02x07 - Del XVII

All episode transcripts for this Swedish TV show, which premiered 16 Feb, 2015.*
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A detective returns to her hometown seven years after her daughter's disappearance, trying to find a connection to a current case.
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02x07 - Del XVII

Post by bunniefuu »

Their blood is the secret ingredient
in the potion we drink.

- It's against all we believe in.
- But, if it's not EN, who is it?

- Parker and Zara Norrbacka.
- Have you got the other girl?

It's very worrying he's back. When
you find him, bring him here, to me.

- He had a camera.
- Leif?

Watch out, Agneta!

They were looking for someone.


Welcome to EN, Agent Aronsson.

This was recorded 30 years ago.

Tell me the truth, Agneta:
You hate Eva.

You took my mother away from me.

I'll find out who's behind it all, and stop
them. And you're going to help me.

Then I never want to see you again.


We know why you've been this way.

And that it's not your fault.

I've got to be off.
Promise me not to leave the flat.

No matter who comes knocking,
don't open the door!

Now it's just you and me.

Well then...
Ready for a nice time at school?

Have a good day then.

Bye, sweetheart.

Oh, well...

Damn it!

Ida Aronsson, my daughter,
do you know her? Have you seen her?

- She's over by the basketball court.
- Great. Thank you.

Police! Drop your w*apon!

Lie down on the ground!

Down, I said.

Drop your w*apon!

Ida, move away!

Hands behind your back!

Police! Drop your w*apon!

- I'm an officer. Help arrest this man!
- Move aside.

Drop it or I'll fire.

Hey, we're colleagues.
You've got it wrong.

- Where are you based then?
- National Crime.

- Then I ought to know you. Your badge?
- I started yesterday.

- Do you recognise him?
- No.

Don't worry, sweetheart.

- Who are you?
- I'm Esmeralda.

I've been looking for you.

- Is he dead?
- Not yet.

But he will die
if he doesn't get help soon. Nicklas...

...I know you're acquainted
with the old woman in this forest - Ylva.

No... I'm not to tell.

I have a foster mother - Klara.

She's told me that,
if something were to happen,

I was to get in touch with you two.

And now... something has happened.

Nicklas, please!

- Have you got a phone?
- Take it easy, Tom.

Your girl's at home with her mum.

This is the first time I've had to get
a colleague released from custody.

- What led up to it?
- Coincidence.

Parker turned up at my daughter's school
and I tried to arrest him.

Sign, please.

Why did Parker turn up
at that very instant?

My daughter had apparently agreed
to meet some guy there -

African background, about 15, someone
Parker was after. Don't know why.

Thörnblad said there was
an undocumented guy of that age at SILO.

He absconded
when the police turned up.

He saw something he shouldn't have?

So Parker wanted to snuff him?

How come your daughter knows him?

I don't know. Yet.


What's most important is that your
daughter's okay. And we nabbed Parker.

- I'll stay here and question him.
- No!

Back to the office first
for a proper debriefing.

You know there's got to be two of us
questioning him.

- Whom should I send in?
- Thörnblad.

Ancient mass grave
by Northern Link

- Hi...
- Hi! Why don't you answer when I call?

Zero hits

- Sorry, things are pretty busy here.
- I don't know what you've got us into...

- ...I don't like it.
- What's up?

Kalem went to bed early last night.
This morning his bed was empty.

He may have been out all night,
Lord knows where.

Should I feel worried, or relieved?

I don't even know who he is
or what he's done.

And there's this.

More than 300,000 kronor.

Hi. I heard about what happened.

- Who are you?
- Lena Åberg, Eva's aunt.

I see.

We're after a lethal kidnapper and
you let my daughter meet a key witness

who's exposed Ida to huge danger.

It's pure luck I turned up
when Parker did.

- Where's Ida now?
- At home, locked in her room...

...until things simmer down. Petra's
taken time off to be at home with her,

though that's hardly your concern.

- Is there something I can do?
- Yes.

I'm going to question Parker,
and do it on my own.

But you're to tell Reisner
you were there too.

One more thing. From now on
you're to stay away from Ida!

Are you okay?

And your dad?

Good. That was dangerous this morning.

We need to be more careful.

We'll stick to the plan.

Good. Someone here wants to say hi.

I've got to go.

Were you talking to someone?


How about trying a bite to eat?

Come along then.

It's unbelievable.

I've never heard of anything
so awesome. You can see...

- Where is Parker?
- He's waiting in there.

