01x24 - The New Doctor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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01x24 - The New Doctor

Post by bunniefuu »

Fine mmm.kfast,
don't that smell good?

I can't hardly wait
to eat that at dinner.

Oh, that's not
for our dinner.

I baked that for the social
saturday night.

Well, I'll just eat
some batter.

Would you hand me
that sponge?


Did you arrange
to take ellie?

Arrange to...

Oh, you mean
t-to the social?

Sure. What's to arrange?

Well, did you ask her?

What's the need
of asking her?

She knows she's going,
and I know I'm going.

We both know we're
gonna be there together.

How do you know?

'Cause we always go together.

A girl doesn't like

To be taken for granted.

She likes the courtesy
of being asked.

Well, there's no real need
in asking.

We got an understanding,
ellie and me.

Well, I still say
you should ask her.

What are you gonna
ask her, pa?

To marry you?

Whatever give you
a wild idea like that?

Well, she likes you,
and you like her, don't you?


Don't people that like
each other get married?

Well, it sometimes
works out that way.

Hope so.

You like ellie, do you, opie?

Sure would be nice
to have a ma

That owns a drugstore
with a soda fountain.

Well, just don't be figuring on
any free ice-cream cones yet.

[ Siren wailing ]

Oh, there's barney,
making his usual quiet arrival.

I'll see y'all.

Don't be late
for school, opie.

Now, remember, andy.

Stop by and ask ellie.

Aunt bee, I'm a great
big growed-up boy now.

I think I can handle it
without a blueprint.

[ Siren wailing ]

[ Engine revving ]

[ Engine shuts off ]

Do you have to keep
blowing that thing?

Well, no, but it
sort of lets folks know

We're open for business.

Well, you keep playing
with it like that

And I'm gonna take it
off the car.

What's the matter?

Oh, I'm just thinking
I might go see ellie.

I got something
I want to ask her.

I'll go with you.
I could use a bottle of pop.

Unless it's private.

Oh, no.
It ain't that private.

Come on.

Oh, yes, they're a very fine
pharmaceutical house.

Good products.

We use them a lot here.

We've never had
any complaints.

[ Bell rings ]
anybody home?

Hi, andy. I'm glad
you're here.

Howdy, ellie.
Hi, miss ellie.

Hi, barney.

I'd like you
to meet our
new doctor.

Dr. Benson, this
is sheriff taylor

And deputy fife.

Glad to see you,

Glad you're here.

We can use some
doctoring around here.

I hope I can be
of help.

Oh, you will.

You and your family
all fixed up

With a place to stay?

I don't have any family,
I'm not married.

I don't believe
I ever heard

Of a doctor
who wasn't married.

Well, you have now, barney.

I was about to show dr. Benson
our prescription department.

Was there anything
you wanted, andy?

Oh, it'll keep.

Barney wanted a bottle of pop,
but I can get it for him.

You go ahead and show
the doctor around.

I'll see you later, andy.
Come along.

Nice to have
met you fellas.

Glad to see you.

Seems like a nice fella.

What kind you want?

Oh, it don't matter.

Anything, just as long
as it's cold.

Believe I'll
have me one, too.

That's a pretty
young doctor, andy.

Yeah, I guess he is.

We never had a doc
that young in mayberry before.

I guess we ain't.

Want yours in a glass?


We've had
old doc carruthers

And old doc green
and old doc mckinsey.

Never seen a doc
that young before.

Well, he's just
a beginning doctor.

You can't start out
being an old doc.

Got to be
a new doc first.

There's new docs,
there's young docs.

Yeah, I suppose so.


You ain't worried,
why should I be?

Worried about what?


If you ain't worried, I ain't.

Well, I ain't


Well, what's
to be worried about?

You are worried, aren't you?

Worried about what?

Two and two makes four.


He's unmarried,
young, good-looking.

She's unmarried,
young, good-looking.

He's a doctor,
she's a druggist.

Two and two makes four.

[ Bob and ellie laugh ]

Listen to that.

Two young people lost
in a world of pills.

Barney, you know
what I think?

I think you been blowing
that siren so much

You loosened your brain.

All right, all right,
go ahead and make jokes.

