15x11 - Separation Anxiety

Episode transcripts for TV show, "ER". Aired: September 1994 to April 2009*
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Doctors save lives in the emergency room of a Chicago hospital.
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15x11 - Separation Anxiety

Post by bunniefuu »

(train clattering)

(police siren wailing)

Coming through.

Multiple GSWs to the chest.
Pulseless when we found him.

Two rounds EPI and atrophine.
Move out of
the way, please.

Morris: Call for O-neg.
Prime the infuser.

Hey, what you guys got?
Drug deal
turned sh**t.

He got it worst.
Need help?

Sure, jump on.

All right, he's gonna need
a thoracotomy.

He has no vitals -
it doesn't really make sense.

All right,
let's open him up for MRB.

Maximum resident

I know what it is.

It's a good idea.

Grab the interns,
assign procedures.

So you're just gonna
practise on this guy.

We've done enough

We'll be ready
when it matters.

Besides, we could
save his life.

Open up a tray, please.

Central line kit and prep
for a chest tube, huh?

Coming right up.


Maybe we did
the chart wrong.

The timing
could be off.

The book said
that we...

Well, it was
just a month.

We don't need
to do this, you know.

I thought you wanted this.

I mean, we have other options.

There's a lot
of kids out there

that need
good homes.

I want to have our baby.

So do I.

So, what are
you saying?

Nothing, just trying
to be realistic.


So are we crazy even
thinking about this?


Why should we let
that stop us?


Stranger things
have happened, right?

And you know...

I so do love trying.

Oh, I bet you do.


Two more litres are in.

We almost done here?

We're teaching, Sam.

You're doing procedures
on a dead body.

Yeah, well, the
interns need practice.

You got a problem
with that?

No, but I think there
are some living patients

that could use our help.

Well, feel free
to step outside.

Looks like they're bringing in

three more GSWs
from the sh**t.

Why does it
feel like

we get g*nsh*t victims
every day?

Because we do.

g*ns don't k*ll people.

People k*ll people.

Hey, that's great
about Alex.

I know
it's been hard.

Thank you, Dawn.
What about Alex?

He's coming home

Discharged him?

When did you find out?

Couple days ago.

Jermaine Bennett, 17,

abdominal GSW
at the left costal margin.

Please! It hurts so bad!

tachy to 120.

You on any medications?

Any allergies?

No, man,
where's my brother?

His little
brother Quincy -

through and through
the right thigh.

How you doing, Quincy?

I'm all right.

Pedal pulse intact.

Daria, Gates,
go with Sam,

Trauma Two.

All right, let's start him off
on a gram of cefoxitin.

We use
cefotetan now.

All right, yeah, well,
that will work, too.

Get off of me!

Yeah, you're gonna love
this one.

She shot the guy
they brought in earlier.

I said don't touch me.

Serena Diaz, graze wound
to the left triceps,

good vitals in the field.

And a real pain in the ass.

Prick! please, you wish
you'd get some of this.

Lot of lip on you.
Shut up, bitch!

Trauma One's open.

Looks pretty

Would you take
these things off me,

cos it's not like
I'm going anywhere!


Grady, you should take her.

I cannot feel my arm!

Do I have to?

Anastasia Johnson,
13 years old,

sickle cell disease.

Has had abdominal
pain since yesterday.

Any fever?
(phone ringing)

No, uh, her CBC

and her chest X-ray
are still pending.

OK, um,
does this feel

like your usual
sickle crisis pain?

No, this hurts more.

Start with ten IV morphine.

Titrate up
from there.

Isn't that kind of a big dosage
for a 13-year-old?

Not for a sickler with pain.

Aren't you worried
about addiction?

Would you withhold morphine
from a cancer patient?


You guys are going

to admit me, aren't you?

Not sure yet.

I always get admitted.

Does it hurt here?



Get a right
upper quadrant ultrasound.

Do you think I'll be out
by next week?