Press the button if you need a hand.

- Moreaux here.
- I'm going in now.

- On your own?
- Yes.

- Good. If he plays the fox...
- I know. You take over.


Remember what I told you about him.
No risks.

No, right.

- What is it?
- You heard about Parker?

- Tom's questioning him on his own.
- Okay. Come to Huddinge Hospital.

- Why?
- I want to show you something.

Hello. My colleague...?

Third door on the right.

Pharmacy store

- What was it you wanted?
- Hello, Eva.

This is the intravenous fluid
they give newborns. Smell it.

Right. So?

You can tell it's been tinkered with.

- With something toxic or what?
- No, the opposite.

What now? The babies need quiet.
You can't be stomping around in here.

I understand, but I need your help.

You told us earlier
that no infant had disappeared from here.

That claim about our mislaying
that infant is absurd.

- But I do need to check medical records.
- Don't you know they're confidential?

We're desperate.
Why do you imagine we're back here?

Finding Zara is our only chance.

Make an exception now, and you could
save the lives of innocent children.

Okay. But no one's to find out it was me.
What do you need to know?

Parker - "Doctor Parker".
So what's your real name?

You do speak Swedish, don't you?


No. But this turns you on.

Chaining up little girls
and doing God knows what with them.


Recognise her?

Why have you kidnapped them?
Where's Maja? Where's Robin?

Will this take long?

I could do with a cup of that coffee.

Black, please.

Start with infants
that died on Zara's shift.

I can tell you without
having to look it up: Zero.

Sweden's best mortality figures,
three years on the trot.

And it coincides with Zara's starting
here. She's one of our best midwives.

I can't see what you're accusing her of.

Watch out, Agneta!

Oh, my sweetie!

Kalem. What can you tell me about him?

Forgotten him?

14 or 15, from SILO.
You att*cked him this morning.

- That rings no bells?
- Oh him, yes...

He's the guy dating that young girl.
Isn't she your daughter?

How the hell do you know that?

- Where is she now?
- She's safe.

A piece of friendly advice, Tom:
Keep a better eye on her.

Never mention her again! D'you hear me?

Daddy's girl is no longer a child.

Can you see this, you bastard? You
know who I am and what I belong to?

Get it?

Your ring doesn't change a bloody thing.
You're still nothing.

There's just one person I'll talk to.

Nicklas, what is it?

I've heard about you.
But who is the lad?

He's hurt himself badly. He needs help.

Why have you brought him here?
He needs to go to hospital.

But I believe you are the only person
who can save him.

He's become obsessed in some way.

Storm took them from you.
He gave them to Jörgen.

He must have tried preparing a recipe
from the book, and it's made him crazy.

Come in.

Binders, binders
'tis off to work we'll go...

Binders, binders, binders

then to the barley mow...

Look. This is from the date
we found the dead baby in the vaults.


Low blood pressure. Slow pulse. Here...

Very low. No pulse at all.

- So the baby died.
- Yes.

Please... This girl - Riksäter.
Could you tell us any more about her?

Olivia. It was only a week or two ago.

It was almost a miracle.

She was virtually dead
as you can see.

She was placed in an incubator
immediately at birth.

It all looked as though we'd lose her,
but... Check the whole print-out.

A sudden change.

A few days later Olivia was discharged
and went home.

- Whose shift was that on?
- On mine.

And Zara's.

I see...

Excuse me.
Hi, Tom.

Olivia Riksäter is her name?

Thank you.

Right. On my way.

Tom's questioning Parker.
He needs my help.

He specifically requested
you not be there.

- Have a nice time then, the two of you.
- And your plans?

- Home to do some wallpapering. - I'll
call you after the questioning, right?

- Hi. Eva Thörnblad, Stockholm Police.
- Has something happened?

- Can I come in?
- Okay. 6th floor.

Thank you.

Åsa... Åsa!

- The police are here.
- What? Why?


Hi. I'm Eva Thörnblad.
Just a couple of questions.

I recognise you.

- You were at Neonatal when I was there.
- Yes.

I apologise for my behaviour then
and I'm sorry to disturb you now.

But this an urgent matter.
It's about one of the nurses there.

- Do you recognise her?
- Zara Norrbacka?

- Yes, we do.
- Was your daughter in her care?

- She was one of the midwives.
- Why? What's she done?

Nothing as far as we know. But she's
missing. So we're following all leads.

Is there anything at all you can tell me?

It was a difficult delivery. Olivia was in
a serious condition when she was born.

