02x16 - Baby Love

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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02x16 - Baby Love

Post by bunniefuu »

Look, michelle.

Do you want to pet the sharpei?

These are our new puppies.

Say hi fast

Before my mom sells
them for a bundle.

Hi, doggie.

Let's teach them some tricks.


Uh... Roll over.

Roll over.

Michelle, you make a great pet.

I wonder if she
can catch a frisbee

In her mouth.

Come on, michelle.
Pet the puppies.

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the
paper boy, evening tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's
confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ There ain't a bird
who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart,
there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Doobie doo bah bah dah ♪♪

Ok. I'm watering my
big plant scooby-doo.

You water your little
plant scrappy-doo.

I'm thirsty, michelle. Water me.

Water me.

Good morning, kids. We
got to watch danny's show.

Becky's going to
wink to let me know

If we're going out tonight.

One for yes. Two for no.

If something gets in her eye,

You could end up engaged.

All right. Here we go.

Wake up, san francisco.

I'm danny tanner.

And I'm rebecca donaldson.

Was that a wink or a blink?

I was staring at her legs.

I have a surprise.

I thought it would
be fun to see our city

Through the eyes of a
typical tourist, mr. Anderson.


What brings you
to san francisco?


Howie, say hi to the bay area.

Hi, bay.

Hi, howie.

Howie came from nebraska

To visit with his aunt becky.

Uh... Hold it. You said tourist.

This is your nephew.

Yes. My nephew, the tourist.

Before you give us

Your impressions on the city,

Wave to grandma rose
and grandpa wilbur.

Howie cute.

This is a shameless display

Of using our show
to talk to your family.

I'm sorry you had
to see that, mom, dad.

I'm sorry. I thought

It would be a nice ges... Ture.

Hot dog, joseph. A double wink.

Chill that champagne, pal.

Howie, you're out of here.

Blow a kiss to san francisco.

We'll be back with
some real guests.

Ha ha! Michelle.

It looks like our girl's

Got her very first crush.

Michelle, you like howie?

Nice boy.

Michelle, do you know

Who's right outside that door?

I don't know.

Well, then, joey, tell michelle

About the bachelor she chose

For her dream date.

Well, he's 2'9"

And has blond hair
and baby blue eyes.

He hails from
valentine, nebraska,

Where his hobbies are
playing with his food

And hiding his
shoes in the toilet.

Michelle, say hello
to howie anderson.


Howie, say hi to michelle.

Hi, michelle.

Hi, howie.

I know what you're thinking.

He's a lot taller in person.


Thank you.

Girls, meet michelle's
very first boyfriend,

Rebecca's nephew howie.

Hi, howie. Hi, kid.

Hi, girls.

He's cute, michelle.

Now you have a boyfriend,

And I have a boyfriend, and...

Well, two out of
three is not bad.

Dad, is she really necessary?

Jess, could you watch the kids?

I want to catch joey's set

'Cause I love his
act, and I get in free.

Becky and I are going out.

I could bring howie here

And give my sister a break.

The kids can play,

And later, you and I can play.

Have mercy.

You hear that, michelle?

It's our very first double date.



I see where michelle
picked up that trick.

I got it from the kid.

Ask her.

This thing's broken.

There. It's fixed.


'Cause it's yours.

I got it,

The all-time monster
classic, the wolf man.

All right!

All right!

All wrong.

You're not going to
watch this movie with us.

I am. It's my house, too.

It's too scary for you.
This conversation's over.

We'll see about that.

Uncle jesse!

Uncle jesse!

She's such a tattletale.

I am not, and I'm
telling you said that.

What's all the ruckus in here?

They say I can't
watch the wolf man.

The wolf man. This
is a great flick.

This guy's got scarier
hair than don king.

I got to see this movie.

You're too young. Remember
when you watched the blob?

You wouldn't go near
jell-o for a month.

I watched the wizard of oz,

And I wasn't afraid

Of the wicked witch of the west.