Well, you might not have
to stay.

(phone ringing)

But if I do,
do you think

I'll be out by
next Saturday?

What's next Saturday?

I'm going to New York
to meet Yo-Yo Ma.

The cellist?

I baked cupcakes for three days
straight and sold every one.


And I haven't touched
my allowance in months.

Airfare's expensive.

You're paying
your own way?

You must be
a big fan.

I'm not just a fan.

It's my destiny to meet

and someday perform
with the great Mr Ma.

(phone beeping)

Know what? I'm sorry.

Uh, this is new,
and I haven't figured out

how to mute it yet.

Want me to fix that
for you?

My dad has
the same phone.

Would you?

Thank you.

At your age, the chance
of conceiving

on your own and carrying
a pregnancy to term

is about 1% per cycle.

It's not great odds.

Um, what about in vitro?

It's a long shot.

So is 1% per cycle.

(laughing) It's an
expensive long shot.

But possible?

How does your husband
feel about this?

It's something we both want.

We're in it together.

All right, well...
I would need an FSH level

to look at your
ovarian responsiveness,

as well as an estradiol


Can you stop by the, uh,
outpatient lab today?

I'll write up a slip.

Or...if you have the time,

I could do a quick blood draw

right now.

I'm not on for half an hour.

OK, um, any chance

you can just hold still
while I check you out?

All right, so how did
this happen, Quincy?

I don't know.

The guy just
started sh**ting.

Posterior tibial
and DP sound good.

Is my brother OK?

Um, let me check
on him for you.

A gram of ancef

and update
his tetanus.


A small amount of fluid
in the subdiaphragmatic space.

Morris: Check the
spleno-renal recess.

Distal neuro-vascular's intact
on the thigh wound.

Vitals are stable.

Get a CT angio.

It's a little close
to the femoral artery.

That don't even
hurt no more.

That's the morphine.

systolic's up to 120.

Well, looks like
you're not

gonna need surgery, Jermaine.

Where is my
brother at, man?

This room over there.

D-five half at
100 an hour.

Yo, Quince.

You all right
in there, man?

Nothing to worry
about, little man.

You just chill out, OK?

All right.

Officer Hollis:
He wouldn't be here

if you didn't have him out
selling dr*gs.

Did I ask you?

Good breath sounds

Sam, how's
the hemocue?

I'm doing it right now.

You know, you could
have told me about Alex.

I was worried -
you know that.

How would I know that?

Hemocue's 13.2.

OK, set up the rapid
infuser to be safe.

Taggart: Ours is out
being serviced.

I'll go grab it
from the OR.
You know what?

We need to uncuff him - we got
to get some work done here.

That really necessary?

Yeah, it's really necessary.

We should have results
by the end of the day.

That soon?

I have friends
in the lab.

Janet, I...
thank you.

Don't thank me yet.

We'll talk later.

Excuse me.

Oh, hold that.

Oh, hi, Dr Banfield.


Got three GSWs.

Drug deal gone bad.

Just in time
to start my shift.


Oh, how is your,
uh, boy doing?

He's better.


He's coming home today.

You must be relieved.


You can say that again.

(grunts quietly)
I just gave blood.

Get off of me.
I need to examine you.

You're not gonna examine
nothing - get off of me!

Lady, come on now.
Nobody touches me,
you hear me?

Hey, Jermaine, you and your
stupid-ass little brother

better come up with five grand
or you're dead!

Ma'am, please.

Get the hell away from me.

No rebound or guarding.

All right, repeat
CBC in an hour.

Dr Morris,

may I please join you?

Why, you can't handle
your patient?

She's...a lot.

One crazy bitch

is what she is.

Fine, go clear
some patients.

Infuser's primed
if you need it.

This one going to the OR?


Uh, Dr Rasgotra?

Probably doesn't
need an ex lap,

but we'll wait
on the belly CT.
Who's next door?

