02x01 - Opie and the Bully

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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02x01 - Opie and the Bully

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, opie, do you have
to draw on everything?

Now, remember,
first you eat the sandwich

And th you eat
the apple pie

Not the apple pie
and then the sandwich.

You understand?

Yeah, I understand

Even if it don't seem right.

Why doesn't it seem right?

Well, if you get full
before you finish

I'd sure rather leave over
the sandwich than the pie.

That's exactly why I want you
to do it the other way

And don't you forget it.

Okay, aunt bee.

Can I have my nickel
for milk?


Now, remember

This is for milk

Not another piece
of apple pie.

You ne that milk
to make your bones hard.

Yes, ma'am.

Now, good-bye, now.

Bye, aunt bee.

Now, remember

The sandwich first
and then the apple pie?

Yes, ma'am.




Yeah, son?

Could I have a nickel
for milk?

Well, yeah, I guess so

If I can get a hold
of one here.

Here. There you are.

Thanks, paw.

Okay. Be a good boy, now.

I will.

And show the teacher
you got some smarts.




Bye, son.

That boy... I declare

He's got the sweetest
tooth I ever saw.

[ Chuckles ]

You know, if he
had his way

What he'd want
for lunch?

Two slices
of apple pie

Between two pieces
of apple pie

And a slab of apple pie
for dessert.

Well, now, that's
not surprising, aunt bee

the green thumb

You got
for apple pies.

Nonsense. He's just
apple pie crazy.

You know, when I gave him
his nickel for milk

I had to remind him
it was for milk

Not another piece
of apple pie.

Oh, there's
another piece left

If you'd like it.

Of course, it didn't
turn out quite right

This time, did it?


A little too much
cinnamon? Mm?

Well, I'd say
there maybe was

Just the least
little bit

Of too much cinnamon, yeah.

Oh? You think so?

Well, maybe your apples
was too ripe.

Andy taylor,
that was one

Of the best apple
pies I ever made!

Well, now, I'll tell ya,
since it was so bad

Maybe we better
eat it up

And get it out
of the way

So we'll make way
for another pie.

Aunt bee, you're
buried in this world.

You have to have a little
bragging, don't you?

Oh, andy, stop it.

Here we are.

One piece left.

I'd better get
a plate.

What is it, you're
a little flustered?

Oh, stop it.

Here we are.

Wonder why he wanted
two nickels.


Opie. You say you give
him a nickel for milk?


Huh. He asked me
for a nickel, too.

He did?


Why do you suppose
he did that?

Mighty good question,
aunt bee.

I'll have to see

If I can't get us
a mighty good answer.

Hi, opie.




You wouldn't like
to sort of let me

Pass by your street
for free, would ya?

Why should i?

Well, then I could
give paw back

The nickel
I sort of owe him.

Who's stopping ya?

Well, if I give him back
his nickel

And I have to give you
a nickel

For passing by your street

I ain't gonna have
no nickel for milk

And boy, sheldon,
it ain't easy getting

A peanut butter and jelly
sandwich down dry.

I almost choked.

Drink water.

But if I don't drink milk,
I'll get soft bones.

I sure would like to give paw
back his nickel, sheldon.

What if I say I won't give you
the nickel?

A knuckle sandwich.


You want to try it?


You know what I'll do
to you if you tell anyone.

Uh-huh. You'll pulverize me

Then you'll knock
my block off

Then you'll give me
the old one-two

Then you'll jump on me.

See ya tomorrow,

Howdy, son.

Hi, paw.

Said your prayers?

Yes, sir.


Thought maybe you and me
might have us a little talk.


What about?

Mm... First one thing,
then another.

I don't know much
about them subjects.

Well, suppose we talk

About something you do
know about, then

Like, for instance, uh

Asking me for a nickel
for milk this morning

Right after aunt bee
already give you a nickel.


What about it?

Well, I figured that way

If I lost one nickel

I'd still have one left
for milk.

Oh, I see.

You wouldn't want my bones
to get soft, would ya?

Course not.

But, uh...

What made you think
you might lose one?

Oh, you know how careless
seven-year-old boys are.

You know what aunt bee says.

If our heads wasn't fastened
to our shoulders

We'd lose 'em.

[ Laughs ]

Yeah, I guess that's right.

Did you, uh...
Did you lose one?


Sorta? How can you sorta
lose a nickel?

Well, first you got it,
then you ain't.

Well, why?


I sure am sleepy,

Fine, fine.

Tell me now how you sorta
lost that nickel

And you can quiet up
and go right to sleep.

Golly, paw.

A growing boy's got to have
his sleep.


I must be growing
awful fast.

I can't hardly
keep my eyes open.


[ Imitates snoring ]


Night, son.

