15x10 - The High Holiday

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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15x10 - The High Holiday

Post by bunniefuu »

[theme music]

(male narrator)
Previously on"ER.."

- Alex?
- Ma?

He was driving
some drunk girl's car.

She just died.

I let him go to the party.

Oh, forget about the deposition.

If the case goes to court,
I'll testify on your behalf.

You seen this guy?

Morris, that storage locker
in Indiana called again.

They said if you don't pay up

they're gonna sell off
your dad's stuff.

'Hold CPR.'

'Get ready for
internal compressions.'

[instrumental music]

You-you can't just show up
at my work and drop this off.

You wouldn't go to the storage
unit, so I brought it to you.

I was gonna deal with it.

- Eventually.
- What is this?

It's my dad's way of
aggravating me from the grave.

This is my cousin.

- Simon Brenner.
- Johnny.

Nice to meet you.
Look, I did you a favor.

This here, it's
only the good stuff.

I find that hard to believe.

Well, have fun.

Oh, and Aunt Ethel says

thanks for the birthday card.

I didn't send her
a birthday card.


What am I supposed to
do with all this junk?

I'm sure there's a
logical explanation here.

Hey, Archie,
Dr. Banfield's looking for you.

Great, she's gonna love this.

Well, how about
a peace offering?

Somehow I don't see her really
appreciating a cheese head.

Eager for a case?

Someone says,
"Abdominal trauma"

I come running.

24-four-year old female,
EGA 36 weeks.

Tripped and fell
during an immigration raid

at a tie factory
down on North Orleans.

- Okay, vitals?
- Stable.

But contracting Q five minutes.

I'm Dr. Brenner.
What's your name?

- Gloria.
- Uh, is there any bleeding?

(female #1)
'Uh-uh, BP's 124 over 81.'


- Where are you going?
- This is a case for OB.

Yeah, but she still
needs a trauma assessment.

Alright, we're gonna help you.

I'll give you my blessing

but she's an OB patient.

- I'm gonna page Coburn.
- Okay.

- Hang in there, Gloria.
- Please!

My baby.

Oh, Dr. Banfield.

I need to skedaddle
just a little early today

to get in, uh, character
for the Christmas party.

Never met a costume you
didn't like, huh, Frank?

No, ma'am. Oh, and
your other half called.

Wanted to know what time
to be here for said party.

You're going to the party?

You say that like I don't know
how to have a good time.

That's not at all what I meant.

Is there anyone
you want us to call?

- What's open?
- My husband.

- 'Trauma One. You need a hand?'
- But he doesn't need to come.

- We got it.
- Here you go, jock itch.

Oh, you sweet talker, you.

Oh, oh, hang on.

You're not seeing
patients today.

I need you to do
the intern mid-year reviews.

- I'd rather do the jock itch.
- Too bad.

But, but, uh, Dr. Brenner
is great at paperwork.

Terrific penmanship.

(female #2)
'Yoo-hoo, Dr. Morris.'

- Hello, Mrs. Gaines.
- Hello.

I need refills
for my cholesterol

and blood pressure pills,
and I also need--

Well, you know,
I would love to help you

Mrs. Gaines, but I'm not
seeing patients today.

- Oh.
- Dr. Morris, you can go ahead--

No, rules are rules.

However, Dr. Sanchez here

would love to help you.

Okay, my work here is done.

I brought you folks
some brownies.

- I made them myself.
- Awesome.

Hey, Frank, did psych come
down on my hair puller?

- Not yet.
- Ooh!

- Don't eat at the desk.
- I'm goin'.

- 'Right this way.'
- 'Oh, well, thank you.'

- Brownies?
- No, I'm good.

Dr. Gates, any word
on your homeless vet?

Nah, I seem to
have hit a dead end.

Alright, well, I'll put a call

into a friend of mine
at Midnight Ministries

so maybe
she'll know something.

Thanks, I appreciate that.

I gotta run upstairs
for a minute.

- Is Sam comin' in today?
- Should be.

Heard she wanted
to get back to work.

They're getting ready
to extubate Alex.

'He's fighting the vent.'

Sats are dropping.
He's biting the tube.

- Well, he wants off.
- He's agitated, Sam.

Hang on, hang on.

