04x10 - Terror in Tanner Town

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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04x10 - Terror in Tanner Town

Post by bunniefuu »

Come on.

Becky, we haven't even set
a date for the wedding yet,

And you got me
trying on goofy hats.

Besides, the guests will be disappointed.
They are coming to see my hair.

Well, I would like
a formal wedding

And I think a top hat
and tails is very elegant.

But we can get an
objective opinion.

Michelle, what do you
think of your uncle jesse?

You look very handsome.

Becky tell you to say that?

Yes, she did.

And did she give you something?

Yes, she did.

All right. Here's a buck.

Tell me what you really think.

You look like
the cat in the hat.

I'm not getting married

Dressed like a
dr. Seuss cartoon.

Besides, a formal
wedding doesn't coincide

With my whole
viva las vegas motif.


Hey, it's dark in here.

You got a fat head.

You got that right.

Give me my buck back.

I still got my lollipop.

I still got my lollipop.

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Whatever happened
to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman, the
paper boy, evening tv ♪

♪ How did I get delivered here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me, please ♪

♪ This old world's ♪

♪ Confusin' me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean
as you've ever seen ♪

♪ There ain't a bird
who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice
inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid, don't sell your
dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a heart,
there's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ There's a face ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waitin'
to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Doobie doo bah bah dah ♪♪

It's the dry cleaning. I'll
get it. I'll get it. I got it.

Dry cleaning, mr. Tanner.

Just the way I like it... Dry...

And clean.

I got that mustard
stain out for you.

You're amazing.

Tell me how.

You know how.

Yeah, but say the word. Say it.


Oh, yes.

This is so much better

Than when julio
delivered the cleaning.

You know, it's hard to
believe it's been two weeks

Since we first met.

You walked into my
cleaning store with

All of your dirty
clothes separated in

The 4 basic stain groups.

Ground-in, caked-on, soaked-up,

And "ew, gross."

I better get back.

I left julio running the store.

Cindy, wait a minute.

Why don't you and your son
come over for lunch saturday?

I don't know, danny.

You see, rusty's been going
through an awkward stage

Since my divorce.

Yeah, but our families
haven't even met yet.

Come on, it'll be fun, it'll be like
our own little brady bunch thing.

'Course, I'm the one with the
three girls all with the hair of gold.

Oh, but there's no alice.

True, but we could put
joey in a maid's outfit.

You know, I used to
have a shag haircut

Just like florence henderson.

Yeah, well not the hair during
those commercials, oh no,

But the one before,
it was kind of a...

Yeah, it was like a
ski cap, only with hair.

Yeah. Yeah. Right.

So it's settled?
Saturday at noon?



Oh, danny. I have been
dying to tell you something...

Hairspray helps
remove ink stains.

I love it when you
talk clean to me.

All right, everybody. Cindy and
rusty are gonna be here any minute.

Size, places, please. Let's go.

Jesse, please stand up straight.

What is this, a julie
andrews movie?

Then go with it, jess.

♪ Do, a deer ♪

♪ A female deer ♪

♪ Re ♪

♪ A drop of golden sun ♪

Look, I know you're all having fun,
but this is really important to me.

♪ Mi, a name I call myself ♪

This has gone too far, I know...

♪ Fa, a long, long way to run ♪

♪ Sol, a needle
pulling thread... ♪♪

They're here.

Look, cindy's really special,

And I really like her,
and we really hit it off.

And no pressure, but I really want
today to be the greatest day of my life.

So let her in.


Cindy, rusty, you made it.


Did you hear that?

Isn't she the greatest?

Cindy, rusty, I'd like you
to meet the tanner bunch

From the tallest
to the smallest.

I'm danny.

This is jesse,
joey, rebecca, d.j.,

Stephanie, michelle,
and that's comet.

My daddy likes you.

Oh, that's so sweet.

Thanks. Where's my dollar?

I don't know where
she gets this stuff.

All right. Come on.
Chow's on. Follow me.

♪ Mi, a name I call myself ♪

♪ Fa, a long, long way to run ♪♪

I heard the funniest
joke yesterday...

A monkey walks
into a barber shop...

Oh, that's my favorite joke.

It ends with...

"But get your
hands off my cigar."

It's even funnier
with the middle part.

So cindy, did you know
that jesse and rebecca

Are getting married?

Oh, really? That's wonderful.


Well, we haven't set a date yet,

But we definitely know where.

Tennessee. Nebraska.


That's where my family
is. What's in tennessee?

Clean air, friendly
folks, graceland.

Did you just cough graceland?


I'm not going all
the way to graceland

To get married in some
guitar-shaped chapel.

It's a guitar-shaped
pool, all right?

The chapel's a giant sideburn.

Pardon me. I have
to call my store.