Little brother.

Stable lower
extremity wound.

But we have to rule out
vascular injury.

Um, do you want me

to present the findings?
I-I got it.

What's his name?


Hi, Quincy.

How are you doing?


Any pain
in this leg?

Quincy, we need
to call your parents.

Do you know how we
can reach them?

Are they at home?

At work?

Is Jermaine all right?

Well, we're working hard
to make sure that he is.

Look, honey, I know it's really
scary, but it's important.

Do you know how we
can find your parents?

They're dead.

They're both dead.

I'll be right back.

Pressure's down
to 60 systolic.

Tachin' away at 120.
Two units on the infuser.

Sonosite again. He may have
opened up his spleen.

CT can take him.
You seeing more blood?

Can't tell.

Bradying down.

Oh, I'll get the crash cart.

You missed the decreased
breath sounds on left.

b*llet went through
the chest, not the abdomen.

Tracheal shift
and elevated neck veins.

Tension pneumo.

Heart rate's coming up.

So's the BP.

Open up a chest tube tray,
32 French.

You want
some help with that?

I think I can handle it.

(Jermaine groaning)

Man, get that off me.
Man, what you doing?!

Some pressure here.

Got your oh-silk.

Trachea's midline.

Good breath sounds
on the left.

Where'd Quincy go?

He's getting an X-ray to make
sure his leg's OK.

Sats are up to 98.

Oh, man,
I can't believe this!

What, that you got shot
doing a drug deal?

Occupational hazard.

All right, keep him
at five litres.

Ready for dressing.

We're out of xeroform.
I'll be right back.

Is this Jermaine Bennett?

I'm Dr Banfield.

Detective Reitz.

I need to ask him
a few questions.

I ain't got
no answers for you.

Oh, is that right?

Probably not a good call,

OK, I guess I'll see
you at the arraignment.

How soon till
we can move him?

He still has to do a CT

and he may need surgery -
I'll let you know.

OK. Hey.

Have yourself a good day,

and bandage scissors.

And Dr Gates, you should go.
You were off an hour ago.

Oh, thank you.

Another ABG in 20, please.

I'm going to be right back,
Dr Banfield.

Uh, hey, Tony.

Tony, is everything all right?
Yeah, why?

I don't know,
I was just...

just wondering.
I'm fine.

So, uh, is this how it's
going to be from now on?

You and me, is this how
it's going to be?

Tony, I really
don't want to have

this conversation
right now, please.

Sam, I apologize.

I take full responsibility.

You taking
responsibility now

doesn't change anything.

You put my kid in the ICU.
All right, so how long
are you planning

on being pissed off at me?
You know, I don't know.

This is not easy for me.

All right, fine.
I just shouldn't have

to put up with this
while I'm working.

You see, that's your problem.

How is any of this about you?

You giving me crap,
that makes it about me.

You know, you have no idea
what I've been going through...

That's because you
don't tell me, Sam.
..the past few weeks.

Why would I tell you?
You don't listen!
What is that

supposed to mean?
Never mind.

I am not going
to do this right now.

OK? Please?


All right, Sam.

It doesn't
have to be like this.

Look, what happened
was horrible.

But Sarah and Alex
are going to be OK.

A girl died, Tony.

And my kid came
pretty close.

That is not OK.

You know what?

You do you...

and I'll do me.

And we'll just go
our separate ways, OK?

- # Ooh-ooh!
- # Fun, fun, fun,

# Now that daddy
took the T-Bird away

# Ooh, fun, fun!

Right now
at Sainsbury's,

you can save
a third

on all these
skincare products,

just in time
for Mother's Day!

There's risk
of a neuro-vascular injury.

She's very intimidating.

Well, you've got
to learn how to deal
with a difficult patient.

She threatened
to k*ll me, Dr Morris.

My family, my friends,
my dog, too.

I don't even have a dog.

How has she been?

Pretty quiet.
For a change.