Na na na.

See? I'm cool.

Maybe she should
wait till she's older.

The key to watching the wolf man

Is to know that
he's a regular guy

That gets cranky when
the moon comes out.

I slay myself.

You'll be sorry.

The wolf man is going
to scare you bigtime.

If you don't scare
me, nothing will.


Jess, stephanie's not old enough

To watch the wolf man.

It's a fun monster movie.

What's fun about a guy

With a lot of hair
who bites people?

Come here. I'll show you.

You'd let your own kids

Watch anything they wanted?

I'd make sure little dustin

Knows the difference
between real and make-believe.

Yes, but what if... Dustin?

You would name a kid dustin?

You got a better name?

I sure do. Emily.

No son of ours is
going to be called emily.

Our daughter's name is emily.

Our son's name is prescott.


May as well name him emily.

Our son is going
to be called dustin.




Dus... When did we have a kid?

I don't know. I'm
sorry I missed it.

Oh, god. I'm embarrassed.

Ooh, boy.

I'll make you a deal.

We won't name our kids

Until we've been dating

At least three months.

That's a fair deal.





Hey, I'm into it.

Look out. The wolf
man's behind that tree.

Why's that woman in
the woods at night?

She should be in a restaurant.




I told you they'd be scared.

They were scared
of you, not the movie.

Something's going to happen.

The music's getting scarier.

You know this is make-believe?

Yeah. Shh!


Aah! Aah!

You women ok? Good. All right.

It's a good flick.

Thank you. Excuse me.

Aw. Aw.

Aw. Aw. Aw.

Aw. Aw. Aw.

Look at your son.

What a cute couple.

They haven't left each
other's side all day.

We'd better get going.

You don't want
to miss your plane.

Right. It might accidentally
take off on time.

Come on, howie. Wake up.

It's time to go.

You got to go home.


Howie, no go.

Howie, yes go.

Howie, go back home.

Me go.

No, little kemo sabe.

No can go to nebraska.

Take many moons.


Say goodbye to howie.

Bye, howie.

Well, she's hugging already.

She's definitely a tanner.

Let's go. Come on.

Come on.

All right. Let's go.

All right. Bye, everybody.


I'm sorry, michelle,

But you have to go
back to sleep now.

Good night.

Night night.

Howie, no bye-bye.

Howie, no bye-bye.

Howie, no bye-bye.


You got to go to sleep.

It's 2 a.m.

It's like she lost
her best friend.

All she kept
saying was, "howie."


Don't say the "h" word.


She's finally asleep.

Good night, michelle.

Good night, michelle.

[Horn honks]


D.j., Did that horn wake you up?

No. You woke me up,
you little nerd bomber.

I know the wolf man's not real,

But if he was,

Would he be driving an isuzu?

The wolf man's just an actor

Who needs a flea collar.

Look, scary movies
are just for fun.

In that case, I'm having

The funnest night
of my life. Ha ha ha.



That was the gibbler's dog.

I'll make you some warm milk.

That'll help you sleep.

Thanks, d.j.

Hurry up.

Mr. Bear, did george michael

Have that much hair
on his face yesterday?

I didn't think so.

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

Hey, hey.

Why are you choking mr. Bear?

I thought he was the wolf man.

You said there was no wolf man.

Joey, go get him.

He's driving an isuzu.

What's going on?

The wolf man movie
scared stephanie.

Who gave you permission

To watch a monster movie?

I just woke up.

How can I be in trouble?

Stephanie watched the wolf man.

D.j. And kimmy were watching it.

You said you wouldn't be scared.

And you believed me?

Honey, I know you
want to do everything

Your big sister does,

But sometimes some things

Have to wait until you're older.

Every time I close my eyes,

I see that scary wolf man.

He's no rob lowe,

But if you saw him
with his parents,

You'd think he's funny.

The wolf man has parents?

Get out of here.

Sure he does. I'll show you.

