02x18 - Jailbreak

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show". Aired: October 1960 to April 1968.*

Moderator: Lindaballou

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Andy Taylor who is a widowed sheriff raises his son in Mayberry, N.C.
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02x18 - Jailbreak

Post by bunniefuu »

"The next thing,
the guard was staring

"Into the muzzle of a .38 p*stol
with a silen...

"...cer on it.

And he said..."

Man: sheriff taylor here?


Horton, state bureau
of investigation.

You're not taylor,
are you?

Uh, no.
I'm barney...

That is, I'm fife--

What's it all about?

I'm sure
I can help you.


The sheriff's the one
I'd like to see.

Well, of course,
the way we're set up here,

Why, the sheriff and me
work in harness together,

Sort of as a team.

Good idea.

When the sheriff ain't here,
naturally I handle whatever...

I'll wait.

It's completely
up to you.

[ Clears throat ]

Uh, pardon me.

You can probably tell
better from there.

Is this hanging straight?

No telling when
he'll be coming back.

He could be quite a while,

So I expect the best thing
for you to do

Would be to...

Just wait.

[ Telephone ringing ]

Excuse me.

Sheriff's office.
Fife here.

This is art over at
the grocery store.

Listen, I finally
got the dog

That's been barking
every morning,

Waking up the whole

Oh, you have, huh?

Are you sure he's
the one we're after?

Sure I'm sure.
It's sam,

The big brute
that belongs to floyd.

The big brute, huh?

We don't need
the sheriff for this.

I'll take him

And tell floyd
to keep him tied up.

Right. It'll be
the rope for him.

I'll be right over.

What's the trouble?

Nothing I can't handle.

Hey, deputy.

Maybe you can help me.

Be glad to.

Perhaps the sheriff
is at home.

You have the address?

24 Elm street.

Andy: so that's one
of the fellas

That robbed the furniture
factory payroll, is he?

Horton: no question about it,
that's him, "doc" malloy.

And he's here
in mayberry.

Came up on
the morning bus.

I've got three men
on his tail,

But we don't want
to close in just yet.

You think he'll lead you
to his partner

And the payroll money.

Right. We also figure they plan
to rendezvous around here.

I'd like your cooperation.

Oh, glad to help.
Yes, sir.


You see, actually the most
helpful thing you can do

Is see that we get a free hand
on the case.

More or less stay clear
of the operation.

That's what I came
to ask you.

That's the way
it will be.

Good. Good.

Say, the reason I make
such a point of this

Is that I understand
the temptation.

If the local sheriff would barge
in here and make an arrest,

Grab a lot
of newspaper space,

The voters
would eat it up.

That's, uh...
That's not the way we work.

Glad to hear
you say so.

I suppose you've got
plenty of other things

To keep you busy.

Chicken thieves

And whatnot.

Uh, yeah, that's...
That's about it.

Chicken thieves
and whatnot.

Then we can count on your
complete cooperation?

No interference?

It'll be a pleasure.


One of the robbers
is here in mayberry?

Andy: that's right.
Andy, this is
an all-points.

We'd better
get right on it.

Let me see if I've got
my b*llet -- yeah, I got it.

Okay, what do we do
first now? Stakeout?

Form a posse
and set up roadblocks?

Barney, the fact is
we've been

Kindly invited to stay
out of the case.

Stay out?
That's right.

They're following
this fella,

Hoping he'll lead 'em
to his partner,

And they don't want anything
upsetting the apple cart,

So they want
to be left alone.

Left alone?!

Andy, they can't
do that to us!

Well, I reckon
they've got a right.

This is just the kind
of case

That would be
good for us.

Keep our instincts
honed up razor sharp.

Maybe you could
hone up a little

By seeing if floyd will come
and get his dog, huh?

And how about
emptying the trash?

Andy, we ought
to be in on this case.

I tell you,
it's just plain robbery!

I didn't mean
to make a jo--

what do you say?

Empty the trash and tell floyd
to come get his dog.

Boy, a lot of police work
we do around here.

[ Door slams ]

Oh, mr. Horton.

Sheriff, I'm going to have
to use one of your cells.

What's the trouble?
Malloy got wise
and made a break for it.

We had to grab him.

I want you
to lock him up.

We're going to make
a check of the area,

See if we can
spot his partner.

Oh, glad to oblige.

Bring him right on in.

Always glad to help out
the state police.

And, say, uh...

Wasn't it lucky
I was here

Instead of out catching
chicken thieves and whatnot?

All right, al.

Put him in.

A plainclothesman,
I presume.

Keep a close eye
on that bird.

We want
to question him later.

He'll be here
when you want him.

Sam! How'd
you break out?

Now, look, you get back
to that jail, you hear?

[ Barks ]

[ Growling ]

Barney: come on.
Come on, sam.

Come on, dog.

Come on, sam.

