. ER.

Vindication. Look.

""Diffuse axonal injury in the parasagittal
white matter, consistent with TBl. ""

-Yeah, and this is vindication because?.
-This is gonna save Max's life.

Put him on a path of getting healthy,
medical coverage.

You convince Neuro to readmit him.

GATES: I can, with your help.
-Dr. Gates.

-lndulge that inner softy one more time.
-This is the last time.

I wanna hug you.

You'll be the one with traumatic injury.

You're the best.

-Dr. Banfield.

-Valecia lost her pulse.
GATES: Hey, Suri.

-What happened to my patient?.
-That bed's been empty.

-Anybody see him leave?.
-I don't know.

Frank. I had a guy in there
from radiology, Max Gonzalez, a vet.

-He had a duffel bag?. You seen him?.
-That guy was real jumpy.

He went outside for a smoke
maybe 1 5 minutes ago.



Hey, Max!


Max! Wait up!

What happened?.

Went into v-fib. Didn't respond
to the shock, she's still too cold.

This is why I wanted to transfer.
This is what I was worried about.

Think she'd be better off
coding in a rig?.

Please. I stayed calm.
I did what you said.

Please help her.

Please. You don't need to do that.

-Okay. Don't want him to pull the lV.
-I'll hold his hand instead.



It's getting harder to bag.

Might be pulmonary edema.

Get sterile.
You can help with the thoracotomy.

Thoracotomy?. Why?.

Myocardial irrigation.

I'm gonna open your daughter's chest,
flush saline over her heart.

No, please, don't. Something else!

-I know it's scary.
-Try something else!

If we don't get her heart beating,
she'll die.

I'm gonna need a 1 0 blade.


Is there a fire, Mama?.

No, baby, we're in an ambulance.
We're gonna make sure you're okay.

Where's daddy?.

He in the car right behind us.

Are you sure about this?

We are not gonna let this baby
slip away. Not here and not now.

Okay, ma'am we're here.


Welcome to County General,
I'm Dr. Greene.

Are you the mom?.

BANFlELD: What's our core temp?.
ALVARADO: Still 86.

Take it again.

-Just did it two minutes ago.
-Take it again.


-lnternal paddles.
-She's still too cold.

There's nothing to lose. Clear.


-No change.
-Go again.

Why are you doing that?.

We've gotta get her heart going.

Nothing's working.
Why isn't anything working?.

We're just getting started here.

Ceftriaxone's in.

Finish the bolus,
then run fluids at 1 OO an hour.

-He needs a D-stick, a serum CK.
-Hour ago he didn't need anything.

-Why don't we have labs back?.
-You in the medical field?.

ER attending at U of C, where trauma
labs are back in 1 0 minutes.

Welcome to our world.

-Sat's 91 on 1 OO percent.
-Come on. Come on, Daryl, wake up.

All right. Crank the O2.

What about an ABG?.

With your son's depressed
consciousness, we need to consider--

Why don't we do a head CT first?.

We have one scanner,
your son's in line behind two criticals.

-You have a critical patient here.
-Cate, let them do this.

GREENE: Is Elizabeth working today?.
-I can check.


Forget it. Call the lab and get them
to read the CBC over the phone.


Pulse ox is 87.

Daryl, honey, wake up
and breathe for us.

Six of etomidate and 3O of sux.

No, no tube. He's just post-ictal.

Your son's vomited blood,
he's been altered for over an hour.

-My son has a history of seizures.
-Seizure can't account for that.

A Mallory-Weiss tear,
atypical presentation.

He's hypoventilating
and his brain needs oxygen.

-Why don't you check an ABG--?.
GREENE: Listen.

I need you to be the mom now,
I'm gonna be the doctor.

It works best that way.

-He's right.
-Who's running the floor?.

I am. And I've been doing this job
for a while.

So you need to trust me.


She should be warm enough
now to respond to the shock.


I don't understand this.


Mr. Herrero, did you see her hit
anything on the way down?.



On some rocks?. Anything?.