Barney: maybe he did
lose the nickel, andy.

You know how careless
seven-year-old boys are.

Course I know.

Opie told me.

Only how'd he know
he was gonna lose it?

Well, maybe he had one
of them, uh...

You know, those flashes

Where you know what's gonna
happen before it happens.


Yeah, that's it.

I don't think so.


Well... Me neither.


So what'd you
mention it for?

Oh, I don't know.

Maybe I figured

I could convince
myself, too.

Barney, what are you
getting at?

Well, I wasn't going
to say nothing

But I guess I better.

He stopped in here
this morning

Before you got here.

Opie did?

Yeah. Wanted to know
did I have a nickel

I wasn't using.

He did? Why,
I saw aunt bee give...

He say what he wanted it for?

No. I asked him

But he just hemmed
and hawed around

And shifted from one
foot to the other

And I didn't press it.


That's the reason I didn't
push it harder last night.

So he's holding
something back, ain't he?



You ain't got no idea
what it is, huh?

Not the first.
Mystery to me.

A mystery, huh?

Barney, are you sure?

It was as plain as
the nose on your face.

It couldn't have
been nothing else!

It's just plain
extortion's what it is!

That would explain it,
wouldn't it?

He's too scared
not to give him the nickel

And too ashamed
to tell me about it.

Why don't I go to that boy's
home and tell his daddy.

No, no. I know how you feel

And that would settle it
for now

But what happens the next time

Somebody goes
pushing opie around?

Do you and me run in
and solve it for him?

Well, andy,
he's scared.

Well, I mean the other boy
is so much tougher.

Why don't I give
opie some lessons?

Look-- jab, jab,
chop and smack!

No, no, barney.

It's not lessons
in fighting he needs.

I just don't want him
to be afraid.

I don't want him to be
the kind of boy

That goes around
looking for fights

But I don't want him
to run from one

When he's in the right.


Well, how you going
to do it, andy?

You can't let him know
you know.

He feels bad enough
as it is.

He'll feel
just terrible

If he thinks
you know he's...

Well, scared.

Yeah. Hmm.



Well, I reckon
I'll just have

To figure a way, won't i?


Oh, boy,
I got another one!

Reel him in,
reel him in right quick.

Oh, boy,
ain't he a whopper!

Wow, is he pretty!

Boy, ain't he a whopper?

He really is a whopper.

Jumpin' around there

Where I can't
get a hold of him.

Fightin' like that,
he'll be good to eat, won't he?

Yeah, I bet he will.

Yeah, looka there,
looka there.

Well, we 'bout
got our limit.

We better be
a-headin' on back.

Aunt bee'll wonder
whatever happened to us.

Put on your sneakers.

Okay, paw.

Boy, paw, you sure do
know the best places.

How'd you ever
find this spot?


Aw, I just...

Well, now, that's a right
interestin' story, ope.

It is, paw?

It surely is.

See, I first come up
on this spot

When I was a little feller,
not much bigger'n you.

Really, paw?


Come on her accidental-like
one day

Decided I'd give her a try.

Threw in my line-- wham.

Got one almost as big
as that'n you got there.

Threw her in again.


See-seem like I'd stumbled
right on the spot

Where all the fish
in the river come

To sorta talk things over.

A fishes community center,
you might say.



Well, knowin' I had me
a good thing

I kept her a secret.

The other fellas
would go fishin'--

I'd-i'd sorta sneak away
and we'd meet later

And they'd have two or three
little bitty things

And I'd have
a string of whales.

Th-they was so jealous
you could smell it.

Yeah, I bet they was.

You'd bet right, too.


Well, one day, one day

I snuck away to my secret spot.

I hadn't no more'n
gotten my line in

When what do you reckon I saw?


Hodie snitch was standin' there.

Hodie snitch? Who's he?

Tough little fella

That used to live in this town
a long time ago.

Seems he snuck right after me
when I snuck away.

Dirty sneak.



He was sneaky

But that ain't
the worst of it.

He says to me--

Ho-hodie says--

He says-he says,
"beat it, boy."

He says, "from now on,
this here is my spot."

Says, "if-if I catch
you fishin' here again

"I'm gonna tear you
into little bitty pieces

And use you for bait."

What'd you do, paw?
What'd you do?

I left.

It shames me
to say it, son

But I picked myself up

And I crawled outta there
like I was a whipped pup

Which I was.

How come, paw?

Why didn't you make him

Crawl outta there
like a whipped pup?

'Cause he acted tough
and I was scared of him.

But it was...


Some fellers sure talk tough,
don't they, paw?

They surely do

Only you know
what I found out?


I found out that
tough talk's just talk.

Sit down on that log there,
and let me fix your shoe.

