02x09 - Aunt Bee's Brief Encounter

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderators: Lindaballou, Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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02x09 - Aunt Bee's Brief Encounter

Post by bunniefuu »

Mr. Wheeler...

Why, you have a different spray
for every size bush.

Oh, you have to, ma'am.

This little one
couldn't stand the same

As the big ones.

It's got too much
nicotine in it.

Might throw the little feller
into shock.

We wouldn't want to do that.

You do understand flowers,
don't you?

Well, what is prettier

Than a rosebud
bursting into bloom

Or a camellia shimmering
with dewdrops?

Well, the way I feel,
they give us so much beauty

The least we can do
is give them a little care.

Andy, what are you
doing home?

Oh, I just thought I'd have me
a hot lunch for a change.

Who's the, uh...?

Oh. Oh, that's
mr. Wheeler.

He was driving by

And he noticed
the aphids on
our rosebushes.

And it's a good
thing he did, too.

Mr. Wheeler noticed
them little bitty aphids

All the way from his truck?

He must have
pretty good eyes.

Aunt bee,
you got to stop fallin'

For the line of every pitchman
that comes drivin' by.


He'll hear you.

Mr. Wheeler is
no pitchman.

He's a very fine gentleman.

Well, how much is
this fine gentleman chargin' us

To squirt that goo
all over our roses?

I don't know,
but whatever it is

I'm sure it'll be
perfectly fair.

Good thing I come home
when I did.

Uh, mr. Wheeler...

Hi, sheriff.

Now, now, there's as fine
a peabody rose

As I have ever seen.


Uh, my aunt bee overlooked
one little detail.

How much are
you chargin' us

To save our roses?

Well, to tell you
the truth

I hadn't given it
much thought

But don't you
worry about it

It'll be reasonable.

Mm-hmm. Well, just
how reasonable?

Would $1.60
be too much?

I coulda charged you $1.75,
but you can't make a living

If you want to go around
robbin' people.

Well, you wasn't foolin'

When you said it'd be
reasonable, was ya?

( Clears throat )

Oh, uh, 'scuse me,
mr. Wheeler.

Oh, am I gonna eat
out here on the porch?

Oh, no, no.

Yours is on
the kitchen table.

This is for mr. Wheeler.

I'm sure he must be hungry
after all that hard work.

Well, turns out I was wrong
about mr. Wheeler.

Makin' all them remarks
about you being took

Looks like he's the one
that's being took.

Well, I told you

He's a very
fine gentleman.

( Chuckles )

Oh, mr. Wheeler...

Hi, aunt bee.

Hi, andy.

Oh, chicken!


We havin' company
for supper?

What makes
you say that?

You're not generally
that dressed up

In the middle of the week.

Oh, for heaven's sakes,

A body can't go around
looking a mess all the time.


Is mr. Wheeler
finished yet?

He appeared to be
when I passed him.

He's got the yard
lookin' so nice

Alongside it,
the house looks a mess.

Oh, he's a
good worker, too.


Well, in addition
to being a good worker, he...

Yeah, he's what?

Well, he's a...

Yeah, mm-hmm?

Well, he works good.

( Laughing )

Oh, go on and
get washed up.

All right.

( Knocking at door )

Oh, there's
mr. Wheeler now.

Come on in the house,
mr. Wheeler.

Got it all done,
did ya?

Yep, all finished.


Well, yes, ma'am.

Oh, uh, here's
an itemized bill.


Boy, if that bill
was any less

You'd be owin' us money.

( Both laughing )

If you ever come by
this way again

You be sure and stop in
and see us.

Well, thank you.

It's a pleasure meetin' up

With folks like you.

Well, good-bye.

Well, we'll see ya.


Oh, before I go...

Yes, mr. Wheeler?

If it isn't
too much trouble

Could I borrow
an onion?

I was thinkin'
of makin' myself

Another mess
of stew tonight

And I just remembered
I ran out of onions.

A stew?

Well, where on earth
would you cook it?

I have a little stove
in the back of my truck...

( Sniffing )



Mr. Wheeler,
how long has it been

Since you have had
a good home-cooked meal?

Oh, well, let's see, i, uh...

Oh, well, it doesn't matter.

Just give me my onion
and I'll run along.


Why don't you stay
and eat with us.

I always cook more chicken
than we can eat.

Isn't that right, andy?

Right as rain.

