02x10 - Middle Age Crazy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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02x10 - Middle Age Crazy

Post by bunniefuu »

Ooh, great.

Do more, michelle.

Dip it in and blow it.

Huge bubble, joey.

Take it up, now blow. Blow.


Look out! Whoa!

Watch this, joey. Watch.

Watch mine.

Not bad.


A triple!

Watch this.

Now, boys.

I don't mind you playing,

But I hope you finished
your homework.

We finished our homework.


Look out, joey.

Oh, man.

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the
paper boy, evening tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's
confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ There ain't a bird
who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart,
there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Doobie doo bah bah dah ♪♪

Daddy is going to make
a home video of you

For all the nice viewers
of wake up san francisco.

When I say "action,"
walk to the table,

And show how you
eat like a big girl. Ok?


Ok. Now go to the
table, and action.

No, no. No horsie.

No horsie, honey.
Sit at the table.

The table.

The table.


Ok, fine. We'll
make it a western.

All right.

Can you say,


Daddy. Daddy. Guess what.

I did 103 hula-hoops
at school today.

It was awesome.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Uh, stephanie,
I'm happy for you,

But I'm busy making a movie
about your adorable sister.

I can be adorable,
too. 1, 2, 3, 4...

Stephanie, I'm very sorry,

But this tape is
just about michelle.

I'll watch you later.

Oh, sure.

Oh, sure.

Oh, sure.

Don't worry, mr. Dreyer,

You'll have the sweat
world health club jingle

First thing tomorrow morning.

How's it coming?

Ha! We got a barrel
full of good ideas.

Oh, sure.

Well, I've... I've got to go.

Another great idea just hit me.


Yes, sir.

Tmorrow morning... Joseph!
You'll have jingle magic.

Yes, sir.


Joseph, you are so immature!

I'm sorry, jesse.
I'm just frustrated.

We've got to get this jingle.

What's wrong?

I'm a funny guy.

It must be you.

This is no time to
turn on each other.

We make a great
team. We're the best.

This jingle is taking
some extra time

Because we're
holding out for quality.

Check the trash again.

Remember this one?

That rap thing?

We hated that three days ago.

I wasn't sifting
through garbage then.

Good point. Get up.

Oh, the drum
thing. Let's try it.

♪ Bmm bmm, bmm-bmm-bmm bmm ♪

♪ Bmm bmm, bmm-bmm-bmm bmm ♪

♪ If your body's
looking chubby ♪

♪ Your friends call you tubby ♪

♪ And your wife's out shopping ♪

♪ For a brand new hubby ♪

♪ Then you better stop crying ♪

♪ And start pumping
iron at the... ♪

♪ Sweat, sweat, sweat
s-s-s-s-s-s-sweat world ♪

Yeah! Yeah!

That was good, man.

Very nice.

That stinks.

The worst.

Not good.

Guess what.

I broke the first grade record.

Watch me do 103 hulas.

1, 2, 3... Stef.

4, 5... Stef, stef...
7, 8... Stef, stef...

10, 11, 12, 13, 14...

Stef, we'll watch
you do it later.

Later? I'm getting
to hate that word.

Stephanie, we're sorry,

But your uncle jesse and joey

Are under tremendous pressure.

Guys, I need help with
my science homework.

I'm desperate.

Sorry, d.j. You'll
have to wait till later.

Uncle jesse and joey are
under tremendous pressure.

I really need your help.

I have to build some
home-made thingy

To drop an egg two
stories without breaking.

And it's due tomorrow.


Your teacher only
allowed one day for this?

Well, a little more than a day.

How little more?

Maybe a day or 2... Or 20.

20? You had 20 days to do this

And waited till the last minute?

Technically, the last minute

Isn't until 8:59
tomorrow morning.

You ought to start
thinking about law school.

If I fail this project,

I won't get out of 6th grade.

Oh, come on, joey. Please,
please, pretty please.

Well... Ok.

Oh, sure. Go
right to mr. Softie.

Joseph, we don't have
time to be dropping eggs.

We've got to
concentrate on this jingle.

I'm going to sit and
think of a great idea.

Let's help the kid.

Great idea.

95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100...

Stef, look out. We
have work to do.

D.j., I was one hula
from my record.

Sorry, but you happen to
be hooping in my laboratory.

What can we use for this?

Anything around the house.

A suitcase full of cotton?

Rule number 26... No
suitcases full of cotton.

No fair.

You were too busy
to play with me.

How come you're
playing with d.j.?

We're not playing.
This is for d.j.'S school.

Yeah, this happens to be a
6th grade science project.

Well, pin a rose on your nose.