Mm-mm, 40 milligrams
propofol IV push.

No, no, no, please,
don't give up!

Sorry, we can't
extubate like this, Sam.

- Oh, he's right.
- Well, he'll calm down.

Just give him a minute.

Restart the drip at
six milligrams a minute.

'Sedation's in.'

Sorry, Sam.

We'll see where we are
again tomorrow, okay?

[monitor beeping]

[theme music]

[siren wailing]

(male #1)
'Um, excuse me.'

Is Dr. Morris working today?

Uh, yeah,
he's, he's somewhere.


What brings you to
our neck of the woods?

I thought you were up in Alaska.

Yeah, I got tired of
slinging beers, so I moved back.

Hey, Archie!

Look what the world's
largest cat dragged in.

- Jerry, my man!
- Hey.

- How you doing, brother?
- Fine, how are you?


Dr. Morris, do you realize

there's large storage unit in
the bay with your name on it?

- I'm trying to get rid of it.
- Burn it, donate it.

I don't care.

- I want it out of here.
- Sell everything.

You know, one man's trash
is another man's cash.

And when do I
have time for that?

- I'll do it.
- You will? Seriously?

- Yeah, I love a good fire sale.
- Excellent.

You know, I'll tell you what.
I will give you ten percent..


- Fifteen.
- Man, it's cold outside.

Okay, fine. Fifty percent
of whatever you bring in.

You can't miss it, okay?

And-and paper money only

'none of this "I want
everything for a quarter" crap.'

You don't even
wanna look through it?

Oh, I made it this far
without that junk.

I don't need to
weigh myself down now.

Oh, welcome back. How's Alex

Well, he's still sedated.

You know, they tried to
extubate him this morning, but..

He'll be off the vent soon.

You don't know that.

I mean, I thought
he would be talking by now

but he was
hypotensive for so long.

You know, what if
he has brain damage?

Or what if he just never
gets off the vent? It's..

Look, Sam, if you need
to take a little more time..

No, no.

I really should
keep busy, you know?

I can't just keep sitting there,
staring at Alex's monitors.

- Thank you for the offer.
- Mm.

Come on, let's get
some coffee first.

'Chest is clear.'

- How are you feeling, Gloria?
- Okay.

- Did you reach my husband?
- He's on his way.

He doesn't have to come.
I can call him later.

Cap refill's good.

You know, he's probably
worried about you.

How long have
you two been together?

Oh, we met at the aquarium.

- I was 15.
- 'Wow.'

Can't imagine being married
to my high school boyfriend.

We were both new to America.

- How's the crit?
- Stable at 39.

So everyone going
to the Christmas party?

Not a chance.

Yeah, but Surgery's
hosting it this year.

- You have to go.
- Belly's benign.

Archie pinched
my butt last year

and Frank nearly threw up on me.

That sounds like fun.

Can't imagine why anyone
would wanna miss that.

- Fetal heart rate's at 145.
- You're not into the party?

A work party? At work?
Yeah, no, thanks.

I got a hot date
with a stock broker.

So while you losers are
drinking virgin eggnog

I'm going to be
sipping Veuve Clicquot.


It's okay.

They're every three minutes now.

- Breathe, Gloria. Breathe.
- 'She's on mag?'

- Yeah, but it's not doing much.
- OB can take it from here.

- She's clear surgically.
- Alright, Coburn's on her way.

This is Mrs. Ortiz' husband.

[speaking in foreign language]

Is the baby okay?

We're just checking
to make sure.

Do you know if it's
a girl or a boy, Mrs. Ortiz?

At my last ultrasound,
it was too soon to tell.


What are we looking at?


- Something wrong?
- Is that a twin, maybe?

I'm not sure.

Getting back to work will
probably be good for you, right?

A little distraction?

Yeah, I could use the money.

Oh, excuse me.
Hey, excuse me, sir!

'Your kids need
to be buckled up.'

Sorry, what?

Your kids need to be
wearing seat belts.

Okay, lady, whatever you say.

She's just saying
it's probably better

if the kids had their
seatbelts on, that's all.

You know what, it's the law,
and it's common sense.

- And who the hell asked you?
- Hey!

She's saying it'd be better,
if the kids were buckled up.