All right, kid,
watch and learn.

Ma'am, we need to examine you.

You're not touching me.

You could have an injury
to a blood vessel,

a nerve in your arm...

So we need to give you
full examination.

You touch me without consent,

after I beat your ass,
I'm-a sue you for as*ault.

Listen, ma'am...
Damn it!

No! What, I got to spell it out
for you jerk-offs?

Go away!

I am totally learning.

Hey, Tony!


I thought maybe you
weren't coming.

Oh, no, sorry -
I got stuck at work.

How are the new digs?
Oh, it's kind of a dump.

Beats the hell out of sleeping
in the park, though.


"Johns Hopkins"?

You leaving us?

This is my turf.

I don't come up to the OR

messing around
with your stuff.

Are you going
to Johns Hopkins?

No. I'm just looking
at a programme.

Johns Hopkins?
Who's going to Johns Hopkins?

Dr Rasgotra.
I'm just looking.

"Paediatric surgery"?

Yeah, I'm thinking about

Oh, you should talk
to Dr Banfield.

I'd rather not.
She went to med school there.

Ultrasound results
for Anastasia Johnson.

Oh, gallstones
with wall thickening

and pericholecystic fluid.

I'll talk to her.

he jumped the divider.

Hit them head on.

Dr Banfield,
Dr Coburn called
for you earlier.

How much earlier?

Ah, maybe 20 minutes.

Their parents,
driver of the other car,

k*lled instantly.
Oh, God...

So for the last two years,
Jermaine's been in a group home

and Quincy has been
in one, two, three, four

different foster homes.

Apparently he keeps
running away,

travels halfway across the city
just to see his brother.

Mm, so what now?

in police custody

and Quincy's foster mom told me

to give him bus fare,
send him home.

She's got three kids

of her own
and a full-time job.

I'm going to go
find him a ride.

Keep me posted on his brother.

All right.

Uh, Dr Banfield,
I need you to sign off

on my Bell's palsy.

And my broken ankle lady.

Dr Martin, will there
be anything else?

Yes, yes, uh... Yes, Dr Coburn.
Cate Banfield.

Oh, uh, yes, of course.

Um, the PID patient
got cefoxitin and doxycycline.

We sent her up to the GYN floor.


Yeah. Anything else?

Yeah, I understand.

No. No hurry at all.

Hi. How are you feeling?

Much better, thanks.

Can I get you anything?

You're admitting me,
aren't you?

Yes, you have an infection
in your gall bladder

and you'll need IV
antibiotics for a while.

I knew it.

I'm sorry about New York.

I'll catch him
in San Francisco.

Going to need some
new cupcake recipes.

Oh, and I fixed
your phone.

Oh, thank you.

I downloaded some ringtones,
a couple games,

and also this cool
koi pond thing.

Koi pond. Great.

Oh, and you got a text
from somebody named Ray.

And, girl, he is cute.
Wait, what?

I had him send
a picture.

Don't worry,
I told him it was

for whenever he called,
it would show up.

I'm sorry.

I hope you're not mad.
I couldn't resist.

What exactly did you text him?

I told him...

I mean, you were thinking
about him, too.

He said he was
thinking about me?

Well, look at you!

You clean up nice, man.

Suit's a little big,

but, uh, it looks good.

Looks like I'm getting
married or something.

Well, let's get
you a job first,

then we'll get
you a girl, huh?

Dude in my squad used to carry
around a picture

of him and his wife
on their wedding day.

He was wearing a suit
just like this.

19 years old and married,
you believe that?


Let's see...
Teddy Carson.

He used to brag
about how he waited

to have sex
until they got married.

High school sweethearts,
the whole nine, you know?

But he actually waited.

Guys used to clown
on him about that.

(wheezing laughter)

Especially Montoya.



Used to carry that picture

BP 122/77,
pulse 90,

satting at 98.

Hey, what's,
what's all that mean?