All I know is, if a chicken hawk
is hanging around,

A wise rooster
don't bury his head.

Keeps an eye
on the chickens.

Will you stop?

Okay. Okay.

[ Bob and ellie laugh ]

Two and two makes four.

All I know is, these unmarried
professional fellas

Is the most
dangerous kind.

Women just
throw themselves at them.

Forget their old boyfriends
like they's a puff of smoke.

Don't mean to nag, andy.

I'm just saying what I figure
one friend ought to tell another

At a time like this.

That's all--
just trying to be a friend.

You know what they say

About people
who live in glass houses.

What's glass houses
got to do with anything?

Okay, okay.

But that don't
make any sense.
All right, all right.

Say, andy, have you heard?

We have a new doctor in town.

I heard.

Nice-looking chap.

I saw him at
the drugstore.

He's still there?

He's still there.

You seen him, huh?


She's seen him.

Well, like I said,
he's nice-looking

And he's young...

and unmarried.


Oh, barney's got hisself
worked up into a frazzle

Over my future
with ellie.

Figures just 'cause
he's a doctor,

Why, she'll spark to him
and vice versa.

You don't think
that could happen, aunt bee?

Well, I don't know.

If the nature of their work
happens to throw them together,

And he happens
to be unmarried...

And good-looking.

Wouldn't be so quick
to toss it aside.

Hey, come here. Come here.

Well, that, uh...

That don't look
too good, does it, pal?

No, it doesn't,
does it?

I don't want to think
about it right now.

I got
sheriffing to do.

[ Door closes ]

What do you think?

That darn guy.

Somehow or another,

He just brings out
the big brother in me.

Well, I guess I'll just have
to try and help the kid.

Yeah, yeah.

That's two feet wide,
all right.

I seen him, aunt bee.

I seen the doctor go
in the drugstore again.

That's the 14th time
he's been in there

In the past 2 days.

I been counting.

Aunt bee,
I think the time has come

For me to take
the bull by the horns.

No, no, no.
Don't you worry about that.

No, I know just what to do.

This sort of situation
ain't exactly new to me.

I play this real cagey.

I'll see you, aunt bee.


And what made you decide
on a checkup

At this particular time?

Oh, nothing.

I just did, that's all.

Well, I mean,
any complaints, anything wrong?

With me?

Gosh, no. I'm as
strong as a bull.

A lawman has to check
hisself regular--

Keeping trim
like an athlete.

Oh, I can understand that.

Um, take a deep breath,

Go ahead.
Take a deep breath.

I did.

Well, uh,
let it out, then.

You kind of like it here
in mayberry, do you?

I like it fine.

Like the people?

Very much.

Yeah, we got a lot
of nice people here.

We got, uh...

Well, there's
floyd the barber

And mayor pike and...

And the lady druggist.


Oh, miss walker?

Oh, fine young woman.

Attractive, too.


What's the matter?

Oh, nothing really --
I've just never been able

To wrap it around an arm
that many times before.

You won't find much flesh.

It's all muscle.
Us fifes is wiry.


Say, doc...

When you fellas give
a prescription

To a druggist,

Don't you usually
phone it in?

Occasionally, yes.
It saves time.

But you go in the
drugstore a lot.

I don't have
a phone in here yet.



Say, you know our
sheriff, andy taylor?


Uh, wonderful fella.

I sure am fond of him.


But, you know, it's
a funny thing about him.

He has this
one little quirk.

He's insanely jealous.

Yeah, you just so much
as look at his girlfriend

And, uh,
he just goes wild.

Oh, uh, did I mention

That his girl
is ellie walker,
the lady druggist?



He's insanely
jealous about her.

Fella like that
really oughtn't be
on the police force.

You put a loaded g*n
in the hands of
a man like that

And you're just
asking for trouble.

[ Sighs ]

What's the matter?

It's your blood pressure,
mr. Fife.

My blood pressure?

What's wrong with it?

Well, it's rather low.

Low? Low? Low?

Where does it say low?

Mr. Fife, take my word for it.
It's low.

What do we do about it?

I think if we institute
a series of sh*ts...


Vitamin sh*ts--

by a regular diet,

Checkups and blood counts
and such,

And this prescription
to get that pressure back up,

Get a little iron
into our system,

You'll be fine.