- That's all.
- Hey, screw off!

- Hey, watch it, alright?
- How are you gonna feel, huh?

If one of comes
through that windshield

and ends up in
the ER with brains

comin' out of his skull, huh?

You're an idiot!

- You know that?
- Get out of the way.

It's idiots like you that keep
our hospital from shutting down

so thank you very much!

Let it go.
Let it go.

Let it go.

How long do I have
to wait for my refills?

- Uh, check with Dr. Sanchez.
- I did.

He said something about
spiders and wandered away.

Well, if I see him,
I will send him your way.

Thank you.

Did you have
that necklace on earlier?

I got it from
that big man outside.


He wouldn't know
a Hattie Carnegie piece

if it bit him in the ass.

I know because I was a buyer

for Marshall Field for 40 years.

- Well, you wear it well.
- Thank you.

Oh, and you should know the
original owner of that necklace?

- Mm-hmm?
- She was a saint.

[cellphone rings]

'Frank, have you seen
the intern evaluation forms?'

Well, let's see, the last
I looked, they were right here.

Thank you.

I got myself a little something
from the Morris family estate.

Let me guess, a nice broach?

A baseball signed
by Joltin' Joe DiMaggio

and some no-name Yankee.

Yeah, no, that was me.

"Archie Morris."
My dad was pissed.

I couldn't sit down for a week.

Listen, um,
that was my friend Ida.

I-I-I need to find Dr. Sanchez.

Okay, if I see him,
you will be the first to know.

Oh, no, no, no. No,
this is really important.

- What do we have?
- Renee Weber Stewart, 39.

She passed out at the mall.

Alright, let's
take her to Exam Three.

- We were waiting for Santa.
- She has a six-month-old, Lola.

Mom broke her fall

but you might wanna
check on the baby too.

Belly's distended, systolic's
only, 84 after a liter.

My wife, Nicole..

- We'll call her for you, ma'am.
- I have the number.

Could be vagal, but she's
still pretty out of it.

Have Social Services
watch the baby

until we can get
a family member here.

Oh, that's okay.
I'll look after her.

Ah. Hi, you little reindeer.

It's okay, we're gonna get you
right back to Rudolph, huh?

Oh, hi. Aren't you a cute baby?

Oh, Frank?
Frank, still no psych?

I'll call again.

Hey, I'm saving that for later.

Okay, you still have one left.

I'm sorry, I'm hungry.

We're from immigration.
We're looking for a patient.

"Gloria Ortiz."

Mom's five centimeters dilated
and maxed out on terb and mag.

Can you tell
if it's a boy or a girl?

It's a boy.

- We're having a boy.
- 'Second IV's in.'

We're having a boy.
Did you hear that, Roberto?

- A boy.
- That is great.

This is what we were looking at.

We thought it might be
a multiple gestation.

But there's only one heartbeat.

Yeah, no, it's not a twin.

Are you sure?

What's wrong?

Alright, Mr. and Mrs. Ortiz..

...the ultrasound
shows that your baby

has a large mass involving
the lower face and neck.

A mass?
What does that mean?

Does my baby have cancer?

The ultrasound doesn't
tell us if it's cancerous.

'No, right now,
the most pressing issue'

is that the medications

aren't stopping
your contractions.

What are you saying?

We're gonna do everything
we can for your baby.

There are two immigration
agents at the desk

'who wanna talk
to your patient.'

[speaking in foreign language]

Well, we're kind
of busy here, Frank.

They don't seem like the type
who want to wait around.

- 'Well, they're gonna have to.'
- What do we do now?

'Alright, your baby
needs to be delivered.'

[speaking in foreign language]


- Is this Gloria Ortiz?
- We're doing an exam in here.

What do you need?

We're here to take
Mrs. Ortiz into custody.

- What for?
- She's a fugitive alien.

'She's being deported.'

This yarn is so soft.

Yeah, my mom spent the '70s
obsessed with macrame.

Wall hangings,
tea cozies, vests.

- Vests?
- Yeah.

My first grade class picture..

...rocking a blue macrame vest.

It's like,
no matter where it is..

...it's staring at me.

'Oh, hey, come to the OR.'

Dr. Brenner's letting us
watch an EXIT procedure.