- They took her straight to Intensive.
- I didn't even get to see her.

Those days are just one big fog.

All I remember was that she seemed
very professional and experienced...

- ...although she was so young.
- Anything else?

Anything at all?

She did give me some advice.


Zara said I was to have a lot of greenery
close to Olivia.

It would be "good for her oxygen intake
and wellbeing".

She was very convincing.

That cloth looks really antique.
Olivia was swaddled in it in Neonatal.

It seemed to keep her calm -
the scent or something.

Thank you for your time.
It was just on the off chance.

Tom, come with me.

What the hell are you up to?

I just lost it for a minute.

I wish you'd listened to me.

- It was too late for me to stand down.
- It wasn't, Tom. But it's too late now.

There's a wanted k*ller in there, lying
to me with a f*cking grin on his face.

Who's said he was a k*ller?
Did Moreaux say that?

Everyone's got their own bloody opinion
these days.

Where's your information evaluation
for Christ's sake!

Once you'd bashed him, he expressed
a specific wish to see me, did he?


Why did he want to see you?

We'll sort this,
just the two of us on our own. Won't we?

- Yup.
- Right.


Hello, Agneta.

Laila? Thank you for agreeing to meet.

Forgive me for...

Forgive me
for rummaging around here yesterday.

And thank you
for not mentioning it to Reisner.

You're actually already in his bad books,
as things are.

What did you want to show me?

This. And if you still think I'm barking up
the wrong tree, I won't bother you again.

- So, a pretty butterfly?
- Don't let it fool you.

I found it in Tony Lind's body bag

Sorry, I should have said
I believe this hatched inside Tony,

in his head,
and it's what drove him to su1c1de.

- That hardly sounds probable.
- I realise.

Let's have a look.

I need someone I can trust.

- They say you're best.
- They're right, actually.

I can have another look.
Though parasites are not my field.

I don't like going behind Jakob's back.
He needs to be kept informed.

- Or things will get uneasy at home.
- I understand. Thank you.


Mum, walk over to me!

You don't need that.

Put it down, I'm telling you.

- Agneta says I can trust you.
- You can trust me?

Mum, what's going on here?

Doctor Parker.

Nice stage name!

Thank you. I'm fond of it myself.

Mm... Dante.

I hardly recognised you at first.
You've altered your appearance.


Unfortunately you look just the same.

Why did you specifically ask to see me?

Because you're like me.
You've seen what I've seen.

- You want out, too.
- Are the girls still alive?

You're so allergic to the truth,
although it's right in front of your nose.


Tell me where the girls are.

No. I've got to come along.
Otherwise you'll never find them.

This is what it's all about, right?


Just say where they are.
It's as simple as that.

You don't get it.

Do you want them dead or alive?

If anything happens to me...

- ...they'll never get let out.
- Tell me exactly where they are.

Can you still...

Can you still tell right from wrong?

For Christ's sake!

Which cell's he in?

Cell 15 - remote lock,
operated by the guardhouse.

Contact me
if anything important turns up.

We fetch him tonight.

- Officer! A bite to eat?
- You bet.

We'll continue tomorrow. Bye.

- What's been going on?
- A row's started with a few colleagues.

- What the hell I'm to do?
- I've got something to tell you.

One of your investigating officers came
to me today, with all sorts of theories.

- As obstinate as hell.
- Bahar Holmqvist?

Your mother wants to help me disclose
the truth. Are you prepared for that?

Feel it.

It's alive.

But how...?

In "hibernation" for so many years that,
unless I wake them up, they sleep on.

Strange creatures, so beautiful.

Yet you humans are exterminating
the last of them.

That's why I'm trying to rescue them,
for their sake and yours.

Wass, what are you up to now?

Get his coat from the lock-up.
Meet us outside.

- What are you on about?
- Can you do it, please?

No! Clarify, please!
What's in his coat?

Do you ever want the girls back?
Get his coat. See you round the back...

...in five minutes from now.

Reisner! Good.

- As you know I went to see Laila.
- About what?

I asked her to do a new post mortem
on Tony Lind.

But that wasn't what we'd agreed, right?

You were to see me
before you did anything, weren't you!


- Bahar Holmqvist?
- Who is it speaking?

Close the investigation.

And take that Trafficking assignment.

What the f*ck's this, Wass?

I'll take the rap, if it derails.

He's taking us to the girls.
Get in the car.

In the car - now!

But the cremated bodies
in those bags. Who were they?