Come on.
Come on, sam.

Come on.

Come on.



He must have
broke out.

Well, he didn't
exactly break out.

I let him go.

You what?

The state police just
brought malloy in.

Malloy is here
in our jail?

Right. They want
us to hold him

Until they get a chance
to question him.

Imagine, "doc" malloy
in the mayberry jail.

Listen, you keep
an eye on him.

I'm going on patrol.

I don't much like
the thoughts

Of his partner running
loose around here.

But, andy,
wait a minute.

I thought you'd agreed
to stay out of this case.

I did,
but I still got a duty

To protect the folks
here in mayberry.

Wait a minute,

Don't you see?

This is our
golden opportunity.

We can interrogate
this bird ourselves.

Find out all about
the rendezvous,

His partner, the money --
make him spill.

This fella don't take
to conversing

With police officers.

Well, then we do what
they do up at the big house.

We plant a stool pigeon
in his cell with him.

He'll jabber his head off
to another con.

A stool pigeon?
Who would that be?


Now, barney...

Well, why not?
He's never seen me before.

I'd have him eating
out of my hand.

Barney, no.

Now let's do it
their way.

I'm leaving you
in charge,

And you keep
an eye on him

And keep your distance,
you understand?

You'll get your chance
another time,

But follow orders this time.

I'll be back
in about an hour.

And don't take
the dog back inside.

His hair is falling out
all over everything.

Come on, sam.

Come on.

Come on, sam!

[ Car engine starts ]

Hi, barney!
Paw here?

Hi, ope -- no,
that was him just drove off.

Hiya, sam.

Hey, ope, would you
do me a favor?

When you go by
the barbershop,

Would you see
if floyd's in

And tell him to come
pick up his dog?

Okay -- how about if
I take sam with me?

Afraid not.

It's all I can do
to hold on to him.

You could never
handle this brute.

Oh, we'll never
get him back now!

Here, sam!
Here, boy!

Come here, pup.

See ya, barney.

[ Clears throat ]

[ Clears throat ]

Say, how did
you get in here?

You were sleeping
pretty good

When they
brought me in.

But they don't take me easy.

I got two of 'em.

Good. Good. Now simmer down,
will you, pal?

I'm going to try
to get a little sleep.

Go ahead.

You can rot in here
if you want to,

But not me.

I'm busting out.

Oh? And just how?

Come here.

See that lock?

Piece of cake.

And get that gat...

And out.

Say, uh...
Who are you?

What's your name?

Puddin' tame.

Ask me again, I'll
tell you the same.

Say, you really think
you can spring out of here?

They don't call me
"fingers" for nothing.

You know, i, uh...
I been thinking

About building up
the old g*ng.

I could use
a couple of torpedoes.

You, uh...

You got a partner?


Well, and then we'll
need some dough

For a hideout
till we cool off.

Could you, uh...

Lay your hands
on a bundle?


Now, look, jack!

I need more than
this "maybe" jazz!

You tell me where
your partner is

And the money
or you don't go!

I tell you,
and you tell the cops.

Me? Rat?

[ Chuckling ]

I been in
the stir plenty.

Yeah, the bulls used
everything on me --

Bright lights,
rubber hose...

I never cracked.

Yeah, I been
called plenty --

Everything from "chopper"
to "mad dog" --

But one name they
never called me...


You get me
out of here,

And I promise you

You'll get everything
that's coming to you.

Okay. We'll need
something sharp.


I know.

So far, so good.
So far, so good.


Say "pins."

Come on.


Now to get your partner
and the dough, right?


Okay, malloy,
you ready?

The coast is clear.


Mmm! Mmm! Mmm! Mmm!

Mmm! Mmm!
Mmm! Mmm!

Barney, what happened?

All right, well, you keep your
crew north of the city.

Mcguinness is working
south of the state line.

Triple check
all roadblocks

And hang on
that radio.

Three weeks on a job,

And everything bungled up
by a rube sheriff

Who can't even keep
a cell door locked.

Mr. Horton, I've been trying to
tell you that andy here --

Now, look here,
mr. Horton.

We're sorry
about this thing,

But it seems to me
the important thing to do now

Is to work together
and recapture this fella.

Look, you stay
out of this.

You understand?
Stay out.

Just stick to
the chicken thieves, okay?

Well, looks like

I really fixed it
this time, don't it?

Let's see, he said he had
a crew north of town.

I guess the best
thing for us, then,

Would be
to start working

A little closer in.

Let's go.

No, andy. No.

No, I really
bungled it this time.

That's for sure.

I guess
I better stay out,

Just like the man says.

I'm going down
to the cleaners

And put this suit in.

It's just full
of dog hairs.

Now, barney...

[ Telephone rings ]

Hello. Sheriff's office.

Hello, barney.

What could
I do for you?

Suit to be cleaned.

Right. I'll
clean her up good.