Now, then, I'm sorry.

What were you saying
about the sheriff

And miss walker?

Forget about them.

Am I gonna pull through?

[ Guitar plays soft melody ]


Did you read this?

They're going to have
a full four-piece orchestra

At the social
saturday night.

I hope it's
bobby fleet

And his band
with a beat.

They're good.

You going
to the dance, pa?

'Course he is.
He's taking ellie.

You asked her, didn't you?


W-well, sure.

Well, not exactly.

Oh, you didn't even bring it up.

Well, don't be frettin',
aunt bee.

I'll see her tomorrow.

Tomorrow, tomorrow...

Let me tell you something--

One of these tomorrows
is going to be too late.

Barney's right.

One day you'll go call on ellie,
and her husband'll

Greet you
at the door.


Along with their two children.

Golly, aunt bee,
what am I supposed to do?

You're supposed to get engaged.

You're supposed
to stake your claim.


Yes. I think
it's a step
you ought to take.

Ellie's a wonderful girl

And if she's going
to have a husband,

It ought to be you.

yeah, pa.

And if she's gonna have kids,
it ought to be me.


Come on, pa, get married.
Be a good scout.

Opie, marriage
is a serious business--

Something you got to give
a lot of thought to.

There's the thought

Of the life
we have here together

And how
that'd be changed.

I got to think
these things over

In a serious,

Level-headed, calm, slow way.

You see what I mean?


You're scared.

Now, opie...

Come along, opie.

Let's leave your pa
to his slow thinking.

I only hope
you reach a decision

Before ellie becomes
mrs. Dr. Robert benson.

But he is scared,
ain't he, aunt bee?

Now, you hush.

[ Music stops ]

[ Knock on door ]

Andy, it's you!

Ellie, you're going
to the social

With me saturday night.

Well, sure.



You never thought
of going without me?


Never thought of going
with anybody else?

[ Laughing ]

[ Sighs ]

That aunt bee.

I beg your pardon?

[ Knock on door ]

Oh, excuse me.

Bob, come on in.
Look who it is.

I know. It's bob.

Evening, sheriff.

Good evening.

Ellie and I
are glad to see you.

Of course.

Well, that's very kind.

I hesitated about
coming over here
again tonight.


I'm afraid

I've taken advantage
of ellie's good nature.

You know how it is
being alone in a new town.

Yeah, well, there's a lot

Of flu and colds
going around.

You'll be
making friends.

Come on
and sit down, bob.

Thank you, ellie.

You're, uh, sure
I'm not intruding?

Of course not.

Did you ever stop by
harvey willock's place?

Oh, yes, and what
a hypochondriac.

Nothing wrong
with him?

Not a thing.

But he insisted on medication,
so I obliged him.

I gave him
a saline-solution injection--

2Cc right
in the gluteus maximus.

[ Both laugh ]
that's priceless.

You have a wonderful
sense of humor, bob.

We need more of that,
don't we, andy?

Yeah, boy.

Uh, let's see,
what was we talking about

Before the doctor come in?

Oh, yeah,
the saturday night social.

It's all set, then--
you're going with me?

We're going together?

You and me?

It's a definite date?

Of course.
I thought we'd settled that.

Did anyone mention the saturday
night social to you, bob?

Oh, why, no.

Everyone goes.

Say, why don't you go
with us, huh?

Andy, isn't that
a good idea?


If I wouldn't
be putting you out...

We'll pick you up
in andy's car.

Oh, oh, about that--

I won't have the car that night.

Barney's on patrol,
so I won't, uh...

Bob: that's
no problem.

We can use mine.

I'll pick ellie up first,

Then we'll hop on over
to your place.

Divine! How does
that sound to you, andy?

Like you said...


See that?

Going in
the drugstore again.

He's always going
in the drugstore.

He wasn't
going in there

With no prescription,

Did you see
the look on his face?

He was grinnin' like
a mule eatin' briers.

But you won't listen.

Barney, will you stop?


Well, don't just stand there.

Go on over there
and see what they're doing.

This one is of me
and my fiancée
at palm beach.

That was right after I'd
finished my internship.