You did?

Did what?

Found out
that tough talk's just talk.

I surely did.


Well, I got to feelin' bad

Mighty bad.

You know why?

'Cause he took away
your milk money.

I mean, your fishin' spot.

Yeah, that was it--
at first--

And then, it got to be
for a different reason.

I got to feelin' mighty ashamed

Because I was too scared

To protect
what was rightfully mine.

Mighty ashamed.


I'm tellin' you,

You're lookin' at a fella
that felt lower

Than a two-faced,
sniveling, crawling --


How'd you know?

I got a pretty
good imagination.

Well, you imagine
absolutely correct.

I felt so low that
a little, bitty ant

Couldn't have
walked under me.

And I tried, and I
tried every way I knew

To get shut
of that feeling

But I just kept feelin'
lower and lower

And then one day,

One day when I was in school

The teacher
was tellin' us young'uns

About how this country
of ours begun

And she told us
about this fella

That says-says,
"millions for charity

But not one penny for tribute"

And then she explained
to us what that meant.

What does it mean, paw?

Well, that-that means

That-that it's-it's
fine and dandy

To give away somethin'
because you want to

But n because
you're scared

The other fella's
gonna give you

A punch in the nose
if you don't.

You know what I did?

I got my fishin' gear

And I marched myself right down
to my old fishin' hole.

You did?
I did.

And there was hodie...

Tough guy hodie--

And you know what happened?

He got scared and ran away.


He did just exactly
like he promised he would.

A knuckle sandwich?

Right on the nose.


You know what I did?

I laughed.

You did? How come?

Because it come to me
that what I'd been so scared of

Wasn't really worth
bein' scared of at all.

I didn't even feel
that knuckle sandwich.

You didn't?

Not a bit

And I lit into him
like a windmill in a tornado.

What happened?

Me and you fished that spot,
didn't we?



Okay, come on.

Paw, you say you
didn't even feel it?



Yes, son?

You laughed?

You really laughed?


Yes, son?

Did it bleed much?



Good mornin', son.



Could you take this down
to the courthouse

And hold it there for me?

Well, I guess I could.

What you want me
to do that for?

Well, if somethin' was
to happen

That got my clothes
tore and messy

I figured I could go over
to the courthouse and change

So's aunt bee
won't know about it.

Oh, I see.

You know how she is

When a fella gets his clothes
tore and messy.

She sure does kick up a fuss,
don't she?

She sure does.

Well, I guess that's
a pretty good reason.

They'll be at the courthouse,
waitin' for ya.

Thanks, paw.

You sure
you didn't even feel it?

Do you think
it's happened yet?

No. He's leavin'
the house about now.

Poor little feller.


Well, I guess I'll be

Runnin' along.



Just stay right here.

Okay, andy.

I expect he is just about
turnin' the corner

At fifth and elm now.


Three more blocks.



Three more blocks.

Well, I guess I'll do
a little patrollin'...


I wanna watch, andy.

You'll spoil everything
if you watch.

Yeah, i...

I guess so.

Did you ever do anything
that you wondered

If you was doing
the right thing?


Come on, opie,
hand it over.

We're gonna be late for school.

Are ya or ain't ya?

I hope you was tellin' me
the truth, paw.

[ Door slams open ]


Opie, son,
you all right?

Yeah, paw.

Ain't it a beaut?

[ Barney and andy laughing ]

It sure is.

Tell the truth, barney

Did you ever see a purtier one
in all your born days?

No, andy, I ain't never
seen a purtier one

In all my born days.

And you were right--
I didn't even feel it.

You didn't?

You know what else,


I laughed.
Did you?

Yeah, just like you, paw.

I laughed
and sailed into him

Like a windmill
in a tornado.

Sounds like you ain't
stopped blowin' either.


And here's
your nickel, barney.

Oh, thanks, ope.

And here's yours, paw.

Why thank you, son.

You're welcome.

Wanna know somethin', paw?


A sandwich sure

Tastes better
with milk.

You think maybe it'll spread
over to the other eye, paw?

And maybe my nose will
swell up some, huh, paw, huh?


Here it is, andy.

Oh, good.
Much obliged, barn.

How long do you think
it'll last, paw?

I mean, if I take care
of it and don't wash it.

You ain't gonna put that
on my eye, are you, paw?

Sure, it'll take
the sting out.

The color, too?


And the swelling?

Yeah, I guess so.


Uh, the sooner you put that on,
the quicker she works.

Yeah, I suppose so.

I-i don't know, barney.

If a fella gets a medal,

It ain't right to ask
him to hide it.

Son, if you
take care of that,

It could be that
it'll last a week or two.

Gee, thanks, paw.

[ Chuckles ]
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