She was really cranky,
so he took her out.


He's asking if it's his fault.

If he did something wrong.

GREENE: CAT scan shows signs
of hypoattenuation...

...in the distribution of the MCA.

I'm not a doctor.
Can you explain that?.

-Your son had a stroke.

-[ST AMMERS] Why would he have that?.
GREENE: I can't explain that yet.

He's bradying down.

-You need to give thrombolytics.
GREENE: Not without a CBC.

All right, O.2 of epi
and prep some atropine.

Let's keep neurosurge in the loop.

-You said he didn't need anything.
-Ninety-nine out of a 1 00--

Stop talking like a doctor.
That's our son, damn it.

Heart rate's down to 40. No pulse.

Starting compressions.

Is there any sickle cell in your family?.


Can think of any reason
why your son had a stroke?.


Start atropine.

Mark, they're waiting for you upstairs.

I'm a little busy here.

Yeah, I can take over.
It looks like you need a break.

-Any meds?.
-No, he doesn't take anything.

I'll see if they can hold your chemo.

Is it possible that he
ingested something?.

Something from
your medicine cabinet?.

Maybe it's an ingestion.

She's up to 94 now.

BANFlELD: What medicines in the house?.
MORRlS: Clear.

SANDRA: Just aspirin.
BANFlELD: Anything else?.

-Prescription meds, over the counter.
-Still v-fib.


-What?. What does he take?.
-For blood pressure, carda--?.

-Valecia could have gotten them?.
-No. It has a child-proof cap.


Diltiazem. Diltiazem!

Very toxic in kids.

Blanca, half a gram of calcium,
lV push.

I'll check Trauma 1.

Lab says that specimen's hemolyzed.

They just let it sit around for an hour.

Not the first time.

It's all right,
I always draw an extra red top.

-Let me look at that.
-What?. What is it?.

The buffy coat.

You can't diagnose anything from--

Look at the ratio of whites to reds.

Haleh, call Oncology, have them get that
leukapheresis machine down here now.


You're gonna do that
without a diagnosis?.

The seizure, the stroke.
It's sludging. It all fits.

Oh, God.

GREENE: Jerry, I want you to drag
a hematologist to a microscope...

...and make him look
at this boy's smear.

Right away, Dr. Greene.

Is someone gonna tell me
what is happening here?.


Daryl's got leukemia.


-What's he doing?.
-""Little Frog Tail. "" It's a nursery rhyme.


If you don 't heal today


You'll heal tomorrow

-Another round of epi.
-T oxicology's on their way.

Dr. Martin,
make those compressions count.

Calcium's on board.


-Pushing epi.
-Epi's in, infusion's on the way.

-ls this the leukapheresis case?.
GREENE: We almost have access.

-Switch with me.
-Platelets are up.

Platelets?. We don't even know
if he's thrombocytopenic.

He's oozing around his lVs,
there's no way he's not.

Uh, platelets could worsen
the viscosity.

Needs a femoral line.
I can't if he can't clot.

-We have no choice.
-He could stroke out.

Listen to me, we have no choice.

-Calcium's back, 4.2.
-Going in the right direction.

Not fast enough.
Push another half gram.

Got it.

Repeat the level with calce,
phos, sodium.

-Potassium, BUN, creatinine, LDH.
RUSSELL: It's been over 1 0 minutes.

Is this gonna-- This gonna help?.

This machine improves blood flow.

Give his heart a chance to rebound.

When will we know it's working?.

-lt takes a little time.
MORRlS: It's been 30 minutes.




No change.

Come on.

Come on, now. Clear.

GREENE: V-tach.
-Could be hyperkalemic from tumor lysis.

Five of insulin, amp of D-50. Clear.

-Still v-tach.
-Going again.


-Dr. Greene.
-Mix 20 of kayexalate.

Labs are back.

White count 1 67,000...

-...Iarge myeloblasts.
-No. No.

No, no, no. No, no.

Yes! Yes! Sinus rhythm!

Clear. Clear.

Oh, my God.