You know,
it's when they section

the mom to get
an airway on the baby

before the delivery.

I mean, can you imagine?

- Hey, did you hear me?
- Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

- Airways, airways, baby. Here.
- No, uh, no.

Uh, listen, have either
of you seen Dr. Sanchez?

Oh, he's over there.

Oh, oh, uh,

that's not one of
my brownies, is it?

Why, is it bad?
I ate two.

- How are you feeling, dear?
- Hey, that's my Jell-O.

You shouldn't be eating my food.

It's okay, I'm a doctor.

Dr. Sanchez.

- What are you doing?
- Wiggling and jiggling.

- Put that back.
- Yeah.

Oh, doctor, doctor,
he's high as a kite.

The brownies have
cannabis in them.

You gave pot
brownies to my staff?

Do you know how
dangerous that is?

They could have
mistreated a patient.

I know, it was a mistake.

You see,
my friend Ida had cancer

and I made
special brownies for her.

Now she's in remission,
thank the Lord

but she still likes them

and I mixed up the batches.

You two are done for the day.

Drink some water, take a nap.

Whatever you do,
do not drive home

till you're clean and sober.

Pick any three
eight-track tapes

for the price of two.

Mr. Ortiz?

How's Gloria?
Is she okay?

She's fine, but we're worried
the tumor on your son's neck

could prevent him
from breathing normally.

So fix it.
Can you fix it?

Well, we're gonna
do a cesarean section

so we can insert
a breathing tube

while he's still
attached to the placenta.

I don't understand--

Well, that way, Gloria's body

can supply him with oxygen
until he can breathe on his own.

Wait, she's having
the baby today?

We're prepping her for surgery.

No, I can't.

- No, not like this.
- But we have to.

Are they still there?

Did you know
immigration was after her?

We're undocumented.

Two years ago, they
scheduled her for deportation

but she didn't show up.

I couldn't let her go.

[pager beeping]

Our life is here.

I'm so sorry,
I have to get back.

I'll call you
when we're out of surgery.

'We're not bad people.'

'We never harmed anyone.'

We only want to be happy.

- Frank gave this to me.
- Oh, that was my mom's.

That's your story, huh?

- You want it back?
- No, I'd break it.

When I was nine,
I juggled the holy family set.


I'm not sure what upset my mom

that I broke her Hummel's

or I tossed
around the Baby Jesus.

Only time she ever
raised her voice at me.

Well, I don't juggle,
so I think this one's safe.

Dr. Banfield, this is,
uh, Nicole, Renee's partner.

Hi. Is she okay?

- She's doing better.
- Can I see her?

- Right this way.
- Uh, where's Lola?

Oh, one of our nurses is
baby-sitting. I'll go get her.

Now she's still a little
sedated from the CAT scan.

What's wrong?

We're not sure yet,
but we noticed

the surgical scar
on her abdomen.

Do you know what it's from?

She had cancer
of the small bowel

'but she's been in
remission for three years.'

What does this have to do
with her passing out?

Her belly is distended
and we're concerned.

Oh, God.

Is that what you think
that the cancer's back?

We'll know more
when we get the CT results.

This one's mine.

I got this when Alex and
I lived in Albuquerque.

He was just a baby then.

And this one's Haleh's.

It was a gift from her grandma.

And look, look.

There's Frank.
That one's his, obviously.

It's pretty silly, huh?

Sam, you can take Lola
back to her mom now.

Bye, little reindeer.


- You okay?
- No, not even a little bit.


I remember
this one Christmas

Alex begged me
for a skateboard.

'When I gave it to him,
he was so excited.'

And then I made him
wear a helmet.

You were looking out for him.

Do everything you can
to keep them safe

and then...he ends up
on a ventilator.


'He's been tubed
for almost a week.'

What's next? He's gonna be
on a trake his whole life?

Come on,
let's not jump the g*n.

They're gonna extubate tomorrow.

Yeah, I asked Dubenko
if they could try again tonight

but he said they only
do it before noon.

Well, he's just
following the rules.

Why do you do that?


Why do you always
take the other side?

I'm just trying to help.

Yeah, well,
then, take my side.

Alright, well,
then, let's tell Dubenko

that his rules are stupid and
maybe he'll make an exception.