Now, you stay and eat
with us, mr. Wheeler!

Will you?


Well, all right, I will.

Good, good,
there's plenty here.

One thing --
one thing...

To make it fair,

I'll trim the ivy
before I go.

Oh, that's --
oh, well, now, that is...

Come on in here
and sit down.

Supper will be ready
in just a minute.

Another piece of corn,
mr. Wheeler?

How about just one
little piece --

No more --
miss bee,

I don't ever remember
enjoying a meal like this,

And I've eaten a lot
of meals in my time!

Ain't you glad
you stayed?

Thank you very,
very much.

I'll go get us some more
fresh coffee.

It must be an interesting life,
mr. Wheeler,

Traveling around
from town to town,

Seeing the sights,
working just enough to get by.

Gosh, I bet
you've been everywhere.

Yeah, just about.

Traveling is all right...

I once had
a little hardware store.

You did?

Yeah -- pressure got a little
too much for me,

And I decided that
happiness and health

Was a lot more important.


So I got me a truck
and went on the road.

I'll be dogged!

But i...
I'm getting older,

One of these days
I'm going to find me

A nice little house like this
and settle down.

That'll be nice for you.

Yeah -- when you find the right
party to do it with.

Man needs someone
to take care of,

And somebody to
take care of him.

Well, if that's all you want,
mr. Wheeler,

Why don't you buy a dog?

[ Laughing ]

Ope, I believe mr. Wheeler
had something else in mind!

Here we are,
fresh coffee for everybody!

You better get on upstairs
and do your lessons now.

Can I stay here
and talk to mr. Wheeler?

No. Get on up
and study now.

Go on.

Okay, paw.

I'll see ya.

Well, I'll do these
dishes for ya, aunt bee.

Oh, no, no, andy,
don't you bother.

I can do them.

And spot that purty dress?


I'll do 'em.

Are you sure?

Oh, sure.
I don't mind.

Thank you, andy.

That's me
when my family
moved to peoria.

I was 18.

( Giggles )

See how skinny I am?

( Chuckling: )

Aunt bee:
excuse me.

I'll go see how andy's

Getting along
with the dishes.


Oh, I'm sorry it's
takin' me so long,
aunt bee.

You all havin' a
nice chat, are ya?


Andy, mr. Wheeler's
fixing to leave.


And I was wondering...

Wondering what?

Well, I was wondering,
are we quite sure

There isn't something else
that he could do for us?

It'd be a shame
if after he left

We discovered
there was something else

He could have done
for us, hmm?

Yeah, that would be
a shame, wouldn't it?


We better go talk to him.

Well, mr. Wheeler,
I hear you're fixin' to move on.


I've enjoyed
your hospitality

And the pleasure
of your company.

Now, it's time to go.

Well, uh, mr. Wheeler,
I was just thinkin'...

It's too bad
I'm leaving town.

I noticed some
loose shingles

On your roof that
sure need fixing.

Well, now, I'm glad
you did notice that.

It's gonna leak
somethin' terrible

Next time we have a storm.

It's too bad
we don't have

A fella like you
around to fix it.

Now, you know,
if I do say so myself

Roofing's one
of my specialties.

Good, then you'll do it.

I declare, mr. Wheeler

I don't know how
we got along without you.

Well, I'll get at that roof

The first thing
in the morning.

If you'll excuse me

I'll get myself
some shut-eye.

A little shut-eye helps.

Oh, by the way...

Do you mind if I park
my truck in your driveway?

Well, help yourself.

Where you gonna
get this shut-eye?

In the back of my truck.
Good night.

Mr. Wheeler, do you sleep
in the back of your truck?

Oh, it's not
as bad as that.

I have a sleeping bag
and it's quite comfortable.

I just lie there
and count the stars.

Older folks don't
do that, you know.

Good night.

Oh, mr. Wheeler...

Andy, we can't
let mr. Wheeler sleep

Out there in the damp air

When we've got
a perfectly good guest room.

Aunt bee's right,
mr. Wheeler.

No, no, no, I
couldn't do it.

No. Now, we won't
take no for a answer.

Well, it's hard to say
no to folks like you.

I humbly accept.


Good. Come on,
let me show you the room.

Oh, mr. Wheeler?

Breakfast is at 7:00.

Oh, by the way,

You wouldn't have an extra
alarm clock, would ya?