We need a wolf man,

Someone with wild,
uncontrollable hair.

Aw, gee.

Who let her watch the movie?


I'll be wolfie. Grrr.

Good. I'll be the
father, mr. Wolf.

And I'll be the
mother, virginia wolf.

Wolfie, look at that posture.

You'll get a hunchback.

You'll never get
into notre dame.

Kids nowadays.

Were you out scaring
people again, young man?

King kong does it.

I suppose if king kong

Jumped off the
empire state building,

You'd do it, too.

There'll be no more
howling at the moon,

No more chasing cars.

You tell stephanie you're
sorry for scaring her.

I'm sorry, steph.

I didn't think the movie
would frighten you.

It's ok, wolfie.

I'm not scared anymore.

All right.

Now, you see, stef? See?

Next time you're scared,

Turn that scary stuff
into something funny.

That'll come in handy

Next time I watch
a monster movie

Which will be never.

Stef, let's go to bed.

I'll tuck them in.

I'll take care of them.

You, young man, go to bed.

Remember, brush your fangs

And comb your face.

Morning, michelle.

Where howie?

Oh, pal.

Your friend howie went
back home to nebraska,

Which is a good four-week
toddle from here.

Come on.

You want some breakfast?

I want howie.


Michelle, you...

Anybody out there?


All right, michelle.

If I give you a ride,
will you be happy?


How's she doing?


Any other questions?

We got to cheer this kid up.

We'll play with your rings.

I'll read you dr. Seuss.

Let's sing.

♪ Row, row, row your boat ♪

♪ Gently down the stream ♪

♪ Merrily, merrily,
merrily, merrily... ♪♪


Where howie?

I got something that'll work.

Come on, michelle. Let's go.

Come with me, michelle.

I probably didn't
need to say that, did i?


We may have to move to nebraska.

This is going to get old fast.

You ready?


Aw, come on, michelle.

You know what I love

More than anything else?

That's to see you smile.

Give me a famous michelle smile.


Aw. I know you miss
your friend, howie,

But don't forget
about your family

Who loves you like crazy.

I'll sing that song I
wrote for you, ok?


Let me sing it for
you, all right?

All right.

♪ Michelle's at home ♪

♪ Gets up early ♪

♪ She doesn't know ♪

♪ What worry is ♪

♪ She's safe and warm ♪

♪ And she's not sorry ♪

♪ She doesn't know ♪

♪ What sorry is ♪

♪ And michelle's smiling ♪

♪ Michelle's smiling ♪

♪ Michelle's smiling ♪

♪ Michelle's smiling ♪

♪ The news is on ♪

♪ And michelle's laughing ♪

♪ Can't make sense ♪

♪ Of what the pictures show ♪

♪ She knows no fear ♪

♪ She keeps on laughing ♪

♪ If we could only know ♪

♪ What michelle knows ♪

♪ Michelle's smiling ♪

♪ Michelle's smiling ♪

♪ Michelle's smiling ♪♪

There you go. That's a girl.

Where howie?

Jess, where are you?

I'm coming.

I'm coming.

How's michelle doing?

The poor kid's got
a broken heart.


I have a tape that might help.

Watch this, michelle.


Hi, michelle!

Hi, howie.

How are you?

I'm fine.

I miss you.

Me, too.

That's the smile I
was singing about, kid.

Rebecca, you might be
onto something here,

Fisher-price video dating.

We made it at the airport.

They make great video pals.

This is weird. I know
michelle's only 2,

But she's acting
like a real person.

I guess you're never too young

To need a friend.

Our michelle's growing up.

Maybe you should
put her in a play group.

Great idea. Then
she'd have friends

In the same zip code.

I'm impressed with you.

You're right on
about everything.

You were right about
the monster movie.

You came up with this tape.

You'll make a great mom.

Thanks. You already are one.

Howie again.

Michelle, you just saw howie.







Why don't we
watch a little h-tv?

All howie all the time.





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