You never know.

- 'Cefazolin on board.'
- 'Uterine stapler.'

- Where did you get that?
- Surgical lounge.

Want some?

- Ew, no, thanks.
- Amnio infusion's underway.

- Okay, people, here we go.
- 'Pulse 118.'

Hey, you guys...look.

'Watch the head.'

50 atropine,
30 of fentanyl IM.

Okay, Vecuronium's in.
Clock is ticking.

Okay, Miller zero and
three-five, let's go.

The scan shows
some abnormal tissue

'wrapped around
part of the liver.'

- The cancer's back.
- Most likely.

What's next?

We'll talk to a surgeon and
find out what the options are.

Uh, run the scan by Dr. Dubenko.

- It was in the lymph nodes.
- Yeah.

We knew a recurrence was likely.

I convinced myself that..

...I was gonna be lucky

that I could
dodge the b*llet.

Well, that's a great
attitude to have.

She doesn't
understand the concept

of, "The glass is half empty."

I finally met someone

that I couldn't live without

and that's no time to give up.

A week before the surgery

we flew to Boston
and got married.

And we ran off like
a couple of teenagers.

That's quite a leap of faith.

It's not hard when you
have someone to hang on to.

So what is going to happen
once she's out of surgery?

She'll be detained
by Immigration

till they deport her.

What about her recovery? Let's
try Miller one.

Detention facilities
have doctors.

Not good ones.
I can't get a good view.

Suction. Can't we keep her
until the baby's DC'd?

No, we can't justify that

baby needs to be in the NICU
for at least three weeks.

- Well, if people knew.
- 'Fetal heart rate's 138.'

And by "People," you
mean the 10 o'clock news?

Yeah, couldn't hurt.

You know, you put
a magnifying glass

on our hospital like that,
public perception will be

"Go to County, get deported."

- How's the sat?
- 'Holding at 52.'

- Nothing we can do?
- We're doing it.

No, it's too distorted. Suction.

Oh, we've got
some uterine bleeding here.

Switch with me, Neela. Rigid

Step aside.
You're taking too long.

- Mom's systolic's only 84.
- Okay, guys, time's up.

We gotta clamp, whether you
got the airway in or not.

- Just hold on.
- 78.

If we don't
get a handle on this

mom is gonna bleed out.

- We're gonna lose the baby too.
- Damn it!

Okay, type specific
and point 25 methergine now!

[alarms blaring]

Lucien, I have to cut the cord.

- Not without an airway.
- We have no choice!

The baby's not getting enough
oxygen, he can't tolerate.

Oh, please, we gotta bail out
now or we lose 'em both.

- How about a tracheotomy?
- Not yet.

Dr. Dubenko, I've got a 39 year
old woman with recurrent.

Later. Find Anspaugh.
We're busy here.

- Dr. Banfield--
- Find Anspaugh!

- Got it. Sorry.
- 'Lucien.'

Screw it.
We'll do the trake.

Five minutes.
That's all you've got.

Let's go.
Let's go.

Okay, 15 blade and 3-O shiley.


What's the word
from the surgeon?

Uh, none yet.

How are you doing?

I was thinking,
uh, what if..

...what if this is it?

Lola won't remember her.

You will.

And you'll make sure
your baby does too.

I feel like I might forget.


Just the little things.


Just the little things.

Uh, how she burns the roof
of her mouth on pizza..

...every time.

Or how she slaps my arm
when she laughs and..

You won't forget those things.


You won't.

- Jerry couldn't get rid of it?
- What do you wanna do with it?

- Hey, thanks for the crock pot.
- No problem.

Uh, if it's the one with
the blue flowers on the side

it has a short!
I almost burnt the house down.

- Son of a bitch!
- What is it?

I made this in the third grade.

Yeah, it's milk and cookies.

- For Santa.
- Okay.


My teacher, Miss Durbin said

that wherever we are

if we set this out,
Santa would find us.

That's sweet.

My dad didn't think so.

Yeah, he said
Santa wasn't stupid.

He'd know it wasn't real.

- That was my dad.
- Yeah, but he kept it.

Yeah. I guess he did.

The anatomy's so distorted.
I can't feel the tracheal rings.