So rusty, what are you into,

Cub scouts, little league?

To tell the truth, mr. Tanner,

I'm kind of a... A loner.

Pass me the salt,
will you? Sure.



That's for unscrewing
the salt shaker,

Mr. Maturity.

It wasn't me.

I haven't pulled that bit
since junior high school.

Ok. High school.

All right, it was last
week at the sizzler.

You didn't have to hit me.

I'm really sorry, you guys.

There's a problem
down at the store.

But we shouldn't be long.

Come on, rusty.

Mom, I'm still eating.

We'll take it to go.

Aw, come on, I hardly
got to know the little guy.

Why don't you go on ahead,

And let rusty hang
out here with us.

All right. I shouldn't be long.

Now, rusty, you be
on your best, best,

Best behavior.

I'll be fine, mom.

See you all later.


More milk, please.

Missing, you're
missing, you're missing.

I'll go get a towel.

How did the tablecloth
get tucked in my pants?

I have never put
anything down his pants.

All right. Once, at the sizzler.

Daddy, it wasn't finished.

Boy, your mom and my
dad really like each other.

Yeah. Say, you girls
want some gum?

Sure. Sure, thanks.

All of the accidents at
lunch were really weird today.

Oh, those weren't accidents.
The salt, the milk, the tablecloth,

The gum... All compliments
of the rustman,

Master of disaster.

You mean you did all
those mean, horrible...

Did he say gum?

He said gum.


You girls better start flossing.

What is your problem, kid?

No problem.

My philosophy is,

If you fall for
it, you deserve it.

Well, my philosophy
is, I'm telling.

Steph, wait.

Dad really likes cindy.

And she'll be back any minute.

So let's just try to be
nice to the little rat.


Want some cheese?

Hey rusty, your mom just called.

She's gonna be stuck at the
store for the rest of the day

And she wanted me to put you
in a cab and send you down there.

Aww. Aww.

But I told her
we couldn't do it.

Is it the money? I'll
chip in for cab fare.

Take it out of my college fund.

That's very generous, girls,

But I told cindy we really want
rusty to hang out here with us,

Right, girls?

I knew you'd feel that way.

Come on, rusty. What do you
say we go out in the back yard

And play some football.

Sounds like fun, mr. Tanner.

I'll be back.

You know, russ? There's nothing
like throwing around the old pig skin

And get that guy-to-guy
bonding thing going.

Ok, I'll be joe montana,
you be jerry rice.

Could I be joe
montana, mr. Tanner?

He's always been my
idol... Before I met you.

Ah, russ.

Ok. On 2.

Ready, set, hut-1, hut-2.

Go deep, mr. Tanner!

I'm open, joe!

Here it comes.

You can get it, mr. Tanner!

Run, run! Dive, dive!


Watch out for that mud puddle.

Heh heh.

Too bad.

You almost had it.

You know, mud tastes
worse than it looks.

You mind if I hit the
showers a little early?

Good idea, mr. Tanner.

I'll get to know the
rest of your family.


This is great. You want
some stuffy, boring,

Formal wedding at a
4-h club in nebraska.

Oh, and you want some tacky,
rock-a-billy sock hop at graceland,

The world's largest
souvenir stand.

She didn't mean it.

All right, listen, if
there's one thing for sure,

When the band plays our wedding
song, it has got to be jailhouse rock.

You want the first words we
dance to as husband and wife to be,

"Warden threw a party
in the county jail"?

People will choke
on their chicken.

Come on. You don't throw the chicken
until way after the wedding dance.

Aw, this is ridiculous.
All we do is arg...

Did you say chicken?

Yeah, yeah I did.

Me, too.

We finally agree on something.

This is it. This is a start.
We're building here.

We have a foundation
to build our life on.

Chicken. Chicken.


Tongue-town, usa!

Rusty, aren't you supposed
to be playing with danny?

This is where the action is.

Hey, hey, hey, don't touch my
hair accouterments, please.

Here. Sit here and
don't touch anything.

I'm touching the
dresser. "I'm touch... "!


Listen. I'm hip
to you, wise guy.

I know you pulled all
those stunts at lunch.

Since danny likes your mother
so much, I'm letting you slide.

From now on, you respect
people and their property.



Thanks for setting me
straight, mr. Katsopolis.

You're tough, but you're fair.


All right. You're a good boy.

Have a good day, son.

Did you see that?

That's how you gotta
handle kids like rusty.

Ba-da-boom. Know what I mean?

Give 'em a little discipline.
They're like dogs.

They respect you for it.

Or they lock you in your room.



Rusty! Rusty!


Hey rusty,

What brings you down
to my neck of the house?

I was just admiring your
equipment, mr. Gladstone.