You found the human children's tomb.

You m*rder*d newborns
in order to exchange them.

I've never ever k*lled anyone.

But I saw that altar
under Blockula.

It's a ritual site.

But no one's ever been sacrificed there.

Welcome to life, Olivia.

I only exchange babies
that have no hope of survival.

Olivia Riksäter.

She's one of those children, right?

The children from the underworld
were given a second chance.

They got a human home, an ID,
security, food on the table.

And the parents got a child to love.

Wait in the car.

- The coast seems clear.
- Right.

- You said it would just be us two.
- We can trust Tom. He's a friend.

But where do the changelings
come from?

The Northern Link works
was the cause of it all.

We had nowhere to run to.
There were eleven newborns down there.

Adults were dying from the chemicals.
I promised them I'd save their young.

Then your mother and her photographer
Leif found our underworld.

First, I didn't know
if they were friend or foe.

Then I realised
Leif that was one of them.

That he intended saving his people
and needed Agneta's help.

I've gone round
Sweden's neonatal wards,

exchanging babies
whenever appropriate.

- For thirty years?
- We're in no hurry.

- Things were different for your mother.
- Powerful forces wanted it kept secret.

You mean EN?

They got their way. They always do.

That's why it's time I left Stockholm.

They're in here?

What's this?

Who's that?

Who was it?

Hello, Maja. It's cool. I know
they're ugly, but they're with me.

Hello, Maja.

I'm Tom, from the police. I've been
searching for you for a very long time.

I promised your dad I'd find you.
And take you home.

He's very, very worried.

I can't go home. Not yet.

Has he done anything to you?
Nod if he has.

Where's the other girl?

Robin Lundberg?

Hello. Is everything okay?

Have you got them?

You see? They're safe.

Right. Fine.

You're still on our organisation's
wanted list. Just so you know.

That ring was the biggest mistake
of your life. Just so you know.

- Sorry, but I need it.
- Lots of us do.

That's why Leif vanished.

When his photo appeared on the news,
he'd changed. Sick.

Yet you could see straight off
it was him.

I sent someone to the quarantine ward
to find out what had happened.


Who's this guy?

Dante, the bravest person I've met.

He refused to be part of EN
with its methods, so he left,

although it means he's to die.
He has a parasite, just like you.

Those ladies are pretty tough.

So I had to use strong methods.

They've forgiven me now.

- They know about all that's occurred?
- I've explained. I think they understand.

Does Robin know her mother is dead?

Mm... But she doesn't want
to talk about it.

Rami Hamalainen. If he wasn't
your boss, who the hell was he?

Rami was a heinous guy. Smuggled
people. He'd do anything for money.

I was ordered to get the girls into safety,
away from him.

Why he wanted them I've no idea.



Where am I?


You've been experimenting with
my recipes and twisted your own brain.

You're alive thanks to these two people.


It's Moreaux. What the hell should I do?

This is exactly what I've been on about.

We'll sort this together, right?


Then who's hunting the girls
and has held Leif prisoner?

All I know is, three of my changelings
have been identified

by someone wanting their blood.
We've managed to get two to safety.

Robin Lundberg and Maja Nyman?

- So they're alright?
- You can see them.

And him...

Tom - can he be trusted?

I've known him long enough
to know his heart's in the right place.


There's something I need to tell him.

- Hi.
- Hand Ida the phone!

- Something's up?
- Now!

- She's just gone to sleep.
- Wake her up!

- You know who the third child is?
- Naturally.

Maja, Robin...

...and Ida Aronsson.
I think you know her.

What's going on, Petra?

She's not here.

- Not there? What?
- She's not here!

- Where is he?
- Getting his motorbike, he said.


Why have you been after Ida?
Answer, you bastard!

Don't you see?
Ida is one of those children.

That's why I went to the school -
to bring her here.

I've been trying to protect her.

You said she was safe. We've got to...

Dante Milles, I sentence you to death
for high treason.

Where's Wass...?

Tom! Where's Wass?

He left half an hour ago.

That's not so good.

At least we've carried out
the assignment.

The corpse has to vanish completely.

- Up in smoke, if you see what I mean.
- Yes. Quite.

Hey. Well done, partner!

I heard a shot. What happened?

Inge. He told me to burn the body.

Wass, it's me. Is Tom with you?
Call me when you get this, okay?

Someone's after Ida's blood.

Are you scared?

According to the map it should be here.

Here. It must be here.

I've found the light.

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