- Focus on your landmarks.
- Crit's down to 26.

- I'm pulling the plug.
- Wait! Uh, guidewire.

Systolic's only 68.

Either you have it or you don't.

- I'm in.
- Throw me the bag.

20 units of oxytosin
and start the drip.

Okay, we've got
chest rise. You can clamp.



Get the carboprost on board.

[instrumental music]

Don't ever worry
that you don't do enough

for your patients, alright?

Lucien, can you stay?
I need the hands.

Uterine tone seems better.

- 'BP's comin' up.'
- Nice and pink.

Umbilical line tray.


Good luck, Mr. Mosely.

It's a little late
for that, isn't it?

I'm sorry they couldn't
extubate Alex today.

- Hopefully soon.
- I'll keep my fingers crossed.

Copy, uh, discharge
summary, will you?

I'll be right back.


Hey, Max!


I've been looking for you, man.

You alright?

Yeah, I'm okay.

Jake has a hard time
when it gets cold though.

Well, come inside.
Warm up a bit.

Jake can come too.

Let's start with
a cup of coffee.

You want some coffee?

Yeah, coffee's good.

'This wasn't
your average C-section.'

As long as she's stable, we
have to take her into custody.

You know, she hasn't
even seen her baby yet.

- I mean, give her a few days--
- Look.

We don't like this either,
separating a mom from her kid.

But we can't make
an exception here.

Well, why not?
She should be able to spend--

I'm sorry.
We'll see you tomorrow.

I'll show you out.

You got them to leave?

They're coming back tomorrow.

They're going to transfer you
to a detention facility.

- But my baby..
- He's doing very well.

He's still on a ventilator,
but mostly breathing on his own.

I should call my husband.

I told him
the surgery went well.

And that he'll be able to take
your baby home in a few weeks.

Immigration won't
get involved in custody.

A mother is supposed
to protect her child.

- Keep him safe.
- He's in good hands.

We're taking care of him.

I need to see him.

I need to see my baby.

'Dr. Dubenko.'

I'm really swamped
right now, Sam.

Yeah, I need you to try
to extubate Alex again.

- We will. Tomorrow.
- No, today. Please?

Oh, we already
talked about this.

First thing in
the morning. I promise.

I've been studying to
become a nurse anesthetist

and I think there are some
tricks that we can use.

- Tricks?
- Yeah.

We can give an anxiolytic

before shutting off
the propofol, right?

That may cut the agitation
we see during emergency.

Two of versed would be
calming and not too sedating.


Okay, then we sit him up

and we give him something
familiar to focus on.

It's a Blackhawks' game
from last night.


Well, what if
it doesn't work?

No, it'll work.

I'll talk him through it.
I will stay there all night.

I will make sure he uses
the incentive spirometer.

Whatever it takes.

He's so little.

We'll, uh, do an MRI
to figure out exactly

what we need to do
to remove the tumor.

Hola, mi hijo.

Had you two picked names out?

For a boy, we liked Pablo.

After my grandfather.

He was a strong man.

That's perfect.

How long will he be here?

Well, if all goes well,
only a few weeks.

We're pretty sure, he won't
need chemotherapy or radiation.

All alone.

[speaking in foreign language]

I'll come back.

- They took a risk staying here.
- So what?

It's still inhumane
to separate them.

Yeah, but there is nothing
that we can do, is there?

Not right now.

It's not a good time
to rock the boat.

Why, because you're at the
center of a malpractice suit?

Something like that, yeah.

I could've sworn

that Neela Rasgotra
was a boat-rocker.

Like a champion-grade,
professional one at that.

But I guess, I don't know,
I was, I was wrong.

- No, you're not wrong, but..
- What?

I just don't want to take
any unnecessary chances

with my career.


Good things happen
when you take a chance.

You ready?

Okay, kiddo, I'm gonna take
that tube out now, okay?

I know you can do this.

Try, try again, remember?

Like when we took the
training wheels off your bike.

The first time you fell off

then you got right back on
and you rode like the wind.

- Remember that?
- Okay, balloon's down.

Just relax and take
some deep breaths, okay?

'Second time's a charm.'

You wanna do the honors?

- Me?
- Yeah.