If breakfast is
anything like supper

I don't want to take any
chances on being late.

Good night, miss bee.

You're a kind woman.

Well, morning, mr. Wheeler.

Anxious to get
right to it, are you?

Just can't wait
to get started.

Well, it's a good day for it.

( Groans )

What's the matter?

It's nothing at all.

It's just a touch
of lumbago.

I'll be all right.

Well, maybe you oughta
come down from there.

No. I'll be all right.

Now, mr. Wheeler

I want you to come down
from up there right now.

Well, if you say so.

Here. Let me take that.

Darn back of mine.

Just when I was itchin'
to start shinglin'.

Is there anything
I can do for you?

I would appreciate it,
if you don't mind

If you can carry
the shingles up
on the roof for me

I can take over.

Well, of course.
I'll be glad to.

I hate to put you
to that trouble.

That's no trouble.

Not bad, andy. Not bad.

Gonna have to straighten
out that top row a little.

I'll take over.

Here we are.

Oh, man, don't that
lemonade look good?

No. This is for mr. Wheeler.

He's been working
on that hot roof all day.

Dear lady.


Just hits the spot.

Mr. Wheeler, don't
make me laugh.

Who makes up
those jokes anyway?

Oh, andy, you're still up.

Oh, I was just
reading the paper.

Sounds like you all
had a big evening.

It was sure
a nice picture.

After the picture

Aunt bee showed me
downtown mayberry.


Then we had a couple
of ice cream sodas

And now we're back home.

Hope I didn't keep
her out too late.

Oh, well, now, you did have
a big evening, didn't you?

We sure did.

I could see that cartoon
again and again.

Well, I guess all good things
have to come to an end.

I just want you folks to know

That I'll remember
these last few days

For an awful long time.

It sounds like
you're going someplace.

At this hour?

No, now,
I've put you out enough.

My work is finished,
there's no reason to stay.

Uh...mr. Wheeler,
I was just studying.

With you still here

Why, it don't
make much sense

For me to call
in a painter,

And that fixed-up roof

Makes our front
porch look a sight.

You know, it's odd
you should've mentioned that.

I just happen to have
a new brush in the truck.

No, you don't.

Yes, I do.

You'll have to paint it then.

I'll be glad to.

( Laughing )

Well, if I'm going
to get started

Painting that porch
in the morning

I better get me
a little shut-eye.

If you folks
will excuse me.

( Laughing )

What is it?

You know, I was just thinking.

I stopped by
to spray a few roses

You folks won't let me leave.

Good night.

Good night, mr. Wheeler.

Hey, you know...

Something just come to me.

Didn't we have
that porch painted

Just a few months ago?

Why, I forgot that.

Yeah, maybe I better tell
mr. Wheeler just to forget it.

No, no, you can't do that.

A second coat of paint
never hurt anybody.

Oh, it didn't?


Well, maybe we better
paint everybody twice.

Oh, andy.

Well, good morning,
mr. Wheeler.

How you feelin'?

Huh? Oh, I couldn't
feel better.

See that cloud
over yonder, andy?


Which one?

That one right through
the fork of the trees there.


Don't that look
like a woman?

Yeah. It does a little.

Yeah. Clouds and women
are a lot alike.

They're both there,
but we don't appreciate 'em.

Now, that cloud up there

It's giving us beauty,
but we're not thankful.

We don't have time.

It's the same with a woman.

They give us beauty.

Besides that, they work
and they cook and they clean

But we're not thankful.

We don't have time.

Now, you take your aunt bee --
as fine a woman as ever lived.

Why shouldn't she be out
enjoying today?

Maybe a picnic or something.

Nobody to take her.

Ah, well.

Mr. Wheeler, you know
what you said's right.

How's that?

Go get aunt bee and take her
out on a little picnic.

I'll paint the porch.

I got some time.

I couldn't do that.

No. What you said
is absolutely right

And I insist on it.

Andy, you're a fine man.



I thought mr. Wheeler
was gonna paint the porch.

He was.

He sure don't seem
to be doing it, though.

Well, I expect he's got his mind
on a few other things.

Hey, andy.

Here's the
afternoon mail.

Oh, hi, george.

Anything interesting
in there?

No. Just the usual.

Say, andy

You ain't fixin' to sell
your house, are you?

No. We're just
sprucin' it up a little.

Well, I wish you'd do a fella
a favor and take it easy.