You're stable.

CT's negative
for bleeding in the belly.

Really? I thought it was an
abdominal entrance wound.

When he was shot, he must've
been taking a breath in.

Only damage
to the chest and lungs.

How long y'all keep
this old garden hose in me?

Two, maybe three days.

(clicks tongue)


Man, when they bringing
Quincy back?

Oh, he's back.

He's... Can I see him?

I don't think they let minors
visit inmates.

But don't worry, you're
teaching him young.

You two might get
to share a cell someday.

It's not like that.
He's a good kid.

Looks to me like
he takes after his big brother.

He ain't nothing like me.

Except for today.

Look, I do what I do

so he don't have to,
all right?

Well, you could get
a real job, you know.

Oh, a real job?


What, flipping burgers?

Huh? Bussing tables?

Why not?

Could you make it on that?

I'm saving up for a nice place

in a nice

I'm gonna turn 18,
file for custody,

and make sure he go
to a good school.

Custody? Not in prison.

And when you get out,
he'll be grown.

You want to do
what's best for him?

Co-operate with the police
and keep your ass out of jail.

Man, you must be crazy.

You know what would happen to me
if I snitch?

Oh, you going to give
it another try?

Part of the job, boys.

Be our guest.

Oh, my God, not again!

You need an exam.
I got rights.

Well, technically, you're
in police custody, OK?

So either consent
to an exam or I get

ten cops in here
and make you consent.

Come on.

You could have
long-term damage.

Look down my shirt.

I'm sorry?

Underneath my bra, look.


I'm a cop.

# Here come the girls!

Like mother, like daughter.

What makes you feel great,

makes her feel great.

That's why we're offering up
to a third off

beautiful Mother's Day
gifts at Boots

- # Ooh-ooh!
- # Fun, fun, fun,

# Now that daddy
took the T-Bird away

# Ooh, fun, fun!

It's spring.

The days are getting longer

and the weather's getting warmer.

How many more excuses do you need

to treat yourself to a new wardrobe?

Oh! There's one.

..at Tesco.

- Mr Peters, how are you?
- Very well, thank you. How are you?

- Very well. Good to see you.
- Thank you very much.

Um... How many more?

61,176, Happy.

- But three couldn't make it, so...
- Such a shame.

Last year, thousands came back
to Norwich Union.

And with savings of

up to £140 on car insurance,

this year
there may be more.

Get a
happy quote.


At Halifax we understand
that right now

every penny counts.

So whether you're buying a home
or looking to remortgage

we could help you save money.

A little extra help from Halifax.

Good cap refill.

That means you didn't injure
any blood vessels.

You feel that here?

How about here?

OK, squeeze
my fingers.

You know, they should
come in and uncuff you.

This is Chicago, sweetie.

You can't trust anyone,
especially the cops.

They don't know
about you?

It's a narcotics assignment.

Just my supervisor,
his supervisor

and the Chief of Police know.

And, well, now you know.


OK, bend your wrist
back for me.

Now push against
my hand.

So... So you're, like,
in deep cover?


How long you
been under?

5 months, 23 days.



Nothing. Nothing.

OK, let's, uh,

let's see how strong
you are here.

All right.

There you go.

(groans) Hm!

How are those kids
I came in with?

Uh, both OK.
For now.

Jermaine pisses me off.

He's smart,
he could be something.

I just can't find a way
to get him out of this life

without blowing my cover.

You know, those kids -

you can't blame yourself
for that.

He came out of nowhere.

Me and Jermaine,
we're doing this deal.

All of a sudden,
a guy pulls a g*n on us.

Next thing I know

Jermaine's little brother
is running up, screaming -

and this son of bitch,
he sh**t at him.

I hit him three times
right in the chest,

and I don't even remember
grabbing my g*n.

That was the kid
they brought in this morning.

Hey, you know, you did...
you did what you had to do.