Oh, she's lovely.

I think so.

You two are going
to like each other.

Then you've decided
to stay in mayberry?

Yes, I have.

[ Bell rings ]

I'll be right out,

Oh, that's all right.

Don't-don't bother, ellie.

Uh, I just come by
for a magazine.

I'll put the money here
on the counter.

All right, barney.

Uh, you're welcome.


[ Bell ringing ]

[ Bob and ellie laughing ]

Then you really like
mayberry that much?

Uh, this is
the place for me.

This is where I want to
settle down and get married.

I knew that first day

I'd found what I wanted
right here in mayberry.

Say, where do we
go in this town
to get married?

Andy is justice
of the peace.

I think he'd like
to perform the ceremony.

Hey, that'd be great.

[ Clanging ]


Hey... Andy!


Andy! Andy!


Barney, what?

Andy, andy, I want you
to be a big boy about this.

A big boy about what?

Andy, now, you still got
lots of things in this life.

You got aunt bee
and you got --

Barney, what is it?

Andy, they're talking

To each other?

Yeah! And that ain't all.
Wait till you hear this.

They're gonna ask you
to perform the ceremony.


Can you imagine the gall?
Can you imagine the nerve?

Andy, what are you
going to do?

I'm going to fight
for what's mine.

Andy, there
may be bloodshed...

My g*n!
What'd I do with my g*n?


Oh! Oh!
No! Andy!

[ Bell rings ]

Ellie walker,
we got to have us a talk.

But, um...
We got to have it right now.

I've been knowing you
since you come to mayberry.

Ain't that right?

That's a good, long time,
too, right?

And since then, we've been going
to picnics together

And socials together
and preachin' together

And pretty near everywhere

And people got
to where they're used

To seeing us together,

Maybe I better leave.

The long
and short of it is

Me and you had
an understanding...

You and me.

Yes, i-i... Guess
you could say that.

I'm saying it.

Missy, when two people
have a understanding,

They stick together
for keeps.

Now, that's the understanding.

You understand?

Yes, I think
I'm beginning to,

But I'd like
to make sure.

Is, um...

This by any chance
a proposal?

Bob: well, say,
this is wonderful.

If you two are ready
to get married,

We can make it
a double ceremony.

Would you mind
staying out of this?

Double ceremony?

Bob's fiancée
is arriving next week.

They're going to be
married here in mayberry.


Bob: yeah.

You mean you already got a girl
that you're gonna... Marry?

That's right.

Well, looks like I've done it.

Yes, it looks
like you have.

Seems to me

You just
proposed marriage.

Yeah, that's... What I've done,
all right.

Well, ellie,
it looks like

That we've embarked
on a engagement period,

Which is a period
when two people get to...

Where you...

Try to get to where
they know one another

it ought to be

A good, long period, too,

So they get to know
one another real well.

Don't you think so?

What would you say
a proper engagement period was?

Five years?

You're on
the right track there.

The rig track there.

I don't believe
in long engagements.

You don't?

Of course not.

Oh... Well,
all right.

Ellie, you just
go ahead on then

And name the date.

For what?

For our wedding.

After all, I proposed.

Oh, but aren't you
forgetting something?

I never gave
an answer.

That's right, you didn't.

And you don't
have to.

There is one thing
I'm noted for saying.

It is not right to rush a girl.

Now, I am real noted
for saying that,

So you just think it
over all you want to.

I don't have
to think it over.

I can give you
an answer now.

It's no.


I don't like to rush
into things, either,

So let's
take our time.

plenty of time.

That's right,
there is.

There's plenty of time,

Plenty of time.

And we can just wait.

Ellie, you're a fine,
sensible, level-headed girl,

And I think the world
and all of you.


I guess ellie's
in the back.

Ellie: now, now, sweetheart,
you mustn't be upset.

I love you, and everything's
gonna be all right.

Bob: sure, it is.

Now, how about
a little smile, precious?

[ Bob and ellie laugh ]
that's better.

There, darling. Now, do I get
a great big kiss?

Holy cow, andy.
She's at it again.

Oh, hi, pa! I fell down
and skinned my elbow,

But miss ellie and dr. Benson
fixed it up with a bandage.
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