You know what you're doing.

Yeah, okay.

Are youready?

Here we go.

Come on.



Give it a moment.


Hey, Alex.

Hey, sweetie,
how you feeling?

Did I..

...did I miss Christmas?



Jake's in the break
room eating pot roast

courtesy of our
Clerk Frank's wife.

I'm not sure who's
happier, Jake or Frank.



After I got back,
nothing went right.

Those people who
used to care were gone

or I scared them off.

Or the ones I thought I could
rely on from the Army said

I wasn't their problem anymore.

Then you came along

and I figured
you were more of the same.

But these past few days

I heard you were looking for me.

- I saw the fliers.
- I was worried about you.

That means something, you know.

That makes a difference.

I don't, I don't
wanna die on the streets.

Oncology says if we do nothing

she has a couple
of months, tops.

The best thing we can do is
urge her to spend the time well.

She has a six-month-old child.

All the more reason for her
to enjoy the time she has left.

Look, if I take her to the OR

there's a very good
chance that I'll cut

into that thing
and she'll bleed to death.

There's also a chance
that you could successfully

debulk it and
give her more time.

Her and her partner have
had three years together.

Is that all the time they get?

You could give
Renee enough time

to create real memories
with her daughter.

Christmas really
brings out the tenacity

in you ER people, doesn't it?

Doesn't it?

Fine, make her NPO
after midnight.

I'll try to get her on
the schedule for the morning.

Hey, I heard the good news.

How you feeling?

- I'm alright.
- You don't have to talk.

Here, I brought you
some entertainment.

There's enough movies
in here to tide you over

until you go home.


Alright, I'm gonna run out
and get you that ice cream

you've been craving.

- Rocky Road?
- Cookie Dough.

Ice cream for dinner,
huh, big shot?

Not bad.

Sarah wanted to
be here, but she, uh..

...she's at her grandparents.

Although she did send this..

...tiny little card.

- How is she?
- She's good.

Said her arms
itches from the cast.

I thought I was doing
the right thing, you know.

- I didn't, I--
- No, Alex.

This wasn't your fault.

I should have never let you
and Sarah go out that night.

No, you were being cool.


- That was the problem.
- Here's your half.

Three dollars and
a Canadian quarter?

Ah, most of my customers
were patients.

I mean, come on, I'm not
gonna charge some kid

with the chicken pox
for his first ever

pair of roller blades.

There were roller
blades in there?

Don't worry.

I saved the best for last.

You know what
that is, don't you?

A really old motorcycle?

It's a 1966 Triumph.

Marlon Brando rode
a Triumph in"The Wild One."

Never saw it, don't care.

Oh! It's only
the greatest rebel movie ever

with the most awesomest bike.

You know what?
If you love it so much, keep it.

What? No, no, I-I can't,
I can't take this.

Fix it up, sell it, whatever.

I don't, I don't get you.

All the great stuff in there

and there was nothing
in there you wanted?

No. It's just,
it's just stuff.

Anyway, thanks for
taking care of this.

I'm sure you had
something better to do.

Actually, I didn't.

Since I moved back..

...work's been tough to come by.

Oh. I'm sorry, man.

Anything I can do?

How can I get my old job back?

Fell asleep five minutes ago.

The extubation must
have worn him out.

- Yeah.
- I'll put this in the freezer.

Oh. He seems like
his old self again, you know?

He wanted me to remind you that
he wants a PS3 for Christmas.

Lucien said he could
be out in a week.

Yeah. We should have a party
for him when he comes home.

Oh, you know what? I forgot
to tell you the other good news.

Max showed up.

- Can you believe that?
- Oh, yeah?

Yeah, I got him admitted

and don't get mad, but I said

that we could watch his dog
while he was in the hospital.

And I know, I know,
but you know what?

Alex always wanted a dog,
and so I thought it'd be cool

like, when he gets out, a dog
would be there at the house.

Tony, listen.


...I'm gonna stay at Chuny's..

...for a while..

...until, uh..

...until I can find
a new place for me and Alex.

You're moving out?

It's just,
it's just not working.

Sam, I know, I know
this has been rough

but it'll get better.

We were doing fine before.

What, you just think
things can go back to normal?

I-I made a mistake.