You know, things I've seen
doing this job,

you wouldn't believe it.

But who sh**t a little kid?

All for a backpack full of blow.

Must be hard.

Always... Always pretending
to be somebody else.

Hey, you got a career
out in Hollywood

if this whole narc thing
doesn't work out.


My real name is Claudia.



No pericardial effusion.

Any pain
in your belly?

No, it's just my chest.

Try a mig of dilaudid.

Your brother's CT
is negative

for any internal damage
to his leg.

I think he's going
to be fine.

(sighing with relief)
Thank you.

Oh, man.

Little dude was so scared -
all that blood, you know?

I just hate
to see him scared.

I tell him
all the time, he...

he can be brave,
not scared.

You know?

Heart rate's up.
IV infiltrated.

He hasn't been
getting fluids.

All right, what about
the other side?

Antecubital blew.

OK, I'll do
a subclavian.

What's happening to me?

What's happening?
What's happening?

All right,
I need to put an IV

in the vein
under your collarbone.

A little burning
here, Jermaine.

Introducer needle.

Am I going to be all right?

Keep still.

BP's 110/70.

Another two
of morphine.

Hi, you must be Mom.

I'm Dr Rasgotra.

Sheila Johnson.

Hi. How you feeling, Ana?

Not too bad.

Except tickets to San Francisco
are 600 bucks.

So, she has an infection

in her gall bladder

and we're admitting her
to the surgical service.

She needs surgery?

We'll treat
with antibiotics

for a few days

until the infection
cools off,

and then we'll remove
her gall bladder.

I'm so sorry, baby.

I hate this.

I miss everything.

What do we always say?

Strongest trees in the forest.

That's right.

The strongest trees

in the forest can withstand
the strongest winds.

It's one of her
grandmother's sayings.

She's got, like, a thousand.

It's nice. I like it.

So, Mrs Johnson,

if you'd like to sign
the admission forms now,

Dawn can take you.

Sure thing. Right this way.

I'll be back in a flash.

So, do you have
any questions?


Why did I have to
get sickle cell?

I'm sorry.

I just want to see Yo-Yo Ma -

is that asking too much?

No. It's not.

He's playing Mozart's
cello sonatas.

Mozart barely wrote anything
for the cello.

All my friends

go see the dumb
Jonas brothers

and I can't catch
a break?

You know, you have every right
to be upset.

I'd be upset, too.

I wish there was
something I could do.

Hmph! Give me a
new gall bladder

and get me the heck
out of here.

I put some more stuff
on your phone.


And you got another text.

From Ray?

From some other guy
named Simon Brenner.

From Australia.

And, girl, he's cute, too!

Uh, I thought we agreed
no more texts.

We agreed no more texts to Ray.


does he have
an accent?

I knew it.

I love


You're a total player, huh?

Catheter's in.
OK. Go.

How's the chest
tube output?

Less than a hundred.

All right, I think we just
got behind on the fluids.

Heart rate's down to 90.

Pressure's up to 112/78.

Put a dressing on this.

Uh, repeat CBC and chest.

(MUMBLING) What happened?

What are...what are
you guys doing?

You were sick

because you weren't
getting enough fluids.

We filled up your t*nk
with two litres.


Yeah, how can I
help you, doc?

Jermaine Bennett...

you should try talking
to him again.

I got a feeling
about him.

A feeling?


You mind elaborating?

I see a lot of knucklehead
kids come through here.

He's, uh, he's different.

No, he's pretty clear,
he's got nothing to say.

Uh, just talk to him again.
Waste of time.

Just, just try.

Dr Coburn!

Cate, hi.

Glad I caught you.

We should really talk tomorrow.

I have got an appointment

I got to be back
in one hour.
Janet, please.


Uh... all right.

Your labs, they show

that your estradiol
and prolactin are fine.

But your FSH is 13.5.

It means your ovaries

Yeah, I know what it means.