You're gonna get
us men in trouble

Doing all that roofin',
and paintin' and gardenin'.

The missus has been
after me to do some work.

You ought to do a little work
every once in a while.

It's easy for you.
You got a handyman.

Oh, hi, mr. Wheeler.

Hi, andy.

I'm just on my way down
to the hardware store

To pick up
a little chicken wire.

'Fraid I'm gonna need
a little money.

Oh, sure, sure.
Let's see here.

That be enough?

Oh, that'll be fine.

Yeah. That's good.

Oh, excuse me.

This is henry wheeler.

He's been helping us
around the place.

Mr. Wheeler,
george bricker.


It's a pleasure
to make your acquaintance.

Well, I'll see you later.

I'll see you this evening,
mr. Wheeler.

That's funny.

Hmm? What is?

You say this wheeler's
a professional handyman?

Yeah. Works all over.

Last I believe he worked
over at mt. Pilot. Why?

Well, I was just thinking.

If he's a professional handyman,
how come his hands are so soft?

They are?

Yeah, I noticed it
when we shook hands.



Well, I got to go now.
See you later, andy.

Yeah. I'll see you, george.

Uh, sarah?

Get me sheriff mitchell
over at mt. Pilot, will you?

You mean "gold brick" wheeler?

( Laughing )

He's handy
with everything but his hands.

Moved in on the gradys and
stayed for just about a week!

Well, uh, uh, tell me about him.

Well, while mary
was waitin' on him hand and foot

Her poor brother bill was
working himself to a frazzle.

Oh, yes, sir,
he's a handyman all right --

Handy with the ladies, that is.

Yes, sir,
passes out the compliments

And when he's good and
well-fed, he just moves on.

Say, andy, he wouldn't
be paying you a visit

And pulling that stuff on you?

Oh, of course not.

I got a whole lot
too much smart for that.

Well, much obliged.

Bee says you can
wash up now, andy.

We'll have supper ready
in a few minutes.

Mr. Wheeler...

What can I do
for you, andy?

You done enough.

Glad to. Glad to.

I just wanted to tell
you how happy I am

That you and aunt bee
hit it off so good...

Uncle henry.

Uncle henry?

Well, I let that slip, didn't i?

But everything's going along
so good between you and aunt bee

I guess it's just
a matter of time, ain't it?


Yeah. You're a mighty lucky man,
uncle henry.

You won't find
a nicer, sweeter woman

In the whole county
than my aunt bee.



Yeah. Now, you take good
care of her, you hear?

I don't know what
I'd do to anybody

That hurt my aunt bee.

I don't blame you, andy.

Oh, by the way

Are you figurin' on
a big wedding...

( g*n cocks )

Or just a small affair
with a few friends?

To tell you the truth

I hadn't given it
much thought yet.

Aunt bee:
supper's ready!

Well, there's, uh...
There's no hurry

But it'd be kinda nice
if you'd mention it to aunt bee

Sometime tonight.

We got to make our plans.

Sure. Sure, andy.

You go on in,

And I'll be in
in a couple of minutes.

Supper's on the table.

Where's mr. Wheeler?

Uh, he had to leave, um...


He's gone?

Yeah, he just up and left...

Just like that.

He just left?

But he didn't even wait
for his supper.

Could've at least
said good-bye.


I guess that's how it is
with these drifters.

They just get the urge
and they go.

Pity they're so restless...

Unable to stay
in one place for long.

They miss so much.

Well, what are we
standing here talking for?

Let's go in
and have our supper.

Morning, ma'am!

Good morning!

Would you be needing
some knives sharpened?

Or scissors --
I do fine cutlery work.

You have an umbrella
that needs mending?

I do that, too.

Do you? I have an umbrella
the handle keeps coming off.

I can take
care of it.

My bread knife is
getting a little dull.

Well, good,
I'll get to work on it.

Oh, say, is it all right

If I park beside your house
in the shade?

Then it'll be nice and cool when
I eat my lunch in the truck.


You eat your lunch
in the truck?

Yes, ma'am. Why?

Well, I was just thinking
instead of

Eating your lunch
dry like that,

Wouldn't you be
more comfortable

At the table having a proper
meal and some warm --

On second thought, I don't think
I'll need that work done at all.

The umbrella handle
doesn't come off that often,

And my bread knife cuts just
fine -- thank you just the same!

Good day.
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