Well, I'm putting together
a tape of my comedy act.

I specialize in some pretty
darn obscure impressions.

Check this out.

This one is mr. Woodchuck.

"Hey, rusty.

Say, is that table
made of wood?"

All right, all right.
Check this one out.

This one's great.
You're gonna love it.

Bob hope.

"Hey, I wanna tell you,
that's wild, ain't it, rusty?

Isn't that something?"

This is an impression
of mr. Woodchuck

Doing an impression of bob hope.

Here we go.

"Hey, that's wild, huh?

Yeah, isn't that
something, rusty? Huh?"

I got plenty of other
stuff on this comedy tape.

I've been working
on it for weeks.

This is some of my classic,
all-time funniest moments,

So get ready to
watch joey gladstone...

Talk to himself.

Hi. I'm joey gladstone.

And well, I've put some
of my funniest moments

On this here t...

This is rustyvision.

Ha ha!


Why do we have to wash comet?

It's so messy, and he
shakes water all ove...

Would you rather
play with rusty?

Comet, bath time. Let's go, boy.

Hey, girls.

I heard you were
tied up for a while.

Anybody wanna look
at my kaleidoscope?

We're not falling
for any more tricks.

Excuse us, but we're
giving our dog a bath.

Care to join him?

We have plenty of flea powder.

Good one.

Yeah. Good one.

But the rustman laughs last.

Hey, that's our dinner.

Don't worry. I'm
just borrowing it.

Oh, pretty.

Hey, that kaleidoscope
is not for you.

What's so funny?

Sorry, kid. I guess
I better show you.

You're in big trouble, mister.

Story of my life.

Now, you better
move out of the way.

Comet! Come and
get it, boy! Pot roast!

No, comet! Stay in the tub!

Rusty! Rusty!

Come back!

Michelle, what
happened to your eye?

It's rusty's kaleidoscope.

Which way did they go?

They went that way! Get 'em!

Rusty! Rusty!

What's going on?

Why is there a soapy dog

Eating rump roast on my couch?

Take a wild guess.

Rusty! Rusty!

That kid is bad news.

Michelle, did rusty
do that to your eye?

With his kaleidoscope.

That doesn't sound
like little rusty.

Dad, wake up.

He's the devil boy.

I... I can't believe
he did this.

Danny, just out of curiosity,

Was little rusty in the bathroom

Before you took a shower?

Yeah. Why do you ask?


Well, my work here is done.

It's been a blast, tanners.

Hold it. Come here, you.

No, jess. He's mine.

I'll handle this, everybody.

Book 'em, dano.

Be careful, daddy.
He's very tricky.

You know, you
look good in green.

Pranks are one thing.

But when you mess
with a man's shampoo,

You're messing with the man.

It washes right out.

Rusty, I don't get this.

I really wanted
us to be friends.

You don't wanna be my friend.

You wanna be my mom's friend.

Well, I do like your
mom very much.

You're wasting your time,

'Cause someday my mom and
dad are getting back together.

Oh... That's what this is about.

Look, rusty... I
know how you feel.

My parents are divorced, too.

It hurts that
they're not together.

But you can't wreck
every relationship

That your mom tries to make.

You know that's not fair.

I don't wanna talk about it.

That must be your mom.

Go ahead. Tell on me.

Hi, cindy. How's
everything at work?

Oh, fine. How's everything here?

Oh, couldn't be better.

Rusty's a great kid.

I am?

We had a great
time. Right, rusty?

Yeah. Sure.

Really? He was good?

Oh, it was wonderful,
we did a lot of stuff,

We tossed football,
we played with the dog...

You dyed your hair green?

Oh, you noticed.

Well, i... I started
using irish formula.

It's supposed to be
worked in gradually,

You know, a little each day.

Danny, I don't know
how he did this.

I searched him before
he left the house.

You and I are going to
have a talk later, young man.

I am really sorry, danny.

You know, I wouldn't blame you

If you didn't want
to see me again.

Cindy, it's gonna take a
lot more than a green head

To ruin this relationship.

Of course I wanna see you again.

And I wanna see rusty, too.

Is that ok with you, rusty?

That'll be cool, and I'm sorry.

You're ok, mr. Tanner.

Hey, call me danny.

You're a real
touchy-feely sort of guy,

Aren't you, danny?

You'll get used to it.

Dig in, rusty.

Yeah, go ahead. Drink
your ice-cream soda.

Wait a minute.

I ain't the master of
disaster for nothing.

What did you put
in it? Dog food?

He's too smart for us, steph.

I'll just make my
own ice cream soda.

Where are the glasses?

In that cupboard.



Aah! Hey!

Gotcha, dude.

Pretty good trick, girls.

Of course you
know, this means w*r.

Any time, rusty.
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