Yeah, so the chances of IVF
being successful are...

No, not good.

With your own egg,

the chances are
approaching zero.

But they're not
actually zero.

Well, many fertility clinics

won't even attempt IVF on
someone whose FSH is that high.

It wouldn't be ethical
for them to take your money.
Money's not the problem.

OK, but, then consider
how you want to spend it.

I mean, adoption,

egg donation,
those things cost, too.

Yeah, well,
what if I wanted to try?

Well, I couldn't recommend it.

Would you help me?

I wouldn't be comfortable
with that.

I am sorry.
I know that it's rough.

But you do have

There are other ways
to have a family.



Ceftriaxone and metronidazole
have been given.

We're headed up.

Not much of a selection
at the gift shop.

Oh, my God! Mozart!

Thanks, Neela.
No problem.

I'll be up later
to check on you.

Another two of morphine
when she gets settled.

Hey, you get any texts lately?

Uh, she's a handful, this one.

Oh, I see you've met
my daughter.


She's taking the bus up
next week.

Haven't seen her since
before I shipped out.

Three years.

She's going
to cry.
Yeah, well,

that's what moms do
when they're happy.

Hey, remember, Tuesday,
2.00, right?

Dr Grasso.
That's right.

Second floor.
Yeah, she's great.

If you have any problem
with your meds,

you need refills,
get a hold of me, OK?

I don't know how
to thank you.

Not necessary.

I need one more favour.


It's Jake.
Oh, yeah.

Yeah, I'll drop him off
when I have time.

No, they don't allow
dogs here.

I was hoping maybe you
could hold onto him
for a little longer.


If you could.

Yeah, I could.

I'm sort of, uh,

I'm sort of getting
used to him.

I appreciate it.

It's been weird
being alone.

I don't mind being
on my own,

but totally alone
gets hard, you know?

Now, this, this is me.

I want you to have this.

Ah, come on, no.
Take it.

You deserve it.

Open it later.

I'll see you around.

I'll see you around.

Hey, make sure you give Jake
some bacon. He loves bacon.

And-and chicken, too.

I'll remember that.

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How's he doing?

I'm gonna go upstairs
and grab him a sandwich.

He keeps asking
to see his brother.

Hello, Quincy,
how are you?


Getting the hang
of those crutches?

Yeah. It's easy.

You know, we're keeping
an eye on your brother.

He seems to
be doing OK.

I'm not leaving
until I see him.

You miss him pretty bad, huh?

You know, I hear
you run away a lot.

I ran away once.

You're a grown-up.

Well, sometimes we get
so sad, we get angry.

We run away, too.

I only do it
to see my brother.

Foster home sucks.

What do you guys
do together?


Play ball, video games.

Do homework.

Jermaine hates it
when I don't do my homework.

Quincy, Jermaine
broke the law,

put you in a very
dangerous situation.

It's not like that.

He told me to go home,
but I didn't.

That doesn't make
what he did OK.

You don't get it.
No, I don't.

Why don't you explain it to me?

He doesn't do that stuff.
Well, he did today.

You saw for yourself.


My parents worked all the time.

It was always
just him and me.

He picked me up at school,
cooked dinner...

Quincy, you know, sometimes
the truth hurts so bad,

we don't want to
believe certain things.

He's not a drug dealer.

The police say he is.


When do I get to see him?


How are you feeling?


Why are you whispering?

No, no, I'm being


It's not working.

All right.

So you've, uh,
you've been cleared.

You're healthy
as a horse.

How's Jermaine
and his little brother?

is stable.

He's getting admitted
for observation.

Quincy'll be on
crutches for a while,

but he's going home today.
See? it's all good.

Hey, can I ask
you something?

Your family - they
know about you?

They know I'm a cop,
but not about this.

My mother would k*ll me.

She already thinks
it's too dangerous.

And...how about
your husband?

Does he know?

I'm not married.


I don't have one.