- I shouldn't have let them go.
- Yeah, I know.

You keep saying that but
it doesn't make me feel better.

Well, I don't know
what else to tell you!


We can work past this.

I can't.

I can't.

So you're just gonna run away?

I'm not running away.

I'm just telling you..

...it's over.

[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

- How's it look?
- It's like locusts got to this.

Oh, hey.
How was the hot date?

Oh, he was a douche.

You know, who lies
about their age?

First he was 34,
then he was 37, now he's 42.

Maybe he was afraid
you wouldn't date a 42-year-old.

Well, of course I wouldn't.

he was a stockbroker

so it's been a bad year
for him anyway.

Bummer. Well, this has been fun.

- I'm gonna get a drink.
- I'm gonna get more food.


She hired you on the spot?

Yeah. She wanted
a Santa that wasn't stoned.

* Jingle bell jingle bell
jingle on the way.. **

Wow. You think
you know someone.

Ho, ho, ho, Dr. Banfield.

And who might
this young fellow be?

Russell Banfield, the husband.

- Ho, ho, ho.
- This is Jerry.

He's filling in for Frank.

Call me Kringle,
Kris Kringle.

- Mr. Kringle.
- And this is Dr. Morris.

So you must be the guy
that slept with my wife.

- What? No, no, no.
- Just kidding.


Nice to meet you.

- Jerry.
- Yes?

- Uh, Santa.
- Yes.

Listen, I need you
to do me a favor.

- Alright, now..
- Don't worry. It's a virgin.

I'll be ready for Renee's
surgery in the morning.

- Hey.
- Hey.

We got news on

the Bertha Mendenhall
malpractice suit.

What is it?

Well, I don't know
if I should tell you.

Well, is it bad? It's bad.

Depends on whose side
you were on.

Just spill it, okay?

Motion for summary judgment.

The judge threw the case out.

You're kidding.

Merry Christmas, Neela.

Gloria left?

Oh, yeah.
Looks that way.

And you're not upset?

Well, people do crazy things
when they're desperate.

- Eggnog?
- Well, wait.

Uh, uh, you're not even
the slightest bit worried?

She'll be okay.
I'm starving.

What's going on?


It's nothing.

Wait, your patient
leaves hours after surgery

and-and you're not concerned?

She needs to be
under a doctor's care.

It is possible

that someone put her in
a cab to another hospital.

Good luck with everything.

So she's just gonna show up

and-and ask for a bed.

And it's also possible

that someone wrote down
a few instructions.

Neela Rasgotra,
rocking the boat.

Will you just hold this?

I'll be right back.

Hey! Where are you going?

Archie Morris never
leaves a party early.

In fact, more often than not,
he's the last man standing.

Well, there's a first time
for everything, right?

Oh, come on. Who's gonna
pinch my butt later? Frank?

He's far too stoned.

Not in the party mood, I guess.

Well, we can change that.

You're like
Happy Holly over here.

I should be asking
if you're okay.

I'm just saying, there are
always things to celebrate.

Come with me.


It's pretty amazing, huh?

Some days, our job
really does matter.

Today I did paperwork and saw

my childhood
parade around the ER.

Oh, yeah, Jerry gave me

"the Burl Ives

on reel-to-reel.

You know, I kept acting
like I didn't care.

But, you know, I'd be lying

if I said there
wasn't a part of me

that hoped Jerry might
find something that would..

...I don't know,
help me understand my dad.

Something more than
crock pots and cheese hats.

[Bebe Winans singing
"My Christmas Prayer"]

* To all those who are hungry *

* May they never miss a meal *

* All the broken hearted *

* May they find.. *

So I was thinkin'..

...about us having a family.

Starting again.

That's a pretty
big leap of faith.

Not so hard when you got
someone to hold on to.

* Upon Valance Street *

* I'm sending out *

* These hopes to high above *

* That this whole earth *

* Just might someday be *

* A little better place *

* For the human race *

* This is my wish *

* It may be a lot to ask *

* But I'm hoping
that a miracle *

* Will finally come to pass *

* And that all
that I am saying *

* Are just whispers in the air *

* This is my Christmas *

* This is my Christmas *

* This is my Christmas *

* Prayer **

[theme music]
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