You're just too
young to understand.

I got it.

I got a great idea.

We put the egg

Inside nature's
perfect shock absorber,

A twinkie.

Good thinking, ding-dong.

Watch and be amazed.

All right, let's try it.

Let her rip.

I'm too young for this?


♪ La la la ♪

Ok, daddy.

It's later.

Ah, stef. Michelle was just
singing the cutest song.

I learned a new
song in school today.

♪ I write the songs that
make the whole world sing ♪

♪ I write the... ♪♪

Stef, as happy as I am to hear

That the schools are
keeping that song alive,

I have to get footage of
michelle singing her song.

♪ La, la, la ♪

♪ La, la, la ♪

You think you're so cute.

Don't worry.

Be happy.

Oh, no. You are so cute.

♪ I've been alive forever ♪

♪ And I wrote the
very first song... ♪♪

Sorry, mr. Bear. My
heart's just not in it.

Anyway, you're
probably more interested

In d.j. And michelle.

Everybody else is.

Nobody cares what I do.

You can do it, michelle.

Come on.

Hi, everybody.

I just got back from mars.

I'm the first kid in space.

That's nice, honey.

Wipe your feet.

Shh. She's ready to do
it. Don't distract her.


She did it! She blinked!

She's so cute!

Excuse me.

Did anybody hear me
say I went to mars?

Stef, later.

Michelle, for being
so cute and adorable,

And a good blinker,
joey, what has she won?

Well, cute, adorable,
blinking michelle has won

Stephanie's bike!

Hooray! Yea!

My bike?

My bike.

You get my bike for blinking?

I just got back from mars.

What do I get?

Get the door.

Hot dog.

For me?

No. For me.

Get off my rug you
little nerd bomber.

D.j.! D.j.! D.j.!


We missed you.

My first-born.

We're so proud of you.

What did she do?

I went to the mailbox
and got the mail!

But I went to mars.

Look what I learned to do.

D.j., D.j., D.j!

You're the best daughter.

Let me get this straight.

You walked to the
mailbox all by yourself?

Talk about guts.

It was scary, guys.

There were cracks
in the sidewalk.

Ooh. Ooh. Ooh.

Yoo-hoo. Up here.

A person is flying.

Come on.

Let's get your party started.

Patrick swayze's here

Wanting the first dance.

I love being first-born.

Oh, uh, stef.

Since you're up there,

Could you dust the
top of the mantle?

How rude.

How very rude.

Come in.

Hi, chief.

I want to get a picture

Of you and your hoop
for my scrapbook.


Harry, only you care about me.

Your family cares about you.

No, they don't.

D.j. Is the oldest

And michelle is the
cutest and I'm nothing.

I wish I could move out,

But I'm stuck here
until I get married.

Tough break.


Unless you marry me.

Marry you?

I'm not even allowed
to cross the street.

Married people are allowed.


Ok, I'll marry you.

Harry, you have to propose.

A girl waits her whole life

For this moment.

Get down on one knee.

Ok, chief.

I can see up your nose.

Harry, this is supposed
to be romantic.


I can see up your nose, darling.

Never mind.

We'll get married today.

I'll call our friends.

We'll get a house.

I won't put up with
d.j. And michelle.

I'll be stephanie takayama.

And I'll be harry tanner.

Will our egg thingy work?

D.j., How can it fail?

We drop the frame
down to the ground.

The elastic stretches,
taking in the impact,

Allowing the egg to remain

In its resting place...
Michelle's bootie.

All right, pal. Count it down.

99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94...

Will you stop that, huh?

Start at five.

I love getting you all riled up.

5, 4, 3... I'll get it.

Egg's away.


Good hands.

I'd like to take
this opportunity

To thank you all so much

For allowing me to
play an important part

In my daughter's education.

We're here for
stephanie's wedding.

Which way to the back yard?

Through the kitchen and left.

Got it.

Come on, g*ng.
Right through here.

Let's go.

Who are all these kids?

Well, that's dopey,
sneezy, blinky,

Moe, curly, shemp,
spanky, and of course,

Father guido
sarducci as the beaver.

What do you say?

To the drawing board?

We got to write our
sweat world jingle. Joseph.

Hold it. I got it.

We slow it down.

Good idea.

We do a ballad, like sinatra.

♪ Meet me at sweat world, baby ♪

♪ Dooby doo ♪

♪ A scooby... ♪♪

Will you stop that, huh?

Not the jingle, the egg.

A parachute slows it down.

Oh, yes. I'll try anything.

Let's go get a handkerchief.

No careers,

But we're passing
sixth-grade science.