Why do you keep
saying that?

No reason.

I have to say good-bye
to you now.




My supervisor's coming in
to take me back into custody.

You know, the show must go on.

Nobody knows you know.
I broke protocol when...

I'll take it to the grave.


Shut up and stop
touching me!

Make sure you
keep this dry.

Sorry about this one, Doc.
Oh, you know what?

Don't sweat it, man, we
get this kind all the time.

You got some
mouth on you!

Little time in the pokey ought
to do you some good.

Get her out
of my sight.

I appreciate
everything you did here.

Oh, it's just another
day in the life.

Hey, you be
careful out there.

And you - big attitude
adjustment! Big one!


Punk ass.

Where's the ladies' room?
I got to take a piss.

Come on.

Really making headway
with that one.

I'm taking notes.

Check with Frank, see if ICU
has a bed ready for him.

So how am I doing, Doc?

Uh, you don't seem
to be bleeding internally.

I guess that's
good, right?

You're going
to the intensive care unit,

and while you're up there,

you're going to talk
to the police.

What is your problem?
I already told you I'm
not about to go up there

and snitch on nobody.
And you are going
to tell them

everything that you know.

Oh, I, oh, I...



Boy, you think
this is funny?

Go ahead and laugh.


Laugh your dumb ass

all the way
to the penitentiary.

You want to know why you're
going to tell them everything?

Come on.

Yo, Quince.

What's up?
How you doing?

I'm all right.

He's why.

You want to raise him,
do what's best for him?

Then set an example
and co-operate.

You know what?
It's fine.

Don't worry about me.
I'm good.


No, I'm... yeah, I'm sure.

I'm totally sure.

You go have fun
with your friends

and I'll pick you up
in the morning, OK?

I promise.


Hey, Sarah.

I love you, OK?

I love you more.



I was called down
for a consult.

Where's the patient?

I'm right here.

I want to try IVF.

Will you please help me?

All right, you called me down
for a consult on yourself?

Well, I couldn't leave
the floor

and I want
to try in vitro.

This may be
my last chance.

I told you I'm not
comfortable with it.
I know.

It's only a small chance,
but it's a chance.

Yes, but hormone treatments
have risks - polyps, fibroids.

Do you really want to put
your body through all that?

I have to give it a try.

Even though failure is
the most likely outcome?

If it doesn't work,
I'll move on, but one try.

Let me think about it.

But I'm not promising
anything, OK?

I'll call you.


'Hi, this is Sam.

'I can't get to my phone,
so leave a message.'

Hey, Sam, it's Tony.

Um, I just wanted to say

that I'm really happy
that Alex is home

and that he's OK
and, uh, um...

..uh, that I want you
to tell him that I said hi

and, um...

that I'll see you soon, I hope.


Tony! Hey.


Top of the morning to you.
How are you?

Are you working?
Top of the evening to you.

Are you working?

No, no, no, I have
a few days off.

I'm drinking.

Oh, how's that going?

It's good,
it's going good.

I'm having a good day.

I... I did something good.


Which I thought would make
me feel better, but...

See, I had this, uh...
my best friend died.

And my kid, she never...

Never mind.

How are you?

I'm fine.


Why are you looking
at me like that?

And I'm... And
you know what?

I'm trouble.

I'm trouble.

Everything I
touch turns to...


..you know, if you...if you
want to come home with me,

no strings attached,

just for one night,
we could...

We should have Quincy moved
by the end of the week.

That's great.

And Jermaine's still
upstairs with the police.

He must be telling 'em

It's been a while.

I'll keep you posted.
Good night.
Good night.

Hey, what are
you doing here?

Taking you on a date.


I have reservations at
your favourite - Mia Francesca.

What's the occasion?

Pretty soon we may not
have time to go out.

And you know,
I thought I might get lucky,

since we're trying
and all.

Are you OK?


Come on, let's talk
about it at dinner.

I'm starving.

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