Always pays
to look neat.

You, uh...
You got a big date

For saturday night,

No, no.


Going out of town?


Well, dark suit...

Wedding coming up?

Uh, christening?


Oh, I know -- you're gonna get
your picture took.

No, nothing.

You have to ask
so many questions,

For heaven's sakes?

Okay, okay, if you don't
want to tell me.

Andy: barney, listen!

A call just come in for horton
from the state police.

They just got a lead
and they need

A couple of men down at
the train depot -- come on.

No, andy, you better
go on without me.

Now, barney, listen...

Dog hairs.
Full of dog hairs.

Where you been, barney?

Barney, this is a chance
to trap malloy.

Second suit in a row
to come in here with dog hairs.

Lady brought one in
just like this earlier today.

Barney, you've got to quit
carrying on like this.

You've got to forget about
what happened

And we've got to get
out there and see if we --

Hey, gus.


What did
you just say?

About what?

About a suit with
dog hairs on it.

Oh, I said I've been getting
suits with dog hairs.

Barney's the second one
to bring in --

You say a lady brought in
a suit with dog hairs?

Just covered
with them.

Just picked it up --
one of them three-hour jobs.

What kind of suit
was it, gus? What color?

It was blue.
Blue with
a stripe in it?

That's right, why?

malloy was wearing

A blue suit
with a stripe in it.

Andy, you don't think --
you say a lady
brought the suit in?

Yeah, yeah.
Who was she?
Ever seen her before?

No. A stranger
in town. Why?

Where did she go
when she left?

Well, I saw her go to
the market across the street.

That's her car
at the curb there.

Why? What's going on?

Andy: that's it.
That's it.

A woman partner.

Malloy's girl
is his partner.

And that's her car?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Who's she? Who's malloy?

You figure that's malloy's
getaway car?

It could be -- hey,
lookie there on the back bumper.

It's a trailer hitch.

That's it! The trailer camp!

That's where
malloy's hiding out.

I'd bet on it.

What, what, what...
Who's malloy?

We'll follow her as soon as
she comes out of the market.

Doggone, it would
be getting dark.
That's all right.

We've got a pretty good idea
where she's going.

We'll just give her
a good lead.

Hey, boys, who's malloy?

Hey, barney...
Here. Load up.

Yes, sir.

Boy, look
at them babies.

Of course,
I already got one.

Andy, horton said

We was to
stay out of it.

Well, horton ain't here.

And what's to stop
a sheriff and his deputy

From going out
and looking

For chicken thieves
and whatnot?

Hey, what is it?
What's wrong? Who's malloy?

[ Door closes ]

Nobody ever
tells me nothing.

[ Crickets chirping ]

You cover that road
and I'll cover this 'un.

[Whispering] andy,
there's the car

She was driving!

We could be wrong.

I got to see if it
is malloy in there.

Let me go.

All right, go ahead.

Is it malloy?

I better
get on the radio

And put in a call
for horton.

We got to have
the state police.

What's the matter?

Won't do any good.

They got horton
in there.

They got horton
in there? You sure?

Trussed up
like a hog.

If we rush him,

He won't
have a chance.

We got to have
some help.

You keep a eye on them.

Woman: all right, all right.

It's dark enough.

We ought to leave.

Malloy: are you sure?

Come on out
and check it for yourself.

Yeah, we
better pull out.

What about
the roadblock?

I don't think
they'll check the trailer.

But if they do,
this cop is our free pass.

[ Engine starts ]

I forgot
the cigarettes.

[ Tires squealing ]

[ Horn honking ]

[ Tires squealing ]

[ Tires squealing ]

[ Siren wailing ]

All right, malloy,
come on out!

You, too, sister.

Come on. Come on,
let's move! Move!

Come on!

No funny
business, now.

This baby's loaded with
six b*ll*ts this time.

Come on, let's go.

Come on! Move!

Well, mr. Horton,

I believe we've caught
ourselves a chicken thief.

It sure was nice of
mr. Horton to give you

That toy detective kit,
wasn't it?

Yeah, it's got all
kinds of disguises.

Just like the real
detectives use.

Look at this, paw.

You'd never know who
I really was, would you, paw?

I sure wouldn't --
I wouldn't know you

From mr. Sassafras

Course, you realize, ope,
this is just a toy.

I mean, it's nothing like we'd
use doing real detecting.

[ Door opens ]
something we can do
for you folks?

Well, you see --

It's not that we want to be
any trouble, sheriff.

We're staying down
at the trailer camp.

The half moon.
On river road.

The fact is, sheriff, there was
a peeping tom down there

Last night, and we felt
it should be reported.

Now, I got
a good look at him,

And I'm certain I could
identify the man.

And I'd sure like to get
my hands on him.

Uh-huh -- barney, you want to
take down the information

On this peeping tom?

Can't now, I'm in
the middle of something.
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