Wait up.

Harry, let's get
this show going.

You're sure you
can marry people?

My dad's a minister.

He's dragged me to
hundreds of these.


Dearly beloved, we
are gathered here today

To join stephanie and harry

In holy mattress money.

Harry, do you take stephanie?

I'll take her anywhere.

After we're married,

We can cross the street.

No, no.

What he means is...

Do you promise to
pay attention to me,

No matter what d.j. Does,

Or how cute michelle is?

Yeah, why not?

Now it's time for
the wedding bows.

Now say, "I do."

I do.

I do, too.

May I have the ring, please?


Did you get one?


I got a stick-on
tattoo of scooby doo.

Lick your hand.

It's beautiful.

Ooh. Ooh.

Stephanie and harry,

I now announce you man and wife.

You may kiss the bride.

Eew. Eew.

If you don't kiss, you're
not really married.

He's not a bad kisser.


Jess, we got it.

Hanky parachute,

Double twinkie landing craft.

Mr. Wizard, we have
the technology.

Deej, let her rip.

Eggs away, take two.


All right.


Thank you, thank you.

All right. You're welcome.

Now joseph and I have to do

Our jingle for sweat world.

You guys are geniuses.

You know what
thomas edison said...

"Genius is 1% inspiration,
99% perspiration."

What's that supposed to mean?

You don't sweat
it, you don't get it.

If you don't sweat
it, you don't get it.

That's it, joseph.

Put it with the music.

♪ If you don't sweat it ♪

♪ You don't get it ♪

♪ For the bod they'll admire ♪

♪ You got to perspire ♪

♪ Down at the sweat world ♪♪

Come in... And get pumped.

That's it.

Write it down.

♪ If you don't sweat it... ♪♪

Good melody.

Come on, honey.

Come on.

Go around. Go around.


Come here, you cutie.

People, I would like to make

A very important announcement.

I was married this afternoon.

Pardon me?

Hi, dad.

Don't you make a
cute bride and groom.

You could stand on top

Of your own wedding cake.

Well, goodbye, everyone.

It's been a great six years.

Harry, let's go house hunting.

I have to go home.

Bye, stef.

Bye, pop.

Wait, wait. You
can't walk out on me.

Yes, I can. Tonight's
meat loaf night.

Great. Nobody wants me.

Stef, what do you
mean nobody wants you?

Your family wants you.

Some family.

You didn't even care

That I broke the
hula-hoop record

Or went to mars.

You went to mars?

Maybe we have been
a tad preoccupied.

Kiddo, we're sorry
if we ignored you.

We didn't mean to.

We were just caught
up in other things.

My science project's done.

I'll watch you hula hoop.

Forget it.

You'll always be the oldest,

Michelle's always
going to be the baby,

And I'll always be
stuck in the middle.

Hold it, goldilocks.


I'm stuck in the middle again.

Stephanie, I understand
how you're feeling.

Look at this another way.

It's special being
in the middle.

Your pop's right.

Take a bologna
sandwich, for instance.

What's the best part
of a bologna sandwich?

The bologna.

And where's the bologna?

In the middle.


And, uh, oreo cookie.

What's the best part?

The chocolate
milk you dunk it in.

Stef, you know where I'm going.

I know.

The cream's the best part.

Yes, joseph. The cream.

And where's the cream?

In the middle.

Don't help.

It's in the... Middle.


What this bologna and
cookie talk is getting to

Is every position in
the family is special.

Only you have a big sister

And a little sister.

That's true.

What else you got?

Another good thing
about being the middle child

Is the mistakes
we made raising d.j.

We won't make again.

I'm getting depressed.

I'm the sandwich's soggy part

And the throwaway
part of the cookie.

I like that.

Stephanie, come here.

You have to realize

That sometimes your sisters

Are going to need our attention.

If you feel like

You're not getting your share,

Come tell us about it.

Really? I can do that?

You better.

When I get busy,
I don't want you

Running off and getting married.

Me, neither.

I don't know about husbands.

One whiff of their
mom's meat loaf

And they're gone.

Come here, you beautiful bride.

Me next.

Lay one on your uncle.

You know how.

All right.

Oh, well. Come on.


You know, I think
this home video

Would be much better
with all my girls.

Do you want to sing
I write the songs

Or set the hula hoop record?

Daddy, I can do both.

Ooh. Ooh.

♪ I write the songs ♪

♪ That make the
whole world sing ♪

♪ I write the songs of love ♪

♪ And special things ♪

♪ I write the songs ♪

♪ That make the
young girls cry ♪

♪ I am music ♪

♪ And I write the songs ♪♪
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