-We got a pulse.
-He's been down for almost an hour.

Is she back?. You got her back?.

His brain's been deprived of oxygen.

Call Surgery, we need to get her
upstairs so they can close the chest.

I'm gonna stop now.



You saved her.

You saved her.








She'll be in surgery for an hour
while we clean and close.

We can go with her?.


Have them re-check the calcium.

I wanna thank you.

It's what we do.

-When it goes right.
-There was a minute there....

It was like I was losing everything.

-You can't imagine--
-I'm glad it all worked out for you.

She's a beautiful child.

We're still waiting on the coroner.

Something else you need?.

I wanna clean him up.

We probably have some gauze.

I want the tube out.

GREENE: Normal procedure is
we have to wait for the coroner before--

I'm familiar with procedure.

Where's your husband?.

He's calling our families.


I know, uh...

...nothing I can say will probably mean
much to you right now, ahem, but l....

I've seen enough grief
in my life to...

...know how devastating it can be...

...and how hard it can be
to find the resilience.

I just hope...

...you and your husband find....


Greene. A minute in the hall?.

Excuse me.

So Oncology is mad at me.
Why do you suppose that is?.

I've had my hands full, Robert.

Well, I just used all my pull
and influence to persuade them...

...to keep the chemo suite open
one hour, so get up there...

...or I'm gonna sell your vincristine
on the black market.

-I'm still--
-Stop complaining.

Nobody told you to go and get cancer.

I have to go.

I'll be back as soon as I can.

You never answered my question.

I can't let you extubate him.

You know that.

You're free to cut the tube.

Those are the ones you never forget.

You shouldn't be doing that.

I keep a secret stash
in the back of the fridge...

...crack one open when something
really amazing happens.

In five years here,
this is like the third one I've drunk.

One beer every 2O months
I can overlook.

So forgive me for noticing...

...but what happened in there?.

Something changed.

The situation evolved.

It was a kid, right?.

We all have one.

Some case you blew.

A patient you should have saved.

Yours was a kid?.



How old?.

He was 5 years old.


Those are the worst.

He was my son.

He died here.

In Trauma 1.

Your son died in this ER?.

And you're working here?.

I'm not sure why I've done
anything I've done since that day.

Why'd I not leave my apartment
for almost two years?.

Then I see the news
about the tsunami...

...and I fly to a place
1 O thousand miles away.

Why'd I do that?.

Why did I come back?.

Why did my son have leukemia?.

I never understood any of it.

I'm sorry for your-- For your loss.

I-- I don't really know what to say.

When your parents are gone,
you're an orphan.

Spouse dies, you're a widow,
or a widower.

But when you lose your baby...

...there's no word for that.

See to it she gets this before you go.



Listen l--
I would really like to see you.

I-- I miss you, Elizabeth.

Please. Please, don't--
Don't-- Don't cry.

Yeah. Tonight. Yeah.

Yeah, I'll come over.

I'll see you then.

I'm sorry I wasn't there
when they came for Daryl...

...but l, uh-- I had to be somewhere.

It was an atypical presentation.
Nobody could have picked it up.

If I had just brought him in earlier.

He had acute leukemia,
that's why he died.

It might have given me another day.

A little more time.

They said we can go now.

I appreciate your effort, Dr. Greene.

Take care, both of you.

Good luck.


Where are you?.

You never cried.

At the hospital...

...at the funeral.

I've been--

I've been really angry about that.

You never cried
about anything since that day.

Maybe we've been fooling ourselves.

...we've been done for a long time,

...never figured it out.

I never blamed you.


I used to think every day that...

...if God told me I could die...

...and go to heaven and be with Daryl,
I would do it.

I wondered if that made me
an awful person...

...that I'd give up my life with you...

...give up everything
we could still have in the future.

But I never...

...really got away from the feeling
like I need to be with him.

Dreaming of him.

I never got away from the idea that...

...somehow I'd be able
to hold him again.


I've been afraid for so long.

I don't want to be afraid anymore.

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